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Massive Gelatinous Cube

Monster Manual

Special Stats and deadly chamber layouts

for Massive Gelatinous Cubes and
Gelatinous Cube Checker Set
Optional Rules for Massive Gelatinous

There’s a lot of stats out there for cubes of all kinds. Use this manual to
apply new stats to our Gelatinous Cubes, but only if you don’t already
have a monster in mind. These rules are optional and we created Massive
Gelatinous for you to use in any way you want.

Massive Gelatinous Cubes are available at

Art and text by Justin Sirois

Corpse Disposal Chamber by George Holland. The Corpse Disposal

Chamber board and 24 special one inch Gelatinous Cubes are part of the
limited edition Gelatinous Cube Checker Set.
Emerald Ooze
Armor Equivalent to Leather
Hit Points: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube x 11
Speed: 15 ft.
Size: 10 x 10 x 10 feet
Immune to all conditions that would affect humans or animals

Highly corrosive to flesh, this acid Cube has an unusual magnetic pull that can draw metal
objects to it. To retrieve an object from the Cube or to escape the Cube once consumed by it,
players must pass a medium difficulty dexterity or equivalent roll. This Cube causes acid burns
equivalent to your system. Emerald Ooze and Molten Magma can work together in packs. Weak
to fire and psyonic spells.

Attacks - Base attack is firing Spawn Cube projectile for 1D6 damage. Spawn explodes on impact.
Slush - Melee swipe of thick green acid that burns flesh and steals metal objects. Roll 1D4 for
each skull on the side of the Cube facing the target for damage. Adjacent targets get splashed
for half that damage if attack is successful.

Magnetic Pull - All metal objects within 10 +2D6 feet are pulled to the Cube with the strength
of a high level monster. High strength saves can counter this attack.

Reverse Magnetism - Cube can focus on a target’s metal object and magnetize it for 1D12
minutes, allowing the Cube to launch other metal object from inside it like swords, shields, and
battle axes to the newly magnetized item.

Magnetic Projectile - Massive Cube uses magnetic force to control Spawns, causing targets to get
stuck inside the Spawns. Targets are immobilized and consumed up to 5x5x5 feet and take 1D4
damage per round until freed. Spawn must be destroyed to free target. Massive Gel can move
Spawns while players are inside Spawns for deadly bumper-cube rides.

Birth - Up to three times per battle, roll 1D4 and place that many Spawn Cubes adjacent to
the Massive Gelatinous.

Spawns The Massive can spawn smaller versions of itself. Always roll Spawn Cubes like
dice before placing them into the game. Place Spawns adjacent to Massive.

Armor Equivalent to Leather

Hit Points: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube
Speed: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube
Size: 5 x 5 x 5 feet
Immune to all human or animal conditions.

Slight Slush - Melee swipe of thick green acid that burns flesh and steals metal objects. The
number of skulls on the side that faces its target is the damage the target takes.
Molten Magma
Armor Equivalent to Leather
Hit Points: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube x 11
Speed: 15 ft.
Size: 10 x 10 x 10 feet
Immune to all conditions that would affect humans or animals

Magma Cubes will melt just about anything including metal. They are so hot that normal beings
cannot stand adjacent to them for over 5 seconds without protection. Massives and Spawns will
work in tandem to trap targets and melt them alive. Emerald Ooze and Molten Magma can work
together in packs. To retrieve an object from the Cube or to escape the Cube once consumed by
it, players must pass a medium difficulty dexterity or equivalent roll. Weak to ice-like and psyonic

Attacks - Base attack is firing Spawn Cube projectile for 1D6 damage. Spawn explodes on impact.
Fire Swipe - Melee damage of 1D6 +Fire. Anything on fire attracts Spawns to them.

Lava Ball - Projectile equivalent to your system’s fireball spell. Can perform this attack 3 times
per battle.

Geyser - 5x5 foot geyser opens in floor only spraying each time the Massive Gelatinous takes
damage. Sprays magma 5 +1D6 feet in a circle for 1D4 damage.

Trails - Cube leaves behind 10 foot wide fiery trails that can create snaking obstacles.

Birth - Up to three times per battle, roll 1D4 and place that many Spawn Cubes adjacent to
the Massive Gelatinous.

