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Any healthcare professional must uphold ethical principles. Ethics are universal standards
of behavior that serve as a useful guide for determining the behaviors, reasons, and intentions
that are appreciated. Ethics are moral principles that guide a person's or a group's behavior and
conduct. The decision-making process for evaluating the final effects of those actions is also
included. The focus is on the right and wrong of actions. Every individual has a unique set of
personal ethics and morals. Because healthcare professionals must detect ethical challenges and
make moral decisions while abiding by the regulations that control them, ethics within the
healthcare is crucial. Nurses, like all healthcare professionals, require control and direction
within the field in order to work competently and ethically. The Code of Ethics was created for
this reason by the American Nurses Association (ANA).
Every day throughout our exposure to the hospital, I encountered situations that called for
a strong sense of ethics. Before continuing, I always confirm that the consent is free from
misinformation. Before administering any treatment or undergoing surgery, we as student nurses
are required to obtain the patient's permission, unless the patient is asleep. I remember to protect
patient confidentiality when the nurse reminds me that when a patient declines treatment, the
staff should follow their decisions. Even while not every member of the staff needs to be aware
of the patient's history or current condition, we nurses must choose who needs to know without
violating confidentiality. I make an effort to be honest. The fact that most patients have faith in
us is one of the reasons nursing ranks highest for ethics and honesty. I have to be honest even if
the patient doesn't want to hear it for this reason. I have to continually remind myself not to ever
mislead any of the patients or their loved ones in order to keep their trust and gain access to the
truthful information they have to share with us regarding their medications, illnesses, and other
They should understand the Nurses' Code of Ethics, and they should also keep their own
morals and ethics in mind. Essential moral principles should be fundamentally and explicitly
grasped by nurses. The nursing profession must continue to be dedicated to its objective of
providing patient care while defending patients' rights to speak up for their own needs and
cultural norms. Even if they are challenging, ethical dilemmas in nursing really combine the art
of patient care.

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