Writing Grading System

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1. Serious mistake: -0,5

- Subject-verb agreement (3rd person “s”)
- Gerund after preposition
- Word with a different meaning
- Verbs without subjects
- Adjectives with plural form
- Sentence without a verb or without meaning (depends/It depends)
- Lack of connectors to give consistence to the text
- Incorrect use of comparative forms (fast/faster)
- Failing to use the right concordance (singular/plural): this car; these cars
- Used to/to be used to: (I used to work /I am used to working)
- I like reading / I’d like to read/I want to work
-Incorrect syntax when using indirect questions
-Use of well-known false friends (assist, actually, attend)

2. Minor error:- 0,25

-Failing to capitalize “i”
- Missing capital letters for languages and nationalities
- Incorrect use of prepositions
- Inappropriate choice of style (formal/informal)
- Incorrect use of the definite article
- Inappropriate use of tenses
- Another/other
3. Spelling, typography, and style: 0,1
- No comma after: Dear Mr Smith, Dear John,
- No initial capital letter in a sentence
- No full stop or period at the end of a sentence
- No space after comma, period, colon, etc.
- Unnecessary repetition of words when you could use alternate words or expressions.
- One sentence paragraphs.
-Incorrect spelling of common words (which, writing, career, degree, analysis, course…)


4. Fatal mistake: disqualifying the whole exercise: (0 on the whole exercise)
- Modal verbs + gerund or to (I can to come/I would going)
- Lack of conformity with assignment format or requirements for the different genres
(introduction, body, conclusion…) (Email : Greetings, salutation, last words, signature)
-Using sentence fragments (a complete sentence should express a complete thought)
- Irregular verbs (turning them into regular, using the wrong past/p.participle)

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