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Sexuality Now Embracing Diversity 3rd

Edition Carroll Test Bank

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Chapter 8--Childhood and Adolescent Sexuality

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. The first of the U.S. government-sponsored studies of children's sexual behavior was the:
A. National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Males.
B. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System.
C. National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.
D. National Survey of Family Growth.
E. National Health and Social Life Survey.

2. The ADD Health study:

A. is a national study of children in grades 7 through 12.
B. is the largest, most comprehensive survey of adolescents to date.
C. was designed to explore the causes of teenage sexual behaviors.
D. assessed the role of family, friends and schools on teenage sexual behaviors.
E. all of the above

3. Studies show that males may have erections as early as:

A. the fetal stage of development.
B. immediately after birth.
C. six months after birth.
D. one year after birth.
E. more than one year after birth.

4. __________ is a hormone secreted by the hypothalamus that may contribute to the physical bond between a
mother and her infant.
A. Estrogen
B. Oxytocin
C. Pheromone
D. Human chorionic gonadotropin
E. Luteinizing hormone
5. Generally speaking:
A. gender identity comes before gender constancy.
B. gender constancy comes before gender identity.
C. gender identity and gender constancy begin at the same time.
D. gender constancy sometimes comes before, sometimes comes after, gender identity.
E. gender identity and gender constancy are synonymous.

6. Masturbation by infants:
A. doesn't happen.
B. sometimes happens, but does not produce orgasm.
C. sometimes happens, and produces orgasm.
D. sometimes happens, and produces orgasm, but only in girls.
E. sometimes happens, and produces orgasm, but only in boys.

7. Young boys are often told to call their penis a “wiener.” Which of the following are young girls taught to
call their clitoris?
A. weenie
B. man in the boat
C. pee pee
D. tee tee
E. none of the above

8. Young rhesus monkeys separated from their mothers at birth showed a distinct preference for a "surrogate
mother" which provided warmth and security, as opposed to a "surrogate mother" providing only food in a
famous study conducted by:
A. Freud.
B. Lewis.
C. Harlow.
D. Okami.
E. Knobloch.

9. During infancy, genital self-stimulation is:

A. virtually unknown.
B. uncommon, and considered a warning sign of potential psychosexual disorder.
C. uncommon, but not considered a warning sign of potential psychosexual disorder.
D. common, and should be discouraged.
E. common, and should not be discouraged.
10. The best approach for parents whose five-year-old child walks in on them while they are having sexual
intercourse to:
A. explain to the child that the child should not imitate their behaviors.
B. apologize for upsetting the child.
C. teach the child to knock before entering the bedroom in the future.
D. have an honest discussion about love and intercourse.
E. do all of these are true

11. Four-year-old Estella knows that she is a girl, but sometimes says things indicating that she thinks she may
be a boy in the future. Estella has not yet achieved:
A. gender identity.
B. gender nonconformity.
C. gender constancy.
D. gender stability.
E. She has NOT achieved ANY of the above.

12. A normally-developing child shows a decline in obviously sexual behaviors, and no longer engages in
genital self-stimulation. Most likely, that child is how many years old?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 7
D. 12
E. none of these are true; this is not a description of a "normal" child

13. All of the following are true except:

A. On average, teenage girls masturbate less often than teenage boys.
B. Boys are more likely than girls to masturbate in groups.
C. Boys learn about masturbation from their peers.
D. By the age of twelve, most children are capable of stimulating themselves to orgasm.
E. Girls most often learn about masturbation from other girls.

14. Preadolescent (age 9 or 10) friendships usually are:

A. same-sex and activity-based.
B. same-sex and affectively-based.
C. other-sex and activity-based.
D. other-sex and affectively-based.
E. preadolescent friendships are based on essentially random factors.
15. Bert and Alma notice that their son Jeremy’s overt sexual behavior declined between early childhood and
puberty. This is because:
A. he has been ridiculed for his behavior.
B. Burt and Alma have been discouraging it for the last several years.
C. Jeremy is in the latency period of development, as Freud predicted.
D. there is a marked decrease in testosterone over that time period.
E. Jeremy has become better at hiding his behavior.

16. Studies have shown that "sibling sex" among preteens:

A. is usually coercive, and results in sexual intercourse.
B. is usually coercive, but does not result in sexual intercourse.
C. is usually not coercive, and results in sexual intercourse.
D. is usually not coercive, and does not result in sexual intercourse.
E. is rare, occurring in less than 5% of preteens with siblings.