Spawns The Massive can spawn smaller versions of itself. Always roll Spawn Cubes like
dice before placing them into the game. Place Spawns adjacent to Massive.

Armor Equivalent to Leather

Hit Points: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube
Speed: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube
Size: 5 x 5 x 5 feet
Immune to all human or animal conditions.

Hot Slider - A ram attack of 30 +2D12 feet with damage of 1D4 +Fire. Rammed targets can
also be dragged. The Spawn also ricochets if it hits an obstacle, sliding in the direction with
the most skulls on that side until it hit an object.

Column - Spawns will stack up to six high and spit small fireballs from the tallest cube. For
every Cube the column is tall, that’s how much damage each fireball does. Range = 15 feet per
Boiling Blood
Special Ability - A Queen Blood can spawn Illuminated Spawns that quickly grow into
Massive Illuminated Cubes within 5+1D6 minutes if they are not killed. If you want
your Blood Cube to be a Queen, just decide that at the beginning of the encounter.
Armor Equivalent to Flesh
Hit Points: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube x 11
Speed: 15 ft.
Size: 10 x 10 x 10 feet
Immune to all conditions that would affect humans or animals

A huge hot brick of twisted muscle and bloody sinew. Bile bubbles to the top of the mass,
popping and busting. This beast stinks and will cause nausea if smelled. To retrieve an object
from the Cube or to escape the Cube once consumed by it, players must pass a medium difficulty
dexterity or equivalent roll. Weak to melee attacks, fire, and most spells.

Attacks - Base attack is firing Spawn Cube projectile for 1D6 damage. Spawn explodes on impact.
Popped Boil - A bubble grows on the side of the Cube and bursts, splashing adjacent targets
with boiling hot bile. Damage of 1D6 and the targets must roll constitution or equivalent to
avoid vomiting. Each time this Cube uses this attack, another bubble forms on the opposite
side. If anyone attacks that side, a failed attack busts that boil for the same effect.

Gush - A thick gushing column of blood rockets from the Cube’s side. It causes no damage
other than the force of which it hits, equivalent to an unarmed melee hit from a medium level
creature. Targets are covered in gore and will be pushed 25 +3D6 feet.

Blood Sickness - Cube leaks a puddle that surrounds it on all sides for 5 feet in every
direction. Anything that touches that puddle has hemophilia for the rest of the battle and can
bleed out easily. Once the Massive Gelatinous is destroyed, this condition is cured.

Birth - Up to three times per battle, roll 1D4 and place that many Spawn Cubes adjacent to
the Massive Gelatinous.

Spawns The Massive can spawn smaller versions of itself. Always roll Spawn Cubes like
dice before placing them into the game. Place Spawns adjacent to Massive.

Armor Equivalent to Flesh

Hit Points: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube
Speed: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube
Size: 5 x 5 x 5 feet
Immune to all human or animal conditions.

Squirter - A thin stream of hot and toxic blood squirts out from the cube. Range 10 feet.
Damage 1D4. Smells like baked urine and charred hair.

Blood Boost - If a Spawn attaches itself to a Massive Gelatinous, the Massive gains +2 to all
rolls and attacks until that Spawn is destroyed. More than one Spawn can attach at the same
Rotten Miasma
Armor Equivalent to Flesh
Hit Points: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube x 11
Speed: 15 ft.
Size: 10 x 10 x 10 feet
Immune to all conditions that would affect humans or animals

A jiggling mass of somewhat dissolved and rotted victims, all of which formed a diseased stew.
They are easier to kill than other Cubes, but no less deadly. Exposure to this jelly can cause
chronic illness. To retrieve an object from the Cube or to escape the Cube once consumed by it,
players must pass a medium difficulty dexterity or equivalent roll. Weak to melee attacks, fire,
and most spells.

Attacks - Base attack is firing Spawn Cube projectile for 1D6 damage. Spawn explodes on impact.
Chunks - Cube lobs partly dissolved rotten chunks of meat and body parts at targets. Some
chunks still have loot stuck to them. Damage 1D6.

Lump Buster - Cube lays a bloated mass of flesh on the ground that burst in 1D6 minutes.
It sprays botulism-laden bits in all directions for 10 feet causing difficulty breathing, muscle
paralysis, and possible death.

