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Haplotypes of mtDNA-HV1/HV2 in Non-Related Individuals of Caucasian

Population Living in the Slovak Republic

Article in Молекулярная биология · December 2010

DOI: 10.1134/S0026893310060038 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Vanda Repiská
Comenius University Bratislava


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МОЛЕКУЛЯРНАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ, 2010, том 44, № 6, с. 980–984

UDC 577.2


© 2010 V. Repiska1*, I. Lehocky2, J. Galatova3, D. Böhmer1
Institute of Medical Biology, Genetics and Clinical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava,
811 08 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Department of Biology, Institute of Forensic Science of Police Corps, 812 72 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Institute of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, 811 08 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Received February 09, 2010
Accepted for publication April 29, 2010

Evaluation of the frequency index for mtDNA particular sequences in the Caucasian population is crucial for forensic
practice. There are two hypervariable regions in the mtDNA Dloop, HV1 and HV2. Both of them, 610 bp altogether,
were sequenced, 342 bp from the hypervariable region HV1 (16024–16365) and 268 bp from the hypervariable region
HV2 (73–340). We have analyzed 374 randomly selected nonrelated individuals of the Caucasian population and 192
individuals of the Roma subpopulation living in Slovakia. The main goals of the work were to introduce and standardize
methods of analysis of variability of the HV1 and HV2 regions of mtDNA for forensic use; to characterize the variability
of mtDNA in the Slovakian population taking into account the subpopulations; classification of mtDNA profiles into
haplotype groups, and comparison with other haplotype groups in Europe in the frame of phylogenetic studies.

Keywords: haplotype groups, mitochondrial DNA analysis, PCR.

* A database of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplo casian population and from 192 individuals of the Roma
types, which is an equivalent of a database of DNA pro subpopulation living in Slovakia.
files, plays unique role in the identification of cadavers or
parts of human bodies of unrecognized identity. A data For PCR amplification of the HV1 region of mtDNA
base of this type is very important in case of absence of rel the following primers were used: H15806 (5'GCATC
atives and during ethnicity identification. mtDNA typing CGTACTATACTTCACAACAATCC3') and L16545
is performed in samples wherein successful typing of nu (5'AACGTGTGGGCTATTTAGGC3'). The algo
clear DNA (ncDNA) is unlikely – bones, teeth, hair, ma rithm of the PCR reaction was as follows:
terial fixed in paraffin blocks, excrements and other sam
ples which were resolved or exposed to unfavorable condi 94°C 1 min
tions of the environment [1, 2].
94°C 20 s
The largest variability among mtDNA haplotypes in 52°C 15 s 38 cycles 72°C 1 min
the human population was detected in the region of the
Dloop [3]. There are two hypervariable regions in that ar 72°C 5 min
ea labelled as HV1 and HV2. mtDNA haplogroup distri
bution correlates with the polymorphism of HV1/HV2, as 4°C
well as with polymorphism of the whole mitochondrial
genome. Haplogroups A, B, C, D, E, F, G and M are typ For PCR amplification of the HV2 of mtDNA the
ical for Asian populations, while the majority of native next primers: H8 (5'GGTCTATCACCCTATTAAC
American populations have haplogroups A, B, C and D. CAC3') and L429 (5'CTGTTAAAA GTGCATAC
Haplogroups L1, L2 and L3 are African, whereas haplo CGCC3') – were used. The PCR reaction algorithm of
groups H, I, J, K, T, U, V, W and X are linked with the Eu was as follows:
ropean populations [4, 5].
95°C 2 min

66°C 1 min 30 cycles
DNA was obtained by standard phenolchloroform
extraction from 374 peripheral blood samples from ran 72°C 1 min
domly selected nonrelated individuals of the Slovak Cau
72°C 7 min
* Email:


Amplification was performed on thermal cycler HV1 region (HV1ex), being significantly longer the HV1,
GeneAmp® PCR System 2700 (“Applied Biosystems”, had only 10 polymorphic places more (107 over 442 bp).
USA). The PCR products were revised in the coloured by Mutation at the 16399 position was observed in 22 indi
ethidium bromide agar gel with using an UV transilumi viduals (5.9%). The HV2 region was 268 bp in length and
nator. All PCR products were purified, and the DNA was had only 56 mutating positions. The extended HV2ex re
sequenced. The algorithm for the DYEPCR reaction of gion being 269 bp in length carried an additional, 57th,
the HV1 region of mtDNA was the following: polymorphic place. The HV2 region was extended by the
72 position (HV2ex), mutation at which was observed in
94°C 20 s 10 individuals (2.7%).
50°C 15 s 34 cycles Comparison of the detected sequences with the Cam
60°C 1 min bridge reference [9] allowed us to identify 284 mtDNA
lines according to the 164 variable positions, 43 of which
The algorithm for the DYEPCR reaction of the HV2 characterized only one of the examined mtDNA (26%),
region of mtDNA was the following: while the other 121 positions were not unique (the each
96°C 1 min nucleotide difference appeared in at least 2 individuals).
These results obtained do not agree with Lutz`s data [10]
96°C 10 s according to which the unique changes were at 92 variable
50°C 5s 25 cycles positions (46% of all detected ones)Most of the polymor
phic places are related to only one type of mutation, and
60°C 4 min only in 8 out of 164 variable positions (4.9%) two different
In the DYEPCR reaction we used three primers (two types of mutation were reported.
forward primers and one reverse primer): H15909 (5' By comparing sequences of the whole HV1exHV2ex
ACACCAGTCTTGTAAACCGG3'), H15975 (5' segment 284 haplotypes were detected. At that, 240 se
CTCCACCATTAGCACCCAAAG3'), and L16420 (5' quences (64.2%) were unique, 27 haplotypes (14.4%) oc
TGATTTCACGGAGGATGGTGG3'). curred twice, 9 (7.2%) were observed 3 times, 4 (4.3 %)
Amplification products of the mtDNA HV1 region were found 4 times, and also more 4 different haplotypes
were sequenced on a MegaBACE™ 1000 Sequencer every of which occurred 5 (1.3%), 9 (2.4%), 10 (2.7%)
(“Amersham Biosciences”). and 13 (3.5%) times were identified.
Sequences of hypervariable region HV1 were analyzed The most prevailing haplotype in the population in
using SeqLab (GCG Wisconsin Package 10, Genetics vestigated is the 263G, 315.1C one (Table 1) that was
Computer Group). Sequence analysis of the hypervari found in 3.5% of individuals. It is a characteristic haplo
able region HV2 was performed using DNA Sequencing type observed in the Caucasian population of other Euro
Analysis Software version 5.2 (“Applied Biosystems”). pean countries, namely: 3% of all individuals in Austria
The reference sequence of the complete human mito [11], 2% in Germany [12], 2.6% in Switzerland [13],
chondrial genome is available in the Genbank index ac 4.3% in the Czech [14], in 4.5% the United Kingdom [15]
cess code NC_001807. In order to compare the obtained and 4% in France [16] of all individuals have this haplo
sequences with the reference one we used the ABI type. It would be very interesting to expand a scale of our
PRISM® SeqScape® Software version 2.5 (“Applied Bio investigation to the Russian population which, unfortu
systems”). nately, such data are available only for the HV1 region for
Genetic diversity was calculated according to Tajima [17, 18].
[6], random match probability was detected according to Basing on the monitored haplotype frequency occur
Stoneking et al. [7], and the average number of nucleotide rence in our population, calculation of the genetic diver
differences was calculated using the DnaSP version 3 pro sity [6], random match probability [7] and average num
gramm [8]. Particular haplotypes were classified into the ber of nucleotide differences [8] were performed for hy
corresponding haplogroups and respectively labelled. pervariable regions HV1, HV1ex, HV2, HV2ex, HV1 and
HV2 together, and HV1ex and HV2ex together (Table 2).
Genetic diversity of 374 individuals of Caucasian popula
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tion of Slovakia in the whole region sequenced is 0.997;
For better differentiation of haplotypes some new probability that two randomly selected individuals
terms were used. The region between positions 16024 and from the population will have an identical haplotype of
16465, overlapping HV1, was called the “HV1 overpass mtDNA is 0.62%. The average number of nucleotide dif
ing region” (HV1ex); the region between positions 72 and ferences was fixed to 8.03 for the two hypervariable regions
340, overlapping HV2, was called the “HV2 overpassing together.
region” (HV2ex). All calculations were performed for the Most substitutions were distributed randomly. In hy
regions HV1, HV1ex, HV2 and HV2ex, and also for pervariable region HV1 position 16126C had a mutation
HV1HV2 and HV1exHV2ex. in 17.4%, position 16311C was mutated in 16.6%, the
The most polymorphic region was HV1, which in 16270T position was different in 11.5% of samples. In
volved 342 bp with 97 variable positions. The extended HV2 region position 263G was mutated in 99.5%, posi


982 REPISKA et al.

Table 1. Most frequent occurrence of haplotypes in the Caucasian population of the Slovak Republic
Times Haplotypes in the database
13 263G 315.1C 3.48
10 263G 309.1C 315.1C 2.67
9 263G 309.1C 309.2C 315.1C 2.41
5 16298C 72C 263G 309.1C 315.1C 1.34
4 16311C 263G 315.1C 1.07
4 16129A 16223T 16291T 16298C 73G 263G 309.1C 315.1C 1.07
4 16069T 16126C 16145A 16172C 16222T 16261T 73G 242T 263G 295T 315.1C 1.07
4 16126C 16294T 16296T 73G 263G 309.1C 315.1C 1.07