17. The modern term for a male's first ejaculation is:

A. primary spermatogenesis.
B. initial spermatogenesis.
C. spermarche.
D. semenarche.
E. nocturnal emission.

18. If you have experienced Quinceanera, most likely you are:

A. a Jewish male.
B. a Native American female.
C. five years old.
D. a Hispanic female.
E. still ignorant of the "facts of life."

19. A female is starting to develop breast buds and public hair, but has not experienced menarche. Most likely,
she is:
A. in Freud's "latency" stage of psychosexual development.
B. in middle childhood.
C. in early puberty.
D. in late puberty.
E. through puberty.
20. Same-sex experimentation in preadolescents:
A. is rare.
B. is an early sign of a homosexual orientation.
C. is a sign that the child has been sexually abused.
D. is quite common.
E. is rare, and usually only happens if the child has no siblings.

21. A teenager's frequency of masturbation recently has dropped substantially. Most likely, that teen is:
A. a female who has started having sexual intercourse.
B. a male who has started having sexual intercourse.
C. a female; masturbatory frequency drops substantially for females during the teen years, regardless of sexual
D. a male; masturbatory frequency drops substantially for males during the teen years, regardless of sexual
E. either female or male; masturbatory frequency drops substantially for both males and females during the teen

22. The incidence of oral sex in the U.S.:

A. is declining among teens, because of concerns about contracting AIDS.
B. is declining among teens, because of an increase in the number of "abstinence-only" programs.
C. is declining among teens, but no one is sure why.
D. has increased because more teens are using it for a substitute for sexual intercourse.
E. has increased among teens in the past 20 years.

23. People from which country are least likely to engage in sexual intercourse as teenagers?
A. Japan
B. Canada
C. France
D. the U.S.
E. teenagers from all of these are about equally likely to engage in sexual intercourse as teenagers

24. In a typical family, most communication about sexuality comes from:

A. mothers to daughters, fathers to sons.
B. mothers to both sons and daughters.
C. fathers to both daughters and sons.
D. older siblings, if there are any.
E. those outside the nuclear family: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins.
25. The focus of early 20th century sexuality education in the U.S.--for example, that provided by the American
Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, was:
A. pregnancy prevention.
B. "venereal disease" prevention.
C. elective abortion prevention.
D. all of these are true
E. none of these are true

26. The Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education include which of the following?
A. a primary focus on abstinence
B. ways for youths improve communication and decision-making about sexual relationships
C. encouragement for gays and lesbians to "come out" as soon as they are able
D. all of these are true
E. none of these are true

27. Sexuality education is related to which of the following for its participants?
A. less permissive attitudes about premarital sex
B. more frequent sexual behavior among those already sexually active
C. an increase in the number of sexual partners among those already sexually active
D. earlier-than-usual first sexual intercourse
E. none of these are true

28. If you are a "typical" American, you support:

A. "abstinence-only" programs, and nothing else, in sexuality education.
B. "abstinence-only" as the primary, but not exclusive, topic in sexuality education.
C. the inclusion of abstinence as a topic in sexuality education.
D. the mention (in passing only) of the possibility of abstinence in sexuality education.
E. no mention of abstinence in sexuality education.

29. At the present time, critical conditions for receiving federal funding for sexuality education include:
A. having a specific unit on sexual orientation.
B. teaching "abstinence-only" until marriage.
C. promoting comprehensive sexuality education.
D. abortion information.
E. all of the above
30. In general, outcome studies show that going through an "abstinence-only" educational program is related
A. a higher valuing of waiting until marriage to be sexually active.
B. no changes in the likelihood of adolescents delaying sexual intercourse.
C. a substantial decrease in believing sexual myths and stereotypes.
D. higher likelihood of contraceptive use.
E. all of the above

31. Compared to those who complete a typical "abstinence-only" program, those who complete a typical
comprehensive sexuality program are:
A. less likely to delay starting to have sexual intercourse.
B. likely to have sexual intercourse more often.
C. less likely to have unintended pregnancies.
D. more likely to contract a sexually transmitted infection.
E. all of the above

32. A "typical" highschooler takes the "virginity pledge." In the future, that highschooler will:
A. be less likely than average to have a sexually transmitted infection.
B. be less likely than average to be involved in a premarital pregnancy.
C. probably engage in premarital sex.
D. be more likely than average to use contraception if sexual activity occurs.
E. all of the above

