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Get ACTive Toolkit

Forum Theatre for gender equality


Table of content
Generel background: Gender and Theatre of the Oppressed 4

Shortly about the Forum Theatre method 4

Background of the youth exchange 6

Non Private Theatre - Nem Privát Színház 6

Útilapu Hálózat - SCI Hungary 6

Objectives of the youth exchange: 7

Methods of the exchange: 7

About the TOOLKIT 7

Basic steps of the project (our Forum Theatre process): 8

1. First steps - Get to know each other 9

2. Frames 10

3. Team Building 11

4. Theatre Games 13

5. Discussion on the topic 15

6. Body awareness 17

7. Senses 18

8. Trust 19

9. Expressive body 21

10. Oppression modelling 22

11. Image theatre 23

12. Newspaper theatre 24


13. Decision about topic and group 24

14. How to build a character 25

15. Writing the play 27

Have a break - Free day 27

How to build the play (steps) 28

16. Rehearsals 28

17. Performance 29

Flow of the performance 29

Forum rules 29

The Role of the Joker 30

The Role of the Actors 30

Evaluation - Future planning 33

Recommended literature about Theatre of the Oppressed 33

Agenda of the Get ACTive Youth Exchange 34

Special thanks to 38

The call of the youth exchange on social media


Generel background: Gender and Theatre of the Oppressed

Nowadays our society is going through significant changes, however, youth is often lacking
a safe forum to discuss personal experiences in a constructive manner. Theatre of the
Oppressed (and its main method: Forum Theatre) is an efficient method to address any
social issues and to enable the people to find solution strategies together in order to cope
with the challenges they might face both on a societal and an individual level.

Theatre of the Oppressed offers a unique possibility not only to map difficulties and initiate
a discourse, but also to act out situations and to personally experience them, thus gaining a
better understanding of one’s own reactions and inhibitions, as well as to discover possible
solutions linked to the common social problem. Gender issues represent a challenge that is
present in on everyone’s life, however, they are barely tackled by youth communities. We
invite you to change this together, let’s raise awareness on gender equality.

Shortly about the Forum Theatre method

Theatre of the oppressed (in short written form: TO) appeared in Latin America by Augusto
Boal around 1970’s to reflect on political and ethic repression.

Although today we experience different kind of oppression it is still everywhere and TO is a

method to deal with it, as it offers a tool for research of solutions. TO has been through a lot
of adaptations and transformations and its forms offer different approaches. Forum theatre
is one part of the TO tree, but all the methods are connected to one-another. According to
Boal, people are all actors in their lives too, therefore theatre is only a rehearsal for real life
situations. So forum theatre is a platform for conversation and trial for real change and
solutions in action. The play is developed by people who are sharing somehow the same
experiences and they perform for an audience who are also attached to this theme. The long
process is to build the play and a performance also has a very unique process itself. Through
the youth exchange we modelled both.

Theatre is a form of knowledge; it should and can also be a
means of transforming society. Theatre can help us build our
future, rather than just waiting for it.
-Augusto Boal

The tree of Theatre of the oppressed


Background of the youth exchange

Get ACTive were a youth exchange funded by the Erasmus+ program in 2016 organized by
the Nem Privát Színház / Non Private Theatre, a working group of Útilapu Hálózat, SCI
Hungary. Dates and venue of the exchange: 18-28 November 2016, Hollókő, Hungary
Non Private Theatre - Nem Privát Színház
The Non Private Theatre is a self-organized young group, who among
other things is using the Forum theatre instruments to reflect issues of
social problems, repression and violence. The group brings a surface for
the participants to think together and find new solutions, techniques for
these problems.

The group is working with their member’s life stories in which disadvantage, ordered
hierarchy, violence or unequality can be recognized.

The group is very diverse, a wide range of young adults involved, all of whom have added
their own area of knowledge and experiences. Members are constantly improving
themselves and each other in different trainings and course.

Non Private Theatre carried out several lectures, workshops and pedestrian theatre
workshop sought to gain more ground and forum discourse now and in the past few years.

