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VERSION 1.0 Last Update Date 12/2021

This is a fan-made variant to the Unofficial RWBY Tabletop RPG
system by EnderOfThings and is not endorsed by Rooster Teeth. This is for fans,
by fans and completely free! 5. The Basics
6. Attributes
7. Resources
7. Character Progression
8. Specialization Selection
9. Build Your Weapon
11. Lien
Thank you for taking a look at Paradigm’s RWBY TTRPG system! 12. Discover Your Semblance
The purpose of this rule set is to rebalance the original 14. Example Character Sheet
system it was inspired from in order to provide a much more challenging
and rewarding system to play with while providing a higher sense of
character progression. While you will still be able to trounce
Beowolves and the like, individuals that are much more unique
or special will be much more difficult to overcome and will 18 GAME MECHANICS
truly be an achievement to defeat! This reimagining aims to allow 19. How To Play 25. Attacking/Defending
Characters to perform a variety of cool and unique abilities each turn 20. Terminology 26. Combat Actions
rather than focus on one specific manner of attacking or defending. 21. Skill Checks 28. Falling Damage
22. Advantage/Disadvantage 29. Status Effects
23. Critical Success/Failure 30. Player vs. Player
23. Encounters 31. Character Defeat
The content within this document also adds a number of new 24. Rule of Cool 31. Destiny
mechanics while adding a plethora of additional 24. Range Increments
options for specializations, assets, and other surprises! These
changes are highly recommended for use in a battlemap style
of combat over theater of mind style of combat.

If you are familiar with the rule system that was used as inspiration,
great! You will see elements of it still remain, however many have evolved.
32 Specializations
This is a standalone rulebook and will be laid out for you in the following 33. Character Specializations
36. Weapon Specializations
pages to make sure you are eased into this variation of the RWBY
38. Vehicle Specializations
universe in Tabletop RPG format. 41. Negative Specializations

There will be additional guidelines for Game Masters (GM) to provide

advice on how I have been able to provide satisfying experiences for
Players. Many of these customizations and items have been added to this
document to expand on imagination and what is possible for other GMs.
42 Assets
A GM may always make changes or edit things to better suit their 43. Consumable Assets
45. Permanent Assets
own style and group’s desires. This document provides an idea of 46. Dust
what content I have added to make the game more enjoyable for 48. Vehicles
both the GM and the Players. Expect the rules in this document 49. Vehicle Creation
to reflect the start of fledgling Huntsmen and Huntresses or
students just starting to attend a major Academy in Remnant. As
characters progress in a Campaign, they will become stronger and
will be able to handle challenging tasks.
51. Difficulty Checks
52. Encounter Design
58. Rewards
60. Index
61. Release Notes

2 3
Character Creation “You’re a Huntress! Can
I have your autograph?”
The Basics

The following sections will lead you on the path to understanding

the setting that RWBY takes place in, creating your first Character
and becoming familiar with key Elements of the Character Sheet.

Welcome to the World of Remnant where its lands are inhabited by Humans, Faunus, and the deadly creatures of Grimm. Gifted
individuals attend one of the many prestigious Academies across Remnant with the dreams of becoming a Huntsman or
Huntress. Huntsmen and Huntresses are the defenders of Remnant and beacons of hope when such a prospect is devoid of
one’s vision. Faunus, human and animal hybrids, face much discrimination in the world, needing to work harder in many areas,
especially outside of Vale to find acceptance. Remnant is still full of mysteries, long forgotten artifacts and even whispers of
magic. What will you pursue as a Huntsman or Huntress of Remnant?

Character Outline
Name: The name of your Character. Usually Characters in Remnant have names based on a color. This can be either a first or
last name.
Description: What does your Character look like? Hair color? Eye color? Physical build? Clothing style?
Age: How old is your Character? Typically Huntsmen and Huntresses are enrolled in to combat schools in their teens.
Height: Your Character’s height.
Heritage: Which Kingdom does your Character consider themselves from? Vale, the most central Kingdom on Remnant with a
diverse and inclusive population. Vacuo, the western Kingdom with a desolate and harsh desert where only the strong and
hardy survive. Mistral, the eastern Kingdom with vast amounts of art, libraries, and exotic vegetation. Atlas, the northern
Kingdom with its frigid lands and militaristic society. Perhaps you came from simple villages outside of the major Kingdoms
where you developed your own community or perhaps became more…opportunistic. Are you a Faunus that lived in Menagerie?
The tropical and cramped island community away from the hardships and discrimination of Humans?
Gender: What Gender does your Character identify as?
Personality: How does your Character act? Do they have quirks? What makes them happy, mad, etc?
History: How did your Character get to where they are today? Try breaking up your Character’s history into 3 major events.
Early life, midlife and present day.

The listed Resources are used when an Action requires them to be spent, your Character takes damage,
Attributes determine how skilled a Character will be when attempting a specific task before them. a special effect activates, etc. Health Points, Aura, Armor, Capacity, and Supplies are restored to their
Do they struggle with lifting large or heavy objects? They will probably have lower Strength. Can maximum values after each Episode unless your GM specifies otherwise. It is reasonable to believe that
they take a bit more punishment than others once their Aura is broken? Endurance is something Characters rest, heal, and gather new supplies in between Episodes.
that Character has invested in then.

Health Points (HP) Aura

Health Points = END+1 Aura = WIL+DIS+2
Strength (STR) Perception (PER)
Your ability to perform physical tasks when Your ability to defend yourself relies on How much damage a Character can withstand The physical manifestation of a Character’s soul.
trying to physically exert and overpower an your Perception. Perception is used to spot without their Aura before becoming Defeated. Every Huntsman and Huntress is trained in its
obstacle uses Strength. Strength is one of weaknesses or incoming attacks to better Health Points are commonly referred to as HP. capabilities. Aura acts as a barrier to protect your
the primary attributes used for those who defend oneself as well as hone in on your When your HP is 0, your Character is considered body from damage. When your Aura is 0 your
possess great melee prowess. own intuition about others. Defeated. Only HP restoration can bring a Character cannot use their Semblance; any
Character out of the Defeated state. damage inflicted will be directed to your HP.
Beware! Some attacks may bypass Aura!
Agility (AGI) Willpower (WIL) Armor
Your ability to move quickly, precisely, and Your ability to Influence others and Capacity
with poise. Tasks that require accurate and manipulate your Semblance. You also have Some Characters wear extra Armor, or a Faunus The amount of ammunition left in a magazine,
precise movement or use of delicate a knack for understanding how to approach may have natural Armor. Reduce any damage emergency supplies, or easily accessible Dust a
maneuvers require Agility. Agility is one of aggressive and delicate social interactions. that would be directed to your HP by 1 for every character has at the current moment. Capacity is
the primary attributes used by those point of Armor you possess to a minimum of 1. expended when a Character performs a ranged
excelling in ranged combat. It also affects Reduce your movement by 5ft for each point of attack, Dust Skill Check or other Combat Action.
your movement bonus. Armor you possess past 1. Beware! Some When your Capacity is 0 your Character cannot
attacks may bypass or even destroy Armor! perform Actions that require Capacity to be
performed. Capacity may be restored to its
maximum by using a Minor Action called Reload.
Endurance (END) Discipline (DIS) Destiny
Your ability to take punishment after your Your ability to be studious and keep calm A special Resource that is always available. It
Aura has been broken and how long you during the heat of battle. Characters with allows a re-roll of any die in the game! Supplies
can perform any task that requires physical high Discipline exhibit extreme form and Supplies = 2
exertion. Withstanding hazardous envir- finesse when wielding Dust. Individuals
onmental and physical trauma is also a key with high Discipline are highly skilled with Rule Of Cool (RoC) Representing the amount of backup ammunition,
aspect of those with high Endurance. Dust without applying it to a weapon. A special resource available in Combat En-
Dust, or other essentials the Character has on
Additionally, Endurance determines a counters. Rule of Cool may be awarded by GM
their person but not readily available. Supplies
Character’s Health Points. for a lavish and cool description of an attack, a
are expended by 1 when a Character performs a
partner attack, team attack, or anything at all they
Reload. When your Supplies are 0 your
Movement (MOV) feel deserves it. The maximum RoC you can
Character cannot perform a Reload.
Your ability to move around a battlefield at a certain speed. Your default Movement is 15ft +5ft for possess is 5.
every 4 points of agility you possess.

Standardized Attribute Assignment

In order of importance to your Character, rank each Attribute from 1 to 6. Higher values indicate a
Character who is more adept at that particular Attribute, while lower values indicate inadequacy with
that set of skills. Characters are not exceptional at everything. Your Attributes will dictate how
successful you are at performing future Skill Checks as well as your performance in Combat
Character Progression
Randomized Attribute Assignment Your starting level is 1. Character levels are
awarded based on GM discretion, story milestones,
Even Level: Increase
You may elect to use a randomized Attribute assignment, which places a lot more variation on your maximum HP or Aura by 1.
or character milestones. When leveling, you may
skills. Use this method only if you want a unique challenge when building a Character, or are feeling want to consider rounding out your Character by
lucky. For each Attribute, roll 2D6. The highest value rolled will be selected for that Attribute. Odd Level: Increase any
focusing on areas that they don’t excel in. Or, you
Attribute by 1.
may even want to pump up a single stat to extreme
levels. But, do be careful. Some challenges may
Every 4th Level: Select a
require a diverse set of skills to overcome. Choose
When selecting how to assign Attributes, (Standardized or Randomized) it is best for all Players to use the same method. new Specialization to
wisely! The table to the right is the recommended
It is recommended for those new to tabletop games to use the Standardized Attribute Assignment over Randomized Attribute Assignment. obtain.
progression rewards.
Dice can be cruel at times!
The 4th Level progression bonus replaces the HP/
6 Aura increase that is normally obtained on an even GRADIENTMGZ 7
level. You obtain this bonus at level 4, 8, 12, etc.
Specialization Selection Build Your Weapon
Specializations are unique characteristics and advantages that your Character or Weapon have for you to When constructing your weapon, consider it an extension of your Character. It
leverage and gain an extra edge in and out of Combat. Some Specializations have negative effects on a should fit thematically with your Character concept and flow with their preferred
Character, either chosen at creation or developing over the course of a Campaign. method of combat. You may only have one Melee and Ranged Form Type
Active at any time. Construct your weapon with the template below:
Specializations are broken up into four categories. Character Specializations, Weapon Specializations,
Vehicle Specializations, and Negative Specializations. When building your Character, you select 3 Weapon Name: The name of your Weapon. Select an appropriate name for
Character Specializations or Weapon Specializations. You may select 1 Negative Specialization to apply what it may do or be inspired from!
to your Character. If you do so you may gain a 4th Character or Weapon Specialization during Character Weapon Description: What does your weapon look like? Does it take the form
Creation. You cannot gain further Character or Weapon Specializations by taking additional Negative of something common or does it have a more unique appearance? Make it
Specializations. unique here!
Melee Form Type: Select 1 Melee Form Type.
Vehicle Specializations are unique to Vehicle Assets and outlined in the Assets section of this ruleset. Ranged Form Type: Select 1 Ranged Form Type.

Specialization Types Melee Form Types

Aggressive Precise
Aggressive weapons often come in Precise weapons are adept at
Character Specializations Weapon Specializations large sizes, using pure ferocity to seeking out the cracks in an
Character Specializations will always apply to your Weapon Specializations apply based on the Weapon defeat their enemies and inflict opponent’s defenses to inflict
Character except in rare circumstances such as from Form you currently wield as an active weapon. Some large amounts of damage. damage.
special attacks or Status Effects. Look to your GM to Weapon Specializations are only active with certain
make the call on how to proceed with certain Weapon Forms! ● Attacks from Aggressive Weapon ● Attacks from Precise Weapon
situations that may arise. Forms are performed at Adjacent Forms are performed at Adjacent
range. range.

● When rolling to attack, you utilize ● When rolling to attack, you utilize
your Strength and Endurance. your Strength and Perception.

● Aggressive weapons add your ● Precise weapons add Perception

Endurance to any Critical Damage to your Melee Damage if you roll at
you inflict with a Melee Attack. least a single Natural 10 when you
perform a Melee Attack.

Vehicle Specializations Negative Specializations

Vehicles Specializations will always apply to the Negative Specializations are designed with the intent
current form of your Vehicle. Each Vehicle has a to have a significant impact on your Character and Elegant Dust Weaver
variety of ways to customize its abilities. are major choices that could be tied to the backstory
Elegant weapons are often You are able to command the
of your Character. You may even be able to
dazzling to watch in action and are elements of Dust with incredible
overcome these Negative Specializations through
difficult for opponents to defend finesse, even so far as rapidly
incredible work and roleplay. Discuss this with your
against due to their unique nature. creating waves of an element at
point blank range in the face of
● Attacks from Elegant Weapon danger.
Forms are performed at Adjacent
range. ● Melee Attacks from a Dust
Weaver are performed at Close
● When rolling to attack, you utilize range and possess the Melee
your Strength and Discipline. effect for the Dust you are utilizing.
● When rolling to attack, you utilize
● Elegant weapons add Discipline your Discipline and Agility.
to your Melee Attack if you roll at 2D10+DIS+AGI.
least a single Natural 10 when you
perform a Melee Attack. ● Dust Weaver may only be utilized
by Characters with the Dust
Weaver Specialization.

Build Your Weapon (Cont’d) Lien
Ranged Form Types The currency of Remnant. This is used to purchase services, pay for goods, bribe individuals, or any
other creative venture you may want to investigate. Players may earn Lien in a variety of methods such
as undertaking missions, working a part time job or through more questionable methods…
Pistol Shotgun Sniper
Small or miniaturized firearms are A sawed off or full sized shotgun in Weapons that utilize powerful
built into your weapon. You may carry your weapon employs an effective ammo and long barrels are usually
a sidearm instead of an integrated range with every trigger pull. larger weapons by nature that can Standardized Starting Lien Randomized Starting Lien
ranged component to your Weapon. fire at further distances than most
● Shotguns may be fired at Close firearms. Each Character starts with a fund of 150 Roll 2D10 twice and take the higher
● Pistols may be fired at Close range. range. Lien available to them. result. Multiply that result by 10 to obtain
● Snipers may be fired at Long your starting Lien.
● While rolling to attack, you utilize ● While rolling to attack, you utilize range.
your Agility and Discipline. your Agility and Endurance.
2D10+AGI+DIS 2D10+AGI+END ● While rolling to attack, you utilize
your Agility and Discipline.
● Pistols always apply the CQB ● Shotguns always apply the 2D10+AGI+DIS
Proficiency Specialization. Collateral Damage Specialization.
● Snipers always apply the Heavy
● Your Capacity starts at 7. ● Your Capacity starts at 5. Caliber Specialization.

● Your Capacity starts at 5.

Automatic Explosive
Automatic weapons come in Weapons that fire explosive
various calibers, ranging from sub payloads come in various forms.
machine guns to assault rifles. Grenade launchers and rocket
These weapons usually launchers contain impressive
compensate for accuracy and firepower that can clear large
distance with volume of fire. groups of Grimm with a few blasts.

● Automatics may be fired at ● Explosives may be fired at

Medium range. Medium range.

● While rolling to attack, you utilize ● While rolling to attack, you utilize
your Agility and Discipline. your Agility and Strength.

● Automatics always apply the ● Explosive weapons always apply

Rate of Fire Control Specialization. the High Explosive Specialization.

● Your Capacity starts at 6. ● Your Capacity starts at 4.

Weapons that use an energy Dust Weaver
Weapons that fire arrows, darts, source instead of manufactured
shurikens, etc are quieter than bullets to fire projectiles. This The ability to summon projectiles or
firearms and provide better provides a unique capability and is rain down elemental chaos from
ambush opportunities. often the standard for many Atlas Dust with hand gestures alone.
soldier’s weaponry.
● Nonconventional weapons may ● Ranged Attacks may be
be fired at Medium range. ● Energy weapons may be fired at Performed at Medium Range and
Medium range. possess the Ranged effect of the
● While rolling to attack, you utilize Dust you are utilizing. When determining which method to use for your starting Lien, use whichever method you find more enjoyable. The Lien resource at the start is not as
your Agility and Discipline. ● While rolling to attack, you utilize major of a power differential as Attributes are. I encourage Players to choose whichever method they would like to use. Your GM may recommend
2D10+AGI+DIS your Agility and Discipline. ● While rolling to attack, you utilize otherwise.
2D10+AGI+DIS your Discipline and Perception.
● Nonconventional weapons 2D10+DIS+PER
always apply the Silent ● Energy weapons always apply
Specialization. the Limiter Release Specialization. ● Your Capacity starts at 8.

