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Student's Book


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Welcome! 2. Student’s Book is a publication of the Editorial Board of
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Unit Vocabulary Structure

Lesson 1: pp. 6–10
Simple present and action verbs
Ordinal adverbs (first, then, later, after that, finally)
to talk about habits and
Personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, they)
1 Time expressions (at 7:00 o’clock, at 7:30, at 8:30, etc.) Lesson 2: pp. 11–15
My Verbs (brush my teeth, come home, do my homework, fall Simple present (3rd person
Routines asleep, get dressed, get up, go to bed, go to school, have singular) to talk about habits
breakfast, have dinner, have lunch, play, read a book, take a and routines
shower, wash my face, wake up)
Use of time expressions
Unit Challenge, p. 16

Beverages (lemonade, orange juice, water) Lesson 1: pp. 18–22

Celebrations (birthday party, Children’s Day, Christmas, Simple present to talk about
Family Day, Mother’s Day) celebrations
2 Family members (aunt, brother, cousin, dad, grandma, Use of wh–questions (what, why,
Family grandpa, grandparents, mom, sister, uncle) when, where, who)
Celebrations Lesson 2: pp. 23–27
Food (cake, burger, fries, pizza)
People (boy, child, children, girl, man, men, people, person, Regular and irregular plurals
woman, women) Unit Challenge, p. 28

Lesson 1: pp. 30–34

Use of the verb have to describe
Adjectives (black, blond, blue, brown, curly, green, long, Lesson 2: pp. 35–39
3 reddish, straight, short, wavy) Adjective order to describe
My Friends Parts of the body (hair, eyes) people
Verb (have) Use of yes/no questions in
simple present to ask about
personal characteristics
Unit Challenge, p. 40

Lesson 1: pp. 42–46

Simple present to talk about
Seasons of the year (spring, summer, fall, winter) the weather
4 Temperature (cold, hot) Lesson 2: pp. 47–51
 It’s Cold Weather (cloudy, cold, hot, raining, rainy, snowing, snowy, Simple present to talk about
sunny, windy) the weather (affirmative /
negative / interrogative)
Unit Challenge, p. 52

Lesson 1: pp. 54–58

Footwear (boots, high heels, shoes, sneakers) This is / These are (affirmative)
5 Clothing (blouse, dress, hoodie, jacket, jeans, shirt, skirt,
shorts, sweater, pants, T-shirt, vest)
Lesson 2: pp. 59–63
What Present continuous to talk
Are You Colors (blue, brown, gray, green, pink, purple, orange, red, about what someone is
Wearing? white, yellow) wearing (affirmative /
negative / interrogative)
Unit Challenge, p. 64

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Unit Vocabulary Structure
Lesson 1: pp. 66–70
Simple present to talk about activities
Numbers (in tens up to 100) in school (affirmative)
6 Verbs (color, create, cut, dance, draw, listen,
paint, paste, play, read, run, sing, speak, write)
Modal (can) for permission and ability
in the present (affirmative)
Verbs ending –ing (cleaning, doing, drawing, Lesson 2: pp. 71–75
eating, looking, playing, reading, singing,
talking) Present continuous to describe what
people are doing (affirmative)
Unit Challenge, p. 76

Objects (books, cookies, fruit, medicine, meet,

milk, school supplies, toys, vegetables) Lesson 1: pp. 78–82
Places (bank, cafeteria, factory, hospital, This is / These are (affirmative)
7 library, movie theater, park, police station,
school, restaurant, veterinary clinic)
There is / There are (affirmative)
My Lesson 2: pp. 83–87
Hometown Prepositions of place (behind, between, Simple present to talk about the
in front of, next to) location of places (affirmative)
Stores (bakery, bookstore, butcher shop, Unit Challenge, p. 88
ice cream shop, market, pharmacy, toy store)

Equipment (ball, basket, bat, gloves, helmet, Lesson 1: pp. 90–94

hockey stick, pads, shin guards, skates, Simple present to talk about sports
skateboard) (affirmative)
8 Sports (baseball, basketball, cycling, dancing, Lesson 2: : pp. 95–99
Hobbies and football, gymnastics, hockey, karate, skating, Simple present to talk about sports
Sports skateboarding, soccer, swimming, taekwondo, (affirmative / negative / interrogative)
volleyball) Likes and dislikes
Verbs (like, need, play, practice) Unit Challenge, p. 100

Lesson 1: pp. 102–106

Verb be to talk about feelings and
emotions (affirmative / negative /
Adjectives (amused, angry, bored, calm,
9 confused, delighted, excited, great, happy,
My ignored, sad, tired) Lesson 2: pp. 107–111
Feelings Verb (be, feel) Simple present to talk about feelings
and emotions (3rd person /
affirmative / negative / interrogative)
Unit Challenge, p. 112

Lesson 1: pp. 114–118

Animals (ant, beaver, bee, bee hummingbird,
blue whale, cheetah, duck, elephant, gazelle, Simple present to talk about animals
giant Pacific octopus, iguana, Komodo dragon, (affirmative)
lion, platypus, white shark, zebra) Short comparatives (-er than)(affirmative)
10 Plants (Asian watermeal, banana, cherry Lesson 2: pp. 119–123
Amazing tomato, double coconut, jackfruit, mango, Simple present to talk about
Nature monster flower [Rafflesia], pineapple, plants (affirmative)
sunflower, tomato, watermelon)
Short comparatives (-er than)
Comparative adjectives (bigger, faster, heavier, (affirmative / interrogative)
larger, lighter, longer, slower, smaller)
Unit Challenge, p. 124

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Unit 1

In this unit you will:
• identify habits and routines
• learn about time expressions

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Step 1
a ck 0


 Look and answer: What activities is she doing? Then,
listen and check.

My Daily Routine
Hello! My name is Samantha. I’m
7 years old. I study 2nd grade of
elementary school. This is my daily
routine. First, I wake up at 7:00 o’clock.
I get up. I have breakfast. I wash my
face. I brush my teeth. I get dressed.
Then, I go to school at 7:40.
My classes start at 8:00. We have a
break at 10:30. I eat a sandwich and
fruit. After that, I play with my friends
in the playground. My classes finish at
2:00. I come home at 2:30. Later,
I have lunch with my dad.
After that, I play with my toys. Then,
I do my homework. I take a shower.
I have dinner at 7:30. I go to bed at
8:30. I read a book. Finally, I fall asleep
at 9:00. What is your daily routine like?

Entra ilustración de
niña de unos 7 años
que está jugando

a ck 0


 Listen and repeat. Then, read and underline the

activities that Samantha does.

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Step 2 LESSON 1
Tr a ck 0
3. 3  Listen and repeat. Then, look and write the
corresponding activity.

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

g. h. i.

j. k. l.

4.  Work in pairs. Take turns to point to the activities and

name them.
My Routines 7

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Step 3 LESSON 1
5.  Look and match. Then, point to the activities
and name them.
a. b.
At 7:00 o’clock

At 7:40

c. d.
At 10:30

At 7:30

e. f.
At 8:30

At 9:00

a ck 0


 Work in pairs. Listen and complete. Then, point

to the sentences and read them.

then later first finally after that

a.  , I wake up. b.  , I go to school.

c.  , I have lunch d.  , I play with my
with my dad. toys.
e.  , I sleep at 9:00.

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Step 4 LESSON 1
7.  Look at the time, cut the corresponding picture
and paste it.
a. b.

7:00 o’clock 10:30

c. d.

7:40 2:00 o’clock

8.  Look and color the clock that shows the right time.

a. 2:30 b .8:00 c. 9:00

My Routines 9

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Step 4 LESSON 1
9.  Read and complete the sentence according to the

a. I at b. I at  . I
c at
. . .

d. I at e. I at f. I at
. . .

10.  Show and tell.


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Step 1
a ck 0


 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer:
What is the text about? Listen and check.

Same Activities, Different Times

Hi! I am Ivan. I am 7 years old. I have a brother. He is 11 years
old. I have a sister. She is 16 years old. Every day, we do similar
activities, but at different time.
I wake up at 7:00. My brother wakes up at 7:00 too. We go to
school at 7:30. My sister wakes up at 8:00. She goes to school at
8:30. We come home at 3:00. We have lunch at 3:30. My sister has
lunch at 2:00, when she is at school. She comes home at 4:00.
I practice basketball at 5:00. My brother and my sister take music
lessons. They take guitar lessons at 6:00. We have dinner at 8:00.
We go to bed at 9:00. My sister goes to bed at 10:00.
On weekends, we have the same schedule because we spend most
of the time together!
a ck 0


 Listen again and read. Then, listen and underline the

activities and time.

My Routines 11

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Step 2 LESSON 2
3.  Read the text in Step 1 again. Then, read and circle.
a. Ivan is… b. Ivan has…

1. 11 years old 1. a sister

2. 7 years old 2. a brother

3. 16 years old 3. a sister and a brother

c. Ivan wakes up at… d. Ivan’s brother comes home at…

1. 7:00 1. 3:00

2. 7:30 2. 3:30

3. 8:00 3. 4:00

4.  Read and put a check (✓) or a cross (✗) in the box.

a. I practice basketball at 5:00.

b. They take guitar lessons at 6:00.

c. My sister goes to bed at 10:00.


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Step 3 LESSON 2
5.  Read the sentences, cut the corresponding picture
and paste it.

a. I am 7 years old. b. He is 11 years old. c. She is 16 years old.

d. They take guitar e. We have dinner

lessons at 6:00. at 8:00.

6.  Read and match.

a. I wake up at 7:00. b. She goes to school c. My brother

at 8:30. wakes up at 7:00.

My Routines 13

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Step 4 LESSON 2
7.  Look at the pictures. Read and complete the

He I She They

a. wakes up at 8:00.

b. goes to school at 9:00.

c. come home at 2:00.

d. do homework at 6:00.

a ck 0

8.  Work in pairs. Listen and order the words. Then,

take turns to read the sentences aloud.
a. comes home / He / at 3:00.

b. She / at 2:00. / has lunch

c. at 9:00. / goes to bed / She


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Step 4 LESSON 2
9.  Draw and complete the sentences with information
about your family members. Follow the example.

My sister wakes up at 7:00.


at .


at .


at .

10.  Show and tell.

My Routines 15

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1.  Match the halves to make full pictures.

2.  Complete the sentences using the previous pictures as a guide.

a. He .
b. She .
c. He .
d. They .
e. He .
f. She .


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Unit 2

In this unit you will:
• learn about celebrations
• identify food, beverages, and family members

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Step 1
a ck 0


 Look at the pictures. Discuss with a partner: What is
the text about? Listen and check.

Talking about Celebrations

Joshua: What’s your favorite Emma: We eat cake, burgers,
celebration, Emma? fries, pizza, ice cream, and
Emma: I enjoy birthday sweets.
celebrations. Joshua: What do you drink?
Joshua: Why do you enjoy Emma: We drink lemonade,
birthday parties? water, and orange juice.
Emma: Because we eat delicious Joshua: Where do you celebrate it?
food. Birthday parties are fun. Emma: In my house. We invite
Joshua: When is your birthday? my grandparents, aunts, uncles,
Emma: My birthday is on July 25th. cousins, and some friends.
Joshua: How do you celebrate it? Joshua: Sounds fun!
Emma: We play games. We eat Emma: It is. I will invite you to my
delicious food. next birthday!
Joshua: What do you eat? Joshua: Awesome!
a ck 0


 Work in pairs. Listen and read. Then, listen and



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Step 2 LESSON 1
3.  Read the text in Step 1. Then, look at the pictures
and write their names.

lemonade cake orange juice burger water fries

a. This is a b. This is a c. These are

d. This is e. This is f. This is

4.  Read the text in Step 1. Then, read the sentences and

circle Yes or No.
a. Emma’s favorite celebration is Christmas. Yes   No
b. Emma celebrates her birthday on July 25th. Yes   No
c. Emma eats pizza on her birthday. Yes   No
d. Emma drinks lemonade on her birthday. Yes   No
e. Emma invites family members to her birthday. Yes   No

Family Celebrations 19

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Step 3 LESSON 1
5.  Read the questions and match them with the answers.

a. Why do you enjoy birthday We play games.

