Space 1889 - Temple of The Beastmen (GDW 1892)

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A Boardgame of 19th-Century Mars

Playing Time: 60 to 90 minutes.

An adventure boardgame for two to six players, ages 12 to adult.
SINCE 1973

P.O. lox 1646
Bloomington. IL 61702-1646
• 48 Map Tiles with which you EACH PLAYER in Temple of the
will construct the levels of the High Beastmen will explore the various
Martian kraag, making a new map levels of the High Martian kraag,
every time you play. Five tiles rep- seeking to gain victory points in the
resent the descending levels of the form of treasure and slaves. As well,
kraag's central shaft, open spaces each player's character has a spe-
with stairways cut into the walls. cial goal that, if accomplished, can
These tiles are numbered from 1 add a relatively large number of
(the highest level and main entrance victory points to that player's total.
to the kraag) to 5 (the lowest and Finally, characters who escape from
darkest level). These tiles each have the kraag early can gain extra vic-
Lieutenant Arthur four passages leading from their tory points. Once the game has
Victorian Adventurers centers. Fourteen tiles depict corri- ended and each player has totaled
Army Officer with Revolver dors- some straight, some curved, his victory points, the person with
some branched. The remaining 29 the highest total wins.
INTRODUCTION tilesrepresentthekraag'sroomsand
HIGH IN THE MOUNTAINS of Mars chambers, many of which are la- Slippery John Grimes
lie the kraags of the beastmen, beled as spe~ial locations. Each Victorian Adventurers
perched like vultures brooding over room tile has one to three corridors Thug
the rich city-states of the Canal leading to its edges.
Martians below. Kraags are labyrin- • 96 Cards, including 46 play
thine fortresses carved into the heart cards that represent the dangers in
of tall granite mesas. From these the complex, 22 hold cards that you
strongholds the High Martian pi- can play to help yourself or hinder
rates launch their raids on caravans another player, and 28 item cards
and canal traffic. These savage representing the treasures and
beastmen attack without warning, slaves inside the kraag.
seizing treasures to fill the chambers • 10 Character Sheets that iden-
of their warrens, and slaves to work tify the abilities and goals of the ad-
their mines and liftwood groves. venturers assaulting the kraag.
But humans have come to Mars, • 80 Counters to mark the posi-
disrupting the age-old patterns of tion of treasure, slaves, and beast-
prey and predator, and even launch- men on the map.
ing attacks upon the very kraags • 6 Pawns which represent the
themselves . In Temple of t he adventurers' parties as they delve
Beastmen, you will lead such an into the complex. (Or players can
expedition into the heart of the High use the figures from the Victorian
Martian kraag ruled by the sinister Adventurers miniatures set. Those
King Gnaashriik, rescuing slaves figures match characters from
and wresting treasures from the Temple of the Beastmen.)
clutches of the savage beastmen of • !Six-Sided Die to resolve com-
Mars. bat and searches for secret doors.
• 1 Rule Book which explains
the rules and contains listings of the
cards and their effects, as well as de-
scriptions of special location tiles.
SETUP Major Bagley Turn a Tile
THE FIVE SHAFT TILES are set out Victorian Adventurers THE PLAYER looks at the
in numerical order, face up on the
table (or whatever playing surface
you are using), ideally about 10
inches apart. (Staggering the shaft
Army Officer with Sword

1 tile his pawn is on to de-

termine to which adja-
cent tiles its passages
lead. He then chooses one of those
tiles can help to conserve room on tiles and lifts it to determine what is
the table.) The rest of the tiles are on its face, without letting other
shuffled, then eight are set out face players see. If the player intends to
down around each of the shaft tiles. move his pawn to the tile (and is able
The three remaining tiles should be to do so, as explained under Move,
set aside face down, to prevent below), he turns the tile face up,
anyone discovering which tiles they with one of its two arrows pointing
are. The final layout should look like toward the central shaft tile. (See the
the illustration below. illustration of tile facing, below.) If
Tile Layout he will not be moving his pawn onto
the tile this turn (because he cannot

EACH PLAYER in turn will perform
the followin g steps, in the order they
are listed below.
or because he chooses not to), he
must place the tile face down again.

00 00 1. Turn a Tile.
Tile Facing
2. Move. Correct /11corrru

3. Draw Cards.
Players then roll the die to deter- 4. Conduct Combat.
mine order of play. High roller will
play first, then the player to his left,
5. Pick Up Items.
There are, however, three cases in
continuing clockwise around the

which a player will not follow the
board. sequence above:
To begin play, each player in • If he plays a card from his hand
turn draws a character sheet at instead.
random to determine which adven- • If he loses a turn.
turer he will play, chooses a pawn, • Or if his character begins the Correct /11correc1

and talces three S counters to repre- turn on a tile with beastmen. ~

sent the servants he starts with. In each of these cases, the player
Character sheets should be laid face performs none of the actions above ~
up upon the table, so that everyone except Conduct Combat (if that

knows which adventurers are being action is applicable).
used, and what their goals and abili- The individual steps of a turn are
ties are. Unused character sheets are described fully below.
set aside.
The 96 playing cards are shuffled
and placed face down on the table,
where they are handy for play.
After this preparation is com-
pleted, the first turn begins.

Move Secret Doors: There is one spe- Leaving the Kraag: It is permis-
THE PLAYER may move cial case in which a player can move sible for pawns to leave the kraag