● Your Capacity starts at 6. ● Your Capacity starts at 6.

Every Huntsman and Huntress has a Semblance, whether it is known to them or not. (Up to you as a Player!) Semblances are
manifestations of the soul and can vary in a number of different abilities. During Character Creation it is important to keep in Yang Xiao Long’s Jaune Arc’s Weiss Schnee’s
mind your Character’s personality and style, which should serve as a direct influence on their Semblance’s manifestation. Burn Aura Amp Glyphs
Passive Semblance Immediate Semblance Channeled Semblance Hybrid Semblance

Passive Semblance This ability is always active unless

the Character’s Aura has reached 0
or a status condition has negated
Apply 1 effect based on your
Semblance Skill Check. You may
elect to use a lower DC effect if you
While this Semblance is channeled,
up to X Entities within Close range
gain 1 Aura Point (Aura gained
Apply 1 effect based on your
Semblance Skill Check. You may
elect to use a lower DC effect if
A Passive Semblance is always active until a Character’s Aura reaches 0. These Semblances are typically less powerful than it. roll above a desired effect. cannot exceed maximum Aura) at you roll above a desired effect.
Immediate or Channeled Semblances, but provide a constant benefit without the need for Semblance Skill Checks or Semblance the end of your Turn where X is
Activations. Refer to Yang Xiao Long’s Burn as an example of a Passive Semblance. For every 2 points of Aura missing DC10 = You may move up to 30ft in equal to WIL / 2. DC15 (Immediate) = Place a Glyph
from your maximum Aura, increase any direction without being impeded Marker anywhere within Close
any damage dealt from Melee by terrain or obstacles. You may perform the following to range. You may move to this Glyph
Attacks by WIL / 2. If your another Entity that is within Marker at any time with a Minor
Immediate Semblances Character reaches half of their
maximum Aura or less, add the
DC20 = You may move up to 30ft in
any direction without being impeded
Adjacent range with a Minor
Action during your Turn as long as
it is within Medium range. Any
An Immediate Semblance is an activated ability that performs its effect and then deactivates. You must use a Semblance Skill Burning Status Effect to all by terrain or obstacles and gain attack performed after moving to a
Check to activate an Immediate Semblance and your Aura cannot be 0. Immediate Semblances should use a tiered Semblance successful Melee Attacks. Advantage on all Dodge Defense Decrease your Aura by a value up Glyph Marker is performed with
Checks until the start of your next to your WIL. Target Entity gains Advantage. Glyph Markers persist
Difficulty Check. Refer to Ruby Rose’s Petal Burst as an example of an Immediate Semblance.
turn. Aura equal to that amount. until used. You may have a
(Cannot exceed maximum Aura) maximum of X Glyph Markers
DC30 = You and up to 3 Close range where X is equal to WIL / 2.

Channeled Semblance Entities may move up to 30ft in any

direction and gain Advantage on all
Decrease your HP by a value up to
your WIL. Target Entity gains Aura DC25 (Channeled) = Your Glyph
A Channeled Semblance is a Semblance that persists over time and must be maintained each turn and any time you take Dodge Defense Checks until the start equal to that value multiplied by Markers are not removed when
of your next turn. Entities must end 2. (Cannot exceed maximum Aura) used. Allies may also use your
damage in order to continue its effect. Channeled Semblances are usually very strong due to their nature of requiring more focus
their movement Adjacent to the Glyph Markers with the same rules.
and training to utilize effectively. You must use a Semblance Skill Check to activate a Channeled Semblance and your Aura Semblance User if they elect to be
cannot be 0. Maintaining a Channeled Semblance does not require the use of an Action when you perform the Semblance Skill moved with this effect. DC35 (Channeled) = Your Glyph
Check. In order to maintain a Channeled Semblance’s Effects and abilities after activating it, refer to the steps below for summons an Entity from your
maintaining a Semblance. Refer to Jaune Arc’s Aura Amp as an example of a Channeled Semblance. triumphs and tribulations. Summon
an Entity that you previously
defeated while maintaning this
Maintaining a Semblance
Semblance. It acts on your Turn
1. Each time you are hit and take damage, you must roll a successful Semblance Skill Check at a DC defined by the GM to and may act the Turn it is
maintain your Semblance’s effect. The higher the damage, the more difficult your Semblance will be to maintain. summoned.
2. At the start of each of your turns, you may elect to maintain your Semblance by performing a Semblance Skill Check with a
DC defined by the GM. The longer you maintain a Semblance during an Encounter, the higher the DC value. This difficulty
increase persists even if you deactivate your Semblance and reactivate it immediately. The difficulty decreases as time
passes. GM discretion is advised here.

Hybrid Semblance
A Hybrid Semblance is much more intricate than most Semblances and often contains a combination of the three dominating
classes in effects. The Semblance Training Specialization is required to modify your Semblance in to a Hyrbid Semblance. You
cannot start with a Hybrid Semblance unless you selected Semblance Training. Refer to Weiss Schnee’s Glyphs as an example of
a Hybrid Semblance.

Work with your GM to create unique tiers to your Semblance as your character progresses. Taking the Semblance Training Specialization These are example versions of canon Characters and their Semblances. You may have come up with a different idea on how these operate and that’s
will allow you to enhance your Semblance abilities. totally fine! Use these examples as a base to create the rules around your Semblance and work with your GM to strike a balance of power with it.

12 13
Example Character Sheet Example Character Sheet (Cont’d)

14 15
Example Character Sheet (Cont’d) Example Character Sheet (Cont’d)

16 17
Game Mechanics “Good luck studying. That’s
wrong by the way.”
How to Play
Join or create your own group to play with and make sure someone is able to take on the GM role!
You may need to reference topics in other sections of this ruleset in order to gain a better understanding of all your options.

This tabletop game system uses D10 to perform most of its primary rolls. Each game that you play is considered an Episode,
similar to how you would watch an episode of RWBY. A collection of Episodes create a Campaign Arc, or just Arc for short. Splitting
up your Campaign into multiple Episodes to form an Arc allows you to provide a final climatic event in which Players are awarded
something special outside of the normal progression for their achievement. All Characters restore their HP, Aura, Armor, Capacity,
The following sections will lead you on the path to understanding and Supplies to their maximum values at the end of each Episode unless otherwise specified by your GM.

the setting that RWBY takes place in, creating your first Character, If you are playing with physical items, the minimum number of dice you need are 2D10 and 1D6. Extra dice can helpful in common
situations such as Advantage or Rule of Cool bonuses. Below is a bulleted list of the recommended items to bring to a game. You
and becoming familiar with every aspect of the Character Sheet. also have the option to play digitally through online mediums.

● 3D10
● 8D6
● Printed Character Sheet
● Pencil
● Eraser

The first 2D10 that you roll are classified

as your Natural Dice. These dice repres-
ent your Action. In some cases, there will
be modifiers that increase your roll by a
set value or even an additional D10.
These instances will be covered further
into this ruleset.

D6 dice are primarily used for determining

damage dealt during Combat Encounters.
Most Damage rolls start with 1D6 and can
be modified from there based on other
effects and variables. Whenever you are
dividing numbers and a remainder is left
over, you will always round up to the
closest whole number unless specified

Your Character sheet contains all the information to play your character, keeping your Attribute modifiers and Resources available
at a glance over the course of an Episode. Always look to your GM if you are unsure how to proceed in a situation. They will
instruct you on any checks you must perform or additional modifiers that apply which can be positive or negative depending on
the situation!

Your GM will guide you through a number of scenes, and often coax out Character interactions. While Roleplay may seem
daunting at first, don’t be afraid to take the initiative and interact with the world around you. Talk to your teammates and
NPCs! Investigate! Explore the world of Remnant and together make a journey to remember!

In the event that a rule or effect is forgotten after the roll is made, and is not caught immediately, my personal GM recommendation is to simply move
on. Even if the result may have been significantly different with the alteration. Retroactively changing the past has the potential to stall a game to a
standstill, and at the end of the day, we’re all human and make mistakes.

Terminology Skill Checks
Action: A Major Action or Minor Action. At times in play your GM will call for a Skill Check, providing a hurdle for Characters to overcome. While
success can offer reward, be wary of the consequences of failure. In this section the twelve types of Skill
Action Pool: The collection of your Major and Minor Actions that you can perform in a given turn. At the start of Checks are outlined, along with their applications.
your Turn, your Action Pool is set to 3.

Active: A Weapon Form, Asset, or other special rule that is currently in effect or that can be utilized.

Arc: A collection of Episodes in a Campaign. Force Grapple Intimidate

Force Check = 2D10 + STR Grapple Check = 2D10 + STR + PER Intimidate Check = 2D10 + STR + WIL
Attribute: How skilled a Character will be when attempting a specific task before them.
Brute force! Use your Character’s might to Gotcha! Having the keen eye and strength Hey you! Attempting to use impending
Campaign: The overall story that has developed with your GM through the course of multiple Arcs. destroy or remove an obstacle in your path to keep hold of your target. Ex: Latching on force or tone of voice to force another
that is preventing you from moving forward. to a fleeing foe to keep them in place or individual to be persuaded or give up. Ex:
Character/PC: The Character you control and roleplay as. Ex: Smashing down a door, pushing heavy throwing out a grappling hook to an ally in Interrogating a defeated enemy, preventing
rocks away from a cave entrance or even need. During Combat Encounters, Grapple a robber from escalating to violence, or
Combat Action: An action that can be used during a Combat Encounter. shoulder tackling through a number of Checks are measured against the defense threatening someone with your voice so
weaker adversaries to break through to the of an NPC Target. Success inflicts the they will cease their actions.
Combat Encounter: A turn-based combative scenario against one or more hostile/opposing Entities. other side. Grappled status effect.

Entity: A Character, Nonplayable Character (NPC) or Inanimate Object.

Episode: A single game session. Carry Engineering Reflex

Carry = 2D10 + STR + END Engineering Check = 2D10 + AGI Reflex Check = 2D10 + AGI + PER
Game Master (GM): The individual who creates and runs each Episode for the Players. They assist in moving
the story forward, resolving the Players’ creative solutions and above all ensure that the game meets Ugh! The ability to carry large or heavy Careful! Working on simple or complex Uh oh! You have trained your motor skills
everyone’s expectations. objects without tiring or collapsing. Ex: equipment takes a delicate hand. to perform precise movements and react in
Carrying a number of wounded Huntsmen/ Ex: Working on your weapon, hotwiring the a trained manner to a variety of situations.
Inactive: A Weapon Form, Asset, or special rule that is not currently in effect or cannot be used. Huntresses to safety or lugging around a security of a door, or performing Ex: Rolling out of the way of falling debris,
large case with a prototype technology. unauthorized upgrades to your scroll. performing a delicate dance with your
Initiative Order: The order in which Entities take their Turn in a Combat Encounter. weapon or side stepping to avoid falling
through a hole.
Major Action: A type of Action available in your Action Pool. Major Actions are reserved for high impact or
complicated tasks such as attacking. You may only perform 2 Major Actions per Turn unless otherwise
specified by a special rule or effect. Deceit Stealth Endure
Deceit Check = 2D10 + AGI + WIL Stealth Check = 2D10 + AGI + DIS Endure Check = 2D10 + END
Minor Action: A type of Action available in your Action Pool. Minor Actions are used for tasks that would be
stressful while in the heat of battle or Combat Actions. There is no limit to the number of Minor Actions you may Look at this! You have a knack for Shhh! You make adjustments while moving Grrr! Being able to tough out pain to your
perform as your Action Pool permits. concealing away your true intentions, quickly, making sure you are both unheard body whether it be external or self-induced
information, and your own body language and unnoticed with the utmost care and from overexertion. Ex: Taking a strong hit
Player: The individual playing as a Character. to make yourself hard to read. Ex: precision of movement through practice. from a Grimm, resisting a poison that
Convincing a security guard that you are a Ex: Sneaking into an abandoned ware- attempts to take hold of your body, or
Resource: A limited amount of Aura, Health Points, Armor, Capacity, and Supplies: used primarily in Combat contract worker coming to do work, slipping house under the cover of night, avoiding fighting an illness brought on by a
Encounters. a note to an ally, or lying to an adversary detection from security, or covertly moving mysterious gas.
about your skills. through the thickets of a forest.
Roleplay: Speaking and intieracting with other Characters or NPCs as if you were your Character.

Rule of Cool (RoC): A special resource only available in Combat Encounters. Based on the performance of
one or more Characters In Action, Roleplay, or anything the GM deems worthy.
Skill Check: A test of a Character’s prowess and abilities to ensure they can complete a task at hand. Resolve Check = 2D10 + END + WIL Performance Check = 2D10 + END + DIS Intuition Check = 2D10 + PER

Social Encounter: A non-combat scenario in which one or more Characters must prevail with their mind, Mind over matter! You are able to steel Putting your expertise to work is tough! No It’s quiet…too quiet. Through quick
creativity, and social skills. your mind and nerves against negative matter how long you are showing off to listening and observation, you are able to
influences that would otherwise cause your friends or allies with your skills, it can identify someone being deceitful of their
Specialization: Unique characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages that your Character or Weapon have doubt. Ex: Resisting the thoughts seeded take a toll on you. Ex: Playing an intentions, or something off about your
for you to leverage and gain an extra edge in and out of Combat. by a nefarious Grimm or continuing to push instrument at a concert or cooking meals surroundings. Ex: Determining if another
through when hope is bleak. for the entirety of Beacon Academy! individual is lying to you, observing an
Target: The intended Entity you wish to interact with. oddity of the environment, or figuring out if
someone is hiding a key piece of
Turn: A single Character or NPC’s time to perform Actions within a Combat Encounter. information.

Skill Checks (Cont’d) Critical Success / Failure
When a Player performs any roll that involves their Natural 2D10, a result of two 10s is considered a Critical Success while two 1s
Investigate First Aid Semblance is considered a Critical Failure. Additional D10 added by other bonuses or effects are not used when determining a Critical
Investigate Check = 2D10 + PER + DIS First Aid Check = 2D10 + PER + END Semblance Check = 2D10 + WIL Success or Critical Failure as these are not the Natural 2D10 from the roll. A Critical Success will always result in a success,
regardless of the total value of the roll. Likewise, a Critical Failure will always result in failure, regardless of the total value of the
What’s that? Careful observation and Every second counts! You are able to identify Activate! Your mind is calm and clear,
and understand the limits of the physical roll. It is up to your GM to consider how a Critical Success or Failure will play out during a Roleplay or Social Encounter. When
checking of a particular item, individual, or focusing for a split moment on using the
location may reveal more than what is on body’s tolerances. This allows you to provide gift you possess. Your semblance comes to rolling with Advantage or Disadvantage, you only take in to consideration the highest or lowest rolls for Critical Success or Failure.
the surface. Ex: Performing a thorough medical attention, stabilize an individual or power or has always been there.
investigation of an oddly placed statue in a assess what an individual is specifically Semblance Skill Checks are used to In Combat Encounters, a Critical Success will always hit your Target, Inflict Critical Damage, Increase your Rule of Cool by 3 and
manor or taking the time to examine a suffering from. Ex: Stabilizing a critically activate or Maintain your Semblance. every other Team Member’s Rule of Cool by 1. The Rule of Cool gained by peforming a Critical Success does not count towards
snow-covered cavern where you swore wounded ally or finding the cause behind an Passive Semblances do not require a your personal or team Rule of Cool for that turn. In Combat Encounters, a Critical Failure will always miss your Target on an attack,
you saw an area glow. individual’s inability to walk. Semblance Skill Check. Ex: Ruby Rose
fail to defend you during a Defense Check and Decrease your Rule of Cool by 1. The GM may even rule that you have fumbled
sweeping up her friends from danger.
your weapon or some other catastrophic event in the result of a Critical Failure!

Negotiate Check = 2D10 + WIL + PER

Let’s calm down! Taking in the atmosphere

Expertise Check = 2D10 + DIS

I know that! You have extensive knowledge

Dust Check = 2D10 + DIS + WIL

Try this! Harnessing the power of Dust, you

and feeling of the situation, you are able to in one or more particular fields that you attempt to bend the environment to your
attempt to negotiate, diffuse a situation, or have read or studied in some manner. will, adding or molding it in a manner you
convince someone of an alternative. Ex: Understanding complex dust formulas, see fit. Ex: creating a wall of ice, an updraft
Ex: De-escalating a situation between you
and other Huntsmen/Huntresses or
disabling a weapon system on a
dangerous vehicle or connecting to the
of air or creating a raised pedestal of earth.
Refer to Dust under Assets for more Social Encounters
haggling for a better deal with a specialty security cameras of an entire warehouse. information on how to use a Dust Skill Some types of Encounters may be Social Encounters in which a Player or Players engage in Roleplay with NPCs that pose a
shop. Check.
challenge to overcome not with violence, but with words. The results of Social Encounters could advance a plot, impact a personal
journey or reveal a key piece of information that had remained hidden. A GM may not always ask for a roll during a Social En-
counter and it’s not expected that you will always perform a Skill Check during a Social Encounter except in cases where a major
request or accustation is made. Sometimes no conclusion can be reached and more aggressive communication becomes

Advantage / Disadvantage introduced!

