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Pasig Catholic College

College Department



A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Bachelor

of Science in Accountancy Program
in Pasig Catholic College

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy


May 2023
Pasig Catholic College
College Department


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of

Science in Accountancy, this thesis entitled “LEARNING TECHNOLOGY




has been prepared and submitted by CHRISTELLE E. ELUPRE, who is

hereby recommended for the oral examination.

Mrs. Jennifer D. Charanguero

Thesis Adviser

May 2023

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy by the Committee on Oral


Dr. Leonora D. Fernandez

Mr. Carmelito Novicio Mr. Virgilio B. Terrenal
Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy.

Dr. Leonora D. Fernandez

Dean, College Department

Pasig Catholic College
College Department


The researcher would like to express her heartfelt acknowledgement

to those significant people who guided and helped her throughout the

process of the study. Her utmost gratitude to the individuals who helped

broaden her perspectives as she went throughout this study.

To Mrs. Jennifer D. Charanguero, her thesis adviser, for sharing her

knowledge and expertise and for supervising the writing of this thesis. The

time and effort she has given is much appreciated to make this paper


To Dr. Leonardo Sumulong, her research writing proctor, for

bountifully sharing his knowledge and skills being an expert in thesis writing,

and for his patience in teaching and giving thesis samples;

To the Panel members, Dr. Leonora D. Fernandez, Mr. Carmelito

Novicio, and Mr. Virgilio B. Terrenal, for their distinguished skills and

knowledge in their own fields as seen in their way of giving suggestions for

the betterment of the paper;

To Mr. Allan Fabillar Espenilla, the statistician, for his generosity in

accepting the role as her statistician and for helping her to determine the kind

of statistical tool to be used;

To Dr. Rolando Robledo, Ms. Evelyn Nantes, and Mr. Virgilio Vivo,

for their knowledge and expertise as my validator in this paper, for all the

guidance, support, and instruction that they provided me throughout my


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College Department

To the respondents who participated in this paper and have spent a

lot of time and effort in answering the questions to complete the research

paper successfully; and

To BSA 3, batch mates of the researcher, for the effort and timeless

discussion during the revision, sharing of insights and lifting each other. All

the time spent with researcher is greatly appreciated.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department


The researcher expresses her gratitude and dedication to her parents

for their financial and moral support for without them, this paper would not

have been possible. She would also like to thank her friends for their

unwavering support and prayers during the research journey. This thesis

would not have progressed this far without them. To the accountancy

students at Rizal Technological University, Pasig Campus for inspiring the

researcher to create this study and for motivating her to offer strategies and

approaches that will be beneficial in the study of accounting; and to the

Almighty Father, for the wisdom, direction, and love in all that they do. The

researcher is indeed dedicating this success to all of them.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department


APPROVAL SHEET..................................................................................................ii




LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................................ix

LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................xi

LIST OF APPENDICES..........................................................................................xii


CHAPTER 1.THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND..................................1


Significance of the Study..............................................................................3

Theoretical Framework.................................................................................4

Academic Performance.................................................................................5

Conceptual Framework..................................................................................7

Statement of the Problem..............................................................................8

Statement of Hypothesis................................................................................8

Scope and Delimitation..................................................................................9

Definition of Terms.......................................................................................10

CHAPTER 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE......................................12

Learning Technology...................................................................................12

Adoption of Learning Platform...................................................................14

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Learning Platform........................................................................................17

Academic Performance...............................................................................18

Influence of Teachers on Student’s Academic Performance...............18


Elements of Grading...................................................................................19

Academic Achievement...............................................................................20

Influence of Technology on Student Engagement.................................21

Student’s Engagement...............................................................................21

Family factors in Academic Achievement of the Students....................22


CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY.............................................25

Research Design.........................................................................................25

Research Locale..........................................................................................26

Population and Sample..............................................................................26

Instrument of the Study..............................................................................30

Validation Procedure...................................................................................31

Data Gathering Procedure.........................................................................33

Data Processing Procedure and Statistical Tool....................................34

CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.....................................................36

Learning Technology...................................................................................36

Academic Performance...............................................................................48

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The Significant Impact of Learning Technology on Academic

Performance of Accountancy Students................................................................60

Implications Derived from the Results of the Study...........................................66



Summary of Findings...................................................................................70





Curriculum Vitae...................................................................................................99

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1 Population and Sample.............................................................................27

2 Demographic Profile of the Respondents with reference to

their age......................................................................................................28

3 Demographic Profile of the Respondents with reference to

their Sex......................................................................................................29

4 Demographic Profile of the Respondents with reference to

their civil status...........................................................................................29

5 Demographic Profile of the Respondents with reference to

their Year Level...........................................................................................30

6 Four-Point Likert’s Scale...........................................................................31

7 Scale Reliability Analysis (Cronbach’s Alpha)......................................33

8 Learning Technology in Terms of Accessibility......................................36

9 Learning Technology in Terms of Efficiency..........................................39

10 Learning Technology in Terms of Learning Platforms..........................41

11 Overall Impact of Learning Technology on studying Accounting

Subjects of Accountancy students at Rizal Technological

12 Academic Performance in Terms of Grades...........................................44

13 Academic Performance in Terms of Academic Achievement..............46

14 Academic Performance in Terms of Student Engagement..................49

15 Overall influence of Learning Technology to the Academic

Performance of Accountancy Students...................................................51

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16 Multiple Regression Analysis on the Grades Impacted by

Learning Technology...............................................................................53

17 Multiple Regression Analysis on the Academic Achievement

Impacted by Learning Technology........................................................54

18 Multiple Regression Analysis on the Student Engagement

Impacted by Learning Technology........................................................56

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List of Figures

1 Dabbagh e-Learning System..............................................................4

2 Edgar Theory of Performance.............................................................5

3 Conceptual Paradigm of the Study….................................................6

4 Sample Size Formula............................................................................26

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A Letter to the Office of the Dean..........................................................85

B Letter to the Respondents..................................................................86

C Letter to the Department Head of Accountancy..............................87

D Survey Questionnaire..........................................................................88

E Letter to 1st Validator...........................................................................95

F Letter to 2nd Validator...........................................................................96

G Letter to 3rd Validator............................................................................97

H Letter Request to Statistician..............................................................98

Pasig Catholic College
College Department


Learning Technology is a vital component in the educational process.

The idea of collaborative learning, which unites the instructor and other

students on a single learning objective, is one of the contemporary trends.

The huddle room and interactive classroom, where students can share their

multi- sourced resources on the same screen during educational/training

activities, have grown in popularity as a result of quickly adopted multi-

platform, wireless collaboration technology. The objective of this study is to

assess the impact of learning technology on the academic performance of

Accountancy students. A quantitative descriptive research design was used

in this study which consisted of 255 Accountancy students from Rizal

Technological University- Pasig Campus. The result of the data was collected

using the online survey questionnaire. The study resulted that learning

technology in terms of accessibility, efficiency, learning platforms had a

significant impact on the academic performance of the students in terms of

their grades, academic achievement, and student engagement.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Pasig Catholic College
College Department




Learning technology is an essential part in the educational process.

One of the current trends is the concept of Collaborative Learning bringing

together the instructor and other learners together on a common learning

goal. Quickly accepted multi-platform, wireless collaboration technologies

have resulted in the rise of the huddle room and interactive classroom, where

students can share their multi-sourced resources on the same screen during

educational/training activities. There is a need to create a new and separate

world designed to maximize learning. The learning management system (to a

stack of technologies) enables learning and development organizations to

inform, teach, guide, and connect people. A survey has been made to

learning professionals to see how they are using learning platforms in 2022.

The percentage of respondents using LMS and social learning technologies

has not changed, all other technologies have experienced growth. Foreman


Accounting students who study how to record transactions and read

financial data need to learn both the traditional and modern accounting.

Modern accounting is done with the use of computers or learning technology,

while traditional accounting uses worksheets which require manual input of

transactions. In recording transactions and writing computations, the

accounting worksheet must be legible and error – free for an accurate final

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

record of transactions. Accounting students often commit mistakes in their

worksheet, which affects its reliability and the accurate input of transactions.

The school has these boards, but they have to be dragged from classroom to

classroom which is time – consuming, as the teachers struggle to drag it in

class. Alternatively, Accounting students disregard the use of these wheeled

accounting boards and instead, spend their time drawing lines on the board

which is inefficient and time - consuming as well. Equipped with up-to-date

versions of discrete forms of technologies, miscellaneous activities will be

done to enhance students' digital and technological skills.

The overall objective of this study is to examine the impact of modern

technology on the academic performance of Accountancy students at Rizal

Technological University and to know each factor of the modern technology

on the academic performance of Accountancy students.

The possible contribution of this study to the field of Accountancy is to

gain an understanding on how the Accountancy students will benefit and

emphasize the effect on their academic performance through the use of

modern technology that would help them overcome the difficulties and

challenges on school learning.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Significance of the Study

This research would be important to determine the impact of modern

technology on the Academic performance of Accountancy students at Rizal

Technological University Pasig Campus. The findings of this research would

be beneficial to the following:

Rizal Technological University and the Administrators. This study is

made for the betterment of the school’s administrator and may serve as a

basis for the administrators in deliberating the need for modern technology.

Program Head of Accountancy. This study will benefit the program head by

giving them the idea of how technology can be useful to the students or if it is

impactful to the accountancy students in terms of their academic

performance. Accountancy Professors. This research shall inform the

professors if and why modern technology is necessary for the Accountancy

professors, and that technology is intended to benefit professors regarding

the efficiency and time – consumption during lectures.

Accountancy Students. This study will show whether modern technology

has an impact on the academic performance of the students. This research is

done for the benefit of students, and in expectation of lessening their

inconvenience during their accounting subject.

Future Researchers. The findings of the study will serve as a reference

material and a guide for future researchers who wish to conduct the same

experimental study, or any study related to the impact of modern technology

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

in the academic performance of Accountancy students of Pasig Catholic


Theoretical Framework



Figure 1. Dabbagh-e Learning System

According to Dabbagh (2005), the e-learning systems contain the

three main components of information systems. These components are

people, technologies, and services. Students interact with e-learning

systems. e- learning technologies enable the direct or indirect interaction of

the different groups of users, commonly other students and professors.

Technologies that are used provide support to integrate content, enable

communication, and provide collaboration tools or available application that

can enhance student capability with the technology. With this e-learning, one

can produce a lot of accessible platforms to use that could be useful to the

students who are engaging with the technologies, and as of that, efficiency

has the ability to achieve an end goal and no waste of time and effort. It can

be beneficial to the

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College Department

students to have more time for other academic activities and important student


Academic Performance


Fixed Level of
factors knowledge

Edgar Theory

Personal Levels of
factors skills

Level of

Figure 2. Edgar Theory of Performance

The theory of academic performance of Edgar (2007) emphasizes the

six foundational concepts that can be used to explain performance as well as

performance improvements. According to Edgar (2007), a performer can be

an individual or a group of people engaging in a collaborative effort. In this

case, developing performance is a journey, and level of performance is the

main location in the long journey. The Theory of Performance (TOP) model

has six components in the current level of performance: context, level of

knowledge, levels of skills, level of identity, personal factors, and fixed

factors. The theory of performance is much related and challenging to those

educators because as time passes by, they need to improve their

performance, and empower to help others to learn and grow. The findings

of Edgar (2007) is

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College Department

closely related to learning for understanding. When Rizal Technological

University will acknowledge this type of model, this could empower to create

results that will surely make a difference, working and learning together in

ways that will make the world better has been the primary goal of higher

education throughout the ages.

The theory of e-learning and the theory of performance are likely

having a connection. This study was designed to examine the impact of e-

learning on the academic performance of students. They were statistically

answered using Percentage to establish the students’ responses to e-

learning and academic performance. The findings revealed that e-learning

has a positive impact on the academic performance of the students. The two

types of online education are found to be important but there has been a

decline in the number of students using e-learning as their main line of

acquiring skills while the importance of using e-learning education is to aid

learning effectiveness. Improvement on the school should ensure that a

minimum standard of requirement is set for schools to get computer facilities

to enhance the effective accessing of material on computer education.

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Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Learning Technology Academic Performance

Accessibility Grades
Efficiency Academic Achievement
Learning Platforms Student Engagement

Figure 3. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

In order to have direction for the research study, the researcher

provides a conceptual paradigm of the study. The independent variable of

the includes impact of learning technology in terms of accessibility, efficiency,

and application. The dependent variable of the study is the academic

performance in terms of grades, academic achievement, and student


The arrow connecting the variables indicates the hypothesized

relationship between the impact of learning technology on the academic

performance of Accountancy students at Rizal Technological University-

Pasig Campus. Based on the model of the study, the study hypothesized that

the learning technology does not significantly relate to the academic

performance of Accountancy students at Rizal Technological University-

Pasig Campus.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to seek for learning technology and its

impact on the academic performance of Accountancy students at Rizal

Technological University- Pasig Campus.

Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions:

1. How may the learning technology impact in the study of the Accounting

subjects at Rizal Technological University be described in terms of:

1.1 accessibility;

1.2 efficiency; and

1.3 learning platforms?

2. What is the level of influence of the learning technology to the student’s

academic performance in terms of:

2.1 grades;

2.2 academic Achievement; and

2.3 student Engagement?

3. Does learning technology have a significant impact on the academic

performance of Accountancy students?

4. What implications may be derived from the result of the study?

Statement of Hypothesis

The learning technology namely; accessibility, efficiency, and learning

platforms does not significantly impact to the academic performance of the

Accountancy students at Rizal Technological University- Pasig Campus.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Scope and Delimitation

This study is primarily concerned with the learning technology and its

impact such as accessibility, efficiency, and learning platforms on the

academic performance of the Accountancy students at Rizal Technological

University - Pasig Campus. This study was conducted during the First

Semester of Academic Year from October 2022 up to February 2023.

The researcher delimited the study only in Rizal Technological

University-Pasig Campus. This is also putting emphasis on those students

who are using technology as part of their online classes. This study limited

the respondents to those Accountancy students who are included in

academic year started from October 2022 up to June 2023. To have an

accurate information regarding the study, the researcher also focused on the

Accountancy students, therefore a program such as Political Science,

Psychology, Teacher Education, Business Administration, Engineering is not

included in this study. This study also limited other information not related to

the topic to assure the respondents that information was mainly for academic

purposes and their identities would not be disclosed anywhere. Personal

information is limited only to their name and year level.

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Definition of Terms

The following terminologies are conceptually and operationally defined

to provide a clear understanding of the study.

Academic Performance. Academic performance is the measurement of

student achievement across various academic subjects. Teachers and

education officials typically measure achievement using classroom

performance, graduation rates and results from standardized tests.

Academic Achievement. Academic achievement represents performance

outcomes that indicate the extent to which a student has accomplished

specific goals that were the focus of the activities in instructional

environments, specifically in school, college, and university.

Accessibility. Technology has been designed in a way that can be

accessed by all users. The quality of being suitable or adapted for use by the

students and having access to technology.

Applications. It refers to software and systems, run on school equipment,

that support important administrative and instructional functions. The

following functions represent the major categories of technology applications

for schools and districts.

Efficiency. Technology can play an important role in creating lean and

efficient processes. It can help you reduce or eliminate duplications and

delays in the workflow, as well as help you speed up by automating specific


Grades. The grading practices used by many teachers are designed to

communicate student’s performance in a number of areas, including both

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academic achievement and behavioral factors such as student effort,

conduct and attitude.

Learning Platforms. An online learning platform is an information system

that provides a safe learning environment where students can take online

courses. It is used to feature online courses that you can create, the majority

are more educational-based and strictly offer university-level education.

Learning Technology. It is the broad range of communication, information

and related technologies that are used to support learning, teaching and


Student Engagement. Student engagement is a measure of a student's

level of interaction with others, plus the quantity of involvement in and quality

of effort directed toward activities that lead to persistence and completion.

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This chapter presents various conceptual and research literature

which provide theoretical and empirical insights into the problem.

Conceptual literature on the impact of learning technology to the

Accountancy students of Pasig Catholic College provides the researcher a lot

of theoretical insights. Likewise, the research literature on the same subject

of investigation conducted by competent individuals mainly through theses

dissertations gives the researcher empirical insights on the study. They are

grouped and presented thematically.

Learning Technology

According to the study of Sison (2021), learning technology is a

versatile technique of instruction, competent in many things, particularly to

the subjects and field of the students. This learning technology is useful and

found out that even in the midst of epidemic, freshmen students at some

public University exhibits high self-efficacy where there is accordance on

student’s beliefs in their ability to complete a task given to them by the

professors to achieve their goal. It is stated in this study that it can predict

superior academic achievement in all sectors of expertise, regardless of the

student’s educational backgrounds, internet usages, and internet

sustainability among students. In the study of Arinto (2013), he discovered

that this academic usage of learning technology tools and resources is linked

to the
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success and to the weight they place on both individual and collaborative

learning. However, the study discovered that academic has a variety of

approaches to teaching and learning. This learning technology is the

umbrella that describes communication, information and technological tools

used to enhance student learning, teaching and assessment. Supporting this

study, Caballero (2022) includes the range of digital tools and application

used by the student in online learning as well as physical and media used for

teaching and learning. Learning technology can help students increase their

self- responsibility, acts as an extension of their individual and collaborative


According to Bezzera (2015), one of the most relevant factors related

to success in implementing learning technology relates to how online

education is conducted. This includes receiving timely feedback, teachers’

efforts to be organized, delivering online lectures, adapting instructions to this

learning model, and helping students follow the courses and look for

feedback on their experiences. In support with this, Chopra et. al., states that

learning technology has timely feedback and responses to students’ actions

which are keys to effective online delivery. Also, there is a positive

association between e-service and information quality with students’

satisfaction. In its report, "Students, Computers, and Learning", the

Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development (OECD) came to

the conclusion that there is no proof that academic performance has

improved in schools that have made learning technology investments or

that this investment has narrowed the

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achievement gap between higher- and lower-achieving students. It

discovered that students were more likely to succeed academically in nations

with higher overall levels of digital competence.

Adoption of Learning Platform

Based on the result of the study of Scholtzand Kapeso (2014), they

explored the factors of technology-based learning approaches that it could be

used in different venture as resource planning system for the teachers. It has

easy access to teachers implementing learning materials and modules that

could be useful. It facilitates communication and social interaction between

the students and educators. Distance learning technology persists to grow as

everyone faces new normal after the pandemic. It was convenient not only

for the students but to teachers as well. The use of tools make it easy for the

educators and students to stay connected whether it is online or

asynchronous learning activities, Shannak (2013). Virtual tools include

different combination of helpful programs and online learning platforms like

Zoom, Google Meet and other applications that make online learning

possible and efficient.

According to Mothibi (2015), relevant research studies conducted for

the impact of technology-based learning on academic achievement examine

the relationship between learning technology and academic achievement in

higher education. They used the Cohen’s Model and they found out that

Learning Technology had statistically significant positive impact on students’

academic achievements.

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College Department


According to the study of Usher (2012), the accessibility of the

learning technology has been the widespread integration to the daily life of the

students, from cellphone, laptops, and other gadgets that access a lot of

application used in terms of school purposes. It has been designed in a way

that it can be accessed by all users. The accessible application can be

brought to the learning process, increasing interest and motivation for the

students. Jewitt (2018) added using the digital resources and provided

learners with more time for active learning in the classroom. It is very

necessary to the students to access different platforms and application with a

learning benefit.

Additionally, Biagi and Loi (2013) proposed that the ability to access

and use the technology has become essential to full participation of students

in academic and other school-related activities. For most educational

institutions, accessibility is commonly addressed as an afterthought, less

time-consuming, and costly to provide adequate access. Gray and Lewis

(2014) stated in their study on how the entities of technology has been

established. Accessible web page allows students to access information,

share their work, communicate with peers and professors, and it has taken

advantage of distance learning options. Included as well in the accessibility

of instructional courseware is that students are allowed to participate side by

side like classroom. They can view presentation, documents, spreadsheets;

and actively participate in simulations and all other academic activities.

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With the advancement in technology and the rise of remote learning,

classrooms are being remodeled and redefined in a number of ways to fit the

evolving needs of modern digital learners. According to Harrison (2014),

technology has been efficient to help connect students to the real world. It

allows educators to remove the physical barriers of the classroom, offering

students a way to connect in the areas of academic. It can be preparing

students for the workforce where students need to have more than a working

knowledge of certain technological tools. Many educational tools offer a

variety of functionalities that promote collaboration. Stated are Zoom and MS

Teams that provide an easy way for students to hold virtual learning with

professors, a virtual meeting with classmates from anywhere in the world.

Efficiency of technology has a lot of offers to students like accessing

information more easily, find information quickly and accurately. Search

engines and e-books are partially replacing traditional textbooks. Students

can get one-on-one help through educational videos and massive open

online courses. It is grounded in using these continuous learning tools that

enrich their future learning potential.

Increased collaboration can be aided by educational technology.

Teachers can communicate with students during lessons, but students can

also interact with one another. Students collaborate to solve problems

through online classes and educational purposes. Students can share their

ideas and thoughts and encourage one another in collaborative


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Simultaneously, technology allows for one-on-one interaction with teachers.

Students can ask questions about the classroom and receive additional

assistance with the difficult-to-understand subject matter. Students can

upload homework from home, and teachers can access and view submitted

assignments on their devices, Bay (2021).

Learning Platform

E-learnings do not require extensive computer skills, although there is

familiarity with computers and software, especially web browsers according

to Tarhini (2013). This web browsers help to reduce the acceptance barriers

for the higher education students. They can use it as a material for the school

purposes like studying at their own pace. Learning platform may perhaps

serve as flexible in terms of the availability. In this study, students can use it

for research, taking quizzes especially until now that we are having online

classes, students can participate with educators and other students, although

not at the same time. To support this study, Callan (2011) states that learning

platforms have an advantage for the students engaging in online learning. He

stated that it is affordable, saves time and a different platform that enables

the students to access materials from anywhere at any time. It can be

accessible to global resources and school materials so that students can

meet the level of knowledge and interest, and by this platform, learners can

have the potential to track their progress. It t is convenient for learners to

develop as well their

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knowledge of using the latest learning technology and the internet, Garrison


Academic Performance

According to Grismore (2014), student’s academic performance is

defined as academic progress of a single student, such as formative and

summative assessment data, coursework, instructor observations, student

engagement and time on task, and similar information of the students. It

applies as the measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects and measured also by the average of marks of the

student performance inside the school. According to Barkley (2014), the

academic performance of students reflects on their ability to demonstrate the

knowledge they have learnt in test, quizzes, presentations, and final

examination. Students’ academic performance is not only evident to the

students but also to the schools as it is a measure of success of their

educational process. Cosmas (2013) studies in the education literature have

examined the factors that may influence students’ performance that include

physical facilities and qualified educators, attitudes, aspirations, and self-


Influence of Teachers on Student’s Academic Performance

Baskerville (2020) states that for education to fully achieve its

purpose, teachers play a key function by way of interpreting, displaying and

setting standards following educational programs during school hours.

Hence, teachers determine how teaching and learning occurs.

Therefore, it is
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hypothesized that a teacher is characterized as being productive when

he/she brings out the required outcome when performing the role as a



Grades is the pure form and supposed to be indicators of academic

achievement and student proficiency in class. Guskey and Bailey (2012) also

discussed that grading system which is subjective has to be implemented by

the fact that students have an awareness in the level of their capacity inside

the class. According to Edge (2016), grades is the assessment of student

learning, it is the assessment practices to promote accountability by

separating the successful from the unsuccessful learners and highlighting

their differences by giving them a fair computed grade. A grading system

should be addressed, and be done accurately, fair, specific, and timely by the

educators. The researcher also included the grading mechanism that focuses

more on the performance of students and less on subjective factors

unrelated to the student achievement. A grading system can be a motivation

for the students to engage more in school. It is the process where the

students will allow them to know their level of knowledge and it has a big

impact on their performance because student performance will take the result

in their grades.

Elements of Grading

Doug Reeves (2011) identifies four essential aspects of grading

systems that need to be addressed. He asks readers to consider how to

make grading systems accurate, fair, specific, and timely. He is quick to point
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out that

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perfection in grading 26 systems is not possible, but improvement is. Reeves

states his main contention this way: “If a school system aspires to have a

grading system that is accurate, fair, specific, and timely, then it must create

grading mechanisms that focus more on the performance of students and

less on subjective factors unrelated to student achievement.

Academic Achievement

Academic achievement can be expressed as the result of schoolwork,

students’ performance, learned effort as how the students put their efforts to

achieve something related in academics and as the result obtained through

the study according to Taylor (2019). Academic achievement refers to the

student performance of learning in school that is ultimately achieved of

student through teaching, development, which is obtained via achievement

test. According to the support study of Bureau (2016), the purpose of

academic achievement is to know the quality of education and to see the

overall quality of the students. It alludes that academic achievement can be

considered to be academic performance. It has a common measurement

which is the student General Weighted Average (GWA), which can be

accurately calculated from the marks of each course to measure the result of

works of the students.

Wu and Li (2019) found that there were inter school-school that has a

difference in academic achievement like the top of the class or the programs.

It is not about how better the school is but how the students apply their

learning, so it has effect and proceed to having academic achievement. Fan

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

and Wang (2018) supported this study wherein they stated that academic

achievement is based on the field of learning analytics. It is not only

intelligence and practical ability, but also the mastery of knowledge of student

society and nature.

Influence of Technology on Student Engagement

There are five identified technologies, namely: web-conferencing,

blogs, different sites, and digital platform, Clements (2015). The resemblance

among these technologies is the prospective value that supporting a

constructive approach to learning is characterized by active knowledge of the

students through their reflection of experiences and interaction.