Because we eat delicious
b. When is your birthday? food.
c. How do you celebrate it? We eat cake, burgers, fries,
pizza, ice cream, and sweets.
d. What do you eat?
In my house.
e. Where do you celebrate it?
My birthday is on July 25th.

6.  Look at the picture and label the family members.

mom brother grandma dad sister grandpa

Emma’s Family

uncle aunt
cousin cousin

uncle aunt

7.  Work in pairs. Take turns to describe Emma’s family.


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Step 4 LESSON 1
8.  Look, read, and match.


thing or action
thing or action

personor people
or people

Who Where 12 1 2
9 4
8 5
7 6

a ck 0

9.  Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Then, listen and check.


5 6 7
a. When is your My birthday is on
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28

b. What do you We eat


c. Where is your My birthday party

birthday party?
is in the .

Family Celebrations 21

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Step 4 LESSON 1
10.  Read and answer the questions.

a. When is your birthday My birthday party is on

party? .
b. Where is your birthday My birthday party is in
party? .
c. Who do you invite? I invite my

11.  Read the questions. Then, draw and color

the answers.

What do you do What do What do

on your birthday? you eat? you drink?

12.  Show and tell.


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Step 1
a ck 0

1.  Work in pairs. Look at the picture and answer: What
are they doing? Listen and check.

Family Day
Bruno: Can I see your picture, Lia: No, he isn’t. He is my cousin.
Lia? Bruno: There are many people.
Lia: Yes, of course! You have a big family! Is she
Bruno: What were you your sister?
celebrating? Lia: Yes, she is! She is a sweet
Lia: My family and I were girl. And this boy is my little
celebrating Family Day. cousin.
Bruno: Nice! So, this is your Bruno: I love family celebrations.
family. Is he your dad? My favorite ones are Mother’s
Lia: Yeah! This man is my dad. Day and Children’s Day.
These men are my grandpa Lia: I love Children’s Day too. I’m
and my uncle. This woman is happy. I’m a child.
my mom. These women are my Bruno: Me too. Last year, my
grandma and my aunt. parents got me an alien and a
Bruno: You look like your mom! monster.
Is he your brother? Lia: Cool!
a ck 0

2.  Listen again and read. Then, listen and repeat.

Family Celebrations 23

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Step 2 LESSON 2
3.  Read the conversation in Step 1. Then, put a check (✓)
or a cross (✗) in the box.
a. The photo shows Lia’s family.

b. Lia was celebrating Children’s Day.

c. Lia has a baby sister.

d. Lia has a big family.

e. Bruno got a car on Children’s Day.

rac 1


 Look and listen. Then, listen again and match the

sentences with the pictures.

a. This man is my dad.

b. These men are my

grandpa and my uncle.

c. This woman is my mom.

d. These women are my

grandma and my aunt.


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Step 3 LESSON 2
5. Use the words in the box to label the pictures.

child man girl boy woman people

women men person children

a. This is a . b. This is a . c. These are .

d. This is a . e. This is a . f. These are .

g. h. i. person j.

rack 1

6.  Read and listen. Then, listen again and complete the

Bruno: Is he your brother? Bruno: Is she your sister?
Lia: , he . He Lia: , she !
is my cousin.

Family Celebrations 25

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Step 4 LESSON 2
7.  Read the sentences. Then, look at the pictures and
circle the correct answer.
a. This boy is my brother.

b. These women are my aunts.

c. This child is my sister. She is a cute girl.

8.  Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

A: Are they your A: Is she your mom? A: Is he your

uncles? grandpa?
B: , she
B: , they B: , he
. She is
. .
my aunt.

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Step 4 LESSON 2
9.  Paste a photo of your family in a celebration. Then, label
your family members.

10.  Read and complete the ideas about your photo.

In the photo you can see my

We were celebrating .

11.  Show and tell.

Family Celebrations 27

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1.  Look at the pictures and write the corresponding words

in the crossword puzzle. Then, complete the sentences.

b. a.

b. e.


f. g.



Across Down
a. This is a . e. These are .
b. This is a . f. These are .
c. This is a . g. These are .
d. This is a .

2.  Work in pairs. Take turns to point to the pictures and

read the sentences.


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Unit 3

In this unit you will:
• identify physical characteristics
• learn how to describe people

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Step 1
rack 1

 Look at the pictures. What words do you think you will
hear? Listen and check.

We Are Unique!

Hello! I’m Gemma. I’m She is my friend Elena.

7 years old. I have curly She has long blond hair.
brown hair. I have brown She has green eyes.
eyes. I wear glasses.

He is my friend Tom. He is my friend Fred.

He has short black hair. He has wavy reddish hair.
He has blue eyes. He has brown eyes.
What do you look like?
rack 1


 isten and read the descriptions. Then, listen again
and repeat.


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Step 2 LESSON 1
3.  Read the text in Step 1. Then, cut and paste the
corresponding picture.

He has wavy reddish hair. I have curly brown hair. I have

He has brown eyes. brown eyes. I wear glasses.

She has long blond hair. He has short black hair.

She has green eyes. He has blue eyes.

4.  Read the sentences. Then, circle the correct name.

a. She wears glasses.

1. Elena 2. Tom 3. Gemma

b. He has short hair.

1. Tom 2. Fred 3. Elena

c. She has long hair.

1. Gemma 2. Elena 3. Tom

My Friends 31

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Step 3 LESSON 1
rack 1
5. 3

 Listen, look at the pictures and match them to the

corresponding description.
a. short black hair

b. long black hair

c. curly brown hair visto desde atrás

d. wavy reddish hair

e. straight blond hair

6.  Look at the pictures. Read the sentences and write

the correct number.
1. 2. 3.

a. She has green eyes.

b. He has blue eyes.

c. She has brown eyes.


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Step 4 LESSON 1
rac 1
7. 4

 Listen to the descriptions and check (✓) the correct

a. Lily has short black hair. She has green eyes. Who is Lily?

b. Joseph has short brown hair. He has brown eyes. Whocafés

is Joseph?

c. Norma has curly black hair. She has blue eyes. Who is Norma?
ojos azules

8.  Read the description. Then, draw and color it.

Rodrigo has short blond

hair and brown eyes. He
wears glasses.

My Friends 33

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Step 4 LESSON 1
9.  Draw and color a picture of you and one of your friends.
Then, complete the descriptions.

Me My friend

I’m . He/she is .
I’m years old. He/she is years old.
I have He/she has
. .
I have He/she has
. .

10.  Show and tell.


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Step 1
rac 1


 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer:
Where are they? Then, listen to the conversation
and check.
Who Is My Teacher?

Andrew is looking
for his new teacher. School

It’s his first day at

school. Let’s see if
he finds her.

Andrew: Excuse me? Who is the Andrew: Hmm… Does she have
second grade teacher? long hair?
Janitor: Oh! Miss Cuevas. She’s Janitor: No, she doesn't.
over there! Andrew: Does she have blue eyes?
Andrew: There are three teachers. Janitor: No, she doesn’t. She has
Which one? brown eyes.
Janitor: Miss Cuevas wears glasses. School

Andrew: Does she have Janitor: Yes, she does.

blond hair? Andrew: I found her! Thank you!
Janitor: No, she doesn’t. She Andrew: Hello, Miss Cuevas. I’m
has black hair. Andrew.
Andrew: Does she have Miss Cuevas: Hi, Andrew. Nice to
curly hair? meet you. Welcome to school!
rac 1


 Listen and read again. Then, listen and repeat.

My Friends 35

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Step 2 LESSON 2
3.  Read the text in Step 1 again. Then, read the sentences
and circle the right answer.
a. Andrew is in…

1. first grade 2. third grade 3. second grade

b. Andrew is looking for…

1. the principal 2. his teacher 3. a friend

c. There are... teachers in the schoolyard.

1. three 2. four 3. two

d. Andrew’s teacher wears…

1. gloves 2. glasses 3. a hat

4.  Look at the picture. Read the text in Step 1 again

and complete the description.

She is .
She is a .
She has short, hair.
She has eyes.
She wears .


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Step 3 LESSON 2
rac 1
5. 6

 Listen to the conversations, cut the corresponding

pictures and paste them.

A: Does Mr. A: Does Miss A: Does Miss A: Does Mr.

Martinez have Rico have long Cuevas have Bazan have
short brown brown hair? curly black hair? short curly hair?
hair? B: No, she B: Yes, she does. B: No, he
B: Yes, he does. doesn’t. She doesn’t. He has
has long blond long, straight
hair. brown hair.
rack 1


 Look at the pictures. Then, listen to the

conversations and match the columns.

a. Does she have No, he doesn’t. He

long black hair? has blue eyes.

b. Does he have Yes, she does.

green eyes?

c. Does she have No, she doesn’t.

straight hair? She has curly hair.

My Friends 37

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Step 4 LESSON 2
rac 1

 Unscramble the questions and complete the answers.
Then, listen and check.

a. he / Does / curly hair / have?

Yes, .

b. Does / long brown hair / have / she?

No, .
She has short .

c. he / Does / reddish hair / have?


d. curly brown hair / Does / have / she?

She has straight .

8.  Read the questions and answer with your information.

a. Do you have long hair? .
b. Do you have blue eyes? .
c. Do you have curly hair? .


WEL_PRISB2_U3_FP.indd 38 16/05/23 15:40

Step 4 LESSON 2
9.  Draw and color two teachers from your school.
Then, complete the descriptions.

Miss Miss

She has She has

She has She has

She She

10.  Show and tell.

My Friends 39

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1.  Read the instructions and play the game.

a. Work in pairs.
b. Choose a character and circle it (cover your book).
c. Take turns to ask and answer questions to guess the character
you chose.
d. The first student who guesses the character gets one point.

Guess Who?


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Unit 4

It’s Cold
In this unit you will:
• learn about the weather
• identify different temperatures

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Step 1
rac 1

 Look and listen. Then, circle the seasons of the year.
Canadian Weather

Hello, my name is Max. I’m During summer, days are

Canadian. In Canada, we can sunny and hot. In summer,
enjoy the four seasons of the my family and I go to the lake.
year. During spring, most days We swim in the lake and we
are sunny. I love to see blossoms have picnics. I always enjoy my
everywhere. summer vacation.

During fall, most days are In winter, days are cold and
cloudy. Sometimes, it’s rainy and snowy. Some days are cold and
windy. Trees change color during sunny. I love winter because I can
fall. You can see fallen leaves build a snowman, go sledding
everywhere. Days aren’t hot or down a snowy hill, go ice-skating
cold. They are perfect! or go skiing. What’s your favorite
rac 1


 Work in pairs. Listen and read. Then, listen and

answer: Where does Max live?


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Step 2 LESSON 1
3.  Read the text in Step 1. Then, read the sentences and
circle Yes or No.
a. Max lives in Canada. Yes   No
b. In spring, days are cold. Yes   No
c. Max goes to the lake in summer. Yes   No
d. Some days in fall are rainy and windy. Yes   No
e. In winter, days are hot. Yes   No
a ck 2

4.  Listen and read. Then, read the texts and match

them with the pictures.

a. During fall, most days are

cloudy. Sometimes, it’s
rainy and windy.

b. During spring, most days

are sunny. I love to see
blossoms everywhere.

c. In winter, days are cold and

snowy. Some days are cold
and sunny.

d. During summer, days are

sunny and hot.

a ck 2

5.  Listen again, point to the text and repeat.

It’s Cold 43

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Step 3 LESSON 1
6.  Look at the pictures. Use the words in the box to label
summer winter spring fall

a. b.

c. d.

7.  Read the words and match them with the pictures.

cloudy rainy sunny snowy windy

8.  Work in pairs. Take turns to point to the pictures in

activities 6 and 7. Then, name them.


