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New Zealand Delegate to UN Discusses Future Prospects of Space Weaponization

AUGUST,26,2023 – The delegate of New Zealand to the United Nations today discussed the
prospects of space weaponization, with special reference to the intricacies of dual use

“The development of dual use technologies is a major concern for us,” said the delegate.
“These technologies can be used for both peaceful and military purposes, and the risk of
them being used for militarization is growing.”

The delegate highlighted the example of anti-satellite weapons (ASATs). ASATs are designed
to destroy or disable satellites in orbit, and they could be used to deny a country access to
space-based services, such as communications, navigation, and weather forecasting.

“The proliferation of ASATs could have a serious impact on the security of all nations,” said
the delegate. “We need to work together to prevent the weaponization of space.”

The delegate also called for the negotiation of a new treaty to ban the development, testing,
and deployment of ASATs.

“A new treaty would send a strong signal that we are committed to keeping space a
peaceful domain,” said the delegate.

The delegate’s comments come at a time of growing concern about the militarization of
space. In recent years, there have been a number of incidents involving the testing of ASATs,
and some countries have begun to develop space-based weapons systems.

The United Nations is currently considering a number of proposals to address the threat of
space weaponization. The delegate of New Zealand urged all countries to work together to
find a solution that will ensure the peaceful use of space for the benefit of all.


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