Student’s Engagement

According to Bakker and Vergel (2015), student engagement is a

relationship between the time of students spent on coursework and learning.

It is also the quantity and quality of student efforts that affect learning. The

findings of Baker and Vergel states that student engagement is designed to

assess student participation in various activity. It is referring to the interest of

students in different activities that they are involved. The curiosity and

intention when they are learning or being taught could extend to the level of

motivation they have to learn and progress in their education. Kuh (2019)

supported this study in accordance with other engagement instruments and

the students’ amount of time and effort put into their studies and other


Pasig Catholic College
College Department

purposeful activities. Fredricks (2014) states that typology of student

engagement to organize and present research findings suggests that there

are three types of engagement. First is behavioral focusing on student

participation in academic, social, and co-curricular activities. Second is the

emotional engagement focusing on the extent and nature of positive and

negative reactions to teachers, classmates, academic, and school. Third is

the cognitive engagement focusing on students’ level of investment in


The study of Gallup (2018) states that school engagement is more

than just talk found that engaged students 2.5 times more likely to say that

they get excellent grades and do well in school, and also be more likely to be

hopeful about the future than their actively disengaged peers. It says that the

student engagement has significantly positively affects student growth.

Engaging will help students to be more pro-active in different areas of

activities not just in society but also in school where they get all the

knowledge. Students are not closing any doors in learning, they are fulfilling

their development need for a connection with other and sense of belonging in

society and as being a learner.

Family factors in the Academic Achievement of the Students

Parental involvement, family interaction styles, family cultural capital,

and the environment of the community in which they live are included in

here. According to Liu (2018), parenting practices of families are inextricably

linked to students' academic achievement. Liu (2018) found that the

community environment in which students' families live affects students'

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College Department


Pasig Catholic College
College Department

achievement, that children in rural communities have lower language

application skills than those in urban communities, and that the nature of the

community significantly and positively influences parental involvement in

education and parents' educational expectations.


Traditional classrooms and teaching methods have been used

extensively in the last few decades. It has been producing amazing results.

And most people did not question it until they faced a big common enemy –

COVID-19. The pandemic changed everyone’s lifestyle. It forced people to

spend most of their time indoors. This situation proved to millions of people

across the world that technology is good enough for the average student.

Technology affects education in different ways. When used appropriately in

class, digital learning tools can promote student engagement, help tutors

improve lesson plans, and enhance personal learning. The power of

technology can be felt in almost every area of one’s lives. In the education

sector, learning institutions are incorporating technology in different ways to

prepare students for the fast-paced world. One of the most important benefits

of technology in the education sector is putting knowledge and skills into use.

Engaging content can spark curiosity among learners. And this will promote

academic success. Curiosity helps learners understand reading and Math

concepts. Creating engaging content involves using podcasts, virtual reality,

and videos to name a few. While technology is great, students should keep in

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

mind that it is a tool, and it cannot solve problems. Technology becomes

useful in the education sector when educators figure out what to do with it to

help learners achieve their goals. Students gain valuable knowledge through

online interactions and classes. Technology allows students to use what

they’ve learned in class. It also helps tutors assigning tasks that force

students to apply their knowledge and come up with effective solutions. It has

insight on the origins, characteristics as well as the limitations, weaknesses,

and strengths of web-based learning systems. Student variables, such as

behaviors and attitudes, cultural background are the important characteristics

as variables that influence students’ learning. This can help the management

achieve the most effective deployment of such system and help them

improve their strategic decision making about technology in the future. They

can decide on the best approach that fit their students before implementing

any new technology.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department



This chapter includes the research design, the population and sample,

the data collection procedure, description of instrument, and data analysis


Research Design

The proposed study utilized the quantitative research design because

it emphasizes the objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical,

and numerical analysis of data connected to the questionnaire and surveys

or in manipulating pre-existing statistical data using computational

techniques. Particularly, the descriptive research methodology design was

used. The descriptive research methodology design is a design where events

are recorded, described, interpreted, analyzed, and compared (Castillo,

2002). Its objective is to describe systematically a situation, conditions, or

area of interest factually and accurately.

Under the descriptive method, correlational research was specifically

employed. In correlational research, the aim is to describe the strength of

relationship between two or more variables, events, or characteristics

(Santrock, 2005).
Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Rizal Technological University, Eusebio St.

Maybunga, Pasig City, Manila Philippines.

Rizal Technological University is a cooperative educational institution.

It is a satellite campus of Rizal Technological University System. The

University opens its campus for students who are planning to have their

undergraduate degree in Political Science, Psychology, Teacher Education,

Business Administration, Engineering, and Accountancy. This study only

focuses on the Accountancy Program of Rizal Technological University. The

program has a high number of enrolled students for the first semester of

academic year which consist of a total of 700 enrollees, and under this

program there are CPAs instructors for the higher and accessible education.

Population and Sample

The respondents of this study are the Accountancy students at Rizal

Technological University-Pasig Campus. This study covered 700

Accountancy students which compromised 100% of the respondents. To

determine the sample size, the researcher used a sample size formula.

Figure 4. Sample Size Formula

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College Department


n = Sample Size

e = Margin of Error

The researcher also used the Sample Size calculator to accurately

identify its sample size. This sample size calculator is presented as a public

service of creative Research Systems survey software. It is used to

determine how many people were needed to survey in order to get results

that may reflect the target population as precisely as needed. The sample

size of this study resulted of 255 respondents who were randomly selected in

every Section of Accountancy Students of Rizal Technological University-

Pasig Campus.

Table 1. Population and Sample

Year Level Population Size Sample Size Percentage

1st Year 211 77 30.19

2nd Year 149 54 21.18

3rd Year 82 30 11.76

4th Year 162 59 23.14

5th Year 96 35 13.23

Total 700 255 100%

The table showed the specific number of students for each year that is

based on ratio and proportion. To identify the specific number of respondents

in every year level, the researcher calculated its sample size which resulted

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Pasig Catholic College
College Department

77 respondents from first year, 54 respondents from second year, 30

respondents from third year, 59 respondents from fourth year, and 35

respondents from fifth year.

The researcher used the Probability Sampling design, specifically, the

Stratified Random Sampling technique. Stratified Random Sampling is a

method for sampling from a population whereby the population is divided into

subgroups known as strata, and units are randomly selected from the

subgroups. In Stratified Random Sampling, the respondents were grouped

according to their year levels represented as the stratum of this study. Since

the sample population of 255 is quite huge, the researcher decided to use

the Simple Random Sampling method. To have an equal chance for the

respondents to be selected, the researcher assigned a number to each

student from each year level and used the lottery method technique. This

method and technique enabled the researcher to gather the data.

The Respondents

Table 2. Demographic Profile of the Respondents with reference to their


Age Frequency Percentage

18-25 244 95.7%

26-35 11 4.3%

Total 255 100%

Table 2 presents the frequency and percentage of the Accountancy

students who participated in the study according to their age. It resulted that

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

out of 255 respondents, 95.7% were between 18 – 25 years old, and 4.3% in

the age of 26-35.

Table 3. Demographic Profile of the Respondents with reference to their


Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 81 31.8%

Female 174 68.2%

Total 255 100%

Table 3 presents the number of Accountancy students who

participated in the study according to their sex. It was observed that out of

255 respondents, male got a lower percentage of 31.8%, while the female

got the highest percentage with 68.2%.

Table 4. Demographic Profile of the Respondents with reference to their

civil status

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Married 2 0.8%

Single 253 99.2%

Total 255 100%

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Table 4 presents the number of respondents who participated in the

study according to their civil status. It resulted that out of 255 students,

99.2% of them were single.

Table 5. Demographic Profile of the Respondents with reference to their

Year Level

Year Level Frequency Percentage

1st Year 77 27.8%

2nd Year 54 22.0%

3rd Year 30 12.9%

4th Year 59 23.0%

5th Year 35 13.7%

Total 255 100%

Table 5 presents the frequency and percentage of respondents who

participated in the study according to their year level. Out of 255 students,

27% of the respondents are from first year, and the rest is from 2nd year to 5th

year students.

Instrument of the Study

The instrument of the study was constructed by the researcher guided

by the extensive review of various literature on the Learning Technology and

its impact on The Academic Performance of Accountancy students at Rizal

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Technological University-Pasig Campus. The instrument used was

composed of 3 parts. Part 1 elicited information on the demographic profile of

the respondents including their age, sex, civil status, and Year level. Part 2

measured the learning technology in terms of accessibility, application, and

efficiency. Part 3 of the instrument measured the Academic Performance of

Accountancy students at Rizal Technological University-Pasig Campus in

terms of grades, academic achievement, and student engagement.

Table 6. Four-Point Likert’s Scale

Scale Range of Scale Verbal Descriptive

Interpretation Equivalent
4 3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree Very Strong
3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree Strong Impact
2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree Slight Impact
1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree No Impact

Validation Procedure

The content validity procedure was utilized in validating the instrument

to find out the degree to which an instrument has an appropriate sample of

items for the constructs of learning technology and academic performance of

Accountancy students at Rizal Technological University Pasig Campus being

measured and adequately covering the construct domain. Essentially, the

procedure involves soliciting judgment from the three (3) experts. The first

expert is a director for information, communication, and technology of Pasig

Catholic College and currently undergoing a doctorate for Information,

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Communication, and Technology. The second expert was known for advising

several research studies in different institutions and has been dedicated to

teaching for more than 13 years (DepEd), graduated Bachelor of Secondary

Education, major in English with Master of Arts in Education (major in

English) and currently teaching at Pasig Catholic College. The third is a

CPA, DBA and a professor in the college department of Pasig Catholic

College and teaches major accounting courses. The fourth is a statistician, a

graduate with a Master of Arts major in Mathematics. The content of the

instrument was unanimously approved by the validators.

To analyze the impact of learning technology on the academic

performance of Accountancy students at Rizal Technological University-

Pasig Campus, the researcher used a four-point rating scale for the system.

A pilot testing was done to ensure that the instrument was understood

the way the researcher means them. The researcher asked the help of the

statistician to process the result of the pilot testing through Cronbach’s alpha

as coefficient of reliability which should reach the level of 80%.

The instrument has undergone the reliability test using the

Cronbach’s alpha radius from 0 to 1, by which the questionnaires were

administered to 15-20 students.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Table 7. Scale Reliability Analysis (Cronbach’s Alpha)

Mean SD Cronbach’s α McDonald’s ω

Scale 3.45 0.307 0.958 Strongly Agree

During the validation process, various grammar and technical

construct of the file was connected by the English grammarian, Accounting

Professor, and Information Technology expert. After the validators approved

the questionnaire, the instrument has undergone through a pilot testing which

was done by distributing the online questionnaires to 17 Accountancy

students from Pasig Catholic College. The pilot test result to 0.965

Cronbach’s Alpha which measures the reliability and consistency of the

instrument. This indicates that the instrument is able to capture information

needed to know the impact of learning technology on the academic

performance of the accounting students and answer the specific statement of

the problem.

Data Gathering Procedure

The mode of gathering used was the survey-questionnaire method. In

gathering the data, the researcher carried out the following procedure. A

letter was sent to the College Dean of Pasig Catholic College for the

approval of the research to be conducted. The letter contains the following


A. Description of the study and how it will benefit the school

B. Respondents of the study particularly the schedule of their classes

which will be affected upon the administration of the instrument

C. Time when the researcher will conduct the study (April-May 2023)
Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Upon approval of the College Dean, the researcher gave a notification

to the Head of Accountancy program of Rizal Technological University-Pasig

Campus to conduct the research and the procedure of the administration of

the instrument. Having been permitted to administer the questionnaires,

schedule was set in coordination with the Department Head of Accountancy.

The researcher sent a survey questionnaire through the use of Google

Form including the letter and background of why the research is conducted,

discussed the significance of the study, and administered the instrument to

the respondents. The researcher collected the answered instruments from

the respondents and check whether all the questions were answered. And

lastly, the data collected was tabulated and processed.

Data Processing Procedure and Statistical Tool

The new data was first encoded then the process of tabulation and

computation was applied using the Statistical Package for the Social

Sciences (SPSS). The following statistical measures were used on the

following specifics:

1. The demographic profile which includes sex, age, civil status, and year

level was analyzed using Frequency and Percentage.

2. For SOP 1, the accessibility, efficiency, and learning platforms of

the respondents, it was analyzed using the Weighted Mean.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

3. For SOP 2, which includes academic achievement, grades, and

student engagement, it was analyzed using the Weighted Mean.

