Ab King IV 2018 - 11 Final

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African Bank Holdings

An assessment of the effectiveness of our application

of the King Code of Corporate Governance, King IV
November 2018

INTELLECTUAL Our Board is ultimately responsible for performance as a responsible corporate

ethical behaviour within the Group. citizen, by monitoring our performance
CAPITAL To this end it approved the Group with regard to the:
Code of Ethics (the Code) in 2016 and
established the Sustainability, Ethics and Workplace: Employment equity, fair
Transformation Committee (Setcom) and responsible remuneration and the
to which it delegated responsibility for safety, health and wellness, dignity
ensuring the adequate formulation and and development of our employees;
implementation of policies and practices seeking feedback from our employees
that support the establishment of an through the People Engagement Survey
ethical culture in the Group. and, where appropriate, acting on this
CORPORATE An Ethics Committee, that reports
into the Setcom, forms part of our

GOVERNANCE management governance structure. Economy: Exercising responsible

THAT ENSURES AND During 2018 the Ethics Committee and

Setcom reviewed and revised the Code
corporate citizenship by tightening our
credit policy; implementing a refined
PROTECTS VALUE and the enhancement of the process to
further embed the code and associated
credit scorecard and reducing our risk
appetite; complying with legislation
Assessing the effectiveness of our behaviours. In addition, as part of our and regulations to address fraud and
approach to corporate governance, efforts to continually improve the corruption by establishing an anti-
our Board and management recognise governance of behaviour and compliance money laundering (AML) function and
that to achieve our central strategic in the Bank a new whistle-blowing policy an AML/countering financial terrorism
objective of Advancing lives and to was developed and approved by the (CFT) compliance risk management
gain the trust of our stakeholders Board in August 2018. programme and system; responsible and
requires transparency, sound corporate transparent reporting and compliance
governance, ethical business practices A Board-approved Treating Customers with tax legislation.
and responsible corporate citizenship. Fairly policy (TCF) and our TCF
We welcome the outcomes-driven initiative are an important part of our Role of African Bank in society:
approach to corporate governance of efforts to establish an ethical culture in Advancing lives is at the core of our
King IV, the latest update of the King African Bank and ensure we achieve a business strategy and our commitment
IV Report on Corporate Governance key aspect of Advancing Lives, which is to protecting the human rights of both
principles, which provides us with the treating our customers fairly. our employees and our customers;
opportunity to assess whether our ensuring we are treating customers fairly
approach to corporate governance, an Establishing an ethical culture is a key through our TCF programme and TCF
essential element of our intellectual element of our focus on instilling a culture Committee; seeking feedback from our
capital, is facilitating: in the Bank that underpins the five values customers through the NPS® and the
through which we seek to bring a greater South African Customer Satisfaction
• ethical and effective leadership
degree of humanity to our banking. Index (SAcsi) and, where appropriate,
• an ethical culture
acting on this feedback; the funding
• responsible corporate citizenship
The reporting of any suspicion of of community education and sports
• accountability and effective control
unethical behaviour is becoming projects with measurable outcomes
• effective risk governance
entrenched in the Bank as our through the African Bank Development
• transparency that ensures our
employees are developing an awareness Trust; and helping small, medium
stakeholders are provided with the
of how important it is for us to establish and micro enterprises (SMMEs) grow
information they need to make
an ethical culture. Their willingness to their businesses through a business
informed decisions about our business
report their suspicions to the Ethics accelerator initiative and mentoring
• value creation for all our stakeholders.
Office is an encouraging indication programme provided by members of our
that they feel safe to do so. Our management team.
Towards achieving an whistleblowing line, which allows for
ethical culture anonymous reporting and is available Environment: Implementing our Board-
to both our internal and external approved sustainability policy and an
By our application of: stakeholders, is also well used. effective environmental management
plan aimed at responsible management
Principle 1: The governing body
should lead ethically and effectively Responsible corporate of our waste, increasing our energy
citizenship efficiency, reducing our carbon footprint,
including our IT carbon footprint, and
Principle 2: The governing
conserving water.
body should govern the ethics By our application of:
of the organisation in a way that
supports the establishment of
Principle 3: The governing body Achieving good performance
should ensure that the organisation
an ethical culture
is and is seen to be a responsible
By our application of:
corporate citizen
Principle 4: The governing
body should appreciate that the
Our Board and Setcom are responsible organisation’s core purpose, its risks
for ensuring the Bank is and is seen and opportunities, strategy, business
to be a responsible corporate citizen. model, performance and sustainable
The Setcom oversees the development development are all inseparable
of the policies and practices governing elements of the value creation process
our corporate citizenship role and our