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Step 4 LESSON 1
rack 2

 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.
Then, listen and check your answers.

a. In , some days are

cold and snowy.

b. In , most days are

sunny and hot.

c. In , some days are

rainy and cloudy.

d. In , most days are


10.  Color the pictures and complete the sentences.

Para colorear a línea: 1 tinta Para colorear a línea: 1 tinta

In summer, days are and In fall, days are and

. .

It’s Cold 45

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Step 4 LESSON 1
11.  Draw and color your favorite season of the year.

My favorite season of the year

12.  Read and complete the sentences.

My favorite season of the year is .

In days are .
I love this season because I can

13.  Show and tell.


WEL_PRISB2_U4_FP.indd 46 16/05/23 15:43


Step 1
rac 2


 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer:
What are they doing? Then, listen and check.
Same Winter, Different Weather
Jazmin is video chatting with her cousins. She lives in Mexico City. Her
cousin, Lucia, lives in Canada. Her cousin Arturo lives in Cancun.

Jazmin: Hello, guys! Jazmin: Is it cold?

Lucia: Hi! Lucia: Yes, it is. It's snowing. You
Arturo: Hello! Lucia, why are you know, Canadian winter.
wearing all those clothes? Arturo: Wow! We are in winter
Lucia: Because I’m going out with here, but it’s not cold.
my parents. Lucia: It’s never cold in Cancun.

Arturo: That’s right! Arturo: I know! I want to live in

Jazmin: Is it raining, Arturo? Mexico City.
Arturo: Yes, it’s raining and it’s Jazmin: I want to live in Canada.
windy too. I love the snow.
Jazmin: The weather in Mexico Lucia: You can visit me!
City is cool. It’s not cold and it’s Jazmin: I will!
not hot. Arturo: I will visit you too!
rac 2


 Listen again and read. Then, listen and circle the

places that you can find.

It’s Cold 47

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Step 2 LESSON 2
3.  Read the text in Step 1. Then, write the name of the kids
a.  is going out with her parents.
b.  lives in Cancun.
c.  lives in Mexico City.
d.  lives in Canada.
e.  wants to live in Canada.
f.  and Jazmin will visit Lucia.

4.  Read the text in Step 1 again. Then, look at the

pictures and complete the descriptions.

snows cold hot cool windy cold rainy cold

a. It’s b. The weather is c. It’s never .

in winter. It . It’s not It’s and
. and it’s in
not . winter.
rac 2


 Work in pairs. Listen and check. Then, point to the

pictures and name the places.


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Step 3 LESSON 2
6.  What’s the weather like? Color the pictures and
complete the sentences.

It’s . It’s .

7.  Look at the pictures. Read the questions and

complete the answers.

a. Is it cold? , it is.

b. Is it hot? , it .

c. Is it snowing? , it isn’t.

d. Is it raining? , it .

It’s Cold 49

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Step 4 LESSON 2
8.  What’s the weather like? Read, draw, and color.

It’s cloudy. It’s rainy.

It’s cold and snowy. It’s hot and sunny.

rac 2


 Look at the pictures. Listen to the song and

complete the lyrics. Then, listen and sing along.
The Weather Song

Today is , Today is .
look at that bunny! It's also cloudy. I love the days
It’s jumping and jumping. when it’s rainy and .
This is so .


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Step 4 LESSON 2
10.  Read, draw, and color. Then, complete the sentences.

What’s the weather like today?

Today’s weather is .

My favorite weather

I love and days.

11.  Show and tell.

It’s Cold 51

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1.  Find the words that correspond to the types of weather.

Then, use those words to label the pictures.


2.  Work with a partner. Take turns to answer: What’s the

weather like today?
Today is .


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Unit 5

What Are
You Wearing?
In this unit you will:
• identify types of clothing
• learn how to describe what you and other people are wearing

WEL_PRISB2_U5_FP.indd 53 09/05/23 18:12


Step 1
rac 2

1. T
 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer:
What colors will you hear? Listen and check. Then,
circle the colors that you can find.
Funny Outfits
Amanda is at school. Her class is having a Funny Outfits contest. Let’s
read about it.
Hi, my name is He is my friend
Amanda. I’m Jorge. He is
wearing a green wearing black
dress and a pants, a yellow
brown sweater. shirt, and a
I’m also green hoodie.
wearing yellow He is wearing
boots. I think purple shoes.
my sweater
is too big.

She is my friend He is my friend

Renata. She is Erik. He is
wearing a white wearing a blue
skirt, blue jeans, T-shirt, red
a pink blouse, shorts, and an
and a red vest. orange jacket.
She is wearing He is wearing
orange high gray sneakers.
heels. Who do you
think will win
the contest?

rac 2


 Work in pairs. Listen and read. Then, listen again and

answer: Who looks the funniest?


WEL_PRISB2_U5_FP.indd 54 09/05/23 18:12

Step 2 LESSON 1
3.  Read the text in Step 1. Then, look at the pictures
and unscramble the letters.

a. sders b. eseawtr c. atpsn d. hsitr

e. rsitk f. aejsn g. sbeolu h. tevs

i. T-hitrs j. hsrsto k. odohei l. ajktec

4.  Look at the pictures. Then, read the phrases and

color the objects.

orange high heels yellow boots gray sneakers purple shoes

5.  Work in pairs. Take turns to point to the pictures and

name them.

What Are You Wearing? 55

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Step 3 LESSON 1
a ck 2

6.  Look at the pictures and listen to the sentences.
Then, put a check (✓) or a cross (✗) in the box.

a. This is a sweater.

b. This is a dress.

c. These are boots.

d. These are sneakers.

e. This is a blouse.

7.  Read the sentences. Then, cut the corresponding

picture and paste it.

These are black This is a pink This is a brown These are blue
shoes. shirt. jacket. jeans.


WEL_PRISB2_U5_FP.indd 56 09/05/23 18:12

Step 4 LESSON 1
rac 2


 Look at the pictures. Then, complete the sentences.
Listen and check.
orange pants vest gray purple shorts black hoodie

a. This is a .

b. These are .

c. This is a .

d. These are .

9.  Read the sentences, draw and color the pieces of


This is a blue This is a green This is a pink This is a yellow

skirt. T-shirt. sweater. dress.

10.  Share your work with your class.

What Are You Wearing? 57

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Step 4 LESSON 1
11.  Draw and color what you are wearing. Then, label
the pieces of clothing. Write sentences like: This is a
green sweater / These are black shoes.

I’m wearing

12. Show and tell.


WEL_PRISB2_U5_FP.indd 58 09/05/23 18:12


Step 1
a ck 2

1.  Work in pairs. Look at the picture and answer: What
are the kids doing? Listen and check.
A New Neighbor
Pilar: Hello! Are you new here?
James: Hi! Yes. We moved in
last week.
Pilar: I’m Pilar. Nice to
meet you.
James: I’m James. Nice to
meet you too.
Pilar: Welcome to the
James: Thank you!
Pilar: That’s my mom.
James: Is she wearing a green
Pilar: No, that’s Mrs. Ringel.
My mom is wearing a yellow
James: Ok. And is that
your dad?
Pilar: Yes. He is wearing
black pants. The other man Pilar: The girl next to my sister
is Mr. Diaz. is Rebeca. And the boy who is
James: Is he wearing blue jeans? wearing gray pants is Mateo.
Pilar: That’s right! And that’s my The other boy is Patricio.
sister Mary. She is wearing red James: I’m sure I’ll have many
shorts. friends.
James: Nice! Who are the Pilar: Absolutely!
other kids?
a ck 2

2.  Listen again and circle the pieces of clothing that

you can find.

What Are You Wearing? 59

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Step 2 LESSON 2
3.  Read the text in Step 1. Then, read and circle the correct
option to complete the sentence.
a. The new kid in the neighborhood is…

1. Rebeca 2. Pilar 3. James

b. Pilar’s sister is…

1. Rebeca 2. Mary 3. Mateo

c. Pilar’s mom is wearing a… sweater.

1. green 2. yellow 3. black

d. Pilar’s dad is wearing… pants.

1. black 2. green 3. orange

e. The girl next to Mary is…

1. Rebeca 2. Pilar 3. Mrs. Ringel

4.  Read the names of the characters. Then, cut the

pictures and paste them in the correct box.

Mr. Diaz Pilar’s dad Mrs. Ringel Pilar’s mom


WEL_PRISB2_U5_FP.indd 60 09/05/23 18:12

Step 3 LESSON 2
5.  Read the descriptions and match them with the
correct picture.

a. My mom is wearing

a yellow sweater.

b. He is wearing
black pants.

c. She is wearing red shorts.

d. The boy who is

wearing gray pants
is Mateo.

6.  Unscramble the words to write questions. Then, match

the questions with the answers.
a. she / Is / green sweater / wearing / a? That’s right!

b. Is / blue jeans / wearing / he? No, that’s

Mrs. Ringel.

What Are You Wearing? 61

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Step 4 LESSON 2
a ck 2


7.  Listen to the descriptions. Look at the pictures and

write numbers 1, 2 and 3 to order them.

a ck 3

8.  Listen to the descriptions and circle the correct option.

a. Is he wearing a white shirt?

Yes, he is wearing a white shirt.

b. Is she wearing black pants?

No, she is wearing blue jeans.

c. Is he wearing a green T-shirt?

Yes, he is wearing a green

9.  Work in pairs. Role-play the dialogues in activity 8.


WEL_PRISB2_U5_FP.indd 62 09/05/23 18:12

Step 4 LESSON 2
10.  Choose two classmates. Draw and color what they are
wearing. Then, complete the descriptions.

Classmate 1 Classmate 2

My classmate My classmate
is wearing is wearing

11.  Show and tell.

What Are You Wearing? 63

WEL_PRISB2_U5_FP.indd 63 09/05/23 18:12


1.  Match the words with the pictures.




dress sneakers

2.  Work in small teams. Take turns to describe what you are

wearing. Follow the examples:
I’m wearing a white shirt.
I’m wearing gray pants.


WEL_PRISB2_U5_FP.indd 64 09/05/23 18:12

Unit 6

In this unit you will:
• learn about school objects and activities
• identify numbers in tens up to 100

WEL_PRISB2_U6_FP.indd 65 16/05/23 15:45


Step 1
rack 3

 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer:
What words do you think you will listen to? Listen
and check.
A Magical Place

Hello, my name is James, and I’m You can sing and dance and feel
in a magical place. It is magical you are flying. You can draw and
because you can do amazing color pictures and become an
things here. You can read a story artist. You can write stories and
and travel to wonderful places. become a writer.

You can play with a stick and use You can play musical instruments
it as a magic wand. You can run and make music. You can cut and
in the playground and become a paste and become and sculptor.
marathon runner. You can paint You can listen to people and
with your hands and create art. become friends. Isn’t school a
magical place?
rack 3

 Listen and read. Then, underline the activities that James

can do at school.


WEL_PRISB2_U6_FP.indd 66 16/05/23 15:45

Step 2 LESSON 1
3.  Read the text in Step 1. Then, read the sentences and
circle the correct option.
a. He is a runner.

b. She is a sculptor.

c. This is a magic wand.

4.  Read the text in Step 1. Then, read the sentences and

circle Yes or No.
a. James can read stories at school. Yes   No

b. James can ride a bike at school. Yes   No

c. James can write at school. Yes   No

d. James can take a shower at school. Yes   No

e. James can scream at school. Yes   No

School Activities 67

WEL_PRISB2_U6_FP.indd 67 16/05/23 15:45

Step 3 LESSON 1
5.  Read the sentences. Then, match the columns.

a. You can draw and color

pictures and become
an artist.

b. You can play with a

stick and use it as
a magic wand.

c. You can run in the

playground and become
a marathon runner.

rac 3


 Look at the pictures. Then, read and complete

the sentences with the words from the box.
Listen and check.
read paste write play cut

a. You can and and

become a sculptor.

b. You can a story and travel to

wonderful places.

c. You can stories and become

a writer.

d. You can musical instruments

and make music.


