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Human Body

The human body is composed of external and internal body parts

Internal parts External parts

liver eyes
heart legs
kidneys hands
stomach nose
lungs Neck
Small intestines knees
Large intestines feet
brain ears

The body parts that we can see or touch are called external body parts.

The body parts that we cannot see or touch are called internal body parts.

Ways of caring our body parts

1. Eat healthy food – people should eat healthy balanced diet

A balanced diet consists of food from all of food groups which are

Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and mineral salts.

2. Wash your body thoroughly –you should take a shower or bath

Wash your body from head to toe
3. Brushing teeth – brush your teeth after every meal
Having regular checkups with the dentist
4. Washing hands- wash your hands regularly with soap

Wash your hands before every meal

Washing your hands will control germs

5. Exercise regularly- exercise your body everyday
Physical activities keep your heart healthy, strengthens bones, help
you to stay in shape and improves your thinking
6. Having enough rest- get enough sleep

Your brain needs sleep so that you can concentrate


1. The food we eat goes to the --------------

A. Lungs B. stomach C. liver D. heart
2. What we can use to brush our teeth?
A. Toothpick B. razor C Toothbrush D.soap
3. Human have ----------legs .
A. 3 B. 4 C. 2 D.1
4. We chew the food using-------------
A. Teeth B. ears C. nose Eyes
5. We prevent our teeth from decaying by-----------
A. Not eating B. brushing them C. eating sweets D. washing hands before you eat
6. --------- is external body part.
A. Kidneys B. mouth C. ears D. Hands
7. We breathe in and out air using---------------------
A. Nose B. mouth C. ears D. legs
8. ----------- is a healthy living habits
A. Eating sweets B. brushing teeth C. not having enough sleep D. drowning
9. We need food to ------------------------------------
A. Grow B. tall C. work D. body
10. The food we eat stored in the --------------------------
A. Head B. neck C. Stomach D. liver

Key words

Healthy fitness habit warm up cool down safety rules

Healthy habits

-Eating and exercise is a healthy for people to stay fit.

- People should drink a lot of water during and after exercise.

. Eat food with low fat.

. Eat fruits and vegetables

. Avoid eating junky foods.

. Exercise regularly.

Components of balanced diet Examples of food

carbohydrates Cassava, sadza, rice
Proteins Meat, fish
vitamins Fruits and vegetables
Fats Animal fats, nuts, margarine
Mineral salts Sea food, ishwa,
fibre Maize, vegetables

- having junky junky food will cause you to gain more weight
- We should wash our body after exercise.

Safety rules in various environments

1. Do not play in dangerous areas for an example pit with sharp objects, bottles cans
and bones
2. Check for dangerous substances and objects- clean the environment first before
engaging into any activity
3. Follow instructions- this will help you to avoid accidents
4. Report accidents as soon as possible


-Warm up activities these are activities done before any sporting activity.

-Warm up activities include: light jogging, running, stretching and jumping.

-Warm up activity should be directed towards the main game activity.


It prevents muscle injuries

It prepares the body for an activity

It increases blood circulation.

It prepares participant mentally before the activity


- These are light exercises done at the end of the main game

-The activities are lighter than warm up activities examples of cool down activities are:
simple stretches, walking, and light jogging


-It reduces body tempo

-it helps to prevent injuries

- Reduces heart and breathing rate

-Reduces fatigue

- Returns muscles

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