"QGP Signatures" Revisited

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“QGP Signatures” Revisited

John W. Harris1 and Berndt Müller1,2

Wright Laboratory, Physics Department, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, USA and
Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA
(Dated: 25 May 2023)
We revisit the graphic table of QCD signatures in our 1996 Annual Reviews article “The Search for
the Quark-Gluon Plasma”and assess the progress that has been made since its publication towards
providing quantitative evidence for the formation of a quark-gluon plasma in relativistic heavy-ion
collisions and its characteristic properties.

I. INTRODUCTION at the CERN-SPS and BNL-AGS were being conducted,

which provided first evidence for the prospects of several
arXiv:2308.05743v1 [hep-ph] 10 Aug 2023

of these observables. The qualitative sketches in Fig. 1

A. Motivation
represented the aspirations of the community of nuclear
scientists at the time that were eager to begin the exper-
In our 1996 review article entitled “The Search for the imental search for the QGP at much higher energies at
Quark-Gluon Plasma” [1] we described the strategy [2] the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and, a decade
adopted by the scientific community to produce, identify, later, at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). These ex-
and characterize the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), the pre- periments began taking data in 2000 (RHIC) and 2010
dicted state of nuclear matter at temperatures resembling (LHC), respectively, and have continued since then with
those that were prevalent in the early universe during the regular upgrades of the accelerators and detectors, col-
first 10 µs. Figure 1 of this review shows a list of observ- lecting a wealth of data over a large range of collision en-
ables that promised to be tell-tale signs or signatures for ergies and for various collision systems. Early summaries
the formation of a QGP in relativistic heavy-ion colli- of the experimental finding at RHIC were published in
sions. At the time of our review fixed-target experiments four collaboration “white papers” [3–6]; a summary of
results from the LHC was recently presented by ALICE
[7]. It is thus worthwhile to assess the extent to which
the expectations expressed in the 1996 review have been
Even a casual look at the diagrams in Fig. 1 reveals
several common features:
• The signature observables are shown to exhibit sud-
den drastic changes in magnitude or slope at a com-
mon threshold labeled as εc .
• The abscissa axes are without quantitative num-
• Some of the vertical axes do not give quantita-
tive information; in others detailed information is
To a certain extent, the absence of quantitative predic-
tions was unavoidable because not enough was known
at the time about the physical properties of the QGP,
its threshold conditions, and the way in which its intrin-
sic properties would reveal themselves in experimental
observables. It was therefore impossible to make reliable
quantitative predictions, and even qualitative predictions
required uncertain assumptions.
One of the assumptions that was commonly made at
the time was that the transition from a hadron gas to
a quark-gluon plasma is a discontinuous, possibly first-
order, phase transition. This assumption was motivated
FIG. 1: Schematic representations of the possible telltale by simplified models (c.f. [8], Fig. 8) and by lattice simu-
signs (“signatures”) for the formation of a QGP in relativistic lations of SU(3) gauge theory without dynamical quarks
heavy-ion collisions. (c.f. [9], Figs. 2 and 10). If this were the case in real QCD,

rather abrupt changes of certain observables with chang- the fireball. A collision event thus cannot be character-
ing external conditions might be expected, although they ized by a single value of the energy density. Furthermore,
would be somewhat smoothened by the transverse nu- the energy density distribution varies from event to event,
clear density profile. We now know that the hadron-QGP because both the nuclear density distribution at the mo-
transition in nature is a smooth, albeit rapid, crossover ment of collision and the energy deposition are subject
[10]. Any characteristic changes in observables must to quantum fluctuations.
therefore be much more gradual than originally antici- Over the past two decades, we have learned much
pated, which is borne out by the data accumulated at about how to model these processes effectively, and how
SPS, RHIC, and LHC. to use detailed comparisons between model predictions
A common feature of all diagrams in Fig. 1 is that and experimental data to constrain the initial conditions
the abscissa axis is labeled by the transverse energy per and other parameters that govern the dynamical evolu-
unit pseudorapidity, dEt /dη, with a symbol εc that de- tion of the QGP. The application of these techniques,
notes the critical energy density at which hadronic matter which apply Bayesian inference to extract the underly-
transforms into a QGP.1 The precise value of εc was un- ing physics from the data, is a main line of inquiry today.
known at the time, but was anticipated to lie somewhat Here we will base our assessment on a more qualitative
below 1 GeV/fm3 . Today it is known from lattice-QCD interpretation of the existing data, which is better suited
calculations [10] that εc ≈ 0.3 − 0.4 GeV/fm depending for a “big picture” view that compares our current insight
on the precise definition of the pseudocritical tempera- with the expectations in 1996.
ture Tc where hadronic matter transitions into QGP. Be- This article is intended as an assessment of the progress
cause the transition is a continuous crossover, not a sharp that has been made since 1996 in the use of various
discontinuity in the thermodynamic sense, an unambigu- observables to determine the physical properties of the
ous and more precise definition of εc is impossible. QGP, ascertain its fleeting existence, and map the bound-
In order to connect the energy density ε reached in a ary between normal hadronic matter and the QGP. Our
heavy-ion collision with the measured transverse energy focus will be on the signatures shown in Fig. 1, however
per unit pseudorapidity, dEt /dη, one needs to make cer- we also point out additional observables, such as elliptic
tain model assumptions. It is most common to invoke flow, that have become recognized as significant to the
the Bjorken model of boost invariant longitudinal hydro- field and future investigations. We recognize that a large
dynamics [11] to make this connection. In the Bjorken fraction of research with relativistic heavy ions, especially
model the energy density varies with proper time τ as at the highest energies, has increasingly shifted in the in-
tervening two-and-a-half decades away from the study of
ε(τ ) = εini (τini /τ )1+cs , (1) equilibrium properties of the QGP to the quest for an
understanding of the dynamical processes involved in its
where τini is the formation time of the QGP, and c2s = formation and evolution. We will only touch on this as-
∂P/∂ε denotes the speed of sound in the QGP. For the pect, which is sometimes described as a “paradigm shift”,
ideal QGP, c2s = 1/3 (we denote all quantities in natural in the concluding section and refer readers interested in
units ℏ = c = 1.) We will use this value here for the the current perspective of the questions to be addressed
sake of simplicity. This implies that the product τ ε(τ ) is by future research in this field to the recent review article
not constant, but gradually drops as the plasma expands. [12].
This fall-off occurs because the plasma does mechanical
work dW = −pdV in the expansion process, causing the
decrease of its internal energy as it expands, primarily
B. Initial conditions
in the longitudinal direction. At late times and at lower
collision energies the expansion in transverse directions
also becomes important, leading to an even faster drop The single-particle entropy per unit of pseudorapid-
in τ ε(τ ). In order not to complicate things too much, we ity at midrapidity can be related to the charged-particle
ignore this effect here. multiplicity dNch /dη as follows [13]:
The full evolution of the energy density during the nu-
clear collision can be realistically modeled with relativis- dS dNch
≈ 7J . (2)
tic viscous hydrodynamics. Not only does ε vary with dy dη
(proper) time τ , it also depends on the position within
where J is the Jacobian relating a central pseudorapid-
ity interval dη to the corresponding rapidity interval dy.
For energies of interest here, 1 < J < 1.35 [14]. For
1 √
The attentive reader will notice that the two quantities, dEt /dη example, for Pb+Pb at a sNN with dNch /dη ≈ 1600
and εc , have different units and thus should not be compared this yields dS/dy ≈ 12, 500. Alternatively, one can use
directly on the same axis. The resolution of this inconsis-
tency is that what was meant to be shown as the axis label the volume obtained in the thermal hadron model fit [15]
is (dEt /(A⊥ τini dη), where A⊥ is the transverse collision cross dV /dy = 4175±380 fm3 and the chemical freeze-out tem-
section and τini denotes the thermalization time. perature Tc = 156.6 MeV to get an independent, consis-

tent estimate:
dS dV
≈ 5.5 Tc3 ≈ 11, 500. (3)
dy dy
Encouraged by this result we use the relation (2) to
derive estimates for the entropy density sf at freeze-
out from the measured charged-particle multiplicities
dNch /dη. Assuming approximate entropy conservation
expressed by the relation τ s(τ ) = constant for a boost-
invariant expansion, we can then estimate the entropy
density and temperature at the time of initial thermal-
The entropy density sf at the freeze-out time τf can
be related to the final entropy per unit rapidity [14, 16]
sf ≈ , (4)
A⊥ τf
where A⊥ is the transverse area of the QGP, and τf is
the freeze-out proper time. The transverse area A⊥ can
be estimated within the Glauber model. For central col-
lisions of identical nuclei A⊥ ≈ πR2 , where R ≈ 7 fm is FIG. 2: Average initial energy density reached in the 5%
the nuclear radius (for 197 Au or 208 Pb). most central Au+Au (Pb+Pb) collisions in the collision en-

The choice of the proper time of initial thermalization ergy range 7.7 GeV ≤ sNN ≤ 2.76 TeV. The data are from
τini is somewhat more ambiguous. A common choice for [14] for RHIC energies and [23] for the LHC energy.
the QGP formation time is τini ≈ 0.6 fm/c [17]. This
choice is appropriate at energies where the colliding Au
or Pb nuclei are Lorentz contracted to less than 0.6 fm in The resulting estimates of εini covering the range

the longitudinal direction, which is the case for collision 7.7 GeV ≤ sNN ≤ 2.76 TeV are shown in Fig. 2. The

energies sNN ≥ 45 GeV. At lower energies, the colliding initial energy density for the lowest RHIC collision energy

nuclei are less strongly contracted. We therefore choose in the collider mode, sNN = 7.7 GeV, approximately
the formation time to be at least the transit time of the coincides with the threshold for production of a QGP. It
two nuclei, is worth mentioning that even if a QGP is formed at this
energy, its lifetime must be extremely short, and most
τini = max[0.6 fm/c, 2R/γ], (5)
of the evolution of the fireball will occur in the hadronic
where γ is the Lorentz factor for a given collision energy phase.
in the center-of-mass frame.
We then use the thermal expression for the entropy
density s = bT 3 with b determined by lattice-QCD (see II. STRANGENESS
Table 5 in [10]) to be bc ≈ 5.5 at Tc and bini ≈ 15.5 at
Tini . Since total entropy can only increase, the entropy
A large increase in the production of strange an-
at τini cannot be larger than that at chemical freeze-out.
tibaryons was predicted early on as a signature of quark
In fact, both values should be approximately equal since
deconfinement in baryon-rich quark matter [24]. More
the QGP has a low specific viscosity, which implies that
generally, the chemical saturation of strangeness in QGP
the expansion is approximately isentropic. Combining
is understood as a consequence of the presence of abun-
everything we obtain the initial temperature as
dant thermal gluons [25]. As a result, hadrons containing
3 dS/dy strange quarks are expected to be produced with chemi-
Tini = . (6) cal equilibrium yields during the hadronization of a suf-
A⊥ bini τini
ficiently long-lived QGP [26].
Many heavy-ion experiments at SPS, RHIC, and LHC
There are two points of view concerning chemical fla-
have reported measurements of the charged-particle mul-
vor equilibration. The widely prevailing view was that,
tiplicity dNch /dη. Here, we only consider data for the
once achieved during the QGP phase, the equilibrium
heaviest collision systems, Au+Au at RHIC [14, 18–20]
would be maintained through hadronization. This im-
and Pb+Pb at SPS [21, 22] and LHC [16, 23]. We use
plies that the measured hadron yields reflect hadronic
these data, together with (4) and entropy conservation,
equilibrium, not weakly interacting partonic equilibrium.
to convert the measured values of charged-particle mul-
If hadronization would proceed very fast as a sudden dis-
tiplicity per unit pseudorapidity into estimates for the
integration process, vestiges of the earlier partonic equi-
average initial energy density
librium might survive in the measured hadron yield [27].
εini ≈ (3/4)sini Tini . (7) The general consensus today is that the first scenario is

realized in heavy-ion collisions. This view is amply sup-

ported by the data. In this view then, the attainment
of flavor equilibrium is seen as a QGP signature, even
though the observed hadron yield ratios reflect the ther-
modynamics of the hadron gas at Tc .

FIG. 4: Multistrange baryon enhancement measured by

STAR in sNN = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions as a function of
the number of participant nucleons Npart [30].

FIG. 3: Multistrange baryon enhancement measured by NA57

in sNN = 17.3 GeV Pb+Pb collisions as a function of the
number of participant nucleons Npart (taken from the number
of wounded nucleons Nw in [29]).

The first confirmation of these expectations came from

the WA97 experiment [28], which found a 20-fold en-
hancement of the production of Ω and Ω hyperons in

central fixed-target Pb+Pb collisions at sNN = 17.3
GeV compared with extrapolations from p+Pb collisions.
These results were subsequently confirmed by the NA57
experiment [29] (see Fig. 3). A similar pattern was ob-

served at the higher RHIC energy of sNN = 200 GeV
by the STAR experiment [30], as shown in Fig. 4. FIG. 5: Evolution of the strangeness fugacity γs as a func-

The overall saturation of the strangeness flavor in the tion of sNN in central Au+Au or Pb+Pb collisions based
abundances of emitted hadrons can be assessed by a on chemical fits using the grand canonical ensemble [31–33].

thermal fit to all particle yields with temperature Tc , The dashed curve shows the analytic fit (8) to γs ( sNN ).
chemical potentials µB and µs for baryon number and
strangeness, and a strangeness fugacity γs as adjustable
parameters. Values γs < 1 indicative of undersaturation increase of γs toward unity with increasing collision en-
are typically found in p+p collisions. The evolution of ergy, implying full saturation of the strange quark density
γs as a function of collision energy from AGS energies to at hadronization in the top RHIC and LHC energy range
LHC energies is shown in Fig. 5. The dashed curve in and thus confirming the expectation depicted schemati-
Fig. 5 represents the analytic fit cally for strangeness in Fig. 1.
 q  As the collision energy increases and the net baryon
√ √ density in the QGP falls, the chemical potential µs as-
γs (A, sNN ) = 1 − ζ exp −ξ A sNN (8)
sociated with strangeness drops rapidly as anticipated in
Fig. 1. The results from chemical fits to the RHIC data
provided in [31], where A is the mass number of the col- from central Au+Au collisions are shown in Fig. 6 and
liding nuclei and ζ = 0.606 and ξ = 0.0209 are fit pa- again confirm the original expectations.
rameters. The data presented in Fig. 5 clearly show an One expects strangeness saturation to increase with

FIG. 6: Evolution of the strangeness chemical potential µs

as function of sNN in central Au+Au collisions based on
chemical fits using the grand canonical ensemble [33].