The Bank recognises that its activities matters. It also carries out its duties as independence for it to discharge its
and the outcomes of these activities prescribed in the Companies Act, 71 of governance role and responsibilities
can have both positive and negative 2008 and reports on its discharge of its objectively and effectively
impacts on the triple context (the duties in this regard to the Board and
economy, society and the environment) stakeholders . Principle 8: The governing body
in which we operate and the capitals we should ensure that its arrangements
employ in our business to create value By our application of: for delegation within its own
for our stakeholders by achieving a good structures promote independent
Principle 5: The governing body
performance. judgement and assist with the
should ensure that reports issued by
balance of power and the effective
the organisation enable stakeholders
When we agreed our strategies, we discharge of its duties
to make informed assessments of
assessed the risks and opportunities
the organisation’s performance
they present in relation to our risk Principle 9: The governing body
and custodianship of corporate
appetite and risk tolerance, which take should ensure that the evaluation
governance in the organisation
into account the triple context, and of its own performance and that
established our strategic scorecard of its committees, its chair and
and our financial, customer and people its individual members, support
The Board assumes responsibility for
targets to be achieved by 2021. We continued improvement in its
the integrity of our integrated report
measure our performance against these performance and effectiveness
(see page 03 of our integrated report
targets. The business model we use to
for 2018).
create economic value incorporates the Principle 10: The governing body
triple context and explains how we use should ensure that the appointment
We engage with our stakeholders
our stock of the six capitals to create of and delegation to management
throughout the year to provide them
value. contributed to role clarity and the
with information on our performance,
effective exercise of authority and
any challenges we are facing and
We have made good progress with our responsibilities
our view of the future. We do this
Board-approved strategic plan intended
through our interim and annual
to secure the Group’s future. It includes
reporting, presentations, one-on-one
creating a diversified bank by developing Our application of Principles 6 and 8
conversations, face-to-face meetings
new products, new channels to market
and Stock Exchange News Service
and a transactional banking offering
(SENS) announcements. The materiality Our Board performs its duties within a
using the latest technology.
process we follow helps us identify and governance framework (the framework)
address the matters material to our of policies and controls that apply to all
Our investment in the replatforming of
stakeholders in our reporting. the businesses in the ABH Group and
the Bank’s systems (the upgrading and
provide for effective risk assessment
repositioning of our branches to ensure
The aim of our combined assurance and management of our economic,
their optimal location), allowed us to
model, which includes both internal and social and environmental performance.
achieve a very pleasing return on equity
external assurance services, is to provide The framework sets out the Board’s
in our branch network of 21% in the year
our Group Audit and Compliance commitment to ethical leadership, the
under review.
Committee (Auditcom) with the comfort application of ethical business practices
that significant areas of risk within the and sound corporate governance. It also
Our commitment to creating social value
Group are adequately addressed and takes into account the requirements of
includes our investment in internships,
that suitable controls exist to mitigate King IV, the Companies Act, 71 of 2008
which has given unemployed graduates
these risks. Our aim is to include external (as amended), the Banks Act, 94 of
job opportunities and access to skills
assurance on the integrity of economic, 1990 (as amended), and other relevant
development not previously available to
social and environmental information in legislation, regulations and local and global
them. The focus of our efforts to address
our combined assurance plan. best practice. The framework, which
the social and economic needs of South
supports the achievement of our business
Africa is on helping good performers
The matters we identified as being of strategy, is continually reviewed to ensure
to gain access to career opportunities
concern to our stakeholders and our it continues to support effective decision-
that will allow them to become valuable
response to these concerns are set out making, provides robust controls and is
members of society.
on pages 90 to 95 of our integrated aligned to evolving best practice.
report for 2018.
Our Board Charter, which is closely
AN ETHICS COMMITTEE, which Achieving effective control aligned with the recommendations of King
reports into our Setcom, forms part of and legitimacy IV, details the responsibilities of the Board,
our management governance structure while our Memorandum of Incorporation
(MOI) also addresses certain of our
By our application of: directors’ responsibilities and powers.
OUR CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Principle 6: The governing body
is designed to protect and create The Board’s MOI also sets out the
should serve as the focal point and
sustainable value shareholder’s delegation of authority to
custodian of corporate governance in
the Board, which has a formal schedule
the organisation
of matters reserved for its consideration
and decision. Its delegation of certain
The Setcom advises and provides Principle 7: The governing body
matters to its committees and
guidance to the Board on the should comprise the appropriate
businesses in the the Bank is described
effectiveness of management’s balance of knowledge, skills,
in the terms of reference of these
efforts in respect of social, ethics and experience, diversity and
committees, which are available from
sustainable development-related

