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Who is it addressed to?

The shelters is mainly addressed to people that need and it is in need as, people in Street
situation, granparents in a bad situation of watch out or homeless or abandoned for his families
or parents. Also it is adressed to children that need help or food even a mental help, likecompany
or love, even friends. Everything is for a common good that can help all kind of need, without
dicrimination or exlusion that can do fell bad to other person. Everybody is welcome to participe
on this progress for a better life and future.

Who participate?

In the shelter , two kind of people participate. Who work inside and who participate outside, but
this two kind of people are volunteers and work for a common good. The people that work inside
is responsable of distribute food, and a good place and coat for a best stay in the shelter. Besides
they help to the security and healty of the people. The people that work outside look for people
that like the idea of have a ceiling. Besides they offer a good place and, they are everytime ready
to the help. In general this two kind of people all time are disposed for help and give a smile to
who need it. All people that shape the shelter is very important and necesary for a better society

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