the size and longevity of the QGP fireball. An apparent

suppression for small volumes can be attributed to the
conservation of net strangeness within the fireball vol-
ume, which requires that strange particles are produced
in pairs, and is known as canonical suppression [34, 35].
One also expects the abundance of strange quarks to re-
lax to the equilibrium value on a time-scale of order 1 − 2
fm/c [25]. As the size, as well as the life-time, of the FIG. 7: Multi-strange baryon enhancement measured by AL-
QGP depends in similar ways on the size A of the collid- ICE in p+p, p+Pb, and Pb+Pb collisions versus charged par-
√ ticle pseudorapidity density dNch /dη. See [36] for details.
ing nuclei and on the collision energy sNN , both effects
contribute inextricably to the analytical formula (8).
As it has become commonly accepted that hadron
is consistent with the results obtained at lower ener-
yields in Pb+Pb collisions at LHC energies are well de-
gies, we compare the Ω hyperon to charged pion ratio
scribed by setting γs = 1, the focus has more recently
(Ω + Ω)/(π + + π − ) measured by ALICE as a function
shifted to the system size dependence of strangeness sat-
of charged-particle pseudorapidity density dNch /dη with
uration. Data on the dependence of strange baryon en-
the analytical fit (8). In order to make contact with the
hancement on system size has been reported by ALICE
data, we replace the nuclear mass A in (8) with the scaled
for p+p, p+Pb, and Pb+Pb collisions2 [36] and is shown
charged-particle density 18 dNch /dη. The scaling factor 18
in Fig. 7. The data exhibit a systematic increase with
relates the charged-particle multiplicity dNch /dη to the
system size of multi-strange baryon yields relative to
number of participant nucleons [37]. The comparison
the charged pion yield, which becomes more pronounced
is shown in Fig. 8, where the dashed curve is given by
as the number of strange valence quarks in the baryon
0.0009 γs3 accounting for the strangeness |S| = 3 of the Ω
hyperon. Given the vast extrapolation in energy and the
In order to explore whether the trend seen in Fig. 7 heuristic substitution for A in the analytical formula, the
system size dependence is remarkably well represented.
The overall conclusion is that the prediction of
enhanced production of baryons containing multiple
2 The notation A+B, AB, and A–B for collision systems, where A, strange quarks in nuclear collisions at high energy, which
B denote the nuclei in the colliding beams, varies between experi-
ments. Here we adopt the uniform notation A+B for consistency. results in chemical equilibrium yields for large collision
We also omit the nuclear mass number in most instances, unless systems, has been consistently confirmed by the data
it is important to distinguish between different isotopic beams. from SPS, RHIC, and LHC.

duced from static lattice simulations by analytic contin-

uation, has been widely studied (see [40] for charmonium
and [41] for bottomonium). These studies confirmed that
the principle of sequential melting transcends the simpli-
fied color screening picture.
Furthermore, feed-down from higher-lying, less
strongly bound states will influence the degree of sup-
pression of any lower-lying states. Other effects that can
affect the degree of suppression have been labeled “cold
nuclear matter” (CNM) effects. These include nuclear
shadowing of the initial gluon distributions, momentum
broadening of the initial-state partons, and final-state ab-
sorption by spectator nucleons. These effects are also
present in hadron-nucleus interactions, where they may
be studied to determine their contributions to the sup-
pression observed in heavy-ion collisions.
The idea that high-pT quarkonia should be less sup-
pressed has also been revised on account of the insight
that quarkonium production at high pT proceeds mostly
through the color-octet cc̄ channel via gluon fragmenta-
FIG. 8: Ω hyperon-to-charged-pion ratio measured by ALICE tion [42]. This still implies a growing formation time at
in p+p, p+Pb, and Pb+Pb collisions at LHC [36] as a func- high pT , but the color-octet nature of the precursor state
tion of charged-particle pseudorapidity density in comparison means that it will suffer strong energy loss on its passage
with the analytical fit (8) (see text for details). through the QGP. High-pT charmonium is thus expected
to be similarly suppressed as open-charm mesons, con-
trary to the original expectations.
III. QUARKONIUM Finally, at very high collision energies, the number of
produced cc̄ pairs is large enough to engender substan-
A. Conceptual overview tial regeneration of charmonium states at hadronization
[43, 44]. At sufficiently high collision energy, charmo-
nium yields are then expected to obey the same thermal
The suppression of J/ψ (cc̄) production due to color
equilibrium law as other hadron yields, except that their
screening has long been recognized as a promising signa-
overall yield is governed by the production cross section
ture of quark deconfinement in heavy-ion collisions [38].
for cc̄ pairs in the nuclear collision. This mechanism is
Its excited states are predicted to dissociate more eas-
most effective at low pT where the density of cc̄ pairs is
ily in a QGP and thus to be more strongly suppressed
because of their lower binding energies and larger radii.
The same applies for the Υ states (bb̄) with the proviso
that bb̄ states have different binding energies and will B. Sequential suppression
therefore dissociate at different temperatures in the QGP
than cc̄ bound states. The concept of sequential melting
of excited states of the J/ψ and Υ states has been sub- Processes involving the production of heavy quarks are
stantiated in lattice calculations [39]. characterized by an energy scale 2mQ c2 ≫ ΛQCD far
The original expectation was that the suppression above the QCD scale, and thus should naı̈vely scale as the
would be strongest for low quarkonium momenta, where number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions. One there-
the QQ̄ pair is quasi-statically imbedded in the QGP and fore characterizes their yield in heavy-ion collisions by a
feels the full effect of color screening. At high pT , the nuclear modification factor RAA defined as the ratio of
suppression of J/ψ was expected to weaken and eventu- the inclusive yields per unit rapidity in A + A collisions
ally disappear, because the cc̄ bound state is then formed and in proton-proton collisions scaled by the number of
outside the QGP due to relativistic time delay, and the binary nucleon-nucleon interactions in a nuclear collision:
small-sized color-singlet cc̄ precursor does not feel the ef-
fect of color screening. dNAA /dpT dy
Additional theoretical insights and experimental obser- RAA (pT ) = , (9)
⟨TAA ⟩ · d2 σpp /dpT dy
vations have led to a significant revision of this picture. It
was recognized that there exist additional mechanisms for where ⟨TAA ⟩ is the longitudinally integrated nuclear den-
quarkonium melting than just the static QQ̄ potential. sity averaged over the experimentally selected events in
Instead, the relevant quantity is the in-medium spectral a certain collision centrality window. A value RAA < 1
function that includes non-static effects such as thermal implies suppression in the nuclear collision relative to the
ionization. The spectral function, which needs to be de- extrapolation from independent proton-proton collisions.

J/ψ suppression in heavy-ion collisions was initially forward rapidity may be stronger gluon shadowing in the
studied and observed at the CERN SPS in experiments nucleus that moves in the backward direction. Produc-
NA38 [45], NA50 [46, 47], and NA60 [48]. Di-muon tion of a cc̄ pair in the forward-rapidity window probes
spectra were measured for invariant masses above 2.9 the nuclear gluon distribution in the backward-going nu-
GeV/c2 , encompassing J/ψ, ψ ′ , Drell-Yan pairs, and cleus in the range x ∼ (1.5 − 5) × 10−3 , where the nuclear
open charm decays in Pb+Pb (In+In) fixed-target col- gluon distribution is strongly suppressed.

lisions at sNN = 17.3 GeV at the CERN SPS. A new suppression pattern is observed in Pb+Pb colli-
The dependence of the nuclear modification factor RAA sions at the LHC. The RAA (J/ψ) and RAA (ψ ′ ) measured

for J/ψ production as a function of centrality, expressed at forward rapidity by ALICE at sNN = 5.02 TeV [52]
in terms of the number of participant nucleons Npart , is exhibits suppression and is rather flat for Npart > 100 as
displayed in Fig. 9 for data from NA38 [45], NA50 [47], seen in Fig. 10. The data clearly reveal a sequential sup-

and NA60 [48] at collision energy sNN = 17.3 GeV. A pression pattern showing stronger suppression of the ex-
clear pattern of suppression of the J/ψ is seen above Npart cited charmonium state with RAA (ψ ′ )/RAA (J/ψ) ≈ 0.5.
≈ 100, increasing steadily up to the most central colli- However, when comparing the RAA (J/ψ) to that mea-
sions of Npart > 350. This was the first experimental ver- sured at RHIC in Fig. 9, it is clear that the suppression
ification of melting of the J/ψ in the presence of nuclear of the J/ψ is less pronounced at the LHC energy than
matter at high densities in heavy-ion collisions, although at RHIC. A detailed comparison of the pT - and Npart -
many questions about competing effects remained. The dependence of J/ψ production at RHIC and LHC can be
cross-section ratios measured for Npart < 100 are in good found in [53] (STAR data and discussion of their Figs. 4
agreement with the pattern of normal nuclear absorption and 5). The most striking difference is seen for J/ψ pro-
extrapolated from proton-nucleus collisions [47] (see next duction at midrapidity integrated over all pT , which is
subsection). dominated by low-pT production and found to be much
less suppressed at LHC [54] than at RHIC. On the other
hand, ATLAS and CMS data on prompt J/ψ suppres-
sion at high pT (up to 40 and 50 GeV/c, respectively)
exhibit a strong increase of suppression with Npart con-
sistent with the path-length dependent energy loss of the
precursor color-octet cc̄ state [55, 56].

FIG. 9: The nuclear modification factor RAA (J/ψ) as a func-

tion of the number of participating nucleons Npart at mid-
rapidity from NA38, NA50, NA60 and PHENIX [49]. Colli-
sion system, rapidity window and centrality are given for each
in the legend. See text for more details.

With the advent of high-energy heavy-ion colliders, ex-

perimental studies of the quarkonium states and the de- FIG. 10: J/ψ and ψ’ (denoted as Ψ(2s) here) suppression
gree of their melting have flourished. Figure 9 also shows results at forward-rapidity from ALICE in Pb+Pb collisions

the centrality dependence of RAA (J/ψ) at the collision at sNN = 5.02 TeV [57].

energy sNN = 200 GeV at RHIC from PHENIX [50],
with almost identical suppression at RHIC as at the SPS. The difference between the pT -integrated J/ψ sup-
It is difficult to draw unambiguous conclusions from this pression at RHIC and LHC cannot be explained by
observation, because the QGP conditions at the two en- gluon shadowing as the charm production in the forward-
ergies are quite different (see Fig. 2). rapidity window selected by ALICE probes the nuclear

For Au-Au collisions at sNN = 200 GeV, J/ψ is found gluon distribution at x < 10−4 , where shadowing should
to be more suppressed at forward rapidity than at mid- be even stronger than at RHIC. The widely accepted ex-
rapidity as can be seen in Fig. 9, which shows PHENIX planation for this effect is that it reveals a new production
data for RAA (J/ψ) measured at midrapidity (purple mechanism for J/ψ at the LHC collision energies. During
squares) and measurements at forward rapidity [51] (or- hadronization of the QGP, regeneration by coalescence
ange dots). One reason for the enhanced suppression at of cc pairs copiously produced by hard QCD processes

in the initial phase of the collision increases the yield of

J/ψ at higher energies [43, 44]. It is possible that this
mechanism already contributes to the observation that
mid forward
RAA > RAA at the top RHIC energy (see Fig. 9).

FIG. 12: RAA (Υ) results for Υ states at mid-rapidity in

Pb+Pb collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV for pT (Υ) < 30 GeV/c

from CMS [58] and in Au-Au collisions at sNN = 200 GeV for
FIG. 11: Inclusive J/ψ and ψ’ (denoted as Ψ(2s) here) sup- pT (Υ) < 10 GeV/c from STAR [60]. The left segment of the
pression results at forward-rapidity from ALICE [57] and figure shows the centrality differential data for Υ suppression;

mid-rapidity from CMS [56] in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN = the integrated data are shown in the right segment. Both the
5.02 TeV. It is interesting to note that the measurements at CMS and the STAR data confirm the theoretical expectation
forward- and mid-rapidity are consistent with each other in of sequential suppression in the order of the binding energy
their range of overlap (pT ≈ 7 − 11 GeV/c). and size of the bound state.

Since most charm quark pairs are produced at low

transverse momenta, regeneration should be most effec- those from CMS as a function of Npart . Likewise, all
tive at low pT and cease to be a significant contribution experiments find the suppression to be independent of
at momenta above a few GeV/c. This expectation is con- rapidity over the rapidity range 0 < y < 4. The depen-
firmed by data for pT -differential RAA (J/ψ) and RAA (ψ ′ ) dence on pT is found to be rather flat in minimum bias
√ data with a slight rise observed by ATLAS in the range
at sNN = 5.02 TeV from ALICE [57] and CMS [56] pre-
sented in Fig. 11. Both the J/ψ and ψ ′ initially exhibit pT = 2 − 10 GeV/c [59]. This is consistent with the ex-
a steep drop of their RAA as pT increases but then level pected absence of a contribution from regeneration for Υ
off at their lowest values for pT > 6 GeV/c. The hier- states.
archy of suppression is again evident with the ψ ′ being
suppressed by an additional factor 2 − 3 relative to the
J/ψ over the entire pT range. C. Cold nuclear matter effects
A clear pattern of sequential suppression of the Υ and

its excited states is observed in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN One way to investigate the extent to which cold nu-
= 5.02 TeV. The results from CMS [58] for Pb+Pb colli- clear matter (CNM) effects play a role in the measured

sions at sNN = 5.02 TeV at LHC, presented as a func- RAA suppression patterns of quarkonia in A+A collisions
tion of Npart in Fig. 12, indicate that RAA (Υ(2s)) at LHC is to compare those with p+A and other light-particle in-
is lower by a factor of 2 or more than RAA (Υ(1s)) at mid- duced reactions. STAR RpAu and PHENIX RdAu data
rapidity. As Fig. 12 shows, the Υ(1s) suppression factors [61] for J/ψ, together with central RAuAu data from
at the top LHC energy (CMS data) and the top RHIC STAR, are displayed in Fig. 13 as a function of pT [62].
energy (STAR) data are identical within the experimen- While the Au+Au data show nearly constant suppression
tal uncertainties. This is true for both the centrality at RAuAu ≈ 0.4 − 0.5 over the entire range of pT < 10
differential data shown in the left segment of the figure GeV/c, the p+Au (d+Au) data are consistent with unity,
and the integrated data shown in the right segment. For RpAu ≈ RdAu ≈ 1, for pT > 2 GeV/c within the mea-
the Υ(2s) the suppression at LHC appears to be stronger surement uncertainties. However, a modest suppression
than at RHIC, although the large error bars of the STAR with values RpAu ≈ RdAu ≈ 0.6 − 0.8 is observed for
data do not permit a definite conclusion. pT < 2 GeV/c. These results leave little room for CNM
The observed pattern exhibited in Fig. 12 is consistent effects in the range pT > 2 GeV/c and help establish the
with a hierarchy of sequential melting of the Υ states. strong suppression of J/ψ seen in Au+Au collisions that
The Υ(3s) is more suppressed than the Υ(2s) which, in is a final-state effect caused by J/ψ melting in the QGP.
turn, is more suppressed than the Υ(1s). Data from the The most likely reason for the J/ψ suppression found in
ATLAS experiment on Υ(1s) and Υ(2s) [59] agree with p+Au and d+Au collisions at low pT is gluon shadowing

in the Au nucleus for x ≤ 0.03 [63]. Higher values of

pT correspond to larger values of x where gluons are not
shadowed in nuclei.