African Bank Holdings has adopted
gender and diversity targets for its
Board, which have been included in
our Group employment equity policy.
These targets are based on those
applied throughout our business.
Our preference is to appoint black
females, then black males. We remain
the Company Secretary. In addition, the an arm’s length relationship with the
cognisant, however, of the need to
Board delegates authority to the Chief ABH executive team; the Board does not
ensure we have the specialist skills
Executive Officer who delegates to and is interfere with the performance of her
we require.
supported by the Executive Committee. corporate governance responsibilities
and, as required in terms of section
The Board regulations require that 3.84(h) of the JSE Listings Requirements, BOARD INDEPENDENCE AS AT
one-third of our non-executive directors having assessed her abilities based on her 30 SEPTEMBER 2018
retire annually by rotation. Before qualifications, experience and levels of
recommending their re-election to the competence, endorsed and confirmed
shareholders the Board evaluates the her appointment as Group Company 20%
performance of the directors due for Secretary.
re-election and establishes whether or
not they are available for re-election. Our application of Principle 9
10% 70%
Our application of Principle 7 The Chairman conducts an annual
assessment with each director, following
which succession needs and/or training
The profiles of our Board and committee
needs are determined. To facilitate independent non-executive directors
members, demonstrate that the good
continued improvement, the Board
balance of knowledge, skills, experience,
evaluated its performance and that non-executive director
diversity and independence of our Board
of its committees during 2018 and the
members more than adequately equips executive directors
Chairman and individual Board members
them to discharge their responsibilities
also conducted self-evaluations of their
effectively and objectively. We do,
performance as Board members.
however, recognise that there is room BOARD AND RACIAL PROFILE
for improvement in the composition
These assessments will be conducted
of our Board in terms of achieving an
by an independent external consultant
appropriate balance of knowledge, skills,
experience, diversity and independence
in 2019. 50%
and we have addressed this in 2018.
The analysis on page 16 of our integrated
report for 2018 set out the diversity and
independence of our Board members.
In accordance with the JSE Listings
Requirements of February 2017 our black
integrated report for 2018 includes the
racial and gender targets we have set white
for our Board and our performance
against these targets on page 16 of our
integrated report for 2018. BOARD GENDER PROFILE

Our application of Principle 8

Through the application of strong,

independent directors and the
separation and clear definition of
the roles and responsibilities of the
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
the Bank has established a clear balance
of power and authority at Board level. male
Our Board and committee activities
in 2018 can be found on page 71 of our female
integrated report for 2018.
(75% of female members
The Board established that the of the Board are black)
appointed Company Secretary maintains

Our board and committee activities in 2018

W hat kept our Board busy this year What will keep the Board busy in 2019
Our omnichannel and transactional banking journey Public launch of transactional banking and omnichannel
Adoption of the Bank’s digital model Implementation of the Bank’s digital model
Board succession IT stability, information and cyber security
MMI partnership Execution of liquidity facility
Application of King IV Securing new partnerships (insurance and telco)
IT stability, information and cyber security Board succession
Further embedding of King IV
What kept our Auditcom busy this year What will keep the Auditcom busy in 2019
Revision of the compliance risk management policy and approval of the Implementation of IFRS9
Group Anti-money laundering policy
Changes to the impairments model principles in terms of the IAS39 Transactional banking assurance processes
principles, which address concerns raised by the external auditor
The Group’s methodology for arriving at its IFRS9 range Company valuation for LTI purposes
Governance, including IT governance associated with the transactional Governance, including IT governance associated with the transactional
banking project with a focus on change controls, AML issues and risks banking project with a focus on change controls, AML issues and risks
Termination of the co-source arrangement with KPMG for certain internal Monitoring of control environment in transactional banking environment
audit work
Transactional banking assurance processes
MMI partnership accounting policies
Company valuation for LTI purposes
Appointment of external auditors 2018 - 2020
Change of designated audit partner
The Auditcom, RCMcom and Setcom reports are available on pages 108 to 112 of
our integrated report for 2018
What kept our RCMcom busy this year What will keep the RCMcom busy in 2019
Monitored the performance of the new V5 credit scorecard Continually monitoring transactional banking risks
Considered project risk and risk generally for transactional banking Monitor credit risk in relation to developing macroeconomic factors
IT risk/cyber security Monitor risk relating to development and implementation of DebiCheck
• Received independent report on cyber risk and recommendations processes
• Responded to Prudential Authority guidance on cyber resilience
Received report on new bureau strategy and credit performance Monitor risk relating to implementation of National Credit Amendment Bill
Considered impact of DebiCheck Monitor risk in terms of impact of launch of transactional banking on
Considered Credit Regulator queries and impact of proposed new legislation Monitor IT risks relating to system stability, network congestion and cyber
security (ongoing)
Received reports on BCBS 239 implementation Monitor risk in terms of execution of liquidity facility
Considered individual director risk assessments Monitor risk relating to resources and capability in the IT environment
Approved ICAAP and Recovery Plans, monitored triggers Monitor risk relating to data collection and storage.
Approved revisions to ALCO charter and counter-party limits
Undertook annual reviews of Risk Framework and risk appetite, material
malfunction definition and threshold
Received presentations on the Viceroy reports and African Bank’s practices
What kept the Remcom busy this year What will keep the Remcom busy in 2019
Ensuring equity in remuneration practice Continued focus to ensure equity in remuneration process and practice
Review of variable remuneration policies and practice Continue focus on remuneration policies and practice to identify risk to key
employees and where skills demand, consideration of retention incentives
Identification of new variable remuneration Implementation of new long-term incentive scheme
Mandate for annual salary negotiation and outcome Pay practice, impact and mandate for annual salary negotiation
Executive Succession Plan Executive succession plan
Review of executive director, Exco and Assurance Provider packages Identified remuneration needs for specialist skills required to deliver the
Bank’s digital model
What kept the Setcom busy this year What will keep the Setcom busy in 2019
Achievement of employment equity plan Continued employment equity drive
Establishment of B-BBEE tactical plan Drive strategies to achieve Level 4 B-BBEE accreditation
Readying our employees for transactional banking, aligning skills, training Drive employee readiness for transactional banking, aligning skills, training
and incentives and incentives
Formalising ESE management and reporting Manage stakeholder relations in terms of sustainability, ethics and
Identify and manage sustainability risks across the business
Engage independent third-party assessor
Establishing culture required for digital model, and drive
What kept our DAG Committee busy this year What will keep the DAG Committee busy in 2019
Considered King IV readiness Ensure further embedding of King IV
Considered Board performance assessment Consider Board and Board Committee assessments and action plans
Approved Board, Board Committee and Executive succession plans Consider Board and Executive succession and approve plans
Established a nominations sub-committee, who undertook the identification Consider new directors as identified in succession plans and appoint
of possible new directors and conducted interviews Ensure effective induction of new directors

