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Letter of Recommendation

It gives me immense great pleasure to recommend Mr. Parth Sharma, a student of The
NorthCap University (formerly ITM University), whom Ii have known for the last four years as a
talented, determined and a loyal student. During this period, Ii came to know about his skills and
capabilities as his professor for ‘Microprocessors’ and ‘Embedded Systems’.

As his professor and laboratory in charge, I,i closely assessed and evaluated his theoretical
concepts and monitored his growth. The course of ‘Microprocessors’, requires clear
understanding of the concepts of computer architecture and programming in order to develop
processor based digital systems. His work in developing secure and effective embedded
systems in the laboratory is commendable. He performed exceptionally well, securing a good
grade in these courses. The utter dedication that he has for his studies is not found easily in
today’s students. He has the ability to work efficiently both as an individual and in a team. He is
meticulous in his approach and attends to details and specifications of the assigned work to
ensure perfection. I found him to be an honest, hardworking and responsible individual who can
be relied upon to deliver the expected results.

Also, Hhe has also worked under my supervision on a project titled ‘Home Assistant Robot’.
The project consists of implementation of various image processing algorithms over Linux, an
android app development and a Bluetooth stack implementation on a microcontroller. I must
confide that it was a pleasure to be his project guide throughout his learning curve as it was
remarkable to see him advancemature as a researcher. He is well versed in his research topics.
There were times when he got stuck in problems while working on the project, but after
persistent attempts and by not giving up, he got the desired results. He along with his team
successfully published their research on ‘Home Assistant Robot’ in the International Journal of
Computer Science Engineering, based on their project. A thinker and a problem-solver, Parth
has every quality of a promising and talented researcher.

In Parth, I find a fine young man with a lot of potentials in him. He is kind and considerate
towards others and is reliable and responsible. I strongly believe that the education that he will
receive at your university will further advance his aptitude and skills, which in turn will enable
him to achieve his professional ambitionsdeterminations and goals. I recommend him very
strongly for an admission to the mastersMaster’s program at your university. He has been an
asset to our department and without a doubt he would be an asset to your program too. I wish
him all the best for his future.

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