Table 2. Genetic diversity (GD), random match probability (RMP) and average number of nucleotide differences (ANND) in
HV1, HV1ex, HV2, HV2ex, HV1HV2 and HV1exHV2ex regions of mtDNA from 374 individuals of the Caucasian population of
Parametr HV1 16024–16365 HV1ex 16024–16465 HV2 73–340 HV2ex 72–340 HV1HV2 HV1exHV2ex
GD 0.9750 0.9768 0.9651 0.9685 0.9962 0.9964
RMP, % 2.76 2.58 3.74 3.40 0.65 0.62
ANND 4.27 4.49 3.47 3.52 7.76 8.03

tion 73G in 54.8%, position 152C in 19.0% and position Comparison of obtained sequences with the Cam
195C in 16.3% of samples. bridge reference sequence [9] in the control region of
Only one deletion was detected: adenine residue at the mtDNA allowed us to identify 83 mitochondrial lines,
249 position in HV2. The deletion was related to 4 haplo which were defined by 92 variable positions. Twentyfive
types of the haplogroup C being one of the main charac of these variable positions characterized only one sample
teristics of this haplogroup. of mtDNA, whereasremaining 67 positions were unique,
We also analyzed 192 members of the Roma subpopu nucleotide differences in them to occur in at least two in
lation, for which the HV1 region was more polymorphic dividuals. Most polymorphic places are again linked with
than HV2. For this subpopulation the HV1 region is single type of mutation, and only in 2 of the 92 variable
342 bp in length and carries only 59 variable positions that positions (2.1%) 2 different types of mutations were
is 38 variable positions less than in the Caucasian popula recorded.
tion of Slovakia. We detected 8 mutations in positions that In the HV1exHV2ex segment 83 haplotypes were de
were not observed in Slovakian Caucasian population. tected: 59 (30.7%) sequences occurred once, 10 (10.4%)
The extended HV1 region (HV1ex) is 377 bp long and in twice, 3 (4.7%) 3 times, 5 (10.4%) 4 times, 2 (6.3%)
volves 64 polymorphic places, i.e. 5 polymorphic places 6 times, 1 haplotype (3.6%) was found 7 times, 1 (4.7%)
more than the HV1. One of these 5 mutations, at the 9 times, 1 (14.1%) 27 times and 1 haplotype (15.1%)
16391 position, was observed in 32 individuals (16.7%); its 29 times.
being characteristic for haplogroup I1, common for the Statistical analysis of the results was the same as for the
Roma subpopulation. The HV2 region carries 27 poly Caucasian population (Table 3). Genetic diversity of 192
morphic positions over 268 bp of length, while the extend individuals of the Roma population in Slovakia of the
ed HV2ex region involves 28 polymorphic places over whole sequenced region is 0.951; the probability that 2 in
269 bp HV2 region was expanded only by position 72 dividuals randomly selected from the population will have
(HV2ex), mutation of which was observed in 2 individuals an identical haplotype of mtDNA is 5.37%. This value in
(1.6%). the Roma subpopulation is almost one order higher

Table 3. Genetic diversity (GD) and random match probability (RMP) in HV1, HV1ex, HV2, HV2ex, HV1HV2 and
HV1exHV2ex regions of mtDNA from 192 individuals of the Roma population of Slovakia
HV1 16024–16365 HV1ex 16024–16400 HV2 73–340 HV2ex 72–340 HV1HV2 HV1exHV2ex
GD 0.9265 0.9268 0.9175 0.9180 0.9512 0.9512
RMP, % 7.82 7.80 8.72 8.67 5.37 5.37



Table 4. The most frequent occurrence of haplotypes in the Roma subpopulation (gypsies) of the Slovak Republic

Times Haplotypes in the database
cy, %

29 16129A 16172C 16223T 16311C 16391A 73G 199C 203A 204C 250C 263G 315.1C 15.1
27 16129A 16223T 16291T 16298C 73G 263G 309.1C 315.1C 14.1
9 16069T 16126C 16145A 16222T 16235G 16261T 16271C 73G 263G 295T 309.1C 315.1C 4.69
7 CRS 263G 309.1C 309.2C 315.1C 3.65
6 16129A 16223T 16291T 16298C 73G 263G 309.1C 309.2C 315.1C 3.13
6 16192T 16256T 16270T 16399G 73G 263G 309.1C 315.1C 3.13

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