INTELLECTUAL Corporate governance designed to protect and create

CAPITAL sustainable value
The diagram that follows explains how our governance structures create value for our
stakeholders by providing direction and leadership, facilitating the setting and steering
of strategy, establishing an ethical culture, effective control and legitimacy through
accountability, delegation, monitoring and oversight.

Our application of Principle 10 By applying Principle 4

As indicated in the structure that The Board

follows a Board-approved delegation
of authority is in place, which together Provides direction to the business with the aim of creating
with the duties and authorities that form sustainable value by setting, steering and overseeing our business strategy
part of the Board Charter, delineate and plans, risk and opportunity management, performance
the authority of the Chief Executive and sustainable development
Officer (CEO) who is responsible for
the implementation and execution of
the Group’s Board-approved strategy,
policies and business plans.

The CEO’s contract is for an indefinite

period, which may be terminated by the
Group or the CEO by mutual agreement,
with a minimum notice period of three
months. The Board appoints the CEO
whose performance is assessed against
key performance metrics annually.
These metrics are aligned to the key
performance objectives of the Group Performs its role as custodian of governance in African Bank by
and are approved by the Board for each establishing accountability, delegation, monitoring and oversight
forthcoming year.
By applying:
The Bank’s effective succession Principles 1,2, 3 and 6 – ethical leadership, establishing an ethical culture,
planning resulted in a replacement for responsible corporate citizen.
its CEO, Brian Riley, already being in
place when he announced his intention Principles 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 – appropriate strategies, policies,
to retire. charters, terms of reference, assurance services and functions in place to
achieve compliance with relevant laws and regulations; effective control
The executive team that the CEO has at Board, committee, executive and management levesl; effective risk
established to assist her in fulfilling her management and technology and information governance; responsible
obligations is made up of professionals corporate citizenship and stakeholder inclusiveness.
with the banking industry skills and
experience necessary to ensure Principle 10 – Board-approved delegation of authority is in place that
the sustainability of the Group’s promotes independent judgement, a balance of power, role clarity
existing business and the successful and effective discharge of duties at Board, committee, executive and
implementation of strategic initiatives. management levels.

The structure of the management

committees that ensure effective
corporate governance within the Group
is set out in the diagram that follows.

The Board also appoints the Company

Secretary who is accountable to
the Board. Delegation

Monitoring Oversight

Delegation to Board committees

By applying Principle 8 – accountability monitoring and oversight

Our Board committees report to the Board on the statutory duties and Board-assigned responsibilities set out in
their terms of reference every quarter. These terms of reference are regularly reviewed and are available from the
Company Secretary.

Group Risk Group Group
Group Audit and Sustainability,
and Capital Directors’ Affairs Remuneration
Compliance Ethics and
Management and Governance (Remcom)
(Auditcom) Transformation
(RCMcom) (DAG)

ALCO and

By applying Principle 10 – appointment of and delegation to management

The roles and responsibilities of the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) are separate and clearly defined.
The CEO is accountable to the Board for leading the implementation and execution of our Board-approved strategy,
policies and business plans.




IT Steering Risk People

Committee Committee Committee

Ethics Committee
TCF Council1
Customer Council
Group Internal Audit2 Group Compliance2 Employment Equity


1 Treating Customers Fairly Council
2 The Heads of Internal Audit and Group Compliance have functional reporting lines to the CEO and have
unfettered access to the Chair of the Auditcom, RCMcom and all other Board Committee chairs.



