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4.3. Consider the flowsheet for the manufacture of vinyl chloride in Figure 4.8.

a. If the pyrolysis furnace and distillation towers are operated at low pressure (1.5 atm), what
are the principal disadvantages? What alternative means of separation could be used?
If we used operation condition at low pressure (1.5 atm) we need to rise the temperature
due to the rate of reaction. When you increase the pressure, the molecules have less
space in which they can move. That greater density of molecules increases the number of
collisions. When you decrease the pressure, molecules don't hit each other as often and
the rate of reaction decreases.
b. For the process shown, is it possible to use some of the heat of condensation from the C2H4Cl2
to drive the reboiler of the first distillation tower? Explain your response. If not, what process
change would make this possible?

Yes, It’s possible because the output of C2H4Cl2 has 146.1oC and the output of condensate
from first distillation tower has 93oC. So it’s possible to use heat from C2H4Cl2 to drive the
c. Consider the first reaction step to make dichloroethane. Show the distribution of chemicals
when ethylene is 20% in excess of the stoichiometric amount and the chlorine is entirely
converted. Assume that 100,000 lb/hr of vinyl chloride are produced.
d. Consider the first distillation tower. What is the advantage of cooling the feed to its bubble
point at 12 atm as compared with introducing the feed at its dew point?
The bubble point is the point at which the first drop of a liquid mixture begins to
vaporize, while dew point is the point at which the first drop of a gaseous mixture begins
to condense. We talk about separation using distillation, to separate mean to vaporize
some of the component. Thus if we introduce the feed at its dew point, it will require
more energy to heat it up to its bubble point.
e. Why isn’t the feed to the pyrolysis furnace heated with the hot pyrolysis products?
Because it will be meaningless. Dichloroethane liquid need to be vaporized so we used
evaporator. If we use hot pyrolysis products to heating it, it won’t effective.
f. What is the function of the trays in the direct chlorination reactor?
Simple, to increase the contact area in order to increase the convertion
g. Suggest ways to reduce the need for fuel and hot utilities such as steam.
Increased in the pressure will make it operate in lower temperature thus the fuel that
needed will significantly reduced. But, we will need the stronger material to handle the
higher pressure

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