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Max-Marik: 100
MEG BANGALORE Duration: 60Minu
General Knowiedge (Question number 1 to 15)/THTU TA (SE=I auteas 1d 15 m)

1.The il station Javadi s located in whch state? /STrat rdita vum fir zaARe7d?
A. Uitarakhand 3eRTSvs B. Kerala / à

CTaminadu fIS D. Utar Pradesh /3ar s~e

2. The ethsie pecple Todas are fourd m d arkaraaix u ad
AArunchai Pradesh /3FPTEM YZYI B. Tamil Nadu rars
C. Madrya Pradesh / Htz y | D. Rayasthan zITRITR

3. Which ot the folowing districts is on Ihe internationa border of India?

A. Purubaga B. Anantnag 3tq1

C. Kanmganj /amist D. Sirsa/rr
4. Who s known as the lalher of the Green Revolution 7 z f ifA ai sia fo EI JTAT
A. Norman Borlaug aat-T aKen BDr M S Swaminalhan

C None ol ths gad à s* an D. VKunen/ afu ERa

SThe largest producer of black pepper in India is /Ra ÄTDrd FaR T1 3FUTE5 KITU n ?
A. Andhra Pradesh : 31Tu BKarnataka / aaten
C. Keraia/àxa D. Tanil Nadu / fum T

6. author of book ltled 'Wings of Fire'. àra 3TUS STUR" ài eT

A. Jawahar Lal Nehru / HaTKR MT AET B. Maithii Saran Gupla/ 4ret erut ya
C. Mulk Raj Anand 1gea UA HTHZ DDf. APUAbaul Kalam

A=sit fat da * aun?

7. Pradip Kumar Banenee s associaled with which spert? s a zar
A. Base bal d da B. Hockey/ e
D. Table Tennis tan
8. The fist enperor of France was: 5TT a1 TEET RTSTT Lp?
A. Louis XIV g T 14 BNapolecn/udeNaa
D. Charlemagne / zndrAT
C. Martel/H
9. Whal is the fult form of LOC?/r3t M ai TR AU FIt?7
B. Line of Actual Control
Ae of Control PmÉ= 3sts axt
D. Location of Control DAASIE M E G
C.Lre of Commang/ n sta s=is

MEG (BANIJthe in second iast.

tick the onice that comes
given words in alphabetical order and
48, Arange
Clear. Cordrast, Bosh, Conslantiy,

Ciear, Contrast, Bosh, Constantly, B. Clear
AConstenty D. Bosh
2 C. Checked
Will be written as
same manner FRIEND
49. in a cerfain code language AWAKE is writen as 2VZJD, then in the

A, B, D._.K,P
50. Completetne series: A, B. D._C. K, P/frafafm *ut ani ai:
A. H
C. F B
vent cannot occur, Ihen ils prcbabil:y is
B. 1


40. The product ol a ratioral and an iTational number is /gfitu ztz sufea FTIT TUT-TUT
A. Always an irrabonal nurmiber B. somelimes rational and sometimes
fralional number

C.. Aways a rational number D. Aways an integer/gusT Eorta

41 The pernimeter of a triangle is 600 m. it the rato of sides is 12 13:15 hen tind the longest side.

A 225 B. 195
C. 130 D. 220

42. Find 30% ct (1500-600; = ? ET a 30% of (n500+600) =

B. 610
D. 600
43. in how many ditferent ways can the ictters ol he word ARISEbe aranged ?

A. 120 B.
C. 180 D. 90

44. A motor boat takes 2 h lo Iravei a dstance of 9 km down the current and i lakes 6 h to travel he sane dstance agains! the
cuTent. Tre speed of the bal in stil waler and that ol tha current (in km/h , respectively are

A. 3 kmh and 1 kmh B. 3 kmn and 2.5km/h

C. 3kmh and 1.5 kmh D. 3 kmvh and 2kmvh
45. Apersonsels 400 mangoes al the cost price d 320 mangoes. whal is his prolt percenlage?

X20 B. 15%
C.10 D. 25%

Logical Reasoning (Question number 46 to so)/aáns (ga ais 46 d50 )

6. Seiectme cód word ? / a TE TI ZATE * ?

A. Boat/ ATa B. Bus a
C. Tran/ D. Wheel TkI
47. Chocse out the odd one. / T-À Àfan aigTa RI
A. Blacksmith gER B. Carperter i Tes
C. Talor/zt D. Barber /ATS

2e5 Kelvin
is equivalent to
tempetature of
30. A B71.3 F
295 m t t
A .33 F D. oF

s 31 H 45 Ta
apra (aaa
number 31 to 4s)/
Mathematics (Questlon
years,tnen Ihe 7 boy wil be how ma
age of the tirst sx boys is 19'%,
7 boys is 20 years. l average
31. The average age of
years oid?