33. Sexual contact with siblings:

A. is fairly common
B. can indicate abuse
C. rarely results in penetration
D. is problematic when there is a large discrepancy in age.
E. all of the above

34. Among the Muria, childhood sexuality:

A. is acceptable, as long as it is kept secret.
B. can result in the child being executed
C. is common among siblings, but not outside family members.
D. is practiced openly, in public.
E. is frowned upon, but often happens.
35. Which statement is true about the timing of puberty for adolescents?
A. Girls who mature early feel more positive about their bodies
B. Girls who mature late feel more positive about their bodies.
C. Boys who develop late feel more positive about their bodies.
D. Early development in girls is less embarrassing than early development in boys.
E. Maturing early OR late can be difficult for both boys and girls.

36. A “wet dream”

A. is another name for a nocturnal emission.
B. happens when a young girl starts her period as she sleeps.
C. is a dream in which a boy dreams he is having sex
D. is a dream in which a girl dreams she is having sex.
E. happens when a boy masturbates in his sleep.

37. Research has found that being an adolescent female with a larger body size is more likely to result in
A. the girl being viewed as “easy” by her male peers.
B. having very thin female friends
C. being just as well adjusted as her thinner peers
D. her feeling isolated
E. her being perceived as intelligent.

38. Which of the following statements is true about masturbation among adolescents?
A. Girls report less enjoyment from masturbation than boys.
B. Girls talk about masturbation among themselves.
C. Girls masturbate more often than boys.
D. There are no differences in the frequency of masturbation between boys and girls.
E. Boys are most likely to discover masturbation by accident.

39. Heterosexual teens who delay sexual intercourse are more likely to:
A. live with both biological parents.
B. feel a personal connection to their families.
C. have discussed sex and abstinence with their parents.
D. have higher intelligence levels.
E. all of the above
40. The average age for first engaging in sexual intercourse is approximately __________ years.
A. 14
B. 15
C. 16
D. 17
E. 18

41. The act of sexually stimulating the male genitals with the mouth is called:
A. fellatio
B. analingus
C. cunnilingus
D. petting
E. oral intercourse

42. Religious heterosexual teens:

A. tend to delay first sexual intercourse.
B. have more partners than nonreligious teens.
C. are more likely to become homosexual.
D. are more likely to have premarital sex.
E. are less likely to marry

43. According to your text, why is the rate of teenage pregnancy so high in the United States?
A. Teens get conflicting message about sex.
B. The United States condones teenage pregnancy by providing day care services for children of teens.
C. Teens in the United States can receive substantial amounts of government assistance.
D. Teens in America rarely have close relationships with their parents.
E. Fathers in the United States are far more likely to assume the responsibilities of fatherhood.

44. Research on parent-adolescent communication has found that boys learn about sex mostly from:
A. religious figures and siblings.
B. their peers and the media.
C. their mothers and their peers.
D. their fathers and the media.
E. siblings and Dr. Drew.
45. Molly has just taken a virginity pledge. Compared to girls who didn’t take this pledge, Molly is more likely
A. abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage.
B. have an unplanned pregnancy.
C. masturbate daily.
D. remain free from sexually transmitted infections.
E. take birth control pills if she “breaks” her pledge.

46. Students who take virginity pledges:

A. are less likely to engage in premarital intercourse in the months that follow the pledge.
B. are more at risk for pregnancy.
C. are more at risk for sexually transmitted infections.
D. are less likely to use contraception.
E. all of the above

47. Which of the following countries is known as the world leader in sexuality education?
A. Brazil
B. United States
C. Sweden
D. England
E. Japan

48. Which of the following has the world’s lowest rates of teenage pregnancy?
A. United States
B. The Netherlands
C. Russia
D. Japan
E. Portugal

49. In which of the following countries has sex education been blamed for increased divorce and the destruction
of the family?
A. Russia
B. The Netherlands
C. Sweden
D. Brazil
E. Japan
50. Which of the following countries has struggled with establishing sexuality education programs in schools,
despite having television stations that show naked people engaging in sexual activities?
A. Sweden
B. The Netherlands
C. England
D. Russia
E. Brazil