Combat Encounters
Advantage and Disadvantage are provided based on unique ideas by Players with GM approval, a Specialization, RoC effect or a When negotiating a peaceful outcome or when an opposing individual or individuals just can’t be reasoned with, a Combat
unique ability from an NPC. When a GM declares that you have either Advantage of Disadvantage on a specific roll, perform that roll Encounter may occur in order to resolve the problem! Sometimes they can be initiated by the Player Characters, catching their
twice. For Advantage, you take the highest value rolled. For Disadvantage, you take the lowest value rolled. For example, if you have opponents off guard or vice versa! Usually, most Combat Encounters are initiated with both parties aware of each other. Many of
Advantage and roll a 16 and a 21, you would use the value 21. In the case of Disadvantage with the same rolls, you would use the your Resources will come into play during a Combat Encounter, including Combat Encounter only mechanics such as Rule of Cool
value 16. If circumstances cause a roll to have both Advantage and Disadvantage, your roll is considered to have neither as the bonus and Combat Abilities. When entering a Combat Encounter, a GM will call for an Initiative roll. The GM will note the values rolled by
and detriment negate each other. the Player Character team by ordering them accordingly in an Initiative Order. Players and Entities take their Turn based on the
Initiative Order. A Turn is classified as the moment when you are able to act in the Initiative Order. Each Turn your Action Pool is

Double Advantage / Disadvantage set to 3 Actions. You may only ever perform 2 Major Actions during a Turn unless otherwise specified by a specific effect or rule. A
Combat Round is the collection of Turns performed by all Entities involved in the Combat Encounter. Once all Entities have
If a GM provides you with an additional instance of Advantage/Disadvantage while you already have Advantage/Disadvantage, performed a Turn, that Combat Round ends and a new Combat Round begins from the top of the Initiative Order.
perform your roll three times. For example, if you have Double Advantage and roll a 16, 21 and 24, you would use the value 24. In
the case of Double Disadvantage with the same rolls, you would use the value 16.

Triple Advantage / Disadvantage

In rare cases, but with incredible coordination, team work or misfortune, if your GM provides an additional instance of Advantage/
Disadvantage while you already have Double Advantage/Disadvantage, perform your roll four times. For example, if you have
Triple Advantage and roll a 16, 21, 24, and 11, you would use the value 24. In the case of Triple Disadvantage with the same rolls,
you would use the value 11. You cannot gain any further benefit or detriment past Triple Advantage/Disadvantage.

Rule Of Cool (RoC) Attacking / Defending
RoC is a resource accumulated throughout combat encounters based on how flavorful and dazzling your Character and other
Characters perform. Your RoC becomes 0 once a GM declares the Combat Encounter has ended. You may only activate RoC
bonuses while in a Combat Encounter and it must be activated before performing an Action during your Turn unless otherwise During your Turn you may perform a Major Action to attack a target within range of your selected weapon choice. In order to
specified. A GM may award RoC after an Action when a Character’s Actions are described in eloquent/vivid detail, curious/inter- perform an attack, follow the steps below:
esting dialogue, team attacks (all participating members will gain RoC), etc. A GM has the option to not award RoC if a Character’s
Actions are repetitive, the same team attack is used in the encounter and any other place the GM finds it relevant. You may gain 1. Select a Weapon Form to attack with. Check the range of your weapon to your Target. If your Target is not within range, you
up to 3 RoC per Turn with a maximum of 5 RoC being held at any time. You may gain 1 RoC from each of the following categories: cannot perform that attack.
Personal Actions, Partner Interactions and Team Interactions (3 or more Characters working together). You may not select 2. If the Target is within range, perform the appropriate attack roll against the Target. Expend your Capacity as needed for any
duplicate bonuses when using RoC during your Turn. Dust being utilized and if the attack is a Ranged Attack.

1 Rule of COol
3. The GM will inform you whether the attack succeeded or failed. All attacks are compared against the Defense of the Entity
unless the attack is infused with Dust. If Infused with Dust, compare the attack with the Entity’s special defense instead. If the
attack fails, nothing further happens.
● Increase 1 Attack by 1D10 this Combat Round.
4. On a successful attack, perform your attack’s damage roll and any other effects/modifiers that apply.
● Increase 1 Defense Check or Skill Check by 1D10 (This may be used in response to an incoming Attack or Skill from another
● Increase damage by 1D6 with your next successful attack this Turn.
● Gain an additional Minor Action this Turn.
Each weapon type has varying damage when you successfully land an attack. The bullet points below show the damage values for

2 Rule of COol each attack.

● Apply Weakened with your next attack this Turn. That attack gains +5 to its attack roll and deals half damage. ● Melee: 1D6 + STR
● Apply Disoriented with your next attack this Turn. That attack gains +5 to its attack roll and deals half damage. ● Ranged: 1D6
● Apply Bewildered with your next attack this Turn. That attack gains +5 to its attack roll and deals half damage. ● Melee (Dust Weaver): 1D6 + DIS / 2
● Apply Stagger with your next successful attack this Turn. That attack gains +5 to its attack roll and deals half damage. ● Ranged (Dust Weaver): 1D6
● Gain an additional Major Action this Turn (This may exceed your allotment of 2 Major Actions performed in a Turn). ● Unarmed: 1D6
● Thrown Melee: 1D6 + STR - (1 Per 5ft past Adjacent range)

3 Rule of COol Critical Damage occurs when you double a Target’s Defense with an attack. If multiple instances of Critical Damage would apply
● Perform Critical Damage with your next successful Attack and you roll double the dice for Critical Damage. during an attack, roll Critical Damage with Advantage. Critical Damage is considered in the final total of damage when determining
● Gain advantage on all Attack Checks, Defense Checks, and Skill Checks this Combat Round. total damage dealt. To perform Critical Damage, determine the additional number of D6 to roll with the following formula:
● Apply Crippled with your next attack this Turn. That attack gains +5 to its attack roll and deals half damage. Critical Damage = Attack / 10 (Rounded to the nearest multiple of 10).
● Apply Broken with your next attack this Turn. That attack gains +5 to its attack roll and deals half damage.

Range Increments Opposing Entities will attack you either by instinct or through intelligent reasoning. Whenever you are selected as the Target of an
attack from an opposing Entity, you will perform a Defensive Check by following the steps below:

1. Select a Defense Check to perform and declare it to the GM.

Distances are measured from one Character to another Entity or Location. Range Increments are measured in feet. When using a 2. If there are any additional modifiers based on your selected Defensive Check, the GM will apply them.
battlemap, each tile would count as 5ft. 3. Roll your selected Defensive Check. If performing a Semblance Defense, you may elect to Empower it after seeing the result.
Long: Long range Entities or Locations are 4. If your Defense Check is equal to or higher than the value of the attack, no damage is dealt as you have dodged, blocked or
Adjacent: Adjacent Entities or Locations are within 60ft of the Character. Reserved for only found another manner to avoid the attack. If your Defense Check exceeds the value of the attack by 5 or more, you may also
within 5ft of the Character. Directly next to the modified or enhanced weapons that already use your Defense Check’s special effect.
Character. Melee Attacks are commonly at this have good range or Sniper Rifles.
range. 5. If your Defense Check is lower than the value of the attack, the GM will inform you how much damage is inflicted and any
Distant: Distant range Entities or Locations are additional effects/modifiers.
Close: Close Entities or Locations are within past 60ft of the Character. Out of reach of both
15ft of the Character. Melee weapons with Melee Attacks and Ranged Attacks. It is also
enhancements or modifications can reach this difficult to see anything that is Distant, requiring
range along with some niche ranged weapon magnification or excellent vision. Some Entities
forms. specify the distance they are when they reach
Distant range. Make note of this if Entities
Medium: Medium range Entities or Locations attempt to close distance.
are within 30ft of the Character. Most Ranged
Attacks have Medium range as their upper

Combat Actions Combat Actions (Cont’d)
Each Turn you are alloted 3 Actions. The following Actions may be performed during Combat. Defense Checks are performed as many ● Parry Defense Check = 2D10 + PER + STR
times as required during an opposing Entity’s Turn and do not use your Action Pool. You may only perform 2 Major Actions during your ● When you successfully perform a Parry Defense Check and exceed the attack by 5 or more, you may inflict X Damage to your
Turn unless otherwise specified by a special rule or effect. attacker where X is your Perception. You cannot use a Parry Defense Check against Ranged Attacks.

Ambush ● Resist Defense Check = 2D10 + PER + END

An Ambush occurs when one or more Entities attack an opposing group of unaware Entities due to concealment before Initiative is ● When you fail a Resist Defense Check, you may reduce the damage taken by 2 for every 1 HP you expend. You cannot use this
rolled. An Attack with Advantage may be performed by each Entity that is performing the Ambush. damage reduction ability against an attack that inflicts direct HP damage. This effect may be used multiple times per turn.

Blindside Attack ● Semblance Defense Check = 2D10 + PER + WIL

Occurs when a hostile Entity is not focused on your Character. When performing a Melee Attack against an Entity that is already ● When you successfully perform a Semblance Defense Check and exceed the attack by 5 or more, you may activate your
engaged with another Entity, gain Advantage. When performing a Ranged Attack against an Entity that is already engaged with another Semblance’s effect if it is not a Passive Semblance effect. You may only activate your Semblance this way once per Combat
Entity, gain Advantage as long as you are at least Long Range from your Target. Round.

Boost Dust Skill Check

Expend your Capacity by 1 to Increase a Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, Parry Defense Check, Dodge Defense Check or Dust Defense You may use a Major Action to perform a Dust Skill Check against a location within Close range. Expend your Capacity by 1 when
Check by 1D3. You may only use Boost if you are not under the effect of Disarmed. You cannot use multiple Boost Actions for a Melee performing a Dust Skill Check. Dust Skill Checks are used to create various environmental advantages that the GM will determine the
Attack, Ranged Attack, or Defense Check. Boost may be used after you see your roll. Characters utilize their Dust/Ammunition to outcome of. As a general rule you can create walls of ice, a gust of wind, or dome of earth as examples. Dust Skill Checks are not used
obtain an extra boost to their attacks. to inflict damage to other Entities. Dust Skill Checks are performed with a roll using 2D10 + DIS + WIL. Refer to the Dust section under
Assets for more details.
Capacity Move
Expend your Capacity by 1 to increase the distance you travel during a Move Action by up to 10ft. You may only use a Capacity Move if Hold Action
you are not under the effect of Disarmed. You may not perform a Capacity Move multiple times during a Move Action. You may hold 1 Major Action or 1 Minor Action per Combat Round to be used during another Character’s Turn (With their consent).
Actions performed by multiple Characters during the same Turn are considered to execute simultaneously or in tandem with one
Charge Attack another.
Charge Attacks require 2 Major Actions to perform. Characters may perform a Charge Attack when performing a Melee Attack or
Ranged Attack. When declaring you are using a Charge Attack you may expend up to 3 Capacity. The Charge Attack bonus does not Initiative
stack with itself. You may only use a Charge Attack if you are not under the effect of Disarmed. Increase your Melee Attack or Ranged Performed at the start of a Combat Encounter when the Players and other Entities are aware of one another. This is also performed
Attack by XD2 and any Damage dealt by XD2 where X = the amount of Capacity spent. Always roll a Charge Attack’s Attack Roll and after any Ambush has occurred, either from the Players or other Entities. Players will roll 2D10 + PER + AGI to determine their Initiative
Damage Roll with Advantage. Characters charge the powering cells of an energy weapon, engage an afterburner integrated with their Order. NPC Entities will use their Speed attribute to determine their placement in the Initiative Order.
weapon, or find another manner to wind up for a significant strike.
Melee Attack
Covering Fire You may use a Major Action to perform a Melee Attack using your weapon’s Melee Form. Follow the rules under Attacking / Defending
Covering Fire requires a Major Action. Perform a Ranged Attack. Half any damage inflicted and decrease your Target’s attack when it to resolve a Melee Attack. When performing an attack with Active Dust, you may expend your Capacity by 1 to add the Dust effect to
makes a Ranged Attack by 2D2 rolled until the end of that Target’s next Turn. When declaring you are using Covering Fire, expend your your attack. Dust Weavers never need to expend their Capacity to add the Dust effect to their attacks but must expend 1 Dust to
Capacity by 1. You may only use Covering Fire if you are not under the effect of Disarmed. Covering Fire effects cannot stack. perform a Melee Attack.
Characters fire their weapon in a suppressive manner towards a Target.
Move Action
Defense Check You may use a Minor Action to move in any direction up to your Movement. If a Character wishes to move up or down, they must make
When you are targeted for an attack by another Entity, you may perform any of the following Defense Checks. You may only perform an appropriate Skill Check to do so.
the effects of each Defense Check once per Combat Round unless otherwise specified.
Ranged Attack
● Dodge Defense Check = 2D10 + PER + AGI You may use a Major Action to perform a Ranged Attack using your weapon’s Ranged Form. Follow the rules under Attacking /
● When you successfully perform a Dodge Defense Check and exceed the attack by 5 or more, you may perform a Move action in Defending to resolve a Ranged Attack. Ranged Attacks always expend 1 Capacity. When performing an attack with Active Dust, you
any direction at the end of all Opposing Entities’ Turns. may expend your Capacity by 1 to add the Dust effect to your attack. Dust Weavers never need to expend their Capacity to add the
Dust effect to their attacks.
● Dust Defense Check = 2D10 + PER + DIS
● You must possess Dust to perform this Defense Check. Expend your Capacity by 1 when performing a Dust Defense Check. Reload
When you successfully perform a Dust Defense Check and exceed the attack by 5 or more, you may perform the following You may use a Minor Action to reload your Capacity to its maximum value. While performing a Reload, you must declare any Dust and
effect based on the type of Dust you have Active. make note of which color of Dust you make active and load into your weapon.
► Black: Inflict Blinded on your attacker.
► Blue: Inflict Disarmed on your attacker. Semblance Empower
► Brown: Reduce the attacker’s defense by 1 until the end of the Combat Encounter. After rolling a Semblance Skill Check, or during a Semblance Defense, you may choose to Semblance Empower your Semblance by
► Green: You may move your attacker up to 15ft in any direction. reducing your Aura by 1 to increase that roll by 1D10. You cannot perform this Action if your Aura is 0. You may only perform this once
► Orange: Reduce the attacker’s special defense by 1 until the end of the Combat Encounter. per Skill Check or Defense Check.
► Pink: Reduce the attacker’s attack by 1 until the end of the Combat Encounter.
► Red: Inflict Burning on your attacker. Skill Check
► Violet: You may move up to 15ft in any direction. You may use a Minor Action to utilize the environment or even each other in creative manners. Declare what you are attempting to do
► White: Inflict Chilled on your attacker. and a GM will provide you an appropriate Skill Check to roll in order to accomplish this task. The GM will determine the DC and result
► Yellow: You may gain 1 point of Armor. of the scenario on a case by case basis.