Lasting Gift - Once attacked with any weapon, small particulates of this Cube will cling to it.
If the weapon is not cleaned off, there is a chance that whoever wields it can contract incurable

Birth - Up to three times per battle, roll 1D4 and place that many Spawn Cubes adjacent to
the Massive Gelatinous.

Spawns The Massive can spawn smaller versions of itself. Always roll Spawn Cubes like
dice before placing them into the game. Place Spawns adjacent to Massive.

Armor Equivalent to Flesh

Hit Points: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube
Speed: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube
Size: 5 x 5 x 5 feet
Immune to all human or animal conditions.

Tiny Cuts - Spawns collect small weapons like daggers and bolts so they can fire them at
victims. Damage equivalent to thrown weapon in your system.

Head - Spawns can sit on top of a Massive Gelatinous and take damage for the Massive while
firing small weapons from their center.

Special Ability - Any other Cube type that is within the glowing radius of an Illuminated
Cube will have +2AC. Once the Illuminated Cube’s glow fades, this ability is gone. Spawns
provided +1 to within glow radius AC. Similarly, any dark/black magic user who is aligned
with the Cubes will gain these bonuses when within the glow.
Armor Equivalent to chainmail
Hit Points: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube x 11
Speed: 15 ft.
Size: 10 x 10 x 10 feet
Immune to all conditions that would affect humans or animals

As magic eater, the Illuminated Gelatinous hunts wizards and other magic users. The numerous
spells that it has consumed make it glow in the dark with eerie light. To retrieve an object from
the Cube or to escape the Cube once consumed by it, players must pass a medium difficulty
dexterity or equivalent roll. Illuminated Cubes have been known to travel with Blood and
Miasma Cubes. No known weaknesses.

Attacks - Base attack is firing Spawn Cube projectile for 1D6 damage. Spawn explodes on impact.
Re-Leveler - Choose a low to mid level projectile spell from your system that this Massive
Gelatinous can cast.

Spell Suck - Cube will attempt to draw out all spells from nearby magic users, using these
spells against the party. For every five minutes of battle, a new spell is randomly sucked and
this Cube can instantly cast it.

Marked - Spits a blob of glowing ooze that sticks to a target, marking them for Spawns to
attack. Once marked, the target is -1 to all physical stats and physical roll saves for entire
battle. Marked targets cannot sneak or hide.

Generator - Illuminated Cubes can generate all other forms of Cubes. They can do this twice
per battle.

Deep Radiation - Radiated material clings to this Cube and will seep into bodies if the battle
goes on for too long. After half an hour of exposure, most unprotected beings will have some
level of radiation sickness or chronic illness.

Spawns The Massive can spawn smaller versions of itself. Always roll Spawn Cubes like
dice before placing them into the game. Place Spawns adjacent to Massive.

Armor Equivalent to Flesh

Hit Points: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube
Speed: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube
Size: 5 x 5 x 5 feet
Immune to all human or animal conditions.

Re-Leveler - Choose a low level projectile spell from your system that this Massive Gelatinous
can cast.
Charged Column
Armor Equivalent to chainmail
Hit Points: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube x 11
Speed: 5 ft.
Size: 20 x 10 x 10 feet
Immune to all conditions that would affect humans or animals

Charged Columns consist of a Blood or Miasma Cube on top of an Illuminated Cube. Although
slower, this Cube uses all the stats of both Cubes, but will weaken as the illuminated Cube dims.
Once dimmed, only the top Blood or Miasma Cube’s attacks are active.

No known weaknesses.

Top Cube’s attack range is +10 feet.

While bottom Cube is illuminated, nothing can stand adjacent to it without taking 1D6 damage
each time that player actives.
Advanced Head Hunter (Boss)
Armor Equivalent to chainmail
Hit Points: The number of skulls on the top of the Cube x 11
Speed: 15 ft.
Size: 10 x 10 x 10 feet
Immune to all conditions that would affect humans or animals

Much like the Illuminated Gelatinous, this Cube hunts wizards and other magic users, taking
their heads as well as all the spells they learned over their lifetime. This Cube can embody the
sentient soul or energy of a previously fallen enemy who is seeking revenge. An Advanced Head
Hunter can be any type of Cube: Ooze, Magma, Miasma, Blood, Illuminated, etc. To retrieve an
object from the Cube or to escape the Cube once consumed by it, players must pass a medium
difficulty dexterity or equivalent roll. No known weaknesses.

