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(VERSION 4.00.10)


© Transas Ltd. March, 2008

© 2008 Transas Ltd. All rights reserved.
The information contained herein is proprietary to Transas Ltd. and shall not be duplicated in whole or in part.
The technical details contained in this manual are the best that are available at the date of issue but are subject
to change without notice.
Transas Ltd. pursues the policy of continuous development. This may lead to the product described in this manual
being different from the product delivered after its publication.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
This document contains:
Preamble .....................................................................................................................3
Data Required for Handling This Description.......................................................5
List of Documentation ..........................................................................................5
Abbreviations in Use ............................................................................................6
Printing House Conventions.................................................................................7
Chapter 1. Installation and Registration....................................................................9
NS Hardware and Software Requirements........................................................11
Hardware Requirements ..........................................................................11
Operational System Requirements..........................................................11
Network Requirements ............................................................................11
Installation of Equipment....................................................................................12
Navi-Sailor System Cabling .....................................................................12
Console Installation..................................................................................14
Dongle Installation ...................................................................................15
Network Installation..................................................................................15
Sensor Connections.................................................................................16
Navtex Installation....................................................................................17
RIB Installation.........................................................................................19
SAAB R4 Installation................................................................................21
MOXA CP-114 PCI Board Installation .....................................................27
WAGO Module Installation.......................................................................29
Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I Adjustment of Pilot Plug Mode.......................34
Software Installation ...........................................................................................38
Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I Installation and Adjustments..........................38
Radar Integrator Installation.....................................................................68
Installation of Transas Charts Collection .................................................77
SPOS Weather Module Installation .........................................................81
Chart Assistant Installation ......................................................................88
Transas Integrator....................................................................................97
Product Registration.........................................................................................100
General ..................................................................................................100
Saving of the Standard Configuration (Backup Copy)...........................101
Performance of Registration Procedure ................................................102
Filling in of the Sensor Connection Table ..............................................104
Chapter 2. Maintenance.........................................................................................107
Obtaining New Options ....................................................................................109
General ..................................................................................................109
Delivery Set............................................................................................110
Service Work Procedures ......................................................................110
Basic Maintenance Service..............................................................................112
General ..................................................................................................112
Delivery Set............................................................................................112
Service Work Procedures ......................................................................112
Professional Maintenance Service...................................................................113
General ..................................................................................................113
Delivery Set............................................................................................114
Service Work Procedures ......................................................................114

NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide 1

New Charts ...................................................................................................... 118
General.................................................................................................. 118
Delivery Set ........................................................................................... 118
Service Work Procedures...................................................................... 119
Software Corrections ....................................................................................... 120
General.................................................................................................. 120
Delivery Set ........................................................................................... 120
Service Work Procedures...................................................................... 120
Product Upgrade.............................................................................................. 121
Delivery Set ........................................................................................... 121
Service Work Procedures...................................................................... 121
Upgrade Evaluation License to Commercial One ........................................... 122
General.................................................................................................. 122
Delivery Set ........................................................................................... 122
Service Work Procedures...................................................................... 122
Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation ............................................. 125
Installation of Windows XP Operating System ................................................ 127
Chipset Driver Installation................................................................................ 135
Display Settings ............................................................................................... 137
Partitions Creation ........................................................................................... 142
Additional User Settings .................................................................................. 148
RS-232 PCI-E (4437A) Board Installation ....................................................... 168
RS-232 PCI-E (4456A) Board Installation ....................................................... 173
MOXA CP-114I and CP-134U PCI Board Driver Installation .......................... 180
“Jumping Mouse” Solution............................................................................... 191
Printer Installation (If Required)....................................................................... 192
Annex A .................................................................................................................. 193
Annex B .................................................................................................................. 211
Annex C .................................................................................................................. 219

2 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

This preamble provides general information for the work
with document.

Copyright Transas Ltd., 2008

Data Required for Handling This Description


Service engineers intend this document for use only, providing installation or service
for Navi-Sailor 3000-I series, and holding Transas Marine Certificates
for aforementioned works.
The description is divided into six parts:

Chapter 1 Installation and Registration. This chapter contains a description

of Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I system installation and setup,
and of the equipment required for its operation.

Chapter 2 Maintenance. This chapter gives procedures for typical cases

of service work.

Chapter 3 This chapter describes installation of OS Windows XP Professional SP2.

Annex A This annex sets forth the schedules for connecting navigational
sensors to the NS. The schedules are given only for those sensors
whose connection to the NS has been tested and approved by
the company.

Annex B This annex contains more detailed information on computer’s serial

ports and RS-232 standard.

Annex C This annex contains wiring diagrams for the connection of RIB
to some radar types.

Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Software Description.
Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Operating Principles.

Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). User Manual.

Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Technical Reference.
Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide.
Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I (v. 4.00.10). Track Control Functionality Description.

Preamble 5
Abbreviations in Use

• ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange;
• AIS – Automatic Identification System;
• ARCS – Admiralty Raster Chart System;
• ARPA – Automatic Radar Plotting Aid;
• BRG – Bearing;
• BTW – Bearing to Way Point;
• COG – Course Over Ground;
• CMG – Course Made Good;
• CM – Chart Manager;
• CPA – Closest Point of Approach;
• DGPS – Differential Global Positioning System;
• DR – Dead Reckoning;
• DTW – Distance to Way Point;
• ECDIS – Electronic Chart Display and Information System;
• ECS – Electronic Chart System;
• ENC – Electronic Navigational Chart;
• ER – Echo Reference;
• ERBL – Electronic Range and Bearing Line;
• ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival;
• ETD – Estimated Time of Departure;
• GLONASS – Global Navigation Satellite System;
• GMT – Greenwich Mean Time;
• GC – Great Circle;
• GPS – Global Positioning System;
• GNSS (GPS/GLONASS) – satellite navigational system;
• GZ – Guard Zone;
• h – hour;
• HDG – Heading;
• IAMSAR – International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue;
• IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission;
• IMO – International Maritime Organisation;
• INFO – Information;
• m – metre;
• min – minute;
• MMSI – Maritime Mobile Service Identities;
• MOB – Man Overboard;
• NM – Nautical Mile;

6 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Printing House Conventions

• NAVTEX – Navigational Telex;

• NMEA – National Marine Electronics Association;
• NS – Navi-Sailor;
• PS – Positioning System;
• PTA – Planning Time of Arrival;
• RIB – Radar Integrated Board;
• RL – Rhumb Line;
• RMS – Route Mean Square (error);
• RNC – Raster Navigational Chart;
• RPM – Revolution Per Minute;
• SAR – Search and Rescue;
• sec – seconds;
• SOG – Speed Over Ground;
• SMG – Speed Made Good;
• STG – Speed to Go;
• TTG – Time to Go;
• TCPA – Time to Closest Point of Approach;
• WGS-84 – World Geodetic Datum;
• WP – Way Point;
• UKHO – United Kingdom Hydrographic Office;
• UTC – Universal Time Coordinated;
• XTE – Cross Track Error.


Sample of notation Usage comments

NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I To highlight names of documents

(V. 4.00.10). USER MANUAL

Annex A To highlight sections of a document

System summary To highlight, in a printed document, user interface

elements and the NS system objects

Setup.exe To highlight messages, commands, files and other

Windows OS information

C:\Transas\NS3000EI To highlight path to a file, folder

<Enter> To highlight names of keyboard keys

“Next >” To highlight names of windows, pages, buttons, etc.

SELECT PRODUCT To highlight menu items

Preamble 7
Installation and Registration
This chapter gives notes on installation with installation
diagrams and inter-unit cabling information, procedures
for system registration, and back-up.

Copyright Transas Ltd., 2008

NS Hardware and Software Requirements


The use of this computer for other purposes is discouraged. Other programs loaded
in RAM, may adversely affect the videoplotter’s operation.

Hardware Requirements
• PC – RS4 Basic;
• Monitors:
– 19" TFT Hatteland JH 19 T04 MMD E1 (1280 × 1024);
– 20" TFT Hatteland JH 20 T04 MMD E1 (1280 × 1024);
– 23" TFT Hatteland JH 23T02 MMD-E1 (1600 × 1200);
– 19" TFT Hatteland JH 19T02 MMC integrated monitor/computer (1280 × 1024).
• Input Unit – ES4 Dedicated Keyboard;
• Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS):
– UPS APC Smart;
– UPS Powerware 5115;
– UPS Powerware 9120.
For details, see Hardware Pricelist.

Operational System Requirements

Operational System:

• Windows XP Professional + Service Pack 2 + Patch;

• Windows 2000 Professional + Service Pack 3 (not supported
on the RS4v2 computer).

Network Requirements
The following components should be used:

• 100 Mb Fast Etherlink network card;

• TP5 category cables;
• 100 MB Fast Etherlink Hub for the networking of more than two systems.
Up to the 10 stations can be networked using 100 MB Hub.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 11

Installation of Equipment

Installation engineer has to work out an installation plan and submit it for the captain’s
The first thing you should do, is select a suitable place for the equipment installation,
taking into account Rules and Regulations of Classifications Societies. All the equipment
should be securely fastened.

Navi-Sailor System Cabling

Fig. 1 shows how to connect the Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I data and power cables.
The drawing provides a wiring diagram of MASTER-BACKUP network system
configuration. The diagram may vary with each individual system with its specific
set of components, but general connection principles should remain intact.

12 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Fig. 1
Installation of Equipment

Fig. 2

Console Installation
It is recommended that the NS console should be installed next to the main ship
radar so that the chart screen is visible from the steering wheel.
It is necessary to arrange power distribution in the console. It is recommended
that the console power switch should be used for switching to 220V AC output
from a UPS. Power inputs inside the console will be connected to the UPS output
via the power switch. The ship mains will be connected to the UPS input via
an external power switch.

14 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Equipment

Dongle Installation
After the computer has been mounted securely in its place, connect the dongle
to the computer’s printer port, as shown in the Fig. 3. See NAVI-SAILOR 3000
ECDIS-I/ECS-I (V. 4.00.10). TECHNICAL REFERENCE for dongle description.
The dongle should be connected to the printer port of a personal or industrial
computer before the software installation.

Fig. 3. Installation of the dongle

The NS will not operate unless the dongle is connected to the computer.

Network Installation
The figure below provides an example of 4 networked stations:

Fig. 4. Four networked NS stations

For the diagram on Fig. 4, admissible length of cables between the hub
and the computer should be:

• 100 m with grounding;

• 75 m without grounding.
If only two stations are networked, the hub may be spared.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 15

Installation of Equipment

Fig. 5. Connection of two NS station without hub

For the diagram on Fig. 5, admissible length of cables between two computers should be:
• 90–100 m if both computers are grounded with the same (common) earthing;
• 45–50 m without earthing.
Connection of stations should be carried out with a cross-over link cable, category TP5.
Fig. 6 shows a diagram for cross-over cable:

Fig. 6. Cross-over cable diagram

Sensor Connections
For the connection of the NS with navigational sensors, use double core screened
cable in the insulating shell, category TP5. The screen is connected to earthing on
the sensor side. Where the level of electromagnetic field is insignificant, “twisted pair”
type unscreened cable may be used. As the electric current in the cable does not
exceed 20 mA, the conductors’ cross section is of no importance. The maximum length
of the cable will depend on the type of interface and is shown for each specific sensor
in the appropriate connection schedule (see Annex A).
You should select a suitable connection schedule for each sensor. Annex A
contains schedules for connecting the NS to different navigational sensors.
Sensor connection schedules should be ticked off, if available. Otherwise, the installation
engineer should work out a new diagram, insert it into the document and send this
diagram to the Company so that the next edition of the NAVI-SAILOR 3000
ECDIS-I/ECS-I (V. 4.00.10). INSTALLATION GUIDE should include this modification.
The settings of sensor interface must be shown on the diagram.
The NS delivery set includes some of the required cables. These cables have
a connector on one end, which fits the computer port. When the company knows
the exact type of the jack the sensor, the second end of the cable terminates in
the appropriate connector. Otherwise, the second end of the cable
has a label explaining the purpose of each conductor.
Interface and power cables must be laid in cable routes, fixed and marked with labels.
See Annex B for more detailed information on the computer communication ports,
RS-232 standard, and some block diagrams.

16 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Equipment

Navtex Installation
General Recommendations
The Transas Navtex receiver should be placed and installed on the ship by using
the drawings developed by the ship design bureau, in accordance with the Transas
Navtex receiver outline and assembly drawings and general electrical circuit of
the Transas Navtex receiver (wiring diagram for the connection of units and power
supply to the Transas Navtex receiver).
When selecting a place for the Transas Navtex receiver, the following requirements
should be met:

• the receiving module of the Transas Navtex receiver should be installed

in a room where the following conditions should be observed:
– absence of vapours, alkali and other chemical agents, or of the bilge waters;
– proper lighting during the servicing, or arrangements should be made to enable
the connection of a portable lamp;
– proper access to the front and rear parts should be provided (product/system
name) to enable maintenance, routine maintenance and replacement.
• the distance to and location of the Transas Navtex receiver module should
ensure access to other ship systems for maintenance, routine maintenance,
and replacement;
• the Transas Navtex receiver module does not require any additional shock
It is essential that the Transas Navtex receiver should not be used without appropriate
earthing to the ship hull. The use of this unit without appropriate earthing is prohibited.
Please ascertain in advance that there is no voltage on the earthing. It is not allowed
to ground the Transas Navtex receiver onto the engine unit, as this may cause
damage to the receiver unit. In case of failure to observe the earthing rules, all
the warranty obligations are cancelled.
The correctness of the antenna earthing has as much effect on the quality of the received
signal as its position.

A steel or aluminium ship hull, even if coated or painted, ensures the best possible
The best place for earthing on the sailing ships is on the keel bolt.
The shipyard or the boat manufacturer can also give proper recommendations.

Power Supply
• Use the low voltage power cable only which is supplied with the device;
• Check that the connection is correct:
– red – plus;
– black – minus.
• You should add a 250 mA fuse type M to the power line.
If the fuse burns during the installation, check if the cable connection is correct
before replacing the fuse.
• Use 250 mA fuses only. Other fuses may lead to a damage of the unit.
The guarantee does not cover damages caused to the Navtex antenna due
to use of incorrect connection.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 17

Installation of Equipment

Transas can not be held liable for damage caused to the Navtex antenna or ship power
supply. Any liability resulting from such damage will not be covered by Transas either.

The signal quality of every sort of receiver is depending very much on the antenna
position. Pay extra attention to the place where the antenna is supposed to be
installed. This place should be as far away from any electric waves effect as possible.
The antenna installation should be performed as high as possible on the ship mast to
ensure the broadest possible range. The antenna cable may be extended to up to
15 m without loss of signal quality.
The signal quality and the best antenna position may be tested easily by means
of a regular MF pocket radio. The procedure will be described in the attachment.

Installation Procedure
The Navtex receiver operates with 12V DC power supply. The procedure detailed
below, should be followed carefully:

• outdoor installation – antenna and cables;

• indoor installation – connection to power and computer.
Outdoor Installation
The best signal quality will be achieved if the antenna is installed on deck with
the distance of at least 5 m to any unit which may interfere, such as engine ignition,
generators, radars, and radio transmitters.
The antenna should be fixed either with plastic clamps, any other clamp of similar
size, or on the mounting flange at the bottom side of the antenna.
Additional mounting equipment may be ordered separately.

Pay special attention to the following recommendations:

• the antenna should be by all means installed vertically;

• the upper half of the antenna body shall not be screened by any metal parts,
as it will affect the signal quality.
Indoor Installation
Remember about the cable length to the computer and the power supply when choosing
the place of installation.

Prepare the power supply:

+12 Volt: connect to the red power input cable.
Minus: connect to the black power input cable.
Connect the black cable (0V/GND) to the ship power supply (minus/GND).
Check one more time that the power cable is connected correctly to the 12 V.
Connect the power cable to the ship power supply (plus).
Connect the 9-pin plug to the serial port of your computer.
Check the electrical installation one more time.
Switch ON the power supply to the Navtex.

Installation of the Navtex receiver has now been completed.

18 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Equipment

Testing of the Antenna Position by Using an MF Radio

You can check the best antenna position with a regular MF pocket radio prior
to the installation. First make sure that all the equipment which may cause
interference to the Navtex receiver is switched ON.
Adjust your MF radio to the lowest MF frequency of about 540 kHz which is usually
at the very left of the display. The radio antenna should be in contact with and be
held at a 90º angle to the bar which the Navtex antenna should be fixed to.
A loud buzzer tone or rattling is an evidence of strong interference. Use your MF radio
to look for a more suitable place without interference.

RIB Installation

Check that technical characteristics of the connected equipment match characteristics
of the RIB Input\Output signals specified in NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I
(V. 4.00.10). TECHNICAL REFERENCE in the paragraph Interface Capabilities of
the Radar Integrator Board.

Cables are run and installed in accordance with the cabling schedules (see Annex C).