Combat Actions (Cont’d) Status Effects
Switch Various ailments or effects can be applied by special weapons, abilities or enemies during Encounters! Status effects with the
With the permission of another Player, you may use a Major Action to initiate a Switch. Swap both of the Character’s positions in the same effect cannot stack unless otherwise specified.
Initiative Order until the end of the Combat Encounter. The Player who swaps places with the initiator must also give up a Major Action
during their Character’s next Turn. A Switch may only be performed with a Character who possesses a higher Initiative Order than you. Aura Leak Disoriented
Inflicts 1 Damage to Aura at the end of your Turn. When your Aura PC: Semblance Skill Checks and Semblance Defense Checks
Thrown Melee Weapon Attack is 0, Aura Leak is removed. Aura Leak cannot be removed or cannot be used until the end of your next Turn.
You may use a Major Action to perform a Thrown Melee Weapon Attack against a Target within Medium range. If you are Disarmed, remedied except by those specialized in its treatment. Cannot be
you may not perform this attack. A Thrown Melee Weapon Attack is performed by using 2D10 + STR + PER. After performing a Thrown removed by a Filtered Serum Stimulant. NPC: Decrease Special Defense by 5 until the end of the NPC’s
Melee Weapon Attack, you gain the Status Effect Disarmed. You must pickup your weapon at the Target’s location to use it again. next Turn. Semblance related rules and abilities cannot be used
Barrier until the end of the start of the next Turn.
Unarmed Attack You ignore Ranged Attack damage that would inflict 3 or less
You may use a Major Action to perform an Unarmed Attack against a Target within Adjacent range. If you are Disarmed, you may only damage and the next Ranged Attack that would inflict 4 or more Frostbitten
perform an Unarmed Attack during your Turn. An Unarmed Attack is performed by using 2D10 + STR + AGI. Dust effects never apply to damage is reduced by half. Lose Barrier when this effect is PC: Move and Capacity Move distance is reduced by 10ft and you
an Unarmed Attack. resolved or at the end of your next Turn (Whichever occurs first). do not gain the additional movement bonus from AGI. Frostbitten
persists until removed.
Decrease attack by 5 until the end of your next Turn. NPC: Delay the NPC’s Turn by 1. Adjust the Initiative Order
accordingly. This may only be applied once per Combat Round.
Decrease defense by 5 until the end of the Encounter. Grappled
PC: Move Action distance is reduced by 10ft if you are Grappled by
Burning a similar sized entity. Larger/stronger Entities inflict Immoblized
PC: Inflicts 2 Damage at the end of your Turn. Burning may be until the Grappled Status Effect has been removed. Any target
removed through creative thinking. Burning persists until removed. under the Status of Grappled performs Defense Checks at
NPC: Inflicts 2 Damage for every multiple 10 rolled on the roll that
inflicted Burning at the end of the Turn. NPC: Move Action distance is reduced by 10ft. Reduce defense by
5 until the Grappled Status Effect has been removed.

Move and Capacity Move distance is reduced by 5ft until the end of Immobilized
your next Turn. Move Actions cannot be performed until the end of your next Turn.

Concussed Paralysis
PC: Semblance Skill Checks and Semblance Defense Checks Move Actions cannot be performed. Paralysis persists until
cannot be used until the end of the Encounter. removed.
If your Character is falling and unable to stabilize themselves, use the following guidelines to determine what happens. You take
1D6 damage for every 10ft fallen. Each Turn in a Combat Encounter that you are falling is equal to double the distance fallen from NPC: Decrease Special Defense by 5 until the end of the Poisoned
Encounter. Semblance related rules and abilities cannot be used PC: Inflicts 1 HP Damage at the end of your Turn. Poisoned may
the previous Turn. Prevent falling damage by using various Skill Checks to land safely or slow your descent.
until the end of the Encounter. only be removed through antidotes, medical care or a healing
Semblance. Poisoned persists until removed.
PC: Whenever you perform an attack or Dust Skill Check, the NPC: Inflicts 2 Damage each time the an Action is performed.
following effect is applied. Poisoned persists until removed.
If your attack/Dust Skill Check succeeds, nothing happens.
If your attack fails, your attack hits the nearest friendly Entity within Shaken
range of that attack. If there are no friendly Entities in range or you PC: You must perform a successful Resolve Check equaling or
failed a Dust Skill Check, your Character immediately performs a exceeding the attack value that dealt the Shaken Status Effect at
Move Action towards the nearest friendly Entity, GM’s choice if the start of each Turn. If the Resolve Check fails, all Actions using a
distances are tied. The effect of Confused lasts until the end of your dice roll are performed at Disadvantage. If the Resolve Check
Next Turn. passes, remove the Shaken status effect. Shaken persists until
NPC: Perform 1 Attack towards the nearest allied Entity if any
during the start of the next Turn. NPC: More than 1 Attack cannot be performed until the end of the
next Turn.
Increase Dust Defense Checks and Resist Defense Checks by 5 Staggered
against Ranged Attacks. Gained by placing oneself behind some Decrease your Action Pool by 1 until the end of your next Turn.
sort of barrier that disrupts projectiles.
Crippled You may not perform attacks. Decrease your Action Pool by 2 until
Decrease attack by 5 until the end of the Encounter. the end of your next Turn.

Only Unarmed Attacks may be performed while Disarmed. A Minor
Action is required to equip your weapon and remove Disarmed.
Status Effects (Cont’d) Character Defeat
Toxified While Defeated, a Player may not perform any Actions with their Character.
PC: Inflicts 2 HP Damage at the end of your Turn. Toxified may only Instead, they inch closer to death or critical injury. A Defeated Character may still
be removed through antidotes, medical care, or a healing be attacked and take damage. Your HP may fall into the negative values while
Semblance designed to remove such toxins. Toxified persists until Defeated. If your HP reaches or exceeds a negative value that is double the
removed. negative value of your maximum HP, your Character has become critically injured
or may be dead (GM’s discretion). Each time a Player would normally take their
NPC: Inflicts 4 Damage each time an Action is performed. Toxified Turn as their Character, that Player rolls a Defeated Check. Roll 1D10 and
persists until removed. perform the following based on the roll result.

Weakened ● 1: The Character’s health stability begins to fail rapidly... Inflict 2 damage to
Decrease defense by 5 until the end of your next Turn. your HP. Ignore Armor’s damage reduction.

● 2-5: The Character continues to lose their grasp on life... Inflict 1 damage to
your HP. Ignore Armor’s damage reduction.

● 6-9: The Character is able to maintain their stability against their injuries for
now...Nothing happens.

● 10+: The Character miraculously finds a hidden burst of strength from within
whether this is the will to survive or from a need to protect their allies, etc. Restore
2 Aura and return your HP to 1. You may perform 1 Major or Minor action the Turn
you recover from Defeated.

Player vs. Player As a GM, it is your call as to what happens when a Character reaches a point that they are critically injured or dead. Work with the player(s) after the
Episode to determine what happens next. It’s not good story telling for a Character’s story to end abruptly because of some poor dice rolls! Of course
it may be their time to close their book if the Player decides it. Communication is key with your Players here if this comes up!

Sometimes conflict breaks out between individuals that are on your team! A
difference of opinion, an unsettled score, or the culmination of poor choices from
a team leader may spiral into violence. In cases such as this, use the following

rules when two Characters engage in a Combat Encounter with one another.

● All damage inflicted is halved.

● Rule of Cool cannot be gained.

● Your Action Pool is reduced to 2 Actions. One Action can be a Major Action.
“Do you believe in destiny?”
● The Staggered Status effect changes as follows. Your next Action performed
Do you see the strands of fate? Everyone has a destiny that they can forge. Destiny points are the rarest resource available and
is done so with Disadvantage.
are only ever awarded at the end of an Arc or from an intense amount of character development. At any time, a Character may
use a Destiny point to re-roll any roll in the game, even a roll performed by a GM. The second result must be accepted. For
● The Stunned Status effect changes as follows. You cannot perform a Major
example, you may re-roll what would have been a Critical Failure to prevent it! Use this power wisely!
Action during your next Turn.

Specializations “I was raised outside the Character Specializations
Kingdoms. If you can’t Specializations that always apply to you even if your weapon or gear has been confiscated, lost, destroyed, etc. Assets granted
by Character Specializations however can still be confiscated, lost, destroyed, etc.

fight, you can’t survive.” Additional Dust

Restrictions: N/A

Select a color of Dust you do not currently

Restrictions: May only be selected if each
of your attributes is at least 3 or higher.
Dust Empowerment
Restrictions: May only be selected if you
have the Dust Weaver Specialization.

possess and add it to your Assets. This You always have Advantage on Defense Perform a Dust Skill Check targeting a
Specialization may be taken multiple times. Checks. You may always activate Defense friendly Entity and expend 1 additional
Check effects as long as you succeed. Capacity. They gain a Dust Empowerment
You may not use a duplicate Defense effect below until the end of their next Turn.
Camouflage Check during a Combat Round unless it is Dust Empowerment effects do not stack.
Make your character unique within the world of remnant with your only option available.
Restrictions: N/A 15+: The Target gains the effects of 1 of
Specializations. All Specializations are outlined in the following You leverage a variety of defensive your Active Dust.
Your Stealth Checks are performed at techniques to keep your opponents
sections. Advantage. guessing. 25+: The Target gains the effects of 1 of
your Active Dust. Add your DIS to the
Characters may have Faunus physiology Detail Oriented Target’s attacks.
or a garb that assists in concealment.
Restrictions: N/A 35+: The Target gains the effects of 1 of
Dangerous Piloting your Active Dust. Add your DIS to the
Once per Episode, you may add your Target’s attacks and damage.
Restrictions: Applicable only when piloting Perception to any attack or Skill Check that
an Asset. does not already use Perception in its roll. You are able to imbue another’s weapon
You must declare this before the roll is with Dust and special properties.
Gain the effects below while piloting an performed. You always have advantage
Asset. when making Investigate Checks. You
● If you perform a Dodge Defense Check, always know the remaining health on Dust Manipulation
you may reduce your piloted Asset’s HP by Grimm Entities you have previously
5. Increase your next Dodge Defense encountered. Restrictions: May only be selected if you
Check by 10. have the Dust Weaver Specialization.
You notice the little details about Grimm,
● If you perform a Move Action, you may weapons, objects, or remember minor Increase the range of your Dust Skill
reduce your piloted Asset’s HP by 5. details that people mention in stories. Checks and Ranged Attacks by 1 range
Increase your next Move Action’s distance increment.
by 15ft. Dust Bulwark
You are able to manipulate Dust to the
You outmaneuver your foe with extreme Restrictions: May only be selected if you limits and allow for greater possibilities.
speed. You regularly push your vehicle’s have the Dust Weaver Specialization.
limits and exceed standard safety meas-
ures while piloting. Perform a Dust Skill Check targeting a
Dust Trapper
friendly Entity and expend 1 additional Restrictions: May only be selected if you
Defender Capacity. They gain a Dust Bulwark effect have the Dust Weaver Specialization.
below until the end of their next Turn. Dust
Restrictions: N/A Bulwark effects do not stack. You may use a Major Action to mark a
15ftx15ft area with a Dust Trap of any color
Attacks that Target an Adjacent or Close 20+: The Target may use Dust Defense Dust that you have Active. You may trigger
range friendly Entity can instead Target the Checks and does not use Capacity when the Dust Trap as if it were a Ranged Attack
Character with the Defender Specialization performing one. Add your DIS to their Dust from 1 Dust Trap at any time with a Minor
that declares to use it. If the Entity being Defense Checks. Action. All Entities are effected within the
defended is at Close range, the Defense Dust Trap’s area.
Check is performed at Disadvantage. 25+: The Target gains 1 Armor or the
Barrier status effect. A marker is placed on the ground subtly
Your Character has the virtue and before fading away. It could be in the form
capabilities to attempt to take a hit for 30+: An attacker automatically receieves X of your Semblance or a subtle hue of the
another. damage where X is equal to your DIS once Dust’s color.
an attack has resolved.

You surround an ally with elemental Dust

to protect them against attacks.

32 33
Dust Weaver Grease Monkey Mixed Capacity Role Model Stalwart Toughness
Restrictions: May not be selected if you Restrictions: N/A Restrictions: May only be selected if you Restrictions: N/A Restrictions: N/A
Restrictions: N/A
created a weapon during character have 8 or more Willpower.
creation. Declare an additional color of Dust during a At the start of a Combat Encounter, declare This Specialization may be taken up to 3
At the end of a Combat Turn while piloting
Reload. All Melee Attacks or Ranged Whenever you spend RoC, friendly Entities 1 bonus you will benefit from. You cannot times. Gain each bonus for how many
an Asset or Adjacent to a pilotable Asset,
You do not use a Weapon or Weapon Attacks can use one of the declared Dust within Medium range may choose to gain change this bonus during a Combat times you have taken this Specialization.
you may use a Major Action to partially
Specializations. Instead you manipulate colors. This Specialization may be taken Advantage on their next attack, Defense Encounter.
repair it. Expend your Asset’s Capacity by
Dust through various crystals that adorn a multiple times. You gain an additional color Check or Skill Check. The effect of Role Level 1: Gain 1 Armor.
1 and perform an Engineering Check.
necklace, woven into fabric, or from phials. to declare during a Reload each for each Model may only apply once per Character ● For each friendly Entity within Close
Restore HP to the Asset equal to the value
Your melee and ranged weapon forms instance of Mixed Capacity you possess. per Turn. range, you gain +1 to your attacks. Level 2: Gain 1 Armor. Ignore the
roll divided by 2. You may only perform this
become the Dust Weaver Forms. Select 1 This Specialization may be taken multiple Movement reduction from any points of
effect of Grease Monkey once per Turn.
color of Dust to add to your Assets. times. You lead by example anywhere you are. ● For each friendly Entity within Close Armor you may have.
HP restored to the Asset cannot exceed its
maximum HP. Your teammates and others who see you range, you gain +1 to your Defense
Ferro Polymer Materials You carry innovative designed containers
to allow multiple dust types to be loaded.
spring into action and aspire to become Checks. Level 3: Gain 1 Armor. Once per Episode,
Your home is in the garage or mechanic like you. if you were to become Defeated from an
Restrictions: N/A shop and you’re no stranger to making You take pride in being with your attack, you are not and instead reduce
hasty repairs with what you have available Mobility Semblance Training teammates and they inspire you in some your HP to 1 or if you HP is already at 1, it
Your reloads do not use an Action. in a pinch. manner. stays at 1. You may add 1 to any Defeated
Restrictions: N/A Restrictions: N/A Checks you make.
Magazines, containers, and phails you
High Capacity Double the movement bonus from a
Steel Willed
carry are ergonomic and lighter. Work with your GM to develop a Hybrid Heavier armor, a unique technology, or
Capacity Move. Semblance if you do not possess one Restrictions: Applicable only when piloting scales make the Character more durable
Restrictions: May not be selected with the
already or enhance your current an Asset.
Flick Shooter Proprietary Magazines Negative
Your Character is adept in navigating while Semblance. Ex: Add additional options to a
than normal.
using their weapon to bound from one
Restrictions: Applicable only when piloting
vantage point to the next.
Semblance. This Specialization may be Anytime you would be inflicted with a Unarmed Proficiency
an Asset. Gain each bonus for how many times you taken multiple times. Status Effect while piloting an Asset, you
have taken this Specialization. are not. This does not prevent Status Restrictions: N/A
Once per Combat Turn when you complete Multitasker Sentimental Effects from impacting your Asset.
a Move Action, you may perform a Flick Level 1: Increase your Maximum Capacity This Specialization may be taken up to 3
Restrictions: N/A Restrictions: Applicable only when piloting Even under the pressure of an intense times. You gain each level bonus based on
Shot with one weapon that your Asset is by 2.
equipped with. Perform a Ranged Attack an Asset. situation or heavy fire, you are able to keep how many times you have taken this
Do not use an Action the first time a your nerves calm. Specialization.
and subtract 5 from the attack. Flick Shot Level 2: Increase your Maximum Supplies Consumable Asset that would require a Each Combat Round that you do not take
does not use any Actions. by 1. Minor Action is used on your Turn. damage to your Asset, you gain 1 to your Tactician Level 1: Add 1D6 damage to your
Your reflexes allow you to instantly snap Sentimental bonus. Unarmed Attacks. Unarmed Attacks use a
Level 3: During your first Turn in a Combat You are adept at multitasking and keeping
around to your Targets while piloting an Restrictions: May only be selected if you Minor Action instead of a Major Action.
Encounter, you do not decrease your track of multiple pieces of information at
Asset at extreme speeds. If you take damage to your Asset at any have 7 or more Discipline.
Capacity when you perform Attacks, Skill once, even during the heat of battle. point, reduce your Sentimental bonus by 1. Level 2: Roll any damage dealt with an
Checks or Combat Abilities.
At the start of a Combat Encounter, select
Gemini Hooks Unarmed Attack with Advantage.
You carry extended magazines, satchels to Prodigious understanding At the start of each Combat Round, 1 other friendly Entity. You and that Entity
Restrictions: May only be selected if you declare what your Sentimental bonus will may independently choose to perform a Level 3: If your Unarmed Attack exceeds
hold dust, or variable magazines that allow Restrictions: N/A
have the Dust Weaver Specialization. apply to from the following categories of free move action before any Entity’s Turn. your Target’s defense by 5 or more, you
you to carry more Capacity into missions.
Actions. Attacks, Defense Checks or Skill may inflict the Stagger Status Effect to your
This Specialization may be taken up to 3 Once per Turn you may perform an
You may swap 1 Active Dust color and 1 Checks. At the end of a Combat Round, roll 1D10. Target.
times. Investigate Check (DC: 20) against an
Inactive Dust color once per Turn with a On a roll of a 10, all friendly Entities,
Minor Action. Entity that has exhibited unusual behavior, The maximum Sentimental bonus value including yourself, gain 1 RoC regardless if The character has trained rigorously
Miracle Worker charateristics, or abilities. On a success, you can accumulate is 5. Your Sentimental any individual had already earned their without a weapon so that they are still able
You carry Dust phials and crystals with reveal one of its special rules or abilities if bonus cannot fall below 0. Personal, Partner and/or Team RoC during to effectively combat threats when
Restrictions: N/A
dual hooks to carry multiple combinations it possesses any. that Combat Round. disarmed.
at a time. Using a Major Action, Target an Entity You have been through thick and thin with
Your abstract thought process works fast
other than yourself that is within Adjacent
when up against the unknown, forming
your Asset and it feels like an extension of You can formulate strategies on the fly and Uncanny parrying
Grappler range. You must expend your Capacity by
theories and assumptions as to what you
yourself when you get behind its controls. rapidly adapt to a changing combat
Restrictions: N/A
increments of 2. Restore 1 HP for every 2 situation.
Restrictions: N/A may be up against.
Capacity expend to that Target. You may
only perform this effect of Miracle Worker You may perform Parry Defense Checks
You may expend your Capacity by 1 to once per Turn. HP restored to your Target Rate of Fire Control against small Ranged Attacks (GM
perform a Grapple Check against a Target cannot exceed their maximum HP. Discretion).
Medium range away. Restrictions: N/A
You take precautions to bring medical aid Your parrying abilities are unparalleled and
You have a grappling hook, chain, rope, Covering Fire does not reduce your catch many off guard.
and supplies with you when venturing out Capacity when performed.
etc that allows you to grapple Targets on missions. You’re prepared for the worst
further away. should it happen. You have trained yourself to use only the
necessary amount of firepower needed to
34 engage a Target. GRADIENTMGZ 35
Weapon SPecializations Weapon Specializations (Cont’d)
Specializations that only apply to you while you have your weapon equipped. Some of these Specializations only provide their gyrostabilizers High Rate of Fire Reach
benefits when your weapon is in a specific Weapon Form. Each Weapon Specialization will state which Weapon Forms it is
compatible with. While your weapon is in a compatible Weapon Form with a Weapon Specialization you have taken, you will Equippable By: All Weapon Forms Equippable By: All Weapon Forms except Equippable By: All Weapon Forms without
gain that benefit. Explosive. the Returning Weapon Specialization.
You may re-roll any 1s rolled on your
Additional Form Cleaving Echo Sight Natural D10 while performing a Melee Ranged Attacks that miss inflict 1D3 Melee Attacks may be performed at 1
Attack. You cannot prevent a Critical damage. Do not apply RoC modifiers to Range Increment higher.
Equippable By: All Weapon Forms Equippable By: All Weapon Forms Equippable By: All Weapon Forms Failure or the effects of the Negative this damage.
Specialization Complicated Fighting Style You have a method to extend your
You may use a Minor Action to swap one of Melee damage you inflict to a Target may Once per Turn you may make a Ranged with the effect of Gyrostabilizers. Your weapon has a high rate of fire and weapon’s reach or you have a Faunus trait
your Weapon Form Types to another of the also be distributed amongst any adjacent Attack against a Target that is using able to hit and graze Targets. such as a tail that extends the range of
same type. This Specialization may be Targets to that Target. concealment or behind cover as if they did The inner workings of your weapon have your weapon.
taken multiple times. Each time you select not have concealment or cover. You must been fine tuned to always be in balance. Limiter Release
this Specialization, select an additional Your weapon can sweep in wider arcs and declare you are using the scope before
Weapon Form Type to add to your cover wider angles to hit multiple Targets attacking. You may use this feature of the Hands Free Equippable By: All Weapon Forms
weapon. When you Activate a new Ranged at once. Echo Sight 3 times per Episode. You may Equippable By: All Weapon Forms without
Weapon Form Type, modify your current only select 1 Weapon Specialization with Equippable By: All Weapon Forms Remove the Capacity limit while per- the Reach Weapon Specialization.
Capacity to the new Active Weapon Form’s Collateral Damage the ‘Sight’ word in its title. forming a Charge Attack with your Ranged
maximum Capacity If your Capacity would A character who is normally Disarmed by Weapon Form. If you perform a Thrown Melee Weapon
exceed your maximum Capacity. Equippable By: All Weapon Forms without An optic with a special function to acquire having their weapon knocked away is not Attack, your weapon automatically returns
the High Explosive Weapon Specialization. Targets through walls up to 8 inches thick Disarmed. Gain Advantage on Skill Checks Remove the safety limiters on your weapon to you and you are not Disarmed. Thrown
Your weapon has multiple melee or ranged or Targets using a camouflage technology. requiring you to physically interact with the to allow additional energy buildup on Melee Weapon Attack damage becomes
configurations to deal with a variety of Ranged Attacks with Collateral Damage environment around you. attacks.
1D6 + STR - (1 Per 5ft past Close range).
situations. always have the following effect: Efficient Systems
Your weapon can be wielded without direct Overcharged Capacitors Your weapon will return to you once it
Additional Weapon ● Inflict 3 damage to other Entities
Adjacent to the Target on a hit.
Equippable By: All Weapon Forms contact.
Heavy Caliber Equippable By: Energy Weapon Form
reaches an end point.