2 his pawn one tile. (He

does not have to move
the pawn if he does not
wish to.) He may move to any adja-
his pawn from one tile to an
adjacent, unconnected tile, and that
is if the player has found a secret
door. If the tile the player's pawn
during play, whether through the
upper end of the central shaft,
through stairways from tiles on
level one, or through secret doors
cent tile that is face up, provided that begins on or the tile to which he on any level. On the turn following
the tile his pawn begins on and the wishes to move it has a passageway the on4 in which the pawn left the
tile he wishes to move to are con- facing in the desired direction, and kraag, it must reenter unless the
nected. if the player rolls a 6 on the die, he player loses a turn as a result of a
Connected Tiles: A shaft tile is has found a secret door and may card played on him or unless he
considered to be connected to the move to the desired tile. However, plays a card himself instead of
shaft tile directly above it and the if he ever wishes to use that secret moving. When a pawn leaves the
one directly below it. door again (to move back on the kraag, it need not reenter in the same
Note: Up from shaft tile number next turn, for instance), he must still place it left; it can reenter at any
one leads outside the kraag, and roll a 6 to do so. Secret doors are not entrance (even a secret door if he
down from number five does not remembered from turn to turn. makes a successful roll).
lead anywhere. Passageways that lead to the edge If a character leaves the kraag with
A stairway card also connects a of the board may also have secret less than three servants, he will be
tile to the corresponding tile directly doors that lead out of, or into, the reissued enough servants to bring
above or below it, depending upon kraag. As with other secret doors, a him up to three before reentering.
if it is an up stairway or a down player must roll a 6 each time he (This can be an excellent way to
stairway. wishes to use one. restore some fighting strength if
Note: An up stairway from any Trying to use a secret door to enter you've been taking a real beating.)
room on level one leads outside the a tile that began the turn face down Any items a character takes out of
kraag, and a down stairway from poses a special problem. First, it the kraag when he exits, he must
any room on level five does not lead must be remembered that a player bring back in with him when he
anywhere. can only look at a face-down tile if reenters. (There is no safe place to
Other tiles are considered to be a passage leads to it from the tile his leave items outside.)
connected only if they are adjacent pawn is on. Next, a player should
and both have matching passage- not turn up the face-down tile un-
ways. The illustration below dem- less he first successfully makes his
onstrates this. roll. This prevents the identity of the
Connected Tiles tile from being revealed to the other
players prematurely.
If a roll for a secret door fails, the
player can still move his pawn in
another direction, to a connected
tile. He cannot attempt to use a se-
cret door to another unconnected
tile that turn. Only one test for a
secret door can be made in a turn.
Draw Cards Card Play: In general, every card
IF A PLAYER moves his can be played only once and is then

3 pawn onto a room tile

(not a shaft tile or a cor-
ridor tile), he must draw
cards from the deck. There are three
discarded (on a discard pile near the
draw pile). As explained above,
some cards will be discarded with-
out ever being played. Cards are
different situations that dictate how always discarded face up. Cards that
cards are to be drawn: are not immediately discarded take
• If the room tile is not a marked effect as described below.
as special location and if it has never · Any hold cards drawn should be
been entered before (the player added to the drawing player's hand,
turned it face up just this turn), then without being shown to other play-
the player draws two cards, discards ers. These cards may be played later
the one of his choice, and follows by the drawing player, in lieu of
the instructions on the other. The taking a normal turn. Once played,
card that the player chooses to dis- hold cards are discarded.
card has no effect on play: If it is an Any play cards and item cards
event, it did not occur; if it is a drawn take effect at once. The draw-
creature or item, it is not present in Sir Regianal Colton-Haynes ing player turns such cards face up
the kraag. Victorian Adventurers so all players can see them, and the
• If the room tile is marked as a Gentleman in Top Hat instructions concerning each card
special location and if it has never are followed. Some play cards will
been entered before, then the player cause events to happen; other play
draws cards according to the in- cards and all item cards will cause
structions for that special location. counters to be placed on the board.
(Instructions for special locations After the event occurs or the counter
are given on page 13.) is placed, the card is discarded.
• If the room tile has been entered Exact instructions for play of all
before, whether marked as a special cards are listed under The Cards on
location or not, then the player page 10.
draws only one card and follows its

Dr. Eberwein
Victorian Adventurers

Conduct Combat • If the adventurer's fighting Running from Combat: A

IF ANY BEASTMEN are in strength totals more than the beast- player always has the option to try ·

4 the tile with the player's

pawn, combat occurs.
Note: Combat occurs
even if the player has lost his turn
men's fighting strength, the beast-
men are defeated, and their counter
is (or counters are) removed from
to avoid combat, rather than to fight
it out. To avoid combat, the player
rolls the die, and if the number
rolled is higher than the number of
or has played a card instead of tak- • If the adventurer's fighting members in his party (adventurer
ing a tum. strength equals the beastmen 's plus servants), he moves his pawn
To determine the outcome of fighting strength, a stalemate is as if he had lost the combat, but he
combat, fighting strengths are deter- reached for this turn, and combat does not lose an item, card, or turn.
mined and compared. will continue on the player's next Only one attempt to run from
The beastmen 's fighting strength turn. combat may be made per turn.
is equal to the number of High • If the adventurer's fighting Ranged Combat: Some weapons
Martians ~ndicated on the counter strength is less than the beastmen's, allow a player to conduct combat at
(or counters, if more than one) in the the adventurer loses the combat. a distance. Two adventurers areiden-
room, plus the number of the level The player removes one of his ser- tifiedas able to conduct ranged com-
on which the room is found (it gets vant counters from play. (If he has bat (with pistols), and spears may
darker the deeper into the kraag an no servants, he loses another type be found while exploring the kraag.
adventurer goes, and the beastmen of item counter instead; if he has no Using ranged combat, a character
fight better in darkness than the such items, he loses a card from his can attack beastmen on a connected
adventurers do), plus one if the hand instead; and if he has no cards, tile.
battle is taking place in a shaft tile he loses his next turn instead. Char- A ranged combat attack can only
(since the beastmen have room to acters never die.) Also, the player's target one beastmen counter at a
fly and the adventurers are perched pawn must exit the tile on which time. If more than one beastmen
precariously on the stairway). combat occurred. The pawn must counters are in the tile, the player
The adventurer's fighting strength return to the tile from which it whose character is making the at-
is equal to the roll of the die, plus moved at the beginning of the turn, tack must indicate which of the
the character's combat ability or, if it began the turn on the tile in counters is being attacked. A fight-
(listed on his card), plus the num- which combat took place, the player ing strength is calculated for that
ber of servants in his party, plus any can move it to any connected, face- counter, as per normal combat rules
bonus from items the party is car- up tile. (add the number of beastmen on the
rying. • If a 1 is rolled on the die, the counter to the level number of the
When fighting strengths are adventurer automatically loses the tile the counter occupies).
compared, one of four possible combat. He loses a servant, other The character conducting the at-
results may occur: item, card, or turn, and must move tack calculates his ranged fighting
his pawn from the tile, exactly as ex- strength by rolling the die and add-
plained in the paragraph above. ing his combat ability. The charac-
Example: Slippery John Grimes ter does not add to the total the
and his three servants are facing number ofservants in his party, but
two beastmen in a room on level each spear used in the attack adds
four. The beastmen have a fighting one to the total. The player conduct-
strength of six (two plus four). ing ranged combat must declare
Grimes' player rolls a five, adds how many spears he is using before
Grimes' combat ability ofplus one, rolling the die.
and adds three for his servants.for
a total ofnine. The beastmen are de-
If the adventurer's total ranged Pick Up Items
fighting strength exceeds that of the ANY ITEMS that are on
target counter, the counter is re-
moved from the board. If his total
ranged fighting strength is less than
or equal to that of the target, there
5 a tile with the player's
pawn at the end of the tum
may be picked up (as long
as no beastmen are on the tile as
is no effect to either side. A charac- well). Slaves become the adven-
ter cannot conduct ranged combat turer's servants, increasing the size
if beastmen are on his own tile. of his party. Each servant can carry
Note: Since regular combat, one item, as can the adventurer him-
sneaking away from combat, and self. If more items are available than
ranged combat all take place during the party can carry, the player can
the Conduct Combat phase, it is switch items around as he desires,
possible for a character to run from leaving the counters for any excess
combat, then conduct ranged com- items on the tile in which his pawn
bat from an adjacent space. It is also is located.
possible for a character to run from Nore: As explained earlier, if the Mrs. Gates
one combat only to enter another player played a card this turn, if he Victorian Adventurers
combat. But since a character may lost this turn, or if he began the turn La,dy with Revolver
only attempt to run from combat with beastmen on the tile with his
once each turn, he would be forced pawn, he may not pick up items this
to conduct the second combat. turn.
Also note that if a character can-
not escape combat, he must fight.
He cannot simply choose to lose
combat; he must make a combat roll
and determine the effects.

