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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student: Deidra Glaser PSMT Name: Kat. Wallis

Lesson Plan Writing - Opinion Lesson Plan Topic: Writing
Title: Essays
Date: 09/18/2023 Estimated Time: 45-50 minutes
Grade Level: 3rd School Site: Griffith E.S.

1. State Standard(s):
W.3.1 - Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.
a. introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an
organizational structure that lists reasons.
b. provide reasons that support the opinion.
c. use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, sine, for example) connect
opinion and reasons.
d. provide a concluding statement ot section.

2. Teaching Model(s):
● Direct Instruction
● Independent Work
● Small Groups
● Lemov: Tehnique 55: Least Invasive Intervention

3. Objective(s):
● Students will be able to write a opinion paragraph that states an opinion, provides reasons
to support the opinion, includes linking words and phrases, and has a concluding

4. Materials and Technology Resources

● Final draft worksheet
● Colored pencils or crayons
● Writing Slides: Module 1: Week 2: Opinion Essay

5. Instructional Procedures:
a. Motivation/Engagement:
Teacher will start the lesson by having students think about what their favorite dinner
is and the opinion papers they are writing. Then she will have them draw a picture or a
simple sketch of their favorite dinner on their white board. They will then do a
think-pair-share with their shoulder partners and share what they drew, and talk about their
favorite dinner.
The teacher will use the call back “Give Me 5.” The students will then stop and give
the teacher their attention. The teacher will then direct students to the Powerpoints and
begin direct instruction. (5 minutes).
Teacher will play Writing Slides: Module 1: Week 2. She will start by going over the
Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for the day. The students will first read the silently
to themselves, and then as a whole group the teacher will “fill-in-the-blank” read with the
students the objectives again. (2 minutes)
b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
The teacher will play the several slides, as a class, we will go over: what the
definition of an opinion is: what one thinks about something or somebody; viewpoint; that
an opinion essay should include: A topic sentence that tells how you feel; Reasons that
support your opinion; Linking words or phrases (because, therefore, since, for example); A
conclusion; and they should use their graphic organizers from last week to help them write
their paragraphs today. (10-15 minutes).
The teacher will then assign the students to independent classwork and small groups
to work on their opinion papers. (1 minute).
The teacher will go over CHAMPS to let students know the classroom expectations
and rules for the rest of the class. (1 minute).
The students will follow directions and procedures, and ask any questions they may
have. (1-5 minute).
c. Closure:
The students will continue to work on drafting their papers till the end of the class.
(25-30 minutes).
If they finish their first draft paper, and have it approved by the teacher, they may
look for revisions and add more polishing details for their final draft that they will start
working on the next day.
Throughout the lesson the teacher will be using Lemov Technique 55: Least Invasive
Intervention. She will be using several different straetgies to help with behavior
management and high expectations of all students. She will use one of the follow six
interventions: Nonverbal Intervention; Positive Group Correction; Anonymous Individual
Correction; Private Individual Correction; Balance with Private Individual Precise Praise;
Lightning-Quick Public Correction; or Consequence. She will also use Positive Behavior
Interventions and Supports and will try to use the 4:1 ratio of compliments to corrections.
d. Extension:
The students may illustrate their favorite picture in their final draft, and may start
working on that; or write another paper about their favorite dessert.
6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:
● Students who need help writing may have sentence steams written for them to copy.

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative: Students should have the first draft completed.
b. Summative: Final draft due at the end of the week.

8. Homework Assignment:
None. Objectives meet during classroom instructional time.

9. Reflection:
a. Strengths: When I taught this lesson I had a good lesson plan, or script, ready to go, and
I knew what I was doing. I think the small group time really helped students concentrate
and get some more writing done. I also had clear and concise directions and expectations.
I had some behavior problems such as talking, but for the most part the behavior
management strategies such as CHAMPS and Least Invasive Intervention were successful.
b. Concerns: I feel like I left my small group too much. I should have been guiding the
students more in their writing. I just kept telling them what to do instead. Next time, I am
going to go slower and take my time to work with each student. I need to help them more
and, “pull out” their knowledge and writing skills.
c. Insights: I really enjoyed teaching writing after this lesson. I felt like I was kind of good
at it. I also really enjoyed working in the small group, even though during this one I was
walking around a lot. In addition to that I really enjoyed the content and subject matter,
and I think the students did too. Writing the first draft is easy, I think, it is editing that is
the hard part.

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