FIG. 13: Inclusive J/ψ data at mid-rapidity from STAR [62]

and PHENIX [64] at sNN = 200 GeV. RpAu , RdAu , and
RAuAu data are shown versus pT [62].

ALICE data on J/ψ and Υ(1s) suppression for p+Pb

and Pb+Pb, shown in Fig. 14, paint a similar picture
regarding possible CNM effects at LHC energies. [7] The
measured RAA (J/ψ) and RAA (Υ(1s)) in Pb+Pb colli- FIG. 14: RAA and RpA as a function of pT for J/ψ (top) and

sions at forward and backward rapidities exhibit strong Υ(1s) (bottom) production in sNN = 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb col-

suppression. By contrast, both the forward and back- lisions integrated over centrality (0-90%) and in sNN = 8.16
ward RpPb (J/ψ) and RpPb (Υ) are consistent with unity TeV p+Pb collisions [7]. For details, see [52] (Pb+Pb) and
[65] (p+Pb) for data in the top panel, and [66] (Pb+Pb) and
at high pT , but exhibit systematic suppression at low pT .
[67] (p+Pb) for data in the bottom panel. Model calculations
The observed behavior is consistent with the expectation [68] based on nuclear shadowing using EPS09-LO nuclear par-
of nuclear shadowing as indicated by the grey bands in ton distributions are shown as the gray bands. The dashed
the figure. ATLAS [70] and CMS [71, 72] have measured band in the top panel represents a calculation based on the
RpPb and RPbPb for J/ψ and Υ in p+Pb and Pb+Pb col- color glass condensate model and a non-relativistic QCD pro-
lisions out to pT = 30 GeV/c, and LHCb has measured duction mechanism for the J/Ψ [69].
RpPb up to pT = 15 GeV/c [73, 74], with all observing
similar trends.
Summarizing this subsection, the light-particle in-
duced reactions clearly exhibit the presence of suppres-
sion effects in the lower range of the pT measured, es- A main goal of temperature measurements as a func-
pecially for the J/ψ. As discussed, effects that could tion of the deposited energy was to determine the equa-
cause this suppression include nuclear shadowing of the tion of state of QCD matter. A change in the number
nuclear gluon distributions. Momentum broadening of of effective degrees of freedom changes the entropy den-
the initial-state partons in the light projectile, and fi- sity s(T ) at a given temperature, which is closely related
nal state absorption may also contribute, especially for to the energy density ε by the relation s = (ε + P )/T .
the ψ ′ . The fact that these effects are small and gen- The change of slope in the curve shown in the “temper-
erally understood reinforces the conclusion that quarko- ature” panel of Fig. 1 around the critical energy density
nium suppression in the Au+Au and Pb+Pb collisions εc reflects the expectation at the time that QCD matter
at RHIC and the LHC, respectively, is a signature of se- would undergo a sharp, perhaps first-order, phase transi-
quential quarkonium melting and quark deconfinement tion from hadronic matter to a quark-gluon plasma with
in the QGP. The observation of charmonium regenera- the associated liberation of color-nonsinglet degrees of
tion in Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC further consolidates freedom carried by deconfined quarks and gluons. We
this conclusion. will return to the equation of state in Section XI; here

we will focus on the status of temperature measurements. production in the measured invariant mass range. Ther-
There are few model-independent ways to measure the mal fits to the mass region around the ρ-meson, the low-
temperature in a relativistic heavy-ion collision. Thermal mass region (LMR), on the other hand, yield tempera-
slopes deduced from the transverse momentum spectra of tures consistent with those deduced from chemical freeze-
emitted particles are “corrupted” by the blue-shift caused out analyses [75, 76]. These are also shown in Fig. 15.
by the transverse expansion of the fireball. In order to
avoid this influence of collective flow, one needs to de-
duce the temperature from the measurement of a Lorentz
invariant quantity that is independent from the frame
of reference. The two measurements that satisfy this
constraint are yields of particles with different masses,
dNi /dη ∝ e−mi /T , and the invariant mass spectrum of
lepton pairs. The former enable a frame-independent
measurement of the temperature at which the hadrons
are produced, commonly called the chemical freeze-out
temperature, the latter provides for a measurement of the
time-averaged temperature of the medium that emits the
lepton pairs.
Because the dilepton invariant mass spectrum is dis-
torted by the decay of vector mesons, the most promising
region for a temperature measurement is the intermedi-
ate mass region (IMR) of invariant masses between the
ϕ-meson and the J/ψ: 1.1 GeV/c2 < Mℓ+ ℓ− < 3 GeV/c2 .
An experimental challenge is that dileptons in this mass
range have a potentially large background contribution
from semi-leptonic charm decays, especially at collision
energies well above the charm threshold.
The first and still most accurate measurement of the FIG. 15: QCD phase diagram showing: chemical freeze-out
slope of the di-muon invariant mass spectrum was made points (blue dots), average initial temperatures and chemical
√ potential (red squares) and effective temperatures obtained
by NA60 in sNN = 17.3 GeV fixed-traget In+In col-
by thermal fits to the intermediate and low mass regions in
lisions [75]. The experiment reported an “excess” con- dilepton invariant mass spectra. The dotted lines indicate
tribution with a spectral slope TIMR ≈ 193 ± 16 MeV, lines of constant T /µB , corresponding to approximately con-
somewhat dependent on the chosen mass window and stant entropy per baryon in the QGP phase. (See text for
pT -cut. The rather strong dependence of this slope pa- literature references.
rameter on the upper limit of the invariant mass window
suggests contributions to lepton-pair production in the A more model-dependent measurement of the temper-
higher mass range from the very early (and therefore very ature can be obtained from blast-wave fits to transverse
hot) thermal or even pre-equilibrium stages.3 momentum spectra of identified particles [77]. There
STAR recently reported invariant mass electron-pair are many blast-wave fits of the temperature and expan-

spectra for Au+Au collisions at sN N = 27, 54.4 GeV sion velocity at kinetic freeze-out [33, 78, 79]. Most
[76], with thermal fits of the form M 3/2 exp(−M/T ) to of these show kinetic freeze-out temperatures Tf that
27 GeV
the intermediate mass region (IMR) yielding TIMR = are too low to be associated with the QGP. Exceptions
54.4 GeV
301 ± 60 MeV and TIMR = 338 ± 59 MeV. These are [80], where the authors consider anisotropic momen-
results are shown in Fig. 15 together with the values of tum distributions at freeze-out, which allows them to de-
(Tc , µB,c ) at chemical freeze-out (blue dots) and the ini- scribe the final spectra with Tf = 165.6 MeV, and [81],
tial thermalization conditions (Tini , µB,ini ), where Tini is where the authors determine the freeze-out parameters
given by (6). Note the apparent temperatures deduced of the blast-wave fit from the fully-decayed hadron spec-
from the dilepton invariant mass spectra lie above the es- tra and yields rather than from the spectra of primary
timated initial temperatures at which the QGP thermal- hadrons. This method yields a common freeze-out tem-
izes, again suggesting contributions from pre-equilibrium perature Tfo = (150 ± 2) MeV for Pb+Pb collisions at

sNN = 2.76 TeV over the entire centrality range with
an average transverse expansion velocity that varies with
3 R. Rapp, private communication. The argument is motivated It would be interesting to perform similar fits at lower
by the observation that a fit of the form M 3/2 exp(−M/T ) to collision energies. If the concept is correct that hadron
the intermediate mass region 1.2 GeV/c2 < Mµµ < 2.5 GeV/c2
17.3 GeV = 246 ± 15 MeV, substantially larger than the
yields TIMR formation occurs always at the same temperature, and
apparent temperature reported in [75] for a narrower mass win- the temperature reached initially is reflected in the trans-
dow. verse expansion velocity, the dependence of ⟨vT /c⟩ on

collision energy could reflect the amount of time the fire- Figure 17 shows the unsubtracted ALICE data for

ball spends in the QGP phase. The average transverse sNN = 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb in three centrality windows.
momentum ⟨pT ⟩ reflects both, Tfo and ⟨vT /c⟩, as well as The figure also shows the scaled background of direct
the particle mass. A direct comparison with data again photons in p+p collisions, calculated at next-to-leading
requires taking resonance decays into account. order in perturbative QCD and scaled with the aver-
age Ncoll for each centrality window. Exponential fits
to the low-pT spectrum for pT < 2.1 GeV/c, after sub-
V. RADIATION FROM THE PLASMA traction of the pQCD background, give thermal slopes
of Teff = (297 ± 12 ± 41) MeV for the 0-20% centrality
In principle, direct photons carry information about window and Teff = (410 ± 84 ± 140) MeV for the 20-40%
the temperature of the emitting QGP. In practice, the window. It is not clear why the slope parameter is so
analysis is complicated by the fact that the QGP tem- much larger for the less central window; one reason may
perature changes with time during the collision and the be that the data used in the fit start at a slightly larger
photon spectrum is blue-shifted owing to the transverse value of pT .
expansion velocity of the emitting matter. Finally, there
can be contributions from photons radiated by the final-
stage hadron gas. Any interpretation of measured photon
spectra is therefore model dependent. The PHENIX col-
laboration has compiled data from RHIC and LHC on
the collision energy and system size dependence of the
direct photon yield (see Figs. 7, 8 in [82]) over a wide
Here we present figures of low-energy direct photons

for sNN = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions from PHENIX

[83] and for sNN = 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions from
ALICE [84]. The PHENIX data shown in Fig. 16 are
already background substracted and only show the spec-
trum of photons attributed to thermal radiation from
the hot medium. The subtraction uses a power-law fit to
the spectrum measured in p+p collisions, which is scaled
by the average binary collision number in the selected
Au+Au centrality window. As indicated in the figure,
the resultant fits give Teff = (239 ± 25 ± 7) for the most
central 0-20% window and Teff = (261 ± 33 ± 8) MeV
for the 20-40% centrality window, and does not rely on
theoretical prediction for the photon spectrum emitted
in p+p collisions.

FIG. 17: Direct photon pT -spectra in Pb+Pb collisions at

sNN = 2.76 TeV for the 0–20% (scaled by a factor 100), the
20–40% (scaled by a factor 10) and 40–80% centrality win-
dows compared to next-to-leading order pQCD predictions
for the direct photon yield in p+p collisions at the same en-
ergy, scaled by the number of binary nucleon collisions for
each centrality window (from [84]). See text and [84] for de-

The ALICE publication [84] also contains a compari-

son with model calculations of the fireball evolution using
boost invariant hydrodynamics and lists the initial tem-
peratures for several of these models, which depend on
the start time τini and the way the temperature is de-
termined (at the center or averaged over the transverse

FIG. 16: Direct photon pT -spectra for sNN = 200 GeV profile). We here list results for the most central window
Au+Au collisions after subtraction of the Ncoll scaled p+p (0-20%). For the ideal hydrodynamics model of Hees,
contribution in centrality bins 0–20% and 20–40%. Dashed He, and Rapp [85] using τini = 0.2 fm/c the initial tem-
lines are fits to an exponential function in the range perature at the center is Tini = 682 MeV; for the viscous
0.6 GeV/c < pT < 2.0 GeV/c. [From [83]] hydrodynamics model of Paquet et al. [86] the initial vol-

ume average temperature at τini = 0.4 fm/c is Tini = 385 for an independent experimental determination of the
MeV. (A rough estimate based on boost-invariant ideal quark-hadron phase boundary [99, 100].
hydrodynamics scaling suggests that the two tempera-
tures should be related by a factor (4/3)(0.4/0.2)1/3 ≈
1.68, which is close to the actual ratio 682/385 ≈ 1.77.)
Recently Paquet and Bass [87] showed in the context of
an analytical model how the measured photon spectrum
and yield can be related to the initial temperature Tini of
the QGP at the center of the fireball. The Bayesian fit
most tightly constrains the combination τini Tini , which
is found to have the value 450+100
−70 fm
MeV for Pb+Pb

collisions at sNN = 2.76 TeV and 350+130 −60 fm

for Au+Au collisions at sNN = 200 GeV.


The formation and decay of domains of disoriented

chiral condensate (DCC) would reveal itself by non-
Poissonian fluctuations of the neutral-to-charged pion ra-
tio N (π 0 )/N (π ± ) [88, 89]. Many searches have been car-
ried out for signal from such DCC domains, but none of
the searches have shown any sign of this effect [90, 91].
One possibility is that domains of disoriented chiral con-
densate produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions are
FIG. 18: Phase boundary between hot hadronic matter and
too small to be distinguishable from thermal fluctuations QGP. The black line shows Tc (µB ) calculated by lattice QCD;
of the chiral order parameter. the blue shaded region indicates the width of the transition re-
Isospin fluctuations characteristic of DCC can also gion [101]. The results derived from hadron yields using the
show up as anomalous charge fluctuations among kaons statistical hadronization model are shown as magenta dots
N (Ks0 )/N (K ± )) [92, 93]. Measurements of cumulants [33, 103, 104], those deduced using the experimentally mea-
of the neutral and charged kaon yields in Pb+Pb colli- sured net-electric charge and net-proton number fluctuations
√ are shown as red triangles [102].
sions at sNN = 2.76 TeV by ALICE [94] revealed that
0 ±
Ks − K correlations differ from charged and neutral
kaon correlations. However, various kinematic aspects of Figure 18 compares the phase boundary between hot
the observed difference do not support the interpretation hadronic matter and QGP determined by lattice QCD
as a DCC signal. simulations [101] with results obtained from experimen-
Fluctuations like those predicted for DCC are ex- tally measured net-electric charge and net-proton num-
treme examples of a much broader range of phenomena: ber fluctuations [102] (red triangles) and those obtained
event-by-event fluctuations of conserved quantum num- from hadron yields using the statistical hadronization
bers, such as electric charge Q, baryon number B, and model [33, 103, 104] (magenta dots). The black line
strangeness S. Thermodynamics relates these fluctua- and the grey shaded region show the pseudo-critical line
tions to the corresponding susceptibilities χ2 , where X Tc (µB ); the blue shaded region represents the width of
stands for the considered quantum number and the in- the transition derived from the width of the peak in the
dex 2 denotes the order of the fluctuation. Higher-order chiral susceptibility [101].
susceptibilities are related to higher-order event-by-event Another important application of event-by-event fluc-
fluctuations. The thermal fluctuations of these quanti- tuations of conserved quantum numbers are balance func-
ties differ quite characteristically between a QGP and tions. In a closed system, such as the fireball created in
a hadron gas [95, 96], as do correlations, such as those a nuclear collision, any local fluctuation of a conserved
between strangeness and baryon number [97]. quantity (“charge”) in a certain region of phase space
Transport theory predicts that locally conserved quan- must be compensated (“balanced”) by an equal but op-
tum number fluctuations adjust quickly to the chang- posite fluctuation in the complementary part of phase
ing thermodynamic conditions as the QGP cools down, space. The distribution of this compensating charge is
but to change much more slowly after hadronization [98]. called the balance function. The balance function is usu-
Thus, the experimentally measured event-by-event fluc- ally projected onto relative rapidity, B(∆y), or relative
tuations and correlations of conserved quantum numbers azimuthal emission angle, B(∆ϕ). A wide separation of
are expected to reflect the conditions that are prevalent observables in (pseudo-)rapidity implies that they are es-
at the quark-hadron transition. This insight can be used tablished early in the collision; the separation in emission