The LF-box is connected with the PCI board by means of a standard computer cable
with a common screen and DB25 connectors on both ends. Connection of cable
cores with the connector contacts is identical on both sides.
External communication lines to the LF-box are connected by means of screw terminals.
Any types of cables with a wire cross section of up to 1.5 mm2 can be used. In case of
considerable length of external cables, a screened cable is recommended.
HF-box is connected with the PCI board by means of a standard category 5 screened
cable used in Ethernet 10/100 Mbit networks. The cable contains 4 twisted pairs within
the common screen and has RJ-45 connectors on both ends. Connection of cable cores
with the connector contacts is identical on both sides.
Cables of this type are produced within 2–60 m range of lengths. A non-standard length
cable can be assembled by using special tools manufactured by companies like AMP,
Molex and others. Assembly is carried out in accordance with the manual delivered
with the tool. In doing this, it is necessary to arrange the twisted pairs in the connector
as recommended. Only the screened cable and appropriate connectors should be used.
The maximum cable length is 100 m, however it would be preferable to limit the cable
length to 30 m if a high quality radar signal is to be obtained.
External lines to the HF-box are connected by means of coaxial cables with BNC
connectors (plug). If the connection is made to the already existing matched coaxial
line (internal matching in the HF-box is turned off), a tap cable to the HF-box should
have a minimum length (preferably not more than 1 m). With the matching turned
on, however, the maximum length of the cable is determined by the characteristics
of the cable used and may be several hundred metres.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 19

Installation of Equipment

Directions on the Splicing of Category 5 Cable for RJ-45 Connection

Baring of category 5 cable with four twisted pairs is carried out with a special
HT-501 type tool.
The cable is bared for the length of 14 mm from the end of the cable. When baring
the cable, be careful not to cut off the cable screen lead-out (the screening foil is
removed together with the insulation).
Before laying the wires, set the appropriate fixtures on the cable, including RJ-45
connection screen.
The laying of wires in both RJ-45 connectors is identical to that in the standard
“patch” cable.

Pin Colour Signal

1. White/Orange Video +
2. Orange/White Video -
3. White/Green Ground
4. Blue/White Trigger +
5. White/Blue Trigger -
6. Green/White LED
7. White/Brown -12 V
8. Brown/White +12 V
Before putting on the screen on RJ-45 connector, turn the cable screen lead-out
by 180 degrees so that it is under the squeezed part of RJ-45 connector screen.
Cut off the surplus of the cable screen lead-out.

Having completed operations on the laying of the cable lead-outs and the screening
lead-out and having put on the screen on RJ-45 connector, crimp RJ-45 connection.
For crimping, use a special Molex 69008-1100 type tool designed for the screened
cable with four twisted pairs.
Check cable making by means of RJ-45 link tester.

RIB Hardware Settings

Open the LF-box and set the jumpers as required in accordance with the table below.
It is recommended that jumpers should be set where there are gyro’s stepper outputs
and (or) log’s optoisolated outputs with logic “0” levels – from 1,5 V up to 3 V. After
the setting of jumpers and connection of external lines to the LF-box, close the LF-box.

Name of the signal Jumper


Open the HF-box. Use switches to turn on/off the matching of “Video” and “Trigger” lines.

20 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Equipment

After the installation and setting of radar parameters, level of “Video” and “Trigger”
signals should be set (see paragraph Radar Integrator Installation of this

Connect external lines to the HF-box.

Install the PCI board in a Vacant Computer Slot, connect the Cables between
the Modules.

SAAB R4 Installation
When mounting the R4-AIS Transponder Class A System, it is recommended
to follow these steps:
1. Mount the R4 Display.
2. Mount the R4 Transponder.
3. Mount the alarm relay unit.
4. If the Pilot Plug on the R4 Display is not to be used, mount the external Pilot Plug.
5. Mount the VHF antenna.
6. Mount the GPS antenna.
7. Connect the wiring to the R4 Transponder (“ECDIS” port) and Navi-Sailor 3000
ECDIS-I (“AIS” port). See paragraphs 2.7.2 and 2.16 of the R4-AIS SHIPBORNE

8. Connect the wiring to the R4 Transponder and R4 Display (optional).

9. Power up the system.
10. Set configuration parameters.
Note: The procedure as described is a recommendation. Some steps can be
made in another order.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 21

Installation of Equipment

Fig. 7. Connection of external sensors directly to the transponder

R4 Display Unit
The functionality of the R4 Display shall be available to the mariner at the position
from which the ship is normally operated. It is therefore recommended to place
the R4 Display on the bridge console at a suitable position. When mounting
the R4 Display, please consider the following:

• mount the unit on a wall, in the ceiling, or on top of a bench;

• the temperature and humidity should be moderate and stable: +15 ºC to +35 ºC
(operating temperature: -15 ºC to +55 ºC);
• select a location away from excessive heat sources;
• avoid areas where there are a high flow of humid salt air;
• avoid high levels of vibrations and shocks;
• avoid mounting the R4 Display in direct sunlight;
• ensure that there is enough airflow to avoid high ambient temperatures;
• the unit can affect magnetic compasses. Use a minimum of 0,6 m to nearest
magnetic compass.

22 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Equipment

Clearance Area
Leave a clearance around the R4 Display Unite to facilitate service and installation.
See recommended clearance area in paragraph 2.13 of the R4-AIS SHIPBORNE
Use the cables included, one for power supply and one data cable for connection
to the R4 Transponder unit. For wiring details, see paragraph 2.7 of the R4-AIS
Power Supply
The R4 Display shall be connected to an emergency power source. If connected
to a battery, power calculations must be made for the battery capacity. For power
consumption, see paragraph 2.7 of the R4-AIS SHIPBORNE CLASS A TRANSPONDER
SYSTEM. INSTALLATION MANUAL document. The R4 Display is designed to operate
on 24 V DC. To avoid power and voltage drops in the feed line, it is important that
sufficient size of cable is used. Install according to paragraph 2.7.1 of the R4-AIS

R4 Transponder Unit
When mounting the R4 Transponder, please consider the following:

• mount the unit on a wall or on top of a bench;

• the temperature and humidity should be moderate and stable: +15 ºC to +35 ºC
(operating temperature: -15 ºC to +55 ºC);
• select a location away from excessive heat sources;
• avoid areas where there are a high flow of humid salt air;
• avoid high levels of vibrations and shocks;
• ensure that there is enough airflow to avoid high ambient temperatures;
• the unit can affect magnetic compasses. Use a minimum of 0.2 m to nearest
magnetic compass;
• install the R4 Transponder as close as possible to VHF/GPS antennae
to minimise cable lengths.
Clearance Area
Leave a clearance around the R4 Transponder to facilitate service and installation.
See recommended clearance area in paragraph 2.11 of the R4-AIS SHIPBORNE

Use the cables included, one power supply and one for data cable for connection to
interfacing equipment such as Display, sensors, etc. For wiring details, see paragraph
MANUAL document.
Connect the VHF, GPS antennae, NS, and navigational sensors to the R4 Transponder.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 23

Installation of Equipment

Power Supply
The R4 Transponder shall be connected to an emergency power source. If connected
to a battery, power calculations must be made for the battery capacity. For power
consumption, see paragraph 3.11 of the R4-AIS SHIPBORNE CLASS A
designed to operate on 24 V DC. The nominal power used is 16 W in receiving mode
and maximum power needed is approx. 55 W while transmitting. The R4 Transponder
shall be externally fused (slow blow fuse) with a 4 Amperes fuse. To avoid power
and voltage drops in the feed line, it is important that sufficient size of cable is used.

Install according to paragraph 2.7.2 of the R4-AIS SHIPBORNE CLASS A


Transponder Status LED’s

The green LED indicates that power is applied to the R4 Transponder.
A flashing yellow LED indicates that the R4 Transponder is receiving data.
A flashing red LED indicates that the R4 Transponder is transmitting on the radio
link (transmission starts approximately 1 minute after power on).

AIS Alarm Unit

It is required that the alarm output (relay) is connected to an audible alarm device or
the ship’s alarm system, if available. Alternatively, the ship’s BIIT alarm system may
use the alarm messages output on the AIS Presentation Interface (PI). Provided
the alarm system is AIS compatible. The AIS Alarm Relay is mounted either on a DIN
mounting rail or direct on the wall. Wire connections according to paragraph 2.3 of

VHF Antenna Installation

The R4 Transponder shall be connected to a VHF antenna.
The R4-A1S Shipborne Class A Transponder System, like any other shipborne
transceiver operating in the VHF maritime band, may cause interference to a ship’s
VHF radiotelephone. Because AIS is a digital system, this interference may occur as
a periodic (e.g. every 20 second) soft clicking sound on a ship’s radiotelephone.
This effect may become more noticeable when the VHF radiotelephone antenna
is located close to the AIS VHF antenna, and when the radiotelephone is operating
on channels near the AIS operating channels (e.g. channels 27, 28, and 86).
Attention should be paid to the location and installation of different antennae in order
to obtain the best possible efficiency. Special attention should be paid to
the installation of mandatory antennae like the AIS antennae.

So, installing the AIS VHF antenna is also a crucial part of the system installation.
How and where you install your AIS VHF antenna and cable can greatly affect
its efficiency.

24 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Equipment

Antenna Location
Location of the mandatory AIS VHF antenna should be carefully considered. Digital
communication is more sensitive than analogue/voice communication to interference
created by reflections in obstructions like masts and booms. It may be necessary
to relocate the VHF radiotelephone antenna to minimise the interference effects.
Installing the VHF antenna for AIS on a vessel is a compromise between the
following items:

• Antenna type;
• Antenna separation;
• Clear view of the horizon;
• Antenna height.
Antenna Type
The AIS VHF antenna should have omni directional vertical polarisation providing
of 3 to 5 dB gain.

Antenna Separation
The AIS transponders are using simplex channels at frequencies on the high side
of the marine mobile band (AIS channel A = 2087 (161.975 MHz) and AIS channel
B = 2088 (162.025 MHz)). These channels are close to the duplex channels used
for shore to ship marine communication. The AIS VHF antenna should be separated
as much as possible from the voice VHF installations used for main communication
to avoid unnecessary interference.
There should not be more than one antenna on the same level. The AIS VHF
antenna should be mounted directly above or below the ship’s primary VHF
radiotelephone antenna, with no horizontal separation and with a minimum
of 2 meters vertical separation. If it is located on the same level as other antennae,
the distance apart should be at least 10 meters.

The AIS VHF antenna should be installed safely away from interfering high-power
radiating sources like radar and other transmitting radio antennae, preferably at
least 3 meters away from and out of the transmitting beam.

Clear View of the Horizon

The AIS VHF antenna should be placed in an elevated position that is as free as
possible with a minimum of 2 meters in horizontal direction from constructions made
of conductive materials. The antenna should not be installed close to any large
vertical obstruction. The objective for the AIS VHF antenna is to see the horizon
freely through 360 degrees.

Antenna Height
The AIS is using VHF radio frequencies, which propagation characteristics are
close to line of sight. The higher antenna location is, the longer the range will be.
The cable should be kept as short as possible to minimise attenuation of the signal.
Double shielded coaxial cable equal or better than RG214 is recommended to
minimise the effects from electromagnetic interference from high power lines, radar
or other radio transmitter cables (see Appendix A. 4 VHF – Cable Selector of

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 25

Installation of Equipment

Cable Mounting
Coaxial cables should be installed in separate signal cable channels/tubes and at
least 10 cm away from power supply cables. Crossing of cables should be done at
right angles (90°).
Coaxial cables should not be exposed to sharp bends, which may lead to a change
of the characteristic impedance of the cable. The minimum bending radius should be
5 times the cable’s diameter.
All outdoor installed connectors should be weatherproofed, e.g. with shrink tubing,
watertight seal tape or butyl rubber tape and plastic tape sealing, to protect against
water penetration into the antenna cable.
Secure the cable properly close to the cable ends.

Coaxial down-leads must be grounded. The coaxial shielding screen should be
connected to ground at one end.

GPS Antenna Installation

The R4 Transponder shall be connected to a standard type active GPS antenna.
Attention should be paid to the location and installation of the different antennae
on the ship in order to obtain the best possible efficiency. Special attention should
be paid to the installation of mandatory antennae like the AIS antennae.

So, installation of the GPS antenna is a crucial part of the system installation. How and
where you install your GPS antenna and cable will greatly affect its sensing efficiency.

Antenna Location
The GPS antenna must be installed where it has a clear view of the sky. The objective
is to see the horizon freely through 360 degrees with a vertical observation of 5 to 90
degrees above the horizon. Small diameter obstructions, such as masts and booms,
do not seriously degrade signal reception, but such objects must not eclipse more than
a few degrees of any given bearing.

Locate the GPS antenna at least 3 meters away from and out of the transmitting
beam of high-power transmitters such as S-Band Radar (typically, ±15° horizontally
from the array’s centre point) and/or Inmarsat systems (A, B, C, or M; typically, ±10°
from the array’s centre point in any of the possible transmitting directions).
Locate the GPS antenna at least 3 meters away of a HF or VHF radios or their
antennae. This includes the ship’s own AIS VHF antenna if it is designed and
installed separately.

To achieve optimum performance, the gain of the GPS antenna built-in pre-amplifier
shall match the cable attenuation. The resulting installation gain (pre-amplifier gain –
cable attenuation) shall be within 0 to 10 dB.
Double shielded coaxial cable is recommended. The coaxial cable should be routed
directly between the GPS antenna and the R4 Transponder GPS connector in order
to reduce electromagnetic interference effects. The cable should not be installed
close to high-power lines, such as radar, or radio-transmitter lines or the AIS VHF
antenna cable. A separation of one meter or more is recommended to avoid
interference due to RF-coupling. Crossing of antenna cables should be done
at 90 degrees to minimise magnetic field coupling.

26 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Equipment

Recommendations on cable types and lengths can be found in Appendix A.

Cable Mounting
Coaxial cables should be installed in separate signal cable channels/tubes and at
least 10 cm away from power supply cables. Crossing of cables should be done at
right angles (90º).
Coaxial cables should not be exposed to sharp bends, which may lead to a change
of the characteristic impedance of the cable. The minimum bending radius should be
5 times the cable’s diameter.

All outdoor installed connectors should be weatherproofed, e.g. with shrink tubing,
watertight seal tape or butyl rubber tape and plastic tape sealing, to protect against
water penetration into the antenna cable.
Secure the cable properly near the cable ends.

Coaxial down-leads must be used for all receiving antennae, and the coaxial
shielding screen should be connected to ground at one end.

MOXA CP-114 PCI Board Installation

The installation of the Industio CP-114 Series consists of hardware and software
installation. The respective sections of the operating systems in the chapter deal
with the software installation. The hardware installation is detailed in this paragraph.

Fig. 8. MOXA CP-114 PCI Board

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 27

Installation of Equipment

Interface Setting
Before installing the board into the slot, you should set all the jumpers to what you want.
The default (factory) settings: Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, and Port 4 RS-485, Automatic
Data Direction Control mode, no Termination Resistor, indicated as *:

• JP5/6 Interface Selection Jumper for Port 1/2:

– Left* Set the port interface to RS-422/RS-485;
– Right Set the port interface to RS-232.
• S1 RS-422/485 Selection Switch for Port 1/2/3/4:
– ON* Set the port interface to RS-485;
– OFF Set the port interface to RS-422.
• S2 Data Mode Selection Switch for Port 1/2/3/4.
(Valid if JP5/6 is Left and S1 is ON):
– ON* Set the RS-485 port to Automatic Data Direction Control Mode;
– OFF Set the RS-485 port to by RTS Mode.
• JP1/2/3/4 Termination Resistor Port 1/2/3/4.
(Valid if JP5/6 is Left and S1 is ON):
– Open* Not using Termination Resistor;
– Short Using Termination Resistor.

Installing MOXA CP-114 PCI Board

The BIOS automatically assigns the IRQ number and I/O addresses for the
MOXA CP-114 PCI board. Hence, it is a must to have the board plugged first before
installing the software driver. After this, simply install the control board into the PC
and then connect the connection cable:
1. Power off the PC.

Make sure your system is switched off before you start installing any board. If you
don’t, you may risk damaging your system and the board.

2. Remove the slot cover bracket if present.

3. Plug the MOXA CP-114 PCI control board firmly into a free 4-th or 3-rd 32-bit PCI slot.
4. Fasten the holding screw to fix the control board in place.

5. Connect the fan-out cable (DB37 to DB9 × 4).

6. Power on the PC, and the BIOS will automatically set the IRQ and I/O address.
Note: Each board must occupy one unique IRQ and four 8-byte I/O addresses,
which are assigned automatically by the BIOS. However, you can select
a free IRQ number manually via the PC’s BIOS setup for the PCI slot, but
normally this method is not available for the I/O address. The possible IRQ
numbers are 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, and 15. The possible I/O addresses
are from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF.
7. Proceed with the software installation detailed in Chapter 3.

28 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Equipment

WAGO Module Installation

WAGO I/O Modules
WAGO I/O Set of Modules used in NS system, includes the following parts:
1. MODBUS – the module is intended for communication of the set of WAGO I/O
Modules with the Working Station by means of RS-232 protocol. Baud rate
recommended for use in NS – 9600.

2. Relay Output Module – the connected load is switched via the digital output
(relay contacts) from the control system. The internal system voltage is used
to trigger the relay. A LED shows the switched status of the relay.
The module is a 2-channel, 4-conductor device and actuators with a ground
(earth) wire may be directly connected to the module.
3. Digital Input Module – the module receives control signals from digital field
devices (sensors, etc.). Each input module has a noise-rejection filter. This filter
is available with different time constants. An opto-coupler is used for electrical
isolation between the bus and the field side.
4. End Module – the module completes the internal data circuit and ensures
correct data flow. One is required for each buscoupler.
All modules forming the above set must be mounted on the DIN rail to provide
the common grounding contact.

Cabling of the WAGO I/O Modules

The sample cabling scheme of the WAGO I/O Modules is presented below.
The set of modules is mounted on the DIN rail. The arrows are pointing the contacts
of the external devices connection as well as the most important parts of the modules.

