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B1 B2 C1 Conversation - bad habits

A habit – something you do regularly without thinking about it

I get up early every morning without an alarm clock. I’ve been doing this for
such a long time that now it’s a habit.

A bad habit - something you do regularly (often without thinking about it) that
may annoy other people around you.

Can you stop humming please, it’s really annoying!

 Things generally considered to be bad habits

 Are you often late?

 Do you procrastinate?
 Do you eat very late at night?
 Do you sleep in your clothes?
 Do you over sleep?
 Do you cut people off in the middle of a conversation?
 Are you often distracted by your phone in the middle of a conversation?
 Do you snore? Is snoring a bad habit?

Do you have any bad habits? What are some of your bad habits?

 Things considered to be disgusting habits

 Do you smoke?
 Do you bite your nails?
 Do you pick your nose? And eat it?
 Do you crack your knuckles?
 Do you litter?
 Do you spit on the street?
 Do you fart in front of other people?

 Which bad habits annoy you the most?

Student discussion in pairs

Final thought

 Have you ever been successful in getting rid of a bad habit?

 Which bad habit do you think would be the most difficult to get rid of? Why?
Student discussion in pairs

 What bad habits do you see in your family or friends? Do they annoy you?
 What are some bad eating habits?
 What are some bad study habits?
 Do you think children learn bad habits at school or at home?
 Is it easy or difficult to stop our bad habits?

Student discussion in pairs

 What bad habits do you see in your family or friends? Do they annoy you?
 What are some bad eating habits?
 What are some bad study habits?
 Do you think children learn bad habits at school or at home?
 Is it easy or difficult to stop our bad habits?

Student discussion in pairs

 What bad habits do you see in your family or friends? Do they annoy you?
 What are some bad eating habits?
 What are some bad study habits?
 Do you think children learn bad habits at school or at home?
 Is it easy or difficult to stop our bad habits?

Student discussion in pairs

 What bad habits do you see in your family or friends? Do they annoy you?
 What are some bad eating habits?
 What are some bad study habits?
 Do you think children learn bad habits at school or at home?
 Is it easy or difficult to stop our bad habits?

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