WEL_PRISB2_U6_FP.indd 68 16/05/23 15:45

Step 4 LESSON 1
7.  Look at the pictures and unscramble the sentences.

a. can / I / books / read

b. I / stories / write / can

c. songs / I / sing / can

rac 3


 Listen to the song. Look at the pictures and

complete the lyrics. Then, listen and sing along.
Yes, I can

I can at school!
Yes, I can! Yes, I can!
We can at school!
Yes, we can! Yes, we can!

I can at school!
Yes, I can! Yes, I can!
We can at school!
Yes, we can! Yes, we can!

We have fun at school!

Yes, we do! Yes, we do!

School Activities 69

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Step 4 LESSON 1
9.  Draw and color the things you can do at school.

What I can do at school

10.  What can you do at school? Write three sentences.

I can .
I can .
I can .

11.  Show and tell.


WEL_PRISB2_U6_FP.indd 70 16/05/23 15:46


Step 1
rac 3


 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer:
Where is the girl? Listen and check.
My Lovely School

Hi, I’m Marcela. This is my school. She is my teacher, Miss Bazany.

My school is big. There are 20 What is she doing? Oh, she is
students in my class. In other looking for insects. She loves to
classes, there are 30 students talk about insects. Those are my
or more. friends.

She is Karen. She is reading a That’s the principal, Mrs. Taylor.

book. She loves reading. He is She is talking with some parents.
Said. He is playing with Noah. She He is Mr. Green. He is the janitor.
is Melissa. She is with Andrea. He is cleaning the windows. This is
They are eating a sandwich. my school and I love it!
rac 3


 Listen again and read. Then, listen and point to the

people at school.

School Activities 71

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Step 2 LESSON 2
3.  Read the text in Step 1 again. Then, read and circle.
a. Marcela’s school is…

1. big 2. small 3. far

b. There are… in Marcela’s class.

1. 30 students 2. 10 students 3. 20 students

c. Marcela’s teacher is...

1. Mrs. Taylor 2. Miss Bazany 3. Mr. Green

d. Marcela’s teacher loves to talk about...

1. students 2. insects 3. books

4.  Look at the pictures. Read the sentences and write

the number of the corresponding picture.
1. 2. 3.

a. She is reading a book.

b. He is cleaning the windows.

c. She is talking with some parents.

5.  Look at the pictures in activity 4 and read the sentences.


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Step 3 LESSON 2
6.  Read the sentences. Then, count the corresponding
number of students and circle them. Follow the

a. There are 10 students in

my class.

b. There are 20 students in

my class.

c. There are 30 students in

my class.

7.  Read the verbs and match the columns.

a. look eating
b. read cleaning
c. play talking
d. eat looking
e. talk reading
f. clean playing

School Activities 73

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Step 4 LESSON 2
rac 3


 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with
verbs from activity 7. Listen and check.

a. She is .

b. They are .

c. He is .

d. They are .

e. He is .

9.  Unscramble the words to make sentences. Then, draw

the activities.

a. is / singing a song. / She b. drawing a picture. / is / He


WEL_PRISB2_U6_FP.indd 74 16/05/23 15:46

Step 4 LESSON 2
10.  Draw and color what your classmates are doing
at school.

My classmates at school

11.  What are your classmates doing? Write three sentences.

My friend is .
My friend is .
My friend is .

12.  Show and tell.

School Activities 75

WEL_PRISB2_U6_FP.indd 75 16/05/23 15:46


1.  Work in small teams. Play Snakes and Ladders. Follow the

a. Put a counter on the word start.
b. Take turns to roll the dice.
c. Climb up if your counter lands at the bottom of a ladder.
d. Slide down if your counter lands on the tail of a snake
e. Say a sentence using the word or number in the circle. If your
sentence is correct, you can stay in that spot. If your sentence
is incorrect, you have to go back to your previous spot.

23 24 25 26 27
10 20 30 book look

22 21 20 19 18 17
clean eat big school dance color

11 12 13 14 15 16
talk runner sculptor teacher paint draw

10 9 8 7 6 5
write read listen paste cut music

1 2 3 4
sing song play stick


WEL_PRISB2_U6_FP.indd 76 16/05/23 15:46

Unit 7

In this unit you will:
• identify places in a neighborhood
• learn about location of places and stores in a neighborhood

WEL_PRISB2_U7_FP.indd 77 09/05/23 18:29


Step 1
a ck 3

1.  Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer: What
do you think the story is about? Listen and check.
I Lost My Cat!

Santi: Mom, I opened the door and Santi’s mom: He’s not here. Let’s
Gizmo ran away! see if he is in the veterinary clinic.
Santi’s mom: Oh, no! Let’s go find Santi: We checked the bank, the
him. Let’s look for him in the park. library, the restaurant, the police
Santi: He’s not here. station, and Gizmo was not there!
Santi’s mom: Let’s see if he is at Santi’s mom: Don’t worry! I’m
the market. sure we’ll find him. Let’s ask at the

Santi: We looked for him at the Santi: We couldn’t find him! I’m
hospital, bookstore, and cafeteria, sad he will spend the night on the
and he was not there! Where street! Poor Gizmo!
could he be? Santi’s mom: Santi! Look who’s
Santi’s mom: It’s getting late, we here!
need to go back home! We can Santi: Gizmo! You scared me, little
look for him tomorrow! one! But I’m happy you are back!
a ck 3

2.  Work in pairs. Listen to the story again. Then, circle the

places that you can find.


WEL_PRISB2_U7_FP.indd 78 09/05/23 18:29

Step 2 LESSON 1
a ck 3

3.  Read the texts. Write numbers 1 to 4 to organize the
story. Then, listen and check.
Santi’s mom: He’s not here. Let’s see if he is in the
veterinary clinic.
Santi: We checked the bank, the library, the restaurant,
the police station, and Gizmo was not there!
Santi’s mom: Don’t worry! I’m sure we’ll find him. Let’s
ask at the hospital.

Santi: We couldn’t find him! I’m sad he will spend the

night on the street! Poor Gizmo!
Santi’s mom: Santi! Look who’s here!
Santi: Gizmo! You scared me, little one! But I’m happy
you are back!

Santi: Mom, I opened the door and Gizmo ran away!

Santi’s mom: Oh, no! Let’s go find him. Let’s look for
him in the park.
Santi: He’s not here.
Santi’s mom: Let’s see if he is at the market.

Santi: We looked for him at the hospital, bookstore,

and cafeteria, and he was not there! Where could he be?
Santi’s mom: It’s getting late, we need to go back home!
We can look for him tomorrow!

4.  Read the text in Step 1 again. Then, circle the places

mentioned in the story.
bank  hospital  school  park  movie theater

bookstore  police station  cafeteria  factory  market

bakery  library  restaurant  veterinary clinic

My Hometown 79

WEL_PRISB2_U7_FP.indd 79 09/05/23 18:29

Step 3 LESSON 1
5.  What places are there in the city in the story in
activity 3? Look at the pictures and circle the correct

a. There is a market. Yes   No

b. There is a school. Yes   No

c. There is a bakery. Yes   No

d. There is a bank. Yes   No

rac 3


 Read the text. Cut the pictures and paste

them in the order they are mentioned.
Then, write the name of the places. Listen
and check.
Santi: We checked the bank, library, restaurant, police station, and
Gizmo was not there!

a. This is a b. This is a c. This is a d. This is a


WEL_PRISB2_U7_FP.indd 80 09/05/23 18:29

Step 4 LESSON 1
7.  Look at the picture. Then, write the name of the places.

cafeteria hospital market veterinary clinic

a. b.

c. d.

8.  Look at the illustrations above. Then, write three

sentences about them. Follow the example.
What is there in the city? There is a veterinary clinic

9.  Work in pairs. What is there in the city? Point to the

places and name them.

My Hometown 81

WEL_PRISB2_U7_FP.indd 81 09/05/23 18:29

Step 4 LESSON 1
10.  Make up your own story. First, draw the scenes for your
story. Include the places where it happens. Then, write
your story in the space below.


One day,

11.  Share your story with the class.


WEL_PRISB2_U7_FP.indd 82 09/05/23 18:29


Step 1
a ck 3

1.  Work in pairs. Look at the picture and answer: What
words do you think you will hear in the text? Listen
and check.
Going Shopping around Town!

Entra ilustración de una niña de unos 7 años con su abuela (una señora de unos 60 años). Están en la calle y llevan una
bolsa de compras con rueditas (o carrito de compras).

En la calle se ve una tienda de conveniencia (supermercado pequeño que dice: Market); hay una carnicería que dice:
Butcher Shop, entre la tienda de conveniencia y un banco que dice: Bank.

Hay una panadería que dice: Bakery frente al Market. Hay una tienda de frutas y verduras que dice: Grocery Store al lado
de la panadería. Hay una farmacia que dice: Pharmacy al lado del banco. Hay una papelería que dice: Stationery Store
frente a un parque. También se ve una juguetería que dice: Toy Store y una librería que dice: Bookstore

Hi! I’m Marian. I love going There is a pharmacy next to

shopping with my grandma. We the bank. My grandma buys her
always go to the market and medicine there. I love going to
buy milk, yogurt, and cookies. the stationery store. There is
There is a butcher shop between one in front of the park. We buy
the market and the bank. We school supplies there.
buy meat there.
There is a toy store behind the
There is a bakery in front of the bookstore. They are my favorite
market. We buy delicious bread stores. I can spend hours and
there. There is a grocery store hours just looking at the toys
next to the bakery. We buy fresh or checking the books and
fruits and vegetables there. magazines. What stores are
there in your town?
a ck 3

2.  Listen again. Then, discuss with a partner: What places

are there in Marian’s town?

My Hometown 83

WEL_PRISB2_U7_FP.indd 83 09/05/23 18:29

Step 2 LESSON 2
3.  Look at the pictures. Read the text in Step 1. Then,
write the names of the objects.

a.  b.  c. 

d.  e.  f. 

g.  h.  i. 

4.  Read the text in Step 1 again. Then, read the sentences

and circle the correct answer.
a. Marian goes shopping with her grandpa. True   False

b. Marian buys cookies at the butcher shop. True   False

c. Marian buys fruits at the bakery. True   False

d. Marian’s grandma buys medicine True  False

at the pharmacy.


WEL_PRISB2_U7_FP.indd 84 09/05/23 18:30

Step 3 LESSON 2
a ck 3

5.  Read the sentences. Then, cut and paste the
corresponding place. Listen and check.

a. We buy milk at b. We buy bread at c. We buy vegetables

the… the… at the…
a ck 4

6.  Listen to the sentences. Then, read them and color

the place.

a. There is a butcher shop between b. There is a bakery in front

the market and the bank. of the market.

c. There is a pharmacy next to d. There is a toy store behind

the bank. the bookstore.

My Hometown 85

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Step 4 LESSON 2
7.  Work in pairs. Point to the places that you know and
name them.

8.  Look at the map in activity 7 and complete the sentences.

Use the words in the box.
next to behind in front of between

a. The grocery store is in front of the pharmacy .

b. The bakery is the .
c. The market is the .
d. The ice cream shop is the .
e. The bookstore is the .

9.  Work in pairs. Point to the stores. Then, name them and

mention their location.


WEL_PRISB2_U7_FP.indd 86 09/05/23 18:30

Step 4 LESSON 2
10.  What stores are there in your town? Draw and
color them in the space provided.

Stores in My Town

11.  Where are the stores in your town located? Complete the

a. There is a the .
b. There is a the .
c. There is a the .

12.  Share your work with the class.

My Hometown 87

WEL_PRISB2_U7_FP.indd 87 09/05/23 18:30


1.  Look at the pictures and write the corresponding words

in the crossword puzzle.


a. You can buy meat

at the
d. You can buy fruits
at the
g. You can buy bread

at the
b. You can buy books
at the
c. You can buy toys at f.

e. You can buy milk at

f. You can buy medicine

at the

2.  Work with a partner. Take turns to answer the question:

What products can you buy at the stores in your town?


