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Generating Questions About The House on Mango Street – Period 4

The chapters that we read today, “The Monkey Garden” and “Red Clowns” can be very difficult to
read, and a little tricky to understand.

But these are KEY chapters to understanding how Esperanza’s development and understanding
of the world around her is impacted by her experiences.
We want to be sure that we really “get” these chapters, and the concepts we have been discussing
so far, in preparation for our essay. As a reminder, here is our prompt:

Based on Esperanza's experiences, what is Sandra Cisneros suggesting about what

it means to ‘come of age’?

Tomorrow and Wednesday we will have a fishbowl style discussion using your questions. The
questions you create may focus on any section of the novel that we have read so far to generate
discussion surrounding the essay topic to encourage many avenues for exploration. That being
said, your questions should be insightful and focus on different scenes, themes, or ideas from the
novel to further all of our understanding of the novel.

Using the tables below, create at least 1 question for each question type.

● Type 1: Literal Question: These types of questions ask about what actually happened
in a text. These questions might clarify who said what, what happened next, where
something happened, and so forth. These questions help us better understand the events
of a text. They have one right answer.
Here are some examples:

○ Why does Esperanza not like her name?

○ Is the house on Mango Street all Esperanza hoped for?

● Type 2: Inferential Question: These types of questions are the ones that you often see
on reading assessments. To answer them, you have to reference evidence and build an
argument. The answers aren’t “right there”; you have to infer, or put details together, to
figure them out. They can have more than one right answer.
Here are some examples:

○ What does Cathy mean when she says the neighborhood is getting bad?
○ Why does Esperanza connect to the four skinny trees outside her house?

● Type 3: Evaluative Question: These types of questions ask readers to make a

judgment. There is technically no right or wrong answer, but you have to understand
what’s happening in the text in order to answer it well.
Here are some examples:

○ Who is most responsible for the events that take place in ‘The Family of Little Feet’?
○ Will Esperanza defy the expectations placed upon her as a woman?
Type 1: Literal Questions
Initials Question(s)

KK what happens to Sally at home?

AB What was the reason behind Sally skipping school for 2 days?

CG Why did Sally kiss the boys?

ZK What happened to Esperanza when she went to her job?

JF Why does Esperanza like Sally?

DR why does sally like it when the boys want to kiss her

MJ Why did Tito and his friends steal Sally’s Keys?

JK Why does Esperanza feel held down?

EE Why does Louie's cousin get arrested?

AO What does Esperanza’s mom tell Esperanza about what she could have been?

SC What happens to Esperanza when her grandpa dies, and what is she told to do?

CM What did Esperanza do to try to defend Sally?

RF Why do all of the kids like to go to the Monkey Garden?

RN Why doesn’t Esperanza want to go out with her family?

HS Why does Esperanza like Marin so much?

AA What does Esperanza think about Marin?

ATag Why does Sally like it when the boys offer to kiss her?

MC What was I’d Esperanza’s family have to move to the house on Mango street?

BM why does Esperanza have to take care of her sister?

YB Why was Esperanza crying the day when she got to eat lunch in the canteen

AG Why does Esperanza like sally?

SW What was Esperanza expecting Sally to do when she was assaulted?

SG What is the only word Esperanza’s father knew and used to order food?

RH How does Esperanza describe her mother’s hair?

Type 2: Inferential Questions
Initials Question(s)

JK How does Esperanza’s surroundings influence her?

AT Why did Esperanza automatically assume Sally didn’t want to be with the boys? How does her past experience with men
shape that?

AO Why does Esperanza not like that Sally wants to kiss the boys for her keys?

KK Why did Tito’s mother have no reaction when Esperanza told her what was happening?

ZK How does gender play a part in Esperanza’s experiences?

JF How does Esperanza’s experiences impact her coming of age and maturing?

ATag Why does Esperanza feel that Sally lied to her?

MC How do gender roles impact the story?

EE How have Esperanza’s parents and society influenced her opinions and ideals?

CG How does Esperanza’s culture shape her actions and opinions?

RF Why is Esperanza so protective of Sally when Sally isn’t protective of her?