Captain Timmons
Victorian Adventurers
Navy Officer

Uumotaak the Bold

Victorian Adventurers
Hill Martian Nomad

THE CHARACTER Major Bagley: Like Lieutenant Dr. Eberwein: Crumbling texts in
SHEETS Arthur, Major Bagley seeks to res- the city archives of Syrtis Major
THE CHARACTER SHEETS represent cue the British ambassador to Um- st~ed Dr. Eberwein on a journey
the adventurers that the players will bra from the clutches of King to an ancient tomb searching for an
play during the course of the game. Gnaashriik. artifact purported to have arcane
Each character has special abilities The major has a +2 combat abil- powers. But the tomb was looted re-
and goals, as described below. ity, and he gains 16 victory points cently by King Gnaashriik's min-
Lieutenant Arthur: Lieutenant for rescuing the ambassador. If the ions. Dr. Eberwein has come to
Arthur has entered the kraag of King pawn representing Major Bagley Gnaashriik's kraag hoping to re-
Gnaashriik to rescue the British enters a tile with a party containing cover the artifact.
ambassador to Umbra, center of the the ambassador, the ambassador The doctor has a - 1 combat abil-
Umbran Spice League. must be given to the major. ity, and he carries a special gadget
The lieutenant has a + 1 combat Exception: Lieutenant Arthur is that can detect secret doors on a roll
ability and can conduct ranged not subject to this rule. of 5 or 6. Dr. Eberwein gains 18
combat with his pistol. He gains 17 Sir Reginald Colton-Haynes: victory points for recovering the
victory points for rescuing the Famous for his archaeological ex- artifact, and he can use it for a +2
ambassador. If the pawn represent- peditions to exotic locations, Sir combat bonus. He can also use it for
ing Lieutenant Arthur enters a tile Reginald has come to Gnaashriik's ranged combat an unlimited num-
with a party containing the ambas- kraag following rumors of an an- ber of times. If the doctor enters a
sador, the ambassador must be cient temple full of secrets from the tile containing a party that has t~e
given to the lieutenant. age of Seldon II. ancient artifact, the artifact must be
Exception: Major Bagley is not Sir Reginald has a -2 combat given to him.
subject to this rule. ability, but due to his archaeologi- Mrs. Gates: While travelling the
cal knowledge, he finds secret doors canals between Parhoon and Gor-
on a roll of 4, 5, or 6. He has two ovaan, Mrs. Gates and her son were
major goals: He gains five victory passengers on a small vessel that
points for entering the temple tile, was attacked by High Martians. The
and he gains 10 victory points for boy was carried off by the beastmen,
recovering the ancient tablets. Ifthe and Mrs. Gates put together a band
pawn representing Sir Reginald of adventurers to rescue him.
enters a tile with a party carrying the Mrs. Gates has a +O combat abil-
ancient tablets, the tablets must be ity and can conduct ranged combat
given to him. with her pistol. She gains 18 victory
points for rescuing her boy. If the
pawn representing Mrs. Gates en-
ters a tile with a party containing the
boy, the boy must be given to her.

Miss Lucy
Victorian Adventurers
Lady in Travelling Clothes
Miss Lucy: Miss Lucy has been Slippery John Grimes: Slippery Uumotaak the Bold: War leader
a slave in the kraag of King John Grimes is an opportunist in the of a brave clan of steppe Martians,
Gnaashriik for several months. The purest sense of the word. Uumotaak the Bold has entered the
barbarity of the beastmen has stead- Discovering that others were kraag·of King Gnaashriik to battle
ily worn upon her, and she has assaulting the kraag of King the High Martians inside.
finally decided to take her chances Gnaashriik, Grimes decided to fol- Uumotaak has a+ 1 combat abil-
at escaping. She intends to take with low and pick up whatever he could ity. He gains one victory point for
her whatever slaves and treasures in the confusion. He is not above every three Martians he defeats and
she can. taking items from fellow humans, full points (eight victory points) for
Miss Lucy has a -2 combat abil- if he is able. killing King Gnaashriik and his
ity, and because of her time in the Slippery John has a + 1 combat guards.
kraag, she can discover secret doors ability, and he can attack each other
on a roll of 5 or 6. She gains two character once, taking an item of his
victory points for each level on choice if he wins. Nothing else is
which she visits at least one room. lost by either contestant in such
She begins on the tile representing combat. Also, Grimes need never
level five of the central shaft with surrender the ambassador, the boy,
no servants. the ancient tablets, nor the ancient
Reverend Phelps: Reverend artifact to their respective charac-
Phelps has come to King Gnaash- ters.
riik's kraag hoping for a chance to Captain Tir11mons: Captain
talk with the king to convince him Timmons' aerial vessel, the Dawn
of the error of preying upon the Victory, has been grounded with
. more civilized races of the Martian damage to its lifters near King
lowlands. Gnaashriik is in no mood Gnaashriik's kraag.
to parley with missionaries, particu- In a desperate attempt to gain lift-
larly those who would invade the wood for the repairs, the captain has
sanctity of his kraag. led a small party into the kraag,
The reverend has a - 1 combat searching for the beastmen 's ship-
ability, and he gains 15 victory yard.
points for speaking with King Captain Timmons has a +O com-
Gnaashriik (staying in the tile to bat ability, and he gains three vic-
conduct combat with him). But tory points worth of liftwood for Reverend Phelps
Phelps loses one victory point for each party member who visits the Victorian Adventurers
each beastman his party kills. shipyard. Missionary
(Keep these party members sepa-
. rated from any others, and remem-
ber that those carrying liftwood
cannot carry items.)