First line of defence

Chief Executive Officer, Executive Committee and client-facing business units
Formulate Group Accountable for ensuring Executive Committee's
business strategy African Bank has and management committees
Achieving effective control maintains an efficient
and transparent risk
By our application of: management process
Principle 11: The governing body
should govern risk in a way that
supports the organisation in setting
Second line of defence
and achieving its strategic objectives Chief Risk Officer and Group Risk function

Monitor Group risk Accountable for Executive Risk Committee

The contribution risk governance relative to strategy developing a culture of
makes to our intellectual capital performance monitoring
and compliance and
Our risk governance structures and facilitating compliance
processes, which include the oversight, throughout the
management and assurance of risk organisation
management, are based on the three
lines of defence model. Our use of Third line of defence
this model has two important aims: to
provide the Board and its committees Board and Board committees
with oversight of the Group’s risk
management activities and to embed Approval of risk Oversight of total risk African Bank Board of
the culture and practice of risk appetite policy and management process Directors
management in our day-to-day business ERM framework and forming an idea of its Board committees
activities. It also provides the Group Approval of strategy effectiveness RCMcom Auditcom DAG

with three independent views of risk in and oversight of its Risk and Audit and Sustainability,
sustainability, compliance ethics and
the organisation. implementation capital management
and liquidity

Setcom RCMcom
Ethics and Human
transforma- Capital Risk
tion Reward

External audit

Independent audit Accountable for providing Auditcom

of annual financial an opinion on the Group’s Combined assurance forum
statements financial statements
in accordance with
IFRS standards and the
requirements of the
Companies Act and the
Banks Act Regulatory
return audit
Internal audit

Internal Audit and Internal Audit is

other assurance accountable for delivering
providers in terms on the risk-based Internal
of our combined Audit plan approved
assurance annually by the Auditcom
framework Other assurance
providers are accountable
in line with their relevant
professional standards

Our Board has taken responsibility for

the governance of risk in the African Bank The RCMcom’s subcommittees – the
Group, by: Asset and Liability Committee (ALCO)
• setting the direction for how we and the Model Risk Committee (MRC)
approach and address risk – and the Technology and Information
• annually reviewing the Bank’s risk Committee (ITC), which specifically
management policies and processes focuses on IT risk and optimisation
• reviewing the Group’s risk appetite of our digital strategy and innovation
inititatives, assist it with the discharge OF OUR DIRECTORS ARE
and risk tolerance annually and more
frequently if necessary of its responsibilities in terms of the INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE
• ensuring we have the appropriate management of risk, and capital and DIRECTORS
enterprise risk management (ERM) compliance across the Group.
framework, people, processes

and technology in place to evaluate The Board-approved recovery plan
and manage the uncertainties we policy includes a trigger framework.
face in protecting and creating This framework includes triggers
stakeholder value in respect of capital, liquidity and
operational risks. Its ratios are ALL THE MEMBERS OF OUR
The Board has ultimate responsibility, applicable to African Bank Limited,
not only for risk and opportunity which is where the Group’s primary risk
management but also for developing our resides. The Group’s risk assessment
are independent non-executive
risk appetite and setting and monitoring and quantification process is measured
our risk tolerances. In addition to the against the framework’s various triggers
Board and Risk and Capital Management and is reported on monthly to the ALCO
Committee’s (RCMcom) assessment of and quarterly to the RCMcom.
our risks, individual directors annually AND LEGITIMACY
assess the Group’s top five risks that fall Our business continuity plan, which
By applying King IV Principles 6
within their particular areas of expertise/ is owned by the Group’s Chief Risk
and 8, we provide a governance
focus. If the Board and RCMcom Officer, and our operational risk
framework of policies and controls
consider it necessary any new risks that function and disaster recovery
that apply throughout the ABH
have been identified are added to the risk plan, which is owned by the Chief
register. Information Officer, form part of
our overall recovery plan.
The role of the RCMcom
The embedding of stress testing in
The Board delegates oversight our risk management governance
responsibility for the quality, integrity framework
and reliability of risk and opportunity
management in the Group to the Our group uses stress testing as a
RCMcom. The roles and responsibilities risk management tool to identify and
of the committee are set out in a Board- quantify the potential adverse financial
approved charter. and operational conditions that could
impact our capital, liquidity, return on
The RCMcom: equity (RoE) and risk appetite limits.
We perform capital stress testing as part
• assists the Board with identifying
of our overall annual internal capital
and monitoring key risk and
adequacy assessment process (ICAAP).
performance areas
• provides the Board with a quarterly
report on risk and opportunity
• monitors business unit risk exposures
and the effectiveness of the risk
management function
• considers external factors
(social, competitive, economic,
political, regulatory, legislative and
environmental) that could impact
African Bank or provide it with
opportunities, when identifying and
monitoring key risk areas.