The following devices are to be connected to the modules in the below sample scheme:

• Alarm Panel;
• Watch Alarm System (Deadman);
• Route Network Alarms (Out Of XTE, Out Of course, WP Approach;
alarms IDs: 8, 7, 6 accordingly);
• Back Up Navigator Alarm (alarm ID: 150);
• Power Supply;
• PC.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 29

Installation of Equipment

Fig. 9. WAGO module. General view

Watch Alarm System (Deadman Alarm System)

The system is intended to signalize the absence of activity on the navigational bridge
in the course of bridge watch. Normally, the time period is to be specified in the system,
at the expiration of which the light and/or sound bridge alarm is triggering on. In the case
if this alarm will not be acknowledged manually within the selected time period, the alarm
in specified cabin (i.e. Master) and/or General Alarm (depending on the system settings)
is triggering on.
The various types of the Watch Alarm Systems might be used in combination
with NS system. For details, see Manufacturer’s manuals.

Bridge Alarm System (Alarm Panel)

The system consists of the unit intended for processing of a number of alarms and
has operating elements for acoustic and visual acknowledgement of triggering alarms.
The various types of the Bridge Alarm Systems might be used in combination
with NS system. For details, see Manufacturer’s manuals.

COM-Port Setting
1. Start the System Configuration utility. Open “Service Protected Settings” window
by taping the default password “transas” in “Enter Password” field and
pressing “OK”.

30 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Equipment

2. Open “Sensors/Accuracy” page. Specify COM-port number for WAGO Module

in Alarm Output Device input window.

Press “Apply” button to confirm the selection.

3. Open “COMPorts Settings” page. Set parameters of selected COM-port,
corresponding to the ones, specified in the WAGO Module.

Press “Apply” button to confirm the selection. Press “OK” button to close the window.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 31

Installation of Equipment

Editing Wago.cfg File

The wago.cfg file must be modified for the purpose of correspondence the actual user
configuration (hardware and alarms connected, etc.). The sample of the contents
of wago.cfg file in the case of “Alarm Panel” and Watch Alarm System (Deadman)
connected is described in the table below:

File Contents Explanation

[WAGO_IO] Address of MOD BUS on WAGO
; WAGO device ID module for connection of i/o cable.
To be set on WAGO module, from
1 to 99 (1 – by default)
Timeout=100 Frequency of check of the input
contacts condition, from 100 to
1000 ms (100 ms – by default)
[WAGO_Output] Numbers of contacts on WAGO
; Output contact pairs module for transmitting the signal
Contacts=1,2,3 to the external device
; next lines are setting up correspondence
between Alarm ID and contact number
1=8,7,6 8, 7, 6 (connected to WAGO Output
2=Deadman contact 1) – numeric IDs of the NS
alarms (for details, see table below).
Deadman (connected to WAGO
Output contact 2) – Watch Alarm
System identification.
150 (connected to WAGO Output
contact 3) – Backup Navigator alarm
identification number
[WAGO_Output_Logic] Description of logics of the system
; this section sets up actions for alarms from work with selected alarms
section above
; if action is different from default
; (default action is 'Keep')
; possible actions
; Ack – switch off alarm sound after alarm Ack – the command is intended for
acknowledgement from NS application triggering off the Alarm Panel sound
; Keep – switch off alarm sound when alarm upon reception of alarm acknowledge-
condition will be cancelled only ment from NS
; None – perform no actions for this alarm
Alarms=8,7,6,150 To switch off alarm indication on
8=Ack Alarm Panel (visual and audible)
7=Ack after the alarm acknowledgement from
6=Ack NS application
[WAGO_Input] Numbers of contact pairs on WAGO
; Input contact pairs module for receiving an acknowledge-
Contacts=1,2 ment signal from the Alarm Panel
; next lines are setting up correspondence To switch off alarm sound after
between Alarm ID and contact number the alarm acknowledgement from
; special ID 'Sound' means that this contact “Alarm Panel” connected to NS via
pair is used for special "Acknowledge sound" WAGO Module.
; button connection
For instance:
if selected 1=Sound – the command is
used for triggering off all the active
alarms in NS, if selected 1=8, 7, 6 –
the command is used for triggering off
specified alarms only (see table below)
1=Sound This contact pair is used for sound
2=150 acknowledgement in NS (input contact 1
on WAGO Module).
150 – Backup Navigator alarm
identification number (input contact
2 on WAGO Module)

32 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Equipment

File Contents Explanation

; this section sets up actions for alarms from
section above
; if action is different from default
; (default action is 'Sound')
; Ack – action for this contact is to
acknowledge Alarm
Alarms=150 To acknowledge the Backup Navigator
; acknowledge Backup Navigator Alarm in the NS system upon receipt
150=Ack of a signal from the external device
connected to WAGO module (see
(V. 4.00.10). TRACK CONTROL

Numeric IDs of the NS alarms are described in the table below.

Alarm ID Explanation Alarm ID Explanation

Chart and Area Alarms 7 Out of Course
4 Off Chart 8 XTE Alarm
9 Traffic Separation Zone (TSZ) 52 Nav. Danger
10 TSZ Crossing 57 CPA/TCPA
11 TSZ Roundabout 70 Time Zone Change
12 Traffic Precautionary Area 74 Safety Contour
13 Two Way Traffic Route 93 Behind the Schedule
14 Deep Water Route 94 Ahead of Schedule
15 Recommended Traffic Line 99 Sounder Depth
16 Inshore Traffic Line 103 Guard Zone Target
17 Fairway 104 Lost Target
18 Restricted Area 114 Alarm Anchor Watch
19 Caution Area 115 AIS Message
20 Offshore Production Area 116 Navtex Polygon
21 Area To Be Avoided 143 Track Control Stopped (TCS)
22 Military Area 144 Course Change (TCS)
23 Seaplane Landing 145 Low Speed (TCS)
24 Submarine Transit 146 HDG Monitor (TCS)
25 Ice Area 147 Dangerous Drift (TCS)
26 Channel 150 Backup Navigator Alarm (TCS)
27 Fishing Ground Sensor Alarms
28 Fishing Prohibited 56 Primary Positioning System Unreliable
29 Pipeline Area 60 Primary Positioning System: Differential
Mode Loss
30 Cable Area 64 Sounder: No Input
31 Anchorage Area 65 Log: No Input
32 Anchorage Prohibited 66 Gyro: No Input
33 Dumping Ground 68 Primary Sensor: No Input
34 Spoil Ground 69 Autopilot: No Input
35 Dredged Area 76 Radar: No Input
36 Cargo Transshipment Area 80 Secondary Positioning System Unreliable
37 Incineration Area 81 Secondary Positioning System: Differential
Mode Loss
38 Special Protection Zone 82 Secondary Sensor: No Input
39 International Marine Boundary 84 Wind Sensor: No Input
40 Territorial Sea Baseline 85 Temperature Sensor: No Input

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 33

Installation of Equipment

Alarm ID Explanation Alarm ID Explanation

41 Territorial Sea 87 Time Sensor: No Input
42 Prohibited Area 88 Invalid Heading Data
43 Quarantine Anchorage 89 Echo Reference Loss
44 Fishery Zone 91 Auto Change to DR
45 Swept Area 97 Invalid Log Data
46 Exclusive Economical Zone 98 Prim/Sec Diverged
47 Harbour Limit 101 Prim. not WGS-84
48 Unsurveyed Area 102 Sec. not WGS-84
49 Explosive Dumping Ground 108 Unreliable Wind Data
50 Danger Line 111 Head Marker Failure
51 Nature Reserve Area 112 Bearing Failure
95 Chart Datum Unknown 113 Trigger Failure
107 No Official Chart 122 APRA B: No Input
Navigation Alarms 123 AIS: No Input
2 Timer Went Off 141 AIS Alarm
3 End of Watch 142 AIS Long Range
5 End of Route 148 Display Unit Fail
6 Waypoint Approach Alarm 149 Keyboard Unit Fail

Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I Adjustment of Pilot Plug Mode

1. Connect the Pilot Personal Unit, with NS 3000 ECDIS-I installed on it,
via COM Port to the Pilot Plug/Serial Port of the AIS transponder in use.
2. Turn on the transponder.

3. The NS configuration for the operation in the mode of an interface with the Pilot
Personal Unit connected via the Pilot Plug of the AIS transponder in use, is set up in
the System Configuration utility. To turn this interface on, use the following
– Run the System Configuration utility;
– Switch to “Service” page;
– Press “General Settings” button;

– On “General” page, which will open up, specify “Standalone” network configuration
type in “Network State” field.

34 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Equipment

4. It is necessary to configure NS operation with navigational information sensors. In the

Pilot Plug Interface mode, the NS receives navigational data from the connected AIS
transponder. To execute this configuration, use the following procedure:
– On “Service” page of the running the System Configuration utility, enter the system
password (“transas” by default) in Protected Settings field, and press “OK” button;
– Switch to “Sensors/Accuracy” page;

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 35

Installation of Equipment

– In Attached Sensors field, specify the number of the Pilot Personal Unit’s COM
Port which is connected to the Pilot Plug/Serial Port of the AIS transponder
for the following sensors:
Pos. system 1;
Note: The same COM Port number should be specified for all the above sensors.
5. Switch to “AIS” page of the System Configuration utility and make the following
– In UAIS Model field, select the type of the transponder in use and check
Pilot Personal Unit checkbox;
– In DR Settings field check Use DR for AIS Targets checkbox.

36 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Equipment

6. Switch to “COMPorts Settings” page of the System Configuration utility.

Perform the following procedure:

– Set the exchange parameters of the Pilot Personal Unit’s COM Port
connected to the transponder’s Pilot Plug as per the transponder settings.
As a rule, the setting of Baud Rate parameter is required to be changed
(by default, Baud Rate value is 38400);
– Press TestCOM button and switch to “Port Monitoring” page;
– Press Start Monitoring button and check that the NS receives and recognises
messages transmitted by the transponder. If incorrect data is received, change
the exchange parameters of COM ports in Port Settings field;
– Complete the testing by pressing “Stop Monitoring” and “Close” button.
7. Exit from the System Configuration utility.
8. Run the NS. Make the following settings:
– Turn on “Monitoring” functional panel;
– Switch to “Ship Position” page;
– On “Primary Position System” tab select PS1: AIS from Position Source field
for the main positioning system.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 37

Software Installation


Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I Installation and Adjustments

Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I Installation
1. Run Setup.exe file in the product’s installation directory.

Press <Enter> key.

2. Press “Next >” button.

38 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

3. The screen displays a window containing the licensing agreement text.

Press “Yes” button.

4. Press “Next >” button.

5. Press “Next >” button.

At this installation stage, it is necessary to check that the computer characteristics

and pre-installed software comply with specified requirements. If any serious
non-compliances are identified, the installation will be stopped.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 39

Software Installation

6. Press “Next >” button.

7. Specify the product installation path (C:\Transas\NS3000EI by default).

The directory name should not exceed 8 characters and should not contain
spaces or punctuation marks.
Press “Next >” button.

8. Press “Next >” button.

40 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

9. Specify the path to the product license. Press “Next >” button.

10. Press “Next >” button.

11. The program will perform the product installation.

12. If RIB2 card is installed, the standard window “Unknown Device Found” will
appear on the screen. Press “OK” button.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 41

Software Installation

13. Press “Finish” button. The computer will be re-started.

14. Upon restarting of the computer, press “Yes” button in “Digital Signature
Not Found” window to complete the installation of RIB2 driver.

Procedure for Checking the Pre-Installed Windows OS

1. Run the First Aid utility.

42 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

2. Switch to “System” tab.

The program checks settings of installed Windows OS. If any incorrect system
settings are found, they are shown in the red colour in System summary: window.
Errors found: window provides detailed cure recommendations.

For the detailed description of Windows XP installation and setup procedure,

see Chapter 3.

Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I Adjustments

Service Settings
1. Run the System Configuration utility.

2. Switch to “Service” page.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 43

Software Installation

General Service Settings

1. Press “General Settings” button:

– set the navigation watch schedule in Watch Organization field;

– specify the type and name of stations for networked operation in Network State
field. Only one station can be configured as “Master”. Each station in
the network should have a unique name. It is advisable to use the following
names for stations in the network:
for “Master” station – “MASTER”;
for “Backup” station – “SLAVE1”;
for “Slave” station – “SLAVE2”;
for the second “Slave” station – “SLAVE3”, etc.

44 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

2. Switch to “Advanced Databases” page:

– specify chart formats required for work with the NS in Chart Collections field;
– specify databases and their sources required for work with the NS in Databases
field. Tides and Tidal Currents databases of Total Tide base can be chosen if
Total Tide SW product had been pre-installed and the appropriate option is
opened by the license;
– select the symbol library necessary for work with user charts in User Chart field;
– select the own ship shape for display on the NS screen in User Ship Contour field.
The file (*.fne) with the user ship contour should be stored in the product
directory (C:\Transas\NS3000EI by default). In this case, the name of the user
ship contour will be displayed in User Ship Contour group.

3. Switch to “Fall Back Modes” page.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 45

Software Installation

Turn on as required the mode of switching automatically to dead reckoning

mode (DR) in case of loss of data from the main positioning source.
4. Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.
Protected Settings
1. Enter “transas” password in Protected Settings field. Press “OK” button.

2. In Tools field on General page, press Control Panel button:

46 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

– adjust the system time.

Note: Where the network configuration is used, the same time should be set
on all the stations of the system.
– perform the printer installation and setup.

3. In Sound field on “General” page, specify the device for the reproduction of
acoustic alarms.
4. Adjust the Chart Manager utility operating mode (Separately or At the same time)
in Chart Manager field:
– if Separately mode is on (set by default), the electronic chart collection cannot
be handled in the Chart Manager utility unless the main NS program is off.
If the NS is running, charts cannot be installed, corrected or deleted.
Paths to the installed electronic charts are specified in Directories of Chart
Collections field;
– At the same time mode is not recommended for use on certified bridge installations.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 47

Software Installation

5. Switch to “Display” page.

In Monitor Type field of “Display” page, specify the type of the monitor in use.

If LCD monitors by Jakob Hatteland are used (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000

ECDIS-I/ECS-I (V. 4.00.10). TECHNICAL REFERENCE), connect the monitor to
the RS (see items 5 and 12 of this paragraph) via RS-232 cable (LCD Display sensor).
In “COMPorts Settings” page, set the following COM port exchange parameters:
– BAUD RATE: 9600.

48 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

6. Switch to “Sensor/Accuracy” page.

– adjust COM ports for operation with connected sensors. See also
document, Chapter 6 for additional information about external sensors. In
case of connection of SAAB R4 transponder, see paragraph
Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I Settings in Case of Interface with SAAB R4

– enter as required, the log and gyro reading accuracy in Log Accuracy and
Gyro Accuracy fields;
– with the use of data from the log and gyro connected via the RIB, check
the appropriate checkboxes in RIB group: Heading Through RIB and Log Through RIB.
See also paragraph Course and Speed Data Exchange Between the RIB
and the NS Using Analog Sensors and NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I
(V. 4.00.10). SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION document;
– with the use of data from the analog gyro and compass, transmitted to the NS via
Transas NAVConverter, check the appropriate checkboxes in Converter group:
Heading Through Converter and Log Through Converter. See NAVI-SAILOR 3000
– connection of the ARPA operating according to a specialised protocol, should
be made to ARPA-A port only. See also NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I
(V. 4.00.10). TECHNICAL REFERENCE document, Chapter 1 for additional
information about OEM ARPA connection;
– if it is necessary to pass the route created in the NS to the GPS, set Upload Route
port number identical to that set for the GPS (Pos. System 1). See also Chapter 6
PRINCIPLES document for additional information about Upload Route data.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 49

Software Installation

7. Switch to “Own Ship Setup” page:

– enter the principal dimensions of the own ship:

Beam Overall (in metres);
Length Overall (in metres);
Bridge Elevation (in metres);
Sounder Delta (in metres).
– enter the Conning Station coordinates and, if required, coordinates of
the connected sensor antenna units. Input can be made with the cursor
in the bottom part of the page and by the direct setting of coordinates in
Station Position (meters) field. Geographic coordinates passed by the NS
to the Output, are always considered to be the Conning Station coordinates.
See also Annex A of NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (V. 4.00.10).
OPERATING PRINCIPLES document, for additional information about re-
calculation of own ship position coordinates;
– enter the own ship ID data for using in the AIS transponder:
Call Sign;
– in case if COG value should be visualized as Heading in the Conning Station,
check the checkbox CS – COG.
See also Chapter 6 of NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (V. 4.00.10).
OPERATING PRINCIPLES document and Chapter 2 of NAVI-SAILOR 3000
ECDIS-I/ECS-I (V. 4.00.10). TECHNICAL REFERENCE for additional information
about AIS transponder interface.

50 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

8. Switch to “ARPA/Radar” page:

– select the protocol for operation with the ARPA in ARPA-A Protocol field.
See also Chapter 1 of NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (V. 4.00.10).
TECHNICAL REFERENCE document for additional information
about OEM ARPA protocols;
– specify the type of RIB in use: PCI Version in Radar Setup field;
– set the radar picture recording parameters in Recording field. See also
Chapter 5 of NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (V. 4.00.10).
OPERATING PRINCIPLES document for additional information about archiving
of radar picture in the NS;
– set, as required, the radar reading accuracy in ARPA Accuracy field;
– if it is necessary to disable generation of “ARPA-A (B): No Input” alarm
triggered off by the absence of data from the connected ARPA (when ARPA
is in standby mode), turn on Disable ARPA-A (B) Alarm option in ARPA Alarms
field. See also Chapter 3, Sensor Alarms paragraph in NAVI-SAILOR 3000

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 51

Software Installation

9. Switch to “AIS” page.

– in UAIS Model group, select the type of the AIS transponder in use;
– if it is necessary to use dead reckoning mode for AIS targets, turn on Use DR
for AIS Targets option and set Minimal SOG to Activate parameter whereby dead
reckoning will be performed (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I
– if it is necessary to use Pilot Plug Mode, check Pilot Personal Unit checkbox
(see above paragraph Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I Adjustment of Pilot Plug
10. Switch to “NMEA Output” page.

