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Introduction to Computer Science

Week 1: Fundamentals of Programming

 Lecture 1: Introduction to Programming

o Overview of programming languages.
o Basics of algorithmic thinking.
o Writing and running simple programs.
 Lecture 2: Variables and Data Types
o Understanding variables and their role.
o Data types and their significance.
o Basic input and output operations.
 Lecture 3: Control Flow
o Conditional statements (if, else, elif).
o Loop structures (while, for).
o Handling user input and error messages.

Week 2: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

 Lecture 4: Introduction to OOP

o Principles of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
o Classes and objects in programming.
o Benefits of OOP in software development.
 Lecture 5: Classes and Objects
o Defining classes and creating objects.
o Constructors and destructors.
o Class methods and attributes.
 Lecture 6: Inheritance and Polymorphism
o Extending classes through inheritance.
o Method overriding.
o Polymorphism and its types.

Week 3: Data Structures

 Lecture 7: Arrays and Lists

o Understanding arrays and lists.
o Operations on arrays and lists.
o Multidimensional arrays.
 Lecture 8: Stacks and Queues
o Implementing stacks and queues.
o Applications of stacks and queues.
o Linked lists.
 Lecture 9: Dictionaries and Sets
o Key-value pairs and dictionaries.
o Set operations.
o Hashing and its applications.
Week 4: Algorithms and Problem Solving

 Lecture 10: Algorithm Design

o Basic algorithmic strategies (greedy, divide and conquer).
o Algorithm analysis (time and space complexity).
o Sorting algorithms.
 Lecture 11: Searching Algorithms
o Linear search and binary search.
o Hashing for efficient searching.
o Graph search algorithms (BFS and DFS).
 Lecture 12: Problem Solving Techniques
o Breaking down problems.
o Pseudocode and flowcharting.
o Debugging and testing strategies.

Week 5: Introduction to Software Development

 Lecture 13: Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

o Phases of SDLC.
o Importance of documentation.
o Collaboration and version control.
 Lecture 14: Introduction to Databases
o Basics of databases.
o Relational databases and SQL.
o Database design principles.
 Lecture 15: Introduction to Web Development
o Frontend vs. backend development.
o HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
o Basics of client-server architecture.

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