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High Beginner

English online

Oral production activity # 3

Unit: 11
Course: High Beginner
Topics: getting a job, abilities, interviews
Communicative function: Talking about abilities and tips to do well in an online job interview
Interaction: individual
Target language:
a. vocabulary associated with the topic of education
b. modal be able to (all forms-present/past/future)
c. gerund as object
d. gerunds after prepositions
e. language banks from Unit 11 online sessions
Length of video: Your video should last from 2’30” to 3’30”.
Technical requirements:
• email, Workplace or any social network to make arrangements with your partner
• any video recording tool
• any video editing tool, if necessary
Note: If you use to make the video, change video privacy setting to “unlisted” so your
teacher can view it, but not strangers on the internet.
Assessment criteria:
• pronunciation and intonation
• accuracy
• interactive communication
• task achievement (organization, clarity and use of webcam)

See the rubrics in Información General on Blackboard.

Timeline and deadline:
This task should be prepared during week 6.
Each student must upload their video or paste the link to their video on Blackboard (Unit 11 file) by Sunday
at 23:59 p.m.
High Beginner


Talk about your abilities, your major and job interviews.

• what you are able to do now that you are majoring in (architecture, business, engineering,
• what you will be able to do after you graduate in (architecture, business, engineering)
• 5 top tips to do well in an online job interview

Do not use scripts

Before recording

• Review unit 11. Use resources from English Discoveries and Blackboard.
• Watch unit 11 class recordings on Blackboard.
• Plan how you are going to start, develop and end your speech. Avoid scripting your speech.
Improvisation is welcome.
• Make sure you will use the vocabulary and grammar structures you have learned in Unit 11. See Target
language above.
• You may want to practice sometimes before recording the final version of your video.
• Check the rubrics with specific criteria for grading oral production activities.

While recording
• Be in a well-lit area.
• Speak as clearly and naturally as possible.
• Look at the camera while you talk (as often as possible).
• Smile.
• Be confident.
• Do not just read.
• Show objects, pictures or other people doing things, if necessary.
• Use nonverbal communication.

After recording

• Make sure your video respects the time limit.

• Test your video works well before sending the link or uploading the video file.
• Paste the link of your video or upload the video file and the script (the script is referential) in the
Assignment section (“actividad”) in Unit 11 on Blackboard.
• Check you have submitted your assignment in Review submission history (Revisar historial de

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