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Clara Hemínio

Sara Lopes

Hello everyone, today our lesson will be about endangered species and we will focus on giving
you the most complete information.

To introduce the topic we will show a video to you about some species that are going extinct
and why is it happening.

Now that you saw the video we will start to teach you more about specific species that we
found interesting to present to you.

Firstly, we have African Penguins, an animal found in the African continent. They have a
blackhead neck and a White belly, flippers and tail. They are about 60 cm tal and weigh
between 2,5 to 5 kg. This penguin like other penguins has their wings to swim instead of flying.
The mix of black and White is what identifies them.

Mostly found in South Africa and Namibia coasts, African Penguins eat fish like sardine or squid
and some crustaceans. They can stay underwater for 2:30 minutes.

They are threatened by overfishing, oil spills, pollution and climate change. Their extinction
would affect other animals due to the food chain.

How can we help?

Establishing protected areas;

Improving water quality

Creating sustainable lifelihoods that don’t rely on fishing activities


Maned wolf

These animal is not exacly a wolf. They are a distant relative that can remember us of a giant

Their diet consists on native fruits and vegetables and their favourite food are avocado and
tomato. Besides that they only hunt deer and capybaras.c

They are thretened by human actions as well as habitats loss, hunting, poaching, deforestation
and wildlife traficking.

Some of their body parts are believed to have medical benefits.

Habitat loss due to: deforestation, agriculture and highways.

They are important because they provide critical ecosystem services since they hunt small
rodents and help to spread the seeds through the forest.
How can we help?

Stop wildlife trafficking

Create Protected areas

Give food suplies to restrict areas


Holly tree

It is mostly found in Europe.

These trees are used for Christmas decorations;

It is endangered due to overconsumerism at Christmas season and habitat loss;

The drupes are not safe eating for humans but are really important food for birds.

How can we help?

Consume less by recycling the Christmas decorations.

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