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3rd Term Exams Jss 2 ENGLISH STUDIES





Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow

My father always gave his share of the catch to me to guard while he went to help another
group. At first I sat there patiently and proudly guarding the growing pile of fish. But then a
group of my friends came by laughing and playing. They called me and I left my post to play
with them for a few minutes but always with frequent glances at my pile of fish and with one
eye on the figure of my father. If anyone came too near my fish or if my father turned in my
direction, I hurried back to my post. But the morning was long and hot, and I was only five
years old. I became tired , hungry and thirsty, food sellers went to and fro among the fishermen
, with traps of tempting cakes , fruit and sweet upon their heads . I looked longingly at the food,
but I had no money to buy things with, then one day, I made a discovery which was to lead me
into such a tangled web of deception that I was in end unable to extract myself from it. I
discovered that the food sellers would accept fish in payment for their wares.

I began by exchanging the smallest fish in exchange for oranges or a piece of sugarcane , then
with a larger fish, I bought cakes and sweets and shared them with my friends . Atlast the day
came when in a reckless burst of goodwill or bid for popularity, I exchanged my whole pile of
fish for food, and distributed it among the children who came crowding around me.

[1]. Why was Francis left to guard?

[2] What first tempted him to neglect his job?

[3] In the first paragraph ,what excuse can you find for bad behavior

[4] What was the discovery that led him to start deceiving his father

[5] What did the boy exchange for food

[6] Mention two things that sellers sold

Provide another word for the following words;

7. guard ……………..

8. hurried ……………..

9. began…………………

10. extract……………….


From the list of words lettered A – D , choose the one that is opposite in meaning.

[1]. The woman never smiles [a] daily [b] always [c]soon [d] seldom

[2] My uncle is a humble man [a] happy [b] bright [c] proud [d] dull
[3] A sudden burst of fire from the brave soldiers killed the enemies [a] mistaken [b] gradual [c]
disturbing [d] moving

[4] A comforting thought sent him to sleep to his bed [a]sympathetic [b] quick [c] disturbing [d]

[5] The old man occupied the rat infested building in the slum [a] inhabitated [b] built [c]
vacated [d] rented

From letter A-D choose the one that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word.

[6]. When we eventually got there, we discovered that he has lost all hopes of survival.
[a]secretly [b] luckily [c] finally [d] swaying

[7]. I met Ade crying softly when he saw his dead dog [a] roaring [b] smiling [c]mourning [d]

[8]. The stolen money was hidden in a dirty bag. [a]found [b] lost [c] exposed [d] forgotten

[9]. The messenger was very loyal to his master. [a] rude [b] faithful [c]wicked [d] proud

[10]. The boy insulted the old man. [a] praised [b] helped [c]welcomed [d] abused

Fill in the gap with the appropriate letters A-D

[11].The visitors soon left…….their town. [a] around [b] for [c] at [d] to
[12]. My friends didn’t not agree…….. on two occasions. [A] with [B] to [C] for [d] at

[13]. Honest people are becoming hard to come…………..these days. [a] for [b] with [c] by [d] to

[14]. He …………….all his bitter past experience [a]forgets [b]forget [c] had forgotten [d] is

[15]. She got the job she had applied…………….at last [a] to [b] for [c] on [d] by

Choose the best interpretations for the statement underline

[16]. Ahmed said he would give his ears to marry the girl.

[a] be patient for sometimes [b] buy some presents for her [c] sacrifice anything to marry her
[d]listen carefully for her

[17]. As the examination approached, she began to have cold feet.

[a] become very comfortable [b] be reluctant [c]catch a cold in the feet [d] fall sick

[18]. Musa was the fly in the ointment of the family. [[a] the pride of everyone [b] a ba and
troublesome person [c] an adventurous person [d]a quiet person

[19]. Mary’s people see her once in blue moon. [a]every full moon [b] often [c] very rarely [d]
every Month
20]. Ngozi is the black sheep of the family [A] dark-skinned [b] a jewel [c] a disgrace [d] a pride


INSTRUCTION- underline the correct answer in this section.

