Go Ops MHK 001

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Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited

Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-001
Revision #: 00
Chemical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 1 of 11

Chemical Safety


REV. DATE: 30.11.2019

Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

Nouman Ameer M. Hanif Sultan M. Fasihuddin
Name & Signatures
____________ ____________ _____________

Installation Manager
Designation DGM Operations Head of Operations
MHK Terminal

Date 30.11.2019 30.11.2019 30.11.2019

Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-001
Revision #: 00
Chemical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 2 of 11



Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-001
Revision #: 00
Chemical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 3 of 11

This procedure describes all chemical safety documentation that is used to ensure safety
of employees handling chemicals is adequate and effective.

This procedure covers all chemical safety documentation used for the handling and
storage of chemicals associated with the business activities or associated processes.

The Supply Chain / QA or his designate is responsible for ensuring Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDS) are available for all chemical products present on Gas & Oil Pakistan Ltd.
locations, sites and facilities and also to ensure all chemical products are adequately
All employees are responsible for consulting the MSDS prior to handling chemical
products and for reporting defects in chemical product labeling to their supervisors and for
protecting the health and safety of themselves and others.

Gas & Oil Pakistan Ltd. will ensure that employees who may be at risk from exposure to
hazardous substances in their workplace receive adequate information and training
concerning the nature of the risks and the precautions to be taken; in particular, the
employee should be aware of:
 The hazards to which he may be exposed and the likely risk
 The reasons for, and the effectiveness of, safety measures in operation
 The symptoms and signs of danger of which he should be aware
 Safety discussions and meetings and the responsible person to whom he should
report any safety concerns
The information which company will provide includes:
 Product labels
 Supplementary general advice such as Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or
 Information Tags
 Detailed technical advice, when appropriate

Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-001
Revision #: 00
Chemical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 4 of 11

Product Labels
The main aims of product labeling are:
 To identify a particular substance and its container
 To highlight principal hazards that may arise during transport, storage and use of the
 To set out the basic safety precautions and emergency action to deal with the main
known hazards
Supply Labels
Supply labels are to warn and inform the user of both the acute and chronic exposure
hazards related to a substance. The label must be on the container from which the
dangerous substance is to be dispensed.
Conveyance labels
These labels are to warn and inform the transporter, emergency services and the public.
These labels must be on the layers of packaging liable to be handled during transport
(usually the outermost layer). These need only take into account the acute risks posed by
the substance.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
MSDS are to warn and inform the user of both hazards related to a substance and the
precautions to be taken to enable the protection of health and safety in the workplace and
the environment.
Gas & Oil Pakistan Ltd. has a general duty to ensure the health and safety of employees
and the protection of the environment in connection with the handling and storage of
articles and substances. There is no specific legislation governing the storage of all
dangerous substances, however, certain categories of substances are covered in various
regulatory requirements.

The only regulations in which the storage requirements for a gas are specified are for
liquefied petroleum gas:
 Suitable underground reservoirs, the surfaces of which are wholly or mainly in the
open air

Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-001
Revision #: 00
Chemical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 5 of 11

 Suitable fixed storage vessels either in the open air or below ground, the surfaces
of which are mainly in the open air
 Suitable moveable storage tanks or moveable storage vessels kept in safe
 The pipe-lines or pumps or other appliances of a totally enclosed pipe-line system
 Suitable cylinders are kept in suitable positions in the open air, or if not practicable,
in store rooms constructed of non-combustible material. The storeroom should be
adequately ventilated and should be either in a safe position or be in a fire resistant
structure. The store room should only use for storage of liquefied petroleum gas or
acetylene cylinders.

There are several regulations governing the safe disposal of waste, the requirements of
which include the following:
Disposal of waste must possess a valid disposal license, authorizing the disposal of that
type of waste.
No entry of poisonous, noxious or polluting matter or solid waste into any water such as
river, coastal water etc. unless consent has been granted by the appropriate authorities.
No disposal into sewers unless consent has been granted by the appropriate authorities.