WEL_PRISB2_U7_FP.indd 88 09/05/23 18:30

Unit 8

and Sports
In this unit you will:
• identify different sports
• learn how to talk about activities that you like and do not like

WEL_PRISB2_U8_FP.indd 89 16/05/23 15:47


Step 1
rac 4

 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and take turns to
answer: What words do you think you will find in the
text? Listen and check.

Choosing the Right Sport!

Hello! My name is Mark. I will There are also many team
give you some tips to choose the sports such as soccer, football,
right sport for yourself. First, basketball, baseball, volleyball,
think about your interests. Do and hockey. You always practice
you prefer team or individual these sports with a group of
sports? people. Then, teamwork skills
are essential.
There are many individual
sports such as swimming, When choosing the right sport,
skating, cycling, skateboarding, you should also consider your
dancing, karate, taekwondo, or personality, health, physical
gymnastics. You can practice characteristics, lifestyle, and
these sports on your own, you needs. There are many sports
don’t need a team. and I’m sure you will choose
the perfect one for you.
rac 4

 Listen and read the text again. Then, take turns to

answer: What’s your favorite sport from the ones
mentioned in the text?


WEL_PRISB2_U8_FP.indd 90 16/05/23 15:47

Step 2 LESSON 1
rac 4
3. 2

 Listen to the text in Step 1. Then, look at the

pictures and write the names of the sports.
Listen and check.

a.  b.  c.  d. 

e.  f.  g.  h. 

i.  j.  k.  l. 

4.  Work in small teams. Look at the pictures in activity 3.

Take turns to answer:
a. Which ones are individual sports?
b. Which ones are team sports?
c. What’s your favorite sport?

Hobbies and Sports 91

WEL_PRISB2_U8_FP.indd 91 16/05/23 15:48

Step 3 LESSON 1
rac 4
5. 3

 Listen to the sentences. Look at the pictures and

circle the correct option.

a. You need a ball and a

basket to practice it.

b. You need a pool and

a swimming suit to
practice it.

c. You need skates to

practice it.

d. You need a bike to

practice it.

6.  Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences. Then,

put a check (✓) or a cross (✗) in the box.
a. You need a bat and a ball to

practice .

b.  is an individual

c. You need a basket to practice

d.  is an individual


WEL_PRISB2_U8_FP.indd 92 16/05/23 15:48

Step 4 LESSON 1
7.  Write the name of the equipment. Then, write the name of
the sport that corresponds to the equipment.
bat skateboard pool shin guards skates swimming suit
helmet pads gloves Gi hockey stick basket

a.  b.  c.  d. 

e.  f.  g.  h. 

i.  j.  k.  l. 

8.  Work in small teams. Take turns to point to the

equipment and the sport in which it is used, and name
them. Then, answer: What equipment have you used?

Hobbies and Sports 93

WEL_PRISB2_U8_FP.indd 93 16/05/23 15:48

Step 4 LESSON 1
9.  Draw and color your favorite sports.

My Favorite My Favorite
Individual Sport Team Sport

10.  Read and complete the sentences.

My favorite individual sport is .

To practice it, you need: .
My favorite team sport is .
To practice it, you need: .

11.  Share your work with the class.


WEL_PRISB2_U8_FP.indd 94 16/05/23 15:48


Step 1
a ck 4


1.  Work in pairs. Look at the picture and answer:
What is the conversation about? Listen and check
your ideas.

Summer School

Online registration is now open:

A Hard Decision!
Sarah: Hi, Alex! Is everything OK? Alex: Because I prefer team
Alex: Hmm… I have to choose sports.
a sport, but I don’t know Sarah: I like team sports too.
which one. Sarah: Do you like volleyball?
Sarah: What sports do you like? Alex: No, I don’t. I don’t like
Alex: I like soccer and hockey. baseball either.
Sarah: Why don’t you try one Sarah: Do you like basketball?
of them? Alex: Yes, I do. I like basketball, but
Alex: My mom asked me to I don’t know how to play it.
practice karate, but I don’t Sarah: I don’t know how to play it
like karate. either. We can learn together!
Sarah: Why don’t you try it? Alex: Will you register with me?
Sarah: Absolutely!
a ck 4

2.  Listen again and read. Then, circle the sports that

you can find.

Hobbies and Sports 95

WEL_PRISB2_U8_FP.indd 95 16/05/23 15:48

Step 2 LESSON 2
Tr a ck 4

3. 4  Listen to the conversation in Step 1 again. Then, read

the following information and circle the correct option.
a. Alex and Sarah are talking about…

1. festivals 2. school subjects 3. sports

b. Alex has to choose…

1. a sport 2. two sports 3. three sports

c. Alex’s mom asked him to practice…

1. soccer 2. karate 3. a team sport

d. Alex likes...

1. karate 2. volleyball 3. basketball

4.  Find the names of the sports in the conversation in Step 1

and write them in the space provided.

a.  b.  c. 

d.  e.  f. 

5.  Work in pairs. Read the conversation in Step 1. Then,

take turns to answer: What’s the conversation about?


WEL_PRISB2_U8_FP.indd 96 16/05/23 15:48

Step 3 LESSON 2
Tr a ck 4

6. 5  Listen to the sentences and look at the pictures.

Then, draw a happy or a sad face according to
the sentences.

a. I like soccer.

b. I don’t like karate.

c. I don’t like baseball.

d. I like basketball.

a ck 4

7.  Read the questions and match them with the

answers. Then, listen and check.
a. What sports do you like? No, I don’t.
b. Do you like volleyball? Yes, I do.
c. Do you like basketball? I like soccer and hockey.

Hobbies and Sports 97

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Step 4 LESSON 2
8.  Look at the pictures and read the sentences. Then,
put a check (✓) or a cross (✗) in the box.

a. I don’t like skating.

b. I like swimming.

c. I like volleyball.

d. I don’t like gymnastics.

rac 4

 Listen to the dialogues. Then, circle the sport they are

talking about.
a. What sport do you like? I like tennis.

b. Do you like soccer? No, I don’t.

c. Do you like karate? Yes, I do.


WEL_PRISB2_U8_FP.indd 98 16/05/23 15:49

Step 4 LESSON 2
10.  Write the name of six sports in the first column. Then,
go around the classroom. Find classmates that like and
do not like the sports you chose.

Sport Likes Does not like

11.  Use the information in the previous activity to complete the

My friend likes .
My friend likes .
My friend does not like .
My friend does not like .

12.  Share your work with the class.

Hobbies and Sports 99

WEL_PRISB2_U8_FP.indd 99 16/05/23 15:49


1. Follow the instructions to play the Goose Game.

a. Work in pairs. Each player has to place a marker on the

Start square.
b. Take turns to flip a coin: heads move one space and tails
move two spaces.
c. You have to answer a question or name a sport. If you do it
correctly, you can stay in the square; if not, you have to go
back two squares.
d. If a player lands in a goose, they must jump to the next
square that has another goose. The winner is the first player
to reach the Finish square.
What’s the name
of this sport?
Start your favorite
Lose a turn!

1 2 3 4 5

Do you like
What’s the name
of this sport?
Do you like What team
gymnastics? sports do you
Why? know?

11 10 9 8 7

What’s your
favorite sport?


Do you like
soccer? Why?
sports do you Lose a turn! Finish
13 14 15 16 17


WEL_PRISB2_U8_FP.indd 100 16/05/23 15:49

Unit 9

In this unit you will:
• identify different feelings
• learn how to talk about your feelings

WEL_PRISB2_U9_FP.indd 101 16/05/23 15:51


Step 1
a ck 4

1.  Work in pairs. Look at the text and answer: What
kind of text is it? Listen and check.

When I’m Happy

When I’m happy, I always smile.

When I’m happy, I don’t feel sad.
When I’m sad, I want to cry.
I want to be happy, to be happy and smile.

When I’m angry, I frown all the time.

When I’m angry, I don’t feel calm.
When I’m calm, I feel fine.
I want to be calm, to be calm and feel fine.

When I’m tired, I just want to sleep.

When I’m tired, I don’t feel excited.
When I’m excited, I feel delighted.
I want to be excited, to be excited and delighted.

When I’m bored, I feel ignored.

When I’m bored, I don’t feel amused.
When I’m amused, I don’t feel confused.
I prefer to be amused, amused and not confused.

a ck 4

2.  Listen again and sing along. Then, underline the feelings

that you can find.


WEL_PRISB2_U9_FP.indd 102 16/05/23 15:51

Step 2 LESSON 1
a ck 4

3.  Listen to the song in Step 1. Look at the pictures

and unscramble the words. Then, point to the
words and name the feelings.

a. yagnr b. decxite c. yhpap d. dtrie

e. dsa f. lcma g. ecdofuns h. erdbo

a ck 4

4.  Read the sentences and complete them. Then, listen

and check.
a. Sad is the opposite of .
b. When you are happy, you .
c. Angry is the opposite of .
d. When you are sad, you want to .
e. Amused is the opposite of .

My Feelings 103

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Step 3 LESSON 1
5.  Read the sentences and match them with the pictures.

a. I am angry.

b. I am amused.

c. I am sad.

d. I am bored.

e. I am calm.

f. I am happy.

a ck 5

6.  Listen to the dialogues. Then, cut and paste the

pictures in the correct space.

a. Are you sad? b. Are you

No, I’m not. happy?
I’m mad. Yes, I am. I’m
very happy.

c. Are you tired? d. Are you

Yes, I am. I’m angry?
very tired. No, I’m not.
I’m bored.

7.  Read the sentence and complete it.

I’m is the same as .


WEL_PRISB2_U9_FP.indd 104 16/05/23 15:51

Step 4 LESSON 1
8.  Look and color the faces. Then, read the
sentences and complete them.

am sleepy. I cold. am scared. I shy.

rac 5

 Look at the pictures. Read the questions and

complete the answers. Then, listen and check.

a. Are you excited?

Yes, .

b. Are you mad?

No, I’m .

c. Are you bored?

No, I’m .

d. Are you happy?

Yes, .

My Feelings 105

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Step 4 LESSON 1
10.  Read the sentences and draw the faces. Then,
draw your face and answer the question.

I’m happy. I’m sad. I’m angry.

I’m shy. I’m bored. I’m sleepy.

How are you today?

I’m calm. I’m tired.

11.  Share your work with the class.


WEL_PRISB2_U9_FP.indd 106 16/05/23 15:51


Step 1
rac 5


 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer:
What is the text about? Listen and check.

How Do You Feel Today?

Miss Loren: Hello, kids! Today we Martha: I feel tired. I couldn’t
are going to use the talking stick. sleep well last night.
When you hold it, you have two Miss Loren: Oh, I’m sorry. I hope
minutes to speak. you can take a nap soon.
Evan: Can I go first, miss? Martha: Thanks, miss. Now, it’s
Miss Loren: Of course. We’re going Gabriel’s turn.
to talk about our feelings. So, how Miss Loren: Thanks, Martha. How
do you feel today, Evan? do you feel today, Gabriel?
Evan: I feel great. I had a delicious Gabriel: I feel sad. My dog, Rex, is
breakfast. I ate my favorite sick. He’s at the veterinary clinic.
pancakes. Miss Loren: I’m sorry, Gabriel. I
Miss Loren: That’s nice! I love hope Rex gets better soon.
pancakes too. Now, please pass Gabriel: Thanks, Miss Loren.
the talking stick to someone else. Miss Loren: Evan feels great.
Evan: It’s Martha’s turn. Martha feels tired. Gabriel feels
Miss Loren: Perfect! How do you sad. Kids, it’s very important
feel today, Martha? to recognize and respect how
others feel.
rac 5


 Listen again. Then, discuss with a partner: What feelings

are mentioned in the text?