Equippable By: All Weapon Forms If you roll at least a single 10 while only.
● Inflict 1 Damage to other Entities performing a Ranged Attack, gain a Minor
Equippable By: All Weapon Forms Silent
You may perform an additional attack of Adjacent to the Target on a miss. Action during that Turn. If you use all of your remaining Capacity,
Add your DIS / 2 while performing damage Equippable By: All Weapon Forms except
the same form type whenever you perform double the Charge Attack damage bonus.
from a Ranged Attack that hits to your Explosive.
an attack. This Specialization may be Your weapon has a wide cone of effect, an The weapon cycles rounds efficiently, Target.
taken multiple times. Each additional attack extremely wide spray pattern, or a ri- provides optimal trigger response and Modified capacitors allow additional energy
It may also be a bow, crossbow, shuriken
reduces your attack roll by 2 * X, where X chochet effect. features enhanced longevity by using high to be focused by holding down the trigger
The rounds used in your weapon are a launcher, etc that produces low decibels of
is your additional attack number. Do not quality parts. for a set period of time or with some other
larger size, inflicting incredible damage. volume when fired. Reduce the range
apply Dust, RoC modifiers, the High CQB Ergonomics activation manner.
requirement to perform a Blindside Attack
Explosive Weapon Specialization, or the Energy Conservation High Explosive by 1 range increment. The weapon has an
Collateral Damage Weapon Specialization Equippable By: All Weapon Forms except Point Blank internal or external suppressor designed to
to these additional attacks. Explosive and Sniper. Equippable By: Energy Weapon Form
Equippable By: Explosive Weapon Form dampen sound.
only. Equippable By: All Weapon Forms
Only. Cannot be selected with the
Ex: A Character has taken the Additional While performing a Ranged Attack at Close
Collateral Damage Specialization. The weapon has a suppressor to dampen
Weapon Specialization 2 times. The range, you use a Minor Action instead of a Whenever you roll at least a single 10 on Roll an additional 1D6 when performing
sound or is naturally quiet.
Character performs a Melee Attack. The Major Action. your Ranged Attack, increase your damage from a Ranged Attack that hits at
This Specialization may be taken up to 3
Character then performs their additional Capacity by 1 for each 10 rolled. Your Close range.
attack which uses a Melee Attack and Your weapon is tuned to maneuver and Capacity cannot exceed your maximum
times. Gain each bonus for how many Targeting Assisted Sight
times you have taken this Specialization.
subtracts 2 and a subsequent Melee Attack acquire Targets efficiently in a confined Capacity. Your weapon is highly effective at closer Equippable By: All Weapon Forms
While Red Dust is utilized, increase your
and subtracts 4. area. ranges due to increased energy released
Ranged Attack’s damage by 1D6 instead of
Energy reserves self recycle, eventually from its ignition. When you perform a Ranged Attack, you
using the Ranged Red Dust effect.
Anti-Material Weaponry Critical module Sight providing you power back to your weapon. may roll it with Advantage. You may use
Level 1: Your Ranged Attack inflicts half range finder this feature of the Targeting Assisted Sight
Equippable By: All Weapon Forms except Equippable By: All Weapon Forms Fast Response machinery damage to all Entities within Close range to Equippable By: All Weapon Forms
3 times per Episode. You may only select 1
Explosive. your Target. If your Ranged Attack misses, Weapon Specialization with the ‘Sight’
You may perform Critical Damage even if Equippable By: All Weapon Forms
inflict half damage to your Target. word in its title.
Ranged Attacks ignore Armor and pierce you did not meet the requirement. You When you perform a Ranged Attack past
through your Target. Draw a line up to your must declare you are using the sight before You do not use an Action when swapping your weapon’s maximum range, add 1
Level 2: If any Natural D10 rolled while An optic that uses additional computing
Ranged Weapon Form’s maximum range attacking. You may use this feature of the Weapon Form Types. If your following instance of Disadvantage for each range
you perform a Ranged Attack is a 10, power to allow faster target acquisition and
from your Character through the Target. All Critical Module Scope once per Episode. Action is an attack after activating a new increment past your weapon’s maximum
increase your damage by 1D6. compensation calculations when aiming
Entities under this line are considered to be You may only select 1 Weapon Weapon Form Type, gain +2 to your attack range.
with it.
attacked by your Ranged Weapon. Specialization with the ‘Sight’ word in its or damage for each time you have Ac-
Level 3: While performing damage with Your weapon has a sight with additional
title. tivated a Weapon Form Type this Turn. You
your Ranged Attack, each 6 rolled allows range limits on it that allow you to attempt
Ammunition contains a high-density point cannot Activate a Weapon Form Type you
you to roll an additional 1D6 for damage. to fire at Targets that are past your
made of inert dust that allows the projectile An optic with a special function to run previously had Active this Turn.
Do not check Critical Damage dice rolled
to penetrate even the thickest of Armor and various features of a Target through a weapon’s range.
for this effect.
barricades. propietary database to identify critical or You have sped up the gears, machinery, or
weak points. The database may be other components of your weapon to
Extra explosive residues produce more
incomplete and may not always yield a operate faster in the heat of battle.
36 result.
effective results down range. GRADIENTMGZ 37
Vehicle Specializations Vehicle Specializations (Cont’d)
When creating a Vehicle, you must select 1 Specialization with the word “Chasis” in its title. These provide special rules and
changes to your Vehicle. GMs are encouraged to expand and create additional Chasis Specializations to add to their games/ Ablative Armor Ejection System Kinetic Recycler
modify the existing ones to fit their game. Vehicle Specializations only apply while you are Piloting a Vehicle with one or more of
these selected. As your progress in a Campaign, you may be able to upgrade your Chasis to gain additional Vehicle Equippable By: All Vehicles Equippable By: All Vehicles Equippable By: All Ground type Vehicles.
Specializations or Weapons. Work with your GM as you progress!
This Specialization may be taken up to 3 Do not take damage when your Vehicle Once per turn while in a Combat