Útilapu Hálózat - SCI Hungary

Útilapu Hálózat is the Hungarian branch of Service Civil International
(SCI), a volunteer organisation dedicated to promoting a culture of
peace by organising international voluntary projects. Partner
organizations of SCI are present in over 50 European, Asian, North-American and African
countries. Útilapu was established by a group of enthusiastic youngsters in 1993 who had
participated in SCI camps before.

However, Útilapu is active throughout the whole year. We organize workshops, cultural
events, meetings and we offer a broad list of training courses and seminars accessible for
all. Every voluntary project, meeting, exchange or training course has to be in line with the
values of volunteering, non-violence, Human Rights, solidarity, respect for the environment,
inclusion, empowerment and cooperation.
Objectives of the youth exchange:
● raising awareness of gender issues
● learning about the method of Theatre of the Oppressed
● sharing personal experiences, initiating an international discourse
● writing a new play on gender issues based on the participants’ own experiences and
● empowering participants with the necessary know-how and encouraging them to
start their
● give tools to start own forum theatre groups in their communities
● building a network of forum theatre groups

Methods of the exchange:

● leading the participants through the processes of group formation and building a play
● basic drama exercises, raising body consciousness
● icebreaking, teambuilding, simulations, working groups
● facilitation techniques (role of the Joker)
● complex artistic techniques (e.g. use of music and drawing when writing a play)
● discovering other theatrical methods - Invisible Theatre, Image Theatre, Newspaper

About the TOOLKIT

Participants has learnt new exercises and techniques, but they have learnt as well how to
use them. They were divided into groups everyday, to report on the days activities to
prepare a description of methods and games used for the toolkit. Also in the mornings we

were discussed on the experiences and what are they useful in other situations, to take the
participants ready to use the techniques learnt.

We collected the participants notes day by day, which is visible in the toolkit accordingly,
based on the reports and analytical talks on the methods used during the project.
In the toolkit the reader can see the basic steps of a Forum process and all the used games
which are mainly examples and may vary according to the group and the circumstances.

We hope this collection and form of documentation will be useful for not only the
participants of the project but maybe for others too.

Basic steps of the project (our Forum Theatre process):

1. Get to know each other

2. Logistics and frames
3. Team building
4. Theatre games
5. Gender issue
6. Body awareness
7. Senses
8. Trust
9. Expressive body
10. Oppression - modelling
11. Image theatre
12. Newspaper theatre
13. Decision about topic and group
14. Character building
15. Play writing
16. Rehearsal
17. Performance
18. Evaluation - Future planning

Anyone can do theatre, even actors. And, theatre can be done
everywhere, even in a theatre.
-Augusto Boal

1. First steps - Get to know each other

To prepare the flow of the project we hold
several meeting on-line with the group
leaders, and we continued with that through
the project everyday after the program.

Before the participants has arrived we

already prepared the space to tune them on
the work together, the organizer team placed
posters and pictures with quotations all
around the house connected to equality and
gender issue. Also On the first days videos, or
even like in our case a performance or forum theatre play can be used to tune the
participants on the theme, and even to get to know the method itself.

Everything was designed for the safe environment to create a space for everyone to feel
comfortable to share and act, as the method we work with needs this circumstances.

After a short name game we have started our work

together with an opening ceremony, through council
technique, which gave our participants the opportunity
to share their stories of arriving, as they wish, using an
everyday object, their shoes. Before the ceremony we
agreed on the rules of sharing, that one person speaks a
time, and we all are not judging anyone.

These rules also belong to the next chapter frames.

In the picture on the left you can read the summary of

these rules.