FIG. 19: Charged kaon balance functions BK|K for 0 − 5% central Pb+Pb collisions at sNN = 2.76 TeV measured by ALICE
[106] (blue dots) in comparison with theoretical simulations [105] (connected black dots). Upper panel: Rapidity-dependent
balance function BK|K (∆y) for three values of the width σ0 of the initial balance function at the moment of hydrodynamization
(0.6 fm/c). Lower panel: Azimuth-dependent balance function BK|K (∆ϕ) for four different values of the charge diffusion
constant D in the QGP. The red dots/lines account for diffusion in the QGP; green dots/lines account for hadron decays and
rescattering; black dots/lines show the sum of both contributions.

angle is sensitive to the diffusivity of the quanta carrying parity must become degenerate. A prime example for
the observed charge, which then gets imprinted with the this behavior are the vector and axial vector modes. In
radial flow profile of the QGP. the vacuum, the lowest hadronic modes in these chan-
Figure 19 shows the rapidity-dependence (upper panel) nels belong to the ρ-meson and the a1 -meson, respec-
and angle-dependence (lower panel) of the kaon charge tively, which are separated in mass by approximately 500
balance function, BK|K (∆y) and BK|K (∆ϕ). BK|K (∆y) MeV. It is predicted that the two modes become degen-
is shown for three different values of the space-time ra- erate above Tc [108]. The axial vector channel is diffi-
pidity width σ0 of the balance function at the hydro- cult to access, but the vector channel can be probed by
dynamization moment (τini = 0.6 fm/c); BK|K (∆ϕ) is measuring the spectrum of emitted lepton pairs, either
shown for four different values of the charge diffusion e+ e− or µ+ µ− , which can be related to the photon spec-
constant D [105]. The theoretical predictions are com- tral function. The restoration of chiral symmetry mani-
pared with data from ALICE in the 5% most central fests itself in rather subtle changes in the continuum at

Pb+Pb collisions at sNN = 2.76 TeV [106]. The con- masses above mρ [109]. The ρ-meson peak in the spec-
clusion is (i) that the chemical composition of the QGP tral function, which is already collision broadened in hot
is equilibrated at the time of hydrodynamization and (ii) or dense hadronic matter, completely disappears in the
that the charge diffusion constant D agrees with values QGP phase. This is a signature of quark deconfinement
obtained on the lattice [107] within a factor of two. and the associated disappearance of well-defined hadron
states above Tc [110, 111].
The most precise measurement of the lepton pair spec-

VII. CHIRAL SYMMETRY RESTORATION trum was carried out by the NA60 experiment for sNN
17.3 GeV In+In collisions at CERN-SPS in the µ+ µ−
One of the defining characteristics of the QGP is the channel [75, 112–115]. The di-muon mass spectrum
restoration of chiral symmetry. Lattice QCD calculations shows a much reduced peak at the ρ-meson mass cor-
identify the crossover transition between the hadronic gas responding to final-state decays of ρ-mesons in a dilute
phase and the QGP phase by the location Tc of the inflec- hadronic medium, as shown in Fig. 20, superimposed on a
tion point in the temperature dependence of the renor- broad background that is compatible with expectations
malized chiral condensate ⟨ψ̄ψ⟩ren , or equivalently, by from models of in-medium resonance broadening [116].
the location of the maximum of the chiral susceptibility. There is no evidence of a mass shift that is predicted
For T < Tc the chiral condensate approaches its vacuum by some models of chiral symmetry restoration in dense,
value; for T > Tc the condensate rapidly tends to zero baryon-rich hadron matter [117].
signalling restoration of the spontaneously broken chiral Further analysis of the µ+ µ− spectrum revealed that
symmetry. the spectrum below Mµµ = 1 GeV is azimuthally
A direct consequence of chiral symmetry restoration isotropic [115] and its pT -distribution is compatible with
above Tc is that excitation modes that differ only by thermal emission from a collectively flowing hot hadronic

FIG. 20: Excess µ+ µ− mass spectrum for the semicentral bin

in 158 GeV/c In+In collisions in comparison with model pre-
dictions. The curves show: “Cocktail” ρ (thin solid), unmod-
ified (“vacuum”) ρ (dashed), in-medium broadening ρ (thick
solid), in-medium shifted ρ (dashed-dotted). The errors are
purely statistical [from [112]].
FIG. 21: Dielectron mass spectrum for several centrality bins
in 200 GeV/c Au+Au collisions measured by PHENIX [118].
medium [113, 114]. The spectrum for Mµµ > 1 GeV The solid line shows the hadronic “cocktail” contribution;
shows a different pT -dependence without indication of the various other curves represent specific contributing de-
transverse flow, which is consistent with an origin from cay channels. A statistically significant excess is observed in
an early deconfined partonic phase [75]. the mass regions below and above the ρ peak.

Low-mass electron pair production in sNN = 200
GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC energies has been mea-
sured by PHENIX [118] and STAR [119]. The data ex-
hibit similar features as those measured at SPS energies
in the In+In system, albeit with lower statistical signif-
icance. The invariant mass spectrum shown in Fig. 21
exhibits a broad excess over the “cocktail” from hadronic
decays, especially in the region below the ρ peak, which
is compatible with predictions from models of resonance
broadening in a hot hadron gas. Data from STAR shown
in Fig. 22 taken at lower collision energies are consistent
with a linear scaling of the di-electron excess with the
charged multiplicity [120]. Dielectron data from Pb+Pb
collisions at LHC are currently limited to peripheral and
semi-peripheral collisions [121].

FIG. 22: Dielectron excess over the hadronic “cocktail” con-

VIII. FEMTOSCOPY AND OTHER tribution in 0 − 80% central Au+Au collisions over a wide
CORRELATIONS range of collision energies measured by STAR [120]. The blue
stars show the STAR data; open symbols represent various
theoretical model calculations (for details see [120]).
Identical two-particle correlations are sensitive to the
spatial extent and the life-time of the emitting source.
This method of experimentally constraining the source
geometry is called Hanbury-Brown–Twiss (HBT) inter- of collision energies at AGS, SPS, RHIC, and LHC (see
ferometry, density interferometry, or femtoscopy (see Fig. 20 in [124] and Fig. 18 in [7]).
[122] for a detailed exposition of the theoretical founda- Most analyses are based on a source distribution that
tions and [123] for a pedagogical introduction). Exper- uses a Gaussian profile with radius parameters that are
imental results for identical charged pions, kaons, and aligned along the collision axis (Rlong ), the combined mo-
protons have been extensively published for a wide range mentum of the observed particle pairs (Rout ), and the

axis perpendicular to these two directions (Rside ). The perature [125]. The life-time τf increases smoothly with
value of Rout is sensitive to the duration of the emission charged-particle multiplicity from around 4 to 10 fm/c,
process and thus can serve as a probe of the late-stage as seen in Fig. 24. This is also the case for the quantity
expansion dynamics. A first-order phase transition in- Vhom .
volving the formation of a long-lived mixed phase is ex- Momentum correlations of non-identical particles have
pected to increase the emission duration and to result in a been measured providing information about interactions
(much) larger value of Rout > Rside . A steep drop in the among hadrons that cannot be easily measured in scat-
compressibility of the expanding matter during hadron tering experiments because the hadrons are unstable or
emission, corresponding to a drop in the sound velocity, beams are unavailable. For example, (pΛ) correlations
would have a similar, albeit less pronounced effect. have been measured in Au+Au collisions by STAR [126]
The data for Au+Au collisions over the energy range and (K− p) correlations in collisions of p+p, p+Pb, and
of the RHIC Beam Energy Scan from STAR exhibit a Pb+Pb by ALICE [127, 128]. These are sensitive to the
rise in Rout /Rside with increasing collisions energy up to asymptotic form of the two-particle KN wave function at

sNN ≈ 20 GeV followed by a smooth fall-off for higher distances of several fm and are able to provide details of
energies as seen in Fig. 23. This behavior appears to the coupling strength in various inelastic channels of ex-
be consistent with the interpretation of a minimum of otic nuclear resonance states. When measured as a func-
the compressibility around Tc during hadron emission, tion of the source size can help understand the internal
but a firm conclusion will require a detailed theoretical structure of these exotic states.
analysis, which is not yet available. Another example where heavy-ion collisions can help
elucidate the structure of hadronic resonance states is the
exotic χ(3872) particle, which was first observed in p+p
collisions [129] collisions. The decay channel χ(3872)
→ J/ψ π + π − was recently measured in inclusive Pb+Pb
collisions [130]. The prompt χ(3872)/ψ(2s) is observed
to increase as a function of multiplicity in p+Pb and
Pb+Pb, but to decrease with underlying event multiplic-
ity in p+p reactions. This suggests very different dy-
namics, such as quark coalescence, for the exotic χ(3872)
particle at high density compared to the ψ(2s). Future
measurements will aim to determine whether the χ(3872)
is a (q q̄) molecule, a tetraquark state or some mixture of

FIG. 23: Data for the ratio Rout /Rside over the energy range
of the RHIC beam energy scan. The symbols refer to results
from the different experiments as shown in the legend. For
further details see [124].

The three radius parameters are sometimes combined

to estimate the volume of a homogeneously flowing emis-
sion region at the moment of freeze-out. However, re-
gions of the fireball that flow in different directions or are FIG. 24: Life-time parameter τf as a function of the cube-root
shielded from each other by opaque matter do not con- of the charged-particle multiplicity density. Data are from
tribute to the HBT interference pattern. Therefore, the femtoscopy measurements of various experiments covering the
center-of-mass energies labeled in the legend. [7]
product Vhom = Rout Rside Rlong , called the homogeneity
volume, cannot be interpreted directly as the total vol-
ume of the fireball during the hadron emission process. The production of light anti-nuclei is enhanced in
The Gaussian life-time parameter τf measures the av- heavy-ion collisions [131] by the formation and rapid
erage duration of the stage during which hadrons freeze expansion of a QGP, as it allows anti-nuclei to escape
out from the fireball, or their emission time. The τf can more easily without annihilation. This is also true for
be derived from the Rlong and the kinetic freeze-out tem- production of light anti-hypernuclei [132]. The relative

yields of light nuclei and their antiparticles can be used smaller collision systems [144]. Since jet measurements
to test their production mechanisms, such as statistical have become prevalent at the LHC and with upgrades
hadronization and final-state coalescence by comparing at RHIC, correlations of hadrons with a trigger jet
production yields in p+p, p+A and A+A collisions. [145, 146], of jets with a trigger hadron [147, 148],
Measurements of light anti-nuclei and anti-hypernuclei and between two back-to-back jets (dijets) [149, 150]
have potential impact in other realms of physics. Preci- have been investigated. Such observables represent
sion measurements [133] of the mass differences between semi-inclusive measurements that are more complicated
light nuclei and their antiparticles allow for unique tests to interpret.
of CPT invariance. Experimental results for light anti- Most recently, there has been a focus on jet measure-
nuclei are also important for better modeling of the par- ments and flavor dependence of various energy-loss ob-
ticle composition of cosmic rays as well as the propaga- servables. They include investigations of the dijet asym-
tion of light anti-nuclei in the interstellar medium [134], metry (or imbalance) [149, 151–153] and acoplanarity
which is an important ingredient of certain dark matter [154, 155], which are considered to be sensitive to the par-
searches. The significantly enhanced yield of 3Λ H mea- ton rescattering in the medium. A larger di-jet imbalance
sured at the lowest RHIC energies [135] favors low-energy between opposite jets of a dijet pair is observed in Pb+Pb
heavy-ion collisions as a tool for the study of strange compared to p+p collisions [152]. The pT imbalance in
quark-doped nuclear matter, which is of relevance to the the Pb+Pb dijets is compensated for by an enhanced
interior of neutron stars. multiplicity of low-pT (0.5 – 2.0 GeV/c) particles on the
side of the less energetic (subleading) jet, indicating a
softening of the radiation responsible for the imbalance
IX. PARTON PROPAGATION in pT . The dijet imbalance in Pb+Pb compared to p+p is
greater for more central Pb+Pb collisions. Furthermore,
The last diagram in Fig. 1 labeled “parton propaga- the subleading jets are found to be more suppressed than
tion” was a placeholder for a multitude of possible observ- leading jets, reaching up to 20% stronger suppression in
ables, comprehensively called jet quenching or jet modi- central collisions [153]. These measurements can be used
fication, that were not well understood at the time. The to constrain models of the path-length dependence of jet
simplest observable sensitive to the propagation of hard energy loss and its fluctuations.
scattered partons in the QGP is the inclusive yield of The results of these investigations thus far have not
high-pT hadrons. An energy loss of partons in the QGP yielded definite conclusions nor straight-forward inter-
results in the suppression of the hadron yields. The com- pretations regarding QGP medium properties beyond the
bined energy loss of all partons in the jet shower manifests jet quenching parameter q̂. However, there appears to be
itself in the suppression of the overall jet yield. Both phe- some consistency developing between the longtime pre-
nomena are usually expressed in terms of a suppression diction [156, 157] of a broadening of the acoplanarity dis-
factor RAA (defined in Eq. (9)) with respect to the yields tribution and what has recently been observed in hadron-
measured in appropriately scaled p+p collisions. recoil jet measurements at the LHC [154] and RHIC [155].
The initial measurements of the charged particle RAA The acoplanarity measurements exhibit a broadening of
at RHIC [3–6] revealed suppression in central collisions the recoil jet distribution in Pb+Pb relative to p+p colli-
of heavy ions [136, 137]. Various approaches have since sions at low recoil jet pT indicating enhanced jet-medium
evolved to investigate the influence of the QGP on the interactions of low-pT jets opposite the trigger, presum-
propagation of partons through the medium, with experi- ably due to its longer path through the QGP.
ments focusing on less inclusive observables that could be To study the pathlength dependence of the interactions
sensitive to the pathlength dependence of parton energy of partons traversing the QGP in detail [158, 159] event
loss in the QGP. shape engineering has been implemented [160] in order to
Correlations between two back-to-back high-pT have better control of the initial geometrical event shapes
hadrons revealed the attenuation of hadrons on the for more precise path-length determination. The overall
opposite side (“away-side”) of a trigger hadron in the goal of the various jet asymmetry measurements is to pro-
most central collisions [138]. The interpretation is vide additional insight into the pathlength dependence of
that the interactions of the away-side parton in the jet modification and provide more rigorous tests of the
QGP degrade its momentum and thereby reduce the energy-loss mechanisms in the QGP. Although several
number of hadrons that escape on the away-side. In intriguing observations have been made, more theoreti-
order to understand quantitatively the parton energy cal work and incisive experimental results are needed to
loss mechanisms in the QGP, experiments have sought reach this goal.
to determine the pathlength dependence of partons More detailed information about the dynamics of par-
traversing the QGP by measuring various correlations. ton propagation in the QGP can be gleaned from studies
Studies of high-pT hadron correlations [139–143] include of the modification of the substructure of jets. The two
short- and long-range correlations in azimuth and simplest observables in this domain are fragmentation
pseudo-rapidity. The results of these studies have led to functions and jet shapes, which characterize the longitu-
tests of possible collectivity in high multiplicity events in dinal and transverse momentum structure of jets, respec-