assist with the discharge of the
Bank's risk and capital management
and compliance responsibilities


Achieving effective control Technology and information as a result of severe historic under-
investment, our investment in this area
continued governance is a focus area of Auditcom,
responsibility for which was delegated to has created stability and provided us
it by the Board. Executive responsibility with an opportunity to add value to our
The contribution information
for technology and information lies IT governance capability. We continue
governance makes to our
with the Chief Information Officer who to invest in our systems. Consolidating
intellectual capital
heads up the IT Steering Committee, and improving the quality of our data
reporting into the Executive Committee. has also been a focus for the Group. We
By our application of: have made substantial progress in this
There is a clear link between the Bank’s
Principle 12: The governing body strategic objectives and its IT focus. Our regard over the past two years (see page
should govern technology and three-year IT investment, underpinned 66 of the intellectual capital section of
information in a way that supports by the @2020 IT approach, includes our integrated report for 2018 for more
the organisation setting and an investment in IT governance and information on our use of data science).
achieving its strategic objectives stability. Previously a significant concern

IT governance and stabilisation has been a key system investment area at African Bank in the past two years

IT governance, IT risk IT IT Systems Leadership

stabilisation management security governance stability and and
performance people plan

Achieving legitimacy We have established an independent

Compliance Office in accordance with
the requirements of the Banks Act, the
By our application of:
Board’s approach to compliance and
Principle 13: The governing body the continually expanding compliance
should govern compliance with requirements of the South African
applicable laws and adopted, financial services industry.
non-binding rules, codes and
standards in a way that supports
the organisation being ethical and The compliance office mitigates
a good corporate citizen our regulatory risk and the possibility
of regulatory fines and reputational
risk, by:
Compliance governance • putting in place mitigation controls
and procedures
Our Board is committed to full • investing in ongoing training aimed at INITIATIVES UNDERTAKEN TO
compliance with the letter and spirit establishing a culture of compliance STRENGTHEN THE GROUP’S
of all applicable laws and regulations, in the Group COMPLIANCE DURING 2018
supervisory requirements, policies • addressing legislative and regulatory
and relevant codes at all times. compliance requirements. Supported by compliance
Our compliance is aligned with the champions the Compliance Officer:
Group’s strategic objectives. The Board The Group Compliance Officer is
has delegated responsibility to the accountable to the Board and the increased monitoring of
Auditcom for ensuring that the Group’s Auditcom, to whom he reports every compliance-related business
compliance universe is documented quarter, and has unfettered access to activities to ensure business
and prioritises legislation and regulation the Chairman of the Board and the activities comply with relevant
using a risk-based approach, which chairs of all the Board committees. legislation and regulation
ensures that the compliance office The Group Compliance Officer’s requirements
prioritises high risk areas. functional reporting line is directly to the
Chief Executive Officer of African Bank. conducted adequacy and
Should any case of non-compliance or effectiveness reviews.
of significant compliance risk arise the
Auditcom will report the situation to the
Board and oversee any remedial action
required to its resolution.