Find more infos about the method at the link

Rules of the Council - Frames

2. Frames
To make sure, everyone is on the common ground and safe environment is table for the
people for free creation we need to clarify the frames we work in. For this many exercises
can be used, this time we divided different coloured post-its for each participant and they
had to write their fears, expectation, and personal contributions, goals. And then everyone
anonymously put them out on the wall, grouping the similar ones together and we
discussed what needed to be. This way people could see they are not alone with their
feelings. After sharing also we have discussed in groups what are the most important rules
for each and one of them, and we discussed and completed it with the whole group. We
agreed on the daily schedule and timing of the program, and everyone had a chance to add
what anyone thought is needed.

3. Team Building
At this point for the basement of the forum work participants need to work together well, to
feel each other and the space, to trust each other, to feel their own body and know their
limits. The team is the foundation of all the work, they need to work well together. Through
the teambuilding we use fun games and exercises to let members connect to each other
easily, use their skills and form the group dynamics from game to game. Name games and
energizers can be used also for group building, also this type of games are good to use time
to time between other elements when the group energy level needs some different input or
warm up, to connect each other and focus on the team again.

Group photo after the drawing faces game

The shark: presentation exercices. All participants do a circle and one of them is in the
middle, she has to say her name and look for another person and change it.

The blanket: there are 2 teams. Each team has to be at both sides of the blanket. One person
of each team has to be in front of the blanket. We count till 3 and we get aout the blanket
and the persons in front see each other and has to say de another's names. The faster one
wins and the loser go the opposite group.

Name and movement: we were in a circle and each person should present himself with a
sound and a movement, repeating the previous one.

Drawing Faces: We recieved diaries for our reflection and notes during the week. We made
two concentric circles in a way that each one has a partner in front of him/her. We draw
just a part of the face of the person. We were switching our places to draw different parts of
different people.

Passing the message (Game of the telephone): We were in a circle holding our hands.
Someone start to make a pression to the hand of someone choosing in which way the
Energy should go. Then one by one we were passing the message of the previous person.
We tried to do it each time faster.

Problem Solving Chair Game: The goal of this game was to build a group strategy for
achieve the best solution all together against the person that was standing and trying to
occupy the empty chair.

Mosquito game - bonding game, supposed

to deepen existing trust and partnership
between participants, also good for
concentration and reflexes. Mosquito goes
around and spreads disease (touch) among
people. When touched, a person freezes and
can be healed only by a healthy person and
a kiss (like a princess).

Clap or die! - A clapping pattern is

established between people in a circle.
Whoever fails to maintain the pattern
performs a death scene. Good for focus and
group synergy.

Group challange – bunch of different task

which they have to perform in a short time
period (30 minutes)

Tasks for the Group Challange


4. Theatre Games
In this section the basics of theatre is in focus. This includes space and body awareness and
discovering their limitations and stretch them at the same time, as we can. These games are
helping later on building the scenes, and writing the play.

Stretching exercises: routine head, shoulders movement in different directions.

Space exercises: During walking randomly someone improvise a movement and optionaly
voice also and start to do it the others can decidet o follow it or follow somebody else
movement/sound invitation. The exercises flows along changing the initiator, follower
positions continuosly.
Columbian hypnosis
Columbian hypnosis: Played in pairs. One
player holds her open hand, fingers upward,
about 2-3 inches from her partner’s face. She
then starts moving her hand about slowly,
while her partner tried to keep his face at
exactly the same distance from her hand, like
her hand is pulling of pushing his face about.
Switch sides and partners after a couple of

Walking in the space: Taking consciousness

of our movements and our space, being
aware of the other participants trying to
don’t crash, if someone can’t avoid, to try
doing it softly.

We did it in different speeds from scale 1-10,

starting normal pace which is 5 and then
walk slower and faster but not running.
Someone was leading our actions, telling us
to stop sometimes and start walking again.

Focusing on bodyparts

In the begining the facilitator determined which bodyparts we should focus on (e.g. right
hand, head, left knee, hip…) and follow this bodyparts as the leader, initiator of our
movements. Later everybody could define for his/her focuspoint to follow. At the next level
we could chalange ourselves with 2-3 focuspoints simultaneously.

Imaginary painting and bubble

Then we imagined that our different bodyparts is covered by different colours and we tried
to paint all the room and the surface around us with our colours.