4. While for SOP 3, Multiple Regression was used to determine the

impact of percentage of the learning technology in terms of

accessibility, efficiency, learning platforms and academic performance

in terms of grades, academic achievement, and student engagement.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department




This chapter shows the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of

the data gathered by the researcher. It also discusses the data resulted from

the questionnaire answered by the 255 respondents, which composed the

Accountancy students at Rizal Technological University-Pasig Campus. The

analytical procedure was arranged according to the sequence of the specific


I. Learning Technology

Table 8. Learning Technology in Terms of Accessibility

Accessibility Weighted Verbal Descriptive

Mean Interpretation Equivalent
1. Learning technology allows 3.17 Agree Strong Impact
relentless access to
educational resources.
2. Course materials were found 3.53 Strongly Agree Very Strong
convenient to be accessed Impact
anytime and anywhere using the
internet or mobile devices.
3. Learning is delivered without limit. 3.22 Agree Strong Impact
4. The use of different media 3.06 Agree Strong Impact
platform tools makes it easy for
anyone to stay connected whether
it’s online or asynchronous
learning activities.
5. It is necessary to give full 3.31 Strongly Agree Very Strong
participation in academic Impact
activities. 3.31 Strongly Agree Very Strong
6. Consistently address directly as Impact
it is less time-consuming. 3.42 Strongly Agree Very Strong
7. Provide with equal access to Impact
learning materials like
Educational Video. 3.37 Strongly Agree Very Strong
8. Utilize all the relevant Impact
software usable in online 3.30 Strongly Agree Very Strong
learning. Impact
Over-all Weighted Mean
and Interpretation
Pasig Catholic College
College Department

In the table shown above, the respondents strongly agreed that

Course materials were found to be convenient to access anytime and

anywhere using the internet or mobile devices with a mean of 3.53. The

respondents believe that because of the accessibility of learning technology, it

is necessary for them to have full participation in academic activities with a

mean of 3.31. The respondents also strongly agreed that the accessibility is

consistent in directly addressing to save time which also suggests that online

learning is becoming prevalent and may continue to grow in the future with a

mean of 3.31. Additionally, they strongly agreed that accessibility can provide

with equal access to learning materials like educational videos, highlights the

importance of accessibility and inclusivity in online learning environments

with a mean of

3.42. The respondents strongly agreed about utilizing all relevant software for

online learning that students are expected to be proficient in using variety of

tools and platforms to participate fully in online learning experiences with a

mean of 3.37. While for both online and face-to-face classes, they agreed

that learning technology allows them relentless access to educational

resources with a mean of 3.17. They also agreed that it is not easy to stay

connected during online and asynchronous learning activity because of the

different media platform tools which had the lowest mean of 3.06. The data

presented in table 8 indicates the impact of learning technology in the

Academic Performance in terms of Accessibility with an over-all mean rating

of 3.30.

Based on the data, this implied that the respondents explored the

different learning technology tools. Majority of the respondents strongly

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College Department


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College Department

with a mean of 3.53 of thinking that only through online will they find the

course materials convenient and easy to access. This means that the

accessibility of the course materials which the respondents have experienced

during the online modality has a very strong impact in their studies.

According to Usher (2012), the accessibility of media platform tools is widely

integrated into students' daily lives where people give thanks to devices like

cellphones, laptops, and other gadgets that have access to a variety of

applications that can be used for academic reasons. It has been created so

that all students can access it. This learning process can incorporate the

easily accessible application, boosting student interest and motivation.

Learning technology in terms of accessibility, the virtual tools are various

combinations of practical software and online learning platforms and other

applications that enable and enhance online learning. The fact that the

various media platform tools had the lowest mean of 3.06. It indicates that

the respondents agreed that it is challenging to stay engaged during online

and asynchronous learning activities. This means that using the different

media platforms has strong impact on the study of their accounting subjects.

According to Jewitt (2018), employing digital resources gave students extra

time for in-class active learning. Students must have access to a variety of

platforms and applications for learning purposes. According to the

respondents, who also firmly agreed that the accessibility is consistent in

dealing with learning technology which also directly saves time, the median

that has a mean of 3.31 means that learning technology has very strong

impact on their academic performance.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

The statement that participation in online learning activities has become

necessary and that addressing students directly saves time suggested that

online learning is becoming more prevalent and may continue to grow in the

future Sison (2021).

Moreover, the table shows that students strongly agreed that learning

technology in terms of accessibility has a very strong impact on the academic

performance with a mean of 3.30. One of the most important aspects of the

success of deploying learning technology according to Bezzera (2015) has to

do with how online education is carried out. This entails getting feedback

quickly, professors making an effort to be organized, delivering lectures

online, adjusting lesson plans for this type of learning environment, and

assisting students in following the courses and seeking feedback on their

experiences. In order to give effective online instruction, it was found that

learning technology had fast feedback and reactions to students' actions. The

quality of e-services and information was also found to be positively

correlated with the students' satisfaction and suggest that there is evidence

to suggest that academic performance has improved.

Table 9. Learning Technology in Terms of Efficiency

Efficiency Weighted Verbal Interpretation Descriptive
Mean Equivalent
1.Accessing information more easily. 3.53 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact

2. Ability to access resources. 3.50 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact

3. Complete tasks efficiently. 3.43 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact
4. Concede to increase collaboration with other 3.35 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact
Accountancy students.
5. Time-saving. 3.45 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact
6.Interactivity and class engagement. 3.23 Agree Very Strong Impact
7. Accommodate learning style. 3.32 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact
8. Gives outburst to a variation of sources at the simple 3.39 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact
click of a button.

Over-all Weighted Mean and Interpretation 3.40 Strongly Agree Very Strong

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

As shown above, the respondents strongly agreed that in terms of

efficiency in learning technology, they accessed information more easily with

a weighted mean of 3.53. They strongly agreed that learning technology in

terms of efficiency will let them have the ability to access resources related to

the study of accounting subjects got a mean of 3.50. In efficiency, they can

complete their task got a mean of 3.43. The collaboration with other

accountancy students has concede to increase with a mean of 3.35. The

time saved to study their different subjects has a mean of 3.45. The

efficiency can accommodate learning style got a mean of 3.32. And they

strongly agreed that the efficiency of learning technology gives outburst to a

variation of sources at the simple click of a button got a mean of 3.39. While

they just agreed that in terms of efficiency, it did not become interactive in

class engagement. The data presented in table 9 indicates the impact of

learning technology in the students’ Academic Performance in terms of

Efficiency with an over-all mean rating of 3.40.

With the given information, it appears that these are the results of the

survey conducted among students at Rizal Technological University,

regarding their experience and with their learning environment. The students

strongly agreed that they were able to access information more easily,

access resources, and complete tasks efficiently which has the highest mean

score of

3.53. They believed that they are learning technology in terms of efficiency

which has a very strong impact on the study of their accounting subjects.

According to Harrison (2014), technology is effective in bridging the gap

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

between the classroom and the real world, removing physical obstacles, and

giving students a way to connect academically. Respondents strongly agreed

to increase collaboration with other students, which could indicate a desire

for more group work in their learning environment with a weighted mean of

3.35. This can be considered that it has a very strong impact in the study of

their accounting subjects, Harrison (2014). It might involve educating

students for the workforce, where they might need more than just a basic

understanding of some technology tools. There are several different

functionalities that encourage collaboration in educational technologies.

Students can benefit greatly from the efficiency of technology, which makes it

easier for them to obtain information and find it quickly and precisely. The

students agreed that learning technology in terms of efficiency lifts them up

to collaborate in different interactivity and class engagement with a total

weighted mean of 3.23 which means that it has a strong impact in the study

of their accounting subjects. According to Bay (2021), the use of technology

gives students a lot of times to engage with different school activities

because it’s convenient to use as well to their class engagement, which

technology is very usable for learning that proves that it can provide different

areas of learning to the students. The data presented in table 9 indicates the

impact of learning technology in the Academic Performance of the students

in terms of Efficiency with an over-all mean rating of 3.40.

Hence, the data in the table indicates that the respondents agreed that

learning technology in terms of efficiency has a very strong impact on the


Pasig Catholic College
College Department

of the accounting subjects of the Accountancy students at Rizal

Technological University with an over-all mean of 3.40. In today’s day and

age, technology has incorporated itself into every aspect of one’s lives,

including the education field. It is a tool that helps everyone complete

complex tasks quickly and efficiently. Bay (2021) states that it is necessary to

keep in mind that technology is a tool for education. Technology in school

can promote greater collaboration. During lessons, they can also interact with

one another. Students work together to solve challenges for academic and

online course reasons. Through group projects, students can encourage one

another while exchanging ideas. Students can get more help with the

challenging subject matter and raise questions regarding the educational


Table 10. Learning Technology in Terms of Learning Platforms

Learning Platforms Weighted Verbal Interpretation Descriptive

Mean Equivalent

1. It makes it easy to stay connected 3.44 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact
whether its online or asynchronous
learning activities.
2. It enables to put earned knowledge into 3.20 Agree Strong Impact
3. There is the ability to engage multiple 3.25 Agree Strong Impact
senses in learning.

4. It increases course variety. 3.32 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact

5. There is repeated access to course

materials. 3.45 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact

6. There is the flexibility to complete

3.42 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact
assignments at a time.

7. It has easier access to the necessary

3.83 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact
tools/learning platform.
8. It reduces costs in textbooks. 3.59 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact
Over-all Weighted Mean and
Interpretation 3.44 Strongly Agree Very Strong Impact

In the first indicator, the respondents strongly agreed that learning

platforms made them easy to stay connected whether it is online or

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

asynchronous learning activities with a total weighted mean of 3.44. The

respondents agreed that learning platforms have the ability to enable their

knowledge to put into practice with a mean of 3.20. For indicator three, the

respondents agreed that learning platforms has the ability to engage them in

multiple senses of learning with a mean of 3.25. The learning platforms

increase the course variety that the students strongly agreed that it has a

very strong impact in the study of their accounting subjects which got a

mean of

3.32. Learning platforms allow students to have repeated access in different

course materials with a weighted mean of 3.45. Accountancy students

strongly agreed that learning platforms has given them a flexible time to

complete their assignments on time with a mean of 3.42. The respondents

strongly agreed that they have easier access in learning tools and platforms

with a mean of

3.83. Also, they strongly agreed that learning platforms reduces them in the

cost of textbooks with a mean of 3.59. The data presented in table 10

indicates the impact of learning technology in the Academic Performance of

students in terms of Learning Platforms with an over-all mean rating of 3.44.

Based on the given statements and the corresponding verbal

interpretations, it can be inferred that respondents strongly agreed with the

ability to easily access more vital resources/learning platforms which got a

mean of 3.83. This means that it has a very strong impact on the study of

their accounting subjects. According to Tarhini (2013), a flexible learning

platform might be useful in terms of accessibility. This study focuses on the

fact that students can use it for research and quizzes, particularly as online
Pasig Catholic College
College Department


Pasig Catholic College
College Department

have become more common. Students can participate with teachers and

other students, though not simultaneously. With a median of 3.44, the

respondents strongly agreed that learning platforms showed a very strong

impact that can make them be staying connected with online learning

regardless of the learning method. According to Callan's (2011) study,

learning platforms have benefits for students who participate in online

learning. According to him, it is accessible to global resources and

educational materials that students may use to fit their level of knowledge

and interest for it is affordable, saves time, and allows them to access

materials from anywhere at any time. Given that, the respondents used a

variety of learning platforms and that they are familiar with learning platforms.

They agreed that learning platforms have a strong impact, and it was the

least straightforward to put the knowledge into practice and received the

lowest mean of 3.20. Based on Cosmas (2013), the knowledge of students is

determined on how they put it in practice. Students have individual capability

and intelligence. Not all students put their knowledge into practice because of

other situation, like self-doubt and lack of motivation. The data presented in

table 10 indicates the impact of learning technology in the students’

Academic Performance in terms of Learning Platforms with an over-all mean

rating of 3.44.

Furthermore, the respondents agreed that this learning platforms are

very helpful to them. It means that learning technology in terms of Learning

platforms has a strong impact on the study of their accounting subjects with

3.44 as its over-all mean. Learning technology in terms of learning platforms

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

provides flexibility in completing assignments which can be helpful for the

respondents who have other commitments. The highest mean was about

learning platforms necessity because it reduced students’ cost in textbook.

According to Callan’s (2011) study, learning platforms have benefits for

students who participate in online learning. He claimed that using different

platforms allows students to access resources from anywhere at any time,

meet their level of knowledge and interest, and is both affordable and

timesaving. He also claimed that using these platforms gives students the

ability to track their progress and develop their skills in using the most recent

learning technology and the internet.

Table 11. Overall Impact of Learning Technology on studying

accounting subjects of Accountancy students at Rizal Technological

University- Pasig Campus

Factors of Learning Weighted Verbal Descriptive

Technology Mean Interpretation Interpretation
Accessibility 3.30 Strongly Agree Very Strong
Efficiency 3.40 Strongly Agree Very Strong
Learning Platforms 3.44 Strongly Agree Very Strong
Over-all Weighted Mean 3.38 Strongly Agree Very Strong

Table 11 shows that most of the Accountancy students at Rizal

Technological University have strongly agreed that learning platforms have a

strong impact on studying their accounting subjects with a mean of 3.44.