CM Why does Esperanza not understand “the joke” that Sally was making with the boys when they stole her keys?

MJ Why did Esperanza say that she wanted to die?

AB How does Esperanza deal with her problems?

SG How does Esperanza feel about her first crush ‘Sire’?

HS How have Esperanza’s experiences changed her mindset?

SW In the chapter No Speak English, why does Mamacita feel so disheartened when her son sings the Pepsi Commercial?

RN What does Esperanza think about Earl’s wife?

BM why does Esperanza not know what to do when her father starts crying?

RH How does Esperanza feel about Sally in the Red clowns vignette?

AA How does the relationship that Esperanza has with her mother differ from her relationship with her father?

DR why doesn’t esperanza understand Sally’s and the boys joke

SC What themes does the vignette Rafaela who drinks coconut & papaya juice on Tuesdays relate to the overall story and

AG Does Esperanza like earls wife?

Type 3: Evaluative Questions
Initials Question(s)

SG Why does Sally not protest when the boys want to kiss her?

AT Is it likely Esperanza will to attempt harm on herself again?

MC Why did the boys steal Sallys keys? And why would she kiss them just to get the keys back?

AO Why did Tito’s mother not care what the boys were doing to Sally?

CG Why does Esperanza notice something is wrong with Sally’s situation, and Sally doesn’t?

JK Will Esperanza be able to live her life freely as she matures and gains more knowledge through experiences?

ATag Is it Sally’s fault for ‘lying’ to Esperanza?

AB How can Esperanza learn to defend herself from men who might try to assault her?

JF Will Esperanza’s perspective on men change now that she has had 3 bad experiences with them?

ZK What will Esperanza do to avoid bad experiences in the future?

EE Will Esperanza ever fully heal from her childhood experiences?

CM How will Esperanza’s experience in “Red Clowns” change the trajectory of her life

MJ How will Esperanza be affected in the future from these constant experiences she faces with creepy men?

KK Should Sally have left the boys and played with Esperanza?


BM How do the influences of other people Esperanza’s age affect her outlook?

SC How do others' opinions in the neighborhood about gender roles influence how Esperanza perceives them?

DR how will Esperanza’s perspective on men change after the “Red Clowns”

AA How have the women in Esperanza’s life shaped her view of gender roles and whether or not to conform to them?

RF How does Esperanza’s feeling of wanting to die going to affect her life later on?

RH How will Esperanza choose her friends moving forward?

RN Has the way Esperanza thinks of herself and her friends changed?

AG will Esperanza change her personality after the incident?

SW How have Esperanza’s experiences with men throughout the novel develop her understanding of the type of person she
wishes to become?
Red Robins
Group Members:
● Mehreen ● Raven
● Saisha ● Bee
● Ananya ● Ana
● Joseph ● Yash
● Callia

Before your group begins discussing, spend the first 15-20 minutes of class preparing responses for at least
2 questions from each type listed below using your discussion preparation sheet. Be sure to use
appropriate supporting evidence when necessary to support your response and encourage further
discussion. Discussion should begin to flow naturally as you share ideas and begin making connections to
other questions, and our focus should be on inferential and evaluative questions.

Question Set

Type 1: Literal Questions

1. What happens to Sally at home?
2. Why did Esperanza’s family move to the house on Mango street?
3. What was Esperanza expecting Sally to do when she was assaulted?
4. Why do all of the kids like to go to the Monkey Garden?
5. Why was Esperanza crying the day she got to eat lunch in the canteen?
6. Why does Esperanza feel embarrassed when helping Sally?

Type 2: Inferential Questions

1. Why did Esperanza automatically assume Sally didn’t want to be with the boys? How do
her past experience with men shape her assumptions?
2. How does Esperanza feel about her first crush in the vignette ‘Sire’?
3. Why does Esperanza not feel like her house is a home?
4. How does Esperanza feel about her sister and their relationship?
5. Why does Esperanza not want to be like her great grandmother?
6. What does Esperanza’s mother mean when she says she could have been a smart cookie?