52 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

Specify the sentences and their parameters for the passing of data to NMEA
Output channel. See also Chapter 6 of NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I
(V. 4.00.10). OPERATING PRINCIPLES document for additional information
about NMEA output data.
11. Switch to “Autopilot Output” page.

Specify the sentences and their parameters for the passing of data to Autopilot
Output channel. See also Chapter 6 of NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I
(V. 4.00.10). OPERATING PRINCIPLES document for additional information
about Autopilot output data.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 53

Software Installation

12. Switch to “ARPA NMEA Output” page.

Specify the sentences and their parameters for the passing of data to ARPA
NMEA Output channel. See also Chapter 6 of NAVI-SAILOR 3000
ECDIS-I/ECS-I (V. 4.00.10). OPERATING PRINCIPLES document for
additional information about ARPA output data.

54 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

13. Switch to “Upload Route” page:

– specify the sentences for passing the route created in the NS to an external
device of GPS receiver in Output Messages field;
– if it is necessary to pass the WP name along with its number, turn on
WP Names option in Output Options field.
Note: Many GPS receivers do not process the WP names if their names are entered
in the lower case during the route generation, or if they exceed 8 characters.
Some models of GPS receivers may not process WP Names. In this case,
activation of WP Names option results in that WP’s will not be transmitted
to the GPS.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 55

Software Installation

14. Switch to “COMPorts Settings” page:

– check the arrival of data on the computer COM ports which sensors
are connected to. To do this, press Test COM button corresponding
to the port to be tested:

56 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

– press Start Monitoring button;

– if incorrect data is received, or there is no data, change the COM port
parameters in Port Settings group.
COM port parameters:
Baud Rate: 50–115200 (by default, 4800);
Data Bits: 7, 8 (by default, 8);
Parity: None, Event, Odd, Space, Mark (by default, None);
Stop Bits: 1, 2 (by default, 1).
All the changes in the communication channel parameters are required
to be made with the data monitoring turned off.
If data from some sensor is not processed by the NS but is nonetheless
displayed in the monitoring window, it is necessary to turn off the processing
of data checksum from the device in System Configuration Utility/Service/Sensors/
– finish testing by pressing “Stop Monitoring” and “Close” buttons.
15. Adjust filtering parameters for incoming NMEA sentences as required on
“Input Filter” page.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 57

Software Installation

– by default, processing of all the possible messages from external devices is ON;

– if it is necessary to turn off the processing of some message in the NS, uncheck
the name of this message for the selected sensor.

16. Switch to “NavTex” page:

– Configuration of NAVTEX receiver connection to the NS 3000 ports is

performed on the “Sensors/Accuracy” page (see above). This page is
available if only NMEA NAVTEX receiver (no ASCII) connected, otherwise
the page will be blank;
– In the Device polling timeout field, enter the time interval (from 5 to 60 min) which
the NAVTEX Messages database will be updated at (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000
ECDIS-I/ECS-I (V. 4.00.10). OPERATING PRINCIPLES, chapter Optional
Features, section NAVTEX Messages);

– In the NavTex master station field, enter the name of the station to which Navtex
receiver is physically connected;
– If necessary, enable the sentences transition to the NAVTEX receiver by
checking the corresponding checkboxes near the sentences name. Clear
the corresponding checkboxes to disable the unnecessary sentences

58 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

– For the GLL, RMC, and VTG sentences, select the required precision (a number
of decimals after the comma) in the Precision column. If necessary, enable
the status value transmitting by checking the checkbox in the Status column;
– To disable the NMEA sentences checksum transmitting, uncheck
the checkbox Check Sum in the group Append To All.
17. Switch to “Data Storage” page:

– In the Delete old data if free space is lower than input window, enter the free space
on the disk which should be reached before the old archive data will start to
be successively deleted;
– In the Always delete older than input window, enter the archive data storage time
PRINCIPLES, chapter Logging Functions, section General).
Settings of Graphic User Interface (GUI)
1. Switch to “Graphic User Interface” page.

Create a new user configuration by setting its name in Create New Configuration
field and pressing Create button.
2. On “Presentation Settings” page in Units field, set the measurement units which
will be used for the display of the following parameters in the NS:
– Ship and Target Speed – in knots (kt) or kilometres per hour (km/h);
– Distances – in miles (nm), kilometres (km), or statute miles (stm);
– Small Distances – in metres (m), feet (ft), fathoms (fms), or yards (yd);
– Depths/Heights – in metres (m), feet (ft), or fathoms (fms);
– Draught – in metres (m) or feet (ft);
– Wind Speed – in metres per second (m/s), kilometres per hour (km/h), or knots (kt);
– Temperature – in degrees Celsius (ºC) or degrees Fahrenheit (ºF).

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 59

Software Installation

3. Switch to “Skins” page.

Select one of the offered layouts for the display of Navi-Sailor 3000 user interface:
the skin.

60 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

4. Finish the creating of the user interface by pressing “Apply” and “OK” buttons:
– select the created user configuration in Select User Configuration field;
if necessary, you can use the default configuration (Default Configuration);
– press “Exit” button.

5. Run Navi-Sailor 3000:

– set the local time zone (see Chapter 4 of NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I
(V. 4.00.10). USER MANUAL document);
– set the primary and, as required, secondary ship positioning methods
(see Chapter 6 of NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (V. 4.00.10).
USER MANUAL document);
– check if all the connected external sensors correctly transmit information
to the NS. If the data is supplied to the computer COM port, but no-data
or incorrect-data alarm is generated, follow directions set forth in item 15
of Protected Settings (see above).
6. Check the network configuration:
– run Master station and check that information from all the sensors arrives
in and is recognised by the system. Check that “Master” indicator is available;
– run Slave station(s) and check that information from the Master arrives
in and is recognised by the system. Check that “Slave” indicator is available;
– check that the date and time (time zone) are identical for all the stations
in the network and agree with the system time.
7. Re-start the computer.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 61

Software Installation

Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I Settings in Case of Interface

with SAAB R4 Transponder
Before making these settings, it is necessary to perform the transponder installation
(see paragraph SAAB R4 Installation) and steps 1–6 specified in paragraph
Protected Settings.

After making step 6 in Protected Settings paragraph, switch to “AIS” page:

1. Select R4 SAAB MKD (IEC) transponder in UAIS Model field.

2. Turn on AIS transponder.
3. On “COMPorts Settings” page of the System Configuration utility, set the following
exchange parameters for the COM port set up for the operation with a transponder:
– Baud Rate: 38400 (by default);
– Data Bits: 8;
– Parity: None;
– Stop Bits: 1.

62 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

4. Press the appropriate Test COM button to monitor the data exchange between
the NS and the transponder.

Check that the link between the NS and the transponder has been established.
5. Switch to “Own Ship Setup” page of the System Configuration utility:

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 63

Software Installation

– enter the correct own ship data, one parameter after another, in Ship Setup field:
Call Sign;
Beam Overall (in metres);
Length Overall (in metres);
Bridge Elevation (in metres);
Sounder Delta (in metres).
– specify the Conning Station position in the ship axes of reference (depending
on the set Length Overall and Beam Overall parameters);
– set the position for antenna units of positioning systems connected to the NS
(PS1 and PS2) in the ship axes of reference (depending on the set Length Overall
and Beam Overall parameters);
– set the antenna position from the positioning system which is connected
to the transponder as an internal system (AIS Internal GPS) in the ship axes
of reference (depending on the set Length Overall and Beam Overall parameters);
– set the antenna position for the positioning system which is connected to the
transponder as an external system (AIS External GPS) if the external positioning
system’s sensor is connected directly to the transponder.
6. Perform steps 8, 10–15 of Protected Settings paragraph, follow the directions
of Settings of Graphic User Interface (GUI) paragraph.

7. Run the NS.

8. Open “Config” panel and switch to “COM trace panel” page. Then press AIS button
and check that there is data exchange between the transponder and the NS.

9. In Task List drop-down list on the NS control panel, select AIS tab.
10. In AIS panel which will open up, switch to “Voyage and Static Data” page.

64 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

11. Wait for 1–3 minutes. Check that MMSI, IMO No, Call Sign, Name are displayed
correctly in Static Data field:
– if MMSI and IMO Number values previously entered in the transponder are
different from those entered in the System Configuration utility (see item 5),
they will be re-written in the NS. As this is done, “MMSI No. Changed”
and “IMO No. changed” alarm is generated. To enter the correct MMSI
and IMO Number values, perform item 4;
– if Name and Call Sign values previously entered in the transponder, are different
from those entered in the System Configuration utility (see item 5), they will be
shown in the red colour in Static Data field, and “AIS: Name warning” and
“AIS: CALL warning” alarm will be triggered on. To record in the transponder
Name and Call Sign values entered in the System Configuration utility, press
Restore button. As this is done, Name and Call Sign in the transponder will be
re-written, and “AIS: Name warning” and “AIS: CALL warning” alarms will be
triggered off.
12. To correct MMSI and IMO No values set in the transponder, perform the following
– switch to “Protected R4 Settings” page;

– press “Edit” button and enter the NS system password (“transas” by default);
– enter the system user password of AIS transponder (“user” by default). Password
can be changed by using R4 Display Unit;
– enter the correct MMSI and IMO numbers;
– press “Apply Changes” button;
– wait for one minute. Switch to “Voyage and Static Data” page and check that
the data displayed in Static Data field is correct. As this is done, “MMSI No.
Changed” and “IMO No. changed” alarm will be generated.
13. In “AIS” panel, make the following settings on “Protected R4 Settings” page:
– press “Edit” button and enter the NS system password (“transas” by default)
to switch to the setting editing mode;
– in Enable/Disable AIS alarms field, turn on the necessary alarm in the transponder

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 65

Software Installation

– in AIS Port programming field, set the exchange parameters of the transponder COM
ports (Baud Rate) if the appropriate sensors are connected to them. The setting
of the exchange parameters is made in accordance with documentation for
the connected devices. The setting of Baud Rate value for ECDIS/PI port should be
equally with the value set in the System Configuration utility for AIS port
(see item 6 of Protected Settings paragraph). It is advisable to set Baud Rate
value at 38400;
– press “Apply Changes” button. The settings will be passed to the transponder.
14. Switch to “Long Range” page of “AIS” panel. Settings on this page are made
where the transponder is connected to a telecommunication device
(e.g. INMARSAT).

Perform the following procedure (after having it approved by the Captain):

– press “Edit” button to switch to settings editing mode;
– set the mode of replying to a Long Range inquiry by using Reply mode switch
(automatically or manually);
– adjust the filter of response checkboxes in Reply info field, in case of a response
to a Long Range inquiry. It will be only that information whose checkbox
is checked, which will be transmitted;
– use Long Range Alarm radio button to turn On/Off the display of alarms in “Alarms”
panel in the NS, in case of reception of an inquiry via Long Range channel;
– press “Apply” button. The settings will be passed to the transponder.
15. Switch to “Voyage and Static Data” page of “AIS” panel:

66 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

– press “Edit” button;

– enter the necessary voyage information on the ship, cargo, destination,
navigational status, etc. This information will be used for the transmission
to other objects of AIS system;
– press “Apply” button.
Should the static or voyage information in the transponder be changed with
the use of another control device (MKD, Aux/pilot), the updated information will
be automatically displayed on “Voyage and Static Data” page.
16. Switch to “Messaging” page:

– enable AIS message alarm option to turn on AIS Message alarm which will be
triggered off by the reception of a message via the AIS system;
– enable Show new message option for the automatic display of the last received
message on top of the old one in “AIS Message” window.
17. Open “Alarms” panel and switch to “AIS alarms” page.

Make the following settings:

– turn on the display of the transponder alarm in the NS control panel by using
AIS alarms checkbox. In this case, as the cursor is positioned on this alarm
message, “Alarms” window will display all the active transponder alarms;
– turn on the recording of events occurring with the transponder by using Record log
checkbox. In this case, the data will be saved to AIS.Log directory stored in
the product directory, in a file with YY-MM-DD.txt format name. The file data is
handled via the Data Tool utility. As this is done, AIS Log file group should be used;

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 67

Software Installation

– press Get Status button to obtain information on the transponder status.

This information is displayed in Alarm Traffic window in the lines with
Information message identifier;
– open “AIS VDL Data” display on NS control panel and check that information
from the connected external devices is displayed correctly.

Radar Integrator Installation

Software Setup
1. Run all the NS network stations; wait until OS is completely loaded.
2. Run the First Aid utility on all the NS network stations. On the “Operation
System” page, make sure that all OS settings are intact. Adjust OS settings if
incorrect ones were found.
3. Close the First Aid utility on all the NS network stations.
4. With assistance of the Device Manager utility (START MENU\CONTROL PANEL\SYSTEM\
HARDWARE PAGE), make sure that RIB drivers are installed properly:

If RIB drivers were installed improperly, the above window will look as follows:

68 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

In this case, double click the respective line in the window.

In the opened “Properties” window, press the button “Update driver”.

Press the radio button Search for a suitable driver for my device. Press the “Next >” button.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 69

Software Installation

Check the checkbox Specify a location. Press the “Next >” button.

Press the “Browse” button. In the field Copy manufacturer’s files from, specify
path to required files (C:\WINNT\RadarDriver\Transas.inf). Press the “OK” button.

Press the “Yes” button.

Press the “Finish” button. Restart the computer by switching the power off/on.

70 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

5. Run all the NS network stations; wait until OS is completely loaded.

6. Run the System Configuration utility on the NS “Master” station where RIB2 PCI
card is installed. Switch to “Service” page and enter “transas” password
in Protected Settings field.
Press “OK” button.

7. Switch to “ARPA/Radar” page.

Check PCI Version checkbox in Radar Setup group on the NS “Master” station.

Press “Radar Configuration Utility” button (on the NS “Master” station with
installed RIB2 PCI card only!).

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 71

Software Installation

8. “RadarSystem Service Configurator” utility start window will be displayed.

Press New One Radar Configuration button.

9. In “Radar System Configuration” window, make the settings on “Radar System” page:

– check that the data displayed in Radar Integrator Device oriented option group
is correct:
RIB Type field should display “Rib2”;
WorkStation field should display the correct name of the station where RIB
(Master, Slave1, etc.) should be displayed.
– in Radar Antenna oriented options group, select the type of the radar in use
in Scanner Type box. If your radar type is missing in the offered list, select
the radar with the closest parameters and then look through and manually
modify parameter values as per your radar documentation. For more detailed
description, see paragraphs below;
– specify the band of the radar in use (X band or S band) in Band box;
– press “Apply” button.

72 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

10. Switch to “RIB A” page:

– if the RIB is connected to log, enter (modify) log parameters in Log group:
Type box – log type (None, Normal, or Fast);
Pulse number box – number of pulses per mile covered (200, 400, or 500).
– if the RIB is connected to gyro, set the following parameters in Gyro group:
Type box – output gyro signal type (stepper of synchro);
Pulse number box – number of increments of course referenced
to 360 degrees. E.g., if there is a gyro providing 6 increments per degree,
then the number which should be entered in Pulse number box, will be
6 х 360 = 2160;
Stepper polarity and Reference polarity boxes – signal polarity for a stepper
type gyro.
– press “Apply” button.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 73

Software Installation

11. Switch to Antenna A page:

– specify polarity of the input signal in Signals Polarity group (Video polarity,
Trigger polarity, Heading polarity);
– set azimuth corrections in BEARING ADJUSTMENT, degrees line;
– set range corrections in DISTANCE ADJUSTMENT, meters line;
– set the following antenna parameters in Antenna properties group:
Rotation speed box – rate of revolutions (rpm);
Bearing number per revolution box – number of bearing sensor pulses
per one revolution;
Beam Width box – beam width.
– press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.
12. Return on the “Radar System” page and press the “OK” button.
13. In “RadarSystem Service Configuration” utility start window, press
“SAVE and EXIT” button.
14. “Radar SubNetwork” window will appear on the screen. Press “Add” button.
Define accurate names of the Network Clients corresponding the names
of network stations (e.g. Backup, Slave 2, etc.). Press “Synchronize” buttons
(for the NS “Master” station only).

74 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

Note: All the NS network stations should be running at this moment; however,
neither NS applications nor their components on the mentioned stations
should be active.

Report of synchronization will be displayed (COMPLETE – means correct

synchronization between all the NS network stations). Press “Exit” button.
15. Press “Test Radar” button in “ARPA/Radar” page. The radar picture will be
displayed on “Image” page of “RLT_test” window. Run the Test Radar utility
(System Configuration Utility/Service Protected Settings/ARPA/Radar) at
the same time on all Network Stations and check radar picture by the same way.

16. Switch off “RLT_test” application on all the NS network stations including
the NS Master station.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 75

Software Installation

17. Switch to “ARPA/Radar” page on all the NS “Slave” (Backup) network stations.
Check PCI Version checkbox in Radar Setup group.

18. Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons and close the System Configuration utility
on all the NS network stations.
19. Run the NS application on the NS Master station. Make sure that radar overlay
is displayed properly.
20. Run the NS application on all the NS Slave (Backup) stations. Make sure that
radar overlay is displayed properly.
21. When NS 3000 will be started, set, if required, Bearing/Distance offset of the radar
overlay in “Radar Settings” page of the “Config” panel on the NS Master station
only (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (V. 4.00.10). SOFTWARE
DESCRIPTION, paragraph Radar Settings Page).

76 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

Installation of Transas Charts Collection

In case of installation from a WORLD CHART FOLIO CD by using a special Transas
CD Setup program which is run automatically after the disk is inserted in the drive
(or “manually” – setup.exe file in the disk root directory):

1. Choose “Install Licensed Charts” line (which at this step turns yellow) and press
the left trackerball button (<Enter>).

