Class Test - 1

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United International University

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Microprocessor,Microcontroller and Interfacing(CSE 425)[Summer 2021]

Class Test 1 (Total marks 20)
Time: 35 minutes +10 minutes (For submission)
N.B.:Answer all the questions.

1. In programmed I/O, if we set the value of DDRx register of a particular port to 40H, what
does it signify? Suppose you have connected 2 LEDS to the 3rd (P2) and 5th (P4) pin of a
particular port and two sensors to the 2nd (P1) and 7th (P6) pin of the same port (The pins
are labeled from p0 to p7). Write the steps two turn on the LEDs and to take input from the
sensors. [1+3]

2. Discuss how memory and I/O operations are distinguished in both standard and memory
mapped I/O? Suppose, you have to design a system with 8 bit address bus and 8 bit data
bus. If the 5th bit (A4) is used to separate memory and I/O operation then what will be the
size of I/O space (In KB) in the main memory? (Address bits are labeled from A0 to A7)

3. Among the three DMA (Direct Memory Access) modes,

(i) Which one has the slowest data transfer rate? [1]
(ii) Which one has the longest CPU halting period? [1]
(iii) Which one is better according to you and why? [2]

4. Suppose, transfer of bus control in either direction, from processor to device or vice-versa,
takes 100 ns. One of the I/O devices has data transfer rate of 50 KB/sec and employs DMA.
If we employ DMA in cycle stealing mode for first half of the bytes and burst mode for the
other half, how long will it take to transfer a block of 256 bytes? [3]

5. Discuss how data bus and address bus both are multiplexed in 8086 microprocessor. [2]

6. In 8086, what is the size of the memory in MB that can be addressed by 8086 CPU and
what is the size of the RAM in MB used? If we have a RAM of 64KB size and has data
bus of 4 bit, what should be the size of address bus. [2+1]

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