My Feelings 107

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Step 2 LESSON 2
3.  Read the conversation in Step 1 again. Then, cut and
paste the characters in the correct place.

a. She feels tired. b. He feels sad. c. He feels great.

rac 5


 Listen to the conversation in Step 1 again. Then,

read the information and circle the correct option.
a. The person who holds the talking stick can speak for… minutes.

1. two 2. three 3. five

b. Evan ate… in the morning.

1. bread 2. pancakes 3. cake

c. Martha couldn’t... last night.

1. have breakfast 2. sleep 3. study

d. Rex is a...

1. kid 2. cat 3. dog

e. Rex is at the…

1. veterinary clinic 2. school 3. park

rac 5


 Work in groups of 4. Listen to the conversation again.

Then, role play it.


WEL_PRISB2_U9_FP.indd 108 16/05/23 15:51

Step 3 LESSON 2
6.  Read the dialogues. Then, draw a face that shows the

a. How do you feel? b. How does she feel? c. How does he feel?
I feel great. She feels tired. He feels sad.
rac 5


 Look at the pictures. Listen to the sentences and

circle the correct picture.
a. She feels sad.

b. He feels excited.

c. They feel bored.

My Feelings 109

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Step 4 LESSON 2
a ck 5


8.  Look at the pictures and unscramble the sentences.
Then, listen and check.

a. feels / bored / He b. mad / feels / She c. feel / They / great

rac 5


 Look at the pictures and complete the chant with

the words in the box. Listen and check.

happy sad happy glad mad

Hi, my friend! Are you ?

No, I’m not. But I feel .
Tell me, tell me, why are you sad?
Well, I’m now with you. I just feel .

Hello, my friend! Are you happy?

Yes, I am. I feel very .
Tell me, tell me, why are you ?
Because I’m playing with my dog Cappy.

rac 5


 Listen to the chant and sing along.


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Step 4 LESSON 2
11.  Ask two classmates how they feel today: a boy
and a girl. Draw and color how they feel. Then,
complete the sentences.

He feels . She feels .

12.  Ask three different classmates how they feel today.

Then, complete the information below.

My friend feels .
My friend feels .
My friend feels .

13.  Share your work with the class.

My Feelings 111

WEL_PRISB2_U9_FP.indd 111 16/05/23 15:52


1.  Look at the pictures and find the corresponding

words. Then, use those words to label the pictures.


2.  Work with a partner. Take turns to answer: How do you

feel today? Complete the sentences with that information.
I .
My friend .


WEL_PRISB2_U9_FP.indd 112 16/05/23 15:52

Unit 10

In this unit you will:
• learn about animals
• identify different plants

WEL_PRISB2_U10_FP.indd 113 16/05/23 15:53


Step 1
a ck 5

1.  Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer:
What words do you think you will hear? Listen
and check.

Let’s Talk about Amazing Animals!

Blue whale. Blue whales are bigger Bee hummingbird. This is the
than white sharks. Actually, they smallest bird in the world. It
are bigger than an elephant or a measures around 5 or 6 cm and
school bus. An adult blue whale weighs around 2 g. It is smaller
measures around 25 m and than one of your fingers and
weighs around 180 ton. lighter than a small coin.
Platypus. It has a duck’s bill and Cheetah. Cheetahs are the
a beaver’s tail. Platypuses lay eggs, fastest animals in the world.
but they are not oviparous. They Cheetahs can run around 95 km
are mammals. Male platypuses are per hour. They are faster than
larger than females. lions and other animals, such as
Komodo dragon. It is bigger and zebras and gazelles.
heavier than an iguana. A Komodo Giant Pacific octopus. This
dragon typically weighs around octopus lives longer and grows
70 kg, and measures around 2 m. bigger than any other octopus.
Its tail is as long as its body. An adult giant Pacific octopus
measures around 5 m and weighs
around 50 kg.
a ck 5

2.  Listen and read. Then, read and circle the names

of the animals that you can find.


WEL_PRISB2_U10_FP.indd 114 16/05/23 15:53

Step 2 LESSON 1
a ck 5

3.  Listen to the text in Step 1 again. Then, read

the words, draw, and color the animals.

a. giant Pacific octopus b. bee hummingbird c. cheetah

d. platypus e. blue whale f. Komodo dragon

4.  Look at the picture. Read the sentence and circle the

correct option.

a. White sharks weigh around Yes   No

180 tons.

b. The platypus’ bill looks like Yes   No

a duck’s bill.

c. Platypuses are oviparous. Yes   No

d. Komodo dragons are iguanas. Yes   No

5.  Work in pairs. Read the text in Step 1 again. Then, take

turns to answer: What animal surprises you the most? Why?

Amazing Nature! 115

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Step 3 LESSON 1
6.  Look at the pictures. Then, read and complete the
sentences with the words from the box.
platypus lion elephant coin

a. The blue whale is bigger than

an .

b. The male platypus is larger than

the female .

c. The bee hummingbird is lighter

than a .

d. The cheetah is faster than

a .
rac 5


 Read and match the sentences. Then, listen and

a. The Komodo dragon is bigger than one of your fingers.

b. The bee hummingbird is smaller than any other octopus.

c. The cheetah is faster than an iguana.

d. The giant Pacific octopus than a gazelle.

lives longer


WEL_PRISB2_U10_FP.indd 116 16/05/23 15:54

Step 4 LESSON 1
8.  Read the first part of the sentences and circle the
animal. Then, complete the sentences.
a. The Komodo dragon is heavier than a .

b. The cheetah is faster than a .

c. The bee hummingbird is smaller than a .

a ck 5

9.  Look at the pictures, read and complete the

sentences. Then, listen and check.

a. The blue whale is b. Male platypuses c. The bee hummingbird

are is
a shark. female platypuses. other birds.

Amazing Nature! 117

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Step 4 LESSON 1
10.  Think about different animals. Then, find animals that are
bigger, smaller, faster, slower, heavier, and lighter than
those animals. Complete the chart.

Animal Bigger Smaller

Animal Faster Slower

Animal Heavier Lighter

11.  Write sentences using the information in activity 10.

The is than .
The is than .
The is than .

12.  Share your work with the class.


WEL_PRISB2_U10_FP.indd 118 16/05/23 15:54


Step 1
a ck 5

1.  Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer:
What’s the text about? Listen and check.

Let’s Talk about Amazing Plants!

Did you know that a cucumber is not a vegetable but a fruit? Yes, and
it has seeds. Let’s read about other amazing plants.
Double coconut. Also known as Jackfruit. What fruit is bigger
coco de mer, it has a very big than a watermelon? The jackfruit
seed. Its seeds are bigger than a measures about 40 cm and weighs
watermelon. It can measure about around 30 kg. It is like 90 mangos.
30 cm and weigh up to 18 kg. It tastes like a combination of
Asian watermeal. What’s smaller, mango, pineapple, and banana.
a fruit or a fly? Well, there is a fruit Cherry tomato. Cherry tomatoes
that is smaller than a fly. The Asian are bigger than Asian watermeal,
watermeal is the size of an ant. but they are smaller than regular
Monster flower (rafflesia). What tomatoes. A cherry tomato can
flower is bigger than a sunflower? measure about 2 cm and weigh
The monster flower is one of the up to 15 g.
biggest flowers in the world. It can
measure about 1 m and weigh up
to 7 kg.
a ck 5

2.  Listen again and read. Then, discuss with a partner:

What fruits do you know?

Amazing Nature! 119

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Step 2 LESSON 2
a ck 5

3.  Listen to the text in Step 1 again. Then, look at the

pictures and label them.

a.  b.  c. 

d.  e. 

4.  Look at the pictures. Read the sentences and write

Yes or No.

a. The seed of the double 

coconut is smaller than
a watermelon.

b. The monster flower is 

bigger than a sunflower.

c. The jackfruit is bigger 

than a mango.

d. The Asian watermeal 

is bigger than an ant.


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Step 3 LESSON 2
a ck 6

5.  Go back to the text in Step 1 and complete the
questions and answers. Listen and check.
a.  , a fruit or a fly?
is smaller than a fly.
b.  a watermelon?
is bigger than a watermelon.
c.  a sunflower?
is bigger than a sunflower.
rac 6

 Look at the pictures, read, and circle the correct

options. Then, listen and check.

a. What’s bigger/smaller, a mango or a jackfruit?

A mango is bigger/smaller than a jackfruit.

b. What’s bigger/smaller, the Asian watermeal or a fly?

The fly is bigger/smaller than the Asian watermeal.

c. What’s heavier/lighter, a double coconut or a

monster flower?
The monster flower is heavier/lighter than a
double coconut.

d. What’s heavier/lighter, a jackfruit or a cherry tomato?

A jackfruit is heavier/lighter than a cherry tomato.

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Step 4 LESSON 2
a ck 6


 Read the questions. Look at the pictures and
unscramble the answers. Listen and check.
a. What’s smaller, an orange or a strawberry?

is / A strawberry / an orange / smaller than

b. What’s bigger, a pineapple or a mango?

bigger than / A pineapple / a mango / is

c. What’s heavier, a banana or a grape?

a grape / is / heavier than / A banana

8.  Complete the chart with your own information.

My favorite fruit My favorite vegetable My favorite flower

9.  Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions using

the information in the activity 8. Follow the examples:
What’s your favorite fruit? My favorite fruit is pear.
What’s bigger, a pear or a watermelon? A watermelon is bigger
than a pear.


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Step 4 LESSON 2
10.  Write some questions like the example. Then, go
around the classroom and ask the questions to your
classmates. Write their answers.

Question Answer
What’s bigger, the board The board is bigger than
or the eraser? the eraser.

11.  Share your work with the class.

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1.  Look at the pictures and write the corresponding words

in the crossword puzzle. Then, complete the sentences.






Down e.

f. The

heavier than an
iguana. Across
a. The lion is slower than the .
g. The
b. The is lighter than a regular
smaller than
a fly. c. The is bigger than a school bus.
h. The watermelon d. The is bigger than a cherry
is smaller than tomato.
the . e. The bee is smaller than the .

2.  Share your work with the class.


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Unit 1 Lesson 1 / Step 4 / Activity 7

Unit 1 Lesson 2 / Step 3 / Activity 5

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Unit 3 Lesson 1 / Step 2 / Activity 3

Unit 3 Lesson 2 / Step 3 / Activity 5

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Unit 5 Lesson 1 / Step 3 / Activity 7

Unit 5 Lesson 2 / Step 2 / Activity 4

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Unit 7 Lesson 1 / Step 3 / Activity 4

Unit 7 Lesson 2 / Step 3 / Activity 5

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Unit 9 Lesson 1 / Step 3 / Activity 6

Unit 9 Lesson 2 / Step 2 / Activity 3

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Track 05
UNIT 1 page 11, activities 1 and 2
Track 02 Same Activities, Different Times
page 6, activities 1 and 2 Hi! I am Ivan. I am 7 years old. I have a brother.
My Daily Routine He is 11 years old. I have a sister. She is 16 years
Hello! My name is Samantha. I’m 7 years old. old. Every day, we do similar activities, but at a
I study 2nd grade of elementary school. This is my different time.
daily routine. First, I wake up at 7:00 o’clock. I get I wake up at 7:00. My brother wakes up at
up. I have breakfast. I wash my face. I brush my 7:00 too. We go to school at 7:30. My sister
teeth. I get dressed. Then, I go to school at 7:40. wakes up at 8:00. She goes to school at 8:30. We
My classes start at 8:00. We have a break at come home at 3:00. We have lunch at 3:30. My
10:30. I eat a sandwich and fruit. After that, sister has lunch at 2:00, when she is at school.
I play with my friends in the playground. My She comes home at 4:00.
classes finish at 2:00. I come home at 2:30. Later, I practice basketball at 5:00. My brother and
I have lunch with my dad. my sister take music lessons. They take guitar
After that, I play with my toys. Then, I do my lessons at 6:00. We have dinner at 8:00. We go
homework. I take a shower. I have dinner at 7:30. to bed at 9:00. My sister goes to bed at 10:00.
I go to bed at 8:30. I read a book. Finally, I fall On weekends, we have the same schedule
asleep at 9:00. What is your daily routine like? because we spend most of the time together!