1. The student union leader was ____________ In the wake of the students ‘unrest that claimed
some lifes a. dismissed b. driven away c. punished d. sacked

2. Segun always act as a/an________, he loves bringing about economic and social change a.
criminal b. activist

c. criminologist d. actor

3. The patients attended the clinic yesterday, __________ a. aren’t he? b. didn’t he c. didn’t they d.
aren’t they?

4. He went to school yesterday _____________ a. did he? B. does he? C. doesn’t he? D. didn’t he

5. ___________are words or phrases that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or
phrase. A. antonyms b. synonyms c. opposite d. taxon

Choose the synonyms for the words underlined.

6. He was generous and shared what he bought with friends.

a. gentle b. polite c. sorry d. greedy.

7. Ngozi whispered the answer to me when the teacher turned away. A. b

8. We assembled there last Sunday. A. brought b. gathered

c. circulate d. assembling

9. He hid the book under the carpet a. beneath b. above

c. underneath d. distinct.

10. This is a rather expensive dress a. cheap b. poor c. dark d. costly

From the list of words that is nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined words in the
following sentences

11. My sister said that the stranger was rude to her a. polite b. proud

c. kind d. Friendly

12. Jamat is rather innocent of the allegation a. abnormal b. guilty

c. insane d. cleared

13. One of the armed robbers’ face is familiar to me. A. known

b. strange c. pleasant d. cleared

14. Miss Janet is a dwarf. A. tall b. slim c. giant d. short

15. The teacher listened to the interesting story a. school b. audience b. Student d. spectator


Answer one question from this section:

1. A school friend of yours has been absent from school for the past three weeks. Write a letter
to him/her describing the events of the past three weeks in your school. Remind him/her of the
approach of the promotional examination.

2. Write an essay on “how I celebrated my last birthday”

(250 words)



Write an essay on the topic ‘ cultism erode good cultural values’

Write an essay on the topic ‘ pride goes before a fall’.

Write a letter to your friend in another school,telling him/her about the children’s day activities
in your school





Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow;

Long time ago, I was born in a certain country near Bida and the name of our town was Kagara,
my father was a tall, light skinned man whose craft was leather-working. My mother was a
native of Fatika. Now when my mother was carrying me, my father died and left me an
inheritance of six cows, three sheep and his riding mare, at this time the mare was foal. All
these were handed over to my mother, who was told to keep them for until in God’s time she
should give birth to. They were the properties of her son, since her husband had no other
relatives to claim the inheritance.

So things went on well until one day I was born, and I turned out to be a boy..Now when the
name day came around, my mother had one of my rams caught and slaughteredand the name
‘Umar’ was whispered into my ear,then I began a life of adventure such as the World has rarely

[1]. When the father died the writer of the passage was……….

[a]. In Bida

[b]. In Fatika
[c]. Not yet born

[d]. Still a baby

[2]. The writer’s father left him an inheritance of…………….

[a]. A light coloured skin

[b]. Mother’s property

[c]. Six cows only

[d] Leather

[3]. The Writer’s mother was told to keep everything for……

[a] her husband relatives

[b] herself

[c] her sister

[d] for the unborn child

[4]. A ram was killed for a feast on the date that the writer ………….
[a]. was born

[b] remembered his father

[c] was told his father’s name

[d]. was given his name

[5] When he grew up, the Writer…

[a] disappeared

[b] lived a life of adventures

[c] lived a peaceful life as a worker

[d] None of the above


From the options A – D , choose the one that is nearest in meaning to the italic letter.

[6].A ruler will be needed to measure the width of the table

[a]. area [b] length [c] breadth [d] height

[7]. Some tenants were ordered to leave the house within three days

[a] advised [b]commanded [c] informed [d] warned

[8] Many applicants have put in their applications’ letters

[a] posted [b] seen [c] submitted [d] taken

[9] Many pupils were curious to know what headmaster would say

[a] afraid [b] anxious [c]happy [d] sad

[10]. Samson was fortunate to have passed the examinations

[a] careful [b] eager [c] happy [d] lucky

Choose the one that is nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined words