Type 3: Evaluative Questions

1. What does it mean to come of age?
2. How do gender roles/expectations impact Esperanza’s development throughout the story?
3. Should Sally have left the boys and played with Esperanza in The Monkey Garden?
4. How have the women in Esperanza’s life shaped her view of gender roles and whether or
not to conform to them?
5. How will Esperanza choose her friends moving forward?
6. Will Esperanza defy the expectations of women in her community?
7. Which event has caused Esperanza to mature the most?
8. How do the experiences of others Esperanza is exposed to shape the way she views the
Pink Panthers
Group Members:
● Melissa ● David
● Joey ● Rory
● Zayd ● Chris
● Eva ● Sophiia

Before your group begins discussing, spend the first 15-20 minutes of class preparing responses for at least
2 questions from each type listed below using your discussion preparation sheet. Be sure to use
appropriate supporting evidence when necessary to support your response and encourage further
discussion. Discussion should begin to flow naturally as you share ideas and begin making connections to
other questions, and our focus should be on inferential and evaluative questions.

Question Set

Type 1: Literal Questions

1. What happened to Esperanza when she went to her job?
2. What does Esperanza think about Marin?
3. Why does Sally like it when the boys offer to kiss her?
4. How does Esperanza describe her mother’s hair?
5. How did Esperanza get her name?
6. What happens in the family of little feet?

Type 2: Inferential Questions

1. Why did Tito’s mother have no reaction when Esperanza told her what was happening?
2. Why does Esperanza not know what to do when her father starts crying?
3. How has the way Esperanza thinks of herself and her friends changed?
4. What does Esperanza mean when she says that all the magazines and movies lied?
5. Why does Esperanza say that nobody complains after Lucy’s mother throws away the
6. How does Esperanza feel when Sally and the boys go into the garden to kiss?

Type 3: Evaluative Questions

1. What does it mean to come of age?
2. How does Esperanza’s culture shape her actions and opinions?
3. How will Esperanza’s experience in “Red Clowns” change the trajectory of her life?
4. How do others' opinions in the neighborhood about gender roles influence how Esperanza
perceives them?
5. How can Esperanza learn to defend herself from men who might try to harass her?
6. Should the men who catcalled her in the vignette “The Family of Little Feet” be
prosecuted/get consequences?
7. Who is most at fault for the incident at the carnival?
8. Will Esperanza achieve her goals and live out her dreams?
Green Geckoes
Group Members:
● Kavin ● Shreya
● Andrew ● Aya
● Hana ● Riya
● Ari ● Ariana

Before your group begins discussing, spend the first 15-20 minutes of class preparing responses for at least
2 questions from each type listed below using your discussion preparation sheet. Be sure to use
appropriate supporting evidence when necessary to support your response and encourage further
discussion. Discussion should begin to flow naturally as you share ideas and begin making connections to
other questions, and our focus should be on inferential and evaluative questions.

Question Set
Type 1: Literal Questions
1. Why does Esperanza like Sally?
2. Why does Louie's cousin get arrested?
3. What did Esperanza do to try to defend Sally?
4. Why does Esperanza have to take care of her sister?
5. Who does Esperanza blame for what happens in Red Clowns?
6. Why does Esperanza want a better life?

Type 2: Inferential Questions

1. Why is Esperanza so protective of Sally when Sally isn’t protective of her?
2. Why does Esperanza feel that Sally lied to her?
3. In the chapter No Speak English, why does Mamacita feel so disheartened when her son
sings the Pepsi commercial?
4. How does the relationship that Esperanza has with her mother differ from her relationship
with her father?
5. Why did Tito and his friends steal Sally’s keys?
6. What does Esperanza think about Earl’s ‘wife’?

Type 3: Evaluative Questions

1. What does it mean to come of age?
2. Will Esperanza be able to live her life freely as she matures and gains more knowledge
through her experiences?
3. Is it Sally’s fault for ‘lying’ to Esperanza?
4. How will Esperanza be affected in the future from these constant experiences she faces
with creepy men?
5. Will Esperanza ever fully heal from her childhood experiences?
6. How will the toxic expectations Esperanza is exposed to influence her development?
7. Will Esperanza end up defying the traditional expectations placed upon her by the end of
the book?
8. Why are all the incidents relating to expectations placed on Esperanza significant to
shaping identity?

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