Track 03 Track 06
page 7, activity 3 page 14, activity 8
a. wake up a. He comes home at 3:00.
b. get up b. She has lunch at 2:00.
c. have breakfast c. She goes to bed at 9:00.
d. wash my face
e. get dressed
f. go to school
g. come home Track 07
h. have lunch page 18, activities 1 and 2
i. do homework Talking about Celebrations
j. take a shower Joshua: What’s your favorite celebration,
k. have dinner Emma?
l. go to bed Emma: I enjoy birthday celebrations.
Joshua: Why do you enjoy birthday parties?
Track 04
Emma: Because we eat delicious food. Birthday
page 8, activity 6
parties are fun.
a. First, I wake up.
Joshua: When is your birthday?
b. Then, I go to school.
Emma: My birthday is on July 25th.
c. Later, I have lunch with my dad.
Joshua: How do you celebrate it?
d. A fter that, I play with my toys.
Emma: We play games. We eat delicious food.
e. Finally, I sleep at 9:00.
Joshua: What do you eat?
Emma: We eat cake, burgers, fries, pizza,
ice cream, and sweets.


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Joshua: What do you drink? Track 10
Emma: We drink lemonade, water, and page 24, activity 4
orange juice. a. This man is my dad.
Joshua: Where do you celebrate it? b. T
 hese men are my grandpa and my uncle.
Emma: In my house. We invite my grandparents, c. This woman is my mom.
aunts, uncles, cousins, and some friends. d. T
 hese women are my grandma and my aunt.
Joshua: Sounds fun!
Track 11
Emma: It is. I will invite you to my next birthday!
page 25, activity 6
Joshua: Awesome!
Bruno: Is he your brother?
Track 08 Lia: No, he isn’t. He is my cousin.
page 21, activity 9 Bruno: Is she your sister?
a. W hen is your birthday? Lia: Yes, she is!
My birthday is on February 19th.
b. W hat do you eat?
We eat cake and burgers
c. Where is your birthday party? Track 12
My brithday party is in the park page 30, activities 1 and 2
We Are Unique!
Track 09
Hello! I’m Gemma. I’m 7 years old. I have curly
page 23, activities 1 and 2
brown hair. I have brown eyes. I wear glasses.
Family Day
She is my friend Elena. She has long blond
Bruno: Can I see your picture, Lia?
hair. She has green eyes.
Lia: Yes, of course!
He is my friend Tom. He has short black hair.
Bruno: What were you celebrating?
He has blue eyes.
Lia: My family and I were celebrating Family Day.
He is my friend Fred. He has wavy reddish
Bruno: Nice! So, this is your family. Is he your dad?
hair. He has brown eyes. What do you look like?
Lia: Yeah! This man is my dad. These men are my
grandpa and my uncle. This woman is my mom. Track 13
These women are my grandma and my aunt. page 32, activity 5
Bruno: You look like your mom! Is he your a. short black hair
brother? b. long black hair
Lia: No, he isn’t. He is my cousin. c. curly brown hair
Bruno: There are many people. You have a big d. wavy reddish hair
family! Is she your sister? e. straight blond hair
Lia: Yes, she is! She is a sweet girl. And this boy
Track 14
is my little cousin.
page 33, activity 7
Bruno: I love family celebrations. My favorite
a. L ily has short black hair. She has green eyes.
ones are Mother’s Day and Children’s Day.
Who is Lily?
Lia: I love Children’s Day too. I’m happy
b. J oseph has short brown hair. He has brown
I’m a child.
eyes. Who is Joseph?
Bruno: Me too. Last year, my parents got me
c. Norma has curly black hair. She has blue eyes.
an alien and a monster.
Who is Norma?
Lia: Cool!


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Track 15 Track 18
page 35, activities 1 and 2 page 38, activity 7
Who Is My Teacher? a. Does he have curly hair?
Andrew is looking for his new teacher. It’s his Yes, he does.
first day at school. Let’s see if he finds her. b. Does she have long brown hair?
Andrew: Excuse me? Who is the second grade No, she doesn’t. She has short blond hair.
teacher? c. Does he have reddish hair?
Janitor: Oh! Miss Cuevas. She’s over there! Yes, he does.
Andrew: There are three teachers. Which one? d. Does she have curly brown hair?
Janitor: Miss Cuevas wears glasses. No, she doesn’t. She has straight brown hair.
Andrew: Hmm… Does she have long hair?
Janitor: No, she doesn't.
Andrew: Does she have blue eyes?
Janitor: No, she doesn’t. She has brown eyes. Track 19
Andrew: Does she have blond hair? page 42, activities 1 and 2
Janitor: No, she doesn’t. She has black hair. Canadian Weather
Andrew: Does she have curly hair? Hello, my name is Max. I’m Canadian. In
Janitor: Yes, she does. Canada, we can enjoy the four seasons of the
Andrew: I found her! Thank you! year. During spring, most days are sunny. I love
Andrew: Hello, Miss Cuevas. I’m Andrew. to see blossoms everywhere.
Miss Cuevas: Hi, Andrew. Nice to meet you. During summer, days are sunny and hot.
Welcome to school! In summer, my family and I go to the lake. We
swim in the lake and we have picnics. I always
Track 16
enjoy my summer vacation.
page 37, activity 5
During fall, most days are cloudy. Sometimes,
a. D oes Mr. Martinez have short brown hair?
it’s rainy and windy. Trees change color during
Yes, he does.
fall. You can see fallen leaves everywhere. Days
b. D oes Miss Rico have long brown hair?
aren’t hot or cold. They are perfect!
No, she doesn’t. She has long blond hair.
In winter, days are cold and snowy. Some days
c. Does Miss Cuevas have curly black hair?
are cold and sunny. I love winter because I can
Yes, she does.
build a snowman, go sledding down a snowy hill,
d. D oes Mr. Bazan have short curly hair?
go ice-skating or go skiing. What’s your favorite
No, he doesn’t. He has long straight
brown hair.
Track 20
Track 17
page 43, activities 4 and 5
page 37, activity 6
a. During fall, most days are cloudy. Sometimes,
a. D oes she have long black hair?
it’s rainy and windy.
Yes, she does.
b. During spring, most days are sunny. I love to
b. D oes he have green eyes?
see blossoms everywhere.
No, he doesn’t. He has blue eyes.
c. In winter, days are cold and snowy. Some days
c. Does she have straight hair?
are cold and sunny.
No, she doesn’t. She has curly hair.
d. During summer, days are sunny and hot.

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Track 21 Track 24
page 45, activity 9 page 50, activity 9
a. I n winter, some days are cold and snowy. The Weather Song
b. I n summer, most days are sunny and hot. Today is sunny,
c. In fall, some days are rainy and cloudy. look at that bunny!
d. I n spring, most days are sunny. It’s jumping and jumping.
This is so funny.
Track 22
page 47, activities 1 and 2 Today is rainy.
Same Winter, Different Weather It's also cloudy.
Jazmin is video chatting with her cousins. She I love the days
lives in Mexico City. Her cousin, Lucia, lives in when it’s rainy and cloudy.
Canada. Her cousin Arturo lives in Cancun.
Jazmin: Hello, guys!
Lucia: Hi!
Arturo: Hello! Lucia, why are you wearing all Track 25
those clothes? page 54, activities 1 and 2
Lucia: Because I’m going out with my parents. Funny Outfits
Jazmin: Is it cold? Amanda is at school. Her class is having a Funny
Lucia: Yes, it is. It's snowing. You know, Outfits contest. Let’s read about it.
Canadian winter. Hi, my name is Amanda. I’m wearing a green
Arturo: Wow! We are in winter here, but it’s dress and a brown sweater. I’m also wearing
not cold. yellow boots.
Lucia: It’s never cold in Cancun. I think my sweater is too big.
Arturo: That’s right! He is my friend Jorge. He is wearing black
Jazmin: Is it raining, Arturo? pants, a yellow shirt, and a green hoodie. He is
Arturo: Yes, it’s raining and it’s windy too. wearing purple shoes.
Jazmin: The weather in Mexico City is cool. She is my friend Renata. She is wearing a
It’s not cold and it’s not hot. white skirt, blue jeans, a pink blouse, and a red
Arturo: I know! I want to live in Mexico City. vest. She is wearing orange high heels.
Jazmin: I want to live in Canada. I love the snow. He is my friend Erik. He is wearing a blue
Lucia: You can visit me! T-shirt, red shorts, and an orange jacket. He is
Jazmin: I will! wearing gray sneakers. Who do you think will
Arturo: I will visit you too! win the contest?

Track 23 Track 26
page 48, activity 5 page 56, activity 6
a. I t’s cold in winter. It snows. a. T his is a sweater.
b. T he weather is cool. It’s not hot and it’s b. T his is a dress.
not cold. c. These are boots.
c. It’s never cold. It’s rainy and windy d. T hese are sneakers.
in winter. e. This is a blouse.


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Track 27 Track 30
page 57, activity 8 page 62, activity 8
a. T his is a black vest. a. Is he wearing a white shirt? Yes, he is wearing
b. T hese are orange shorts. a white shirt.
c. This is a purple hoodie. b. Is she wearing black pants? No, she is
d. T hese are gray pants. wearing blue jeans.
c. Is he wearing a green T-shirt? Yes, he is
Track 28
wearing a green T-shirt.
page 59, activities 1 and 2
A New Neighbor
Pilar: Hello! Are you new here? UNIT 6
James: Hi! Yes. We moved in last week.
Track 31
Pilar: I’m Pilar. Nice to meet you.
page 66, activities 1 and 2
James: I’m James. Nice to meet you too.
A Magical Place
Pilar: Welcome to the neighborhood!
Hello, my name is James, and I’m in a magical
James: Thank you!
place. It is magical because you can do amazing
Pilar: That’s my mom.
things here. You can read a story and travel to
James: Is she wearing a green sweater?
wonderful places.
Pilar: No, that’s Mrs. Ringel. My mom is wearing
You can sing and dance and feel you are flying.
a yellow sweater.
You can draw and color pictures and become an
James: Ok. And is that your dad?
artist. You can write stories and become a writer.
Pilar: Yes. He is wearing black pants. The other
You can play with a stick and use it as a magic
man is Mr. Diaz.
wand. You can run in the playground and become
James: Is he wearing blue jeans?
a marathon runner. You can paint with your
Pilar: That’s right! And that’s my sister Mary.
hands and create art.
She is wearing red shorts.
You can play musical instruments and make
James: Nice! Who are the other kids?
music. You can cut and paste and become a
Pilar: The girl next to my sister is Rebeca.
sculptor. You can listen to people and become a
And the boy who is wearing gray pants is
friend. Isn’t school a magical place?
Mateo. The other boy is Patricio.
James: I’m sure I’ll have many friends. Track 32
Pilar: Absolutely! page 68, activity 6
a. You can cut and paste and become a sculptor.
Track 29
b. You can read a story and travel to wonderful
page 62, activity 7
a. H e is wearing blue jeans, an orange T-shirt,
c. You can write stories and become a writer.
and gray sneakers.
d. You can play musical instruments and
b. S he is wearing an orange dress, a blue
make music.
sweater, and yellow shoes.
c. She is wearing blue jeans, a purple T-shirt, Track 33
and white sneakers. page 69, activity 8
Yes, I can!
I can dance at school!
Yes, I can! Yes, I can!