Anti-money laundering
By our application of: By our application of:
The Group established an anti- Principle 14: The governing body Principle 15: The governing body
money laundering (AML) function in should ensure that the organisation should ensure that assurance
accordance with the requirement of remunerates fairly, responsibly and services and functions enable an
the Financial Intelligence Centre Act transparently so as to promote the effective control environment and
(FICA), 2001 (as amended), which achievement of strategic objectives that these support the integrity of
is implementing all the critical AML and positive outcomes in the short, information for internal decision-
policies, including the core AML policy medium and long term making and of the organisation’s
and risk framework, which have been external reports
approved by our Board.
We understand it is essential that
The head of the Group’s AML function our strategy, risks, performance and Combined assurance
reports to the Chief Risk Officer, has rewards are aligned if we are to create
unfettered access to the Chairman shareholder value. Our Remuneration To ensure we have adequate assurance
of the Board and the chairs of all the Committee’s (Remcom) mandate across the Group, and to prevent gaps
Board committees and provides the includes ensuring our remuneration or duplication in assurance efforts, we
Auditcom with AML reports every philosophy, policy and practices achieve have adopted a combined assurance
quarter. His office facilitates the Group’s this. Remcom also assists the Board in approach. To facilitate combined
compliance with the FICA provisions fulfilling its obligations to ensure the assurance we employ an integrated
and is responsible for submitting all Group remunerates fairly, responsibly planning and reporting process, which is
the requisite reports to the Financial and transparently by ensuring our achieved by aligning the activities of the
Intelligence Centre (FIC). The FIC Board-approved remuneration separate functions across our Group.
is responsible for combating money framework and supporting policy are
laundering activities and the financing applied throughout the Group and that To facilitate the communication
of terrorism and related activities. our remuneration policies and practices and discussion necessary to achieve
are designed to attract talent, retain combined assurance we have established
During 2018 the Bank introduced a key officials and support our succession a combined assurance forum, that meets
new Board-approved AML/countering planning. quarterly. The members of the forum
financial terrorism (CFT) compliance include our Chief Risk Officer, who chairs
risk management programme. In accordance with the requirements of the forum, our Chief Financial Officer,
The systems we have in place to enable the Companies Act, the fees to be paid the Group Heads of Enterprise Risk,
the Bank’s compliance with its customer to our non-executive directors for their Operational Risk, Legal and Internal
risk assessment and reporting obligations services as directors of the Group are Audit (who led the discussion in the
have been independently tested by a submitted for approval by shareholders meetings) the Group Compliance Officer
third party agency to ensure they meet by means of a special resolution at our and our External Auditors. Tracking
best practice international standards. annual general meeting. of progress on assurance activities is
Our AML system is regularly enhanced ongoing and it is reported on quarterly
to ensure the controls we have in place To provide shareholders with the to the Auditcom, depending on the
can mitigate AML/CFT risks. opportunity to express their views on nature of the area assured.
our remuneration philosophy, policy
and implementation report, they The Auditcom obtained assurance on
During 2018 the following AML
are tabled every year for separate the financial statements and internal
initiatives took place:
non-binding votes by shareholders at controls included in the ABH Group’s
• Implementing the Financial our annual general meeting. Should integrated reporting and carried out its
Intelligence Centre Amendment either our remuneration policy or our statutory duties set out in section 90
Act (Act No 1 of 2017) with a special implementation report be voted against of the Companies Act, 71 of 2008.
focus on: by 25% or more of the voting rights It satisfied itself as to the expertise
−− migration from a rules- exercised, our Board commits to taking and experience of the Chief Financial
based regime to a risk-based steps in good faith towards engaging to Officer and the financial function.
methodology establish the reasons for the dissenting It also assessed the independence
−− reviewing current AML policies, votes and appropriately addressing and performance of the internal and
processes and systems in line with legitimate and reasonable objections external audit functions. (See the
the New FIC Amendment Act and concerns raised. Auditcom report in the annual financial
−− conducting an AML risk statements available online at
assessment and updating www.africanbank.co.za.)
the Bank’s compliance risk
management programme
−− updating core banking systems in
line with new customer due diligence
requirements, including simplified,
ongoing and enhanced due diligence
for each customer segment
−− updating of AML training materials
• Participating in:
−− industry-related forums
−− the forthcoming country
evaluation by the Financial Action
Task Force
• Contributing to the safeguarding of
the financial system.



Our Internal Audit function, which

is governed by our Auditcom and
Board-approved Internal Audit Charter,

is responsible for implementing our
combined assurance initiative. It reports
MANAGEMENT to each Auditcom meeting on audits
concluded during the previous period
Ownership of risk and and their outcomes. The resolution of
executive review any adverse findings arising from audits
is the responsibility of the executive
Policies and procedures
responsible for the area concerned.
(including critical controls)
Internal Audit tracks the resolution of
Management review adverse findings and reports on their
Periodic self-awareness status to the Auditcom.

The RemCom, the membership of

which includes the Chair of Auditcom

and a member of the Auditcom,
oversees the Head of Internal Audit’s
RISK FUNCTION, performance assessment and the
LEGAL, COMPLIANCE, remuneration packages of the Group’s
ANTI-MONEY senior assurance providers, including
the Head of Internal Audit.
The Head Group Internal Audit is solely
Risk oversight
responsible for the function, scope
and monitoring
of work and quality of delivery of the
Group’s Internal Audit. His functional
reporting line is to the Chairman of
Auditcom and his administrative
reporting line is directly to the Group’s

Chief Executive Officer. The Head Group
Internal Audit has unfettered access to
INTERNAL AND the Chairman of the Board and the chairs
EXTERNAL AUDIT of all the Board subcommittees.

Independent and objective The Internal Audit function has

assurance of the effectiveness of completed the three-year programme
the controls, compliance and risk it embarked on in 2016 to strengthen its
management internal skills and competencies and to
ensure that its team members have the
appropriate professional qualifications.
It now has the skills and resources it
needs to execute the Internal Audit

plan. The provision of certain specialist
internal audit functions by external
EXCO, BOARD AND services providers has allowed our
BOARD COMMITTEES Internal Audit function to augment and
strengthen its competencies in key areas.
Unlimited and unrestricted
access to all information and The activities of Internal Audit, which
reports issued by the three lines are aligned with the Group strategy and
of defence our core values, are designed to ensure
quality, efficiency and agility in the
delivery of assurance services and to
meet the assurance expectations of our