THE CARDS Cave In: Remove a tile from the Trap: There are several trap
THE THREE TYPES of cards in board. That tile is impassible from cards, each causing the loss of a
Temple of the Beastmen are play now on. Characters trapped by its different number of followers. The
cards, hold cards, and item cards. removal (whether trapped in the col- poison dart traps each kill one fol-
lapsed tile itself or in an area of the lower; knives kill two followers;
Play Cards kraag that is only accessible through spears kill three followers; boulders
PLAY CARDS take effect as soon as such a tile) may pass through the kill four followers; and the pit of
they are drawn from the deck. They caved-in tile if they successfully roll stakes kills five followers. If you do
include such things as High Martian as if searching for a secret door. not have as many followers as indi-
parties, traps, and stairs. These cards Such rolls can be made once per cated on the card, you lose those you
are further explained below. turn. have, and you also lose a turn.
Note: If a card calls for you to lose Special: If a player spends five Unspeakable Horror: A hideous
a turn, your present turn ends after consecutive turns without being creature from aeons past lurks in the
you finish drawing cards, and you able to roll successfully to escape, kraag, slipping its obscene form
lose the entirety of your next turn. on the sixth turn his character es- through crevices too narrow for
You still must fight any beastmen in capes automatically. humans or Martians. If you draw
your tile during the interim. Eerie Mists Arise: If you draw this card, your character has en-
Beastmen: Beastmen come in this card, you lose a turn while your countered the horror. All your fol-
parties oftwo through six members. character works his way through lowers are either eaten by the hor-
When you draw a beastmen card, thick, dank mists. ror or die of fright. Your character
place a counter representing exactly King Gnaashriik and His Per- also loses a turn from shock. How-
that number of beastmen on the sonal Guard: Treat this card like ever, you gain five victory points
board in the tile with your charac- any other beastmen card. because of the experience (and you
ter. If you draw more than one Beastman War Party Passes By: should retain the card to keep track
beastmen card at the same time, This represents a force of several of the points at the game's end).
place an appropriate counter for dozen beastmen. When you draw Any beastmen or slaves encoun-
each of them on the board. this card, you must choose a tile in tered in the same tile did not see the
Example: You draw a Five Beast- which it takes effect. All characters horror, so they do not suffer the
men card and a Two Beastmen card. who occupy that tile lose a turn same effects. Beastmen will com-
Place a Five Beastmen counter and hiding from the war party. bat your character, and slaves will
a Two Beastmen counter on the Short Cut: When you draw this be there for him to pick up when he
board. card, complete your present turn, regains his senses.
then take another full turn. Confusing Echoes: Odd shapes
Stairway Down: Place this card in the rock around your character
next to the tile on which your char- cause strange echoes. You lose a
acter is located. There is now a turn while your character tries to
permanent stairway leading down decide if the sounds are his own or
to the corresponding tile on the next an enemy's.
lower level. Characters may also
come up this stairway from that tile
to the one marked by the stairway.
Stairway Up: This card is played
just like a Stairway Down card, but
it leads to the corresponding tile one
level up.
Hold Cards Example: Miss Lucy is standing Four Beastmen in the Shaft:
HOLD CARDS, when drawn, be- in a corridor tile, and she tosses the Play of this card follows the same
come part of a player's hand and are bomb down a stairway connecting procedures as for the Five Beastmen
kept secret from the other players her tile to a room tile one level in the Shaft card.
until the owning player decides to below. That room contains two Move a Beastmen Counter:
use them. When a hold card (other beastmen counters (a Three Beast- When you use this card, you can
than Secret Door) is played, it takes men counter and a Four Beastmen move any single beastmen counter
the place of the player's normal counter), as well as Reverend one tile, per normal movement
turn. That player may not turn a tile, Phelps (who has four servants and rules. (Beastmen never use secret
move his pawn, draw cards, or pick aspear)andDr.Eberwein(whohas doors.)
up items on that tum, although he nothing but the ancient artifact). Scattergun: When you play this
may be required to conduct combat The Miss Lucy player rolls the die card, roll the die once and remove
if beastmen are on the same tile as twice for a total offive and decides that many creature counters (beast-
his pawn. Hold cards must be dis- that Dr. Eberwein should lose one men, slaves, and/or other players'
carded when played. counter, Reverend Phelps should party members) in any connected
Bomb: This card enables you to lose three, and one of the beastmen tile, even a shaft. You, as player of
destroy items and creatures in one counters should be removed. The the card, get to chose the exact
room or corridor tile, either the tile Miss Lucy player decides to remove counters to be removed. Note that
your character occupies or another the Four Beastmen counter; the nonliving items are undamaged.
that is connected to it. (The bomb is Reverend Phelps player decides to It is possible to fire a scattergun
ineffective in shaft tiles, where the discard his spear and two of his through a secret door. First play the
large open area disperses its force.) servants, and the Dr. Eberwein scattergun card, then roll to find the
To determine how many counters player is forced to discard his an- secret door (or play a Secret Door
are to be removed from play, roll the cient artifact. card). If you fail, you may retain the
die twice and add the results. If other Five Beastmen in the Shaft: scattergun card and play it again
adventurers are in the tile where you When you decide to play this card, later, but, of course, everyone now
toss the bomb, you can divide the five beastmen show up for a surprise knows that you have the weapon.
damage among them as you see fit, attack in the shaft tile of your choice Secret Door: Find a secret door
but they decide exactly which of and conduct one round of combat without making a roll. (Play of this
their counters are lost. If no other with the adventurer you indicate card does not force its player to lose
adventurers are in the tile, you de- (during his next turn). After that, a turn.)
cide exactly which counters are re- they disappear. Nocounterneed be Secret Stairway Down: Hold this
moved. placed on the tile for this event. card until you desire to use it, then
It is possible to toss the bomb Also, because it is a surprise attack, play it exactly like a Secret Door
through a secret door. First play the these beastmen cannot be moved by card in the tile your character occu-
bomb card, then roll to find the use of a Move a Beastmen Counter pies. It provides a stairway down
secret door (or play a Secret Door card. that lasts only one turn.
card). If you fail, the bomb goes off Secret Stairway Up: Play this
in your own tile, destroying count- card in the exact same manner as a
ers there. Remember, if you play the Secret Stairway Down card, and it
bomb in your own tile and there are will provide you with one-time ac-
not enough counters other than your cess to the tile above you.
own to take up the loss, you must
lose some of your own counters.