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We can play at school! Santi’s mom: Oh, no! Let’s go find him. Let’s
Yes, we can! Yes, we can! look for him in the park.
Santi: He’s not here.
I can paint at school!
Santi’s mom: Let’s see if he is at the market.
Yes, I can! Yes, I can!
Santi’s mom: He’s not here. Let’s see if he is
We can read at school!
in the veterinary clinic.
Yes, we can! Yes, we can!
Santi: We checked the bank, the library, the
We have fun at school! restaurant, the police station, and Gizmo was
Yes, we do! Yes, we do! not there!
Santi’s mom: Don’t worry! I’m sure we’ll find
Track 34
him. Let’s ask at the hospital.
page 71, activities 1 and 2
Santi: We looked for him at the hospital,
My Lovely School
bookstore, and cafeteria, and he was not there!
Hi, I’m Marcela. This is my school. My school is
Where could he be?
big. There are 20 students in my class. In other
Santi’s mom: It’s getting late, we need to go
classes, there are 30 students or more.
back home! We can look for him tomorrow!
She is my teacher, Miss Bazany. What is she
Santi: We couldn’t find him! I’m sad he will
doing? Oh, she is looking for insects. She loves
spend the night on the street! Poor Gizmo!
to talk about insects. Those are my friends.
Santi’s mom: Santi! Look who’s here!
She is Karen. She is reading a book. She loves
Santi: Gizmo! You scared me, little one! But
reading. He is Said. He is playing with Noah. She
I’m happy you are back!
is Melissa. She is with Andrea. They are eating a
sandwich. Track 37
That’s the principal, Mrs. Taylor. She is page 80, activity 6
talking with some parents. He is Mr. Green. a. This is a bank.
He is the janitor. He is cleaning the windows. b. This is a library.
This is my school and I love it! c. This is a restaurant.
d. This is a police station
Track 35
page 74, activity 8 Track 38
a. S he is eating. page 83, activities 1 and 2
b. T hey are talking. Going Shopping around Town!
c. He is reading. Hi! I’m Marian. I love going shopping with my
d. T hey are playing. grandma. We always go to the market and buy
e. He is cleaning. milk, yogurt, and cookies. There is a butcher
shop between the market and the bank. We buy
meat there.
UNIT 7 There is a bakery in front of the market. We
Track 36 buy delicious bread there. There is a grocery
page 78, activities 1, 2 and 3 store next to the bakery. We buy fresh fruits and
I Lost My Cat! vegetables there.
Santi: Mom, I opened the door and Gizmo There is a pharmacy next to the bank. My
ran away! grandma buys her medicine there. I love going to


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the stationery store. There is one in front of the Track 42
park. We buy school supplies there. page 91, activity 3
There is a toy store behind the bookstore. They a. swimming
are my favorite stores. I can spend hours and hours b. soccer
just looking at the toys or checking the books and c. dancing
magazines. What stores are there in your town? d. football
e. basketball
Track 39
f. skating
page 85, activity 5
g. baseball
a. W e buy milk at the market.
h. gymnastics
b. W e buy bread at the bakery.
i. skateboarding
c. We buy vegetables at the grocery store.
j. volleyball
Track 40 k. karate
page 85, activity 6 l. cycling
a. T here is a butcher shop between the market
Track 43
and the bank.
page 92, activity 5
b. T here is a bakery in front of the market.
a. You need a ball and a basket to practice it.
c. There is a pharmacy next to the bank.
b. You need a pool and a swimming suit to
d. T here is a toy store behind the bookstore.
practice it.
c. You need skates to practice it.
UNIT 8 d. You need a bike to practice it.

Track 41 Track 44
page 90, activities 1 and 2 pages 95 and 96, activities 1, 2 and 3
Choosing the Right Sport! A Hard Decision!
Hello! My name is Mark. I will give you some Sarah: Hi, Alex! Is everything OK?
tips to choose the right sport for yourself. First, Alex: Hmm… I have to choose a sport, but
think about your interests. Do you prefer team I don’t know which one.
or individual sports? Sarah: What sports do you like?
There are many individual sports such as Alex: I like soccer and hockey.
swimming, skating, cycling, skateboarding, Sarah: Why don’t you try one of them?
dancing, karate, taekwondo, or gymnastics. You Alex: My mom asked me to practice karate, but
can practice these sports on your own, you don’t I don’t like karate.
need a team. Sarah: Why don’t you try it?
There are also many team sports such as soccer, Alex: Because I prefer team sports.
football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, and hockey. Sarah: I like team sports too.
You always practice these sports with a group of Sarah: Do you like volleyball?
people. Then, teamwork skills are essential. Alex: No, I don’t. I don’t like baseball either.
When choosing the right sport, you should Sarah: Do you like basketball?
also consider your personality, health, physical Alex: Yes, I do. I like basketball, but I don’t know
characteristics, lifestyle, and needs. There are how to play it.
many sports and I’m sure you will choose the Sarah: I don’t know how to play it either. We
perfect one for you. can learn together!

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Alex: Will you register with me? When I’m bored, I feel ignored.
Sarah: Absolutely! When I’m bored, I don’t feel amused.
When I’m amused, I don’t feel confused.
Track 45
I prefer to be amused, amused and not confused.
page 97, activity 6
a. I like soccer. Track 49
b. I don’t like karate. page 103, activity 4
c. I don’t like baseball. a. S ad is the opposite of happy.
d. I like basketball. b. W hen you are happy, you smile.
c. Angry is the opposite of calm.
Track 46
d. W hen you are sad, you want to cry.
page 97, activity 7
e. Amused is the opposite of bored.
a. W hat sports do you like?
I like soccer and hockey. Track 50
b. D o you like volleyball? page 104, activity 6
No, I don’t. a. A re you sad?
c. Do you like basketball? No, I’m not. I’m mad.
Yes, I do. b. A re you happy?
Yes, I am. I’m very happy.
Track 47
c. Are you tired?
page 98, activity 9
Yes, I am. I’m very tired.
a. W hat sport do you like? I like tennis.
d. A re you angry?
b. D o you like soccer? No, I don’t.
No, I’m not. I’m bored.
c. Do you like karate? Yes, I do.
Track 51
page 105, activity 9
UNIT 9 a. A re you excited?
Track 48 Yes, I am.
pages 102 and 103, activities 1, 2 and 3 b. A re you mad?
When I’m Happy No, I’m not. I’m tired.
When I’m happy, I always smile. c. Are you bored?
When I’m happy, I don’t feel sad. No, I’m not. I’m calm.
When I’m sad, I want to cry. d. A re you happy?
I want to be happy, to be happy and smile. Yes, I am.

Track 52
When I’m angry, I frown all the time.
pages 107 and 108, activities 1, 2, 4, and 5
When I’m angry, I don’t feel calm.
How Do You Feel Today?
When I’m calm, I feel fine.
Miss Loren: Hello, kids! Today we are going to
I want to be calm, to be calm and feel fine.
use the talking stick. When you hold it, you have
two minutes to speak.
When I’m tired, I just want to sleep.
Evan: Can I go first, miss?
When I’m tired, I don’t feel excited.
Miss Loren: Of course. We’re going to talk about
When I’m excited, I feel delighted.
our feelings. So, how do you feel today, Evan?
I want to be excited, to be excited and delighted.


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Evan: I feel great. I had a delicious breakfast.
I ate my favorite pancakes.
Miss Loren: That’s nice! I love pancakes too. Now, Track 56
please pass the talking stick to someone else. pages 114 and 115, activities 1, 2 and 3
Evan: It’s Martha’s turn. Let’s Talk about Amazing Animals!
Miss Loren: Perfect! How do you feel today, Blue whale. Blue whales are bigger than white
Martha? sharks. Actually, they are bigger than an elephant
Martha: I feel tired. I couldn’t sleep well last night. or a school bus. An adult blue whale measures
Miss Loren: Oh, I’m sorry. I hope you can take a around 25 m and weighs around 180 ton.
nap soon. Platypus. It has a duck’s bill and a beaver’s tail.
Martha: Thanks, miss. Now, it’s Gabriel’s turn. Platypuses lay eggs, but they are not oviparous.
Miss Loren: Thanks, Martha. How do you feel They are mammals. Male platypuses are larger
today, Gabriel? than females.
Gabriel: I feel sad. My dog, Rex, is sick. He’s at Komodo dragon. It is bigger and heavier than
the veterinary clinic. an iguana. A Komodo dragon typically weighs
Miss Loren: I’m sorry, Gabriel. I hope Rex gets around 70 kg, and measures around 2 m. Its tail
better soon. is as long as its body.
Gabriel: Thanks, Miss Loren. Bee hummingbird. This is the smallest bird in
Miss Loren: Evan feels great. Martha feels tired. the world. It measures around 5 or 6 cm and
Gabriel feels sad. Kids, it’s very important to weighs around 2 g. It is smaller than one of your
recognize and respect how others feel. fingers and lighter than a small coin.
Cheetah. Cheetahs are the fastest animals in the
Track 53
world. Cheetahs can run around 95 km per hour.
page 109, activity 7
They are faster than lions and other animals,
a. S he feels sad.
such as zebras and gazelles.
b. H e feels excited.
Giant Pacific octopus. This octopus lives
c. They feel bored.
longer and grows bigger than any other octopus.
Track 54 An adult giant Pacific octopus measures around
page 110, activity 8 5 m and weighs around 50 kg.
a. H e feels bored.
Track 57
b. S he feels mad.
page 116, activity 7
c. They feel great.
a. T he Komodo dragon is bigger than an iguana.
Track 55 b. T he bee hummingbird is smaller than one of
page 110, activities 9 and 10 your fingers.
Boy: Hi, my friend! Are you mad? c. A cheetah is faster than a gazelle.
Girl: No, I’m not. But I feel sad. d. T he giant pacific octopus lives longer than
Boy: Tell me, tell me, why are you sad? any other octopus
Girl: Well, I’m now with you.
Track 58
I just feel glad.
page 117, activity 9
Girl: Hello, my friend! Are you happy?
a. T
 he blue whale is bigger than a shark.
Boy: Yes, I am. I feel very happy.
b. M
 ale platypuses are larger than female
Girl: Tell me, tell me, why are you happy?
Boy: Because I’m playing with my dog Cappy.

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c. T
 he bee hummingbird is smaller than other c. W
 hat’s lighter, a double coconut or a monster
birds. flower? The monster flower is lighter than a
double coconut.
Track 59
d. What’s heavier, a jackfruit or a cherry tomato?
pages 119 and 120, activities 1, 2 and 3
A jackfruit is heavier than a cherry tomato.
Let’s Talk about Amazing Plants!
Did you know that a cucumber is not a vegetable Track 62
but a fruit? Yes, and it has seeds. Let’s read page 122, activity 7
about other amazing plants. a. W hat’s smaller, an orange or a strawberry?
Double coconut. Also known as coco de mer, A strawberry is smaller than an orange.
it has a very big seed. Its seeds are bigger than b. W hat’s bigger, a pineapple or a mango?
a watermelon. It can measure about 30 cm and A pineapple is bigger than a mango.
weigh up to 18 kg. c. What’s heavier, a banana or a grape?
Asian watermeal. What’s smaller, a fruit or a A banana is heavier than a grape.
fly? Well, there is a fruit that is smaller than a fly.
The Asian watermeal is the size of an ant.
Monster flower (rafflesia). What flower is
bigger than a sunflower? The monster flower is
one of the biggest flowers in the world. It can
measure about 1 m and weigh up to 7 kg.
Jackfruit. What fruit is bigger than a
watermelon? The jackfruit measures about 40 cm
and weighs around 30 kg. It is like 90 mangos.
It tastes like a combination of mango, pineapple,
and banana.
Cherry tomato. Cherry tomatoes are bigger
than Asian watermeal, but they are smaller than
regular tomatoes. A cherry tomato can measure
about 2 cm and weigh up to 15 g.

Track 60
page 121, activity 5
a. W hat’s smaller, a fruit or a fly? The Asian
watermeal is smaller than a fly.
b. W hat fruit is bigger than a watermelon? The
jackfruit is bigger than a watermelon.
c. What flower is bigger than a sunflower? The
monster flower is bigger than a sunflower.

Track 61
page 121, activity 6
a. W
 hat’s smaller, a mango or a jackfruit? A
mango is smaller than a jackfruit.
b. W
 hat’s bigger, the Asian watermeal or a fly?
The fly is bigger than the Asian watermeal.


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