51. Masturbation or self-stimulation is common in infancy.

True False

52. In early childhood, most children go through a period of intense interest in their genitals.
True False

53. In American culture, girls are often taught about the focus of their sexual pleasure, the clitoris.
True False

54. Semenarche is the term for involuntary ejaculation during sleep.

True False

55. Sexual games are a common childhood experience.

True False

56. Masturbation is one of the most underreported sexual behaviors in adolescence.

True False

57. Most males report they are "just going along with it" when they first have sexual intercourse.
True False

58. Research shows that comprehensive sexuality education programs make students less permissive about
premarital sex than students who do not take these courses.
True False
59. Teen pregnancy rates across Europe are about the same as in the U.S.
True False

60. Most Americans believe that "abstinence-only" programs do not provide adequate sexuality education.
True False

61. Females become capable of vaginal lubrication in early childhood.

True False

62. Research has found that casual parental nudity around young children is harmful and should be avoided.
True False

63. The timing of the beginning of puberty is fairly constant throughout the world.
True False

64. The majority of preindustrial cultures consider sex to be an inevitable and harmless aspect of childhood.
True False

65. Caucasian men are more likely than Black and Hispanic men to father a child before the age of twenty.
True False

66. What are typical sexual behaviors that children engage in during early childhood?
67. Assume you are hired to help develop a questionnaire-based study of adolescents' sexual behaviors. What
are some topics you would want to include, and why? What are some problems you are likely to encounter in
doing this kind of research?

68. Why is “abstinence” so difficult to define?

69. Describe recent research on the motivation of adolescents to engage in oral sex.

70. If you are (now or eventually) a parent, what will you be sure to talk to your child about--and
when--regarding sexual activity? Are there any topics you won't discuss?
71. Describe the major physical changes girls and boys go through during puberty. You may use a paragraph or
chart format.

72. Please list and describe at least three factors (for example, religion) which are related to how early in their
lives adolescents become sexually active.

73. Compare and contrast comprehensive sexuality programs with "abstinence-only" programs. Be sure to
mention what the programs cover, as well as how effective they are.

74. Describe the influence of a child’s peers on his or her knowledge of sexuality. Start with early childhood
and discuss this through adolescence.
75. Describe childhood sexuality among the Muria. How do the Muria view childhood sexuality different than
we do here in the U.S.?
Chapter 8--Childhood and Adolescent Sexuality Key

1. The first of the U.S. government-sponsored studies of children's sexual behavior was the:
A. National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Males.
B. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System.
C. National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.
D. National Survey of Family Growth.
E. National Health and Social Life Survey.

2. The ADD Health study:

A. is a national study of children in grades 7 through 12.
B. is the largest, most comprehensive survey of adolescents to date.
C. was designed to explore the causes of teenage sexual behaviors.
D. assessed the role of family, friends and schools on teenage sexual behaviors.
E. all of the above

3. Studies show that males may have erections as early as:

A. the fetal stage of development.
B. immediately after birth.
C. six months after birth.
D. one year after birth.
E. more than one year after birth.

4. __________ is a hormone secreted by the hypothalamus that may contribute to the physical bond between a
mother and her infant.
A. Estrogen
B. Oxytocin
C. Pheromone
D. Human chorionic gonadotropin
E. Luteinizing hormone
5. Generally speaking:
A. gender identity comes before gender constancy.
B. gender constancy comes before gender identity.
C. gender identity and gender constancy begin at the same time.
D. gender constancy sometimes comes before, sometimes comes after, gender identity.
E. gender identity and gender constancy are synonymous.

6. Masturbation by infants:
A. doesn't happen.
B. sometimes happens, but does not produce orgasm.
C. sometimes happens, and produces orgasm.
D. sometimes happens, and produces orgasm, but only in girls.
E. sometimes happens, and produces orgasm, but only in boys.

7. Young boys are often told to call their penis a “wiener.” Which of the following are young girls taught to
call their clitoris?
A. weenie
B. man in the boat
C. pee pee
D. tee tee
E. none of the above

8. Young rhesus monkeys separated from their mothers at birth showed a distinct preference for a "surrogate
mother" which provided warmth and security, as opposed to a "surrogate mother" providing only food in a
famous study conducted by:
A. Freud.
B. Lewis.
C. Harlow.
D. Okami.
E. Knobloch.

