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Front Office staff shape guests' experience
and are the first point of contact.
They should be friendly, knowledgeable, and
efficient in handling requests.
Front Office staff need to be
organized and detail-oriented.
They manage guest information,
payments, and room allocations,
and accuracy is crucial to avoid
negative feedback.
Front Office staff must be skilled
at multitasking and working under pressure,
as they often have to handle multiple tasks
simultaneously, including phone calls,
emails, and in-person interactions.
Communication and teamwork are crucial
for successful Front Office operations.
Staff must communicate effectively within
and across departments for efficient
service delivery.
Working in Front Office requires excellent
communication, attention to detail, and
multitasking skills.

It can be a fast-paced and dynamic

experience, and a highly rewarding career
choice for those who enjoy people and
exceptional customer service in hospitality.
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