Attacks - Base attack is firing Spawn Cube projectile for 1D6 damage. Spawn explodes on impact.
Tentacled Beams - Cube grows tentacles with skulls at the tips, allowing it to blast cutting
beams around corners and over obstacles. 1D8 Damage +Fire. Multiple concentrated beams
can explode stone and melt metal.

Organ Sack- Cube has encased a snaking track of intestine attached to a cluster of preserved
kidneys from the magic users it has consumed. Opening a small hole in its side, it will move
an intestine to the opening and squirt concentrated poison. Range 15 feet. Poison = system’s
highest toxic poison.

Spell-Breaker- Cube’s skulls chant in endless cycles, breaking the concentration of any magic
user casting a spell. Can use once per battle can lasts 1D20 minutes.

Tentacle Grab- Skulls on the ends of tentacles slither out from the Cube to grab and quickly
pull targets inside the vile mass. If the tentacle is cut, the skull drops and is no longer part of
the Cube. The Cube also loses whatever spells that were “inside” that skull from the previously
consumed magic user.

Advanced Re-Leveler - Choose several mid to high level spells from your system that this
Massive Gelatinous can cast.

Spell Suck - Cube will attempt to draw out all spells from nearby magic users, using these spell
against the party. For every five minutes of battle, a new spell is randomly sucked and this
Cube can instantly cast it. A magic user who gets this spell sucked from them cannot use that
spell until the Head Hunter is destroyed.

Saw - Once per battle, the Cube can blast beams from all four sides’ skulls (excluding top)
while spinning in a circle for 15 seconds. Each blast causes 1D8 damage.

Tortured Scream - If the Cube is cornered or in peril, it can let out a high pitches screeching
of all the captured magic users it has consumed. Targets within 50 feet collapse from the ear-
splitting sound. Lasts 1D4 minutes and Cube can move out of harm’s way.
Random Loot inside Massive Gelatinous Cubes
Roll 1D8 for how many items and 1D100 for each item
1. Broken dagger handle 45. Potion of Invisibility
2. Smashed and rotten wooden shield 46. Rapier
3. Foul smelling boot 47. Scimitar
4. Large animal bone 48. Hand crossbow
5. Human skull 49. Large net
6. Busted skull-cap helmet 50. Armor - plate mail chest plate
7. Rock 51. War Pick
8. Snapped small sword 52. Magic Javelin that can extend 15 feet
9. Ripped wizard hat 53. Whip
10. Copper earrings 54. Quality short sword
11. Sharpened animal bone 55. Blowgun with 10 darts
12. 2 foot length of chain 56. 10 gold
13. Broken crossbow bolt 57. Ceremonial dagger
14. 20 foot rope 58. Flail
15. Unused torch 59. Small shield
16. Small axe 60. Sprite in glass jar that teaches spells
17. Sharp shovel 61. Petrified wooden sword
18. Quality dagger 62. Spell book with rare low level spells
19. Sickle 63. Potion of strength
20. Nice belt with many pouches 64. Spiked buckler
21. Pair of boots with spurs 65. Small warhammer
22. Small mace 66. Quality arming sword
23. Dull, but nice arming sword 67. Glove with spiked knuckles
24. Knight’s helmet 68. Potion that cures all ailments
25. Sharp non-precious gem 69. 15 gold
26. Half of a broken wizard’s staff 70. Chainmail Coif
27. 2 gold 71. Medium crossbow
28. Rondel 72. Large spider familiar in glass jar
29. Potion of Remove Paralysis 73. Viking axe
30. Detached spiked ball from flail 74. Sharp claw +1 strength when used
31. Potion of Minor Healing 75. Quality longbow
32. Spear 76. Trident
33. Potion of Resistance 77. Thin wire strangling cable
34. Long arrow 78. Hand and a half sword
35. 5 Darts 79. Large jug of flammable oil
36. Oil that instantly sharpens 80. Potion of Great Healing
37. Quality shortbow 81. Longsword
38. Quality gauntlets 82. Gauntlets with sharp fingers
39. Razor-sharp onyx stone with handle 83. 20 gold
40. Quarterstaff 84. Spell book with rare mid level spells
41. Maul 85. Leaf blade short sword
42. Pike 86. Magic dagger that flies back to thrower
43. 5 gold 87. Large crossbow
44. Metal wizard’s staff 88. Quality kite shield
89. Potion of Speed
90. Magic maul which is very light yet strikes heavy
91. Magic flail with 15 foot extending chain
92. Magic shortbow with 100 magic arrows, vanishes after 100th arrow
93. 25 gold
94. Beautiful wizard’s staff
95. Quality halberd
96. Two-handed Sword
97. Great shield
98. Large flanged mace
99. Light and strong great sword
100. Light and strong great axe