General storage requirements for flammable liquids and other flammable substances are
not specified in regulations; some specific requirements are made in specific regulations
and are outlined.
Storage requirements for petroleum are not specified in regulations, however, regulations
for petroleum spirit in containers and vehicles include:
 In the open air or effectively vented to the open air.
 Unless in open air have an entrance to the open air.
 Have in, or as near to as is practicable, a fire extinguishing apparatus suitable for
petroleum spirit fires or supply of or other extinguishing means.
 Not be part of or attached to dwelling place unless separated by substantial floor or
partition which is not readily inflammable and has no opening.
 Storage if in building not to be under staircase or other exit likely to be used in case of

Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-001
Revision #: 00
Chemical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 6 of 11

 Petroleum spirit in containers must not be kept in more than two containers in / on any
motor vehicle, motor boat, hovercraft or aircraft, no more than two containers per
domestic premises if kept in a safe place.
 Effective steps shall be taken to ensure that all people working in buildings where
highly flammable liquids are stored are familiar with the means of escape in case of
fire and in its use and the routine to be followed.
 Packages and drums of highly flammable liquids and liquefied petroleum gas
regulations state that all vessels to be stored:
 Safe position in open air and, if necessary, protect against sunlight or
 Suitably closed in a storeroom which is in a safe position and fire resistant structure
 When the total quantity is <50 liters in a workroom in suitable, fire resistant cupboard
or bin
 With all openings kept closed other than the necessary vents.
 With all reasonably practicable precautions taken to ensure that any leakage, spill etc.
is contained or drained off immediately into a suitable container or safe place or
treated to make it safe
Tanks of highly flammable liquids and liquefied petroleum gas regulations state that all
vessels to be stored:
 In fixed tanks in safe positions
 With all reasonable precautions taken to ensure any spill, leakage etc. is contained or
drained off immediately into a suitable container or safe place, or otherwise treated to
make it safe.
 With all openings kept closed.
Activities involving the waste may require a waste management license, even if handled
on the site, where the waste was generated. Additional provisions have been imposed
over the normal requirements for disposal of substances classified as special waste,
which apply to any controlled waste (excluding pipe-line disposal). The cut off point for
these regulations is a flash point below 21 degrees Celsius. The additional provisions are:
A special system of consignment notes initiated by the producer of the waste to be
disposed of, in advance of disposal
Keeping of register of consignment notes and copies thereof, duly completed as required,
such registers to be kept:
 By producer for 2 years from date of removal of the waste from the site

Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-001
Revision #: 00
Chemical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 7 of 11

 By carrier for 2 years from date of removal

 By disposer until surrender of his disposal license, with all copies to the disposal
Keeping of special records referencing the consignment note register by the disposer
 Site plan with marked grid indicating where disposal occurred or equivalent information
 Date of disposal
When disposal takes the form of a discharge into water, the authorities require:
 No discharge of poisonous, noxious or polluting matter into any water such as river,
coastal water etc. unless permission has been granted by an appropriate authority.
 No disposal into sewers unless consented to by an appropriate authority.
Therefore, before any flammable substance is discharged into a sewer or water course
the disposer must agree in advance consent limits for the level of such discharge with the
appropriate authorities and take all required measures to ensure that these consent limits
are not exceeded.

Due to the thermal instability of many organic peroxides, they must always be stored well
below their individual Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperatures (SADT). This SADT
is used when calculating storage temperatures and control and emergency temperatures
used when transporting organic peroxides. In all cases the storage temperatures must be
kept well below the SADT in order to keep the active oxygen loss, caused by gradual
decomposition, as low as possible. It must be noted that liquid and paste organic
peroxides must not be stored at too low a temperature as turbidity, phase separation,
crystal deposits or solidification can occur.
The sensitivity to both high and low temperatures means that the permissible range of
temperatures can usually be found on each peroxide pack and accompanying technical
leaflets. Organic peroxides are best stored exclusively, with storage area kept clear of
combustible material and surrounding area clear of litter, vegetation etc. The store should
be clearly marked with the name of the peroxides(s) and should show “NO SMOKING”
The construction of a storage building should include a “blow-out” surface for pressure
release. If this is the roof it should be constructed of shatter proof tiles. Floors should be

Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-001
Revision #: 00
Chemical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 8 of 11

inclined and formed into a collecting pan with a sump from which any spillage can be
Adequate ventilation is very important and draught openings with blinds to protect against
sunlight should be fitted a short distance above floor level in side walls. Ventilation should
also be fitted into the roof. All electrical equipment should be of flameproof construction.
When organic peroxides must be kept cold the design of the building will depend on the
temperature required, e.g. light colored paint on the outside of the building, building a
bunker in the ground or actual permanent cooling equipment installed.

Activities involving the waste may require a waste management license, even if handled
on the site, where the waste was generated. Additional provisions have been imposed
over the normal requirements for disposal of substances classified as special waste,
which apply to any controlled waste (excluding pipe-line disposal):
A special system of consignment notes initiated by the producer of the waste to be
disposed off, keeping of register of consignment notes and copies thereof, duly completed
as required, such registers to be kept:
 By producer for 2 years from date of removal of the waste from the site.
 By carrier for 2 years from date of removal.
 by disposer until surrender of his disposal license, with all copies to the disposal
Keeping of special records referencing the consignment note register by the disposer
 Site plan with marked grid indicating where disposal occurred or equivalent
 Date of disposal.

Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-001
Revision #: 00
Chemical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 9 of 11

When disposal takes the form of a discharge into water, the authorities require: No
discharge of poisonous, noxious or polluting matter into any water such as river, coastal
water etc. unless permission has been granted by an appropriate authority. No disposal
into sewers unless consented to by an appropriate authority.
The disposer must hold a permit issued by a competent authority. The waste must only be
stored, treated and/or disposed by installations holding such permits. These permits shall
cover: type and quantity of waste, technical requirements, precautions to be taken,
disposal site(s) and methods of disposal. Permits may set out additional requirements at
the discretion of the competent authority. Persons without permits producing or holding
the waste must have it transferred as soon as possible, to an establishment/installation
permitted to handle toxic and dangerous waste.

Where indicated by risk assessments exposure to toxic substances and contaminated
waste must be controlled by safe storage, including the use of secure and identifiable
containers. Washing facilities for employees, protective equipment, wash-down facilities
and materials for dealing with spillages should be provided. Accurate and up-to date
records of stored toxic substances and movements in and out of the store should be kept.
Toxic substances should be stored separately from other certain types of material i.e. kept
particularly separate from explosive, flammable, self-igniting and all water reactive metals
and corrosives. The means of separation required is largely determined by the amounts of
material held. For smaller amounts, storage cupboards (suitably ventilated if necessary)
and secure, suitably designed bins will suffice.
Temperature extremes should be avoided e.g. condensation can: cause labels to fall off,
react with certain chemicals or render containers wet and slippery.
Store should be designed to allow for potential spillages - sloped floors, sumps, drains etc.
and should have provisions for location of suitable fire extinguishers, first aid equipment,
protective clothing, alarms etc. Regular store inspections are essential: checking the
condition of labels, shelves, containers etc.
In certain circumstances access to a toxic store should be limited to authorize personnel
only and reasonable precaution taken to ensure unauthorized entry is not allowed. It is
generally sufficient to store toxic substances in an area which has been partitioned off to
prevent access to the public.
It must be noted that many toxic substances will be covered by storage requirements and
provisions or other hazard classes, and these should be considered accordingly.

Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-001
Revision #: 00
Chemical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 10 of 11

Activities involving the waste may require a waste management license, even if handled
on the site, where the waste was generated. Additional provisions have been imposed
over the normal requirements for disposal of substances classified as special waste,
which apply to any controlled waste (excluding pipe-line disposal):
A special system of consignment notes initiated by the producer of the waste to be
disposed off, keeping of register of consignment notes and copies thereof, duly completed
as required, such registers to be kept:
 By producer for 2 years from date of removal of the waste from the site.
 By carrier for 2 years from date of removal.
 By disposer until surrender of his disposal license, with all copies to the disposal
Keeping of special records referencing the consignment note register by the disposer
 Site plan with marked grid indicating where disposal occurred or equivalent
 Date of disposal.
When disposal takes the form of a discharge into water, the authorities require:
 No discharge of poisonous, noxious or polluting matter into any water such as river,
coastal water etc. unless permission has been granted by an appropriate authority.
 No disposal into sewers unless consented to by an appropriate authority.
The disposer must hold a permit issued by a competent authority. The waste must only be
stored, treated and/or disposed by installations holding such permits. These permits shall
cover: type and quantity of waste, technical requirements, precautions to be taken, disposal
site(s) and methods of disposal. Permits may set out additional requirements at the
discretion of the competent authority. Persons without permits producing or holding the
waste must have it transferred as soon as possible, to an establishment/installation
permitted to handle toxic and dangerous waste.
Substances Which Should Not Be Stored Together
The consequences of unplanned storage can be disastrous e.g. a serious explosion leading
to the release of toxic fumes into the atmosphere. The supply label should be consulted to
identify the main hazards of the substance. As a general rule substances of different hazard
classifications should not be stored together, see attached chart for further information. The
following general guidelines indicate which types of substances may be incompatible:

Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-001
Revision #: 00
Chemical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 11 of 11

 Flammable, highly flammable and extremely flammable substances should not be

stored with any other types of hazardous substance except irritant and harmful
 Explosives and radio-actives should not be stored with any other type of hazardous
 Toxic substances should not be stored with any other type of hazardous substance
except harmful or irritant substances.
 Oxidizing substances should not be stored together with any other types of hazardous
 Irritant/harmful substances may be stored with flammable and toxic substances, and
also with oxidizing substances, subject to special precautions.

Chemical Inventory
Material Safety Data Sheet
Chemical Inspection Checklist


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