Vehicle Chasis Selection

times. You gain each level bonus based on becomes Critically Lost as it explodes, Encounter, if you perform 2 Movement
how many times you have taken this crashes or has some other mechanical Actions, your Vehicle gains 1 Capacity.
Specialization. failure. You may also position yourself up Capacity gained through this specialization
Aero Chasis Mech Chasis Treaded Chasis to Close range away from your Vehicle cannot exceed your maximum Capacity.
Level 1: Gain 1 Armor and 1 HP. instead of Adjacent range when exiting
Equippable By: Air Vehicles Equippable By: Ground Vehicles Equippable By: Ground Vehicles your vehicle from being Critically Lost. With each movement and the mechanical
Restrictions: You may only select 1 Restrictions: You may only select 1 Restrictions: You may only select 1 Level 2: Gain 1 Armor and 3 HP. rotations of your vehicle, there is a Kinetic
Chasis Type for a Vehicle. Chasis Type for a Vehicle. Chasis Type for a Vehicle. You stay in your vehicle until the last Recycler installed that can convert this
Level 3: Gain 1 Armor, 5 HP. Once per possible moment before getting to safety. momentum into stored energy.
Your Vehicle takes a form of a hovercraft Your Vehicle takes the form of a walking Your Vehicle takes a form of a treaded Episode, the first time your Vehicle would You immediately perform an emergency
that floats just a few inches above the mechanized battle robot with legs and vehicle similar to that of a tank or construc- become Critically Lost, it is not. Instead set evacuation via an ejection system from Modified Dust Exhaust
ground or water. arms. tion vehicle for use across all types of solid your Vehicle’s HP to 1. your vehicle when it becomes Critically
terrain. Lost. Equippable By: All Ground type Vehicles.
● You freely traverse through all types of ● Your Vehicle gains the Parry Defense You add additional armor plating to your
terrain. Your Vehicle’s is considered to be Check. ● You may traverse over any ground Vehicle in key areas to provide additional Emergency Hex Barrier Once per Combat Encounter, you may
at Distant range vertically from the ground. ● Add 2 to a Vehicle’s STR Attribute. terrain as if unhindered. Hazardous protection. create an obscuring cloud of exhaust,
You must always perform 1 Move Action ● Reduce your Movement by 5ft. weather conditions that cause slippery Equippable By: All Vehicles smoke or inert dust particles around your
during each of your Turns. ● Select 1 Melee Weapon Form for your surfaces do not effect your Vehicle. Aura Matrix Once per Episode when your Vehicle’s HP
Vehicle’s location that covers up to Medium
● Add 2 to a Vehicle’s AGI or PER Vehicle. ● Reduce your Movement by 5ft. range. This obscuring cloud does not move
Attribute. ● Select 1 Ranged Weapon Form for your ● Add 2 to a Vehicle’s END Attribute. Equippable By: All Vehicles drops to 10 or less from damage, gain the with your Vehicle and lasts until the end of
● Select 2 Ranged Weapon Forms for your Vehicle. ● You do not take Damage when per- Barrier Status Effect at the start of each of your Next Turn. All Entities inside the
Vehicle. ● Select 1 Vehicle Specialization. forming a Ram Action. When you Pilot your Vehicle, transfer any your Turns. obscuring cloud cannot be targeted by
● Select 1 Vehicle Specialization. ● Select 1 Ranged Weapon Form for your amount of Aura from your Character Sheet Ranged Attacks. Any Melee Attacks
to the Vehicle’s Character Sheet. Any value An Emergency Hex Barrier provides you
Motorbike Chasis Vehicle.
transferred is multiplied by 2. additional protection when your Vehicle is
performed while within the cloud are done
Airship Chasis ● Select 1 Vehicle Specialization.
at critical integrity.
so with Disadvantage to Players and a -5
modifier to NPC Entities.
Equippable By: Ground Vehicles
A special system is integrated into your
Equippable By: Air Vehicles Restrictions: You may only select 1 Wave Rush Chasis vehicle that allows you to project your Aura Grappler Hooks The energy built up from the dust engines
Restrictions: You may only select 1 Chasis Type for a Vehicle.
Chasis Type for a Vehicle. as an additional layer of defense for your or other power sources has a modified
Equippable By: Water Vehicles Equippable By: All Ground type Vehicles.
Your Vehicle is a fast mode of Vehicle. exhaust that allows you to create a cloud to
Restrictions: You may only select 1
Your Vehicle takes a form of a propeller transportation as a stylish motorbike that is Chasis Type for a Vehicle. obscure you and other Entities from sight.
based airship that flies high above the open topped. Co-Piloting Perform a Grapple Check. You may fire
your Grappler Hooks at a range equal to
ground. Your Vehicle takes a form of a personal Equippable By: All Vehicles the Grapple Check roll rounded to the
Omni Model Upgrade
● You may perform Attacks and the watercraft that skims along the water in nearest step of 5. You may either move Equippable By: All Vehicles
● You freely traverse through all types of Semblance Defense Check from your most bodies of water. Another Entity who can perform Piloting yourself to this location or attempt to pull
terrain. Your Vehicle is considered to be at Character Sheet instead of your Vehicle
duties, shares the same Turn as the owner another Entity to you, however your Remove the restriction when selecting a
Long range vertically from the ground. Character Sheet. ● You may perform Attacks and the of the Vehicle as long as the Owner allows Grapple Check must beat their Defense to Chasis Specialization. Select an additional
Reduce your Movement by 5ft. ● Add 2 to a Vehicle’s AGI Attribute. Semblance Defense Check from your it. Both Entities must agree on which do so if using it in this manner. Chasis to add to your Vehicle along with
● Add 2 to a Vehicle’s END Attribute. ● You may be targeted directly as the Pilot Character Sheet instead of your Vehicle aspect of the Vehicle they will perform any new Weapons and Vehicle
● Select 1 Ranged Weapon Form for your instead of your Vehicle. Character Sheet. Actions for. All Move Actions, Melee Anchors, hooks, or harpoons are installed Specializations that Chasis Specialization
Vehicle. ● Select 1 Vehicle Specialization. ● Add 2 to a Vehicle’s PER Attribute. Attacks, Ranged Attacks and Skill Checks to your Vehicle that allow various options may select. You may select a Chasis
● Select 2 Vehicle Specializations. ● You may be targeted directly as the Pilot are performed from the owning Entity’s for manuevering. Specialization that is not normally
instead of your Vehicle. Vehicle. This does not count for the
Hover Chasis ● Select 2 Vehicle Specializations. purposes of gaining Team RoC. Each Pilot Holo Designator
equippable by your Vehicle. You may use a
Minor Action to change your Vehicle to
performs their normal allotment of Actions another Chasis. It gains any Vehicle
Equippable By: Ground/Water Vehicles from their Action Pool in the same Turn. Equippable By: All Vehicles
Restrictions: You may only select 1 Specializations and Weapons from that
Chasis Type for a Vehicle. Chasis and loses any Weapons and
A secondary seat is installed with your You may use Minor Action to mark a Target
Vehicles Specializations from the previous
Vehicle that allows another indvidual to with Holo Designator. Increase the next
Your Vehicle takes a form of a hovercraft Chasis. Attributes are not modified when
take over some responsbilities such as Ranged Attack from allied Entities by your
that floats just a few inches above the changing Chasis. If your Vehicle’s Capacity
piloting, weapon systems, and navigation. Perception value against that Target.
ground or water. would be greater than your new Active
Remove the Holo Designator effect from
Vehicle’s Capacity (If any), reduce your
that Target after this effect is resolved.
● You may traverse over water and ground Vehicle’s Capacity to the Active Vehicle’s
as if unhindered. Hazardous weather Maximum Capacity.
You designate a Target with a holographic
conditions that cause slippery surfaces do marker to coordinate fire.
not effect your Vehicle. Your Vehicle has added complexity that
● Select 1 Ranged Weapon Form for your allows it to change and shift forms to better
Vehicle. suit your situation.
Vehicle Specializations (Cont’d) Negative Specializations
You may take 1 Negative Specialization and gain an additional Specialization during the character creation process. You are
Overdrive Stress Tested welcome to take multiple Negative Specializations, however you may only gain 1 bonus Specialization during character
Equippable By: All Vehicles Equippable By: All Vehicles creation. Additional Negative Specializations may be gained during the course of a Campaign based on GM discretion or story
development. Negative Specialization effects always apply and cannot be negated.
Once per Turn, you may perform one Once per Episode when your Vehicle
additional effect by reducing your vehicle’s becomes Critically Lost, it is not. Instead, Complicated Fighting Style Propietary equipment
HP by 5. you continue Piloting it as normal. Any
additional damage inflicted to your Vehicle Whenever you roll at least a single 1 on Reduce your maximum Supplies and
● Double the amount of your next Move will be directed towards the Pilot instead. any attack, your attack is performed in Capacity by 1.
Action’s distance you travel until the end of This effect lasts until the start of your next error or malfunctions in some manner,
your Turn. Turn. reducing its effectiveness. For that attack, Your weapon or carrying holsters for Dust
the damage dealt is halved and any Dust are custom and propietary. This makes it
● Increase the range of your next Ranged Your Vehicle is designed to perform well effect(s) are not applied. difficult to obtain additional pieces of
Attack by 1 range increment until the end even under stressful situations as it equipment for yourself or are incredibly
of your Turn. sustains damage and becomes Critically Your fighting style is incredibly complicated time consuming to make personally or by
Lost. with a number of various physical another individual.
● Increase the attack of your next Melee maneuvers, mechanical parts or complex
Attack by 5 until the end of your Turn. Targeting Link algorithms. A fight style is never perfect Weakened Recovery
and is prone to error or malfunctioning from
You override your Vehicle’s systems and Equippable By: All Vehicles time to time. Reduce all Aura and HP restoration values
sometimes safety measures to get to your Character by half.
additional effects. Other Entities may fire at a Target that you Dust adverse Your body processes medical treatment
are in range of even if they are not as long
as they also have the Targeting Link Any damage you take from a Dust based and aura recovery differently than the
majority of individuals. Effects that restore
Reflective Armor Specialization. They must subtract 1 from attack is increased by 1.
Aura and/or HP on you have reduced
their Attack Rolls for each range increment
Equippable By: All Vehicles with Armor. they are out of range when performing an Anytime Dust is utitlized from another effectiveness.
Attack using the Targeting Link Entity’s within Medium range of your
Anytime you take damage from a Ranged Specialization. Character or a Dust Skill Check is per-
Attack and your Vehicle still possesses formed within Medium range of your
Armor, inflict damage equal to your A sophisticated targeting system is linked Character, you take 1 damage after it
remaining Armor at the Entity that per- to your Vehicle that allows it to network resolves.
formed the Ranged Attack against you. with other Entities utilizing the same
This Specialization provides 2 Armor. system for target acquisition. If you perform an attack utilizing Dust in
your weapon or perform a Dust Skill
A special armor that is coated, angled or Check, you take 2 damage after resolving
has an adaptive property is outfitted to your that attack or Dust Skill Check.
vehicle that allows it to reflect small
Ranged Attacks (GM discretion). Your character has negative reactions in
the presence of Dust and its effects.
Sentinel System
Equippable By: All Vehicles
Whenever your Character takes damage,
Expend your Capacity by any value when the damage is increased by 50%.
an attack is directed towards you. Reduce
an incoming Attack by that amount Your character has had previous damage
multiplied by 2. to their bodies or their body is naturally
less resilient to being injured. It takes extra
You have equipped your Vehicle with a effort to exert an Aura to defend against
decoy system that throws off hostile attacks as well.
tracking by drawing power from your main
systems. Some examples are flares,
holographic duplicates, and a point
defense system.

Assets “Oh my god, you really
Consumable Assets
Antidote Stimulant Concentration Stimulant
Removes the Poison and Toxic Status Effects. Out of Combat: Add +5 to your next Willpower based Skill

Your assets come in two forms, consumable or permanent. A white tube with a flat end once the forest green cap is
removed. This Stimulant is able to cure poisons and toxic
Check this Episode.
In Combat: Increase your Willpower by 2 until the end of the
Consumable assets are removed upon use. Permanent assets are effects to the body. current Combat Encounter.
A neon yellow tube with a flat end once the cap is removed.
not removed upon use and remain with your character until they
are either destroyed or lost.
ATLAS A-5 GRENADE This provides a boost to your Willpower temporarily.

Atlas A-5 Grenades do not expend Capacity and are removed

from your Assets when used. Perform a Force Skill Check to
throw an Atlas A-5 Grenade. On a hit, inflict 5 damage to your
Filtered Serum Stimulant
Removes all Status Effects except Burning, Poison, Toxic
Target and 3 damage to Close Entities to that Target.
and Unconscious.
On a miss, Inflict 3 damage to your Target and 1 damage to A white tube with a flat end once the lime green cap is
Close Entities to that Target. removed. This Stimulant is able to cure most ailments except
poisons, toxins and other external hazards.
Atlesian manufactured grenades in their 5th iteration. A silver

Finesse Stimulant
ball shaped device that fits in the palm of an individual’s hand.
A blue lit ring around the device’s equator indicates the device
has not been armed. This band of light blinks red once the
Out of Combat: Add +5 to your next Agility based Skill Check
device has been engaged by twisting it.
this Episode.

Basic Adrenaline Stimulant In Combat: Increase your Agility by 2 until the end of the
current Combat Encounter.
Out of Combat: Add +3 to your next Skill Check this Episode. A neon green tube with a flat end once the cap is removed.
In Combat: Immediately gain 1 RoC point. This does not count This provides a boost to your Agility temporarily.
towards your maximum earned RoC each Round.
A bronze tube with a flat end once the orange cap is removed. This
Stimulant provides slightly heightened senses and reactions. Fortification Stimulant
Out of Combat: Add +5 to your next Endurance based Skill

Basic Aura Stimulant Check this Episode.

In Combat: Increase your Endurance by 2 until the end of the
Restore 1D3+1 Aura.
current Combat Encounter.
Aura restored cannot exceed your maximum Aura.
A neon purple tube with a flat end once the cap is removed.
A bronze tube with a flat end once the blue cap is removed.
This provides a boost to your Endurance temporarily.
This Stimulant provides a slight restoration to Aura.

Basic Health Stimulant Full Aura Stimulant

Restore a Character’s maximum Aura value.
Restore 1D3+1 HP. Aura restored cannot exceed your maximum Aura.
HP restored cannot exceed your maximum HP. A platinum tube with a flat end once the blue cap is removed.
A bronze tube with a flat end once the red cap is removed. This This Stumlant provides full restoration to Aura.
Stimulant provides a slight restoration to HP.

Clarity Stimulant Full Health Stimulant

Out of Combat: Add +4 to your next 2 Skill Checks this Episode.
Out of Combat: Add +5 to your next Discipline based Skill
In Combat: Immediately gain 2 RoC points. This does not count
Check this Episode.
towards your maximum earned RoC each Round.
In Combat: Increase your Discipline by 2 until the end of the
A silver tube with a flat end once the orange cap is removed. This
current Combat Encounter.
Stimulant provides moderately heightened senses and reactions.
A neon blue tube with a flat end once the cap is removed. This
provides a boost to your Discipline temporarily.

Consumable Assets (Cont’d) Permanent Assets
High Grade Adrenaline Stimulant Aura Overdriver Semblance Augmentor
Out of Combat: Add +6 to your next 3 Skill Checks this You may activate the Aura Overdriver with a Minor Action. Add Whenever you Empower your Semblance, you may do so
Episode. half the value of your maximum Aura to your current Aura and without spending an Aura point. You may use this effect of the
In Combat: Immediately gain 3 RoC points. This does not take 1 HP damage. Take 1 additional HP damage for every 10 Semblance Augmentor once per Episode.
count towards your maximum earned RoC each Round. Aura added in this manner. Ignore Armor’s damage reduction A technology developed by Atlas that appears like a blackened
A jet black tube with a flat end once the orange cap is removed. (Your current Aura may exceed your maximum Aura). fingerless glove with a dust core energy source on its backside.
This Stimulant provides extremely heightened senses and The Aura Overdriver pushes your body and soul to its limits, Metallic supports protrude from the dust core that run parallel to
reactions. providing you enhanced defensive capabilities at the cost of one's fingers without impeding dexterity. These metal supports
strain to one’s body. appear to have simple pads that rest on the tips of one's fingers

High Grade Aura Stimulant Standard Aura Stimulant

and connect to the device. There is a numbing sensation when

Restore 3D3+3 Aura.

Restore 2D3+2 Aura.
Backup Vital Stabilizer
Once per Episode, if your HP falls to 0, you do not become
the device is activated, however no other side effects seem to
Aura restored cannot exceed your maximum Aura.
Aura restored cannot exceed your maximum Aura. Defeated. Perform the following instead.
Surveillance camera
A jet black tube with a flat end once the blue cap is removed.
A silver tube with a flat end once the blue cap is removed. This 1. Reduce your RoC by 1 (This cannot bring you below 0
This Stimulant provides an extreme restoration to Aura.
Stimulant provides a moderate restoration to Aura. RoC). The wireless connection to your scroll and the Surveillance
2. Regain 1 HP and half of your maximum Aura.
High Grade Health Stimulant Standard Health Stimulant
Camera can extend up to 300ft. Any further distance will result
Emergency medical supplies are built into a bracelet or some in no signal.
Restore 3D3+3 HP. other object you keep that will inject you should the technology A remote camera that can be accessed via one’s Scroll to
Restore 2D3+2 HP. detect that you have gone unconscious, stabilizing you for a observe an area. These are typically used to observe the
HP restored cannot exceed your maximum HP.
HP restored cannot exceed your maximum HP. longer period of time to allow proper medical treatment to be entrance/exit of a location or perhaps obtain information on
A jet black tube with a flat end once the red cap is removed.
A silver tube with a flat end once the red cap is removed. This rendered. something or someone suspicious.
This Stimulant provides an extreme restoration to HP.
Stimulant provides a moderate restoration to HP.

Lien sTEROID Stimulant High Powered Binoculars

You are able to see past Long range and view items of interest
The amount and state of your financial well being. You will
Out of Combat: Add +5 to your next Strength based Skill that are at Distant range.
need to use Lien in order to pay for services, purchase items
or any other task you may find of use for it. Lien is typically Check this Episode. Strong magnification binoculars that are able to enhance a
held in the form of plastic-like cards that have various In Combat: Increase your Strength by 2 until the end of the user’s vision when brought up to their eyes.
denominations. Scrolls can also be linked to one’s financial current Combat Encounter.
account for stores and services that offer such payment
A neon red tube with a flat end once the cap is removed. This
provides a boost to your Strength temporarily. Night Vision Goggles
You are able to see at night or in the dark without issue.

Sensory Stimulant Heavy set of goggles with counterweights to balance out the
weight of the headgear, the vision is slightly grainy, but allows
Out of Combat: Add +5 to your next Perception based Skill you to see in the dark and at night with no light when equipped.
Check this Episode.
In Combat: Increase your Perception by 2 until the end of the
current Combat Encounter. Prototype Emotion Mask
A neon pink tube with a flat end once the cap is removed. This
provides a boost to your Discipline temporarily.
You may activate the Prototype Emotion Mask Generator with a
Major Action in Combat or at any time out of combat. This
Standard Adrenaline Stimulant device masks the presence of all Humans and Faunus within
Close range for approximately 1 minute before the battery
Restore a Character’s maximum HP value.
loses power.
HP restored cannot exceed your maximum HP.
A small device in the shape and aesthtics of an Atlas infantry
A platinum tube with a flat end once the red cap is removed.
grenade, the delicate object is able to be powered for a short
This Stimulant provides full restoration to HP.
period of time to mask the presence of users within Medium
range from weak and less intelligent Grimm.

Dust Dust (Cont’d)
Dust is a natural resource that is mined across the world of Remnant. It is commonly used as an energy source or propellent,
but can be activated by those trained with their Aura. Each color of Dust represents an aspect of nature. The physical form of
raw Dust appears as a crystal. It can be refined into a powder which can be utilized in ammunition or woven in various types of
Red (FIRE)
Melee: Your Melee Attacks that hit inflict Burning to your
White (Ice)
Melee: Your Melee Attacks that hit add a Frozen counter to
clothing as examples. Dust is a Permanent Asset, Dust effects of the same color do not stack, and Dust infused attacks are Target. If your Target currently has the Burning Status Effect, your Target (Maximum 3). Anytime an attack that is not a Melee
compared against a Target’s special defense. increase the damage inflicted by the Burning Status Effect on Attack using White Dust hits a Target with 1 or more Frozen
your Target by 2. Flames lick across your weapon, burning counters, remove all Frozen counters. Inflict 2 damage to your

Black (Light)
Melee: Your Melee Attacks that hit inflict Blinded to your Target.
Green (Wind) away at your Target. Target for each Frozen counter removed and inflict this damage
to all Close range hostile Entities. Modifiers from RoC never
Melee: Gain Advantage on Dodge Defense Checks. If any Ranged: Your Ranged Attacks that hit also inflict half damage apply to this damage. Frost trails your weapon that freezes
If any Natural D10 rolled when you perform a Melee Attack is a Natural D10 rolled while you perform a Melee Attack is a 10, to Entities within Close range of your Target. Modifiers from portions of a Target’s clothing, body or armor.
10, gain Advantage with all Defense Checks against Entities you may perform a free Melee Attack after resolving your RoC never apply to these additional Entities. This damage
within Adjacent range that attack you. Flashes of light flare with current Melee Attack (This free Melee Attack cannot generate cannot effect the same Entity more than once. Hot red sparks Ranged: Your Ranged Attacks that hit inflict Chilled. If your
each swing to throw your opponent off balance. another free Melee Attack by using Green Dust). Your arms explode when impacting Targets. Target currently has the Chilled Status Effect, inflict Frostbitten
feel as light as a feather, wielding your weapon with finesse. instead of Chilled. A shower of ice spreads across your Target
Ranged: When you perform a Ranged Attack, you may gain
the Barrier Status Effect. Instead of performing a normal
Ranged Attack, you may Target a friendly Entity and provide
Ranged: Increase the distance of your Ranged Attacks by 1 Violet (Force)
Melee: Melee Attacks allow you to knock back your Target up
on impact.

range increment and gain Advantage on your Ranged Attack.

them with Barrier in addition to yourself. No Ranged Attack roll
is required, but a Major Action is still used in addition to the
Navigate the winds with ease when utilizing ranged weaponry. to 30ft. If your Target would impact another Entity or solid
structure, inflict an additional 3 Damage to your Target and any
Yellow (Earth)
Melee: Increase your Melee Attacks by 3 and ignore your
Capacity cost. Bright light billows out in a halo as it forms a Entity they collide into. Violent shockwaves are emitted on Target’s Armor. Encased with a diamond coating, your weapon
barrier around you upon firing. impact from your weapon, causing your Target to be blown cuts through various materials with ease.
Orange (Lightning) away on impact.