Efficiency got a mean of 3.40, and the accessibility got a mean of 3.30. This

indicates that it has very strong impact on the overall extent of the learning


Pasig Catholic College
College Department

The table demonstrates that the respondents agreed with the help of

the accessibility in learning technology with a mean score of 3.30, which

means that the accessibility of learning technology has a very strong impact

on the students’ academic performance. Bezzera (2015) asserts that the

management of online education is one of the key factors in the success of

deploying learning technology. In order to do this, educators must make an

effort to be well-organized, conduct lectures online, adapt lesson plans for

this kind of setting, and help students follow the courses and gain feedback

on their experiences. It was discovered that learning technology had quick

feedback and responses to students' actions in order to deliver effective

online training. Additionally, it was discovered that e-services and information

quality were strongly connected with students' happiness, suggesting that

there is evidence to support an improvement in academic achievement.

Therefore, the data shows that the respondents agreed that the

efficiency of learning technology is very necessary to them with an overall

mean of 3.40, which means that the efficiency of learning technology has a

very strong impact on the study of accounting courses by Accountancy

students at Rizal Technological University. Technology has permeated every

part of one’s life in the modern day, including the subject of education. It is a

tool that facilitates the speedy and effective completion of challenging jobs. It

is important to remember that technology can be used as a tool for

education, Bay (2021). Greater collaboration in schools can be facilitated by

technology. They can converse with one another during lessons. Students

collaborate to

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

find solutions to problems for academic and online course purposes.

Students can support one another while discussing ideas through group

projects. Students access more help with the challenging subject matter and

raise questions regarding the educational environment.

In addition, learning platforms were strongly agreed by the

respondents for they give them more access in different platforms with an

overall mean of

3.44 which means that learning platforms have a very strong impact on the

study of their Accounting subjects. When it comes to completing

assignments, learning technology in the form of learning platforms offers

flexibility, which may be useful for the respondents who have other

responsibilities. The most important factor was the need for learning

platforms, which lowers textbook costs for students. The results of Callan's

(2011) study show that learning platforms are advantageous for students

who take part in online instruction. He asserted that utilizing various

platforms saves time and money while enabling students to access

information whenever and from wherever they are, at their level of interest

and understanding. Additionally, he asserted that by utilizing these platforms,

students can monitor their development and improve their proficiency with

the newest educational technology.

The data gathered and presented in Table 11 brings forth the result of

the data collected relevant to the overall mean of every factor regarding the

students’ academic performance. It shows that the Accountancy students at

Rizal Technological University-Pasig Campus strongly agreed on the

statement that the learning technology has very strong impact in terms of
Pasig Catholic College
College Department

accessibility, efficiency, and learning platforms with a total mean of 3.38. As

a result, all of the factors above regarding learning technology are vital

features that impact the learning technology of the Accountancy students at

Rizal Technological University.

II. Academic Performance

Table 12. Academic Performance in terms of Grades

Grades Weighted Verbal Descriptive

Mean Interpretation Equivalent
1. The respondents easily get a 3.21 Agree Strong Impact
passing grade when they started
using learning technology.
2. They received fair grading system 3.03 Agree Strong Impact
because of learning technology.
3. They get better grades because of 3.13 Agree Strong Impact
learning technology.
4. Learning Technology helps in 3.19 Agree Strong Impact
boosting up their grades.
5. The usage of learning technology 3.21 Agree Strong Impact
for class has helped improved their
6. There is an improvement in their 3.19 Agree Strong Impact
grades since they became engaged
into this learning technology.
7. They get excellent grades during 3.05 Agree Strong Impact
online class because of the use of
learning technology.
8. Using learning technology, they had 2.96 Agree Strong Impact
easier time to achieve their high
Over-all Weighted Mean and 3.12 Agree Strong Impact

The results in the table above indicates that the respondents agreed in

the factor that they easily got a passing grade when they started using

learning technology with a total weighted mean rate of 3.21. Accountancy

students also agreed that they received fair grading system because of

learning technology with a mean of 3.03. The respondents agreed in the

indicator that they got better grades because of the use of learning

technology with a weighted mean of 3.13. Learning technology helps them

in boosting up their grades with a

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

mean of 3.19. They also agreed that the usage of learning technology for

class helped to improve their grades with an over-all mean of 3.21. For the

influence of learning technology, the respondents agreed that there is an

improvement in their grades since they become engaged in learning

technology with a mean of 3.19. They also got excellent grades with a mean

of 3.05. In the level of influence of learning technology in terms of grades, the

respondents did not have an easier time to achieve their high GPA with an

over-all mean of 2.96. The data presented in table 12 indicates the impact of

learning technology in the Academic Performance in terms of Grades, with

an over-all mean rating of 3.12.

Based on the statement provided, it seems that the respondents

strongly agreed that learning technology has had a positive influence on the

improvement of their grades since they engaged with learning technology

with a highest weighted mean among the indicators of 3.21 that has strong

impact on their academic performance in terms of grades. Based on the

study of Bailey (2012), learning technology provides students equal access in

education where students can use technology for assignments, presentation,

and research. It is necessary to engage since the epidemic start, most

students and educators used learning technology to provide such different

platforms for educational purposes. It appears that students at Rizal

Technological University-Pasig Campus agreed that learning technology had

a positive influence on their grades because when they become engaged

with this, they received fair grading system with a mean of 3.03 which has a


Pasig Catholic College
College Department

impact on their academic performance in terms of grades. Edge (2016)

asserts that grades serve as an evaluation of student learning and are used

in assessment procedures to foster accountability by differentiating between

successful and failed learners and highlighting their differences by assigning

each group a fairly calculated grade. Respondents agreed that in the level of

influence of learning technology in terms of grades, this means that learning

technology has slightly impacted on the study of their accounting subjects

that respondents did not have an easier time to achieve their high GPA with

the lowest weighted mean of 2.96. According to Guskey (2012), class allows

them to gauge their level of knowledge and has a significant impact on their

performance. This is important because student performance will determine

future opportunities.

The data gathered and presented in Table 12 indicates that students

agreed that learning technology is usable in their study which brings the idea

that grade has a strong impact in learning the technology with a mean of

3.12. Overall, the respondents seem that the role of learning technology has

a positive influence in their grades. Edge (2016) asserts that grades serve as

an evaluation of student learning and are used in the assessment procedures

to foster accountability by differentiating between successful and failed

learners and highlighting their differences by assigning each group a fairly

calculated grade. The researcher also added a grading mechanism that

focuses more on the students’ performance and less on subjective elements

unrelated to student progress. A grading system can encourage students to


Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Table 13.Academic Performance in Terms of Academic Achievement

Academic Achievement Weighted Verbal Descriptive
Mean Interpretation Equivalent
1. Received prompt excellent from 2.99 Agree Strong Impact
2. Spending significant amounts of time 3.14 Agree Strong Impact
studying with the use of learning
3. They are contented with their current 3.03 Agree Strong Impact
academic progress because of
learning technology.
4. When they started to use learning 2.90 Agree Strong Impact
technology, they received more
awards in school related in academic
5. They are confident with their 3.05 Agree Strong Impact
knowledge in learning technology
during online and face to face classes.
6. They always received recognition in 2.84 Disagree Slightly Impact
their program at the time that they use
learning technology.
7. Receiving acknowledgement/ rewards 3.09 Agree Strong Impact
for good academic results.
8. Learning technology boosts up their 2.97 Agree Strong Impact
confidence to join with different academic
Over-all Weighted Mean and 3.0 Agree Strong Impact

The respondents agreed that learning technology has influence in

their grades which they received prompt excellence from their professors

with a mean of 2.99. They also agreed that they spend significant amounts of

time studying with the use of learning technology with a mean of 3.14. The

respondents also agreed that they are contented with their current academic

progress because of learning technology with a mean of 3.03. Students

agreed that they received more awards in school related academic events

when they started to use the learning technology with a mean of 2.90. They

agreed as well that they are more confident with their knowledge in learning

technology during online and face to face classes with a mean of 3.05. With

this indicator, the respondents disagreed to the statement that they

always received

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

recognition in their program at the time they used learning technology with a

mean of 2.84. Accountancy students agreed that they received

acknowledgement/rewards for good academic result with a mean of 3.09.

They also agreed in the indicator that learning technology boosts up their

confidence to join with different academic activities with a mean of 2.97. The

data presented in table 13 indicates the impact of learning technology in the

Academic Performance in terms of their Academic Achievement with an

over- all mean rating of 3.00.

Based on the provided table above, the respondents generally agreed

with the statements regarding the use and experience with learning

technology. They agreed that they spent significant amounts of time studying

the use of learning technology with a mean of 3.14. This means that learning

technology has a strong impact on their academic performance in terms of

academic achievement. The respondents stated that they felt confident about

their knowledge in learning technology in both online and face-to-face

classes. According to the study of Taylor (2018), learning technology can be

used anytime for it provides high amount of time to be used. It could be used

as long as you want because of its modern central processing unit that can

provide usable quality for everybody. The respondents agreed the rate of

their confidence with their knowledge in learning technology during online

and face to face classes with a mean of 3.05 which resulted that learning

technology has a strong impact on their academic achievement. Based on

the study of Wu (2019), learning technology is not only technology used by

everyone, but

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

it also gives knowledge to the user. Technology has a lot of process to be

used. There are some information provided on how to use it, so people who

know how to use technology have a high knowledge to use it in a proper

way. Furthermore, the students disagreed with the statement that they

always received recognition in their program. It is possible that they received

some recognition, but not always with a weighted mean of 2.84 which

resulted that it has slightly impacted on their academic performance in terms

of academic achievement. This suggested the respondents to feel positive

about the statement but not entirely convinced that technology has a high

level of influence on their achievement. According to the study of Li (2019),

academic achievement is the performance of the student in the classroom

that is finally attained by the learner through instruction, development, and

achievement testing. The goal of academic accomplishment is to understand

the quality of education and assess the general caliber of the students.

Moreover, the respondents agreed that learning technology has a

strong impact on the academic performance of Accountancy students in

terms of academic achievement with an over-all mean of 3.00. According to

Taylor (2018), learning technology has a lot of offers to Accountancy

students for them to increase their time to studying. Nowadays, students use

a learning platform that can help them to lessen their time in working their

task and they can have more time with their academics. Technology can help

students learn at their own pace and provide personalized learning

opportunities, but after all, the impact of technology in academic

achievement depends on how the

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

students used the quality of content. The use of technology can completely

eliminate numerous different problems; for instance, when students can

access their assignments online, photocopying and stapling are no longer


Table 14. Academic Performance in Terms of Student Engagement

Student Engagement Weighted Verbal Descriptive

Mean Interpretation Equivalent
1. Learning technology improves 2.95 Agree Strong Impact
their volunteerism during online
2. They are more engaged in 2.95 Agree Strong Impact
class discussions because of the
learning technology.
3. Learning technology helps them 3.19 Agree Strong Impact
to attend in different webinars and
other academics competition.
4. Learning technology makes them 3.12 Agree Strong Impact
active participants of school online
activities such as webinars.
5. Learning technology makes them 2.95 Agree Strong Impact
become active in extracurricular
6. Because of learning technology, 3.07 Agree Strong Impact
they easily work with other students
with different organization.
7. Learning technology makes them 3.05 Agree Strong Impact
strive when it comes to class
8. They can easily help their 3.23 Agree Strong Impact
organization with academic
responsibilities because of the
learning technology.
Over-all Weighted Mean and 3.06 Agree Strong Impact

Based on the table above, the respondents agreed that learning

technology improve their volunteerism during online events with a mean of

2.95 which means that it has a strong impact on their student engagement.

They also agreed that they are more engaged in class discussion because of

the learning technology with a mean of 2.95. They agreed that learning

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

technology is helping them to attend in different webinars and other

academics competition got a mean of 3.19. Learning technology is making

them active participants of school online activities such as webinars got a

mean of 3.12. Students agreed that learning technology made them become

active in extracurricular activities with a mean of 2.95. Because of learning

technology, they easily work with other students with different organization

which got a mean of 3.07. Learning technology make them strive when it

comes to class recitation got a mean of 3.05. They can easily help their

organization with academic responsibilities because of the learning

technology got a mean of

3.23. The data presented in table 14 indicates the impact of learning

technology in Academic Performance in terms of Student Engagement with

an over-all mean rating of 3.06.