A risk-based Internal Audit plan The Group’s sensitivity towards cyber

and information security is at an all-time
The Internal Audit plan for the year ahead is approved annually by the Auditcom and high following recent incidents in the
its execution is tracked to completion by the committee. The plan is also reviewed financial services sector. Relatively
during the year to ensure it remains relevant should changes take place in the business minor cyber-related incidents can
and our operating environment. If changes are necessary they are approved by be devastating. The negative effect
the Auditcom. on consumer confidence in the
transactional offering and the Bank as a
THE PROGRESS INTERNAL AUDIT MADE WITH THE KEY FOCUS AREAS whole could severely impact the ability
THE 2018 AND 2019 FINANCIAL YEARS onto our transactional banking platform.
Internal Audit is adopting a risk-based
Initiatives Progress approach for the current financial year
and the year ahead, which incorporates
Credit Completed and continuous monitoring of continuous real-time assurance of
aspects of credit models access control aspects of information
Treasury (including capital Completed and consistent/ongoing review security and traditional assurance
management) of key aspects of balance sheet and capital reviews of governance and security
management posture controls.
Information technology Completed
As part of the Bank’s strategic
Proactive assurance of Group Proactive and real-time assurance on objectives of growing and diversifying its
strategic transformation activities Omnichannel and transactional banking product offering, being more customer-
programme - with Internal Audit walking centric and being a fully-fledged retail
the path with the programme bank, the Bank has embarked on a
strategic programme and project that
Advanced, continuous and more Embedded continuous auditing in
addresses the digitisation of the Bank,
proactive data analytics payments, credit and collections and rolling
improving and opening new channels for
out, where applicable, to other streams of
customer interfaces, and growing and
improving customer product offerings.
Ongoing execution of its professional Significant progress made in professional The growth in our operations and the
development plan qualifications of Internal Audit personnel. introduction of transactional banking
Ongoing and continuous mentoring, on the changes in the way the Bank functions,
job training, certification and courses are will result in our exposure to risk and
currently being completed for professional opportunities evolving from where it
development is currently. The controls embedded
our processes will need to be more real
Some key initiatives Internal Audit will be undertaking in FY2019 to ensure it can time, more frequent and automated.
provide high quality risk-based advisory and assurance services aligned to the In addition, management oversight
Group’s top strategic and operational objectives include: needs to incorporate the analysis of
• advanced and more predictive analytics information for behavioural trends
• functional re-alignment with changes within the Group. outside the norm.

This is in addition to the key focus areas requested by the Board of: The principle controls required must
cover the spectrum from preventative,
• credit detection and mitigation actions if
• treasury (including capital management) improvement is needed. As part of
• information technology the process of giving assurance on
• Omnichannel and transactional banking. these controls during the build and
implementation phase, Internal Audit
Internal Audit was able to conduct its work free of any restrictions and is of the view has adopted a programme approach
that at year-end there were no material internal control weaknesses/deficiencies and is undertaking deep dives on key
that would render the internal financial controls and financial systems ineffective operational processes.
in producing reliable information for the financial statements.


Our combined assurance matrix follows

First Second line of Third line Governance Frame- Outcome Frequency

line of defence of defence structured work/ of assurance
defence reported to standard and/or
Key threats Exco Group Com- Sustain- Inde-
associated Risk pliance/ ability pendent
with strategic AML/ assurance
objectives/ Legal providers
Reliable External Exco and IFRS1 Adequate Biannual
financial and audit Auditcom JSE 2 coverage
other reporting (PwC)
Internal Setcom and
audit RCMcom
Performance PwC Exco and Board3 As above Monthly
against strategic Board Quarterly
Financial PwC Exco, Board4 As above Monthly
targets Auditcom Quarterly
and Board
Efficiency of IA Exco, Divisional As above Ongoing
operations RCMcom through out
and the year
Customer IA Setcom and Third As above Monthly
targets Exco party6 Quarterly
Provides ment
People targets Exco, Measure- As above Monthly
Setcom and ment7 Quarterly
Compliance IA Exco, Appliable As above Monthly
with laws and RCMcom legislation Quarterly
regulations and and regu-
Inde- Auditcom lation


Exco providing assurance 1 International Financial Reporting Standards

2 JSE Securities Exchange South Africa Limited
Group Risk Listings Requirements
3 Board-approved strategy
Auditcom 4 Board-approved business plan and budgets
5 Group and divisional performance, stability,
Internal Audit monitoring targets and measures
6 NPS ® and SAcsi
External Audit (PwC) 7 Performance assessments, engagement surveys,
diversity targets
Other external assurance providers

By our application of:

Principle 16: In the execution of its
governance role and responsibilities,
the governing body should adopt
a stakeholder-inclusive approach
that balances the needs, interests
and expectations of material
stakeholders in the best interests
of the organisation over time

Balancing the needs, interests and

expectations of our stakeholders
is a key material issue for African
Bank. Information on how we have
approached our stakeholder relations
can be found on pages 90 to 95 of our
integrated report for 2018. Our Board
has identified its responsibilities with
regard to engaging with our investors
and the regulators as being a material
corporate governance issue, which is
addressed through regular reporting
and engagement (see page 92 of our
integrated report for 2018).

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