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Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited

Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-003
Revision #: 00
Electrical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 1 of 5

Electrical Safety


REV. DATE: 30.11.2019

Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

Nouman Ameer M. Hanif Sultan M. Fasihuddin
Name & Signatures
____________ ____________ _____________

Installation Manager
Designation DGM Operations Head of Operations
MHK Terminal

Date 30.11.2019 30.11.2019 30.11.2019

Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-003
Revision #: 00
Electrical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 2 of 5



Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-003
Revision #: 00
Electrical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 3 of 5

This procedure outlines the responsibilities and activities associated with the safe use of
electricity at the workplace within premises of Gas & Oil Pakistan Ltd.

This procedure is applicable to all departments / sections of Gas & Oil Pakistan Ltd.
whose function is covered in Management System.

The departmental Heads and Emergency Response Team are responsible for ensuring
that necessary resources are made available to maintain electrical supplies and
equipment in safe working order and for ensuring that only adequately trained and
qualified people are authorized to conduct work on electrical systems and equipment.

All employees are responsible for handling electrical systems and equipment in a safe and
responsible manner, for reporting any defects noticed and for ensuring only suitably and
sufficiently trained personnel conduct work on electrical systems and equipment.

GO-Pakistan acknowledges that health and safety hazards may arise with the provision
and use of electricity and electrical equipment. It is the intention of company to ensure that
any risks associated with electricity such as death or injury to persons from electric shock,
electrical burns, electrical fires, electric arcing or explosions initiated or caused by
electricity are reduced to a minimum.
This procedure covers the normal use of equipment supplied with electrical power which
is use in workshops, offices and different areas of company. The equipment may be fixed
or portable. Risks associated with testing or maintenance is also covered.
Any person using equipment supplied with electrical power is at risk if that equipment is
incorrectly or inadequately maintained, un-tested or has not undergone periodic
examination or maintenance.
Maintenance and repair personnel are especially at risk if the equipment they are testing
or repairing is not correctly isolated from all possible sources of electrical power. Persons
not directly involved with the installation, test or repair may be placed in danger if the
correct procedure for isolation is not carried out, for detail see Lock Out Tag out
Electrical hazards are associated with the following:
 The fixed installation;
 Electrically powered tools;
 Portable electrical appliances;
Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-003
Revision #: 00
Electrical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 4 of 5

 Leads, connectors and other components of electrical tools and appliances.

The following actions should eliminate or reduce the risk associated with the above
hazards to an acceptable level. The analysis of the likelihood and severity of harm being
caused by electrical equipment, taking into account the preventative and protective
measures should be shown on the general risk assessment form. Where changes take
place in any of the activities outlined above or any other hazard is identified which is not
included above, an additional risk assessment must be carried out with details of the
appropriate arrangement.
Examples of activities where a specific risk assessment will be required include:
 Electric welding adjacent to water or other conducting liquids;
 Use of computer controlled equipment;
 Working near overhead and underground power lines;
 Portable equipment used outside;
 Testing, maintenance and the provision of electrical services in flammable/
combustible risk areas;
 Provision and/or maintenance of electrical services in areas adjacent to bulk or bottled
gas storage areas;
 Any requirement for working on electrically live equipment;
 Provision of electrical services in buildings during the construction phase;
The Emergency Response Team along with departmental heads will ensure that any
electrically powered equipment, service or portable apparatus in use on the organization’s
premises is of a type approved for use by Company employees, meets the requirements
of Country’s legislation and standards, and is used, tested and maintained to a safe
standard and in accordance with the control measures outlined below.
The fixed systems will be installed to appropriate country standards and legislative
requirements, and will be maintained and tested at intervals as specified by the
Portable apparatus will be maintained and tested at intervals specified by the
Equipment requiring to be operated in an “outside” environment, where possible, should
be suitable for use on 220 volt supplies. A residual current device, suitably rated circuit
breaker or similar, country specific and fault trip device should be used to minimize the
risk of electrical shock.
Work to be completed on or near “live” equipment will require a risk assessment to be
completed prior to commencing with the work. This should justify both that the work
Gas & Oil Pakistan Limited
Doc. # GO-OPS-MHK-003
Revision #: 00
Electrical Safety Date: November 1, 2019
Page #: 5 of 5

cannot be carried out while the equipment is “dead”, PPE required i.e. rubber gauntlets,
rubber matting, insulated hand tools, and that it is safe to carry out the work while the
equipment is “live”.
All maintenance and testing of fixed electrical equipment and portable equipment is to be
carried out by employees or contractors who have been trained and certified as
All power supplies will be fully isolated, labeled and locked in the “off” position while work
is in progress on the circuit or system. Where electrical isolators do not have provision for
locking out circuit, breaker or fuses should be switched off or pulled and the circuit
conductors disconnected to ensure supplies cannot be switched on, accidentally.
Battery power banks will be of an approved construction, fitted with safety isolators and
provided with adequate ventilation extraction. Suitable personal protective equipment
(PPE) and safety equipment will be provided.

Lockout Tag out
Permit to Work

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