Based on the provided information, the respondents strongly

agreed that they can easily help their organization with academic

responsibility because of the learning technology with a total weighted mean

of (3.23) which means that it has a strong impact in their academic

performance in terms of student engagement. This is based on the study of

Was Kuh (2019. When pandemic has started, most of the schools have used

online classes during that time. It was a lot easier to process and distribute

information for the events and other organizational activity. It seems that the

use of learning technology has had a high level of influence that respondents

agree that learning technology allows them to have engagement and

participation in various activities, such as volunteering, class discussions,

webinars, academic
Pasig Catholic College
College Department

competitions, and extracurricular activities with a lowest weighted mean of

2.95. This means that learning technology has slightly impacted their

academic performance. The convenience and accessibility of online tools

and resources provided by learning technology have helped the respondents

to overcome those barriers that they have faced previously. Learning

technology has had a positive impact on their academic performance and

ability to work with others. The respondents agreed that technology has

made it easier to collaborate with students from different organizations and

has helped them during class recitations with a weighted mean of 3.05 which

means that learning technology has a very strong impact on their academic

performance in terms of their student engagement. Overall, it appears that

the respondents have agreed with the level of influence of learning

technology to be a valuable tool in enhancing their educational experience

and engagement in numerous activities they have been involved. Student

engagement, according to Bakker and Vergel (2015) is a relationship

between the amount of time students spent on coursework and learning as

well as the quantity and quality of their efforts that have an impact on

learning. According to Baker and Vergel's research, this student involvement

is intended to gauge how much each student participates in different

activities. Was Kuh (2019) supported this study in accordance with other

engagement instruments included in the amount of time and effort that

students put into their studies and other factors, referring to the interest of

students in different activities that they engaged in. The curiosity

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

and intention when they are learning or being taught extends to the level of

motivation they have to learn and advance in their education.

The Accountancy students agreed that Learning technology has a

strong impact on the student engagement of the Accountancy students at

Rizal Technological University with an over-all mean of 3.06. According to

Fredrick (2014), when technology is seamlessly and carefully incorporated

into the classroom, students not only become more engaged but also begin

to take more control over the learning process. Effective technology

integration alters the dynamics of the classroom, stimulating student-

centered project-based learning. When using technology during the learning

process, students are able to engage with their teachers and other students

quickly and easily without wasting class time through chat rooms and other

available applications.

Table 15. Overall influence of Learning Technology to the Academic

Performance of Accountancy Students at Rizal Technological


Factors of Weighted Verbal Descriptive

Academic Mean Interpretation Interpretation
Grades 3.12 Agree Strong Impact

Academic 3.00 Agree Strong Impact

Student 3.06 Agree Strong Impact
Over-all 3.06 Agree Strong Impact
Weighted Mean

As presented in table 15, it shows that most of the Accountancy

students agreed that Grades have a strong impact with a weighted mean of

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

3.12. Academic achievement got a weighted mean of 3.00, and student

engagement got a weighted mean of 3.06. This has a great influence on the

overall extent of the use of learning technology.

The information acquired and shown in Table 9 reveals that, the

respondents agreed that learning technology was useful to them with a mean

of 3.12 which resulted that learning technology has a strong impact on their

grade. Overall, the respondents seem to believe that the use of educational

technology has improved their grades. Edge (2016) claims that grades are

utilized in assessment procedures to promote accountability by differentiating

between successful and unsuccessful learners and highlighting their

differences by giving each group a fairly computed grade. Grades serve as

an evaluation of student learning. The researcher also included a grading

system that emphasizes student achievement more so than subjective

factors unrelated to student advancement. Students' participation might be

encouraged using a grading system.

Additionally, with an overall mean score of 3.00, the respondents

agreed that learning technology is helping them to gain more academic

achievement which means that learning technology has a strong impact on

their academic performance. According to Taylor (2018), learning technology

has a lot to offer accounting students who want to enhance the amount of

time they spent on studying. Today, students use learning platforms to assist

them spend less time working and more time on their academics.

Technology can offer personalized learning possibilities and allow students to

learn at their own

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

pace, but its influence on academic accomplishment ultimately depends on

the student's usage of the technology and the caliber of the information.

Numerous issues can be fully eliminated by the usage of technology, such as

when learners can access their assignments online.

Moreover, the respondents agreed that learning technology is helpful

to them to be involved in different kind of school engagement with an overall

mean of 3.06. Learning technology has a sign impact on the student

engagement at Rizal Technological University's Accountancy students.

According to Fredrick (2014), students not only become more engaged but

also start to take more control over the learning process when technology is

subtly and thoughtfully implemented into the classroom. The dynamics of the

classroom are changed by effective technology integration, encouraging

student-centered project-based learning. Through chat rooms and other

available tools, students can swiftly and easily interact with their teachers

and fellow students during the learning process without taking up valuable

class time.

The data gathered and presented in Table 12 brings forth the result of

the data collected relevant to the overall mean of every factor regarding the

academic performance. It shows that the accountancy students at Rizal

Technological University-Pasig Campus agreed on the statement that the

use of learning technology has a good influence in terms of grades,

academic achievement, and student engagement that have a total mean of

3.06. As a result, all the factors above regarding the academic

performance are vital

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

features that help the accountancy students to regulate their academic

progress. According to Vergel (2015), the claim of the usage of educational

technology positively affects students' involvement, grades, and academic

performance. All of the aforementioned factors pertaining to academic

achievement are therefore essential elements that aid accounting students in

controlling their academic development.

III. The Significant Impact of Learning Technology on the Academic

Performance of Accountancy Students

Table 16. Multiple Regression Analysis on the Grades Impacted by

Learning Technology

Model Unstandardized Standardized

Coefficient Coefficient
B Std. Beta T Sigma
(Intercept) 0.7903 0.2433 3.248 0.001

Accessibility 0.1059 0.0709 0.028 1.495 0.136

Efficiency 1.1476 0.0688 0.4373 2.141 0.033

Learning 0.0504 0.0646 0.0589 0.780 0.436

R square = 0.317
Df1 = 5
Df2 = 249
p-value = <.001

The data presented and gathered in Table 16 showed the factors in

determining the learning technology and its significant impact on the

academic performance of Accountancy students. Multiple Regression was

used to determine whether the learning technology has influenced the


Pasig Catholic College
College Department

performance of Accountancy students. A significant regression was found,

(p- value = <.001), with an overall R squared of 0.317. The value of R

squared (𝑅 2 = 0.317) denotes that 31.7% of the impact of learning

technology on academic performance is attributed to the grades. The p –

value = <.001 generated from the ANOVA table explained that there was

enough evidence that showed that the grades of accountancy students at

Rizal technological University is significantly impacted by the learning

technology. The respondents agreed that academic performance is not

significantly impacted by accessibility (β = 0.1059, p-value = 0.136), as well

as learning platforms (β

= 0.0504, p-value = 0.436), while the efficiency (β = 1.1476, p-value = 0.033),

regarding in the p-value, showed that the grades has significantly impact the

efficiency. This code supports the study of Edge (2016) that with technology

now available in everyone’s palm and everybody’s pocket, students find

learning more interesting and imperative. This has further orchestrated to an

unceasing increase in the grades of students. Guskey (2012) also added that

a grading mechanism focuses more on student performance and less on

subjective elements unrelated to student progress. Grading systems should

be addressed by educators and taken into consideration to be accurate, fair,

detailed, and timely. A grading system can encourage students to participate

more in class since it enables them to gauge their level of knowledge and

has a significant impact on their performance because marks are based on

how well students perform. According to Doug Reeves (2011), there are four

crucial grading system components that must be addressed. He challenges

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

to think about ways to make grading systems precise, equitable, detailed,

and timely. He is keen to point out that while 26 systems cannot be graded

perfectly, they may be made better. Reeves makes the following primary

point: "If a school system desires to have a grading system that is accurate,

fair, specific, and timely, then it must develop grading processes that focus

more on student performance and less on subjective elements unrelated to

student progress.

Table 17. Multiple Regression Analysis of the Academic Achievement

Impacted by Learning Technology

Model Unstandardized Standardized

Coefficients Coefficient
B Std. Beta T Sigma
(Intercept) 1.711 0.2778 6.16 <.001

Accessibility -0.192 0.0853 -0.168 -2.25 0.025

Efficiency 0.210 0.0830 0.184 2.53 0.012

Learning 0.357 0.0742 0.339 4.81 <.001
R square = 0.142
Df1 = 3
Df2 = 251
p-value = <.001

The data collected and presented in Table 17 showed the factors in

determining learning technology and its significant impact on the academic

achievement of the Accountancy students at Rizal Technological University

Pasig campus. A significant regression was found, (p-value = <.001), with an

overall R squared of 0.412. The value of R squared (𝑅 2 = 0.412) denotes

that 41.2% of the impact of learning technology on academic

performance is

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

attributed to the academic achievement. The p – value = <.001 generated

from the ANOVA table explained that there was enough evidence that

showed that the academic achievement of accountancy students at Rizal

technological University is significantly impacted by the learning technology.

The respondents agreed that academic achievement is significantly impacted

by accessibility (β = -0.192, p-value = 0.025), as well as efficiency (β = 0.210,

p- value = 0.012), and the learning platforms (β = 0.357, p-value = <.001),

regarding the p-value, it showed that the academic achievement has

significantly impacted by the three factors of learning technology namely,

accessibility, efficiency, and learning platform.

It fully supports the study of Zheng (2016) in which the most common

changes identified in the studies reviewed include significantly higher

academic subjects; increased use of technology for various learning

purposes more student-centered, individualized, and project-based learning;

increased engagement and motivation among students as well as improved

relationships between teachers and students. The goal of academic

accomplishment is to understand the quality of education and assess the

general caliber of the pupils, Bureau's (2016). It implies that academic

success may be equated with academic performance and that one common

indicator of this is the student’s General Weighted Average (GWA), which

can be precisely computed from the grades of each course to assess the

effectiveness of students' efforts. According to Wu and Li (2019), there are

differences between schools in terms of academic accomplishment, such

as being at the top of the class or

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

participating in particular programs. These differences are not due to how

well the school is run, but rather to how the students apply what they have

learned. Academic achievement, according to Fan and Wang (2018) is

based on the field of learning analytics and includes not only intelligence and

practical skill but also a mastery of knowledge of the student's culture and

environment. According to the research of Taylor (2019), academic

achievement may result as the outcome of homework, students'

performance, and learnt effort as how students put their efforts to achieve

something related to academics, and as the result obtained through study.

Academic achievement is the performance of the student in the classroom

that is finally attained by the learner through instruction, development, and

achievement testing

Table 18. Multiple Regression Analysis of the Student Engagement

Impacted by Learning Technology

Model Unstandardized Standardiz

Coefficient ed
B Std. Beta T Sigma
(Intercept) 1.2803 0.3193 4.009 <.001

Accessibility 0.1319 0.0980 0.0992 1.345 0.180

Efficiency -0.0796 0.0954 -0.0598 -0.835 0.405

Learning 0.4618 0.0853 0.3763 5.416 <.001

R square= 0.166
df1 = 3
df2 = 251
p-value = <.001

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

The data collected and presented in Table 18 showed the factors in

determining learning technology and its significant impact on the student

engagement of the accountancy students at Rizal Technological University

Pasig campus. A significant regression was found, (p-value = <.001), with an

overall R squared of 0.166. The value of R squared (𝑅 2 = 0.166) denotes

that 16.6% of the impact of learning technology on academic performance is

attributed to the student engagement. The p – value = <.001 generated from

the ANOVA table explained that there was enough evidence that showed

that the student engagement of accountancy students at Rizal Technological

University is significantly impacted by the learning technology. The

respondents agreed that accessibility (β = -0.1319, p-value = 0.180), as well

as efficiency (β = -0.0796, p-value = 0.405) was not significantly impacted on

student engagement, nevertheless, learning platforms (β = 0.4618, p-value =

<.001), regarding the p-value, showed that the academic achievement has

significantly impacted by the learning platform.

According to Chen P.d (2017), overall, it has a positive relationship

between learning technology use and student engagement and desirable

learning outcomes. Students who utilize the learning technologies in their

learning tend to score higher in the traditional student engagement

measure’s level of academic challenge, active and collaborative learning,

student-faculty interaction, and supportive campus environment. According to

Was Kuh (2019), student engagement and desired learning outcomes are

positively correlated with the usage of learning technology. The standard

criteria of

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

student engagement—level of academic challenge, active and collaborative

learning, student-faculty contact, and supportive campus environment—tend

to yield higher scores for students who use learning technology in their

coursework. Student engagement, according to Bakker and Vergel (2015) is

a relationship between the amount of time students spend on coursework

and learning as well as the quantity and quality of their efforts that have an

impact on learning. According to Baker, this student involvement is intended

to gauge how much each student participates in different activities. It is

referring to students' enthusiasm for various activities. Their curiosity and

intent when learning or being taught may extend to their level of motivation to

learn and advance in their education.

IV. Implications Derived from the Results of the Study

Based on the data presented in table 16, the factors affected by

learning technology such as accessibility, efficiency, and learning platforms

indicated a 31.7% for grades, significance attributed to the study of

accounting subjects. The data in the table explained that there was enough

evidence to show that the grades was significantly impacted by the

learning technology (p-value


Furthermore, the data presented in table 17, the factors affected by

learning technology such as accessibility, efficiency, and learning platforms

indicated a 14.2% for academic achievement, significance attributed to the

study of accounting courses. The data in the table explained that there was

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

enough evidence to show that the academic achievement was significantly

impacted by the learning technology (p-value = <.001).

Also, the data presented in table 18, the factors affected by learning

technology such as accessibility, efficiency, and learning platforms indicated

a 16.6% for student engagement, significance attributed to the study of

accounting subjects. The data in the table above explained that there was

enough evidence to show that student engagement was significantly

impacted by the learning technology (p-value = <.001).