tively. The interactions of showering partons with the (gluons) is much larger in a QGP; but it could also be
QGP modify the gluon radiation pattern that imprints smaller because the strong confining force is screened in
itself on the parton shower, which makes the momen- the plasma. In the absence of a theoretical framework it
tum space structure of the shower a promising probe of was not possible to make a definite prediction.
the elementary nature of the parton interactions with the The most direct way of studying this question experi-
QGP. Increasing experimental capabilities combined with mentally is to explore the dependence of RAA (or RCP )
improved jet shower simulations are pushing the forefront on the collision energy and centrality. The STAR data
of jet quenching studies in the direction of more exclu- for RCP of charged hadrons shown in Fig. 25 cover the
sive studies of jet substructure modifications, on the one √
energy range sNN = 7.7 − 200 GeV. They exhibit sup-
hand, and the search for globally defined observables that pression at large pT for collision energies greater than 27
allow for rigorous QCD-based calculations. GeV, the lowest collision energy for which RCP (pT ) data
In the following we discuss some of these findings in for pT ≳ 5 GeV/c exist. For lower collision energies an
detail, focusing on high-pT inclusive hadron and jet sup- enhancement (RCP > 1) is observed in the few GeV/c
pression and modifications of the internal structure of momentum range, which grows as the collision energy is
jets by the QGP. lowered. This enhancement has been attributed to con-
tributions from several mechanisms. These include the
Cronin Effect [174, 175], the cumulative effect in nuclear
A. High-Momentum Hadron Suppression parton distributions that extend into the region x > 1
[176], and collective transverse flow augmented by par-
1. Light Hadrons ton recombination [177]. All these effects have in com-
mon that multiple nucleon-nucleon collisions contribute
Jet quenching in relativistic heavy-ion collisions [161, to the transverse energy of the produced hadrons. Com-
162] (see [163] for a review of the basic theory) probes the parison with p+A data will be needed to sort out the
mechanisms for secondary scattering and energy loss of relative importance of these mechanisms.
fast partons, i. e. quarks or gluons, in the medium created In nuclear collisions, recombination is enhanced at
during the collision. The observable that most directly larger pT by the collective flow that blue-shifts the ther-
connects jet quenching to parton energy loss is the sup- mal parton spectrum. Fragmentation is depleted in the
pression of the yield of inclusive high-pT hadrons [164], presence of a dense medium by the energy loss of the pri-
expressed as the ratio RAA (pT ) of the inclusive single- mary parton. The fragmentation mechanism generally
hadron yield in A+A collisions and the single-hadron dominates at sufficiently high pT , because the primary
yield in proton-proton collisions, scaled by the number parton spectrum from hard QCD scatterings has a power
of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions Ncoll , defined in (9). law tail, while the thermal parton spectrum falls off ex-
Suppression of the charged-hadron spectra was initially ponentially. The recombination contribution only weakly

observed in measurements of RAA at RHIC [136, 137, depends on sNN while the fragmentation contribution

165, 166]. Since then, a wealth of data has been accu- falls off steeply as sNN decreases. Thus, the relative
mulated on the RAA of inclusive charged hadrons from magnitude of the two contributions depends on the col-
LHC [167–171] and RHIC, as well as the RAA of identi- lision energy. This means that the threshold value of pT
fied hadrons (discussed below). Inclusive charged hadron beyond which jet quenching is visible shifts rapidly to
data at lower collision energies were taken in the RHIC higher pT as the collision energy is reduced and eventu-
beam energy scan [172, 173]. For some collision energies ally becomes unobservable because sufficiently hard par-
a p+p reference was not available; in those cases a binary ton scatterings become rare.
collision-scaled hadron spectrum measured in peripheral The RAA of identified protons and pions has been mea-

A+A collisions was used. The resulting ratio RCP (pT ) sured at midrapidity in d+Au collisions at sNN = 200
can serve as a proxy for RAA . GeV and exhibits an enhancement for 2 < pT < 7 GeV/c
The general shape of the curve RAA (pT ) can be di- in central collisions [178]. NLO pQCD calculations are
vided into a low-pT region, roughly pT ≲ 5 GeV/c, and able to describe the data for pions at higher pT in both
a high-pT region with pT ≳ 5 GeV/c, each encompassing p+p and d+Au collisions indicating an emergence of ef-
different dominant dynamical processes. At low pT there fects outside pQCD at these lower pT . Furthermore, the
is a complex interplay between collective flow and quark larger enhancement of protons than pions observed at low
recombination, while at high pT the hadron spectrum re- pT in the d+Au data reinforces the role of recombination
flects the fragmentation spectrum of the hard-scattered and collective flow in the enhancement and possibly ad-
partons, modified by their energy loss caused by passage ditional cold nuclear matter effects.
through the QGP. The pT range covered by the data expands quickly
The sketch in Fig. 1 entitled “parton propagation” was with collision energy and reaches up to pT = 250 GeV/c

based on the expectation that the amount of energy loss in Pb+Pb collisions at sN N = 5.02 TeV measured by
in a QGP would be quite different (either much larger ATLAS [180]. For collision energies in the LHC range,
or much smaller) than that in a hadron gas. It could as shown in Fig. 26, one generally finds that RAA (pT )
be larger because the number of active scattering centers attains a minimum at pT ≈ 6 − 8 GeV/c, followed by

FIG. 25: RCP for inclusive charged hadrons measured by

STAR in Au+Au collisions [173] over a wide range of col-
lision energies as indicated in the legend.

FIG. 27: RAA for inclusive charged hadrons measured by AL-

a steady rise that extends up to the highest pT mea- ICE in central 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions in comparison with
sured. This behavior indicates that the relative energy RAA for inclusive charged hadrons measured by STAR and
loss ∆E/pT shrinks with increasing momentum pT . PHENIX in central Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV [168].

An estimate of the energy loss ∆E can be obtained as

follows. Expressing the nuclear suppression factor as a
downward (in pT ) shift of the hadron spectrum:
PAA (pT ) Ppp (pT − ∆E)
RAA (pT ) = = . (10)
Ppp (pT ) Ppp (pT )
Expanding to first order in ∆E gives
ln RAA (pT )
∆E = − d
. (11)
dpT ln Ppp (pT )

Both PHENIX and STAR have published RAA or RCP

data for pions at several collision energies from the RHIC
beam energy scan [172, 173, 179]. ALICE has published
RAA data for pions at the LHC collision energies of 2.76
and 5.02 TeV [181]. The energy loss deduced from the
measured RAA for pions in 0 − 10% central Au+Au colli-
sions at RHIC and for charged hadrons in 0 − 5% central
FIG. 26: RAA of charged particles in 0-5% central Pb-Pb Pb+Pb collisions at LHC is shown in Fig. 28 for collision
√ √
collisions at sN N = 2.76 and 5.02 TeV from CMS [169]. Also
√ energies sNN ranging from 39 GeV to 5.02 TeV. The
shown are sN N = 2.76 TeV results from ALICE [170] and energy loss increases with both collision energy and the
ATLAS [171] as indicated in the legend. The boxes represent transverse momentum of the primary parton.
the systematic uncertainties of the 5.02 TeV CMS data. Figure 29 demonstrates that the nuclear suppression is
a function of system size. Comparing RAA measured in
A comparison of the inclusive RAA for central Pb+Pb central Pb+Pb collisions with the RAA measured in pe-
collisions at LHC with that for central Au+Au collisions ripheral collisions and RpPb measured in p+Pb collisions
at the top RHIC energy in Fig. 27 shows that the suppres- one sees that the suppression is much weaker in periph-
sion exhibits a similar pattern and appears only slightly eral collisions, where hard partons have much less matter
stronger at LHC than at RHIC. This is somewhat of an to traverse, and essentially absent in non-single diffrac-
illusion, because the charged-hadron spectrum falls off tive (NSD) p+Pb collisions, where very little or no hot
more steeply at RHIC, which means that a smaller en- matter is produced.
ergy loss ∆E is needed at RHIC to produce a comparably One important question is whether the modification of
large suppression as that seen at LHC. the hadron spectrum is an initial-state effect, e.g. caused


FIG. 28: Energy loss |∆E| at fixed pT for several different

collision energies deduced from the nuclear suppression factor
in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC [172, 179] and Pb+Pb
collisions at LHC [168, 182] using the relation (11). The ∆E FIG. 30: RAA for identified π 0 and η-mesons measured by
for 5.02 TeV collisions has been extrapolated to pT = 6 GeV/c PHENIX in central 200 GeV Au+Au collisions in comparison
for a visual comparison with the RHIC data. with the RAA for direct photons [183].

Complementary data from the LHC on identified

hadrons and photons extend this conclusion to larger
pT as seen in Fig. 31. The strong suppression of iden-
tified hadrons, combined with the lack of suppression
of direct photons, singles out a final-state effect (par-
ton energy loss) as the cause of the observed suppression
and rules out any initial-state mechanism as the cause.
Figure 31 also demonstrates that particle-specific effects,
such as collective flow and recombination from the QGP,
strongly affect the RAA for various hadron species in the
range pT < 10 GeV/c. This is observed in heavier mass
particles, e.g. protons, whose RAA (pT ) peaks at succes-
sively larger pT . However, for pT > 10 GeV/c one finds
a universal behavior in RAA for all hadrons composed of
light (u, d, s) quarks, indicating that these particles are
all created by the same mechanism, fragmentation of a
hard-scattered primary parton.
This universal behavior justifies using experimental
data to extract a value for the radiative jet quenching
parameter q̂ using Bayesian parameter estimation. Fol-
FIG. 29: RAA for central (0-5% centrality) and peripheral lowing early work by the JET Collaboration [187], the
(70-80% centrality) Pb-Pb collisions, and RpPb for non-single JETSCAPE Collaboration performed a systematic anal-
√ ysis to constrain the dependence of q̂ on the jet energy,
diffractive p–Pb collisions at sN N = 5.02 TeV [7].
virtuality, and medium temperature from experimental
measurements of inclusive hadron suppression in Au+Au
by nuclear modification of the parton distribution func- collisions at RHIC and Pb+Pb collisions at LHC [188].
(A) The results, shown in Fig. 32 favor a model in which the
tions fi (x), or a final-state effect. This question was
ratio q̂/T 3 depends logarthmically on the primary parton
answered with the initial results from RHIC by a com-
virtuality and energy, and it scales quadratically with the
parison of the RAA for direct photons with that for π 0
color charge of the parton.
and η-mesons [183], which is shown in Fig. 30. π 0 and
η-mesons are almost identically suppressed while direct
photons, which do not suffer significant final-state inter-
actions in the QGP, are not suppressed. Further inves- 2. Heavy Flavor Hadrons
tigation into direct boson production in AA collisions at
the LHC have confirmed that not only direct photons Heavy-flavor quarks are produced mainly in hard scat-
[84, 184] but also W- and Z-bosons [185, 186] are con- tering of partons in the initial stage of a heavy-ion colli-
sistent with pQCD calculations and exhibit no signs of sion prior to formation of the QGP. Thus, they experience

FIG. 31: RAA for charged particles, identified particles, and

photons in central 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions with particle FIG. 32: Bayesian parameter extraction of q̂/T 3 from ex-
species and references given in the legend. [7] perimental measurements of inclusive hadron suppression in
Au+Au collisions at RHIC and Pb+Pb collisions at LHC
[188]. The 90% confidence regions for the MATTER+LBT2
the entire history of the collision process, interact with model encompass the top and bottom curves of each color as
the QGP, and probe the flavor and mass dependence of a function of medium temperature T . The curves in the mid-
parton energy loss in the evolution of the QGP. dle of the bands indicate their median values. The solid black
Initial investigations into the possible suppression of circles with error bars represent the results obtained by the
heavy-flavor hadrons were carried out at RHIC with mea- JET Collaboration [187]. The dotted boxes indicate the tem-
perature ranges considered in that analysis. The insert shows
surements of non-photonic electron spectra from semilep-
the prior range of values for q̂/T 3 used in the Bayesian anal-
tonic decays of open-charm and open-beauty hadrons. ysis with the darker (lighter) area depicting the 90% (99%)
The RAA (e± ) was found to be strongly suppressed at
√ likelihood range. [From [188]]
mid-rapidity in central sNN = 200 GeV Au+Au colli-
sions, indicating significant energy loss of heavy quarks
in the QGP [189, 190]. The suppression approaches that
of the π 0 for pT > 4 GeV/c.
Later, a direct measurement of the RAA (D0 ) from
D → K − +π + for pT > 2 GeV/c in semi-central Au+Au
0 which complicates the interpretation of their RAA values
collisions (Npart > 170) confirmed that the open-charm at low to intermediate pT . At pT ≳ 10 GeV/c, the D-
hadrons are suppressed when traversing the QGP [191]. meson RAA reaches values similar to that of pions. How-
The D0 -meson yield integrated over pT < 8 GeV/c is ever, due to the harder pT spectrum and different frag-
suppressed by a factor RAA (D0 ) ≈ 0.5, while an enhance- mentation function of charm quarks compared to light
ment by a factor RAA (D0 ) ≈ 1.3 is observed over the nar- quarks and gluons, the interpretation of the differences
rower momentum range 0.7 GeV/c < pT < 2.2 GeV/c. in the pion and D-meson RAA requires detailed model
The suppression is consistent with a charm quark energy calculations.
loss similar to that of light quarks, while the enhancement
at low pT for these most central collisions is a reflection The RAA for prompt and non-prompt J/ψ from CMS
of the chemical oversaturation of charm quarks and may [56] is also shown in Fig. 33. The RAA of prompt
suggest a coalescence mechanism for low-pT open-charm D-mesons is observed to be lower than that of non-
hadrons. Additional evidence for coalescence comes from prompt J/ψ mesons from beauty decays indicating a
the observed enhancement of the Λc /D0 ratio [192]. quark mass dependence of parton energy loss, whereby
Better statistics at the higher energies of the LHC in heavier b-quarks lose less energy than lighter c-quarks
Run 2 and refinement of experimental techniques enabled when traversing the QGP. Additional measurements of
a more thorough investigation of the particle and quark the RAA of light, open-charm, and open-beauty hadrons
mass dependence of the suppression. The RAA of iden- via non-photonic electrons at RHIC [194, 195] and LHC
tified hadrons (π ± , D0 , D+ , D∗+ , J/ψ) are displayed in [196], and muons at LHC [197, 198] confirm the flavor and