Click “Next >” button.

2. The program shows the path to the product (e.g. C:\_NS2400), which you intend
to install electronic TRANSAS charts into.

Click “Next >” button.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 77

Software Installation

3. The list of all the charts licensed for the given product.

Click “Next >” button.

4. Click “Next >” button.

5. The list of all the charts, licensed and available for installation from the given CD.

Click “Next >” button.

78 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

6. General information is displayed.

Click “Start” button.

7. The list of all the charts installed in the product, with a reference to the source.

Click “Next >” button.

8. View the details of chart installation.

Click “View Protocol” button.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 79

Software Installation

9. General information on all the operations which were performed.

Click “OK” button.

10. Installation process is completed.

Click “Exit” button.

Note: Installation of TX97 (TRANSAS) charts can also be performed by means
of the Chart Manager utility, which is used for servicing the shipboard collection
of all the chart types (including TX97, ARCS, BSB/NDI, S57). Servicing
is understood as any operations on the charts (e.g. installation, updating,
replacing) and the collection (e.g. references on the collection status, etc.).
If Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and other national hieroglyphs and symbols
should be displayed on the charts, the following settings should be done
prior to the system covering with the Transas Integrator shell:
• Open “Languages” page;
• Check the required checkbox in the group Supplemental language support;
• Insert the Windows XP or 2000 installation CD into the tray; press “OK”
button and follow the system’ instructions step by step.

80 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

SPOS Weather Module Installation

The work of SPOS Weather Module is based on the SPOS program, allowing
to request, receive and visualize the weather forecasts onboard the ship as
well as to perform necessary voyage calculation taking the weather conditions
in consideration. Two data sources are used by SPOS: five-day forecast and built-in
climatic database. In the case of the forecasts absence, the database is used
for voyage planning.
The climatic database covers the globe from 75° N to 60° S; the coverage
of the forecasts includes the entire Earth surface. The data from both sources
are represented in regular graticule sizing 2.5° × 2.5° for five standard regions:
North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean, North Pacific and South Pacific.
Delivery of the weather forecasts by means of available e-mail is performed twice
a day: at 09.00 UTC and 21.00 UTC. The following weather parameters are included:
surface atmospheric pressure; wind speed and direction (referred to 10 meters height);
wind waves period and direction; swell period and direction; surface current (optional).
The SPOS program is used as an autonomous application on the Workstations
with the NS systems installed. Integration of the SPOS application into the NS
systems is carried out by means of the routes exchange. The SPOS is capable
to read, to process and to visualize the routes created in NS as well as to export
its own routes into the NS folder Routes. In this case, the NS system can completely
process these routes as the usual ones.

Manufacturer’s description of the SPOS program SPOS MANUAL & REFERENCE GUIDE
is enclosed in the Transas MNS CD. To view the manual, insert the Transas MNS CD into
the disc tray. Select VIEW DOCUMENTATION item from the Main menu, then press “SPOS”
in the opened window.

Select “SPOS Manual & Reference Guide” in the opened window. The document
in PDF-format will be displayed.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 81

Software Installation

SPOS Software Installation

With Transas Integrator Installed
Installation of the SPOS software onto the workstations with installed systems
NS3000 ECDIS-I, Navi-Sailor 3000 ECS-I (v. 4.00.10) covered with the Transas
Integrator shell should be carried out by the service personnel only.
At the start, uninstall the previous installed Transas Integrator shell and restart
the workstation. Then, the operator must install the SPOS software and to configure
integrated work of the NS application and SPOS. When installation and configuration
are completed, the workstation should be covered with the Transas Integrator shell
from the Transas MNS CD (version 3.05.1993).
Note: Reinstallation and installation of the Transas Integrator shell must be carried
out by the service personnel only.

If SPOS software and Chart Assistant (CA) application are to be installed onto the same
workstation, refer to the chapter Chart Assistant Installation of this document. Upon
completion of installation of both software components, the service engineer should
cover the system with the Transas Integrator utility from Transas MNS CD.

No Transas Integrator Installed

Insert Transas MNS CD into the disc tray. Select “Install Product Manually”
in Main menu.

Select “SPOS Weather Module” in the opened list.

82 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

Select “Setup SPOS Software” from the list.

The “SPOS Setup” window will be displayed. Press the “Next >” button.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 83

Software Installation

Before confirming the License Agreement, insert the floppy disc with the NS license
into the floppy drive. Press the “Yes” button. If the floppy disc contains the respective
information, the Registration Key for the next step will be accepted by the system
automatically. Otherwise, the Registration Key shall be entered manually in
the following page:

Enter the name of your vessel and your company. If necessary, enter the Registration
Key. Press the “Next >” button.

The “Registration Confirmation” window will be displayed. Check the registration

information and press the “Yes” button.

In the “Setup Type” window, select “MASTER’s installation” type. Press the “Next >”

84 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

Select path to the folder where the SPOS program will be installed (default path
C:\Program Files\Meteo Consult\SPOS is recommended). Press the “Next >” button.

Press the “Next >” button. The program will be installed.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 85

Software Installation

Press the “Finish” button to complete the installation.

Note: The system may be covered with the Transas Integrator shell from
the MNS CD upon completion of the SPOS installation. Installation of
the Transas Integrator shell must be carried out by the service personnel only.

Meteo Consult Module Settings

This paragraph describes settings of the SPOS program and its integration
with the NS application for work in the File mode. For details, see

Run the SPOS program. In command line, press “File”. Select “System Settings”
from the fall-off list.

Open the page “Folders”. In the “Update folder” field, specify path to the folder SPOS
which was created automatically in the course of the NS 3000 (v. 4.00.10) installation.
The “Shared Folder” functionality is described in SPOS MANUAL & REFERENCE GUIDE

86 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

Open the page “Communication”.

Select method for the messages sending by checking the checkbox “2. Via FILE:
store message in file, send file via e-mail”. Specify the path to the folder SPOS
as described above.

Note: For selection the method “Via MAPI”, each installation shall be examined
individually, depending on the e-mail client installed on the bridge workstation.
On the “Weather” page, press the button Weather Subscription. In the opened window,
select the region(s) of the weather forecast coverage and frequency of the forecast
update. Several regions are available for selection depending on the sailing area.

Press the “Submit” button. The following dialog box will be displayed.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 87

Software Installation

Press the “OK” button. The subscription request spossub.txt will be saved
in the folder SPOS in the NS root directory (C:\Transas\NS3000I\SPOS\spossub.txt).

To make sure that SPOS settings were carried out properly, run the Data Tool utility.
Open internal group SPOS.

The file spossub.txt shall be displayed in the above mentioned group showing
propriety of the SPOS program settings. The file should be copied onto the outer
carrier (e.g. floppy disc) by means of the Data Tool utility and sent to the e-mail
address: via ship’s communication workstation.

Chart Assistant Installation

After the installation process has been completed, the “Chart Assistant” will replace
the “Chart Manager” module, and this will be the only tool to maintain ships
collection of electronic charts. It is strongly recommended that the “Chart Assistant”
installed on one bridge station should be used for maintaining chart collections in all
the Transas Navigational systems connected to this station via the local network.
Use of the “Chart Manager” or “Chart Assistant” on other bridge network stations
may cause chart data loss.

List of Chart Assistant tools included in the Transas MNS CD:

1. Chart Assistant. This application can be installed over a previously installed
Navi-Sailor 3000 series.
2. NS Reconfiguration Utility. It is necessary to reconfigure Navi-Sailor network
stations without installing Chart Assistant as well as to update chart collection
on Master/Slave/Backup stations in case if all chart related operations are
performed with Chart Assistant on NS planning station.
3. E-Mail Utility installation is needed if computer with installed Chart Assistant
cannot be connected to Internet. In this case, the E-Mail Utility is installed
on communication station and this will be a link between Chart Assistant
and e-mail client.

88 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

Insert Transas MNS CD into the disc tray. In Main menu, select item SELECT PRODUCT.
In the opened window, press “Chart Assistant”.

To install CA, select item SETUP CHART ASSISTANT.

Press “Next >” button.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 89

Software Installation

The screen displays a window containing the installation warning.

Please, read it carefully before installation continuation.

Press “Next >” button.

Specify the product installation path (C:\Transas\Chart Assistant recommended by default).

The directory name should not exceed 8 characters and should not contain spaces
or punctuation marks.
Press “Next >” button.

90 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

Select This computer connected to a communication station via LAN radio button if the mail
program is installed on another computer (ship communication computer) and you
expect to use a local network for sending and receiving data by e-mail.
If the e-mail program is installed on the same computer, or if you expect to use
removable drive (floppy, CD, or USB drive) for transferring data to communication
computer, select No LAN between this computer and communication station radio button.
Press “Next >” button.

If a network configuration is used and you expect to use the CA for updating ship
chart collection on other network stations, check “Network configuration” checkbox.
Use the input line to enter the network computer names separated with a comma.
Note that the NS installed on the network stations must be reconfigured
with the NS Reconfiguration utility.
Press “Next >” button.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 91

Software Installation

The program will perform the product installation.

Press “Finish” button.

It is recommended to restart the workstation upon the CA installation.

92 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

E-Mail Utility Installation

The E-Mail utility is installed on a computer with e-mail program only
(communication computer) unless Chart Assistant application is installed on it (This
computer connected to a communication station via LAN line is selected during the CA

Run MNS27CD:\\PRODUCTS\CA\MailUtil\Setup.exe file in the product’s installation


Press “Next >” button.

Specify the product installation path (C:\Transas\MailUtility is recommended by default).

Press “Next >” button.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 93

Software Installation

The program will perform the product installation.

Press “Finish” button.

Edit MailHandler.ini file (C:\Transas\MailUtility by default) intended for configuring

the mail program.

Use Computers line to specify the name of the station where the Chart Assistant
utility is installed. E.g.: Stations=Master.

94 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

In SendTo line, you should specify the e-mail address of Transas chart server

In SendFrom line, specify the e-mail address which the requests will be sent from.

NS Reconfiguration Utility Installation

The NS Reconfiguration utility is installed on all the network computers except
the computer where “Chart Assistant” utility is installed.

Run MNS27CD:\\PRODUCTS\CA\ConfigChanger\Setup.exe file in the product’s

installation directory.

Press “Next >” button.

The program will perform the product installation.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 95

Software Installation

Press “Finish” button.

It is strongly not recommended to run the Chart Manager utility on the workstation
with installed the NS Reconfiguration utility.

For detailed description of Chart Assistant application, see CHART ASSISTANT (V. 1.04).
OPERATORS MANUAL included in Transas MNS CD.

Upon completion of installation of Chart Assistant (CA) application and SPOS
software onto the same workstation, the service engineer should cover the system
with the Transas Integrator utility from Transas MNS CD, if required.

96 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

Transas Integrator
1. Insert Transas Marine Navigation System disk in the CD drive and open INTEG_W2K
directory, run setup.exe file (<CD drive>:\INTEG_W2K\Setup.exe).

Press “Next >” button.

2. Read the licensing agreement terms.

Press “Yes” button.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 97

Software Installation

3. Specify the path to the product installation (advisable to leave without changes).

Press “Next >” button.

4. Specify the program folder name in Windows startup menu (advisable to leave
without changes).

Press “Next >” button.

98 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Software Installation

5. Check pre-installation settings of Transas Integrator application.

Press “Next >” button.

Installation of Transas Integrator application is underway.
6. Installation of Transas Integrator application program files is completed.

Press “Yes” button.

7. Specify the path to the directory containing NS 3000 system program files.

Enter C:\Transas\NS3000EI path in the command line (if the NS installation path
was selected by default) or press “Browse…” button and specify the path by
using Windows dialogue box.

Press “OK” button.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 99

Product Registration

8. Press “Continue Installation Transas Integrator” button.

Transas Integrator application completes its installation.

Press “OK” button.

9. Restart the computer.

Press “Yes” button.

Where the network configuration is used, repeat the above procedure for each
station in the network.


For the system to be provided with the warranty service and maintenance, it should
be properly registered.
This required:

• saving of the standard configuration;

• fulfilling of the registration procedure;
• filling in of the connected sensors table;
• filling in of the installation report;
• product registration in SESAME system.

The registration procedure should not be performed until after the setup of
Navi-Sailor 3000 system (see above).

100 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Product Registration

Saving of the Standard Configuration (Backup Copy)

1. Run the System Configuration utility and switch to “Service” page.

2. Enter “transas” for password.

3. Press Backup button on “General” page to start the process for creating a backup
copy of Navi-Sailor 3000 system standard (initial) configuration.

4. Press “Yes” button. The backup information will be saved in the product root directory.

5. Press “ОK” button.

Create a backup information copy on external device (3.5" diskette, removable
disc, etc.)

6. Press “Yes” button.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 101

Product Registration

7. In opened window, select drive where the backup copy will be saved and press
“OK” key.

8. It is necessary to make “Backup” notation on the diskette and store it on the ship
along with the license diskette and the NS installation CD.

Performance of Registration Procedure

1. Run the First Aid utility.

2. Switch to “Registry” page:

102 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Product Registration

– in Ship group, fill in the fields as per the comments provided in the table below:
Table field Comments
Place Port where the installation was made
Who performed Name of the engineer who made the installation
Certificate Company service engineer certificate number. The field should be left
empty if the engineer has not passed special training at TRANSAS
Agent name Name of the company performing maintenance
Ship owner Ship owner name
Ship name Ship name
Call sign Ship callsign

– use Hardware group to enter the data on the computer and its producer;
– use Sensors group to fill in the fields as appropriate for the sensors connected
to the NS.
3. Press “Make Registry” button.

COM Trace file is recorded.

Registration of information for the system warranty is collected.

The collected registration information is archived.

4. Save the registration information.

Press Copy to FD button.

Note: For an alternative method of storing registration information, you can use any
other available carrier. To save information to this storage, press “Copy to…”
button and specify the path to it in the dialogue box which will appear.

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 103

Product Registration

5. Insert a 3.5" diskette in the drive. Depending on the size of information

to be saved, several 3.5" diskettes may be required.

Press “OK” button.

6. Registration information has been successfully saved.

Press “OK” button.

7. Registration information should by any way sent to the Service Engineers
Support System – SESAM, or to the following address:

Filling in of the Sensor Connection Table

Example: Connected to the Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I are the following sensors,
which the following information is expected to arrive from or be transmitted to:
Device Port Received information Transmitted
number information
GPS or DGPS receiver 5 Vessel position, COG, SOG, UTC –
(Pos. system1)
Loran receiver 2 Vessel position, COG, SOG –
(Pos. system2)
ARPA (ARPA-A) 4 Targets, HDG Vessel position, COG,
SOG, UTC, route
Water speed LOG (Log) 1 LOG –
Autopilot (Auto pilot) 3 – Vessel position, COG,
SOG, UTC, route, XTE
Digitiser (Yeoman) 6 Cursor position Vessel or cursor position

For this configuration, “Accuracy” page (System Configuration Utility/Service/

Sensors/Accuracy) will be as follows:
Pos. system 1 5
Pos. system 2 2
Time 5
Compass 4
Rate-Of-Turn 0
Log 1
Sounder 0
Wind 0
Water Temperature 0
Auto Pilot 3
NMEA output 0

104 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Product Registration

Upload Route 0
Yeoman 6
LCD Display 0
Alarm Output Device 0
Keyboard ES3 0
DSC 500 0
After the connection of all the channels, use System Configuration Utility/Service/
COMPort Settings panel to check if the data arrives in the NS. Check that there
is data exchange by activating one by one, all the used channels by entering
the port number in this function’s indicator.
Table of Sensors Connection
Parameter Port Device Rts Parity Stop bits Data bits Baud rate
Pos system 1 5 GPS MK-90 NONE 1 8 4800
Pos system 2 2 NONE 1 8 4800
Time 5 GPS MK-90 NONE 1 8 4800
Compass 4 BridgeMaster NONE 1 8 4800
Rate-Of-Turn 0 NONE
Log 1 NONE 1 8 4800
Sounder 0
Wind 0
Water Temperature 0
ARPA-A 4 BridgeMaster NONE 1 8 4800
Auto Pilot 3 AUTOHELM NONE 1 8 4800
NMEA output 0
Upload Route 0
Yeoman 6 YEOMAN NONE 1 8 4800
LCD Display 0
Alarm Output Device 0
Keyboard ES3 0
DSC 500 0

It is also necessary to fill in tables of settings used for the multi-port, video, and network
cards (if any):

Type of multi-port card MOXA C114H (4 ports) ISA

STATUS See unit documentation
I/O port 3 0180-0186
I/O port 4 0188-018E
I/O port 5 0190-0196
I/O port 6 0198-019E
I/O port 7 None
I/O port 8 None
I/O port 9 None
I/O port 10 This port cannot be used

Chapter 1. Installation and Registration 105

Product Registration

Type of video card Matrox G550 AGP Graphic Card

Type of VRAM
IRQ 16
I/O 03B0-03BB, 03C0-03DF

Type of network card Intel Ether Express Pro 100S

IRQ 18
I/O B000-B03F

106 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

This chapter gives procedures
for typical cases of service work.

Copyright Transas Ltd., 2008

Obtaining New Options


To expand the NS system functionality with new options, it is necessary to send
a request to TRANSAS representative office specifying the vessel data, shipowner,
registry number, dongle number and the naming of required options. These options
could be as software so the new hardware (see tables below).

