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Biodiversity, maintain ecological balance

- The rapid extinction of species will create many difficulties for humans. Therefore, we need a
solution to ensure that biodiversity is maintanined. By removing marine protected areas,
nationals parks,... This removal will preserve biodiversity

Many species extincted or endangered, enviroment use excessively

- Human activities to exploit the animal environment to build and develop seriously affect the
habitat of animals. At the same time, the loss of habitats means a decrease in the number of
animal species. Leads to a high rish of extinction

Contributing to create cultural beauty in people’s life

- Rare and precious animals not only bring tangible values, wild animals also contribute to the
cultural beauty of human life. There are many countries that take animal images as symbols like
Kangrugru in Australia. Wildlife brings people excitement, entertainment and stimulates
curiosity and imagination for us.

Conservation based tourism is a multi-billion dollar industry, and it is the commercialization of wildlife
that has allowed what remains of it to flourish.

- The tourism industry is intending to be responsible tourism activities, protecting nature,

protecting the environment, and at the same time encouraging individuals and organizations in
the tourism industry to actively participate in the protection of wild animals of VietNam and
around the world. In addition, the conservation-based tourism industry brings in billions of
dollars of profit, so the tourism industry will develop more sustainably, contributing to reducing
the trade in wildlife products, helping them thrive

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