Item Cards Ancient Tablets: If combat, and it negates the level

ITEM CARDS represent slaves and your character safely bonus to the High Martians' combat
treasures found in the kraag. When carries the ancient tab- strength for that combat only. Liq-
a player draws an item card, he lets out of the kraag, he uid fire can be used for both normal
places the counter that matches that gains four victory points ( 10 if he is and ranged combat. Any of your
. card on the tile in which his pawn is Sir Colton-Haynes). unused liquid fire counters are
located. During the Pick Up Item Artifact: The artifact worth one victory point each when
phase of a player's tum, if no beast- is an ancient relic from the game ends.
men remain on the tile with his ~~== a long-dead civilization Slave: Slaves (the S
pawn, the player may pick up any and still contains some counters) become ser-
items located there and add them to arcane energies. It is worth six vic- vants to the adventurer
his party. tory points to your character if he who rescues them. Each
Slaves (who become servants), carries it out of the kraag (16 points such servant adds one to your
the ambassador, and the boy all if your character is Dr. Eberwein, party's combat strength, can carry
become followers, members of the who can also use it to add a bonus one item, and is worth one victory
adventurer's party. Other items of two to his combat rolls). point at game's end.
must be carried. The adventurer and Boy: Escorting the Spear: Several High
each of his servants can each carry
one item. The counters for any
excess items remain on the tile in
which the party is located. During
the Pick Up Item phase, a party can
A boy safely out of the
kraag is worth five vic-
tory points to your char-
acter (18 points to his mother, Mrs.
Gates). Like the ambassador, the
Martian spears are lying
about within the kraag.
Each spear your party
carries adds one to its combat
strength and is worth one victory
pick up and drop any number of boy does not add to your party's point at the game's end. You can use
iterns, allowing the player to choose combat value, nor will he carry any a spear an unlimited number of
what will remain in his character's items. Whenever followers in your times in normal combat, but if you
party. party die, the boy will be the very use it in ranged combat, immedi-
There are nine different types of last to do so. ately after the attack you must place
item cards, described as follows: If you purposefully destroy the it in the target's tile.
Ambassador: Taking boy, you lose five victory points: Wise Old Slave: This

A the ambassador safely

out of the kraag gains
your character two vic-
tory points (more if your character

Jewels: There are
four different bags of
jewels, worth two, four,
six, and eight victory
old fellow cannot carry
~~M~~ an item or add to your
combat, but he knows
the kraag well and can find secret
is one of the army officers). The points, respectively, to your charac- doors on a roll of anything but 1.
ambassador does not add to a party's ter if he takes them out of the kraag. Whenever followers in your party
combat abilities, and he will not Liquid Fire: Located die, the wise old slave will be the
carry any items. Whenever follow-
ers in a party die, the ambassador
will be the last to do so (with the
@ here and there within
the High Martian kraag
are barrels of Martian
last to do so (with the exception of
the ambassador and the boy).

exception of the boy). liquid fire, normally used in com-

bat between sky galleons. From
these barrels your character makes
small firebombs that can momentar-
ily chase back the darkness in the
kraag, negating the advantage the
beastmen have in combat. Each
such counter can be used once in
SPECIAL LOCATIONS Shipyard: The shipyard is not a
MANY OF the rooms carved out in
the beastmen 's kraag have special
functions. To reflect this fact, spe-
busy location, but it is better pa-
trolled than some. When you enter
it, draw two cards and both take ef-
f~sign: Lester W. Jmith-'1
cial rules apply to drawing cards the fect. Captain Timmons (the navy Development: Frank Chad-
first time these rooms are entered. officer) can take three victory points wick
Armory: Slaves are never al- worth of liftwood per party mem- Play testing: Tim Farrell,
lowed in the armory. Usually all that ber he leads here. Glenn Bianchi, Kevin Wickart,
can be found there are beastmen and Slave Pen: The beastmen never John Langford, Clifton Holmes,
equipment. To simulate this, draw let their slaves keep important Mark Carlon, Michael Lubbert,
and discard until a total of two cards equipment. Therefore, when you Bret A. Foland, Chas Preston,
arise that are either items (other than enter a slave pen, draw two cards Kevin Walsh, Michael A. Wood,
slaves) or beastmen (not War Party and discard any item drawn other Doug Short, Joe Kaul, Dave
or Beastmen in the Shaft cards). than slaves. Moll, Greg Henry, William
Barracks: Only beastmen will be Storage: You never know what Gillespie, Todd Sweet, Julia
encountered in the barracks. For this you might find stored in the storage Martin, Shea Ryan, and Steve
reason, draw and discard until two room, but it doesn't see much traffic. Bryant.
beastmen cards (not War Party or When you enter it, draw two cards Art Direction: Steve Bryant
Beastmen in the Shaft cards) appear. and discard any beastmen (not War Cover Art: Janet Aulisio
Dining Hall: The dining hall is Party or Beastmen in the Shaft Interior Art: Tim Bradstreet
frequented by both beastmen and cards) and slaves that turn up. Rick Harris, and Shea Ryan
slaves. When you enter it, draw Temple: Aholyplace to the beast- Text Manager: Michelle Stur-
three cards to discover what you men, the temple is only entered geon
encounter. None of these cards are during important festivals, and it is Text Processing: Julia Martin
discarded; all take effect. always off-limits to slaves. To simu- and Julie Amdor
King's Chambers: The busiest late its importance, when you enter
part of the entire kraag is the king's draw five cards and discard any
chambers. If you are brave enough beastmen (not War Party or Beast-
to enter there, draw until three men in the Shaft cards) and slave
beastmen cards (not War Party or cards among them.
Beastmen in the Shaft cards) appear. Throne: After the king's cham-
All cards drawn until then take bers, the throne room is the most
effect; none are discarded. frequented haunt in the kraag. When
you enter it, draw five cards; they
all take effect.
Treasury: Slaves are never al-
lowed in the treasury. When you
enter it, draw three cards and dis-
card any slaves cards you find.

