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Your honor, ladies, and gentlemen of the jury, while innovation does not come about

without creativity, creativity alone does not even remotely lead to advancement and
progress. Now, at this point, you might find yourself confused. You might ask yourself, isn’t
innovation almost identical to creativity? The answer lies within the practical and theoretical
implications of both.
- Let me put it to you this way.

This is the painting known as Soup Cans by Andy Warhol. It is an iconic exemplification of
modern art and pop culture.
- Who thinks this is creativity, Who thinks this is innovation.
This is the wheel, invented in 4000 BC, for those who don’t know what wheels are, it
enables movement of heavy objects with ease and it is still applied in methods of
transportation and mobility today.
- Put your hands up if your think this is creativity, Who thinks that this is innovation
This is the Vitruvian man. It is a drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci which was one of the most
accurate representations of human anatomy during the Renaissance.
- Who thinks this is creativity, Who thinks this is innovation

All three of the aforementioned examples were innovation. This is because the notion of
creativity lies within the conceived idea, or concept alone. However, innovation is the
practical application of those ideas, turning a mere concept into a tangible reality.

One might not describe the disciplines of business and law as purely ‘creative’. But surely,
innovation is what drives both fields to being prominent and vital to the function of modern
society. Henry Ford was certainly creative when he theorized the efficiency of a production
line, but when he implemented it and started mass-producing cars was when he exhibited

In Roman law, we all studied the gradual development of a number of legal systems and
procedures that came about due to sheer innovation. Whether it is the formulary procedure
or the Justinian codification project, we all see that the creative thinking of the praetors, or
Justinian and his mass group of jurists manifested in innovations that still has effects on
modern society today.

Your honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this is why I believe that innovation is
more important than creativity. Yes, one does not exist without the other, but ideas remain
merely ideas without applying that creativity and turning it into something tangible that is
of real value to other people. By tangible, I do not mean it has to be an object, but
something that brings tangible change or progress to the real world. Thus, innovation has
the power to change the world and drive progress.

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