Fig. 33 for sNN = 5.02 TeV central Pb+Pb collisions mass ordering of the suppression of charm and beauty
at mid-rapidity [193]. The data show that RAA (D) > quarks. The investigation into the flavor and mass de-
RAA (π) for pT ≲ 10 GeV/c, indicating that effects due to pendence of hadron suppression in Pb+Pb collisions at
radial flow and hadronization affect D-meson and light- LHC continues with new measurements of mixed-quark
and heavy-hadron yields differently as a function of pT , hadrons such as the D+ 0 +
s [199], Bs [200], and Bc [201].

that contribute to the parton energy loss. By using jets

and high-pT partons, we seek to understand not only the
parton energy-loss mechanisms, but also to probe the
QGP at various resolution scales with the ultimate goal
of gleaning information about its microscopic structure.
It is important to note that high-pT hadrons are most
likely to be produced downstream from the hardest split-
ting in the jet shower, which is calculable in pQCD, and
are most sensitive to the energy loss in that branch of a
parton shower. In contrast, jets are sensitive to the en-
ergy lost in the entire shower and the various energy loss
processes down to the non-perturbative level, but the lost
energy ends up outside the kinematic cuts that are used
to define the jet.
Because jets are not unambiguously defined states in
QCD, they must be characterised by the experimental
FIG. 33: RAA for prompt D-mesons, charged pions, charged procedure by which they are identified. This procedure
particles, and J/ψ from ALICE [193]. Also shown are RAA includes the resolution parameter (also called the jet cone
results for prompt and non-prompt J/ψ from CMS [56]. All opening angle) R ≤ 1, the clustering algorithm, such as

measurements are for sNN = 5.02 TeV central Pb+Pb col-
anti-kT [202], and possibly a low-pT cutoff. Only data
lisions at mid-rapidity with ranges stated in the legend.
with the same selections of the clustering algorithm and
cone parameter R are comparable. The method for sub-
tracting out the soft background underlying the jet in
B. Jets heavy-ion collisions is also important.
The jet suppression measured at RHIC and the LHC
1. Jet Suppression has been analyzed using transport models, which have
found the q̂/T 3 transport coefficient for the energy loss
Understanding the parton energy loss processes in the distribution to be in the range q̂ = 2 − 4 GeV2 /fm for
QGP requires measurement of the resulting parton show- 300 < T < 500 MeV over the range of temperatures of
ers known as jets. Jets and their properties have been the QGP at RHIC and LHC [203]. The JETSCAPE anal-
measured extensively in p+p collisions. In heavy-ion col- ysis [188] is only for inclusive hadron production! There
lisions the showering process becomes convoluted with is also the recent JETSCAPE analysis of jet substructure
the energy loss of the partons as they traverse the QGP. [204], but it does not attempt to extract values for q̂.
It is thus important to compare jet measurements in
Pb+Pb collisions with those in p+p collisions to extract
the jet energy and yield as a function of pT with the aim
to better understand the parton energy loss mechanism.
In addition to the total jet energy loss relative to the
initial hard scatter it is important to distinguish as much
as possible between the elastic interaction processes, i. e.
two-body scattering off medium constituents, and var-
ious inelastic ones, such as collisionally induced gluon
radiation. For example, the analysis of inclusive hadron
suppression RAA in terms of the jet quenching parame-
ter q̂ [187, 188] assumes that the entire energy loss of a
hard-scattered parton is caused by collisionally induced
gluon radiation. One goal of studying jet modification
by the medium is to determine whether the picture un-
derpinning such energy loss analyses is correct. FIG. 34: Comparison of RAA for charged hadrons from AL-
The various parton-medium interaction processes will ICE [167] and CMS [182], and jets from ALICE [205] and

manifest themselves not only in longitudinal momentum ATLAS [206] in central Pb+Pb collisions at sNN = 5.02
loss but also in momentum broadening transverse to the TeV. Compilation from [7].
jet axis. Thus, there is the need to determine differ-
ences between jets from heavy-ion collisions and parton Figure 34 shows the jet RAA in central Pb+Pb colli-
showers in vacuum, represented in p+p collisions, and to sions in comparison with the RAA of charged hadrons.
identify the influence of the flavor and mass of partons The hadron and jet RAA are both found to be strongly
on the jet structure. In turn, the medium responds dif- suppressed, with the jet RAA exhibiting stronger sup-
ferently to the elastic and inelastic interaction processes pression than that of the inclusive hadrons at the same

pT . At higher pT , jets are more suppressed than hadrons parison of jets initiated by a hard-scattered quark (quark
with the same pT , since the inclusive hadrons at a given jets) with those initiated by a gluon (gluon jets). Exper-
pT originate from energetic partons that fragment at late imentally, this can be achieved statistically by compar-
times and thus lose less energy in the medium than the ing ensembles of photon-tagged jets (jets opposite in az-
combined energy loss of the entire parton shower that imuth from an isolated photon) with inclusive jets. Event
constitutes an average jet (see Section IX B 2 for a more generators predict that the fraction of quark jets in a
detailed discussion of jet fragmentation). The measure- photon-tagged sample of jets in a typical kinematic range
ment of hadrons does not extend as high in pT as that of at the LHC is 0.7−0.8 as compared to a quark fraction of
jets, since the jets encompass the entire shower from the 0.3 − 0.5 for inclusive jets in the same range [210]. If the
parton rather than just one (leading) hadron. jet energy loss is proportional to the square of the color
A summary plot of current jet RAA measurements from charge of the primary parton (Cq /Cg = 4/9) as predicted
RHIC and LHC is shown in Fig. 35 for central (0-10%) by theory, a smaller quark energy loss should be reflected
Au+Au at RHIC and Pb+Pb at the LHC. [209] The in less suppression, i. e. a larger RAA for photon-tagged
ATLAS and CMS results represent full (electromagnetic jets than for inclusive jets.
and hadronic) calorimetric measurements of jets, ALICE
comprises electromagnetic energy and charged particles,
while STAR measurements are jets measured solely with
charged particles, all with the same jet resolution param-
eter R = 0.4. The uncertainties are larger for the STAR
and ALICE jet measurements and increase as the jet-
pT decreases. Several effects contribute to the increased
uncertainty at low jet-pT : the dependence of the experi-
ments on charged-particle tracking rather than calorime-
try, the increased influence of the soft background at
lower jet-pT , and greater dependence on the low-pT cut-
off. Also noticeable is the gap in pT between the RHIC
and LHC data, which is partly due to the circumstance
that only the energy by charged particles is detected in
the STAR measurements. The entire region pT < 100
GeV/c is important to theoretical comparisons in or-
der to better understand jet energy loss mechanisms and
the response of the medium. Therefore, it is a focus FIG. 36: Jet RAA compilation from ATLAS for γ-jet and

of new experimental background and jet-isolation tech- inclusive jets in sNN = 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions. Details
in the legend and text. [From [211]]
niques and continued higher statistics data-taking.

The jets opposite isolated photons will consist predom-

inantly of quark jets, enabling potential discrimination
between the energy loss of a primary quark with the
medium and that of a mixture of quarks and gluons that
make up the inclusive jet sample. These events with jets
opposite a photon (referred to as γ-jet) were investigated
and compared to inclusive jet production [212] in p+p

and Pb+Pb interactions at sNN = 5.02 TeV. Figure 36
displays a comparison of the RAA for γ-jet measurements
at three centralities with an inclusive jet measurement at
0-10% centrality. As already seen for inclusive jets, the
γ-jet measurements also exhibit increased suppression for
more central collisions. However, as Fig. 36 highlights,
the most central γ-jet RAA results show significantly less
suppression than inclusive jets reflecting the enhanced
presence of gluons with their larger energy loss in the
inclusive sample.
FIG. 35: A compilation [209] of jet RAA measurements at
RHIC and LHC [205–208]. Measurements are for full jets at
LHC and charged-particle jets at RHIC. See text for more
details. 2. Jet Fragmentation and Jet Shape

The dependence of jet quenching on the color charge It is important to note that a general difference be-
of the primary parton can also be derived from a com- tween the jet and hadron pT -spectra is that the hadron

spectra result from fragmentation of the primary parton Since D(z) only provides a measure of the longitudinal
into a jet that contains a leading parton carrying above fragmentation of jets, it is important to also measure the
average momentum. Therefore, the fragmentation func- transverse structure of the jets to gain additional insight
tion plays an integral role in the difference between the into the medium modification of the fragmentation pro-
hadron and jet pT -spectra, and the jet spectrum is harder cess and the role of parton-medium interactions. This is
than that of inclusive hadrons. In fact, a hadron and a commonly achieved by measuring the angular distribu-
jet at a given pT do not originate from partons with the tion of hadrons with respect to the jet axis within the
same pT . The primary parton momentum, which is rep- jet cone. Figure 38 displays the ratio of the jet radial
resented for the most part by the jet, must be convoluted momentum distributions as a function of the angular dis-
with the fragmentation function in order to obtain the pT tance ∆r from the jet axis in Pb+Pb for various central-
of an individual hadron. Clearly, this entails the need to ity intervals relative to that measured in p+p collisions
measure the fragmentation function in p+p collisions and for leading jets with pT > 120 GeV/c, R = 0.4 and 0.7
its modification in A+A collisions. Similarly, the desire GeV/c < ptrack
T < 300 GeV/c [214]. The Pb+Pb radial
to understand the transverse momentum broadening of momentum distributions are enhanced over the p+p dis-
the jet shower by its interaction with the medium re- tribution for charged particles farther away from the jet
quires a quantitative understanding of the transverse jet axis and the enhancement increases with centrality pri-
shapes in p+p collisions and their modification in A+A marily outside the jet cone (∆r > 0.4). This behavior
collisions. indicates that there is significant out-of-cone radiation
The fragmentation functions D(z) for charged hadrons associated with the jet [215]. Thus, jets defined with a
have been measured in p+p and Pb+Pb collisions [206] larger cone radius R should recover more of this large-
for a variety of centralities [213]. Figure 37 shows the angle radiation than jets defined with a narrower cone
measured ratios RD(z) of jet fragmentation into charged and therefore should be expected to incorporate more
hadrons in central Pb+Pb collisions relative to p+p col- sources of potential energy loss. The magnitude of the
lisions as a function of z = pT /pjet . A strong enhance- out-of-cone radiation will depend on the parton-medium
ment is observed for hadrons at low z, while a sup- interactions and also differences in the energy-loss mech-
pression is seen for hadrons in the intermediate region anisms between quark and gluon jets.
0.03 < z < 0.1. This is consistent with a scenario in Another promising probe of the mechanisms of jet-
which partons that would normally contribute in this in- medium interactions are jets with a leading b-quark (b-
termediate region interact with the medium, lose energy, jets. These jets overall are observed to be broader than
and form hadrons at lower z resulting in the observed inclusive jets [216], with a broadening of the angular dis-
low-z enhancement. The slight enhancement observed tribution of charged hadrons beyond R = 0.2 that in-
for hadrons with z > 0.5, a kinematic region typically creases significantly in Pb+Pb collisions for more central
dominated by leading hadrons, may reflect a selection events and extends beyond the cone radius that defines
bias in favor of narrow jets, which do not interact as the b-jet. Thus, the energy in b-jets is redistributed to
strongly with the medium as wider jets. larger angles in Pb+Pb collisions compared with p+p
collisions. This finding is consistent with measurements
of the RAA for R = 0.2 b-jets compared to inclusive jets,
where the RAA appears larger for b-jets than that for
inclusive jets in central Pb+Pb collisions [217]. In gen-
eral, the b-jet measurements are suggestive of mass and
color-charge effects in the mechanisms of jet energy loss
in heavy-ion collisions. Higher statistics data and new
measurements will be required to disentangle the various
sources of these effects.

3. Jet Substructure

We now turn to the emerging field of jet substructure

measurements. As compared to inclusive jet measure-
ments, jet substructure measurements seek to elucidate
the dynamical evolution of the internal structure of the
jet as it propagates through the QGP medium and thus
FIG. 37: Fragmentation function ratio RD of fragmentation aim to provide information on the microscopic processes
functions plotted as a function of z in central Pb+Pb collisions leading to parton energy loss in the QGP. There are two
relative to those in p+p collisions. Details of the jet selection possible approaches to this goal. One, which can be
are given in the legend.[213]
called the microscopic approach, strives for the complete
reconstruction of the underlying parton propagation and

FIG. 38: The ratio of the jet radial momentum distributions as a function of the angular distance ∆r from the jet axis in
Pb+Pb for various centrality intervals relative to those measured in p+p collisions. The CMS data are for leading jets with
R = 0.4 and pT > 120 GeV/c, and for charged particles with 0.7 GeV/c < pT < 300 GeV/c [214].

kinematics in the QGP in the hope that this will per- as shown in Fig. 39. This algorithm is well suited to an-
mit one to distinguish and understand the energy loss alyze jet fragmentation in the vacuum, i. e. in p+p colli-
processes and the response of the QGP to the evolving sions, where the branching tree obeys angular ordering.
jet. The other, which can be called the global approach, Within a medium the angular ordering can be destroyed
aims at the precision measurement of semi-inclusive ob- by medium-induced interactions that change the color
servables that are sensitive to the substructure of jets and flow within the branching jet, and the usefulness of this
can be rigorously calculated in QCD without the need for method is less well established.
somewhat arbitrary kinematic cuts. We first discuss the Two variables that describe the splittings after groom-
microscopic approach. ing – zg (the momentum fraction of first splitting) and
Rg (the angular opening of the first splitting) - can be
derived in theory and extracted from experiment in jet
analyses. These variables are typically plotted in a dia-
gram, known as the Lund Plane [222] (see Fig. 40), where
kT = pT,subleading sin(R) and θg = Rg /R, with R being
the jet cone angle. [221, 223, 224]
The different regions in the Lund plane are populated
by splittings ranging from the non-perturbative at low
ln(kT ) to perturbative at high ln(kT ). Wider splittings
and soft wide-angle radiation populate lower values of
ln(1/∆R), where ∆R is the angle between the splitting
and the jet axis. Splittings that are more collinear cor-
respond to higher values of ln(1/∆R). The Lund Plane
FIG. 39: Diagram of angular-ordered re-clustering of con-
stituents of a jet and the Soft Drop grooming procedure also provides insight into regions where coherence may
[218, 219]) to reduce background and then re-clustering [220]. take place.
The identified splitting is shown in black and the groomed- Fully corrected measurements of zg distributions in
away splittings in light blue. From [221]. Pb+Pb are found to be consistent with those measured
in p+p collisions over the entire range of jets measured.
In order to reconstruct the evolution or shower his- However, the θg (and Rg ) distributions are narrower for
tory of a jet and determine its parton energy-loss mech- smaller-angle jet splittings in Pb+Pb collisions, and the
anisms in the medium, the parton splittings and inter- wider-angle splittings are significantly more suppressed
actions must be derived from the final jet constituents. relative to those in p+p [221, 224]. In central collisions,
The splittings can be investigated using a technique that the values of the jet suppression factor RAA range be-
involves grooming of the jets (one popular approach is tween 0.75 for narrow jets and ∼ 0.3 for the widest jets.
Soft Drop [218]) to reduce background and then reclus- We already speculated that this phenomenon is respon-
tering ([219]) to determine the angular ordering in the sible for the rise of RD(z) for z → 1 in Fig. 37.
QCD evolution of the jet. The jet substructure splittings Presumably, the wider jets reflect incoherent interac-
can be characterized by the momentum fraction (zg ) and tions or larger gluon fractions and thus suffer more energy
opening angle (θg ) of the first splitting after grooming, loss than narrow jets. These results are qualitatively in

parton showers. Ongoing research focuses on the mea-

surement of the modifications of EECs and track function
moments in p+A and A+A collisions where characteris-
tic changes due to jet-medium interactions are predicted,
which are sensitive to the dynamics of color coherence in
the parton shower [232].

