B1 B2 Business

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B1/B2 conversation – business

Whats the biggest company in Slovakia?

Have you ever worked for a big company?

Group work

What are the advantages/disadvantages of big or small companies?

In pairs
If you started (set up) your own company what kind of company would you create?

Question cards students A and B

Final thought

What kinds of businesses might have trouble surviving in the future?

Even though technology can replace employees, is it morally correct to do so?

Phrasal verbs and verb phrases related to work

To apply for a job

To set up a business
To look for work
To work for a company
To work from home

To get sacked/fired
To be unemployed
To get paid
To do overtime (as opposed to work late)
To get a promotion
1. Does anyone in your family own a business?
2. Do you own a business, or aspire to own a business one day?
3. If you could own any business right now, which one would you choose?
4. Would you prefer to work for a small business or a large corporation? Why?
5. Would you prefer to work for yourself or for someone else? Why?
6. Do you like to support small businesses when you can? Which ones?
7. Are there any brands or companies that you prefer to support? Why?
8. Are there any companies that you choose to not support? Why?
9. In a business, would you prefer to be a manager or the owner?
10. Would you prefer to own an online business or a physical business? Why?
11. If you had to run a business, which industry would you like it to be in?
12. How many brand slogans do you know in English? (e.g. Apple: Think different.)
13. Do you think doing business is good for the environment? Why/why not?
14. Which businesses do well during a recession?
15. Which businesses do well during a pandemic?
16. Have you ever left a good review for a business? Why?
17. Have you ever left a bad review for a business? Why?
18. Do you think it is essential for every business to have a website these days?
19. Does your neighborhood have any businesses that you love? Which ones are they?
20. Why do you think some businesses succeed while other businesses fail?
21. Why do you think some businesses manage to stay open for decades?
22. What are the key ingredients of good customer service?
23. Do you think that dealing with customers is easy? Why or why not?
24. Do you think that you would be a good small business owner? Why or why not?
25. What personality traits does a business owner need to have to be a good leader?
26. Are you inspired by any entrepreneurs? If so, why?
27. Do you want to be an entrepreneur one day?
28. Why do some people choose to be entrepreneurs while others choose to be employees?
29. Do you believe that it’s possible for businesses to always do the right thing? Why or why not?
30. Do you think that the business world is fair? Why or why not?

Students A + B
1. Are their any companies that you don’t like but use anyway?
2. Is there a company that you would never work for?
3. How could employers create a happier workforce?
4. Do you think we need to work fulltime?
5. Would you like to have a job in which you travelled frequently?

Students A + B

1. Are their any companies that you don’t like but use anyway?
2. Is there a company that you would never work for?
3. How could employers create a happier workforce?
4. Do you think we need to work fulltime?
5. Would you like to have a job in which you travelled frequently?

Students A + B

1. Are their any companies that you don’t like but use anyway?
2. Is there a company that you would never work for?
3. How could employers create a happier workforce?
4. Do you think we need to work fulltime?
5. Would you like to have a job in which you travelled frequently?

Students A + B

1. Are their any companies that you don’t like but use anyway?
2. Is there a company that you would never work for?
3. How could employers create a happier workforce?
4. Do you think we need to work fulltime?
5. Would you like to have a job in which you travelled frequently?

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