9. During infancy, genital self-stimulation is:

A. virtually unknown.
B. uncommon, and considered a warning sign of potential psychosexual disorder.
C. uncommon, but not considered a warning sign of potential psychosexual disorder.
D. common, and should be discouraged.
E. common, and should not be discouraged.
10. The best approach for parents whose five-year-old child walks in on them while they are having sexual
intercourse to:
A. explain to the child that the child should not imitate their behaviors.
B. apologize for upsetting the child.
C. teach the child to knock before entering the bedroom in the future.
D. have an honest discussion about love and intercourse.
E. do all of these are true

11. Four-year-old Estella knows that she is a girl, but sometimes says things indicating that she thinks she may
be a boy in the future. Estella has not yet achieved:
A. gender identity.
B. gender nonconformity.
C. gender constancy.
D. gender stability.
E. She has NOT achieved ANY of the above.

12. A normally-developing child shows a decline in obviously sexual behaviors, and no longer engages in
genital self-stimulation. Most likely, that child is how many years old?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 7
D. 12
E. none of these are true; this is not a description of a "normal" child

13. All of the following are true except:

A. On average, teenage girls masturbate less often than teenage boys.
B. Boys are more likely than girls to masturbate in groups.
C. Boys learn about masturbation from their peers.
D. By the age of twelve, most children are capable of stimulating themselves to orgasm.
E. Girls most often learn about masturbation from other girls.

14. Preadolescent (age 9 or 10) friendships usually are:

A. same-sex and activity-based.
B. same-sex and affectively-based.
C. other-sex and activity-based.
D. other-sex and affectively-based.
E. preadolescent friendships are based on essentially random factors.
15. Bert and Alma notice that their son Jeremy’s overt sexual behavior declined between early childhood and
puberty. This is because:
A. he has been ridiculed for his behavior.
B. Burt and Alma have been discouraging it for the last several years.
C. Jeremy is in the latency period of development, as Freud predicted.
D. there is a marked decrease in testosterone over that time period.
E. Jeremy has become better at hiding his behavior.

16. Studies have shown that "sibling sex" among preteens:

A. is usually coercive, and results in sexual intercourse.
B. is usually coercive, but does not result in sexual intercourse.
C. is usually not coercive, and results in sexual intercourse.
D. is usually not coercive, and does not result in sexual intercourse.
E. is rare, occurring in less than 5% of preteens with siblings.

17. The modern term for a male's first ejaculation is:

A. primary spermatogenesis.
B. initial spermatogenesis.
C. spermarche.
D. semenarche.
E. nocturnal emission.

18. If you have experienced Quinceanera, most likely you are:

A. a Jewish male.
B. a Native American female.
C. five years old.
D. a Hispanic female.
E. still ignorant of the "facts of life."

19. A female is starting to develop breast buds and public hair, but has not experienced menarche. Most likely,
she is:
A. in Freud's "latency" stage of psychosexual development.
B. in middle childhood.
C. in early puberty.
D. in late puberty.
E. through puberty.
20. Same-sex experimentation in preadolescents:
A. is rare.
B. is an early sign of a homosexual orientation.
C. is a sign that the child has been sexually abused.
D. is quite common.
E. is rare, and usually only happens if the child has no siblings.

21. A teenager's frequency of masturbation recently has dropped substantially. Most likely, that teen is:
A. a female who has started having sexual intercourse.
B. a male who has started having sexual intercourse.
C. a female; masturbatory frequency drops substantially for females during the teen years, regardless of sexual
D. a male; masturbatory frequency drops substantially for males during the teen years, regardless of sexual
E. either female or male; masturbatory frequency drops substantially for both males and females during the teen

22. The incidence of oral sex in the U.S.:

A. is declining among teens, because of concerns about contracting AIDS.
B. is declining among teens, because of an increase in the number of "abstinence-only" programs.
C. is declining among teens, but no one is sure why.
D. has increased because more teens are using it for a substitute for sexual intercourse.
E. has increased among teens in the past 20 years.