Learning Technology is necessary in today’s situation. Most of the

Colleges and Universities used different learning technology whether online

learning, blended learning or face to face learning. Accessibility of learning is

one of the main factors of learning technology. Improved educational

accessibility is one of its main advantages, since it makes learning less

location-dependent and supports students and professors with disabilities or

learning issues as long as they have data or internet connection. The

accessibility of learning technology can grant students that they must be able

to access and use technology in order to fully participate in the academic and

other school-related activities.

Efficiency of learning technology carried benefits to the Accountancy

students, where they can access different resources that can be connected

to the study of accounting courses. Furthermore, efficiency was able to give

easy and necessary information for both students and professors where it

can lessen in the cost of textbook.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Learning Technology has a great impact in today’s current situation, it

offers numerous learning platforms that may be used for learnings that can

concede students in their education purposes. In just one click, it will serve

multiple platforms where they access journals, reviewers, information that

might be needed in the study of the specific accounting courses. This

learning technology offers not only the specific learnings needed by the

students and professors but also gives less time to be consumed in doing

work or task which can be passed in a given period of time. It is really an

advantage because it conceptualized its impact on the performance of the


Generally, learning technology and its factors such as accessibility,

efficiency, and learning platforms has an impact in the current situation in

school learning, and this might continually be used as long as the

educational system is ongoing.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department



This chapter presents the summary and conclusion derived in the

conduct of the study which is to examine the impact of Learning Technology

on the Academic Performance of Accountancy students at Rizal

Technological University-Pasig Campus. It also provides recommendations

for the persons or administrators who will benefit the study.


This study focused on the Impact of Learning Technology on the

Academic Performance of Accountancy students at Rizal Technological

University Pasig Campus. The overall objective of this study is to determine

how current technology affects the academic performance of Rizal

Technological University's Accountancy students and to identify each

component that contributes to that impact. Its contribution is to gain an

understanding on how the Accountancy students will benefit and emphasize

the effect on their academic performance through the use of modern

technology that would help them overcome the difficulties and challenges on

school learning.

This study utilized quantitative research, descriptive type, and

correlational survey. The instrument used was a locally constructed

questionnaire. For pilot testing, it was addressed to the Accountancy

students of Pasig Catholic College with a total of seventeen (17)

respondents. For

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

validated and approvedquestionnaires, it was addressed to the Accountancy

students at Rizal Technological University-Pasig Campus with a total of 255

respondents. Hence, the statistical tools used for data analysis and

interpretation are Frequency and percentage, weighted mean and standard

deviation, and ANOVA.

Summary of Findings

The salient findings of the study were summarized according to the

statement of the problem stated in Chapter 1.

1. Impact of learning technology in the study of accounting subjects at

Rizal Technological University-Pasig Campus

1.1 Accessibility

The convenience of having access to the course materials at any time

and from any location led the respondents to conclude that it has an impact

on their study of Accounting. This element of the survey has the highest

mean of

3.53 because the respondents firmly agreed that they can access the course

materials anytime, anywhere, via the internet or mobile devices, which

suggests that it has a significant impact on their study of accounting courses.

The fact that the tools for different media platform had the lowest mean of

3.06, it shows that the respondents agreed that using learning technology

can be difficult to stay engaged during online and asynchronous learning

activities, which shows that using various media platform has a strong impact

on how well they will learn about accounting. The respondents, who also

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

agreed that accessibility is consistent in dealing with learning technology

directly saves time, and that learning technology has a very strong impact on

their academic achievement, as seen by the median that has a mean of 3.31.

The learning technology in regards to accessibility was strongly

agreed by the Accountancy students with an over-all mean of 3.29, which

means that learning technology in terms of accessibility has a very strong

impact on their academic performance. They were aware that learning

technology in terms of accessibility has a very strong impact in the study of

accounting subjects. The accessibility of media platform tools is broadly

integrated into the students' daily life. The readily available application can

be included into the educational process, increasing student interest and


1.2 Efficiency

The students strongly agreed that they are able to access information

more easily, access resources, and complete tasks efficiently, which has the

highest mean score of 3.53. According to the information provided, it appears

that these are the results of a survey conducted among students at Rizal

Technological University regarding their experience with their learning

environment. They believed that learning technology in terms of efficiency

has a very strong impact on their study of the subject. With a weighted mean

of 3.35, respondents strongly agreed that working together with other

students will improve their learning environment. They also believe that this

will have a strong impact on how well they understand their accounting

classes. With a total weighted mean of 3.23, the students sense that

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

learning technology is

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

more effective in enabling them to contribute in various forms of interactivity

and class engagement, indicating that it has a significant impact on their

accounting course work.

The overall weighted mean of efficiency is 3.29, which could be

interpreted that accountancy students strongly agreed of the impact of

efficiency of learning technology on the study of their accounting subjects.

They experience accessing information more easily in the efficiency of

learning technology as a result of having a very strong impact.

1.3 Learning Platforms

The respondents can obtain the essential resources/learning platform

more easily appreciating educational technology with the highest mean of

3.83. A median of 3.44 indicated that regardless of the learning modality,

online learning makes it simple to stay connected. Because the respondents

used various learning platforms, taking into account the knowledge they

possess regarding learning platforms, is not particularly simple to put the

knowledge into practice, and it received the lowest mean of 3.20.

The learning technology in terms of learning platforms has an overall

weighted mean of 3.22, where accountancy students agreed that it has a

strong impact in their study of accounting subjects. Learning platforms have

a strong impact that they can access to the different learning platform tools

which reduced the cost of textbook.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

1.4 Summary

The data demonstrates that the effectiveness of learning

technology which the respondents strongly agreed that learning

technology has a very strong impact on the study of accounting courses

by Accountancy students at Rizal Technological University, with an

overall mean of 3.40. In the present world, technology has influenced

every aspect of one’s lives, including schooling. It is a tool that makes

difficult tasks easier to finish quickly and successfully. It is critical to keep

in mind that technology can be a tool for education. Technology can help

schools collaborate more effectively. During class, they can talk to one

another. For academic and online course objectives, students work

together to solve challenges. Through group projects, students can assist

one another while exchanging ideas. The Accountancy students very

strongly agreed that learning platforms got a mean of 3.44. Efficiency got

a mean of 3.40, and the accessibility got a mean of 3.30 which indicates

that it has a very strong impact on the overall extent of learning the


2. Level of influence of learning technology to the student’s academic


1.1 Grades

The respondents agreed with the idea that adopting learning

technology made it easier for them to receive a passing grade with the

highest mean of

3.21 which resulted in a strong impact on their academic performance. The

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

respondents did not find it any simpler to reach their high GPAs when it came

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

to the extent of the influence of educational technology on grades and it has

the lowest mean of 2.96, which resulted that learning technology has slightly

impacted on their grades. Because of learning technologies, the respondents

agreed that they received a fair grading system with a mean of 3.03.

The accountancy students agreed that adopting learning

technology has a great level of influence that made it simple for them to

receive a passing grade. With that being said, they also concurred that

using educational technology in the classroom had helped them achieve

better marks.

1.2 Academic Achievement

The highest mean is 3.14, which the respondents agreed that it

coincided that they utilize learning technologies to spend a substantial

amount of time studying, which means that learning technology has a strong

impact on their academic achievement. Only those respondents who

disagreed that learning technologies with the lowest mean of 2.84, believed

that they always receive acknowledgment in their program. In the median

with a mean rate of 3.05, both online and in-person programs, the

respondents said they were confident in their knowledge of learning


Most of the Accountancy students generally agreed with the

comments made about how they used and experienced learning

technology. The level of influence of learning technology in terms of

academic achievement has a strong impact. They concurred that they


Pasig Catholic College
College Department

learning technology extensively while studying and are confident with their

academic success at the moment as a result.

1.3 Student Engagement

The respondents agreed that educational technology can influence

their organization's ability to handle academic responsibility and considered

as the highest mean of 3.23. It resulted that learning technology has a strong

impact on their different school engagement. The claim that the use of

educational technology was not recognized as the sources to be more

engaged in class discussion has the lowest overall mean of 2.95. They can

collaborate effortlessly with students from different organizations and thanks

to learning technology got a mean of 3.07.

Most Accountancy students are engaged and participated in a

variety of activities, such as volunteering, class discussions, webinars,

academic competitions, and extracurricular activities, and this has been

significantly influenced by the usage of learning technology. Learning

technology has had a strong impact on their academic performance and

ability to work with others.

1.4 Summary

In the summary of Academic performance, the respondents agreed that

Learning technology significantly affects the level of engagement among

Accountancy students at Rizal Technological University, with a 3.06 as its

overall mean, which resulted that learning technology has a strong impact on

the academic performance of Accountancy students. According to Fredrick

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

(2014), when technology is carefully and subtly integrated into the classroom,

students not only become more engaged but also begin to take greater

control over the learning process. Effective technology integration alters the

dynamics of the classroom and promotes student-centered project-based

learning. Students can quickly and easily communicate with their teachers

and classmates during the learning process using chat rooms and other

tools, all without taking up valuable class time. It shows that most of the

accountancy students agreed that Grades got a weighted mean of 3.12.

Academic achievement got a weighted mean of 3.00, and student

engagement got a weighted mean of 3.06 which has a great influence on the

overall extent on the use of learning technology.

2 The Significant Impact of Learning Technology on the Academic

Performance of Accountancy Students

According to the result, the majority of Accounting students agreed that

grades, academic achievement, and student engagement all have a strong

impact on how much technology is used. The information gathered and

displayed illustrates the findings of the information pertinent to the overall

mean of each component affecting the academic achievement. It

demonstrates that Rizal Technological University-Pasig Campus

Accountancy students concur with the assertion that the use of educational

technology has a positive impact on grades, academic accomplishment, and

student involvement, which have a combined mean of 3.06.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

There was sufficient data to conclude that learning technology had a

considerable negative impact on the grades of Rizal Technological

University's Accountancy students. The respondents agreed that learning

platforms and accessibility did not significantly affect their academic


The information gathered and displayed demonstrated how learning

technology is determined as well as how it significantly affects the

involvement of Accountancy students at Rizal Technological University-Pasig

campus. The effect of learning technology on the academic performance

indicates that there was sufficient evidence to conclude that the use of

learning technology at Rizal Technological University has a substantial

impact on the student engagement of Accountancy students.

With the data gathered, the researcher found out that learning

technology, namely: accessibility, efficiency, and learning platforms

significantly impact on the academic performance of the Accountancy

students at Rizal Technological University-Pasig Campus.

3. The Implications derived from the Study

The result of the study showed that the respondents strongly agreed that

the factors of academic performance have very strong impact on the factors

of learning technology. The study resulted in several implications. First of all,

there is enough evidence to support the possibility that the features of

learning technology, such as accessibility, efficiency, and learning platform,

may improve students' academic performance. The study also presented that

there are more factors that could affect accountancy students’ academic

Pasig Catholic College
College Department


Pasig Catholic College
College Department

As a result, in order to improve student performance, such factors must be

looked at. Latter nevertheless, the study discovered that accounting students

choose to adjust to the circumstances, create their own special strategies,

and improve their technology proficiency for the benefit of their academic

performance notwithstanding the new normal and the switch from face-to-

face to blended learning. The hybrid learning setting gave students a fresh

foundation to develop their own special skills and methods. However, there is

a significant impact between the learning technology and academic

performance of Accountancy students. Therefore, the hypothesis is rejected

based on the result of the data provided in this study.


Based on the summary and findings, the following conclusions are


1. Impact of learning technology in the study of accounting subject at

Rizal Technological University Pasig Campus

The Accountancy students at Rizal Technological University-Pasig

Campus agreed that accessibility, efficiency, and learning platforms has a

strong impact on the study of Accounting subjects.

2. Level of influence of learning technology to the student’s academic


The respondents agreed that grades, academic achievement, and

student engagements have a strong level of influence by learning technology

on their academic performance.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

3. The significant impact of learning technology on the academic

performance of Accountancy students

There is a significant impact of learning technology on the academic

performance of Accountancy students at Rizal Technological University-

Pasig Campus. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.

4. The Implications derived from the Study

The researcher derived to a conclusion that Learning technology has

a very strong impact on the students’ Academic performance to the study of

accounting subjects. There are several implications found in the study. The

factors of learning technology proved that it has a strong impact on the field

of Accountancy and its necessity to the Accountancy students. In learning

technology, they can use different learning platforms for academic purposes

where they can access materials that they need in studying accounting

subjects in just one tap on the tools provided by the learning technology. The

result showed that learning technology has given a lot of opportunities to the

student during face to face and online learning. The efficiency of it is powerful

that they can reduce the cost in textbook for it has the ability to access

resources for their needs in a short period of time. The study has found out

the factors in academic performance which significantly impact the learning

technology in terms of efficiency, but not by the accessibility and learning


Pasig Catholic College
College Department


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations

were formulated by the researcher:

1. School Administrators

Technology integration may be shaped in their schools so that the

whole campus will have a consistent approach to improve student learning


2. Head of Accountancy Program

Learning Technology be offered both synchronous and asynchronous

opportunities for engagement and learning in your courses. Multiple

opportunities may be provided for student-instructor and peer-to-peer

interactions. Teaching practice be modified to be more conducive to online


3. Accounting Professors

They may agree on a focus to become competent professionals in a

subset of technology which could be used for academic purposes.