Blue (Water)
Melee: Melee Attacks while using Blue Dust are increased by 1
Melee: Your Melee Attacks that hit allow you to chain the
lightning to a secondary Target within Close range of your initial Ranged: Your Ranged Attacks allow you to knock back your
Ranged: When you perform a Ranged Attack, you may Gain 1
Armor point or Cover. Instead of performing a normal Ranged
Target. The secondary Target receives half damage. Modifiers Target up to 10ft. If your Target would impact another Entity or Attack, you may Target a friendly Entity and provide them with
range increment. Your weapon can lash out a further distance,
from RoC never apply to the secondary Target. Electric arcs solid structure, inflict an additional 2 Damage to your Target 1 Armor point or Cover in addition to yourself. No Ranged
extending its potential reach.
wreath your weapon, sparking off of it every so often. and any Entity they collide into. Whenever you fire at a Target Attack is required, but a Major Action is still used in addition to
with Violet Dust, you may move up to 10ft in the opposite the Capacity cost. A diamond coating encases the Target or
Ranged: If your Target currently has any Status Effect, your
Ranged: Your Ranged Attacks that hit reduce the special direction of your Target. Projectiles emit shockwaves as they area upon impact.
Ranged Attacks that hit inflict Confused. If any Natural D10
defense of your Target by 1 until the end of the Combat travel through the air and impact surfaces.
rolled while you perform a Ranged Attack is a 10 inflict,
Encounter (This effect can only be applied to the same Target
Confused. Unleash a torrent of water, impacting your Target
once per Combat Round). If any Natural D10 rolled while you
with incredible force.
perform a Ranged Attack is a 10, inflict Immobilized. Discharge
a small burst of electricity on impact, potentially causing your
Brown (Acid)
Melee: Your Melee Attacks that hit reduce the defense of your
Target to seize up. DUST CHECK EFFECTS
Target by 2 until the end of the Combat Encounter. (This effect
can only be applied to the same Target once per Combat Pink (Sonic)
Melee: Your Melee Attacks that hit reduce the attack of your
Dust Checks can be used to impact the environment around you. As a general rule, Dust Checks are used to directly influence the
environment, providing advantages that your teammates will be able to leverage to gain simple bonuses. Dust Weavers are much
Round) Acidic coating drips from your weapon, allowing it to more experienced with manipulating Dust and have training in Specializations that are much more powerful than average use of
Target by 1 until the end of the Combat Encounter. (This effect Dust by Huntsmen or Huntresses. You cannot stack multiple Dust Check effects of the same type on a single Character. Below are
burn through other materials it touches.
can only be applied to the same Target once per Combat guidelines on the possible use of Dust.
Round) Vibrations with a unique frequency allow your weapon
Ranged: Your Ranged Attacks that hit reduce the Armor of
to be used in manners that cause your Target to misjudge any ● Create an elemental wall, prohibiting movement and visibility of your selected element equal to your Dust Check rounded to the
your Target by 1 until the end of the Combat Encounter. Acid
retaliation. nearest step of 5 to determine its length.
splatters on impact, corroding protective equipment or natural
Ranged: Performing a Blindside Attack requires 1 range ● Enhance another Entity’s weapon to defeat defenses easier. Use the following thresholds to determine the effect.
increment less (Ex: Long range requirement becomes Medium ● 15+ Advantage on Melee Attacks and Ranged Attacks until the end of that Character’s next Turn.
range). If any Natural D10 rolled when you perform a Ranged ● 25+ Advantage on Melee Attacks, Ranged Attacks and damage rolls until the end of that Character’s next Turn.
Attack is a 10, inflict the Shaken Status Effect. Harmonizing ● 35+ Double Advantage on Melee Attacks, Ranged Attacks and damage rolls until the end of that Character’s next Turn.
with the sound barrier, your Ranged Attacks are quieter until it
is too late for your Target. ● Create a platform or propel another Entity, imbue their feet with wind or some other manner to increase one’s movement. Use the
following thresholds to determine the effect.
● 15+ 1 free Move Action until the end of their next Turn.
● 25+ Advantage on Dodge Defense Checks until the end of all hostile Entities’ Turns.
● 35+ 1 free Move Action and Advantage on Dodge Defense Checks until the end of all hostile Entities’ Turns.
Vehicles are Permanent Assets until Critically Lost, however their parts can be recovered and rebuilt at a large financial cost, When you obtain a Vehicle, it carries with it the charactersistics of the selected type (Ground, Air or Water) and any of benefits
investment of time, and/or as an incredible favor from another individual. When you own one or more vehicles, you may select and drawbacks of its Chasis Specialization. Select a Type of Vehicle that you wish to start with as your base Vehicle. This could
to bring it with you or Pilot. Sometimes a GM may have a scenario on whether you would be able to bring it due to various be obtained by a reward from the Campaign or if your GM has provided you a location to purchase such an expensive Asset.
elements such as stealth, weather conditions, missions, etc. Vehicles are typically personal Vehicles and nothing larger than
thigns such as motorbikes, walkers, or small airships. The following are specific to Vehicles. Select any Specialization options and Weapons the selected Chasis Specialization provides. You must always select a Chasis
Specialization when you obtain a Vehicle.
Piloting: The act of utilizing your Vehicle instead of the majority of your Character’s Attributes, Resources, Weapons and Skills.
Unless specified, only your Vehicle’s Specializations, Weapons, Resources and Attributes apply while piloting. You must use a Your skills as a Pilot come into play and add to its Attributes. When you Pilot a Vehicle, add your Character’s PER and DIS
Minor Action to either enter or exit your Vehicle. While piloting a Vehicle, your Character is referenced as the Pilot. Attributes to your Vehicle’s Character Sheet.

Ram: You can use your Vehicle as a weapon, ramming it against a Target. In order to perform a Ram, you must have previously
performed a Move Action during your current Turn. Perform a Melee Attack with an Aggressive Melee Form using your Vehicle
Character Sheet. On a success, you inflict Melee Damage to the Target and your Vehicle takes half of the Melee Damage to its

Critically Lost: A Vehicle that has sustained significant damage will become Critically Lost. In this state, the Vehicle is no longer
operational and ceases to function. If you are still Piloting your Vehicle when this catastrophic event occurs, your Character is
inflicted with 3 damage and you do not apply any damage reduction from your Character’s Armor if applicable. In order to use
your Vehicle again, you must get it repaired which can take a substantial amount of time, Lien and/or a favor from someone who
is well versed as a mechanic.

Vehicle Character Sheet: A Vehicle has an independent Character Sheet and is played as a separate Entity that you control as
a Player. Use your Vehicle Character Sheet at all times when making any type of Action unless otherwise specified to use your
Pilot’s Character Sheet. Vehicles are unique and have access to specific amounts of Resources, Attributes, defenses and
weaponry. They can provide unique opportunities to those that can leverage them in the right situations. The types of Vehicles
are listed below:

► Ground Vehicles
► Air Vehicles
► Water Vehicles

Vehicles use a specialized set of defenses and some skill checks may not apply while Piloting a Vehicle. The bonus for
additional Movement distance from Agility does not apply to Vehicles. All Vehicles follow the base rules below for each type
before Vehicle Chasis Specializations are applied. Vehicles do not lose movement from Armor.

Ground Vehicles Air Vehicles Water Vehicles

Movement: 25ft Movement: 35ft Movement: 25ft
Defenses: Resist, Dodge, Dust Defenses: Resist, Dodge, Dust Defenses: Resist, Dodge, Dust
HP Modifier: 15 HP Modifier: 8 HP Modifier: 11
STR: 7 STR: 4 STR: 5
END: 9 END: 6 END: 8
AGI: 11 AGI: 15 AGI: 13
PER: 0 PER: 0 PER: 0
WIL: 0 WIL: 0 WIL: 0
DIS: 0 DIS: 0 DIS: 0

Grounded Airborne Waterborne

This Vehicle may not traverse over or into This Vehicle must always airborne and its This Vehicle may not traverse over or into
water. If it would enter water or any other Chasis type will specify the distance it is the ground. If it would traverse over ground
liquid terrain, it gains the status Immobilized. vertically from the ground. You may fly lower or any other solid terrain, it gains the status
than the height specified, but never be Immobilized.
submerged in a liquid or use the ground to
traverse. This Vehicle takes full Damage
instead of half when performing a Ram
48 Action. GRADIENTMGZ 49
GM REFERENCE “…” Difficulty Checks
Difficulty Checks (DCs) are a method to validate whether it would be within the DC Table
realm of possibility for a Character to succeed at a certain task. The higher the
For aspiring Game Masters. this section will provide you a start on value, the harder the task at hand is. The table to the right contains recommended

Running a game using the design methods I have used to run my

values for setting DCs. If you don’t want to increase difficulty by a full step (Value of Trivial = 5
5), Increase the DC value by 2 to 4.

Campaigns. You are always Welcome to adjust the values or Easy = 10

concepts here To better suit your game. Why use a value of 2 to 4?

The values 2 and 3 are the mid points or halfway points to the next step. Using a
Challenging = 15
value of 2 will favor the Player slightly more when increasing difficulty while using a Ambitious = 20
value of 3 will disfavor the Player slightly more when increasing difficulty. Increasing
Difficulty by 1 or 4 are more extreme cases and should only be used to throw off Difficult = 25
Players who are attempting to meta game and figure out DCs. This applies to
designing Encounters as well. Complicated = 30
Expert = 35
Difficulty Check scale Legendary = 40+
A task this easy is typically not rolled for and is assumed to just be done, however there are a
few exceptions to this case when Players begin to go down heavy RP scenarios, including those
that may involve Characters that are intoxicated or have become impaired in some fashion (A
unique poison or illness perhaps.)

A task that is simple can be something that most likely would have been practiced to the point
where it is almost muscle memory for an individual, however there are always times when
someone’s muscle memory may not serve them.

A task that is challenging places a Character’s skills and training to the test, requiring them to
perform with their own prowess to achieve their goals. This is considered an average level of
skill for Huntsman and Huntresses.

A task that is starting to reach above the skills of a normal Huntsman or Huntress. Ambitious
tasks are for those daring enough to try something new, but still within the realms of believability
or reality.

A task that a Character perhaps has not performed often or they know that it is prone to
requiring a lot more attention when executed. This could be a Character performing complex
atheltic manuevers around a battlefield while tending to their own wounds. It may also be difficult
to get past advanced Atlas security features as opposed to security in Vale for example.

A task that requires time, mental and/or physical strain in order to accomplish in a quick fashion
or over a longer period of time. This is a good level of difficulty for a Character looking to create
their own Specialization or Asset over time during an Arc. A rule of 3 successes over the course
of the Arc that can be attempted once per day is a good rule here.

A task requires intimate knowledge of the subject and all of its nuances. At this level, even those
with the knowledge are prone to error and it is highly likely that one can still fail if they are not
well versed with the subject at hand. This is for the finishing touchings or perhaps even final
stage to push yourself further to achieve a higher level of Semblance understanding for

A task that is so incredible to accomplish that individuals will speak about it as rumors or myths
that it occurred. This should be reserved for a grand display of skill and abilities by one or more
individuals. Only the most impossible or difficult tasks should be assigned any difficulty at
Encounter Design Encounter DeSIgn (Cont’d)
Combat Encounters
Below you will find examples of profiles for Entities that can be used in a Combat Encounter. The Beowolf profile is great
for any number of Player Characters while stronger enemies such as the Alpha Beowolf and Nevermore are more HP: 90
advised for a certain number of Player Character participants. Use the Entity’s Attack Range Attribute for any special ARMOR: 0
abilities and attacks unless otherwise specified. Challenges are labeled with 4 tiers of difficulty. Beginner is the easiest AURA: 0
and recommended encounter for new players to the game. Intermediate encounters are a small step above beginner,
with the expectation that players will leverage Rule of Cool and the methods to gain it. Difficult encounters are true boss ATTACK: N/A
level Entities and are dangerous. Expert encounters are boss level Entities with very unique mechanics and rely on ACTION POOL: 4
experienced players to fully leverage the Rule of Cool mechanic. There is a higher chance that 1 or more Player ATTACKS PER TURN: 0
Characters can be placed in the Defeated condition at this difficulty level without proper Assets and Levels. ABILITIES PER TURN: 3
AURA: 0 Single Minded
This Entity will always move towards SPECIAL RULES
ATTACK: 16 and attack the closest non-Grimm
ACTION POOL: 3 Entity available. Large Entity
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 The Entity’s body size dwarfs that of Humans
ABILITIES PER TURN: 0 SPECIAL ABILITIES and Faunus alike, easily matching the size of a ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
ATTACK RANGE: Adjacent N/A small house. The Entity is immune to the Challenge: Difficult
DAMAGE: 2 effects of Grappled, but may still be latched on Levels 3-5+
SPEED: 16 ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION to be other Entities. Other Entites that do Nevermore vs. 4 Player Characters
MOVEMENT: 15ft Challenge: Beginner Grapple this Entity move with it whenever a
DEFENSE: 16 Level 1+ Move action is performed. Immune to Blindside
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 11 3-4 Beowolves per Player Character. Attacks.