When evreybody finished with the painting then we created an imaginary bubble around us
and trying to fill and feel individualy the space around us. We also focused on and explored
the connections and interactions among our imaginary bubbles.

Imaginary bubbles

5. Discussion on the topic

The groups are usually gathered together on a theme, a subject, a social issue which is
important for them. Everyone shall have their own experience. In Forum we shall never talk
about things which we do not have experience in, that would not be real. People discover
the issue and share real life experiences to discover the conflicts and find solutions this way.
To get even clearer picture on the topic other methods also can be involved, group
discussions, world cafe, group work, and other non-formal technique to explore scientific
data, definitions or theories on the theme. On gender we used some to, for example:

Genderbread Person: We used the genderbread person tool for identify the concept of
identity, attraction, sex, expression of ourselves and we tried to use it in a specific situation.

We tried to use this tool to describe what it means if one homosexual and one transvestite
(divided in groups).

We made a plenary group discussion after all.

Genderbread Person

Feminism workshop:

Thanks to the Catalan group they shared us their

knowledge about feminism in a workshop based on
iteractive plenary discussion.

They used also the iceberg model for representing

the patriarchal violence structure

Also they showed differrent videos connected to

the topic such as: Tea Consent
Iceberg model for patriarchal violence

Group discussion about gender


6. Body awareness
Knowing the body, seeing ourselves’ in situ’, from outside during its actions also helps on
stage later while perfroming as an amateur actor. Also knowing its abilities helps us later on
to make it expressive, to train our body to show emotions and feel the situations. At the
same time knowing the others in space helps us to build up situations in a more realistic
way. For this we explore ourselves, continuing others in different shapes and figure,
cooperating sensitively with each other Group massage

Massage in group
 Give each other a massage in
Feel the Space!
 Flowing through the space in the
room to music
Siamese twins
 Walk around stuck together
 Change stuck together body parts
“Siamese twin ocean”
 Stick with others also not just with your pair
 Everyone sticking together forming an “ocean”
 Keep moving ”Siamese twin ocean”
 Feel the balloons softly roll on your
Balloon twins
 Stick together by the balloon
 Don’t let the balloon drop
Stick twins
 Similar to the balloon one but with
thin sticks
Balloon restriction
 Moving restricted by having to
keep a balloon stuck somewhere on our body
 Later on repeating the ocean task with this balloon restriction

7. Senses
As in trust practises, losing a sense or make a sense stronger than the others are highly
developing in terms of consciousness, self-awareness and responsibility. People on the team
are needed, they have to feel responsible for each other for real explore the different types
of connections they can create and how their presence is
crucial for all. Working with different senses leading with
voice, following by a touch or being blindfolded all helps to
discover our own borders. During these exercises we can feel
our strength and weaknesses and we are allowed to be
vulnerable the same way as the others. At the same time we
can help each other by trying to lead, or be a partner in the
exercises in a way the other would feel comfortable, this is a
developing challenge for all of us.

Exploration of the hands - Find the hands - walking with eyes closed and searching for
other people's hands. Discover yourself and your partners carefully respecting our private

Rock concert - a group of people lift a member of the group and make them fly. Rotation
principle applied.


8. Trust
Basically trust is indispensable during forum theatre work. Participants use their own
stories discovering a social problem through themselves, they need to share to express their
feelings and create a common story together. To reach this level trust games are used with
balancing, losing senses, guiding each other in space and so on. Here are some examples:

Blindfolded leading - We made couples from different nationalities. One was blinded and
the other was guiding him/her. We made it three times. The first time with constant
contact, the second time on touching the shoulder to give instruction and the third time the
blind person was following the noise of the guide.

