Qahtan 21

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Qahtan Ghanim Ahmed

Ninawah, Iraq , Mousl

Gander: Male 25 years
M: +964771 974 9803

Cover letter

I am extremely interested in obtaining this position with your Organization I have outlined some
background information about myself below and attached a copy of my resume for your consideration. I
am organized and detail-oriented ،work well under pressure and deadlines ،enjoy working with a variety
of people, and have a great attitude. I am looking for a creative ،challenging, growth-oriented position
and would like the opportunity to get this position Thank you for your time .
Yours sincerely

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• Legal consultation, legal protection and provide legal representation in court.

• Strong case management, Child Protection and GBV working experience and knowledge.
• Experience in working with Host communities Refugees, IDPs, and host community, and experience
working in both camp and urban setting.


1. Case worker – War Child –Iraq, Telkaif and East Mosul- July/ 2020 –31/Mar/ 2021

• Provide comprehensive child protection case management services to vulnerable children exposed to
protection risks in line with war child case management SOPs and national child protection case
management guidelines.
• Conduct comprehensive assessments in consultation with children, their families and relevant
stakeholders and design appropriate responses and case plans.
• Conduct referrals in a safe, ethical and confidential manner to internal/external service providers and
with concerned stakeholders
• Provide psychological first aid to children and caregivers when needed
• Work closely with community members and strengthen community referral mechanisms for safe
identification of child protection issues and referrals (it includes trainings of Community-Based CP
Focal Points)
• Promote child safeguarding mechanisms internally and towards children caregivers, teaching staff and
community members
• Use CPIMS forms and record case management information in line with data confidentiality protocols
• Conduct general CP assessments in Mosul and monitor CP risks in the context of operations
• Design and conduct activities with children, their caregivers, teaching staff and community members
(eg: sport activities, psychosocial
sessions, etc.)
• Train teaching staff of Mosul schools on Child Protection in Emergencies • Contribute to daily and
weekly reports

2. Protection Monitor at – Sun of the future organization (SOF) – Iraq, Erbil, Khazir
camp– Nov.2016 – July2017.

• Participate in protection monitoring visits to locations across Mosul, and interview families in order to
complete protection monitoring assessments.
• Respond to the needs of individuals through referrals to PARC lawyers, civil society organizations, local
authorities, other NGOs and UNHCR. Ensure timely and adequate follow-up for every case referred.
• Keep detailed records of the protection needs identified and the actions you have taken to address
these needs, including the use of appropriate referrals.
• Coordinate with local authorities, community leaders, security institutions and other public
institutions to facilitate
Protection Monitoring activities and to gather information on the ability of IDPs/Refugees to access
basic services and rights.
• Liaise with government officials to gather information related to IDP/Refugee protection.
• Facilitate community-based protection strategies.
• Write analytical weekly reports in English, for submission to protection Team leaders.
• Attend coordination meetings and trainings when required by supervisors.
• Strengthen communication and coordination with other humanitarian service providers, and establish
a referral mechanism with them.
• Uphold UNHCR’s code of conduct, and ensure that all persons of concern are treated with dignity and
respect, in accordance with humanitarian principles and human rights standards.
• Conduct other duties as assigned by supervisors.
• Report on special needs cases and advice on types needs Assistance, following discussion with
3. Case worker at, The Center for Victims of Torture (CVT) – Iraq, Mosul - Jan 2020– July2020.

• Provide comprehensive child protection case management services to vulnerable children exposed to
protection risks in line with case management SOPs and national child protection case management
• Conduct comprehensive assessments in consultation with children, their families and relevant
stakeholders and design appropriate responses and case plans.
• Conduct referrals in a safe, ethical and confidential manner to internal/external service providers and
coordinate with concerned stakeholders
• Provide psychological first aid to children and caregivers when needed
• Work closely with community members and strengthen community referral mechanisms for safe
identification of
child protection issues and referrals (it includes trainings of Community-Based CP Focal Points)
• Promote child safeguarding mechanisms internally and towards children caregivers, teaching staff and
community members
• Use CPIMS forms and record case management information in line with data confidentiality protocols
• Conduct general CP assessments and monitor CP risks in the context of operations
• Design and conduct activities with children, their caregivers, teaching staff and community members
(eg: sport activities, psychosocial
sessions, etc.)
• Train teaching staff of schools on Child Protection in Emergencies
• Contribute to daily and weekly reports

Qualifications on Protection and legal issues

• Gender-based violence and child protection;

• Legal identity including obtaining civil documentation necessary to access rights and services (birth
registration, marriage registration, etc.)
• legal issues related to displacement.
• Family law;
• Lack of Dec legal

Training Summary

Training title Training agency Location Date

1- kobo toolbox training CVT Mosul 2 Days
2- COVID-19 Alternative Care IRC Online 2 days
3- The GBV in Emergencies UNFPA training Online 3 Days
4- Introduction to Gender-Based-Violence(GBV), Mainstreaming, Gender equality Save The
Children Iraq, Erbil 4 days
5- PSEA and Child Safeguarding War child Iraq, Mosul 5 Days
6- Child protection in Emergencies (CPiE) SOF Iraq, Erbil 4 Days
7- Case management Warchild Mosul 3 Days
8- Psychological First Aid (PFA), psychosocial support (PSS) Warchild Mosul 2 Day

Issues Qahtan Cares about:

• Develop education in emergency cases.

• Disaster and Humanitarian Relief .
• Support Vulnerable People and Social Services.
• Protect Marginalized Children.
• Empower women.
• Struggle against child labor.
• Case management

Language and computer skills

Language (verbal and written): Computer Skills:

● English: Good Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point,

● Arabic: mother tongue Outlook, kobo collect)
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● I can work individually and in-group.

● I can work under serious pressure.
● I have a lot information about IDP’s Refuges.
● Fortran programming
● Internet explorer
● Ethics leadership.
● I have the ability to learn new skills in short time.
● I have the ability to work in anytime and anywhere.
● I have project Management, Strategic planning, good interpersonal, good leadership & Time
management. Training
● Coordination and representation
● Excellent communication skills and high level of ability to persuade costumers.
● Excellent costumer gained skills gained by working with Indian Doctors.
● Very good organizational skill
● Multi-tasking and ability to work under pressure.
● Very confident and initiative towards working.

References are available upon request

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