B. 18 years
A. 21 years D. 20 yearS
C. 23 years
?/5, 25,
. .

26, 125,
32. Whchisthe next
number n the series 5, B625
A.675 D. 650
V C. 600 and both work alternately days
NA' starts on the work
work in to days and 15 days
33. A and B' can do a wil the work be completed ?
day, in how many days 1 3E G

B. 12
A. 8
C. 10 Mi?
? / e agyT T44 faoí Fat grn YTsM Ai reI
Find the number of its sides
34. A polygon has 44 diagonals. B. 12
D. 13
C. 10

35 13.... 31,7,25, 13. 19,19, 13.

series ? 31,7.25, 13, 19, 19,
Findwhiph Is the next numberin
B. 4
D. 31
C. 7

runs and there by.increase nis average score by 2, What is his average
12th inning makes a score of 63
36. A batsman in his
alterthe 12th innings?
B. 13
A. 39
D. 87
C. 41
of their sqUares is 28. The sum cf the numbers will be
teo number is 2 and dilference
37. The diferenca of
B. 21
A. 19
D. 15
C. 14

into grams. ! 1589 HH ai TH Å

aaot i
38. Convest 1589 migram B. 1.569 grams
A. 158.9 gtams
D. 15.89 grams
C. 0.1589 grams
SAN1 laslest fft
in tazuft AA Wt T
mong the folkowing materials sound traveis

A. yaterFTET B. Vaçum'/ Aara

eSteel TËTT D. Ai'

20. A Dulet fired from rile ha[gà tt n rieit ~a d _

A. Bpth Kinerioand poBentiefenergy B. Knetic energy /ytAST 5N

C. Roterntial energy/RurihA zs D. None of these /gad RIz

21. The botanical name o tea is

ACaneia Sinensis àiferanftrctfra B. Rubiaceae / fayetty
C. Tnicum / a n D. Mangiera indiçáPa a
caled / Tch à ataga R 7 avfa st d
22. Green colcured pigment present in leaves is
B. Ptyccbilin/araieiet
A Chiorophryl : aettr D. xarthoph/ r i t a
C. Carotene a
23. Dactylography is the study of
B. Carbon dating / anáa gftT
A. Finger pnrts fx ft
C. Handwriting/ferarae D. Forensic iorTE

24. Lens Is made up of_--_. e .

BFirt glass i e T
1 1 3 E G

A. Ordray class
C. Fyrex glass / qtaH e T DCobalt glass / tart FME
25. The nadest fom ol carbon is
B. Coal a
e. Grephide / T5% D. Charcoal /arat

26. The nstrument used to measure the corcentralion ol sall waler is

A. Fatnometer 5ruttier BSalinometer Hfra

C. Galvancmeter ied=hT D. pH meter/hee stea
increase in atmosphéric
27. The Greenhouse Eetfect is mainly dus to the

EA. Carbon monoxide B. Ozone HTGTT : 3


Carbon di oxide D. Nitrogen TSEta

28. Inverter is a dence which converts

A. AC nto AC I H ae * B. DC into AC I t e¥
C. AC mto DC D. DC nto DCÉ E
29. The comgon name 'or potassiurm carbonate is e r a n eratte *
APotashctereT DVinegar /rr
C. Baking Powder àfmT36 D. Soda/TST
MEG BAN is known by
10. Joinl stream of Ganga and Brahmaputra B. Meghna / u T
A. SargpoRTTAT
D. Padma7uzn
C. Jamrina 3
seals n he four corners of india?
1.Who had estabishedthe fout Mslhas or Monastc

A Ramanujacharya / zimTRaTd BShankaracharya/ ias TTTd

D. Madhavacharya / Tuamd
C. Bhaskaracharya / 4TRTOTT
12. Wno Society d t 31T zzar atangét a rh
founded the Servants ol india
A. Chittaaranan Das frrtA aH B. Gopal Krshna Gpkhale

C. Bel Gangashar Tilak/ a TTIE R D. Lala Her Dayal mi kruATM

Minstnes of the Government of inda ?

13. Central Board oft Fim Certfication comes under whicn of the foiowing

A. Ministry of Human PesouTTes B. Ministy of Youth Atfairs and Sports

Devcpment HATM

C. Ministy ot Toursm and Cuture D Ministry ol intormation and Broadcasting

14. With whch rebgion are the Ditwara temples associated trarI a bT ut à zrata
A. Jainism/a B. Hindusim and Jainism both

C. Buddhism /dtr D. Hindusim/ Tg

15. Solteroson is caused due to Ta HTTTA.
A. Over-grazing by an1mals B. Rapd urbanization

CAll the above factors 3vtTE FTnH Ta D. Cuting of trees / dgl àh aAdarm

General Science (Question number 16 to 30)/HTHIa fAT ( ris 16à30 a

16: Dialysis S USedtor the trealment of

A. NoPe of these gad * B. Heart weakness/ ga grm
CKidney 1aiure fs dem D. Bran disease / t a

17. The laws of floating bo0des was dscovered by.

A. Newon /TA B. Achimedes 3Tdfrsr
C. Hennch Hertz Rs FÉT D. LE.Waterman gng aTCRta

8. Vuicansed rutber was imvended by a TR 3ITAER

B. Jchn Soyed Duniop 3a dias gaTa
A. Robet Wiiam Thomson
D. Kkpatrick MAcmilan
C. Charles Goodyear. arT TE FR

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