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“Wake early if you want another man’s life or land.

No lamb for the

lazy wolf. No battle’s won in bed.”

Reps, Progression and Rest Intervals

The rep progressions of these workout routines are unique. You don’t need to
complete a certain number of reps for each set, instead, complete the total number
of reps that are mentioned in the tables in the given number of sets. For instance, if
you are required to perform 4 sets of back squats with a rep goal of 32, you can
perform first set with 10 reps, second set with 9 reps, third set with 7 reps, and
fourth set with 6 reps. If you complete the desired number of reps in the specified
number of sets, you can add up the weight in the next session.

You can add up to 5, 10, or even 20 lbs of weight depending on the lift. In case if you
fail to complete the desired number of reps, you can stick to the same weight until
you complete the desired number of reps with strict form.

Rest Periods

It is recommended to take 2-4 minutes of rest between the working sets of

compound movements and 1-2 minutes of rest between the working sets of isolation

Now, since you have got the basic idea behind the rep progression and rest periods
of this program, we can proceed with the training routines.

Viking Full Body Routine

This is a full-body training routine where you get to train your full body three times a
week. Following this workout routine, you will go through with the standard rest day
between the training days. You will be taking two days off after each round. Under
this routine, your workout split will look like this:-
 Day 1
 Off
 Day 2
 Off
 Day 3
 Off
 Off

Viking Full Body Routine

Exercises Sets – Reps

Day 1

Back Squat 4 – 32

Bench Press 3 – 25

Barbell Rows 3 – 25

Seated Leg Curls 3 – 30

Seated Dumbbell Press/ Military Press 2 – 20

Wide-grip Pulldowns 3 – 30

Abs supersetted with Calves 3 – 40 (each)

Day 2

Deadlift or Romanian Deadlift 2 – 12 or 3 – 30

Leg Press 3 – 30

Incline Dumbbell Press 3 – 30

Close-grip T-bar or Cable Rows 3 – 30

Lateral Raises/Barbell Shrugs 3 supersets of 30 reps each

Straight Arm Pulldowns/Facepulls 3 supersets of 40 reps each

Barbell Curls/Skullcrushers 3 supersets of 30 reps each

Day 3

Back Squat 4 – 32

Bench Press 3 – 25

Barbell Rows 3 – 25

Lying Leg Curls 3 – 30

Seated Dumbbell Press or Military Press 2 – 20

Close-grip Pulldowns 3 – 30

Abs supersetted with Calves 3 – 40 (each)

Viking Upper/Lower Split Routine
This is a 4-day upper/lower split. Under this workout routine, you will split your
workout sessions in the following pattern:-

 Day 1: Upper 1
 Day 2: Lower 1
 Day 3: Off
 Day 4: Upper 2
 Day 5: Lower 2
 Day 6: Off
 Day 7: Off

Viking Upper/Lower Split Routine

Exercises Sets – Reps

Upper Day 1

Bench Press 4 – 32

Barbell Rows 4 – 32

Military Press 3 – 25

Wide-grip Pulldowns or Pull-ups 3 – 30

Incline Dumbbell Press 3 – 30

One-arm Cable or Dumbbell Rows 3 – 30

Straight-arm Pulldowns or Facepulls 3 supersets of 30 reps each

Lower Day 1
Back Squat 4 – 32

Deadlift or Romanian Deadlift 2 – 12/3 – 30

Hack Squat 3 – 30

Lying Leg Curls 3 – 30

Single-leg Leg Press 3 – 35

Abs supersetted with Calves 3 – 40

Upper Day 2

Bench Press 4 – 32

Barbell Rows 4 – 32

Military Press 3 – 25

Wide-grip Pulldowns or Pull-ups 3 – 30

Lateral Raises/Barbell Shrugs 3 supersets of 30 reps each

Barbell Curls/Skullcrushers 3 supersets of 30 reps each

Overhead Cable Extensions or Cable Hammer Curls 3 supersets of 35 reps each

Lower Day 2

Back Squat 4 – 32
Romanian Deadlift 3 – 30

Leg Press 3 – 30

Leg Extensions or Leg Curls 3 – 35

Abs supersetted with Calves 3 – 40

Viking Upper/Lower/Pull/Push/Legs Routine

This routine requires you to train your body 5 days a week with an
Upper/Lower/Pull/Push/Legs split. In this workout routine, you will split your workout
sessions in the following pattern:-

 Day 1: Upper
 Day 2: Lower
 Day 3: Off
 Day 4: Pull
 Day 5: Push
 Day 6: Legs
 Day 7: Off

Viking Upper/Lower/Pull/Push/Legs Routine

Exercises Sets – Reps

Upper Day

Bench Press 4 – 32
Barbell Rows 4 – 32

Military Press 3 – 25

Wide-grip Pulldowns or Pull-ups 3 – 30

Barbell Curls/ Skullcrushers 3 supersets of 30 reps each

Straight-Arm Pulldowns/ Facepulls 3 supersets of 40 reps each

Lower Day

Back Squat 4 – 32

Deadlift or Romanian Deadlift 2 – 12/3 – 30

Hack Squat 3 – 30

Lying Leg Curls 3 – 30

Single-leg Leg Press 3 – 35

Abs supersetted with Calves 3 sets of 40 reps each

Pull Day

Barbell Rows 4 – 32

Wide-grip Pulldowns or Pull-ups 3 – 30

T-Bar, Cable or Dumbbell Rows 3 – 30

Close-grip Pulldowns 3 – 35

Straight-arm Pulldowns/Facepulls 3 supersets of 40 reps each

Barbell Curls 3 – 30

Hammer Curls (with either dumbbell

or cable) 3 – 35

Push Day

Bench Press 4 – 32

Military Press 3 – 25

Incline Dumbbell Press 3 – 30

Cable Crossovers 3 – 40
Lateral Raises 3 – 30

Skullcrushers 3 – 30

Overhead Cable Extensions 3 – 35

Leg Day

Back Squat 4 – 32

Romanian Deadlift 3 – 30

Leg Press 3 – 30

Leg Extensions/Leg Curls 3 supersets of 35 reps each

Abs supersetted with Calves 3 – 40 (each)

Final Words

You can choose any one of the above three routines that you find most suitable and
apt for your schedule. These workout programs will provide your body with adequate
challenge and stress that it needs to gain both muscle size and strength. These
workout routines will surely challenge the berserker hidden inside you. So what are
you waiting for, do these workout routines and grow like a Viking by testing your
physical potential and mental fortitude to the max.

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