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B1 B2 Adoption

How is adoption viewed in your country?

How does being adopted affect a child’s view of themselves?
What are some of the reasons people adopt children?
Is adoption common in your country?

What celebrities do you know of who have adopted a child?

Should people be able to decide what type of children they want to adopt?
For example: boy or girl, hair color, age, etc.

Extra Questions
 What do you think about single parents adopting children?
 What do you think about homosexual couples adopting children?
 What do you think about people who already have biological children adopting children?
 Should adoptions only take place if the parents and the children have the same race? Why?
 What do you think about elderly people adopting children?
 Should adoptions adoptions only take place if the new parents have the same religion as the
biological parents?


 What do you think about twins or family members being separated at adoption?
 Should children have a right to know they have been adopted? At what age should they be told?
 Should the biological parents have any contact with the adopted child?
 If you had been adopted do you think you would want to discover your biological parents? Why?
 If children's biological parents are still alive, should the children have an automatic right to
contact them?

In pairs student cards a and b

Student A:
Do you know anyone who was adopted?

1. Why do you think people give children up for adoption?

2. What do you think about the adoption system in your country?
3. What do you think about couples that adopt children from different countries?
4. What qualities make a couple or a person qualified to adopt a child?
5. Should the adoption process be more or less difficult than it is now?

Student B:
Do you know anyone who was adopted?

1. Would you ever adopt a child?

2. How much should the government be involved in the adoption process?
3. What is the maximum number of children a couple should be able to adopt?
4. How can adoption rates could be improved?
5. Why do people adopt from third world countries?

Student A:
Do you know anyone who was adopted?

1. Why do you think people give children up for adoption?

2. What do you think about the adoption system in your country?
3. What do you think about couples that adopt children from different countries?
4. What qualities make a couple or a person qualified to adopt a child?
5. Should the adoption process be more or less difficult than it is now?

Student B:
Do you know anyone who was adopted?

1. Would you ever adopt a child?

2. How much should the government be involved in the adoption process?
3. What is the maximum number of children a couple should be able to adopt?
4. How can adoption rates could be improved?
5. Why do people adopt from third world countries?

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