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Organizational Psychology 3rd Edition

Jex Test Bank

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Chapter 8: Beliefs and Attitudes About Work and the Organization

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A psychological measure (instrument) is said to be _______________ if it (a) correlates highly with

other measures of the same construct, (b) is distinct from different construct measures, and (c) is
theoretically linked to other important constructs.

a) criteria valid

*b) construct valid

c) fully defined

d) construct reliable

2. Job satisfaction has been shown to correlate with many other variables, but its strongest relationship
appears to be with:

*a) Employee attitudes

b) Employee behaviors

c) Employee emotions

d) Organizational profit

3. The four dimensions of Hofstede’s (1984) cultural values typology are:

a) personal/impersonal, feminism, respect, uncertainty avoidance

b) mine/yours, theirs/ours, power control, clarity seeking

c) past/present, myopia, collectivism, masculinity

*d) individualism/collectivism, masculinity, power distance, uncertainty avoidance

4. The three most commonly researched forms of organizational commitment are referred to as:

*a) continuance, affective, normative

b) regular, neutral, super

c) heavy, moderate, light

d) entering, staying, leaving

5. A psychological contract represents:

a) An employer’s rights to an employee’s mental abilities

b) An employee’s view of what is right and wrong with his or her job

*c) An employee’s view of what constitutes good treatment by the organization

d) An unsigned employment agreement held by the organization

6. Job embeddedness occurs when an employee:

a) Has been with the organization a long time.

*b) Experiences a high level of fit with his or her job and community.
c) Occupies a high rank within the organization.
d) Feels stuck in his or her job because of a sense of obligation to the organization.


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