OPTIONAL RULES • A player might move his pawn Combat Between Characters:
THE FOLLOWING ADD a bit more into a tile with beastmen, trusting Players may desire to have their
flexibility and complexity. They an ally to enter and help him, only characters attack another character
should be used only if all players to discover that the ally has changed to make him drop an important item
agree. Some, none, or all may be his mind, leaving the first player in or to prevent him from proceeding
used. the lurch. Thus, thefirstplayer'sde- in a particular direction. During his
Favorite Characters: You will layed combat phase takes place im- tum, a player may decide to have his
find that each play ofTemple of the mediately, before the treasonous character attack another character in
Beastmen is very different. The ally finishes his turn. (Or, the first the same tile if no beastmen' are in
variances in tile mix, cards that players in an alliance might wait the tile as well. Combat strengths
never make it into play, and charac- until later allies enter the tile, then are determined qormally, and the
ters drawn contribute to this sense roll to slip away from combat, leav- -loser of the combat suffers the
of mystery. However, after several ing the later players in the lurch.) normal effects of defeat. If this
plays, players may begin to have fa- • The combat strength of an alli- forces him to drop an item in the tile,
vorite characters. You can have the ance is equal to the roll of one die, he chooses what he will drop; the
players choose characters from a plus the combat ability ratings of all attacker can pick it up during his
face-up pile at the beginning of the the allies, plus the total number of Pick Up Item phase.
game, rather than drawing random- servants involved, plus any weapon Note that if this rule is used, Slip-
1y. The high roller chooses first, fol- bonuses. If the alliance loses the pery John Grimes cannot only con-
lowed by the person to his left, etc. combat, each member of the alli- duct combat like any other charac-
Player Cooperation: Players can ance suffers the normal effects of ter-he can still use his special
agree to any deals they might care defeat (according to the normal ability to attack each other charac-
to make; they can even join together rules). It is up tothemembersofthe ter once.
in fighting beastmen. Deals are sub- alliance to decide who rolls the die. Continuous Searching for Se-
ject to the following rules. • If all characters in an alliance cret Doors: If this rule is used, each
•Cards and items can only be are capable of ranged combat, the consecutive turn a character spends
traded between players if their alliance can conduct ranged com- searching for the same secret door,
pawns share the same tile. (Players bat. If one of the characters is inca- the task grows easier. Reduce the
may, of course, agree to a deal while pable of ranged combat, the alliance number needed by one each tum. A
pawns are on different tiles, but for cannot conduct ranged combat. roll of 1 always fails, however.
any exchange of material to take • Deals concerning trading cards Level Six: Stairways down from
place, the pawns must be together.) or items and splitting up treasures level five can be considered to lead
•Joint combat against beastmen left in the tile by the beastmen mus.t to the extra three tiles normally not
can only be conducted once all co- be settled before the first member in play. Such tiles are considered to
operating players have moved their delays his combat phase. Once any be on level six for purposes of com-
pawns to the same tile. The first player in an alliance has delayed his bat, and they give Miss Lucy the op-
player with a pawn on the tile de- combat phase, no new players can portunity to gain another two vic-
lays his combat phase until the com- enter into the alliance. tory points. Each stairway leads to
bat phase of his ally. If more than Sneaking Past the Beastmen: one, and only one, tile. A Secret
two are allying, the first players all When a player seeks to run away Stairway Down card may be used
delay their combat phases until the from combat and manages to roll a to reach level six, but if the charac-
combat phase of their last ally. 6 on the die, he can move his pawn ter does not find a Stairway Up and
past the beastmen in the tile, rather does not have a Secret Stairway Up
than having to retreat his pawn to card, he is trapped in that tile and
the tile it came from. Even parties automatically loses the game.
with six or more members can sneak
past the beastmen in this way.
SOLITAIRE PLAY pawn to it if it has a corridor con- set of stairs to level two, return up
Wm1 A FEW MODIFICATIONS to the necting to the tile the pawn begins the same stairs to the original level
rules, Temple of the Beastmen the turn on. Use of secret door rolls one, take another set of stairs down
makes an excellent solitaire game. or cards are always at the player's to a different level two, take yet
discretion. If a tile cannot beentered another set of stairs up to a new level
Setup at present, it is still placed face up, one, and so on.
The player chooses a character (an and if the character manages to enter
army officer, the thug, or the Hill it later, it is considered newly en- Losing a Turn
Martian nomad is suggested) and a tered for purposes of card drawing. Each time the solitaire player
pawn, and takes three servant count- The final layout of tiles will wan- loses a turn or takes a tum to play a
ers. The Secret Stairway cards are der into patterns quite unlike that of hold card, he loses one victory point
removed from the deck, and the rest the basic game. from his final total. An easy way to
of the cards are shuffled and placed 3. Draw Cards: This phase is per- keep track of this is to place one
face down , close at hand. The map formed much as in the basic game. discarded card into a special pile
tiles are also shuffled and placed in However, a few cards require spe- each time such a turn is wasted. At
a stack face down, close at hand; the cial handling. Each Beastmen in the the end of the game, these cards can
shaft tiles are set aside with the Shaft card takes effect immediately, be counted to determine victory
unused characters and pawns. in the room the pawn is in, since no points lost.
The first map tile is turned face up shaft is on the board. The Cave In
aild set out on the playing surface, card automatically applies to the Visiting the Temple
and the pawn begins play on it. It is room for which it was drawn. Cards The temple tile is more difficult
assumed that the character has that require the player to lose a turn to enter in the solitaire game than
found a stairway leading down to do take effect, as below. in the basic game. For this reason, a
this tile from outside the kraag, and 4. Conduct Combat: Combat is character that enters it gains a bo-
the tile is marked as the entry point conducted normally. However, if a nus of five victory points.
by placing a Secret Stairway Up character loses a combat and has no
card next to it. servants, items, or cards to lose, Victory
instead of losing a turn he is dead. There are several different levels
Turn Sequence (Likewise, a trap card will kill a of victory that can be achieved in
Solitaire tum sequence is: character if he does not have at least the solitaire game.
1. Place a Tile. one servant to lose to it.) Survival: Cheer up. At least you
2. Move. 5. Pick Up Items: Picking up didn't die an ignominious death.
3. Draw Cards. items is conducted normally. 10 Victory Points: Not bad, but
4. Combat. you can surely do better, maybe
5. Pick Up Items. Stairways with a different character.
Turn steps are described below. Since there are no shaft tiles, only 35 Victory Points: Congratula-
1. Place a Tile: Each tum , the stairways can provide movement up tions-a commendable achieve-
player chooses which direction he or down. Stairways up from the ment.
will move his pawn. If there is no level on which the pawn began play 60 Victory Points: Careful plan-
tile already placed in that direction, lead outside the kraag. Stairways ning, insightful strategy, and a real-
he draws the top tile from the stack down from that level do not lead to ly large dose of luck pay off nicely.
and places it there. The arrow on the the same lower levels; they lead to 85 Victory Points: Unbelievable!
side of the new tile must face toward separate levels at similar depths. You might want to be tested for
the tile on which the pawn begins Stairways up from lower levels also psychic powers.
the turn. lead to separate upper levels of
2. Move: Once a tile has been similar depths. Thus it is possible to
placed, the player must move his start play on level one, go down a

