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6 A Work alone. How would you have acted if you'd witnessed a crime? Read situations 1-4 and
make notes on what you would have done. Use questions a)-c) to help you.

1 You caught a pickpocket trying to take your mobile and he threatened to hurt you if you
called the police.

I would hit him first and then call the police. I wouldn’t care about his threat.

2 You saw a friend shoplifting in a department store.

Honestly It depends if that person is my friend and what he/she is stealing. I can accuse him
of theft.

3 You noticed a colleague stealing office supplies from your place of work.

Without hesitation I accuse him because there are no friends at work.

4 You witnessed your neighbour's teenage children committing an

act of vandalism, e.g. spraying graffiti on the wall of their school.

Without hesitation I would accuse him to his parents

a) Would you have intervened or try to stop the person?

b) Would you have reported the person to the authorities?

c) If you'd been questioned by the authorities, would you have told the truth?

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