Meeting during the blindfolded leading


Trust metronome
 Two people stand facing each other
 A third person stands between them
 This third person falls towards others, who support them and help them go towards
the other person then back again. This creates a living metronome

“Drunken bottle”
 Another trust exercise
 People stand in a small circle
 Someone stands in the middle and falls to one side
 The circle keeps them up, and sends them slowly to other parts of the circle

Trust bubble
 A circle of people holding hands surround the other person whose eye is blindfolded
 This human bubble is there to surround and protect them
 It follows them when that´s good, stops them when that is needed

Trust bubble

9. Expressive body
To build expressive scenes for Forum theatre play the next step is to develop our
expressiveness, to use the body accordingly, show emotions, feelings, abstract forms.
According to Boal’s students the scenes should be understandable without even a word.
Therefore the expressive body is crucial. To reach this goal statue games, attention games
and more transformed body awareness practices are done by the group.

Soundball or imaginary object passing – Among the participants in a circle we passing

sound, energy ball or anything what we can imagine. The characteristics of the passed
imaginary object could change rapidly. Getting big, than tiny, heavy or light, wet or dry, hot
or cold - imagination and improvisation are encouraged. Free expression is a must.
Expressing Emotions - expressing different emotions (happy, sad, angry, hopeful, weak,
strong, fear, joy) after one by one staying in one for a while then fluidly change to the other.
Expressing emotions happening trhough movements, body positions, walking
Copy movements- Do what's in front of you - copy moving patterns of people in front of you.
Additional challenges - direction change, grotesque and other expressions.
Mirror game - image and reflection like ebony and ivory come together for this exercise.
Copying turns to invention and vice versa. Loose the leader. Be yourself.
Mirror the sculptures - look above and adapt to a group. Partnering is vital. Time limits
apply when a task is given. Next step - walk around and create a group position to a given


10. Oppression modelling

Theatre of the oppressed is all about how the oppressed ones and the people around able to
make a change. For this the group members also discuss and create inequalities through
games to deepen the issues and explore new viewpoints. The games are recommended are
by experience and then analysis. Also it is useful to give time for the participants to think
through their own experiences, or express them in a way of art.
Potato game – Potatoes grabbing each others. Farmers try harvest potatoes (people). Use to
illustrate oppression.
You, you, you! game – There is a chair in the middle of the room. People walk slowly,
randomly. Anybody step on the chair. The others starting to point towards her/him and
keep saying loudly: YOU! YOU! YOU!


Chairs - use them to illustrate social controversy and oppression in a provocative and
creative way. Ask questions.
Solo time – self reflection - everyone goes to think about their life illustrated on a spiral
(being born in the center point and growing outside till the present). Indicate gender
related experiences on the spiral. Think of what affects you today from these experiences.
Think about how you felt in these situations. (45 mins)
Then everyone draw/paint what they're feeling. (30 mins)
The whole group looks at the pictures and gives titles by association.

11. Image theatre

After exploring the stories of the individuals, they are all invited to share their stories with
each other, mold them together or choose the one which they are the most connected with
and create one image out of it. Or even two images. The transformation of the images give
possibility to all to think of the situation shown by the group and explore solutions, ideas
through real action on scene.

A frozen image

Transformation, inner voices - During Image theatre the actors are asked to be spontaneous
and improvise, but not scenes yet only sculptures. The task can be to show the moment
before the escalation of the problem and the moment after it. The two picture can transform
to from one another in slow motion, the facilitator, in forum, its called the joker can ask for
inner voices of the characters or even for small movements to make the problem more
visible for the audience- in forum, the spectactors. Then the audience can try to replace
people from the image to make a difference. All changes are discussed by all, and all
solutions are tried out, therefore the aesthetic space becomes the area of discussion by

12. Newspaper theatre

The main differences in Newspaper theatre that people are creating sculpture by news, not by
their own stories. But the technique can be very similar.

13. Decision about topic and group

Based on the participants and their own stories they are asked to collect all topics within
the gender theme, which has been mentioned and been important for them. After all these
with voting, everyone chooses whichever is the most important for him or herself.
Everybody had 20 points for voting and can arrange them freely. The two topics which were
the most voted by the people will be the theme of the plays. Now they are asked to choose
from these, to formulating two groups and as it was in the case of image theatre they are
asked now to find their own stories again in this theme, use their experiences and create a
story together.