COMMONLY ASKED As Miss Lucy, ifI leave the kraag, STRATEGY HINTS
QUESTIONS am I issued three servants on the THE FOLLOWING BITS of advice
CAN I play cards on characters turn in which I return to it? may help you to play Temple of the
who are outside the kraag? No. Beastmen most successfully.
No, characters outside the kraag • Try to play in character, taking
are safe from card play. Can! lookataface-downtile that into account your adventurer's
is connected to my tile by a Stair- strengths and weaknesses.
As Slippery John Grimes, can I way or Secret Stairway? • Remember to leave the kraag
exit the kraag and attack other Yes, and if you turn the tile back for more servants if you have fewer
characters outside? down, you need not enter it. than you began the game with
No, characters outside the kraag (unless you're Miss Lucy).
are safe from attack. (This also As Slippery John Grimes, can I • Searching new, unmarked
applies to the optional rule for fight- steal a card from another player's rooms is safest. Even on the fifth
ing other characters.) hand? level, having the option to discard
No, you may only steal items a card allows you to avoid many
Can I stay in a room and draw a (counters). dangers.
card? • Keeping another player from
No.Youmustenteraroomtodraw. As Slippery John Grimes, can I attaining his major goal will not
steal a servantfrom another player? necessarily prevent him from win-
Can I use a Secret Door card to Yes, because servants (slaves) are ning, but it may give you the edge
look at a tile if there is no passage- items. you need. When you can, discard or
way leading to it? destroy other players' major goals,
No. This is explained under If my character is outside the but remember that they will be
Movement. kraag, can! roll for a secret door to looking to do the same to you.
enter a face-down tile? •It is generally not a good idea
Can! use a Secret Stairway Down No, only if a tile is face up (and to build up too many victory points
from outside the kraag to enter a tile has a passage leading off the board, early on. This makes you a tempt-
on the first level? of course) may you roll to find a ing target for other players to gang
Yes. secret door into the kraag. upon.
• Toward the end of the game, if
Do Shortcut cards negate the turn Playing Time: 60 to 90 minutes. you are ahead, try to use the rest of
loss required by a Confusing Ech- An adventure boardgame for two the deck up quickly. That way you
to six players, ages 12 to adult.
oes, Eerie Mists Arise, or Unspeak- can draw play to a close before other
Copyright©l 989 GDW, Inc. All
able Horror card that is drawn in rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. players have a chance to catch up
the same turn? Made in U.S.A. with you.
Yes. ISBN 1-55878-027-0. • Also toward the end of the
CC-1892/Rl. game, keep an ·e ye out for a quick
If there is a stairway leadingfrom exit from the kraag. The extra vic-
a tile and that tile is later Caved In, SINCE 1973 tory points gained for early exit can
can a trapped character use the make quite a difference.
stairway to escape?
Yes, if the player makes the nec-
essary roll.
• Most importantly, remember
that the purpose of the game is for
everyone to have fun.

P.O. Box 1646

Bloomington, IL 61702-1646
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Temple of the Beastmen. Brave fantastic dangers in an
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civilized age where honor and duty count. Plus a full set of charts for player use. GDW: 1981. i 6 pages.
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e The Moon is a cavern- and grotto-filled stone sphere
inhabited by mysterious troglodytes. ADVERSARIES
5. Liftwood from Mars. Mars has a wood that counteracts 25mm figures for Space: 1889.
gravity: it can be used to create flying ships. In addition, some Victorian Adventurers. Ten 25mm-scale figures: includes
animals on Mars have glands that produce the same effect and army officer, navy officer, inventor, thug, lady with gun, and
allow them to fly. Hill Martian brave. GDW: 1821. Boxed. $10.00.
6. The Magnetic Field of Venus. The magnetic field of Legions of Mars. Canal Martian war band (21 figures, 10
Venus has unique characteristics that degrade and destroy different poses) ..GDW: 1842. Boxed. $22.00.
llftwood. Llftwood doesn't work on Venus. Soldiers of the Queen. British infantry company (21 fig-
Against this framework of basic assumptions, Space: 1889 ures, 10 poses). GDW: 1841. Boxed. $20.00.
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just. Africa, but Mars. Discover not just the secrets of the GDW: 1843. Boxed. (Nouember) $22.00.
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And Space: 1889 has plenty of player support: a referee's tian sky ships (from Sky Galleons of Mars), plus a painting
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The 10 character types in Temple of the Beastmen have been
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Ask for Victorian Adventurers at your local hobby store. If they

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Or order direct from GDW (please add $1.00 for shipping).

Game Designers' Workshop

PO Box 1646, Bloomington, IL 61702-1646
Spear Spear Spear
+ 1 to combat. Can be used once for + 1 to combat. Can be used once for + 1 to combat. Can be used once for
ranged combat. ranged combat. ranged combat.

Liquid Fire Liquid Fire Liquid Fire

Negates darkness bonus for Negates darkness bonus for Negates darkness bonus for
beastment once. beastment once. beastment once.

