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Freshman Accelerated English

The House on Mango Street Reading CFA


After reading the vignettes “No Speak English (pp. 76-78) and “Rafaela Who Drinks Coconut & Papaya Juice
on Tuesdays” (pp. 79-80) in The House on Mango Street, respond to the two questions below.

Your response should follow the CER Structure: Claim → Evidence → Reasoning
○ Claim: Establishes your position or response to the question
○ Evidence: Incorporate a supporting quote from the text
○ Reasoning: Explain why this quote supports your claim
○ Evidence #2: Incorporate a supporting quote from the text
○ Reasoning #2: Explain why this quote supports your claim

*You may use evidence from either vignette as well as anywhere else in the book.


1. Complex-Implied Relationships: How are the women in these two chapters, Mamacita and Rafaela,
similar to Esperanza’s great-grandmother, as described in “My Name” (p. 10-11)?
Provide at least 2 pieces of textual evidence in your response.

Mamacita and Rafaela are similar to her great grandmother. In "My Name" (p. 10-11), Esperanza
describes her great-grandmother as a "wild horse of a woman" and states that she inherited her
name but does not want to inherit her place by the window. In chapters 30-33 of "The House on
Mango Street," Esperanza encounters two women, Mamacita and Rafaela, who share similarities
with her great-grandmother

1. Author’s Generalization: What does Cisneros suggest are the costs associated with girls/women wanting
to belong, and/or fulfill expectations in their community?
Provide at least 2 pieces of textual evidence in your response.

Cisneros suggests that the costs associated with girls/women wanting to belong and fulfill
expectations in their community include the loss of independence and autonomy, as well as the
impact of role models on young girls. “I have inherited her name, but I don't want to inherit her
place by the window"(Cisneros 11) "Rafaela leans out the window and leans on her elbow and
dreams her hair is like Rapunzel's. She says she is locked in a tower, but all she does is lean out the
window and wait for him" (Cisneros 77). This proves the impact of role models on young girls
because of the loss of independence and autonomy.

Exceeding- 4 Meeting Standard- 3 Approaching- 2 Developing- 1
I consistently make I consistently make logical I make partially accurate My inferences about a
insightful inferences inferences from a text or inconsistent inferences text’s characters,
from a text about about characters, about a text’s characters, relationships, themes,
characters, relationships, relationships, themes, relationships, themes, structure, and language
themes, structure, and structure, and language. structure, and language. are often inaccurate.

Success Exceeding/Meeting Approaching/Developing


Depth and Discusses the selected topic with Does not discuss the selected topic with
Scope clear insight and understanding. clear insight and understanding.
Explores the complexity rather than Oversimplifies the topic.
oversimplifying Conclusions reached are partially
Conclusions reached are accurate. accurate. Insights are inconsistently
Insights are supported by close supported by close textual reading and are
textual reading and are at times at times profound.
profound. Does not reach beyond the self-evident
Reaches beyond the self-evident and and conveys true depth in understanding
conveys true depth in understanding of the text’s overall meaning(s). Relies
of the text’s overall meaning(s). frequently on summary.

Sophistication Applies knowledge of language to Shows limited understanding of how

of Analysis understand how language language functions in different
functions in different contexts contexts and creates meaning or
and creates meaning or style. style.
Demonstrates understanding of Shows limited understanding of
figurative language, word figurative language, word
relationships, and nuances in relationships, and nuances in word
word meanings and their effect meanings and their effect

Logic and Supports the claim by analyzing how Inconsistently supports the claim by
Reasoning ideas interact and build thematically analyzing how ideas interact and build
on one another, integrating textual thematically on one another,
evidence to analyze the cumulative integrating textual evidence to analyze
impact of a variety of author's the cumulative impact of a variety of
choices. author's choices.
Structure supports the claim Structure does not support the claim
logically as each new element builds logically as each new element builds on
on the previous idea, maintaining a the previous idea, maintaining a clear
clear and coherent focus and coherent focus
Establishes proper foundational Does not establish proper foundational
thinking and then builds in logic and thinking and then builds in logic and
insight insight

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