Network Software for Additional Slave Stations
Raster ARCS Chart Format
Raster BSB/NDI and NOS/GEO Chart Format
Raster Seafarer Chart Format
Vector DNC chart format
User Ship Contour
AIS Transponder Interface Level 3
AIS Binary Data Interface
Track Control System (SW module)
Trial Maneuvering 3000
ARPA Interface Level 2
Basic maintenance service for TX-97
Professional maintenance service for TX-97
NavTex Manager Software

Slave Station (Back-Up 19)
Slave Station (Back-Up 23)
UPS Powerware 5115
UPS Powerware 9120
Deck mount console v. 5.2
Console reduction frame 23" TFT/19" TFT
Desk mount console v. 5
WAGO alarms transfer modules
Radar Integrator Board (Software and Hardware Kit – RIB 2)
Transas Navtex 4.0

– the option is not available unless there is AIS Transponder Interface Level 3 option.

Chapter 2. Maintenance 109

Obtaining New Options

Delivery Set
Element Availability Note
Dongle No Yes only if Network capability option ordered
Current MNS CD No
License Yes
Documentation No Yes if some changes have been made
in the documentation in connection with
introduction of new options
Navtex receiver module, antenna No Yes only if Navtex hardware module
with cable, two spare fuses, two plastic ordered
clamps and installation manual
Radar processor board, HF-box, LF-box, No Yes only if Radar Integrator Board ordered
extension and coaxial cables, set of
connectors and jumpers, installation kits
and set of documentation

Service Work Procedures

Installation of New Options with Transas Integrator Installed
After receiving the delivery package, use the following procedure:

• Turn off all the component applications of Navi-Sailor software product

(except Transas Integrator);
• Run the Transas Setup utility within Transas Integrator and indicate the path
to setup.exe program on the Transas MNS CD or Transas WF CD;
• Select “Update license” option from the “Autorun” menu;
• Run the installation program and confirm the path to the installed product;
• Perform the procedures in accordance with the table below;
• Make the registration procedure (see Product Registration paragraph).

Installation of New Options Using Windows Explorer

(Transas Integrator Is Not Installed)
• Turn off all the currently running software products except Microsoft Windows
• Insert the diskette containing the license supplement into the FDD;
• Use Windows Explorer facilities to find setup.exe file stored on the license
• Run the installation program and confirm the path to the installed product. Install
the license;
• Perform the procedures in accordance with the table below;
• Make the registration procedure (see Product Registration paragraph).

110 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Obtaining New Options

Software options Actions to be performed

Network Software for • Install the network capability into the OS (see Chapter 4);
Additional Slave Stations • Make all the required settings in the System Configuration utility
Capability for work with: • Run the Chart Manager utility;
• ARCS charts; • Install charts as detailed in NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I
• Seafarer charts; (V. 4.00.10). USER MANUAL document, Chapter 2;
• NDI/BSB and NOS/GEO • Check that installed charts can be loaded into NS
• DNC charts
User Ship Contour Copy the received User Ship Contur file via the Data Tool utility into the NS.
Select this contour for the use via the System Configuration utility
(see Chapter 1, paragraph Navi-Sailor 3000 ECDIS-I Adjustments)
ARPA Interface Lev. 2 • Make the ARPA output attached to the serial port;
• Attach ARPA sensor to the NS (see Chapter 1);
• Check that the targets acquired by ARPA, are displayed in the NS
AIS transponder Interface • Make the AIS transponder output attached to the serial port;
Lev. 3 • Attach transponder sensor in the System Configuration utility;
• Check that the AIS targets are displayed in the NS
AIS Binary Data Interface • Check that the AIS Binary Data Interface functional panel
is available in the NS
Navtex Manager • Install the NavTex HW components as detailed in Chapter 1;
• Perform the settings as described in Chapter 1, paragraph
Navi-Sailor System Adjustment
Track Control System • Check that the Track Control function is available in the NS
(SW module) (see NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I (V. 4.00.10). TRACK
Trial Maneuvering 3000 • Check that the Trial Maneuvering function is available in the NS
Radar Integrator Board Install the RIB HW and SW components (see Chapter 1)

Chapter 2. Maintenance 111

Basic Maintenance Service


A chart updating facility is an independent product option. This option is licensed
for a calendar year. Basic Maintenance Service is the first level of chart collection
updating support. It includes the following:

• Chart Maintenance Service (Chart Corrections with New Editions);

• NS Software Maintenance Service (NS Software Upgrades).
Basic Maintenance Service implies the receipt of 4 WORLD CHART FOLIO CD’s,
licenses for their use during the calendar year and a complete re-installation of
the license and chart collection from each new disk. This delivery should be done

Delivery Set
Element Availability Note
Dongle No
Current WF CD Yes Appropriate CD issue of the current year
License Yes
Documentation No

Service Work Procedures

Installation of Updating with Transas Integrator Installed
After the receipt of a license diskette and a new CD issue, use the following procedure:
1. Turn off all the component applications of the Navi-Sailor software product
(except Transas Integrator).
2. Insert the diskette into the FDD and the newly issued WORLD CHART FOLIO
CD into the CD drive.
3. Run the Transas Setup utility as part of Transas Integrator and specify the path
to setup.exe file in the root directory on the CD.

4. Install the charts as detailed in Chapter 1, Installation of Transas Charts

Collection paragraph.

In the process of chart installation, the license should be installed from a new license

5. Make the registration procedure (see Chapter 1, Product Registration


112 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Professional Maintenance Service

Installation of Updating Using Windows Explorer

(Transas Integrator Is Not Installed)
After the receipt of a license diskette and a new CD issue, use the following procedure:
1. Turn off all the currently running software products.
2. Insert the license diskette into the FDD and the newly issued WORLD CHART
FOLIO CD into the CD drive. “Transas CD Setup” program is run automatically.

3. Install the charts as detailed in Chapter 1, Installation of Transas Charts

Collection paragraph.

In the process of chart installation, the license should be installed from a new license

4. Make the registration procedure (see Chapter 1, Product Registration



Professional Maintenance Service is the second level of chart collection updating
support. Professional Maintenance Service consists of Basic Maintenance Service
and, in addition, the bi-weekly receipt of updating information during the calendar
year. In this case, the mandatory condition is installation of the chart collection from
any WORLD CHART FOLIO CD issued in the current year. Professional Maintenance
Service includes the following:

• Basic Maintenance Service;

• Notice to Mariners Correction Service.
There are two ways to deliver the updating information to the user (on board the ship):

• Copying of updating information from Transas Marine Internet site to the floppy-
disk or CD to be then delivered to the ship by the company representative or
authorised persons (ship agents, service engineers, etc.);
• Direct downloading of updating information from Transas Marine Internet site by
the user him/herself (where there is an access to Internet network on the ship).
In either cases, to receive files with updating information from Transas Marine
Internet site, the following procedure should be used:
1. Load the title page of Transas Marine Internet site at the following address:
2. Select “Support” page.
3. Select “Transas Chart Corrections” section.

4. Follow the directions of HOW TO USE TRANSAS CHART CORRECTION manual

available on “Support” page.

Chapter 2. Maintenance 113

Professional Maintenance Service

Delivery Set
Element Availability Note
(every two weeks)
Dongle NO
Current WF CD NO Yes in case of new CD issue release
License NO Yes in case of new CD issue release
Documentation NO
1 – up to 5 floppy disks or CD YES The carrier for the delivery of updating
containing Installation of Chart is determined by the agent responsible
Correction for the particular delivery

Service Work Procedures

Installation of Updating with Transas Integrator Installed
After the receipt of a diskette with the license and a new WF CD issue for the current
year, perform the procedure detailed above for the Basic Maintenance Service.
Upon the receipt of a new delivery of updating information on 3.5" diskettes (CD),
you should use the following procedure:
1. Turn off all the component applications of the Navi-Sailor software product
(except Transas Integrator).

2. Insert the source of updating into the appropriate drive (FD or CD).
3. Run the Transas Setup utility as part of Transas Integrator and specify the path
to setup.exe file available on the updating diskette (CD).

4. Run the installation program and confirm the path to the installed product;
install the updating information.

Installation of Updating Using Windows Explorer

(Transas Integrator Is Not Installed)
After the receipt of a diskette with the license and a new WF CD issue for the current
year, perform the procedure detailed above for the Basic Maintenance Service.
Upon the receipt of a new delivery of updating information on 3.5" diskettes or CD,
you should use the following procedure:

• Updating from the diskettes;

• Updating from the Internet site.

114 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Professional Maintenance Service

Updating from the Diskettes or CD

Upon the receipt of a new delivery of updating information on 3.5" diskettes or CD,
you should use the following procedure:
1. Turn off all the currently running software products except Microsoft Windows
2. Insert the source of updating into the appropriate drive (FD or CD).

3. Use Windows Explorer facilities to find setup.exe file stored on the first
updating diskette or CD.

4. Run the installation program and confirm the path to the installed product.
Install the updating information.

Chapter 2. Maintenance 115

Professional Maintenance Service

Updating from the Internet Site

The availability of an access to the Internet network from the ship enables the user
to receive new updating information directly in the computer where the Navi-Sailor
software is installed. To do this, use the following procedure:
1. Run “Microsoft Windows Explorer” program.
2. Use Windows Explorer facilities to create a directory on the hard disk, where
you intend to save the updating information.

3. Use an Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator, etc.)

to load the home page of Transas Marine Internet site at the following address:
4. Select “Support” page.
5. Select “Chart Correction” section.

6. Familiarise yourself with HOW TO USE TRANSAS CHART CORRECTION manual.

7. Use the Internet browser facilities for saving the self-unpacking updating
information to the directory previously created on the hard disk.

116 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Professional Maintenance Service

The process of unpacking and chart collection updating is not run directly from
the Internet site (in on-line mode). It is recommended that the use of “Run this
program from its current location” item should be avoided.

8. Use Windows Explorer facilities to start the self-unpacking archive Update.exe

file (or a group of files in their numbers’ ascending order: Update01.exe,
Update02.exe, etc.).

9. When the updating information unpacking process is completed, ascertain

that the following subdirectories are created: DISK01, DISK02, etc.

Chapter 2. Maintenance 117

New Charts

10. Use Windows Explorer facilities to find setup.exe file stored in DISK01

11. Start the installation program and confirm the path to the installed product.
Install the updating information.


This service is important when a customer does not use the Chart Update Service.
After purchasing the NS you can expand the videoplotter Transas chart collection.
To do this, it is necessary to send a request to TRANSAS representative office
specifying the vessel data, shipowner, registry number, dongle number, and the list
of required charts. New charts can be delivered on a separate issue of WORLD
CHART FOLIO CD (if available).
It should be noted that the chart folio might consist of charts from different
“generations” which correspond to the WF number stated on the CD.
As starting from November 2001, Transas chart collection and navigation systems
are issued on separate CD’s, a new designation of these disks is introduced:
Transas chart collection – WORLD CHART FOLIO CD
Issue WF 38
year 2008.


Issue MNS 27
year 2008.

In addition to enabling the installation of some new charts, the license always
ensures access to all the previously installed charts. In this way, after the installation
of new charts from a new issue of WF CD, all the previously installed charts in
the ship folio will be available to the system in accordance with their generations.

Delivery Set
Element Availability Note
Dongle No
Current WF CD Yes No if the customer has the same issue of the CD
License Yes
Documentation No

118 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

New Charts

Service Work Procedures

Installation of New Charts with Transas Integrator Installed
After the receipt of a license diskette and a new CD issue, use the following procedure:
1. Turn off all the component applications of the NS software (except Transas

2. Insert the diskette into the FDD and the newly issued WCF CD into the CD drive.
3. Run the Transas Setup utility as part of Transas Integrator and specify the path
to setup.exe file in the root directory on the CD.

4. Install the charts as detailed in Chapter 1, Installation of Transas Charts

Collection paragraph.

In the process of chart installation, the license should be installed from a new license

5. Make the registration procedure (see Chapter 1, Product Registration


Installation of New Charts Using Windows Explorer

(Transas Integrator Is Not Installed)
After the receipt of a license diskette and a new CD issue, use the following procedure:
1. Turn off all the currently running software products.
2. Insert the license diskette into the FDD and the newly issued WORLD CHART
FOLIO CD into the CD drive. “Transas CD Setup” program is run automatically.

3. Install the charts as detailed in Chapter 1, paragraph Installation of Transas

Charts Collection.

In the process of chart installation, the license should be installed from a new license

4. Make the registration procedure (see Chapter 1, Product Registration


In case of NS re-installation, the following sequence to be observed:
• Install NS system software with a new license;
• Install charts from Transas Marine disks one by one, in the ascending order
of the issues dates starting from the earliest disk.

Chapter 2. Maintenance 119

Software Corrections


There are two types of software correction:

• Every-quarter bug fixing procedure, which is commonly performed for each

MARINE NAVIGATION SYSTEMS CD. The information, about which bugs have
been fixed in NS version contained on this CD, can be requested from the dealer;
• One time patch installation. This kind of software correction is used when
the SW bug critical, as to safety to navigation, have been found.
To install the patch to the NS, follow the instruction stated in the readme file.

Delivery Set
Element Availability Note (on request only)
Dongle No
Current MNS and WF CD’s No Yes if there has been an issue of later CD
as compared to that which the user has
License No
Documentation Yes Readme file, Supplements to the Navi-Sailor
software documentation or new edition
of the documentation (if available)
Patch for product Yes
1 – up to 5 floppy disks or CD (if available)

Service Work Procedures

Installation of Software Corrections with Transas Integrator Installed
Use the following procedure for the software corrections:
1. Turn off all the component applications of the Navi-Sailor product
(except Transas Integrator).
2. Run the Transas Setup utility within Transas Integrator and indicate the path
to setup.exe program in the root directory of the new issue of MARINE
NAVIGATION SYSTEMS CD or on the first disk of the product’s patch.
If the CD’s common setup.exe shell program is run, select the product
corresponding to the license.
3. Then follow the program’s instructions indicating the path to the already installed
product (e.g. C:\TRANSAS\NS_3000).

4. After the installation, restart the computer and check if the system is operating,
especially in the part of receiving information from the external output devices.
5. If the system fails at the time of running, turn off all the component applications
of the Navi-Sailor product (except Transas Integrator) and run the Restore utility.

6. Make the registration procedure (see Chapter 1, paragraph Product Registration).

120 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Product Upgrade

Installation of New Charts Using Windows Explorer

(Transas Integrator Is Not Installed)
1. Turn off all the currently running software products except Microsoft Windows
2. Insert the new issue of MARINE NAVIGATION SYSTEMS CD into CD drive.
3. Use Windows Explorer facilities to find setup.exe file stored in the root
directory of CD. If the CD’s common setup.exe shell program is run, select
the product corresponding to the license.
4. Then follow the program’s instructions indicating the path to the already installed
product (e.g. C:\TRANSAS\NS_3000).

5. After the installation, restart the computer and check if the system is operating,
especially in the part of receiving information from the external output devices.
6. If the system fails at the time of running, turn off all the component applications
of the Navi-Sailor product (except Transas Integrator) and run the Restore utility.

7. Make the registration procedure (see Chapter 1, Product Registration



Delivery Set
Element Availability Note
Dongle No
Current MNS CD Yes No if the customer has the same CD
License Yes
Documentation Yes Supplements to the Navi-Sailor software
documentation or new edition of the
documentation (if available)

Service Work Procedures

Transas Marine representative or service engineer should carry out the replacement
of Navi-Sailor software only. To make the replacement, use the following procedure:
1. Uninstall the Transas Integrator utility.
2. Uninstall the software product by using Windows “Add/Remove Programs”
function: in this case, the directory containing this product is fully deleted from
the hard disk.

During the product de-installation it is necessary to save all the data the user may

3. Install the new software in accordance with Chapter 1 (see Software Installation

Chapter 2. Maintenance 121

Upgrade Evaluation License to Commercial One


Before being purchased, the product can be installed for a trial operation with
the use of a temporary license (up to 6 months). The trial installation of the product
should be performed by a certified service engineer from the company. The product
installation should not be performed unless the computer system date is set
correctly. During the product installation, the program automatically runs
the mechanism for checking the expiration of the temporary license and recording
the date when the dongle is used for the first time. When the operation time
of the product installed in accordance with a temporary license is over, the Transas
Marine videoplotter can be run no more. Upon the termination of the trial operation,
the temporary license should be replaced with a permanent (commercial) license.

Delivery Set
Element Availability Note
Dongle No
Current MNS CD Yes
License Yes
Documentation No

Service Work Procedures

Installation of the Upgrade Evaluation License to Commercial One
with Transas Integrator Installed
To replace temporary license with a permanent (commercial) one, the following procedure
should be done:
1. Turn off all the component applications of Navi-Sailor software product
(except Transas Integrator).

2. Run the Transas Setup utility within Transas Integrator and indicate the path
to setup.exe program on the MARINE NAVIGATION SYSTEMS CD.
Choose “Update License” line (which will at this step turn to yellow).

122 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Upgrade Evaluation License to Commercial One

3. Confirm a path to the new commercial license, whereupon directions

of the installation program should be followed.

4. Confirm the non-correspondence between the registry numbers of the installed

product and a new commercial license.

5. Enable the dongle activation mechanism for the further commercial use.

6. After the installation, restart the computer and check if the system is operating,
especially in the part of receiving information from the external output devices.

7. Make the registration procedure (see Chapter 1, Product Registration paragraph).

Installation of the Upgrade Evaluation License to Commercial

One Using Windows Explorer (Transas Integrator Is Not Installed)
1. Turn off all the currently running software products except Microsoft Windows
2. Insert MSN CD into CD-drive. If the CD’s common setup.exe shell program
is run, choose “Update License” line (which will at this step turn to yellow).
3. Perform steps 3–7 described in the previous paragraph.

Chapter 2. Maintenance 123

Windows XP Professional
This chapter describes installation
of Windows XP Professional SP2 OS.