23. People from which country are least likely to engage in sexual intercourse as teenagers?
A. Japan
B. Canada
C. France
D. the U.S.
E. teenagers from all of these are about equally likely to engage in sexual intercourse as teenagers

24. In a typical family, most communication about sexuality comes from:

A. mothers to daughters, fathers to sons.
B. mothers to both sons and daughters.
C. fathers to both daughters and sons.
D. older siblings, if there are any.
E. those outside the nuclear family: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins.
25. The focus of early 20th century sexuality education in the U.S.--for example, that provided by the American
Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, was:
A. pregnancy prevention.
B. "venereal disease" prevention.
C. elective abortion prevention.
D. all of these are true
E. none of these are true

26. The Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education include which of the following?
A. a primary focus on abstinence
B. ways for youths improve communication and decision-making about sexual relationships
C. encouragement for gays and lesbians to "come out" as soon as they are able
D. all of these are true
E. none of these are true

27. Sexuality education is related to which of the following for its participants?
A. less permissive attitudes about premarital sex
B. more frequent sexual behavior among those already sexually active
C. an increase in the number of sexual partners among those already sexually active
D. earlier-than-usual first sexual intercourse
E. none of these are true

28. If you are a "typical" American, you support:

A. "abstinence-only" programs, and nothing else, in sexuality education.
B. "abstinence-only" as the primary, but not exclusive, topic in sexuality education.
C. the inclusion of abstinence as a topic in sexuality education.
D. the mention (in passing only) of the possibility of abstinence in sexuality education.
E. no mention of abstinence in sexuality education.

29. At the present time, critical conditions for receiving federal funding for sexuality education include:
A. having a specific unit on sexual orientation.
B. teaching "abstinence-only" until marriage.
C. promoting comprehensive sexuality education.
D. abortion information.
E. all of the above
30. In general, outcome studies show that going through an "abstinence-only" educational program is related
A. a higher valuing of waiting until marriage to be sexually active.
B. no changes in the likelihood of adolescents delaying sexual intercourse.
C. a substantial decrease in believing sexual myths and stereotypes.
D. higher likelihood of contraceptive use.
E. all of the above

31. Compared to those who complete a typical "abstinence-only" program, those who complete a typical
comprehensive sexuality program are:
A. less likely to delay starting to have sexual intercourse.
B. likely to have sexual intercourse more often.
C. less likely to have unintended pregnancies.
D. more likely to contract a sexually transmitted infection.
E. all of the above

32. A "typical" highschooler takes the "virginity pledge." In the future, that highschooler will:
A. be less likely than average to have a sexually transmitted infection.
B. be less likely than average to be involved in a premarital pregnancy.
C. probably engage in premarital sex.
D. be more likely than average to use contraception if sexual activity occurs.
E. all of the above

33. Sexual contact with siblings:

A. is fairly common
B. can indicate abuse
C. rarely results in penetration
D. is problematic when there is a large discrepancy in age.
E. all of the above

34. Among the Muria, childhood sexuality:

A. is acceptable, as long as it is kept secret.
B. can result in the child being executed
C. is common among siblings, but not outside family members.
D. is practiced openly, in public.
E. is frowned upon, but often happens.
35. Which statement is true about the timing of puberty for adolescents?
A. Girls who mature early feel more positive about their bodies
B. Girls who mature late feel more positive about their bodies.
C. Boys who develop late feel more positive about their bodies.
D. Early development in girls is less embarrassing than early development in boys.
E. Maturing early OR late can be difficult for both boys and girls.

36. A “wet dream”

A. is another name for a nocturnal emission.
B. happens when a young girl starts her period as she sleeps.
C. is a dream in which a boy dreams he is having sex
D. is a dream in which a girl dreams she is having sex.
E. happens when a boy masturbates in his sleep.

37. Research has found that being an adolescent female with a larger body size is more likely to result in
A. the girl being viewed as “easy” by her male peers.
B. having very thin female friends
C. being just as well adjusted as her thinner peers
D. her feeling isolated
E. her being perceived as intelligent.

38. Which of the following statements is true about masturbation among adolescents?
A. Girls report less enjoyment from masturbation than boys.
B. Girls talk about masturbation among themselves.
C. Girls masturbate more often than boys.
D. There are no differences in the frequency of masturbation between boys and girls.
E. Boys are most likely to discover masturbation by accident.

39. Heterosexual teens who delay sexual intercourse are more likely to:
A. live with both biological parents.
B. feel a personal connection to their families.
C. have discussed sex and abstinence with their parents.
D. have higher intelligence levels.
E. all of the above
40. The average age for first engaging in sexual intercourse is approximately __________ years.
A. 14
B. 15
C. 16
D. 17
E. 18

41. The act of sexually stimulating the male genitals with the mouth is called:
A. fellatio
B. analingus
C. cunnilingus
D. petting
E. oral intercourse

42. Religious heterosexual teens:

A. tend to delay first sexual intercourse.
B. have more partners than nonreligious teens.
C. are more likely to become homosexual.
D. are more likely to have premarital sex.
E. are less likely to marry

43. According to your text, why is the rate of teenage pregnancy so high in the United States?
A. Teens get conflicting message about sex.
B. The United States condones teenage pregnancy by providing day care services for children of teens.
C. Teens in the United States can receive substantial amounts of government assistance.
D. Teens in America rarely have close relationships with their parents.
E. Fathers in the United States are far more likely to assume the responsibilities of fatherhood.

