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Aspect La vendedora de rosas (1998) Children right’s in Colombia

Portrayal of The movie depicts the harsh In Colombia, there have been
Children life of street children in significant challenges in
Medellín, their struggles, and ensuring the rights and
their attempts to survive. welfare of street children,
including access to education,
healthcare, and protection
from exploitation.
Social conditions The film shows the harsh Colombia has faced social and
living conditions, poverty, and economic challenges,
violence that many children in particularly in marginalized
Medellín face. areas, which affect the well-
being and rights of children.
Legal framework The film does not directly Colombia has legal provisions
address the legal framework and international agreements
for children’s rights. to protect the rights of
children, such as the
Convention on the Rights of
the Child.
Education and Healthcare The movie highlights the lack Colombia has made efforts to
of access to education and improve access to education
healthcare for many street and healthcare for children,
children. although challenges persist,
especially in remote areas.
Violence and Exploitation The film portrays instances of Colombia has experienced
violence and exploitation issues of child recruitment
faced by the child characters. into armed groups and child
labor, but efforts have been
made to combat this issues.
The movie does not explore In Colombia, the government
Government initiatives government policies or has introduced programs and
initiatives regarding children’s policies to improve the
rights. situation of vulnerable
children, including those living
on the streets.
Impact of the movie “La vendedora de rosas” The film can raise awareness
sheds light on the struggles of about the challenges faced by
street children but does not children in Colombia and
directly advocate for specific potentially inspire discussions
policy changes. on policy and social change.

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