4. Accountancy Students

They may have the opportunity to develop skills in learning new tools

and techniques. Technology would be a necessity for them during online

class which will be made available anytime and anywhere for them to access

more tools and material for the study of their accounting subjects which could

result to a good impact on their academic performance inside the class.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

5. Future Researchers

This may serve as a future reference for related studies concerning

learning technology and academic performance. Other studies could address

other attributes that might impact other academic factors. And that future

studies may be conducted to validate the findings of the study. To show that

most of the values in this study emerged during online and face to face

session, Learning technology is suggested to carry out with both face-to-face

and online learning.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department


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Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Appendix A
Letter to the Office of the Dean

June 19, 2023

Dr. Leonora D. Fernandez

College Dean

Dear Dean Fernandez:

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!

I, Christelle E. Elupre, a 3rd year student of Pasig Catholic College taking

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, am currently conducting a research study
entitled “Learning Technology and its Impact on Academic Performance of
Accountancy Students of Rizal Technological University-Pasig Campus.”
Knowing your outmost interest in the value of this research as a tool of
development. I, as researcher would like to ask your permission to allow me in
distributing the instrument of my study to my respective respondents which are the
Accountancy students of Rizal Technological University Pasig Campus.
Your anticipation and support will be highly appreciated

Sincerely Yours, Noted by:


Christelle E. Elupre Mrs. Jennifer D. Charanguero

Researcher Thesis Adviser

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Appendix B

Letter to Respondents

A survey questionnaire:

Dear Respondents,

As part of our thesis in Bachelor of Science in Accountancy at Pasig

Catholic College, I am conducting a survey that investigates the impact of
learning technology on the academic performance of accountancy students
of Rizal Technological University Pasig Campus. We will appreciate if you
could complete the following. Any information obtained in connection with
this study that can be identified with you will remain confidential.


Christelle E. Elupre

Noted by:

Mrs. Jennifer D. Charanguero

Thesis Adviser

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Appendix C

Letter to the Department Head of Accountancy

April 13, 2023

Instr. Rholand H. Tapalla, CPA

Accountancy Department Head

Dear Mr. Tapalla,

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
I, Christelle E. Elupre, a 3rd year student of Pasig Catholic College
taking Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, am currently conducting a research
study entitled “Learning Technology and its Impact on Academic Performance of
Accountancy Students of Rizal Technological University-Pasig Campus.”
The purpose of this study is to discover and clarify if there’s an
impact Learning Technology and on Academic Performance of Accountancy
Students of Rizal Technological University. The research could serve as reference
contributing information for better understanding to the field.
I guarantee that whatever information gathered will be used only for the
purpose of the study and be treated with utmost confidentiality.
Thank you very much and I hope for your kind approval.
Sincerely yours,
Noted by:

Christelle E. Elupre Mrs. Jennifer D. Charanguero

Researcher Thesis Adviser

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Appendix D

Survey Questionnaire

Please respond to the following questions by placing a check mark (╱

) in the answer box [ ] that corresponds to your response.


[ ] 16 – 20 [ ] 31-35

[ ] 21 – 25 [ ] 36-40

[ ] 26 – 30

Sex: Civil Status:

[ ] Male [ ] Single

[ ] Female [ ] Married

Year Level:

[ ] 1st [ ] 3rd [ ] 5th

[ ] 2nd [ ] 4th

Pasig Catholic College
College Department


Below are statements regarding how may the learning technology

impact in the study of Accounting subjects in Rizal technological University
may described. Please read them carefully and put a checkmark on the
space provided for in accordance with your answer.
4 – Strongly Agree
3 – Agree
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree

Accessibility 4 3 2 1
1.1 Learning technology allows relentless access to educational
 Open access Journals
 Quizlet
 Online Tutorials
1.2. Course materials found it convenient to access it anytime and
anywhere using internet or mobile devices.
 Excel
 MS Word
 PowerPoint
1.3 Deliver learning without limit
1.4. Use of different media platforms tools make it easy for to stay
connected whether its online or asynchronous learning activities.

 Messenger    
 Gmail
 Instagram
 Viber
1.5. Become necessary to full participation in academic activities.

1.6. Consistently direct addressed as less time-consuming.

1.7. Provided with equal access to learning materials like Educational

1.8. Utilize all the relevant software the usable in online learning.

 Google Classroom
 Zoom
 Google Meet
 MS Teams

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Efficiency 4 3 2 1

2.1.Accessing information more easily

2.2. Ability to access resources.

2.3. Complete tasks efficiently.

2.4. Concede to increase collaboration with other

Accountancy students.
2.5. Time-saving.

2.6. Interactivity and class engagement.

2.7. Accommodate learning style.

 Visual

 Synchronous Online

 Video Lectures

 Verbal

2.8. Gives outburst to a variation of sources at the

simple click of a button.

 Online Assignment

 Online Quiz

 Reviewer

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Learning Platforms 4 3 2 1

3.1.It make it easy to stay connected whether its

online or asynchronous learning activities.

3.2. It enables to put earned knowledge into

3.3. There is the ability to engage multiple senses
in learning.
3.4. It increase course variety.

3.5. There is repeated access to course materials.

3.6. There is the flexibility to complete assignments

at a time.
3.7. It has easier access to the necessary
tools/learning platform.
 Coursera

 YouTube

 Chrome

 Firefox

3.8. I reduces costs in textbooks.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department


Below are statements regarding level of influence learning technology

to the student academic performance of Accountancy students of Rizal
Technological University Pasig Campus. Please read them carefully and put
a check mark on the space provided for in accordance to your answer.
4 – Strongly Agree
3 – Agree
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree

Grades 4 3 2 1

1.1. I easily get a passing grade when I started using

learning technology.
1.2. I received fair grading system because of
learning technology.
1.3. I get better grades because of learning
1.4. Learning Technology helps in boosting up my
1.5. The usage of learning technology for class has
helped improved my grades.
1.6. There is an improvement in my grades since I
became engaged in to this learning technology.
1.7. I get excellent grades during online class
because of the use of learning technology.
1.8. Using learning technology I had easier time to
achieve my high GPA.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Academic Achievement 4 3 2 1

2.1. Received prompt excellent from professors

2.2. Spending significant amounts of time studying

with the use of learning technology.
2.3. I am contented with my current academic
progress because of learning technology,
2.4. When I started use learning technology, I
received more awards in school related in academic
. 2.5. I am confident with my knowledge in learning
technology during online and face to face classes.
. 2.6. I always received recognition in my program at
the time that I use learning technology.
. 2.7. Receiving acknowledgement/rewards for good
academic results.
2.8.Learning technology boost up my confidence to
join with different academic activities.

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Student Engagement 4 3 2 1

. 3.1. Learning technology improve my volunteerism

during online events.
. 3.2. I am more engaged in class discussion
because of the learning technology.
. 3.3. Learning technology helping me to attend in
different webinars and other academics
. 3.4. Learning technology making me active
participants of school online activities such as
. 3.5. Learning technology made me in
extracurricular activities.
. 3.6. Because of learning technology, I easily work
with other students with different organization.
. 3.7. Learning technology make me strive when it
comes in class recitation.
. 3.8. I can easily help my organization with
academic responsibilities because of the learning

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Appendix E

Letter to 1st Validator

March 20, 2023

Dear Mr. Vivo,

Good day!

I am a Third-Year student of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. I

sincerely ask for your assistance for validation of questionnaires in our thesis
entitled: “Learning Technology and its Impact on Academic Performance of
Accountancy Students of Rizal Technological University, Pasig Campus”.
Its purpose is to discover and clarify if there’s an impact Learning
Technology and on Academic Performance of Accountancy Students of Rizal
Technological University. Moreover, it will be conducted to contribute new
aspect of knowledge about the practice.
Your approval to this study will be greatly appreciated. You may
contact me through my email address (
We are looking forward for your response about this matter. Thank you very
much and God Bless.

Yours truly, Noted:

Christelle E. Elupre Mrs.Jenny Charanguero

Researcher Thesis Adviser

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Appendix F

Letter to 2nd Validator

March 20, 2023

Dear Dr. Robledo,

Good day!

I am a Third-Year student of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. I

sincerely ask for your assistance for validation of questionnaires in our thesis
entitled: “Learning Technology and its Impact on Academic Performance of
Accountancy Students of Rizal Technological University, Pasig Campus”.
Its purpose is to discover and clarify if there’s an impact Learning
Technology and on Academic Performance of Accountancy Students of Rizal
Technological University. Moreover, it will be conducted to contribute new
aspect of knowledge about the practice.
Your approval to this study will be greatly appreciated. You may
contact me through my email address (
We are looking forward for your response about this matter. Thank you very
much and God Bless.

Yours truly, Noted:

Christelle E. Elupre Mrs.Jenny Charanguero

Researcher Thesis Adviser

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Appendix G

Letter to 3rd Validator

March 20, 2023

Dear Mrs. Nantes,

Good day!

I am a Third-Year student of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. I

sincerely ask for your assistance for validation of questionnaires in our thesis
entitled: “Learning Technology and its Impact on Academic Performance of
Accountancy Students of Rizal Technological University, Pasig Campus”.
Its purpose is to discover and clarify if there’s an impact Learning
Technology and on Academic Performance of Accountancy Students of Rizal
Technological University. Moreover, it will be conducted to contribute new
aspect of knowledge about the practice.
Your approval to this study will be greatly appreciated. You may
contact me through my email address (
We are looking forward for your response about this matter. Thank you very
much and God Bless.

Yours truly, Noted:

Christelle E. Elupre Mrs.Jenny Charanguero

Researcher Thesis Adviser

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Appendix H

Letter Request to Statistician

April 20, 2023

Mr. Allan Fabillar Espenilla
Data Analyst/Statistician

Dear Mr.
I, Christelle E. Elupre, 3rd Year student of Pasig Catholic College
under the program Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, currently working on
my thesis entitled: “Learning Technology and its Impact on Academic
Performance of Accountancy Students of Rizal Technological University
Pasig Campus”.
In line with this, I sincerely ask for your expertise in assisting and
validating my attached self-made questionnaire for my study.
I am looking forward that my request would merit your positive
Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Yours truly, Noted by:

Christelle E. Elupre Mrs. Jennifer D.

Charanguero Researcher

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Curriculum Vitae

Christelle E. Elupre

#52 5TH. St. Isla Homes 2&3

Sandoval Ave. Pinagbuhatan, Pasig City
Career Objectives

To work in a prestigious institution to utilize my strong analytical and

interpersonal skills with commitment, dedication, and passion in dealing with
different people and circumstances in a corporate world.
Personal Information

Age : 22

Date of Birth : June 3, 2001

Place of Birth : Igbaras, Iloilo City

Gender : Female

Height : 157 cm

Weight : 48 kg

Civil Status : Single

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Educational Attainment

Tertiary : Pasig Catholic College

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
In Progress
Secondary : Pasig Catholic College
Accountancy, Business and
Pinagbuhatan High School
Primary : Pinagbuhatan Elementary School
Cagbang Elementary School
Igtalongon Elementary School

Seminars Attend

January 2019 : ILEAD: Building Leadership Skills

for Students University of the
Diliman, Quezon City
September 2020 : 2020 PICPA SMMC CARES
National Federation of Junior
Philippine Institute of Accountants

September 2020 : Psychological First Aid: Supporting

Yourself and Others During

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Red Cross Philippines

April 2021 : Ugnay: Self-care and Caring for
Pasig Catholic College
February 2022 : UNLOCKED: “Unleashing your
Potential and Opportunities in the
Corporate World”
September 2022 : “PAALABIN: The Avenue to Ignite
Exemplary Leadership”

October 2022 : “MULAT: Motivate, Understand,

Lead, Advocate & Transform”

February 2023 : “TAX UP: BreathTAXing Journey

to the Academic Realm”

March 2023 : “PCOS We Can: facing

THE Challenge Together.”

March 2023 : “Project Binhi Fourth Pillar,

Gender Equality Titled”HELLO,


Communication skills Preparing MS Excel

Computer Skills Preparing MS

Word Bookkeeping and Analytical Skill

Pasig Catholic College
College Department

Work Experience

November 2019 : Global Dominion Financing Corp.

Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Trainee, Encoder


Perfect Attendance Awardee ( Junior High School) : 2018

Conduct Awardee : 2018

Academic Awardee : 2018

NCIII Bookkeeping Passer : 2019

With Honor (Senior High School) : 2020

JPIA-PCC Council President : 2022-Present

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief

Christelle E. Elupre

Pasig Catholic College
College Department


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