Copyright Transas Ltd., 2008

Installation of Windows XP Operating System


Before starting to install Windows 2000, disconnect all the navigational equipment
from the computer!

1. Press <F2>, when the Computer starts up to perform the following BIOS settings:
– Check BIOS version. It has to be NT94510J.86A.4034.2006.1109.0935
or later. Otherwise, BIOS has to be updated from;
– SW Single Processor Mode: select “Enable”;
– Advanced\Video Configuration\Primary Video Adaptor:
select “Internal Graphics (IGD)”;
– Boot\Boot Device Priority\1-st Boot Device: select
“CD/DVD-ROM Drive”;
– Exit\Exit Saving Changes: select “OK”.
2. Insert Windows XP Professional boot CD into the disc tray. Press <Enter> button
in the opened window.

3. Press <F8> button.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 127

Installation of Windows XP Operating System

4. Press <C> button.

5. Set partition size depending on HDD size up to:

– HDD size 37 Gb: partition size 30 Gb;
– HDD size 76 Gb: partition size 70 Gb;
– HDD size 150 Gb: partition size 140 Gb.
Press <Enter> button.
6. Press <Enter>.

7. Select “Format the partition using the NTFS file system” option.
Press <Enter>.

128 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Windows XP Operating System

Wait several minutes for partition formatting.

Wait several minutes for copying files.

Remove Boot CD and after rebooting insert it into the disc tray.
The setup window will be displayed. Wait several minutes.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 129

Installation of Windows XP Operating System

8. In the opened window “Regional and Language Options”, press “Next >” button.

9. In the opened window, enter the following values:

– Name: “NS”;
– Organization: “TRANSAS”.
Press “Next >” button.

10. Enter Windows XP Product Key and press “Next >” button.

130 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Windows XP Operating System

11. Enter the computer name: MASTER. For networked Navi-Sailor systems, all
the computers in the network should be named next way: MASTER, BACKUP,
SLAVE1, SLAVE2, etc. in accordance with computer administration in a network.
For user with Administrator account, password should stay empty.
Press “Next >” button.

12. Set GMT time zone. Disable “Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving
changes” checkbox.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 131

Installation of Windows XP Operating System

13. In the opened window, select “Typical settings” and press “Next >” button.

14. Select “No, this computer is not on a network without a domain.

Make this computer a member of the following workgroup:”
Type “TRANSAS” and press “Next >” button.

15. Press “Next >” button and wait for several minutes.

132 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Installation of Windows XP Operating System

16. After automatic rebooting, press “OK” button in the opened dialog box
“Display Settings”.

In the opened window “Monitor Settings”, press “OK” button.

17. The Windows will start up. Wait for several minutes and press “Next >” button.

18. In the opened window “Help protect your PC”, check the checkbox in the field
“Not right now”.
Press “Next” button.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 133

Installation of Windows XP Operating System

19. In the opened window, enter the “NS” in the field “Your name”.
Leave the rest of lines blank.
Press “Next” button.

20. Press “Finish” button.

The Windows installation is completed.

Remove the Windows XP Professional boot CD from the disc tray.

134 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Chipset Driver Installation


1. Insert Intel Express Installer CD (delivered with RS4v2) to the CD-drive.
All options in “Drivers” catalogue except “Intel® Matrix Storage Technology”
should be switched “ON”.
All options in Applications catalogue except “Microsoft* DirectX*9” should be
switched “OFF”.
Press “Install Now” button.

2. Select “Disable this feature” and press “OK” button.

3. Press “Accept License Agreement” button and wait for Chipset Driver Installation.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 135

Chipset Driver Installation

During the process of installation, the computer may restart several times.

4. Press “Close” button.

5. Close the window.

136 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Display Settings

1. Click the right mouse/trackball button on the desktop. Select PROPERTIES.
2. Go to the page “Settings”.
Select screen resolution 1280 by 1024 pixels in the respective windows for 19"
TFT Display.
Select screen resolution 1600 by 1200 pixels in the respective window for 23"
TFT Display.
Select the value “Medium (16 bit)” from the drop-down list “Color quality”
and press “Apply” button to save changes.

3. Press “Advanced” button.

Switch to “Troubleshoot” tab.
Set “Hardware acceleration” horizontal scroll bar in “Full” position.
Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 137

Display Settings

4. Switch to “Appearance” tab.

Select “Windows Classic style” from the drop-down list “Windows and buttons”.
Press “Apply” button.

5. Press “Effects” button.

138 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Display Settings

6. Uncheck “Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts” checkbox.
Press “OK”.

7. Press “Apply” button in the window “Display Properties”.

8. Switch to “Desktop” tab.
Select “None” option for background.
Leave default color unchanged.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 139

Display Settings

9. Disable Desktop Cleanup Wizard.

Press “Customize Desktop…” button.
Uncheck “Run desktop Cleanup Wizard every 60 days” checkbox.
Press “OK” button.

10. Switch to “Themes” tab.

Select “Windows Classic” from the drop-down list “Theme”.

Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.

140 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Display Settings

11. Switch to “Screen Saver” tab.

Select “None” from the drop-down list “Screen Saver”.
Press “Apply” button.

12. Press the button “Power” on the page “Screen Saver”.

Select “Presentation” from the drop-down list “Power schemes”.
Press “Apply” button to save changes.
Press “OK” button to return to the “Display Properties” window.
Press “OK” button.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 141

Partitions Creation

To view “Administrative Tools”, click on “Switch to Classic View” in the “Control panel”
Select system (C:) disk, click right button mouse and choose PROPERTIES.
Enter “NS”.
Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.

The following window appears:

142 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Partitions Creation

2. Click right mouse button on “Unallocated” part of HDD and choose


3. Creation Partition Wizard will be started

Press “Next >” button to process.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 143

Partitions Creation

4. Choose “Extended Partition” radio button and press “Next >” button.

It’s necessary to create “Extended Partition” for all entire (maximum) free disk space.
5. Press “Next >” button.

6. Press “Finish” button to create Extended Partition.

144 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Partitions Creation

7. Click right mouse button on “Extended Partition” and choose NEW LOGICAL DRIVE… task.

8. Press “Next >” button.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 145

Partitions Creation

9. Press “Next >” button.

10. Create “Logical Drive” for “Storage”.

Press “Next >” button to continue.

11. Assign Logical Drive letter (usually E:\) for new logical disk and press “Next >” button.

146 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Partitions Creation

12. Specify the Volume Name: “Storage” and format Logical drive in NTFS file system.
To save some time, it’s allowed to perform a “Quick Format”.
Enter the above-mentioned settings and press “Next >” button.

13. Press “Finish” button.

If everything done correctly, the following window will appear:

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 147

Additional User Settings


Switch to Classic View.
Press “Administrative Tools” icon.

2. Press “Computer Management” icon.

148 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Additional User Settings

3. Run to Local Users and Groups\Users\NS user and press <Enter>.

4. Select “Password never expires” option.

Enter “NAVI-SAILOR” in the window “Full name”.
Press “OK” button.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 149

Additional User Settings

5. Click on “NS” right mouse button and choose “Set Password”.

6. In the opened window, press “Proceed” button.

In the opened window, “Set Password for NS”, type and confirm a password:
– Password: “NS”;
– Confirm password: “NS”;
– Press “OK” button.

150 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Additional User Settings

In the opened window, press “OK” button.


Click on “Regional and Language Options” icon.

8. Press “Customize” button.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 151

Additional User Settings

9. Switch to “Time” tab.

Set the “Time format” in the HH:mm:ss format.

10. Switch to “Date” page.

Set the “Short date format” as follows: dd-MMM-yy.

Set the “Long date format” as follows: dd-MMMM-yyyy.

152 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Additional User Settings

Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.


– Click on “Folder Options” icon and select the “View” tab;

– Check “Display the contents of system folders” checkbox;
– Check “Display the full path in the title bar” checkbox;
– Select “Show hidden files and folders” option;
– Uncheck “Hide extensions for known file types” checkbox;
– Uncheck “Hide protected operating system files” checkbox;
– Uncheck “Remember each folder’s view settings” checkbox;

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 153

Additional User Settings

– Uncheck “Use simple file sharing” checkbox;

– Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.

12. Open and edit C:\boot.ini file as follows.

In [boot loader] section, change “timeout=30” to “timeout=1”.

In [operating systems] section, change “Microsoft Windows XP

Professional” to “Navi-Sailor”.
Close the window and save.

154 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Additional User Settings

13. Run to START\CONTROL PANEL and click “Administrative Tools” icon.

14. Click on “Event Viewer” icon.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 155

Additional User Settings

15. Select “System” folder.

16. Click the right mouse button.

Click on PROPERTIES item.

156 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Additional User Settings

17. Select “Overwrite events as needed” option and press “OK” button.

18. Set “Overwrite events as needed” option for “Application” and “Security” accordingly.

19. Run to START\CONTROL PANEL and click on “System” icon.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 157

Additional User Settings

20. Switch to “Computer Name” tab.

Press “Change” button.

21. To be sure or setup the PC Name: “Master” (“Backup”, “Slave1”, etc.)

and the Workgroup: “Transas”.

Press “OK” button.

Don’t restart computer at this time.

158 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Additional User Settings

22. Switch to “Advanced” tab.

Press “Settings” button in the “Startup and Recovery” field.

23. Switch off “Automatically restart” option in the “System Failure” field.
Press “OK” button.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 159

Additional User Settings


Check the status of the “Remote Registry”. It should be “Started Automatic”.

25. Go to “Automatic Updates” and press <Enter>.

160 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Additional User Settings

26. Select in the “Startup type” option “Disabled”.

Press “Stop” button.
Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.

27. Go to “Windows time” and press <Enter>.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 161

Additional User Settings

28. Select in the “Startup type” option “Disabled”.

Press “Stop” button.
Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.

29. Go to “Security Center” and press <Enter>.

162 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Additional User Settings

30. Select in the “Startup type” option “Disabled”.

Press “Stop” button.
Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.


Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 163

Additional User Settings

32. Switch to “Sounds” tab.

Choose Sound scheme: “No Sounds”.

In the opened window “Save Scheme”, press “No” button.

Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.

33. Run to START\RUN.
Type gpedit.msc and press “OK” button.

34. Go to Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\QoS Packet

Scheduler\Limit reservable bandwidth.

164 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Additional User Settings

35. Select option “Disabled”.

Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.


Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 165

Additional User Settings

37. Select option “Off (not recommended)”.

Press “OK” button.


166 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Additional User Settings

39. Select option “Turn off Automatic Updates”.

Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.

40. Check Node Type parameter of PC as follows:

– Run to START\PROGRAMS\ACCSESSORIES\COMMANDPROMPT, write command: ipconfig/all,
and press <Enter> button. Shift scrollbar up to the top of the screen to check
the Node Type;
– Node Type has to be identified like “Broadcast”. If it is so, process to the next step;
– If node type is differ from “Broadcast”, it is necessary to call the Registry
Editor by typing in command prompt: regedit, and then follow the next path:
There should be the line: NodeType REG_DWORD 0x00000001

(name) (type) (data)

It is necessary to create such a line or correct existing line accordingly if it differs

from mentioned above.
Restart PC and check item 40 again.
To enable Radar Overlay transmitting via network, install Windows XP hot-fix
KB824838. Copy WindowsXP-KB824838-x86-enu.exe from your external
storage to the hard disk, run it and follow the instructions.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 167

RS-232 PCI-E (4437A) Board Installation


Select the “Hardware” tab, and then press the “Device Manager” button.

2. Open Other Devices and select PCI Serial Port.

Click right-mouse button on “PCI Serial Port” and select PROPERTIES.

3. Make sure that PCI-E Slot number in line “Location:” of tab “General” and
the physical Slot number are the same. By other words, it is necessary to be
sure that you are installing driver to correct device. PCI-Express and PCI slots
have a different numbering. The 1-st, 4-th and 5-th physical slots are PCI-E
slots. The 2-nd, 3-rd, 6-th and 7-th physical slots are PCI slots. For an example,
“Location: PCI Slot 14” and RS-232 PCI-E Board is in PCI-E Slot 5 physically.
Press “Reinstall Driver” button.
“Hardware Update Wizard” will be started.

168 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

RS-232 PCI-E (4437A) Board Installation

4. Select “No, not this time” and press “Next >” button.

5. Select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)” and press “Next >” button.

6. Uncheck “Search removable media (floppy, CD-ROM…)” checkbox.

Insert “Driver Ver 5.9” CD into CD-ROM drive.
Check “Include this location in the search” checkbox and press “Browse” button.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 169

RS-232 PCI-E (4437A) Board Installation

7. Select on disc D:\IO\PCI IO\WHQL_win2K & xp & 2003\win2k and xp folder,

and press “OK” button.

8. Press “Next >” button.

9. Select D:\IO\PCI IO\WHQL_win2K & xp & 2003\win2k and xp folder, and press “OK”

170 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

RS-232 PCI-E (4437A) Board Installation

10. Press “Finish” button.

11. Press “Close” button.

12. Restart PC.

13. Check in “Device Manager” that 4437A Multifunction adapter has been
successfully installed.
14. If necessary, change number of the ports in accordance with following
– Com1: Motherboard;
– Com2–Com3: 2xRS-232 PCI-E Serial Ports;
– Com4–Com7: Moxa 1 Communication Ports;
– Com8–Com11: Moxa 2 Communication Ports.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 171

RS-232 PCI-E (4437A) Board Installation

For this, double click on “PCI Serial Port (COM)” and switch to “Port Settings” tab.

Press “Advanced…” button.

Change “COM Port Number” in accordance with specified configuration.

15. Restart PC.

Check “Device Manager” to make sure that installation of all devices and COM ports
settings were performed correctly.

172 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

RS-232 PCI-E (4456A) Board Installation


Select the “Hardware” tab and then press the “Device Manager” button.

2. Open Other Devices and select PCI Serial Port.

Click right-mouse button on “PCI Serial Port” and select PROPERTIES.

3. Make sure that PCI-E Slot number in line “Location” of tab “General” and
the physical Slot number are the same. By other words, it is necessary to be
sure that you are installing driver to correct device. PCI-Express and PCI slots
have a different numbering. The 1-st, 4-th and 5-th physical slots are PCI-E
slots. The 2-nd, 3-rd, 6-th and 7-th physical slots are PCI slots. For an example,
“Location: PCI Slot 14” and RS-232 PCI-E Board is in PCI-E Slot 5 physically.
Press “Reinstall Driver” button.
“Hardware Update Wizard” will be started.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 173

RS-232 PCI-E (4456A) Board Installation

4. Select “No, not this time” and press “Next >” button.

5. Select “Install from a list, specific location (Advanced)” and press “Next >” button.

6. Uncheck “Search removable media (floppy, CD-ROM…)” checkbox.

Insert “Driver Ver 5.9” CD into CD-ROM drive.
Check “Include this location in the search” checkbox and press “Browse” button.

174 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

RS-232 PCI-E (4456A) Board Installation

7. Select on disc D:\IO\PCI IO\WHQL_win2K & xp & 2003\win2k and xp folder

and press “OK” button.

8. Press “Next >” button.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 175

RS-232 PCI-E (4456A) Board Installation

9. Press “Finish” button.

10. Press “Close” button.

11. Select “No, not this time” and press “Next >” button.

176 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

RS-232 PCI-E (4456A) Board Installation

12. Select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)” and press “Next >”

13. Press “Next >” button to process with installation.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 177

RS-232 PCI-E (4456A) Board Installation

14. Press “Finish” button.

15. Restart PC.

16. Check in “Device Manager” that 4056A Multifunction adapter has been
successfully installed.

If necessary, change number of the ports in accordance with following configuration:

– Com1: Motherboard;
– Com2–Com5: 4xRS-232 PCI-E Serial Ports;
– Com6–Com9: Moxa 1 Communication Ports;
– Com10–Com13: Moxa 2 Communication Ports.

178 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

RS-232 PCI-E (4456A) Board Installation

For this, double click on “PCI Serial Port (COM)” and switch to “Port Settings” tab.

Press “Advanced…” button.

Change COM Port Number in accordance with specified configuration.

17. Restart PC.

18. Check “Device Manager” to make sure that installation of all devices
and COM ports settings were performed correctly.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 179

MOXA CP-114I and CP-134U PCI Board Driver Installation



Installation of the MOXA CP-134U and CP-114I PCI Board is described in
the Chapter 1, Installation of Equipment paragraph.

1. Put MOXA software CD into CD drive.

MOXA CP-134U and CP-114I PCI Board driver has to be installed via
“Device Manager”.

Select the “Hardware” tab, and then press the “Device Manager” button.

3. Open OTHER DEVICES and click right-mouse button on PCI Serial Port.

180 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

MOXA CP-114I and CP-134U PCI Board Driver Installation

4. Make sure that PCI Slot number in line “Location” of tab “General” and the physical
Slot number are the same. By other words, it is necessary to be sure that you are
installing driver to correct device. PCI-Express and PCI slots have a different
numbering. The 1-st, 4-th, 5-th physical slots are PCI-E slots. The 2-nd, 3-rd, 6-th,
7-th physical slots are PCI slots. For an example, “Location: PCI Slot 2” and MOXA
Board is in PCI Slot 3 physically.
Press “Reinstall Driver” button.

5. Select item “No, not this time” and press “Next >” button.
“Hardware Update Wizard” will be started.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 181

MOXA CP-114I and CP-134U PCI Board Driver Installation

6. Select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)”.

Press “Next >” button.

7. Uncheck “Search removable media (floppy, CD-ROM…)” checkbox.

Check “Include this location in the search” checkbox and press “Browse” button.