FIG. 40: The Lund Plane representation [222] of the kine-

matic regions available within a jet. The ∆R and kT are the
angle and transverse momentum of a gluon emission with re-
spect to its parent parton.

line with a recent JETSCAPE study of jet substructure FIG. 41: The two-point energy-energy correlator restricted
modifications caused by jet-medium interactions [204], to charged hadrons, evaluated from CMS Open Data for p+p
which confirms that parton scattering with the QGP at collisions at LHC. The data, which are plotted as a function
high virtuality is highly suppressed by coherence effects. of the relative angle RL between the tracks, exhibit distinct
The reduced interaction of highly virtual partons with scaling regimes associated with asymptotically free partons
(at large RL ) and free hadrons (at small RL ). [From [230]]
the medium then leads to the enhancement of narrow
jets relative to wide jets. Further studies along these
lines could allow for a determination of the scale depen-
dence of elastic parton scattering in the medium that
goes beyond the jet quenching parameter q̂ and thereby X. COLLECTIVE FLOW
yield insight into the scale dependence of the microscopic
structure of the QGP. Not all signatures of the QGP that are now under-
A more global approach to the study of jet substruc- stood to be relevant and important were recognized as
ture, which does not rely on the use of jet shower simu- such in our 1996 review and are thus absent from Fig. 1.
lations is the measurement of energy-energy correlators This section will be devoted to a brief discussion of those
(EEC) [225, 226] and, more generally, correlators involv- signatures that have had great phenomenological impact
ing track functions [227]. Track functions are asymp- but were not fully appreciated before the advent of data
totic expectation values of observables, such as energy from heavy-ion colliders. The most important and ubiq-
flow or conserved currents, integrated along a given an- uitous of these are the collective flow anisotropies vn ,
gular direction (the track) pointing away from the inter- most importantly, the elliptic flow coefficient v2 .
action vertex. Their usefulness derives from the fact that Many-body systems exhibit collective flow that can
they can (a) be rigorously defined in quantum field the- be described by viscous hydrodynamics if the mean-free
ory [228] and (b) are the natural objects measured by path λf of their constituents is short compared to the sys-
calorimeters with or without particle identification. tem size L, i.e. if the Knudsen number Kn = λf /L ≪ 1.
Recent progress in the calculation of the renormaliza- Before the advent of collider data, this condition was not
tion group flow for EECs [226] and moments of track expected to be satisfied by the QGP, because the strong
functions [227, 229] together with the demonstration of long-range color force is screened in it, and lowest-order
a universal scaling behavior of EECs in p+p data from perturbative calculations of λf yield rather large values.
LHC [230, 231] have raised interest in using such global Although some theorists argued otherwise [233], the gen-
jet substructure observables for the study of jet quench- eral consensus was that the specific shear viscosity η/s,
ing in A+A collisions. As an example of this behavior, where s is the entropy density, of the QGP was of order
Fig. 41 shows the EEC restricted to charged hadrons for unity or larger, prohibiting well developed collective flow
p+p collisions at LHC using CMS open data [230]. The for fireballs of nuclear size.
magenta shaded region labeled “Quarks/Gluons” is well Features of collective flow were initially observed in
described by next-to-next-to-leading QCD perturbation fixed-target experiments at the BEVALAC in 400 MeV/u
theory [231] indicating that it is governed by perturbative Ca+Ca and Nb+Nb collisions [234] and 800 MeV/u

Ar+Pb collisions [235]. A detailed characterization of Figure 43 indicates that the elliptic flow v2 (pT ) of
collective flow in terms of directed and elliptic flow was charged hadrons in Au+Au (Pb+Pb) collisions remains
performed in 158 GeV/u fixed-target Pb+Pb collisions the same in a fixed centrality bin (20 − 30%) over a

[236] at the SPS. Data from Au+Au collisions at RHIC large range of collision energies sNN from 39 GeV to
and later in Pb+Pb collisions at LHC clearly showed that 2.76 TeV. As Fig. 2 suggests, the initial conditions of
the initial geometrical features of the QGP fireball are the fireball lie deep in the QGP regime over this energy
translated into characteristic collective flow patterns. For range, and the colliding nuclei are sufficiently Lorentz
early summaries of these results and their interpretation contracted for the Bjorken model of a boost-invariant
see [4–6, 237, 238]. The geometric features imprinted on hydrodynamic expansion to be applicable at midrapid-
the fireball during the initial collision can be expressed ity. The observation that the v2 (pT ) data all follow the
in terms of eccentricities εn that measure the azimuthal same curve indicates that the elliptic flow is driven by
anisotropies of the deposited energy density with respect the scale-invariant hydrodynamic expansion of a fireball
to the beam axis. Hydrodynamics translates these ge- whose initial geometric shape is the nuclear overlap re-
ometric anisotropies into azimuthal anisotropies of the gion in the associated impact parameter window.
spectra of emitted particles, which are parameterized by While the strength of the observed elliptic flow of in-
flow coefficients vn in the form clusive charged hadrons points to its early generation
during the expansion phase, it does not directly indicate

d3 N 1 d2 N X whether the flow is created at the (deconfined) quark
E = + 2vn (pT ) cos[n(ϕ − Ψn )], (12)
dp3 2π pt dpt dy n=1 level. This information comes from characteristic differ-
ences between the elliptic flow of mesons and baryons
where Ψn denotes the n-th order event plane. [177, 243]. If the flow is carried by the valence quarks of
The magnitude of the observed vn (pT ) depends on a hadron, the elliptic flow functions of different hadrons
the initial eccentricities εn and the specific shear vis- will satisfy the scaling law
cosity η/s. Since the εn can be reliably modeled based (i) (q)
on our knowledge of nuclear structure and elementary v2 (pT )/n(i) (i)
q = v2 (pT /nq ) , (13)
nucleon-nucleon collisions, the data for vn (pT ) can be
used to deduce the value of η/s from the data by means where nq = 2, 3 is the number of valence quarks of
of a Bayesian model-data comparison. Here we can only (q)
hadron species i, and v2 (pT ) is the elliptic flow function
present a few examples of the many published compar- for quarks. Figure 44 shows the valence quark scaled el-
isons of viscous hydrodynamics simulations with experi- liptic flow coefficient v2 /nq measured by STAR [244] in
mental data. Figure 42 shows the flow coefficients vn (pT ) √
√ sNN = 54.4 GeV Au+Au collisions for five different
measured by ALICE [239] and ATLAS [240] in sNN = hadron species containing strange quarks: the mesons
5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions compared with the results of Ks0 , ϕ and the baryons Λ, Ξ− , Ω− . The flow coefficient v2
hybrid model calculations using second-order viscous hy- is plotted as apfunction of the variable (mT − m0 )/nq ,
drodynamics with η/s = 0.12 to describe the QGP phase where mT = p2T + m20 is the transverse mass. Simi-
[241]. lar results for v2 , v3 , v4 have been obtained by ALICE in
Pb+Pb collisions at LHC [245].
The pT -integrated flow coefficients vn for n ≥ 2 pro-
vide a good measure of the specific shear viscosity η/s,
because the coefficients are increasingly sensitive to flow
dissipation for growing values of n [246]. These coeffi-
cients have been measured by several LHC experiments

in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV [240, 247, 248].
The data are in good agreement with hybrid model cal-
culations that use values η/s ∼ 0.1 − 0.2 in the QGP
The collision energy dependence of v2 of charged

hadrons has been measured from sNN ≃ 2 GeV to 5.02
TeV in Au+Au (Pb+Pb) collisions in experiments at
GSI, AGS, SPS, RHIC, and LHC. The data collected in
Fig. 45 show that the physical mechanism driving the el-

liptic flow changes for sNN < 10 GeV. The slow increase

of v2 for sNN > 10 GeV can be reconciled with the in-
FIG. 42: vn (pT ) (n = 2, 3, 4, 5) measured in 20 − 30% central variant behavior of v2 (pT ) visible in Fig. 43 by the ob-

Pb+Pb collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV by ALICE [239] and servation that the pT -spectrum of charged hadrons con-
ATLAS [240]. The data are compared with simulations in a √
tinues to flatten with growing sNN and thus samples
hybrid collision model [241] based on viscous hydrodynamical larger values of pT for higher collision energies.
evolution of the QGP phase. [From [241]] The numerical value for the QCD transport parameter

FIG. 43: The v2 (pT ) measured in 20 − 30% central Au+Au

(Pb+Pb) collisions over the collision energies sNN from 39 FIG. 45: The pT -integrated elliptic flow v2 for Au+Au
GeV to 2.76 TeV. The fact that the data all follow the same (Pb+Pb) collisions over the entire collision energy range cov-
curve is indicative of elliptic flow that is driven by hydrody- ered by Au+Au (Pb+Pb) collisions at the GSI, AGS, SPS,
namic expansion of a fireball with the initial geometric shape RHIC, and LHC. See text for details. [From [7]]
of the nuclear overlap associated with the impact parameter
window. [From [242]]

FIG. 46: Comparison of the specific shear viscosity η/s of the

QGP extracted from heavy-ion collision data with the values
FIG. 44: Valence quark scaled elliptic flow coefficient v2 /nq measured for helium and water. [From [249]]

for five different hadron species in sNN = 54.4 GeV Au+Au
collisions as a function of the scaling variable (mT − m0 )/nq .
The solid red line indicates a fit to the Ks0 data. [From [244]] that values of η/s ∼ 0.1 − 0.2 require the QGP to be
a strongly coupled fluid [250, 251]. In fact, this value
establishes an exceptional role of the QGP as a nearly
η/s that can be extracted from the RHIC and LHC data “perfect” fluid (see Fig. 46 for a comparison with other
has systematic uncertainties that derive from the need “good” fluids) with a sound dissipation coefficient that
to simultaneously fix other parameters of the transport is near the quantum bound (4η/3 + ζ)/s = (3π)−1 [252].
models, such as the initial energy density, the granular-
ity of the density fluctuations, and the earliest time at The information with respect to the initial azimuthal
which viscous hydrodynamics becomes a valid descrip- shape of the fireball that is gleaned from the collective
tion. Comprehensive model-data analyses using Bayesian flow measurements can be used to study the pathlength
methodology that take many of these uncertainties into dependence of parton energy loss by measuring proper-
account have been conducted in recent years. A recent ties of the jet as a function of its angle relative to the flow
analysis [249] allowing for a temperature-dependent spe- anisotropy. Jets that are emitted along the major axis
cific shear viscosity is reproduced in Fig. 46, where the of the initial elliptic shape, created from the geometrical
red curve shows the most probable value and the orange overlap of the colliding nuclei, must traverse a longer dis-
area covers the 90% likely region. tance through the QGP and lose more energy than those
The importance of this result derives from the insight emitted along the minor axis. Radiative energy loss of

partons is predicted to grow quadratically with the path- Kelvin’s theorem states that circulation is strictly con-
length [253], whereas collisional energy loss would depend served in an ideal fluid. The seeding of vorticity in non-
linearly on the pathlength [254]. Measurements of the az- central heavy-ion collisions was first recognized in [258]
imuthal anisotropy of the jet yield relative to the event where also global hyperon polarization with respect to
plane can thus provide information on the mechanism by the collision plane was identified as an experimental sig-
which partons lose energy. Such studies have been imple- nature. Global Λ-hyperon polarization in the percent
mented using event shape engineering methods [160] to range was subsequently observed in Au+Au collisions at

have better control of the initial geometrical event shapes sNN = 7 − 200 GeV [259]. The magnitude of the po-
for more precise pathlength determination. Results to larization can be related to the average vorticity of the
date are consistent with the assumption of a dominance QGP at the moment of hadronization and gives an aver-
of radiative energy loss for light partons. age value |⃗ω | = (9 ± 1) × 10−21 s−1 for Au+Au collisions
within the energy range studied in [259]. The observed
magnitude can be explained as the transfer of vorticity
into the QGP from the initial orbital angular momentum
of the colliding nuclei that results in a spin polarization of
the QGP fluid [260, 261]. The detailed vorticity pattern
of the QGP fluid and the microscopic mechanisms of spin
transfer into the QGP and its equilibration are areas of
active research. In addition to spin polarization of hyper-
ons, STAR and ALICE have also reported a nonzero spin
alignment of several vector mesons (K ∗ , ϕ) [262, 263] the
origins of which are not yet well understood.


Interest in the equation of state of nuclear matter was

the primary motivation for our field of research and the
FIG. 47: The jet v2jet and particle v2part in 30-50% central inception of experiments utilizing collisions of energetic

sNN = 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions as a function of pjet T and heavy ions [264]. After initial studies of baryon-rich nu-
pT , respectively. The particle v2part [255, 256], charged jet clear matter in the GeV range [265], the interest became
v2chjet [255] and calorimetric jet v2calojet [257] results are shown. focused on understanding the equation of state of excited
See legend for more details. [Compilation from [255]] QCD matter, which was originally a centerpiece of the
RHIC experimental program as exemplified by the panel
Analogous to the azimuthal correlation measurements in Fig. 1 entitled “Temperature.” This interest faded
of soft particles in an event, the azimuthal anisotropy somewhat once lattice gauge theory became able to cal-
of jets vnjet can be measured with respect to the second culate the equation of state with high precision for zero
harmonic event plane, after separating jets from the un- to moderate net baryon densities (see [266] for a recent
derlying event background. Displayed in Fig. 47 is a com- comprehensive review). Instead of the equation of state,
pilation [255] of results on the jet v2jet and particle v2part the experiments have since focused mainly on dynamical
for semi-central collisions. The ATLAS calorimetric jet phenomena, such as the dynamics of thermalization and
v2calojet and ALICE charged jet v2chjet are consistent with effects of viscosity on the collective flow.
each other and exhibit a significant v2jet up to large pT .4 Experimental interest in the equation of state of nu-
Also shown are the v2part of charged particles for compari- clear matter has now shifted back to much lower collision
energies, in the few-GeV range as explored in the second
son. The ALICE and ATLAS v2jet measurements indicate
RHIC beam energy scan, where the net baryon density
pathlength-dependent parton energy loss.
of the matter created is above that covered by reliable
An attribute of the QGP fluid that was not antici-
lattice calculations. A main focus of this investigation
pated at the time of our 1996 review [1] is vorticity.
is to determine whether the smooth crossover between
Because of the very low specific shear viscosity of the
hadronic matter and QGP at low net baryon density gives
QGP any vorticity that is seeded into the fluid at early
way to a first-order phase transition with a threshold crit-
times can survive for an extended period of time as
ical point. The primary experimental probes for a first-
or second-order phase transition are large-scale spinodal
density fluctuations and critical net-baryon number fluc-
tuations, respectively. Hints of such critical behavior
Note that for any initial parton pT , the particle pT will be less
than that of a charged jet and it is likewise less than that for a were observed in net-proton number fluctuations in the
calorimetric jet due to the missing initial parton energy in the first RHIC beam energy scan [267] but require substan-
particles and charged jets. tiation with much higher statistics data.

