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Nama : Rina Adryanti

Npm : 03062111037


1. We learn language because it is key to communicating with other people, understanding

culture, sharing information, and conveying ideas and emotions. Understanding the meaning
behind language helps us interact more effectively and broadens our view of the world. By
learning English, we can communicate with people from various countries. So that what we say
is easier to understand, of course it is important to use English with effective and efficient
sentences, both written and spoken.
2. a. Denotative Meaning: Refers to the literal or conventional meaning of a word. For example,
“cat” refers to a four-legged animal with fur.
b . Connotative Meaning: Meaning related to associations, feelings, or deeper meanings that
may be associated with a word. For example, "home" can have the connotative meaning of
comfort, security, or peace.
c.Emotive Meaning: Meaning related to the speaker's feelings or emotions. For example, the
word “happy” implies a feeling of joy or happiness.
d.Social Meaning: Meaning related to the social or cultural context that influences the
interpretation of a word. For example, the word "happy" in certain cultural contexts can have a
variety of different meanings.
e.Referential Meaning: Meaning related to references in a particular context. For example, in
everyday conversation, the word "there" refers to a place far from the speaker. -
Synonyms:Words that have similar or similar meanings. For example, "happy" and "glad" are
synonyms because they both refer to similar positive feelings.
3. -Word: Is the basic unit of language that has meaning. For example, “book”, “house”, “cat” are
examples of words in language.
-Diction: Refers to the choice of words or expressions used to convey an idea or message. For
example, using "small" as diction to describe a smaller size rather than using "tiny" or "mini".
-Terminology: Is a collection of words or terms that are specific and related to a particular field
or discipline. For example, in medicine, terms such as "hypertension", "anemia", and "heart
disease" are part of medical terminology.
-Register: Refers to the variations in language used depending on the situation, context, or
purpose of communication. For example, the use of formal language in a professional
environment is different from the use of informal language among friends.
4. -Synonyms: Words that have similar or similar meanings. For example, "happy" and "glad" are
synonyms because they both refer to similar positive feelings.
-Antonyms: Words that have opposite or contradictory meanings. For example, "hot" is an
antonym of "cold" because the two indicate the opposite state.
-Homonyms: Words that have the same spelling or sound but different meanings. For example,
"bat" can mean an animal bat (bat) or a tool for hitting (bat) in English.
5. -Semantics (Semantics):Study of meaning in language. This includes analysis of the meaning of
words, sentences, and communication context.
-Translation: The process of transferring meaning from one language to another while
maintaining the original meaning as much as possible.
-Literary Works: Creative use of language to convey a message, usually by using language style,
hidden meanings and additional meanings.
For example, when a literary work is translated into another language, the translation must pay
attention to semantic aspects. For example, in translating poetry, the translator needs to
understand the meaning behind the words and creative expressions used by the author. This
process involves a deep understanding of semantics to maintain the meaning and nuances
contained in the original literary work.
For example, when a poem contains metaphors or figures of speech that are very typical in the
original language, the translation must consider how to convey the same meaning in the target
language without losing the essence or beauty of the language of the literary work. This requires
a deep understanding of semantics as well as creativity in the translation process.

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