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Nombre: Alondra Gallegos Rodríguez


Matrícula: 17903

Maestro: Lizzette Berenice Morales

Materia: inglés

My autobiography
My name is Alondra Gallegos Rodríguez and I was born in October 25, 2001 and I
have lived in Monterrey, Nuevo León all my life.
When I was a child, everyone described me as a very physically active child.

That was because I used to play a variety of sports, I used to play soccer, and I
spent most of my free time in the field. I even practiced boxing and they told me
that I was very brave because I was practicing a sport with a lot of physical contact.
I even remember when my mom wouldn't let me go to my boxing practice, I'd
sneak out and go anyway. What wouldn't I do to go back to those times when
when I came back from practice he scolded me for going out without permission.
However, she used to support me when they took me to compete in other states
and/or municipalities.

I am currently studying mechatronics and of course I have not been as active as

before but if I had the time that I had as a child, I would play soccer or boxing all
day. I would do anything to get back to that condition of a girl, who could run after
the ball without getting even a little tired.

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