[11] M y friend praised me for not paying them a visit

[a] Attacked [b] blamed [c] disturbed [d]worried

[12] The classroom was very rowdy

[a] Crowded [b]noisy [c] ordered [d]dirty

[13]. Our team won the match

[a] Abandoned [b] enjoyed [c] lost [d] played

[14] The departure time for the plan is 10;00 a.m prompt

[a] arrival [b] landing [c] loading [d] stop over

[15]. John bought a very expensive gold watch

[a] Good [b] lovable [c] cheap [d] old

Fill in the blanks with correct options

[16] We…………. The lesson two weeks ago [a] began [b] begin [c] were [d]begins

[17] The bird is…………….. in the sky now [a] flew [b] flies [c] flown [d] flying

[18] Father…………. On his horse during the festival last year

[a] is riding [b]rides [c] ride [d] rode

[19]. Bola was going home………………she?

[a] did [b] does [c] isn’t [d] wasn’t

[20].I am contented …………….. what I have

[a] about [b] by [c] for [d] with


Choose the right answer to the following questions.

1. A______________ of the dancers came to my school a .team b .group c .party d. troupe

2. This is my _________room a. babies b. babies’ c. baby’s d. baby

3. _____________describes a sentence where the subject performs the actions stated by the verb
a.Active voice b.passive voice c. Action voice d. command voice

4. Polar questions are ___________questions a.tag b.yes/no c. true/false d. b/c

5. Which of these is a negative tag? A. are they b. am I c. is it? D. isn’t he?

6. A person who writes a poem is called _______ a. poet b. artist

c. actor d. poem writer

7. A drama can be acted ______ a. true b. false c. maybe

d. none of the above

8. A play the ends sadly is _______a. tragic b. comedy c. farce

d. tragedy

9. I have just _______ two letters. A. saw b. see c. seen d. seeing

10. Adewale is ____________ than Segun a. taller b. tallest c. tall d. tallen

11. They like swimming,_______?

12. You don’t want to be a sailor, ___________?

13. He is not working today________?

14. It is raining,__________?

15. She won’t forget it ,____________?

16. Write out five active and five passive sentences.


1. identify the proper nouns in the following sentences.

i. The Queen Elizabeth sails from Southampton to New York.

ii. William Shakespeare was one of England’s greatest poets.

iii. Nairobi is the capital of Kenya.

iv. On the plate, there were some bananas and oranges.

v. The guard blows his whistle and waves his flag. The wheels begin to move and the train
leaves the station.

vi. Camels can carry heavy loads.

vii. The Red sea is to the east of Egypt.

viii. My birthday is on Thursday, the 15th of May.

ix. Kainji is not far from the Niger.

x. The King of Ruritania and the Prince are going to the United states of America.

2. Write the followings in their passive forms:

i. The teacher tells many tales about the origin of the universe.

ii. The historians never wrote down much of Africa’s history,

iii. Someone made this bronze a thousand years ago.

iv. I am going to watch a movie precisely by 4 o’clock today.

v. We keep our own car on the other space.

vi. The federal government of Nigeria created the Federal Road Safety Commission in February.

vii. Timi will borrow my bicycle.

viii. I must change my dress for the party.

ix. Mother buys a lot of chocolate.

x. They were singing a lot of songs.

3. Compete the following statements with suitable question tags:

i. You needn’t give the man five shillings, _____________?

ii. We have been doing some painting, _____________?

iii. I believed the cat hadn’t stolen the meat, _____________?

iv. We were sorry you had to go so early, _____________?

v. You told me to see the picture at the cinema and I saw it, _____________?

vi. There isn’t enough food for all of us, _____________?

vii. We shan’t have another lesson for a week, _____________?

viii. She couldn’t answer all the questions in the examination, _____________?

ix. He does understand what we say, _____________?

x. There’s a mouse eating that yam, _____________?



Instruction: Answer one question from this section. Your answer should be about 200 words

1. Write a letter to your friend in another school telling him/her why you chose English studies
as your favourite subject, giving at least five ways in which the subject will affect your future
career positively.

2. Describe a cultural event that you have recently watched in your community.

1.Write an essay on “The dangers of drugs abuse” (150 words)

Write a letter to your friend who borrowed you book and failed to

return it, demand a prompt reply of the book (150 words)

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