Our topics – on the top are the two chosen topic got the most vote

14. How to build a character

Building a character sounds easy but it is important to build colourful, complex, not only
one-sided people, avoid polarization and draw a complex picture of the characters and
scenes. For this we use different imaginations try to use the body, to create something we
feel from inside and then connect the individual imaginations with each other to create the
common picture everyone can connect to.

Creating the character – its emotions in a common art piece

The steps we used according to the notes:

 Walk around and imagine the character
 Collect feelings
 Create an art piece together with the group based on the emotions
 Draw a genderbread person
 Make a character card
 Give him her internal and external attributes
 Imagine its relationships
 Walk around and imagine the oppressor character related to the oppressed one

 Think about name of her/him

 Imagine the family, friends
 Imagine the character, how does he look like
 What is his hobby, freetime,
 What is his age?
 Being aware that we are talking about real oppression and respect that
 Discussion
 Emotionally connecting with characters and link them to own experiences

For this we also write character-cards of the imagined people, which basically consists of
helping questions to concretize the outline of the character.

Questions of character card:

 How old?
 What is the gender?
 Profession
 Whare do they live?
 Family status?
 Internal traits
 External traits
 Hobby
 Extra info
 Name?

One built character


15. Writing the play

Have a break - Free day

Before writing the play it was very important to give a full free day for everybody. Give time
for crystalizing the new experiences and knowledge. Just have fun together, and not
stressing about the building and performing the play.

In front of the Basilica in Eger

During the play writing movements, relaxation, imagination and other art tools, which
beforehand during the exchange we practiced can be used.

How to build the play (steps)

According to our participants they collected the most important steps and know-hows of
this part in some points.
1. Brainstorm on the life of the main character's,
a. family,
b. friends,
c. free time activities,
d. self reflection,
e. work,
f. and relationships.
2. Build image theatre of the scene.
3. Know the character well, to improvise as real as possible.
4. Care about the details of the space, position of the characters, express emotions.

16. Rehearsals
During the rehearsal process there are less and less improvisation. Key sentences, peak
moments determined. Also in this period we finalized the logistics of the play. What
materials, lights we need, where we are in the space…


17. Performance
The performance itself is a 90minutes-120 minutes long process. Important that the theme
is attached to the audience just as the actors and the creators of the performance. In this
time the spectators are becoming spect-actors, which is an expression used by Boal for the
audience, active in the process. Therefore to have a chance to step on stage and change the
story, which has been presented. For this process a big nice room, movable chairs are the
only need. The place turns into a community dialogue between people. This process is
helped with games and building an honest and trustful atmosphere for courage.

Flow of the performance

1. Ice breaking games with spectactors and actors
2. Small presentation on the project
3. Performance
4. Analysis and processing what was seen (E.g: Hot seat with the main character)
5. Discussion
6. Forum theatre with the whole story replaying- stop, and change characters
behaviour, reactions
7. Closing (e.g: The main character’s inner voice)
8. Final discussions
9. Assessment and evaluation
Forum rules
There are several rules for the replaying which are importat to keep, for the realistic picture
and the real solutions. These can be said before the forum part or even meanwhile

 Spectactors cannot change the main oppressor

 The audience can change only one character at a time
 No magical change allowed
 The characters have special attributions, ovjects, which are useful for identification
of swapping
 No physical violence is allowed on stage
 No turning back in time

 Clap will stop the scene, and change can be made

 The actors have to beready to talk about the characters in depth

The Role of the Joker

There is a person who usually leads the whole process of creating the performance and also
the performance itself. The Joker is the ultimate director and game master, but slightly
different at the same time. The Joker is always neutral.

