Unit 5 - Extra Test

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Eyes Open 2 Unit 5 Test: Extra

Name Class Date

Language focus
1 Complete the sentences with will or won’t and the verbs in the box.

watch ​
rain ​
spend ​
have ​
lend ​

0 I won’t spend any money when I go into town today because I haven’t got any!
1 Mum time to drive me to Grandma’s tomorrow, so I’ll go on my bike.
2 I you at the bus stop tomorrow – then we can travel by bus together. OK?
3 I’m sure Kate you €50. She’s very generous.
4 It today because the sun always shines on my birthday!
5 People TV in the future – everything will be online.

2 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.

0 Sam come into town later, but he’s not sure yet.
a will b won’t c might
1 John send me some photos later – he promised!
a will b won’t c may
2 Computers actually be able to think in the future – who knows?
a will b won’t c may
3 The forecast says it rain tomorrow. It’ll be sunny all day!
a will b won’t c might
4 Smartphones be smaller in the future than they are now. Let’s wait and see what happens!
a will b won’t c might not
5 One day soon, cars have a driver. They’ll drive themselves!
a will b won’t c might

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
0 I ’ll buy (buy) a new skateboard if I get some money for my birthday.
1 If Jack (pass) his exam, his dad will be very proud.
2 If it rains tomorrow, I (not go) out.
3 If Sam (not want) to come to the cinema, I’ll ask Max instead.
4 I (lend) you this DVD if you want to watch it.
5 If we (not get) any homework at the weekend, I’ll go and play football!

4 Underline the correct answer.

0 If robots learn / will learn to speak, what do they say / will they say?
1 What do you do / will you do if it rains / will rain tomorrow?
2 If Jack sees / will see his friends on Saturday, they go / will go to the park.
3 What happens / will happen if we miss / will miss the bus?
4 If I get / will get some money soon, I buy / will buy a new laptop.
5 I am / will be very unhappy if I lose / will lose my phone on the school trip tomorrow.

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Eyes Open 2 Unit 5 Test: Extra

5 Label the pictures.

0 laptop 1 2

3 4 5

6 Complete the computer words. The first letter is there to help you. There is one space
for each other letter in the word.
0 I’m going to take my l a p t o p on holiday so that I can watch DVDs on it.
1 Of course the laptop won’t work if you don’t t it on.
2 Don’t forget to s down your computer when you finish using it.
3 This computer has a t , so it’s really easy to use.
4 If I can’t get the Internet on my computer, I use my s instead.
5 If you c on the icon you want, it will open the document.

7 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

sign turn log look take scroll

0 I need to take off my sweater. It’s really hot in here!

1 You need to onto the computer before your documents will open.
2 You should down the page if you want to see what’s at the bottom.
3 That music is so loud. Please it down.
4 If I into my email, I’ll see what you sent me yesterday.
5 I need to for my password. I wrote it down somewhere.

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Eyes Open 2 Unit 5 Test: Extra

8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. Add -ful or -less.
0 I fell over yesterday and now my leg is really painful (pain).
1 The view from my window is really (beauty), across the park.
2 My phone is (use) because it’s really slow and difficult to use.
3 I took a (wonder) photo of my dog yesterday!
4 I dropped the glass because I was a bit (care).
5 Sam doesn’t know if he’ll win the swimming race, but he’s very (hope).

Useful language
9 Complete the five conversations. Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 Can I borrow your phone? a It’s not good.
b Sure.
c When is that?
1 How does your tablet switch on? a Just touch the screen.
b Yes, it works well.
c That’s right.
2 Is this the icon I need? a How does it work?
b Thanks!
c Yes, that’s it.
3 First you need to log in. a I think so.
b I see – great!
c I don’t mind.
4 How do I play a game on your phone? a Here it is.
b It’s a smartphone.
c Which one do you want?
5 If I touch this button, what will happen? a Can I make a call?
b That’s how you switch it off.
c It hasn’t got a touchscreen.

10 Listen to Dan talking to his mother. Answer the questions. Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 In Dan’s lesson on the future of technology, he 3 Dan explains that whenever a new product comes
a used a tablet. along,
b saw a video clip. a people quickly feel they must have it.
c learnt how to write computer programs. b people want something else instead a few years
1 Mum wants to know if in the future a 3D printer later.
could c it can take a long time to become popular with
a produce real water. people.
b improve computer graphics. 4 What does Mum say about smart fridges?
c make an object that she could use. a She’s surprised they’re already available.
2 Dan thinks that special glasses b She intends to buy one.
a don’t exist yet. c She thinks they’ll be too expensive.
b let you use the Internet. 5 Mum thinks that new technology
c help you if you can’t see well. a is very exciting.
b is developing too slowly.
c is taking people away from reality.

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Eyes Open 2 Unit 5 Test: Extra

11 Read the online forum about ‘things I can’t live without’.

Things I can’t live without

Josh It probably sounds ridiculous, as there are lots of other things you can use now to
save data, but I’ve found my memory stick is really the best. It means I can carry it
with me anywhere and just use it on any computer – and I’ve got instant access to my
documents. It’s a good back-up, too, in case the hard drive on my laptop goes wrong.

Max I can’t live without my webcam. I bought one last year because my laptop is quite
old and didn’t have a webcam. It’s just so much fun when I talk to my best friend.
(He’s having a gap year in the States at the moment.) He can show me where he is and
who he’s with and sometimes he just leaves the camera on. That way, I’m almost with
him while he’s spending time with his friends!

Becky I wouldn’t be happy without my tablet. I’ve got loads of apps but my favourite is a
drawing app. It saves me getting out paper and stuff and I can just do everything
on the screen and it’s so easy to edit. I don’t really use my tablet for emailing or
social media.

My phone is my life! It’s got all my contacts, my photos and my emails. I have it with
me all the time. I know it sounds a bit crazy but it’s my way of keeping in touch with
the world 24/7. I love being able to contact anyone at anytime.

We spent so much on phone calls before we discovered Skype™ and now it’s almost
free to keep in touch with my family. My daughter and her family emigrated to
Australia last year and we talk almost every day. It’s just the best thing ever!

Tom No question, my satnav is the best thing in the world! I drive all over the country for
company meetings and it saves so much time. It means I don’t have to look at maps
and it’ll always tell me if there are any problems on the road. Of course, you hear
stories about how people follow the directions even when it’s clear that they’re wrong
but 99% of the time it’s brilliant!

Which person …
0 uses technology for business travel? Tom
1 finds technology lets them carry work with them?
2 enjoys contact with people day or night?
3 saves money through using technology?
4 feels closer to a friend because of using technology?
5 uses their technology to practise their art?

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Eyes Open 2 Unit 5 Test: Extra

12 Your teacher has asked you to write about what you think your life will be like in the future.
Write a short essay saying what you think. Use the prompts to help you.

studies work place to live family

Write about 70–80 words.



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