The recent detection of gravitational waves from bi- sNN = 5.02 TeV in modifications of hard probes, such
nary neutron-star mergers [268, 269] has sparked interest as jets [290]. It is presently unclear how the finding of
in connecting the equation of state governing the collapse apparent collectivity in soft particle emission can be rec-
of binary-neutron star systems to the equation of state onciled with the absence of evidence for jet quenching.
of matter probed in heavy-ion collisions in the few-GeV One possibility is that the soft collective behavior ob-
energy range [270]. The shape of the gravitational wave served in p+p and p+A collisions is generated without
signal is expected to be sensitive to the degrees of free- hydrodynamic flow (see e. g. [291]). It is well known in
dom in the core of neutron stars. Calculations are cur- other fields, e. g. plasma physics, that collective motion
rently focused on exploring connections to the dynamical of particles can be created by non-hydrodynamical mech-
evolution of few-GeV heavy-ion collisions in terms of the anisms, such as the action of coherent fields [292, 293].
pressure, temperature, entropy, and isospin [271–274]. A If the origin of collective behavior in p+p and p+A colli-
first-order phase transition to quark matter is expected sions were found to have an alternative explanation, our
to look very different than a smooth crossover, and the current understanding of the origin of flow patterns in
next generation of gravitational wave observatories may A+A collisions would have to be revisited.
be able to distinguish between the two. Furthermore,
the lowest energy probes in the second RHIC beam en-
ergy scan and the future Compressed Baryonic Matter XIII. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK
(CBM) experiment at FAIR [275] are expected to pro-
vide the data necessary for a quantitative comparison Nearly three decades of experimental and theoretical
with neutron-star merger observations. research have affirmed the scientific strategy aimed at the
discovery and characterization of the quark-gluon plasma
that was described in [1]. Extensive measurements have
XII. SMALL SYSTEMS converted the qualitative expectations for the quark-
gluon plasma signatures summarized in Fig. 1 into quan-
The motivation for colliding ultra-relativistic heavy titative knowledge. Some signatures have been found to
ions at RHIC and the LHC was that at such high energies be less useful or more difficult to measure than originally
large nuclei would be most likely to create hot QCD mat- thought. Others have proven to be immensely valuable
ter in the thermodynamic limit. Notwithstanding this ar- including several that were unanticipated or some that
gument, there was also an old idea that even high-energy were known in principle but underappreciated.
proton-proton collisions could produce a statistical sys- The average initial energy density reached in the most
tem that might exhibit aspects of hydrodynamic behav- central heavy-ion collisions in Fig. 2 exceeds the threshold

ior [276–278]. After the advent of QCD, the question for QGP formation above sNN ∼ 10 GeV. In the high

remained as to whether a statistical system composed of energy range, sNN > 50 GeV, this can be deduced from
locally deconfined quarks and gluons could be produced the measured charged-particle multiplicity dNch /dy and
in sufficiently energetic p+p collisions and behave as a the short hydrodynamization time deduced from elliptic
hot fluid, i.e. a QGP. However, attempts to find evidence flow. At lower energies, it requires some assumptions
for QGP formation in high-multiplicity p+p̄ collisions at about the dynamics of energy deposition, which is no
the TEVATRON remained inconclusive [279]. longer quasi-instantaneous. The argument here is based
The general consensus remains that minimum-bias in part on the continuity of the valence quark number

p+p collisions do not involve the formation of a QGP, scaling of elliptic flow that is observed down to sNN =
and such events are commonly used as a baseline against 11.5 GeV, although increasing deviations from the scal-

which nuclear modifications of hard probes are measured. ing show up for sNN < 39 GeV indicating a growing
This does not rule out that a QGP fireball can be pro- contribution to flow from the hadronic phase [294, 295].
duced in rare high-multiplicity p+p events. The first Among soft signatures, the enhancement of strange
clear evidence for behavior that resembles a collective hadron production and, more generally, the complete
flow pattern was observed by CMS in p+p events at chemical equilibration of all light hadron species at com-

sNN = 7 TeV with more than 90 charged tracks [280]. mon thermodynamic conditions have provided strong ev-

Angular correlation measurements at sNN = 2.76 and idence for the transition from hadronic matter to a decon-
13 TeV [281, 282] confirmed this observation. Similar ob- fined state – the QGP – at a temperature Tc ≈ 155 MeV,
servations of collective flow patterns have been made for in excellent agreement with lattice-QCD simulations. As
p+Pb collisions at LHC [283–286] and in p+Au, d+Au, shown in Fig.18, the boundary between hadronic matter
and 3 He+Au collisions at RHIC [287] (see [288] for a and the QGP has been mapped by two different meth-
review). The similarity of the collective behavior seen ods over a range of baryon chemical potential µB up to
in p+p, p+A, and A+A systems can be explained if at least 300 MeV.
a strongly coupled QGP is formed in all these systems Electromagnetically interacting and hard QCD sig-
[289]. natures provide complementary information about the
Surprisingly, on the other hand, no evidence has been properties of the QGP. Measurements of the spectrum of
found for the formation of a QGP in p+Pb collisions at direct photons and the invariant mass spectrum of dilep-

tons have yielded lower bounds for the temperature at its diffusion constants.
which the QGP initially thermalizes. These spectra ex- The most versatile, but also the most complex probes
hibit thermal temperatures substantially above the tran- of the QGP are energetic quarks and gluons, created by
sition temperature Tc . The spectrum of dileptons in hard scatterings during the first moments of the nuclear
the mass region of the ρ-meson confirm the hadroniza- collision. Such hard-scattered partons materialize as jets,
tion (chemical freeze-out) temperature deduced from the in which the initial momentum of the primary parton is
hadron yields. shared among many hadrons. A number of different ob-
An unambiguous detection of chiral symmetry restora- servables have been found that encode the energy loss of
tion will require high-precision measurements of the lep- the primary parton on its path through the QGP, begin-
ton pair spectrum in the mass region 1 GeV < Mℓ+ ℓ− < 2 ning with the suppression of the inclusive yield of high pT
GeV. Theoretical predictions indicate a difference of ap- hadrons in A+A collisions observed from the mid-range
proximately 15% between models that involve chiral sym- of RHIC energies to those of the LHC and corroborated
metry restoration in the QGP phase and models that do by the observation of a strong suppression of the high-pT
not. Measurements of this level of precision require very hadrons opposite in azimuth to a high-pT trigger hadron.
precise knowledge of the background from semi-leptonic These measurements involving individual hadrons were
charm decays and are out of reach for the existing de- subsequently extended to jets and di-jets, where a sim-
tectors. The proposed ALICE 3 [296] and NA60+ [297] ilar quenching of jets attributable to parton energy loss
experiments aim at reaching the required precision to be was observed. More recently, differential measurements
able to detect the enhancement of the dielectron spec- of jets and their substructure have emerged as tools to in-
trum at invariant masses above the ϕ-meson peak char- vestigate the mechanism that causes parton energy loss
acteristic of ρ − a1 mixing that is the signature of chiral and help determine the conditions under which energy
symmetry restoration. loss is primarily radiative or when elastic processes dom-
Identical particle (HBT) interferometry has revealed inate. In parallel, flavor tagging of jets has given evidence
that a fireball of nuclear size and a lifetime of 4 − 10 for a mass and color charge dependence of the parton en-
fm/c acts as the common source of the hadrons that are ergy loss in the QGP.
emitted. As already mentioned above, the composition According to our current insight, the energy loss of the
of the emitted hadrons and the fluctuations of conserved primary parton and the redistribution of its momentum
quantities have been used to map the chemical proper- within the jet is controlled by just a few parameters char-
ties of the hadronizing fireball. Future experiments with acterizing the medium. In a dilute or thin medium, they
extended pseudorapidity coverage should allow balance are the density of scattering centers and the range of the
functions of conserved quantities to reach farther back color force in the medium. In a dense, thick medium,
into the history of the evolution of the fireball and track the jet quenching parameter q̂ encodes the transverse
when chemical equilibrium is first established. scattering power per unit length of the medium. The
The measured suppression pattern of heavy quarko- suppression factor RAA of inclusive hadrons provides
nium states, especially the Υ states, and their observed a direct measurement of q̂ under the assumption that
sequential melting provide confirmation for the decon- the energy loss of the primary parton is predominantly
finement of quarks and gluons in the QGP, although caused by gluon radiation induced by scattering in the
the mechanisms underpinning the suppression pattern medium. The dimensionless parameter q̂/T 3 is found to
are more complex than originally thought. In particular, lie in the (±1σ) range 3.4 < q̂/T 3 < 5.8 at RHIC and
the reduced suppression of the J/ψ in A+A collisions at 2.4 < q̂/T 3 < 5.0 at LHC [188], which is consistent with
LHC compared to that at RHIC energies provides clear values for q̂/T 3 required to describe the inclusive jet sup-
evidence that charm quarks are deconfined in the QGP. pression measured at RHIC and LHC.
The intense investigation of the collective flow patterns The values of η/s and q̂/T 3 deduced from the heavy
in experiments has made it possible to quantitatively de- ion data by Bayesian model-data comparison are two ex-
termine fluid properties of the QGP. The specific shear amples where experimental data have helped bracket fun-
viscosity of the QGP has been found to lie in the range damental transport coefficients of the QGP that cannot
0.05 < η/s < 0.2 depending on T /Tc , establishing this (yet) be reliably calculated in QCD. A fundamental ques-
novel QGP state of matter as the most “perfect” fluid tion that is still to be resolved, is to what extent it is
known. Furthermore, the valence quark scaling of the possible to probe the dynamical evolution of the matter
flow pattern has provided strong evidence that the collec- created in heavy-ion collisions from partons in the ini-
tive flow is generated at the quark level in a fluid in which tial state to the thermal quarks and gluons of the QGP
quarks are not confined as hadrons. The spin polariza- and, finally, into hadrons. This quest involves the in-
tion of hyperons adds a new dimension to the exploration vestigation and understanding of the parton structure of
of the flow pattern by its sensitivity to the vorticity and the initial state, of the energy sharing mechanisms that
thermal shear of the fluid. In the future, more precise produce a thermal plasma, and the response of the QGP
measurements of the interaction of heavy quarks with to hard probes that are sensitive to a range of different
this fluid will further probe the strongly-coupled nature scales.
of the QGP by yielding quantitative determinations of Future measurements with better resolution and

higher statistics will probe more deeply to reveal the tions in p+A collisions include nuclear suppression or en-
various scales involved in the interactions of jets with hancement effects at relatively low pT that are alterna-
the QGP. Investigation of coherence effects, both the- tively attributed to shadowing of nuclear parton distri-
oretically and through jet substructure measurements, butions, momentum broadening of incident partons, or
will determine the extent to which the medium is able final-state absorption.
to resolve the interactions of the parton as it propagates In the more distant future precision studies of the
through the QGP. By constraining the dependence on the parton structure of nucleons and complex nuclei will
color charge and mass of the parton they can further con- be the scientific focus of the electron-ion collider (EIC)
firm the scattering dynamics underpinning parton energy [302]. Generalized parton distributions and transverse
loss. At the same time, these differential measurements momentum dependent parton distributions will ve used
become effective probes of the shower evolution inside a to map the transverse parton structure of the proton,
jet and contribute to our understanding of QCD. while diffractive e+p and e+A collisions will provide pre-
Over the next few years, the new sPHENIX detector cise quantitative constraints on the saturation of gluon
[298] at RHIC and the existing RHIC and LHC experi- distributions at small Bjorken-x. Besides being valuable
ments with upgraded detectors will make precision mea- in their own right, these results will help reduce the model
surements of jet modifications in heavy-ion collisions. In dependence of the initial state of relativistic heavy-ion
the future, a newly proposed ALICE 3 [296] experiment collisions.
is expected to join in that endeavor at the LHC. Parallel
advances in the theory of jet interactions with the QGP
medium will be required to turn the wealth of expected
data into firm insights into the structure and properties of Acknowledgments
the QGP and the internal dynamics of jet formation. The
remarkable success achieved for soft QGP probes, where
We thank Roberta Arnaldi, Steffen Bass, Hannah
data–theory comparisons within well-defined frameworks
Bossi, Helen Caines, Charles Gale, Marek Gazdzicki,
have enabled quantitative measurements of QGP bulk
Laura Havener, Joseph Kapusta, Raghav Kunnawalkam
properties, can serve as a guide for the scientific ap-
Elayavalli, Andras Laszlo, Yen-Jie Lee, Michael Lisa,
proach aimed at elucidating the microscopic structure of
Rongrong Ma, Ian Moult, Jean-François Paquet, Ralf
the QGP over the wider range of scales that is accessible
Rapp, Lijuan Ruan, Mike Sas, Jürgen Schukraft, En-
with hard QCD probes.
rico Scomparin, Alba Soto-Ontoso, and Willam Zajc for
Another increasingly central direction of investigation
valuable input during the writing of this article. We es-
is research into the parton structure of cold nuclear mat-
pecially thank Hannah Bossi for assistance in various as-
ter. A better understanding of the structure of the col-
pects of the preparation of figures for this manuscript.
liding nuclei is important as one attempts to understand
the initial conditions of a high-energy collision of nuclei. We appreciate helpful comments on a draft version of
An example of such investigations is the monitoring of the manuscript made by Yasuyuki Akiba, Frank Geurts,
sub-nucleonic proton shape fluctuations by studying J/ψ Peter Jacobs, Georgios Konstantinos Krintiras, Lijuan
production in diffractive e+p collisions [299]. Alternative Ruan, Björn Schenke, Jürgen Schukraft, Andre Ståhl,
experimental approaches utilize J/ψ photo-production in Marco Van Leeuwen, and Urs Wiedemann.
ultra-peripheral d+Au collisions [300] and coherent J/ψ We are indebted to the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS,
production in ultra-peripheral Pb+Pb collisions [301]. PHENIX and STAR collaborations for their extensive ex-
Understanding the interaction of cold nuclear mat- perimental results.
ter with hard probes is also an essential aspect in the We acknowledge support from the Office of Science
interpretation of the nuclear modification factor RAA of the U.S. Department of Energy, JH from grant DE-
as already discussed in conjunction with the physics of SC004168 and BM from grant DE-FG02-05ER41367.
quarkonium suppression and jet quenching. Phenomena BM also acknowledges support by Yale University during
that will benefit from additional experimental investiga- Spring 2022 and Spring 2023.

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