 Facilitate the connection between the audience and the performers

 Ask open questions
 Promote the action on scene
 Translate and explain, clear things for the audience when its needed
 Explain the main principles of theatre of the oppressed
 Generate discussion
 Help understand the story
 To be neutral and let the audience discover themselves the story

The Role of the Actors

The actors are also different in a forum performence of course. They are not only play what
has been written but also keep tracking the chages what was amde by the audience and
improvise accordingly.

 Paying attention
 Stay in character
 Be flexible
 Selfcontrol- in freez
 Improwise towards the chage offered by the sepactactors
 Do not correct the Joker
 Help the Joker
 Shake the role off when all performance and debate is done


The theatre itself is not revolutionary: it is a rehearsal for the
-Augusto Boal


During the performance

After the performance


After the performance

Evaluation - Future planning

In the last day we evaulate in plenary based on sharings the whole process and the
performances also.
We gave free time period to the participants for planning their future actions based on the
TO methodologies alone and in their national group also.

Recommended literature about Theatre of the Oppressed

 Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Penguin Education); Paulo Freire.
 The Rainbow of Desire: The Boal Method of Theatre and Therapy; Augusto Boal
 Games for Actors and Non Actors; Augusto Boal
 Theatre of the Oppressed (Get Political) Augusto Boal
 Drama Menu: Theatre Games in Three Courses; Glyn Trefor Jones
 Legislative Theatre: Using Performance to Make Politics; Augusto Boal
Agenda of the Get ACTive Youth Exchange

Artistic agenda
(Hollókő - Ravenstone)

The detailed Agenda

Day 1
Welcome ceremony
Arrival day Get to know each other
Get to know name games Council technique
each other
Day 2
Group challenge- tasks to start working together
Get to know each other
TO day & Logistics: Introduction of the Introduction of Theatre of the oppressed with a Intercultural night
logistics, frames project, play
timetable, rules, duties,
service and care, media group. Discussion group on the play and FT
FRAMES: expectations, fears, and its possibilities
contribution Feedback
Day 3
Cooperation, Space and presence, Trust building
Gender day, attention and focus
theatre games, Get to know the senses – Genderbread Board games
demechanisation body, voice, emotions
and connect with reactions, Feedback – reflection groups
movements I.

Day 4 Get to know the senses - body, National group

voice, emotions and connect with FREE AFTERNOON performances
body awareness, reactions, movements II.
me & others, Raising awareness of Gender issues Intro of group /solo
Group preparation for
senses, trust and the use of theatre of the performances by
performances of gender in
+free afternoon oppressed countries


Day 5
Theatre games, expressive body, Solo time focusing on personal issues,
Expressive body, statues, voices experiences about gender topics.
statues, images, Workshop about
oppression, Oppression Artistic (drawing, paintings) expression of the feminism hold by the
creative process solo time participants
Verbal sharing about them.

Reflection group

Day 6
Character building, Individual interest based group forming for the
Story sharing, story writing exercise performance MOVIE NIGHT
characters, Image theatre Midtime evaluation
Image theatre

Day 7
FREE DAY Trip to the city of Eger Optional programmes: Creative night
FREE DAY Optional programmes: visiting the castle, thermal spa
visiting the castle, thermal spa Dinner together in local restaurant

Day 8 Start of working on the play:

Creating character, connect it with Work on the characters Board games
building the its emotions, situations, space and Creating the story, building the play
characters; environment design the environment of the play
building the play Group work with mentors Group work with mentors
Rehearsal PERFORMANCE 2. Celebration party
rehearsal Rehearsal
Short feedback party with the village people


Day 10 Discussion feedback on the Evaluation
performance Cleaning Leaving party
Evaluation Feedback on the performance Future project planning
Future planning Youth pass Goodbye ceremony – personal positive feedbacks

Day 11
Departure Day Wishes

Posters for the performances


Special thanks to
Nem Privát Színház – Non Private Theatre –

Útilapu Hálózat - SCI Hungary -

PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS: SMOKINYA- Bulgaria, SCI Catalunya- Spain, SCI Italy- Italy, Útilapu Hálózat

all the Participants!!!

The project was funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not
constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held
responsi¬ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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