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Super Bowl

Gavin Bryant
Nfl 100 super bowl Ad
Credibility and quick paced: Because they used many famous football players that do as well
did play in the Nfl and some being Hall of Fame players. The quick and intense ad made the
watcher pay attention to what the ad was showing.
Lays Super Bowl Commercial
Emotions: it was a feel good commercial and it brought comedy and adventure to the people
watching it. The Ad brought a lays chip bad through out their many adventures and
Coinbase Super Bowl Commercial
Unexpectdness: Everyone thought theirbwas going to be an ad, though coinbase took a
different approach. By putting a moving barcode around the screen it originally looked as
though the tv was broken or something wasnt right with the Ad. This caused people to scan
the barcode leading them to Coinbases, a crypto companies, website. Because of how odd
this add was it caught more peoples attention.
2018 Winter Olympics Super Bowl Commercial
Motivational and relatable: it showed her sory in which got her to where she is and her
process in which got her to become an Olympian. It showed her early stages of skiing and her
success now. It was relatble because we all have that story to tell on how we got to where we
are today and motivational to keep pushing in hopes of becoming something great.

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