44. Research on parent-adolescent communication has found that boys learn about sex mostly from:
A. religious figures and siblings.
B. their peers and the media.
C. their mothers and their peers.
D. their fathers and the media.
E. siblings and Dr. Drew.
45. Molly has just taken a virginity pledge. Compared to girls who didn’t take this pledge, Molly is more likely
A. abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage.
B. have an unplanned pregnancy.
C. masturbate daily.
D. remain free from sexually transmitted infections.
E. take birth control pills if she “breaks” her pledge.

46. Students who take virginity pledges:

A. are less likely to engage in premarital intercourse in the months that follow the pledge.
B. are more at risk for pregnancy.
C. are more at risk for sexually transmitted infections.
D. are less likely to use contraception.
E. all of the above

47. Which of the following countries is known as the world leader in sexuality education?
A. Brazil
B. United States
C. Sweden
D. England
E. Japan

48. Which of the following has the world’s lowest rates of teenage pregnancy?
A. United States
B. The Netherlands
C. Russia
D. Japan
E. Portugal

49. In which of the following countries has sex education been blamed for increased divorce and the destruction
of the family?
A. Russia
B. The Netherlands
C. Sweden
D. Brazil
E. Japan
50. Which of the following countries has struggled with establishing sexuality education programs in schools,
despite having television stations that show naked people engaging in sexual activities?
A. Sweden
B. The Netherlands
C. England
D. Russia
E. Brazil

51. Masturbation or self-stimulation is common in infancy.


52. In early childhood, most children go through a period of intense interest in their genitals.

53. In American culture, girls are often taught about the focus of their sexual pleasure, the clitoris.

54. Semenarche is the term for involuntary ejaculation during sleep.


55. Sexual games are a common childhood experience.


56. Masturbation is one of the most underreported sexual behaviors in adolescence.


57. Most males report they are "just going along with it" when they first have sexual intercourse.

58. Research shows that comprehensive sexuality education programs make students less permissive about
premarital sex than students who do not take these courses.
59. Teen pregnancy rates across Europe are about the same as in the U.S.

60. Most Americans believe that "abstinence-only" programs do not provide adequate sexuality education.

61. Females become capable of vaginal lubrication in early childhood.


62. Research has found that casual parental nudity around young children is harmful and should be avoided.

63. The timing of the beginning of puberty is fairly constant throughout the world.

64. The majority of preindustrial cultures consider sex to be an inevitable and harmless aspect of childhood.

65. Caucasian men are more likely than Black and Hispanic men to father a child before the age of twenty.

66. What are typical sexual behaviors that children engage in during early childhood?

Answer not provided.

67. Assume you are hired to help develop a questionnaire-based study of adolescents' sexual behaviors. What
are some topics you would want to include, and why? What are some problems you are likely to encounter in
doing this kind of research?

Answer not provided.

68. Why is “abstinence” so difficult to define?

Answer not provided.

69. Describe recent research on the motivation of adolescents to engage in oral sex.

Answer not provided.

70. If you are (now or eventually) a parent, what will you be sure to talk to your child about--and
when--regarding sexual activity? Are there any topics you won't discuss?

Answer not provided.

71. Describe the major physical changes girls and boys go through during puberty. You may use a paragraph or
chart format.

Answer not provided.

72. Please list and describe at least three factors (for example, religion) which are related to how early in their
lives adolescents become sexually active.

Answer not provided.

73. Compare and contrast comprehensive sexuality programs with "abstinence-only" programs. Be sure to
mention what the programs cover, as well as how effective they are.

Answer not provided.

74. Describe the influence of a child’s peers on his or her knowledge of sexuality. Start with early childhood
and discuss this through adolescence.

Answer not provided.

75. Describe childhood sexuality among the Muria. How do the Muria view childhood sexuality different than
we do here in the U.S.?

Answer not provided.

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