Awful Outcomes for When Massive Gel Dies (optional)

1. Gel bursts, spraying everything within 15 feet causing Gel’s basic melee damage.
2. Gel melts and creates a 10 foot wide puddle in all directions causing the floor to
sizzle and anything within it takes 1D10 damage. Floor may collapse.
3. Gel erupts into 1D8 Spawn pawn Cubes.
4. Gel splits in 2 and they both grow into new Massive Gels within 2 minutes unless
each take 50 hit points of damage.
Corpse Disposal Chamber
Chamber board and cubes come with the
Limited Edition Gelatinous Cube Checker Set
This hidden annex has one massive iron door
that appears to be coated with iridescent oil.
Mucus Cube
The other four walls are punctured by a chute
If the cube is green it is a Mucus Cube. Mu-
extending from stone holes two feet in diameter.
cus Cubes are formed from pus, digestive fluid,
Evidence of manacles and broken branks lay
undigested protoplasm, bile, and all manner of
piecemeal on the floor tiles. There is an absolute
foul humors. The moment a creature reaches 0 hit
absence of organic carrion – no rats, no worms,
points, the Mucus Cube will move into its space
no flies. The floor is cleaner than the party.
and within 1d3 turns nothing but metal and glass
trinkets will remain.
This room is used to dispose of carrion, offal,
excrement, and other organic sewage. These
kinds of remains are completely consumed by Skull – Remains inert as its bottom side fruit-
the chamber’s resident horrors. lessly searches the floor stones for a snack.

Ominous forms become visible as torchlight Hat – A fleshy tube of snot stretches from the
reaches the other half of the chamber. Six shiv- top of the cube and sprays all adjacent squares
ering cubes of olive-colored mucus and six cubes with an acidic jelly. (Save vs. Poison or 1d4 dam-
that resemble 5 ft. bricks of coagulated blood age)
stand in soldierly formation. Light and move-
ment of any kind draws their attention. The mo-
Crown – Patches of hard, dried mucus float over
ment they begin undulating seizures, the cubes
the surface of the cube until the end of the round.
take notice and the cubes unleash their collective
This gives this cube a +2 bonus to AC until the
beginning of its next turn.
The cubes have identical stats except where
noted in their separate entries. Roll 12 cubes on Sword – The cube lashes out with a single
the board and place them in the closest squares brownish-yellow tendril. If it hits, the creature
where they land. The cubes change with each does d6 damage with its lacerating appendage.
round. The DM should roll the cube at the
beginning of each round, placing the cube back Axe – The cube gathers itself into a dense pillar
where it was on its new side. That is how you twice its normal height and collapses on a single
randomly determine what the cube does next target. Save vs. Breath Weapon or take 2d4 dam-
turn and each round after that. age from the collapsing cube. If the save fails or
succeeds, the cube and the target switch squares.
Cubic Horrors (12) : SIZE Medium / MOVE 30
ft. / Armor Class 17 / Base Attack +5 / Attack
Arrow – With a puckering, followed by an ur-
(see below) / HIT DICE 3+1 / Hit Points 13/ IN-
gent swelling, the cube disgorges a fist-sized glob
of rheumatic filth that can target PCs anywhere in
(“detects” as evil) / XP Reward 120
the corpse disposal chamber. The glob does 1d4+1
points of damage if the attack is successful.
Blood Cube Treasure: Each Blood Cube rolls once for a
possible piece of treasure.
If the cube is red it is a Blood Cube. Blood Cubes are
corpse haunted rhombohedra that congeal around 1. A human jawbone fit with a metal tooth
souls that have been shattered by torture, battle, and worth 1sp.
betrayal. Not as ravenous as the Mucus Cube, Blood
Cubes are guided by a malevolent urge driven by the 2 – 4. A human bone (1 – skull, 2 – femur, 3 –
wrathful souls inside it. rib, 4 – tibia, 4 – radius, 5 – ulna)

5. A black leather boot with metal ornaments. If

Skull – The Blood Cube shrieks with pain. It does this outcome happens more than once, it is the
not move or attack this round.
other boot of the pair.

