(Lecture) Chemical Bonding-Part 1 2

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Chem 16: General Chemistry I

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Part 1. IV: Chemical Bonding
• Discuss the different types of chemical bonding
• Discuss the octet rule and how it applies to ionic and covalent bonding

Chem 16 Lecture IC-UPD

• Draw Lewis symbols of main group elements and their ions
• Draw Lewis structures of ionic and covalent compounds
• Determine the formal charge based on the Lewis structure
• Draw resonance structures and their resonance hybrid
• Determine the polarity of bonds in a Lewis structure
• Identify Lewis structures that are exceptions to the octet rule
• Determine bond order from Lewis structure
• Discuss the relationship of bond order, bond length, and bond energy

Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines – Diliman

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• “Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change” (8th edition) by M.
Silberberg and P. Amateis (McGraw-Hill, 2017)
• “General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications” (10th edition) by

Chem 16 Lecture IC-UPD

R.H. Petrucci, F.G. Herring, J.D. Madura, and C. Bissonnette (Pearson Canada,
• YouTube: Khan Academy
Ionic Bonds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaeAurHnQJs
Covalent Bonds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS5iU4v0QZk
Metallic Bonds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5MAFQlnu18
Drawing Lewis Diagrams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BZFphoY-vo
Bond Length and Energy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMCWvehKpd4
Bond Enthalpy and Enthalpy of Reaction:

A general comparison of metals and nonmetals

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noble gas
ns2 np6

Chem 16 Lecture IC-UPD

stable configuration
“octet rule”
i.e., noble gas

O: nonmetal, forms anion

Na: metal, forms cations

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Types of Chemical Bonds

Ionic Bond
• metal with nonmetal: electron transfer/donation
• product: ionic compound (i.e., cations and anions)

Chem 16 Lecture IC-UPD

• e.g. Na + Cl → NaCl

Covalent Bond
• nonmetal with nonmetal: electron sharing
• product: covalent compound
• e.g. H + H → H2

Metallic Bond
• metal with metal
• metal cations in a “sea” of electrons
• e.g. Na, Mg, Fe, Zn
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Lewis electron dot symbol
For main group elements:

Chem 16 Lecture IC-UPD

valence e‒-config of N: [He] 2s2 2p3
2 + 3 = 5 valence electrons
2 paired e‒„s, 3 unpaired e‒„s

The A group number gives the number of valence electrons.

i.e., Nitrogen, N, is in Group 5A and therefore,

has 5 valence electrons.
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Period 3

Group 1A Group 2A Group 7A

Na Mg Cl

Chem 16 Lecture IC-UPD

Na: [Ne] 3s1 Mg: [Ne] 3s2 Cl: [Ne] 3s2 3p5

Lewis Structure
• combination of Lewis symbols to depict either (a)
transfer or (b) sharing of electrons between atoms in a
chemical bond
• pair the dots (electrons) until all of the valence
electrons are used, i.e., the “octet rule”.
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Metal with Nonmetal: Ionic Bond

e.g. Li (metal)+ F (nonmetal)

Li: [He] 2s1 : to achieve noble gas config, must lose an e‒

Chem 16 Lecture IC-UPD

F: [He] 2s2 2p5 ; to achieve noble gas config, must gain an e‒

Li + F Li F

Li+: 1s2 or [He]

F‒: [He] 2s2 2p6 or [Ne]
noble gas configurations, i.e., stable

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another example:
Al: [Ne] 3s2 3p1
Q: combine Al and O
O: [He] 2s2 2p4

Chem 16 Lecture IC-UPD


O 2 [Al]3+ 3 O


O Al2O3
Al can predict
O stoichiometry of

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Some properties of Ionic Compounds

High melting and boiling points

compound mp (°C) bp (°C)

Chem 16 Lecture IC-UPD

LiF 842 1,680
NaCl 801 1,465
KBr 734 1,435
H2O 0 100

other properties:
• electrical conductivity
• crystalline solid cracks

Nonmetal with Nonmetal: Covalent Bond

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(electron sharing between nonmetals)
H + H H H or H H
1s1 1s1
bond pair

Chem 16 Lecture IC-UPD

i.e., single bond
bond order:
no. of covalent bonds
O + O O O
2 bond pairs ↑ bond order = ↑ bond strength
2s2 2p4 2s2 2p4
i.e., double bond = ↓ bond length

N + N N N
3 bond pairs
2s2 2p3 2s2 2p3 i.e., triple bond

Q: 1.) Can N and N form only a single bond? Why or why not?
2.) If C combines with H using only single bonds, what is
the resulting compound?
Chem 16: General Chemistry I

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Part 1. IV: Chemical Bonding
• Discuss the different types of chemical bonding
• Discuss the octet rule and how it applies to ionic and covalent bonding

Chem 16 Lecture IC-UPD

• Draw Lewis symbols of main group elements and their ions
• Draw Lewis structures of ionic and covalent compounds
• Determine the formal charge based on the Lewis structure
• Draw resonance structures and their resonance hybrid
• Determine the polarity of bonds in a Lewis structure
• Identify Lewis structures that are exceptions to the octet rule
• Determine bond order from Lewis structure
• Discuss the relationship of bond order, bond length, and bond energy

Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines – Diliman


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