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C Questions

Unit 1
What is algorithm? Explain with suitable example.
What is flowchart? Explain with suitable example.
Unit 2
Define header file, main function, keywords, identifier, data type, constant,
variable, tokens.
How variable is declared and initialized.
Explain printf with example.
Explain scanf with example.
What is _________ operator. Explain with example.
Unit 3
What is if? Explain with example.
What is if else? Explain with example.
What is nested if? Explain with example.
What is ladder if? Explain with example.
Explain switch with example.
Explain for loop/while/do while with example.
Explain break/goto/continue with example.
Unit 4
What is 1D array. Explain with example.
What is 2D array. Explain with example.
What is structure? Explain with example.
String library function with example.
strlen(), strrev(), strcpy(), strcmp(), strcat(), strlwr(), strupr()
Unit 5 - Function
What is function? Types of function. Categories of function.
What are the elements of user defined function? With example.
Explain function with no argument and no return type with example.
Difference of call by value/reference.
What is recursion. Explain with example(factorial)

Unit 6 Pointer
Define pointer. How it is declared? How memory address is assigned to
What is * and & with respect to pointer? Explain with example.
Pointer arithmetic with example.
Array with pointer with example.
Pointer with function/Call by reference. (Swapping)
Pointer with structure with example.

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