Hat – A torrent of dark blood pulses with black 6. A quiver of arrows (d12 in number)
light as it breaks the outer membrane of the cube.
1d4 daggers made of night explode outward in a 7. A golden holy symbol twisted by incredible
random direction and do 1d8 damage to the first force. The raw material is worth 3d8 gp.
target in their path. This includes other cubes.
8. A cruelly curved short sword that does
Crown - The Blood Cube forms a barrier of skele- 1d8+1 damage but is -1 to hit and is etched with
tons webbed together with rotten blood. The barrier dubious occult scratchings.
makes the Cube immune to ranged attacks until the
beginning of its next turn. 1d10 points of damage. 9. An eye-shaped timepiece that does not keep
the time. Nonetheless, it sheds a single tear at
midnight that can cure any disease and remove
Sword – Sword blades break like shark fins in any madness.
a ring around the middle of the cube. The cube
seizures and the blades whirl in six invisibly fast
10. A black sphere that opens into a vicious
rotations. This target makes a saving throw against
scarab that mauls the hand of anyone that
breath weapon and is permanently maimed by the
touches it. The attack automatically hits and
does d4 points of damage before the creature
crumbles into shining black sand.
Axe – A blood-hued portal swirls on the surface
of the cube. A PC within 20” must make a saving 11. Steel Scroll Case – 50% chance that it con-
throw against Spells or walk into the portal only to tains a spell scroll, if not a scroll, it is a map of a
be engulfed by the Blood Cube. The victim is para- nearby dungeon.
lyzed so his party must slay the Blood Cube within
1d6 rounds or the victim inhales the caustic slime 12. A very important key.
and his organs dissolve almost instantly.

Arrow – A skeleton emerges from the side of the

cube and fires a crossbow (1d6) at a strategically
appropriate target.
The following chambers are
optional examples of how you
could set up the 8x8 square
chamber board that comes
with the Gelatinous Cube
checker set or you can draw
your own.
The party stumbles into a 40 x 40 foot chamber. Use the Monster Manual rules.
Blood Treasure
The party stumbles into a 40 x 40 foot chamber. Use the Monster Manual rules. Cubes are
guarding a treasure of Game Master’s choice.
Blocked Exit
The party stumbles into a 40 x 40 foot chamber. Using the Corpse Disposal Chamber
rules, lay out your chamber like this. If you do not have the checker set cubes, use the
standard red and green 1 inch (25mm) cubes.
Pin Wheel
The party stumbles into a 40 x 40 foot chamber. Using the Corpse Disposal Chamber
rules, lay out your chamber like this. If you do not have the checker set cubes, use the
standard red and green 1 inch (25mm) cubes.
Kill Box
The party stumbles into a 40 x 40 foot chamber. Using the Corpse Disposal Chamber
rules, lay out your chamber like this. If you do not have the checker set cubes, use the
standard red and green 1 inch (25mm) cubes.
Rotted Trap
The party stumbles into a 40 x 40 foot chamber. Use the Monster Manual rules.
Zigzag Wall
The party stumbles into a 40 x 40 foot chamber. Use the Monster Manual rules.
Blood Blocked
The party stumbles into a 40 x 40 foot chamber. Use the Monster Manual rules.
Illuminated Trap
The party stumbles into a 40 x 40 foot chamber. Use the Monster Manual rules.
Treasure Beyond
The party stumbles into a 40 x 40 foot chamber. Use the Monster Manual rules. These
Illuminated Cubes are guarding a treasure chosen by the Game Master.
The party stumbles into a 40 x 40 foot chamber. Use the Monster Manual rules. This is for
high level parties only unless you just want to total party kill.

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