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A Detailed Lesson Plan in MTB-MLE Grade 3

I. Objectives:
a. To identify Mass Noun and Count Noun

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Count Nouns and Mass Nouns

B. Reference: Mothers Tongue MELC’s Grade 3 MTB-MLE Quarter 1
C. Materials:
D. Values Integration:

III. Procedures:

A. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer
Let us all stand for the prayer

2. Greetings
Good Morning Grade 1!

3. Checking of attendance
Who are Absents this morning?

Ok very good!

4. Collecting and Checking of

Class kindly get your assignment and
pass it forward without talking and

5. Drill
Rearrange the letters in the box to form a
new set of words.


6. Review
So, before we proceed to our next topic.
Let us have a short review of what we
have discussed last meeting
Now who can tell me what our lesson last
meeting was?

Who can volunteer to answer?

Jamalia Jamalia

Ok very good -Our lesson last meeting was about

What is noun class?
- Noun is a name of person, place,
Ok very good things or events

B. Developmental Activities
A. Motivation
B. Presentation

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