Reflection Log #1 - Baluyo

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Baluyo, Jeremy - 2020-12458

The body composition analysis machine was an eye-opener. It helped me understand my

body better than ever before. Before using it, I thought I hadn't changed much since high school,
just the same old me. I guess I got used to seeing myself in the mirror, and any alterations
probably went unnoticed. As I stepped onto the machine, I secretly wished for some weight gain.
I've always been self-conscious about being too skinny. My mind raced with thoughts about what
could've changed since my last height and weight measurement, of course, hoping for better
results this time.

To my relief, the scale showed that I had gained more than 10 kilograms since high
school. It was the result I wanted, and the best part was that everything seemed normal. That
news made me happy, and I felt motivated. With this, I started picturing myself doing regular
workouts, lifting weights, and running around. I thought maybe hitting the gym would be the
way to go. I believed that if I put in the effort, I could achieve the body I desired. But reality
quickly set in, and my enthusiasm dropped.

Life was already hectic, and adding a strict workout routine seemed overwhelming.
Maintaining it regularly was going to be a real challenge. As much as I wanted to transform my
body, I realized I had a lot on my plate, and the workload was not going to let up anytime soon.
While I felt encouraged by the positive results, I had to be realistic. Changing my body would
require time, dedication, and discipline, which might be hard to come by at this point in my life.
The initial excitement faded, and I found myself discouraged.

But despite the discouragement, I knew that the analysis had opened my eyes to
possibilities. It showed me that I could improve myself if I set my mind to it. Even though my
current circumstances might not allow for major changes, I still had the power to make small
adjustments to my lifestyle. Maybe I couldn't hit the gym every day, but I could still work
towards a healthier version of myself in my own way and at my own pace. And that's something
to be proud of.

The changes in my body, particularly the weight gain, could likely be attributed to a
couple of factors. First, my occasional volleyball games might have played a significant role.
Baluyo, Jeremy - 2020-12458

While not as regular as a strict workout routine, these games provided me with a good amount of
physical activity, helping to build some muscle and contribute to the increase in weight.

Another factor that I believe contributed to the weight gain was gaining independence.
Being in control of what I ate allowed me to have a better appetite. I started indulging in the
foods I craved, even if some of them weren't exactly healthy choices. Nevertheless, it seemed to
work in achieving my weight gain goals.

Now, I'm considering taking the next step towards improving my body further. I
understand that gaining weight alone won't lead to a healthy and fit physique. I aspire to have a
more toned and muscular body, which means incorporating regular exercises and adopting a
healthier diet. While my volleyball games have helped in their own way, I recognize the need for
a more structured exercise routine to target specific muscle groups. Whether it's through weight
training, bodyweight exercises, or a combination of both, the goal is to build muscle strength and
definition. Maybe it’s time to start with this goal.

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