8. Select <CD drive>:\CP-134U Series V2\Software\Win2k-XP-2003 folder

for MOXA CP-134U.
Select <CD drive>:\CP-114 Series\Software\Win2k-XP-2003 folder for MOXA CP-114I.
Press “OK” button.

182 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

MOXA CP-114I and CP-134U PCI Board Driver Installation

9. Press “Next >” button.

10. Wait while the driver software is installed.

11. Press “Continue Anyway” button and wait while the wizard installs the software
for Moxa CP-134U or CP-114I PCI Board.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 183

MOXA CP-114I and CP-134U PCI Board Driver Installation

12. The next window shows the model number of the board. It means that Windows
has finished the board’s driver installation.
Press “Finish” button.

13. Press “Close” button.

184 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

MOXA CP-114I and CP-134U PCI Board Driver Installation

14. Select item “No, not this time” and press “Next >” button.

15. Select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)”.

Press “Next >” button.

16. Press “Next >” button.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 185

MOXA CP-114I and CP-134U PCI Board Driver Installation

17. Wait while the installation wizard searches.

18. Press “Continue Anyway” button and wait for the wizard installs the software
for Communication Port 0.

186 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

MOXA CP-114I and CP-134U PCI Board Driver Installation

19. After all files have been copied to the system, the “Completing the Found
New Hardware Wizard” window displays “Moxa Port 0”. It means
that Windows has finished installing “Port 0”.
Press “Finish” button to install the board’s second port.

20. Repeat the above procedure (steps 10–18) for the rest of the board’s ports.
The last window to open completes installation of Port 3.

21. Restart PC.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 187

MOXA CP-114I and CP-134U PCI Board Driver Installation

22. The whole installation procedure is finished. Check in “Device Manager”,

that MOXA CP-134U or CP-114I COM ports are identified correctly, otherwise
change COM ports numbers manually.
If the driver installation was successful, you will able to see the model number
of the CP-134U or CP-114I board listed under “Multi-port serial adapters”.

You may also expand the Ports (COM & LPT) item to check the status of the COM
ports. If you see a question mark on top of the icon, then the installation might
have a problem. Check the Event Log to determine what kind of problem exists.
If necessary, change number of the ports in accordance with following configuration:
– Com1: Motherboard;
– Com2–Com5: Moxa 1 Communication Ports;
– Com6–Com9: Moxa 2 Communication Ports.
For this, double click on “PCI Serial Port (COM)” and switch to “Port Settings” tab.

Press “Advanced…” button.

188 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

MOXA CP-114I and CP-134U PCI Board Driver Installation

Change “COM Port Number” in accordance with specified configuration.

23. Restart PC.

24. To make sure that installation of all devices and COM ports settings were performed
correctly, check “Device Manager”.

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 189

MOXA CP-114I and CP-134U PCI Board Driver Installation

Click on “Folder Options” icon and select the “View” tab.

Select “Do not show hidden files and folders” option.

Check “Hide extensions for known file types” checkbox.
Check “Hide protected operating system files” checkbox.
Press “Apply” and “OK” buttons.
Click “Administrative Tools” icon.

Open Event Viewer task and select System folder.

Click right mouse button and select CLEAR ALL EVENTS.

Select CLEAR ALL EVENTS for “Security” and “Application” logs also.

190 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

“Jumping Mouse” Solution


The “jumping mouse” effect is eliminated by entering a special key word to Windows
system register. This key word allows elimination of Windows error causing
the “jumping mouse” effect.
The following procedure is recommended:
1. Open “Registry Editor” (START\RUN\REGEDIT).
2. Depending on the computer hardware configuration (Motherboard based COM
Port or MOXA Board), enter special key words below in the system register for
the following addresses:
– In case of RS4v2 Motherboard based COM Port, use the following address:
Device parameters;
– In case of AC RS-232 PCI-E Board, use the following address:
for COM2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\
Device Parameters;
for COM3: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\
Device Parameters;
for COM4: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\
Device Parameters;
for COM5: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\
Device Parameters.
– In case of MOXA Board, use the following address:
000 #21\Device Parameters.
3. Enter the following key word (DWORD Value) for the abovementioned addresses:
Click right-mouse button and select NEW\KEY\DWORD VALUE.
4. Enter the name and type listed below:
– Name: SkipEnumerations;
– Type: REG_DWORD.
5. Use MODIFY function of the context menu (right mouse button) to edit
the key parameters as follows:
– Base: Hexadecimal;
– Value Data: FFFFFFFF.

It is strongly recommended to repeat the procedure of special key words entering for
each of MOXA COM Ports!

Close “Registry Editor”.

– internal number of the MOXA COM port (MOXA Board is used).

Chapter 3. Windows XP Professional Installation 191

Printer Installation (If Required)


2. Select “Add Printer” icon.
3. Click “Next >” button.

Follow by Printer Wizard instructions.

192 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Wiring Diagrams
for the Connection
of Various Output Devices
This annex sets forth the schedules for connecting
navigational sensors to the NS. The schedules are given
only for those sensors whose connection to the NS
has been tested and approved by the company.

Copyright Transas Ltd., 2008

Table of Sensors Connection


Parameter Port Device Rts Parity Stop Data Baud

bits bits rate
Pos system 1

Pos system 2










Auto Pilot


NMEA output

Upload Route


LCD Display

Annex A. Wiring Diagrams for the Connection of Various Output Devices 195

Each schedule contains tables which show which jack pins correspond to
the received/transmitted signals. Signal tables for jacks located on the computer
side, have two versions of connection: the left column for 9 pin jacks, the right
column for 25 pin jacks.
Each schedule has an indication of settings which must be made in the sensors to
ensure its good operation with the NS. These settings concern only data transmitted
by the sensor and do not affect other aspects of sensor operation. For the more
detailed information on these settings, see appropriate documents on the sensors.


Fig. 1. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

Max. length – 30 m.

Refer to MX-100. USERS MANUAL instructions to activate the output port

for the NMEA 0183 format. The following sentences should be selected via

Annex A. Wiring Diagrams for the Connection of Various Output Devices 197
Connection with GPS MK-90


Fig. 2. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

Max. length – 30 m.
MK-90 GPS receiver is connected to NS via SK1 or SK2 sockets. These sockets
correspond to SI/01 and SI/02 ports respectively.

Use MK-90 keyboard to select one of these ports (see MK-90. USER MANUAL,
page E1) and activate it (see page E4 of the aforementioned Manual)
for the NMEA 0183 format.

198 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Connection with RAYSTAR 920 GPS


Fig. 3. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

Max. length – 15 m.

To activate the output port, refer to the RAYSTAR 920 INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL
document and proceed as follows:

• press “SF”, #, 3, ENT;

• press “Next >” to choose NMEA 0183 for port No 3.


Fig. 4. Connection diagram

Max. cable length – 30 m.

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

The NMEA Time and Date sentence is not available.

Annex A. Wiring Diagrams for the Connection of Various Output Devices 199
Connection with ARPA 2690BT


Fig. 5. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

Max. length – 30 m.
Links LK1–LK4 must be fitted on the NMEA PCB of ARPA 2690 BT.
The link on the PCB geographic processor should be in SKGL position.

200 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Connection with NavTrac GPS


Fig. 6. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

Max. length – 30 m.

Use the GPS keyboard to set port 1 or port 2 in the NMEA 0183 mode.
An example of setting:
Port 1, output device: NMEA 0183 custom.
Baud rate: 4800.
Sentences: GLL, VDR, VHW, VTG, ZDA.
Periodic output rate: 1 sec.

NMEA precision: precision.

Output checksum: YES.

Annex A. Wiring Diagrams for the Connection of Various Output Devices 201
Connection with SHIPMATE GPS


Fig. 7. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

Max. length – 30 m.
The RS 5300C does not transmit Time and Date sentences.


Fig. 8. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

Max. length – 100 m.
Configure the COM port as follows:

• Baud rate – 9600;

• Start bits – 1;
• Stop bits – 2;
• Parity – EVEN;
• Symbol length – 7 bits.
“CURRENT LOOP” type opto-isolating converter is used.

202 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Connection with MNS-2000G


Fig. 9. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

Max. length – 30 m.

To set the output port in NMEA 0183 mode, the following keys are activated
in the succession: “Index”, À, “I/O Options”. To switch on the ON mode, keep
the “NMEA OPTIONS” key depressed for about 2 seconds.


Fig. 10. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

Max. length – 15 m.
Bridge Master radar should be supplemented with autotrack Option.
In NS the type of ARPA must be set “BM” or “Bridge Master”.
Configure the COM port as follows:
Baud rate – 9600.

Annex A. Wiring Diagrams for the Connection of Various Output Devices 203
Connection with NAVSTAR XR4-G GPS


Fig. 11. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

Max. length – 50 m.

Select chart datum WGS-84, page 9–11 of INSTALLATION & OPERATING MANUAL:

• press <PRG> until “DATUM” is displayed;

• press <x>, <1>, <x>.
Select Data Port Function, page 12:

• press <PRG> until “PORT 1” or “PORT 2” is displayed;

• press <x> followed by < > until “NMEA 0183” is displayed.
Confirm by pressing <x>.

204 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Connection with GPS KGP-910


Fig. 12. Connection diagram

Keep pressing “MODE” key until the settings display appears on the screen.
Move cursor by pressing “UP” or “DOWN” key.

Set increment of 1/1000 minute.

Set the WGS-84 source code.
Set the DATA 1 or DATA 2 input port.
Set NMEA 0183 format for the output port.
Note: If one of the ports is set as input port, the other may be used as output port.


Fig. 13. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, three-wire cored.

Max. length – 15 m.

Annex A. Wiring Diagrams for the Connection of Various Output Devices 205
Connection with GPS JLU-121


Fig. 14. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

Max. length – 15 m.
Use the menu to make the following settings:




Fig. 15. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

Max. length – 30 m.

206 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Connection with Nautostar GPS


Fig. 16. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.

Max. length – 15 m.


Fig. 17. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, three-wire cored.

Max. length – 15 m.
Channel B should be activated in radar options as follows:



Annex A. Wiring Diagrams for the Connection of Various Output Devices 207
Connection with SPERRY RASCAR 3400


Fig. 18. Connection diagram

For interfacing with NS, the radar should contain an optional target data output.
In order to check is this option is present, open OWN SHIP menu. The submenu
“TARGET LOGGIN” shows the presence of target data output.
In “TARGET LOGGIN” menu, any of spare RS-232 ports may be assigned for target
data output.
In NS the type of ARPA must be set “NMEA ARPA”.
The parameters of RASCAR RS-232 ports must be: 4800 baud, 8-bit, no-parity,
1 or 2 stop bits. (Set up the radar has been commissioning.)

Every time the radar is switched on the data output, should be activated via
“TARGET LOGGIN” menu, as Sperry Rascar does not save this setting.
Cable type – screened, two-wire cored.
Max. length – 15 m.


Fig. 19. Connection diagram

Cable type – screened, not less than four-wire cored.

Max. length – 15 m.
The screen is allowed to be used for connecting “GND” signals.

208 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Connection with AIMS Mobile Data Transceiver (AMDT)



Fig. 20

Annex A. Wiring Diagrams for the Connection of Various Output Devices 209
Additional Information
on Sensor Connections
This annex contains more detailed information
on computer’s serial ports and RS-232 standard.

Copyright Transas Ltd., 2008

СOM Ports and RS-232C Standard


For the connection of sensor, use the computer's COM ports. Most of the computers
are known to have 2 standard ports (СOM1 and СOM2), but can also use various
extension devices: СОМ3 and СОМ4, DIGI-Board, MOXA boards, etc.
СОМ ports transmit and receive data asynchronously in a serial format.

The drawing shows the code of “1” (symbol 031Н) in a serial format. MSB is most
significant bit, LSB is least significant bit.
In the case in question, the format parameters are as follows:

Word length is 8 bits (may be 5–8 bits).

Parity check is off (Parity None), may be Odd, Even, None.
Stop bit – 1, may be 1 or 2.

The Baud rate is determined by the internal sync pulse frequency.

This rate is set via the software facilities by dividing the clock frequency
of UART chip (e.g., 16550 А). In this case, the following values are obtained:
110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.

There are several communication (interface) standards using the serial data format.
The most common of them are the following: RS-232C, RS-422A, and RS-423A,
RS-485. The drawing below shows the connection diagrams corresponding to these

Annex B. Additional Information on Sensor Connections 213

СOM Ports and RS-232C Standard

Personal computers of IBM PC use RS-232C standard for their COM ports.
This standard describes the control signals of the interface, data transmission,
electrical interface, and types of connectors. In RS-232C, the signal is transmitted
relative to the common wire – diagram earthing. The logical unit at the receiver input
corresponds to the voltage within -12...-3 V range. For the control signals, this status
is called OFF, for the data, this status is called MARK. Logic zero corresponds to
the voltage within +3...+12 V range. For the control signals, this status is called ON,
for the data, it is called SPACE.

Between -3...+3 B levels there is insensitivity zone providing the receiver’s

hysteresis. The signal levels at the transmitter output should be within -12...-5 V
and +5...+12 V ranges. The potential difference between the earth on the diagrams
should not exceed 2 V; otherwise, the data will be incorrect.
Connection and disconnection of interface cables should be carried out with
the power supply off.
RS-232C standard specifies the following set of signals:

• RxD – received signals (port input);

• TxD – transmitted data (port output);
• RTS – request for transmission (port output);
• CTS – confirmation of transmission (port input);
• DTR – data terminal ready (port output);
• DSR – data set ready (port input);
• CD – carrier detected (port input);
• RI – call ring indicator (port input);
• GND – signal earth (connected to the PC casing).
DB9P and DB25P are used as the PC COM port connectors.

214 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

СOM Ports and RS-232C Standard

The numbers of contacts are given in the table below:

Connection DB25 Name of the signal Connection DB9

2 TxD 3
3 RxD 2
4 RTS 7
5 CTS 8
6 DSR 6
7 GND 5
8 CD 1
20 DTR 4
22 RI 9

To enable the data exchange between the receiver and the transmitter, it is necessary
to set the identical parameters (length of a symbol, parity check, number of stop bits,
and the rate of reception/transmission) for the receiver and the transmitter.
For the control of data exchange between the receiver and transmitter (Flow Control),
the following protocols are used: hardware and software (XON/XOFF).
The hardware control uses RTS-CTS, DTR-DSR signals.
The software control of the exchange uses special codes controlling the data flow.
XOFF (13H) symbol informs the transmitter that the receiver cannot receive
the data. XON (11H) symbol informs the transmitter that the receiver is ready
for the data reception.
CОМ ports use the computer resources: input/output and interrupt line addresses.
The standard purpose of the resources is as follows:


СОМ1 3F8 4

СОМ2 2F8 3

СОМ3 3E8 4 (unsuitable for the NS)

СОМ4 2E8 3 (unsuitable for the NS)

Annex B. Additional Information on Sensor Connections 215

Matching of Sensors with the СОМ Ports


National Maritime Electronics Association, USA, has issued recommendations, which
have lately become the standard for the data exchange between the marine devices.
NMEA 0183 v. 2.1 standard has been included in IEC 61162-1 standard,
and is the principal standard for the use of sensors by the Navi-Sailor systems.
Data is transmitted serially in the form of ASCII code character lines. The parameters
of the serial code are as follows:

• Baud rate: 4800;

• Word length: 8;
• Parity: None;
• Stop bit: 1.
NMEA 0183 sentence (line) looks as follows:
The instruments are classified in the transmitters (Talker) and receivers (Listener).
The Talker and Listener should be connected via an opto isolator.

GPS receivers, radars, echo sounders, gyro compasses, logs, transponders, autopilots,
digitisers, wind sensors, temperatures sensors, LEICA binoculars, and other devices
can be connected to the Navi-Sailor system if they have NMEA 0183 interface.
Apart from RS-232 standard, the serial data format is used by RS-422A, RS-423A
standards, CURRENT LOOP, and the instrument manufacturers use these standards
for the transmission of NMEA 0183 data.
The drawing below shows the connection corresponding to RS-422A interface.

Standard СОМ port receivers cannot receive RS-423A data, whilst RS-422A,
with the sensor and computer having the common earthing, will have a signal
short-circuited to the earth. As a result, many sensors cannot be connected
to the СОМ port directly, without converters.
Transas recommends to use opto isolator converters in its navigation systems,
which can receive RS-422A, RS 423A, RS-232 signals in the COM ports (one
optoisolator type), as well as current loop signals (another type of optoisolators).
The power supply voltage for both types of optoisolators is taken from RTS and DTR
signals. Signals set, via software facilities, the following status: RTS = OFF
(-12 В), DTR = ON (+12 В), which allows the RxD signal to be received within
the range of 6 V to +6 V corresponding to RS-232C requirements.

216 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Matching of Sensors with the СОМ Ports

Annex B. Additional Information on Sensor Connections 217

RIB/Radar Connections
This annex contains wiring diagrams for the connection
of RIB to some radar types.

Copyright Transas Ltd., 2008

RIB Low Frequency Box. Connection Table



Wiring Diagram

Annex C. RIB/Radar Connections 221

Atlas 8600

ATLAS 8600

Wiring Diagram

ATLAS 9600

Wiring Diagram

222 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Raytheon Pathfinder


Wiring Diagram


Wiring Diagram

Annex C. RIB/Radar Connections 223

Sperry Rascar


Wiring Diagram


Wiring Diagram

224 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

Furuno FR 21XX Series


Wiring Diagram

Annex C. RIB/Radar Connections 225



Wiring Diagram


Wiring Diagram

226 NAVI-SAILOR 3000 ECDIS-I/ECS-I (v. 4.00.10). Installation Guide

RIB. Gyro Connection to Low Frequency Box


Wiring Diagram

Annex C. RIB/Radar Connections 227

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