Ancient Tablets Ancient Artifact Wise Old Slave

4v.p. 6 v.p .

Find secret doors on a roll of

anything but 1. Will not carry an
item or add to combat strength.

One One Two

Slave Slave Slaves

1 1 2
Two Two Three
Slaves Slaves Slaves

2 2 3
Three Three Four
Slaves Slaves Slaves

3 3 4
2 v.p.
Slave Boy
5 v.p.

1 Will not carry an item or Will not carry an item or

add to combat strength. add to combat strength.

Spear Spear Liquid Fire

+I to combat. Can be used once for +I to combat. Can be used once for Negates darkness bonus for
ranged combat. ranged combat. beastment once.
Jewels Jewels Jewels
2 v.p. 4v.p. 6v.p.

8 v.p.
(Army Officer
CombatAbility: +1
with Revolver)
Major Goal: None.
Combat Ability: +1
Special: Can attack
Can conduct ranged
each other character
once, and, if success-
Major Goal: Rescue
ful, take an item of his
the ambassador (17
v. p.).

(Hill Martian (Army Officer
Nomad) with Sword)
Combat Ability: +1 Combat Ability: +2
Major Goal: De- Major Goal: Res-
stroy beastmen (8 v. cue the ambassador
p. for Gnaashriik and (17 v. p.).
his personal guards, 1
v. p. per three others).

(Navy Officer) (Gentleman
CombatAbility: +O in Top Hat)
Major Goal: Take Combat Ability: -2
liftwood from the Major Goals: Visit
shipyard (3 v. p. per the temple (5 v. p.).
party member). Recover the ancient
artifact (10 v. p.).
Special: Find secret
doors on a 4, 5, or 6.
(Lady with Revolver)
Combat Ability: +O (Missionary)
Can conduct ranged Combat Ability: -1
combat. Major Goal : Speak
Maj or Goal: Rescue with King Gnaashriik
her boy (18 v. p.). (15 v. p.).
Special: -1 v. p. for
each beastman he

F:ISSLUC~(Lady in
J!:.' EBERW- ,
Travelling Clothes) CombatAbility: -1
Com bat Ability: -2 Maj or Goa l: Re-
Major Goa I:Traverse cover the ancient arti-
thekraag(2v.p. foreach fact (18 v. p.).
level on which she en- Special: Finds se-
ters at least one room). cret doors on a 5 or 6.
Special: Begins in Can use the artifact
shaft5 with no servancs. as a +2 weapon, and
Finds secret doors on a for ranged combats.
5 or 6.
Eber wein

1. Turn a Tile 2 Move 3 Draw Cards 4 Combat 5 Pick up


1 attempt per turn – Roll 6 on 1d6 (Eberwein: 5-6; Reginald 4-5-6) – if fail, can still move to
connected tile – Optional: 1st turn roll 6 - 2nd turn roll 5-6 - 3rd turn roll 4-5-6 etc. – rolling 1 is
always a fail


Undiscovered room REGULAR: draw 2 cards, choose 1, discard other

Undiscovered room SPECIAL: see special room rules p. 13
Discovered room (Regular or Special): draw 1 card


Playing a HOLD card (except ‘Secret door’) replaces normal sequence of play (it ends your


Beastmen (1 to 6) Bomb
Cave in Beastmen in the shaft (4,5)
Eerie Mist Move Beastmen counter
King Gnasharik Scattergun
Beastmen War Party Secret Door
Shortcut Secret Stairway (up, down)
Stairway (up, down)
Unspeakable Horror
Confusing Echoes


Number of Beastmen + Kraag Level Number + 1 if in Shaft

Number of Servants + Character Combat Ability + 1D6 + any modifier

If Beastmen win, or if die roll =1: Lose 1 servant/item/card/turn; retreat from tile
If Character wins: Beastmen counter(s) removed from play
If tie: continue combat in the following turn


1 tile away - Specify one counter as target - Cannot initiate ranged combat if there is a
beastmen counter in adventurer’s same tile

Number of Beastmen + Kraag Level Number + 1 if in Shaft

Character Combat Ability + 1D6 + 1 for each spear

If Beastmen win, or if tie: No effect, spears lost

If Character wins: Beastmen counter removed from play, spears lost


1 attempt per turn – Roll 1d6 – if higher than number of members in his party, retreat from
tile unharmed
Beastmen of MarsTM Quick Reference Sheet
Previously Explored Roon1 Draw one card.
Unmarked Room (Ora11ge) Draw two cards, and choose one, which takes effect. Discard
the other.
Armory Draw cards until two cards that are items (not including slaves)
or beastn1en are drawn. Discard all others.
Barracks Draw cards until two beastn1en cards are drawn. Discard all
ot hers.
Dining Hall Draw three cards. AJI take effect.
Ki11g's C ha n1bers Draw cards until three beastn1en cards have been drawn. All
cards drawn take effect; none are discarded.
Shipyard Draw two cards. Both take effect.
Slave Pen Draw two cards. Discard any that are not slaves.
Storage Draw two cards. Discard any beastn1en and slaves.
T en1ple Draw five cards. Discard any beastmen and slaves.
T hrone Room Draw five cards. All take effect.
T reasury Draw three cards. Discard any slaves.
Winning the Game
Once the last card has been drawn from the deck, characters begin to exit the
kraag. (They need not take the most direct route, and they can pause to fight beastmen
and pick up items remaining on the board.) Players whose pawns exit early may
continue to play Hold Cards from their hands during their turns, as long as there is
at least one pawn remaining on the board.
Each counter that a character brings out of the kraag is worth one victory point,
unless it states that it is worth more. As well, each player whose pawn exits the
kraag accrues one victory per turn until the last pawn exits. (An easy way to
keep track of this is to have each player whose pawn has exited draw one one-point
counter, such as a slave, during each of his turns, until the last pawn exits.) To these
victory points are added the points for a character's primary goal, if it was achieved.)
After the last pawn exits the kraag, all players calculate their victory points, and
the person with the highest total wins. Players with equal scores tie.
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Tern le of the Beastmen

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Ancient Tablets Boy Ambassador Liquid Fire Liquid Fire Liquid Fire

4 v. p. 2 v.p. 5 v.p.

.- - - .

Ancient Artifact
6 v.p.

. •

,•• ,. ,. ,

• •
,.., . ,

Game Designers' Workshop

P.O. Box 1646
Bloomington, IL 61702-1646
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