Beak Drill

Alpha Beowolf Attack: 2D10 + 14

Damage: 1D6
Effect: Armor is destroyed equal to damage
HP: 35 SPECIAL RULES after damage reduction from Armor is applied.
ARMOR: 0 Beak Drill may be used once per Turn. Forceful Swoop
AURA: 0 Alpha Aggression Attack: 2D10 + 9
When an “Alpha” Entity is defeated, roll 1DX Razor Feathers Damage: 1D3
ATTACK: 20 where X is equal to the number of Player Attack: 2D10 + 10 Effect: The Nevermore may move up to
ACTION POOL: 3 Characters. All “Alpha” Entities will move Damage: 2 Medium range past a Target after performing
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 towards the Character belonging to the die roll Effect: The Nevermore may perform Razor Forceful Swoop. Forceful Swoop may be
ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 and attack them if able to. Feathers at up to Distant range. performed at Medium range against a Target.
ATTACK RANGE: Adjacent Any Target hit is pushed along with the
DAMAGE: 3 ABILITIES Aerial Assault Nevermore when it completes Forceful Swoop.
SPEED: 20 The Nevermore may soar above in to Distant
MOVEMENT: 15ft Howl range. Remove the Nevermore from PC view Talon Snatch
DEFENSE: 20 Attack: 2D10 + 8 vs. Resolve Skill Check. on any battlemap if one is being used. During Attack: 2D10 + 11
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 20 Damage: 0 ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION the Nevermore’s next Turn, it must immediately Damage: 1D4
Effect: All targets within Close range hear the Challenge: Moderate return to the battlefield at any location. Aerial Effect: The Nevermore applies Grapple to the
piercing Howl of the Alpha Beowolf. Any target Level 2+ Assault may only be performed 2 times during Target if Talon Snatch hits. The Target moves
that does not make a successful Resolve Skill 1 Alpha Beowolf per Player Character. a Combat Encounter. with the Nevermore until the Grapple status is
Check against Howl are inflicted with the removed. Target takes 1 Damage at the end of
Staggered status effect. If the target already Molt each of their turns until the Grapple status is
has the Staggered status, replace Staggered The Nevermore sheds its feathers and a thick removed that was applied from Talon Snatch.
with Stunned. Howl may be used by each black ooze from its body. Remove 1 status The Nevermore may only have Talon Snatch’s
Alpha Beowlf up to 2 times during a Combat effect. Molt may be used once per Turn. effect applied to 1 Target at a time.
Encounter. Cannot remove status effects that last until the
end of a Combat Encounter.
Encounter Design (Cont’d) Encounter DeSIgn (Cont’d)
Arthur Watts Prototype Paladin-290
HP: 15 HP: 100
AURA: 75 AURA: 0




Skilled Combatant Large Entity

This Entity has a unique Initiative Order and The Entity’s body size dwarfs that of Humans
takes a Turn immediately after each Player and Faunus alike, easily matching the size of a
Character has completed a Turn. If Player small house. The Entity is immune to the effects
Characters do not beat the Entity’s Speed, this of Grappled, but may still be latched on to be
Entity gains a free Turn at the beginning of the other Entities. Other Entites that do Grapple this ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
Combat Encounter. Immune to Blindside Entity move with it whenever a Move action is Challenge: Expert
Attacks. performed. Immune to Blindside Attacks. Level 6+
Challenge: Expert Prototype Paladin-290 vs. 4 Player Characters
Ranged Preference Emergency Repair
Level 5+
This Entity prefers keeping their distance at all This Entity restores 1 inactivate ability to active
Arthur Watts vs. 4 Player Characters
costs and engage at range. If this Entity is or may remove 1 status effect except those that
within adjacent range of another hostile Entity, last until the end of a Combat Encounter at the Left Omni Hand
it must make an effort to create distance with a start of its Turns. Must be at 25 HP or lower. Attack: 2D10 + 15
Move action at least once per Turn with its first Damage: 2D2
or last Action. Critical Destruction Effect: Left Omni Hand must be performed at
This Entity inactivates 1 ability (PC choice) each Adjacent range. Left Omni Hand also inflicts
ABILITIES Anneaux time it is critically damaged and loses 1 Armor half of its damage to HP if the attack is
Effect: Anneaux may be used 3 times per permanently. absorbed entirely by Aura. Inflicts Staggered.
Lefaucheux Combat Round.
Attack: 2D10 + 15 Right Omni Hand
Damage: 1D2 Attack/Defense: 2D10 + 16 ABILITIES Attack: 2D10 + 15
Effect: Arthur Watts has a Capacity of 20 and Damage: 2D2
must reload after all Capacity has been During another Entity’s Turn, defend against Targeting Arrays Effect: Right Omni Hand must be performed at
exhausted. any attack against Arthur Watts with a hard Effect: Roll 1D4 Increase the attack of the Adjacent range. Right Omni Hand also inflicts
light barrier. The attack is considered to Prototype Paladin-290’s next ability that is a P- half of its damage to HP if the attack is
You may fire Lefaucheux with a single Dust unsuccessfully defeat Arthur Watts’ normal Series Energy Cannon or Multi Missile Pods by absorbed entirely by Aura. Inflicts Staggered.
infused shot using White, Orange or Red Dust. defense if his roll beats the Attack. the value rolled this Turn.
You may fire Lefaucheux without Dust. If you Left P-Series Energy Cannon
do, you may perform two attacks with 1 Action. During Arthur Watts’ Turn, trap another Target Multi Missile Pods Attack: 2D10 + 13
with a hard light barrier. The target must make Attack: 2D10 + 14 Damage: 1D3
Pistol Whip a successful Reflex check to avoid Anneau’s Damage: 2D3 Effect: If at least a single 10 is rolled, Left P-
Attack: 2D10 + 14 trap. If failed, the Target becomes Immobilized Effect: The Prototype Paladin-290 may perform Series Energy Cannon’s damage becomes 3.
Damage: 2D2 until the end of their next Turn. The Target may Multi Missile Pods from Long range. Multi Do not roll for Damage. Armor is destroyed
Effect: Arthur Watts may only use Pistol Whip attempt to pull free using a Force Check with a Missile Pods may be used 1 time during a equal to damage after damage reduction from
at Adjacent range. A successful hit requires the DC of 15. If the Target does not break free, Combat Encounter. Armor is applied.
Target to perform an Endure check that beats they are inflicted with Burning when the
the Pistol Whip’s attack roll. If failed, the Target Immobilized effect Turn. Unaffected by Leg Kick Right P-Series Energy Cannon
is inflicted with Staggered. Covering Fire. Attack: 2D10 + 15 Attack: 2D10 + 13
Damage: 2D2 Damage: 1D3
Emergency Stimulant During another Entity’s Turn or Arthur Watts’ Effect: Leg Kick must be performed at Adjacent Effect: If at least a single 10 is rolled, Right P-
Effect: Remove all status effects except those Turn, create platforms to walk freely across range. Leg Kick also inflicts half of its damage Series Energy Cannon’s damage becomes 3.
that last the entire Combat Round from Arthur gaps or prevent falling. It may also be activated to HP if the attack is absorbed entirely by Aura. Do not roll for Damage. Armor is destroyed
Watts. Emergency Stimulant may be used 1 to prevent debris or other hazardous objects You may knockback the Entity hit by Leg Kick equal to damage after damage reduction from
time during a Combat Encounter. from falling on to Arthur Watts. up to 30ft away. Armor is applied.
Encounter Design (Cont’d) Encounter DeSIgn (Cont’d)
PHASED Combat Encounters Social Encounters
Throwing in some of the example Encounters or your own variations is great, but let’s kick it up to the next level and
introduce a method I use often when constructing Combat Encounters with significant foes. Once a team of Player
Characters begins to become more powerful and gain access to more Assets to help them stay alive longer in combat,
you can start introducing reinforcements or even phases to your Combat Encounters. Here’s just one example outlined

Phase 1: A new Atlas Prototype Mechanized Battlesuit is encountered. It utilizes a mixture of energy cannons and
missiles to assail its opponents.

Phase Transition: Immediately when brought to a health threshold such as 50%, provide a description of the Battlesuit
powering up or engaging additional systems. Clear any status effects imparing the Battlesuit.

Phase 2: Add new abilities to the Mechanized Battlesuit during its second phase. Deploy a variety of drones that both
assail other Characters and support the Prototype Mechanized Battlesuit. Support Drones could repair Damage inflicted,
provide a protective Barrier that prevents ranged Damage, etc. Be creative! Make sure to engage new weapon systems
as well in this mode. Consider a 1 time attack that can cause massive damage if it lands or cause multiple Status Effects!

Combat is great, but not all conflicts or disagreements are won with a weapon or fists. Think about how to incorporate an
ROLEPLAY YOUR Encounters environment and scenario to facilitate a Social Encounter. Good examples would be a council meeting, a dinner party or
a dipolmatic mission to another Kingdom. A Social Encounter can even follow a Combat Encounter when you’re interrog-
When you take control of Entities that the Player Characters will combat against, take into consideration the types of ating and investigating the aftermath of what has happened! Not all Social Encounters may be with NPCs. Sometimes a
Entities you are playing as. Are they mindless Beowolves? In that case, they would most likely make the closest Player group could be tasked with infiltrating a location and performing a heist. This involves Player Characters fighting the
Character their Target or a poor defenseless citizen may be more appealing. Larger creatures, such as the Nevermore or environment more than actual NPCs and also a great way for each other to lean on strengths of the group to accomplish
Death Stalker, may be a bit more intelligent and attack Characters that may have dealt them the most damage in the a goal.
previous Turn. Hostile Human or Faunus would be able to identify who may be the biggest threat to them. They would
even have self preservation at the top of their mind and potentially attempt to flee from a situation that is not going in their When creating your cast of NPCs or deciding which NPCs will be majorly involved in a Social Encounters, take note of
favor to fight again another day. what information each of them possesses, what information are they willing to share and what information they are going
to hide. Make exorbant use of description and body language to assist Players in determining someone’s motives,
although don’t overexaggerate these! Perhaps some individuals would want to sell their information for a price or favor.
DESIGNING Combat Encounters When evaluating your NPCs, make sure you also take into consideration if there are any factions involved. Factions can
range from government groups to an organization of rogue Huntsmen and Huntresses. This helps to draw sides to a
Social Encounter and Players can either play one or multiple sides in order to investigate and obtain the information
When designing custom Entities and Encounters for your Players, consider the following: they’re searching for.
● How many threats do you plan to throw at your Players? This should dictate the strength of their abilities, attributes and
special rules. Make sure you have events or elements that will raise the tension of the situation or stakes. These elements usually tie
into any major overarching story you may be telling or could tie in to a multitude of backstories from your Players to help
● Evaluate the best stats your Players have and the most common Defense Checks, Melee Attacks and Ranged Attacks drive immersion and investment. You could bring a Character in from a Player Character’s childhood that they haven’t
they will perform. Any custom Attacks or abilities that roll against Players should be able to match these attributes or seen or maybe a antagonist that the Players believed to be gone or dead. Be prepared when adding in various scenarios
exceed them in cases of more impactful attacks or abilities to up the ante. as they can quickly turn into Combat Encounters if you are not prepared. It all depends on how the Social Encounter is
framed and the moral compass of your Player Characters.
● Think about the environment. Does anything make the location of the Encounter unique? Play off of that strength and
design a special rule your utilizes the environment to make the Encounter enjoyable and memorable. Sometimes it is Social Encounters are one of your greatest tools as a GM to continue to build your story and flesh out the world. It will
enough just to be an excellent set piece such as fighting on top of a Skyscraper at night or fighting from ship to ship atop give you insight on what Player Characters want to pursue and what they are less likely to find interest in. It can help
the Atlas fleet! direct where the story will go next while providing an additional layer or set of Encounters in the future that you may not
have thought of. Some questions to think of is to think about the repurcussions of how the Player Characters act and
● Design at least 3 attacks that are unique to your Entity. A formula I follow is that I normally create an attack that is what course of actions they take.
average and doesn’t provide that much damage output. A team wide attack that can hit all Player Characters. A single
target attack that usually causes high damage, inflicts Status Effects or bends the rules of the game. I cannot stress how much you will need preparation for making a Social Encounter as they often can lead to Combat
situations. Take into consideration who might be involved and keep some NPC profiles on standby in case things do
● Threatening foes should carry with them 1 or more special rules that influence the way they fight, operate or break the begin to veer towards this direction.
normal rules of the game to throw Players off balance.

● During Encounters where you control a single or few Entities, always provide them a means to remove Status Effects
or give them some sort of immunity if they roll over a threshold of some sort. Also make sure they have a large Action
Pool or utilize a Turn in between each Player Character’s Turn so that you can keep up the intensity of the fight. This is to
account for being outnumbered and usually underpowered against Players.

● When determining the formulas for any attacks or abilities, take an average of each Player’s best possible Defenses
and start from there. For example, if the team averages 21, 24,19 and 22 for their best Defenses, your starting formula
would be 2D10+11. You can amp this upwards to 2D10+16 to start providing a higher challenge. You can also alternate
to allow more chance by using something potentially scarier (psychologically) such as 5D10 which on average will roll
very similar to 2D10+16.
Rewards Rewards (Cont’d)
When your Player Characters complete various Episodes, Arcs and other personal stories, you will want to provide them
with some sort of reward. Rewards are not only to provide Character progression to become stronger and take on more
difficult challenges, but also provide more investment into the future. Some rewards can be eventually purchased and my
recommendations will be outlined below on how to provide rewards.
Purchaseable Asset Recommendations
You are always able to modify these values or change what is purchaseable as these are just recommendations. I
Single Episode Completion recommend providing different locations to sell Assets. Unlock additional Assets for purchase as Players progress. Below
By the end of an Episode, Player Characters could have already receieved their rewards which don’t need to be large. It are recommendations on Lien prices and when certain Assets should be available to Players to purchase.
could be as simple as getting some new information on a mystery or a bit of extra Lien for some of their actions during

Early Campaign
the Episode.

Multiple Episode Completion

After about 2-3 Episodes or a significant challenge or Encounter, you should reward your Player Characters with a level 125 - Basic Aura Stimulant 1,000-1,500 - Dust (Randomize the
up. Milestone leveling is my preferred method for providing Character progression and downplaying aspects of ‘gaming’ 125 - Basic Health Stimulant colors of Dust available and keep the
such as farming monsters or locations for experience and items. 100 - Antidote Stimulant world moving!)
150 - Filtered Serum Stimulant
Arc Completion 175 - Basic Adrenaline Stimulant
Completing a string of Episodes that make up a story arc of some sort should provide your Player Characters with
something unique. This can come in the form of a unique Asset that you custom create or an Asset that can be used by
the entire group of Players. I recommend always providing a Destiny point at the end of an Arc which typically runs
around 6 Episodes.
Mid Campaign
275 - Standard Aura Stimulant 3,000-4,500 - Vehicle
Lien Rewards 275 - Standard Health Stimulant 250 - Atlas A-5 Grenade
Providing an end reward of Lien for completing a mission or contract should be proportional to the level of difficulty of the 375 - Standard Adrenaline Stimulant 400-750 - Custom Asset
event that rewarded it. Lien is also a very easy reward to provide to Players when you need to conjure a reward up 200 - Steroid Stimulant 1,000-1,250 - Specialization (Weapon
rapidly during an Episode. 200 - Concentration Stimulant and Vehicle Specializations make most
200 - Finesse Stimulant sense to be purchaed!)
Random Rewards 200 - Fortification Stimulant
For Players looking to go off and explore or help an NPC, you can reward them with something else other than Lien. 200 - Clarity Stimulant
Think about looking at the Assets provided in this book as rewards such as a Permanent Asset. You are encouraged to 200 - Sensory Stimulant
create your own Permananet Assets to provide as rewards as well. Depending on their impact, you can provide these as
milestone rewards or a random reward during an Episode. If rewarding Lien in a randomized way, consider having some
fun and utilizing a D10 or a few to determine the amount rewarded. Roll a D10 or multiple D10s if the difficulty was higher
than the normal Attributes of the Players and multiply the result by 10.
Late Campaign
550 - High Grade Aura Stimulant
550 - High Grade Health Stimulant
750 - Full Aura Stimulant
Groups looking to start out as established Huntsmen and Huntresses may want to use level 4 as their starting point to provide additional 750 - Full Health Stimulant
bonuses to begin a game with. 700 - High Grade Adrenaline Stimulant

Index Release Notes
Adjacent.....24 First Aid.....22 Weakened.....29 Version 1.0: Public release.
Advantage.....22 Force.....21 Weapon Specializations.....8, 36-38
Aggressive.....9 Frostbitten.....29 Willpower.....7
Agility.....6 Grapple.....21, 29 Weapon Form Type.....9-10
Ambush.....26 Grappled.....29
Armor.....7 Health Points.....7
Assets.....42-48 Hold Action.....27
Attacking.....25 Immobilized.....29
Aura.....7 Initiative.....23, 27
Aura Leak.....29 Intimidate.....21
Automatic.....10 Intuition.....21
Barrier.....29 Investigate.....22
Bewildered.....29 Lien.....11
Blindside Attack.....26 Long.....24
Boost.....26 Medium.....24
Broken.....29 Melee Attack.....25, 27
Burning.....29 Melee Form Types.....9
Capacity.....7 Move Action.....27
Capacity Move.....26 Movement.....6
Carry.....21 Negative Specializations.....8, 41
Character Progression.....7 Negotiate.....22
Character Specializations.....8, 33-35 Nonconventional.....10
Charge Attack.....26 Paralysis.....29
Chilled.....29 Parry Defense Check.....27
Close.....24 Perception.....6
Combat Actions.....26 Performance.....21
Combat Encounters.....20, 23 Permanent Assets.....45
Concuseed.....29 Pistol.....10
Confused.....29 Player vs. Player.....30
Consumable Assets.....43-44 Poisoned.....29
Cover.....29 Precise.....9
Covering Fire.....26 Range Increments.....24
Cripple.....29 Ranged Attack.....25, 27
Critical Failure.....23 Ranged Form Types.....10
Critical Success.....23 Reflex.....21
Damage.....25 Reload.....7, 27
Deceit.....21 Resist Defense Check.....27
Defeated.....31 Resolve.....21
Defending.....25 Rule of Cool.....7, 24
Defense Check.....26 Semblance.....12-13, 22
Destiny.....7, 31 Semblance Defense Check.....27
Disadvantage.....22 Semblance Empower.....27
Disarmed.....29 Shaken.....29
Discipline.....6 Shotgun.....10
Disoriented.....29 Skill Check.....21-22
Distant.....24 Sniper.....10
Dodge Defense Check.....26 Social Encounters.....23, 57
Double Advantage.....22 Specialization.....8, 32-41
Double Disadvantage.....22 Staggered.....29
Dust.....46-47 Status Effects.....29
Dust Defense Check.....26 Stealth.....21
Dust Skill Check.....27, 47 Strength.....6
Dust Weaver.....9,10, 25 Stunned.....29
Elegant.....9 Supplies.....7
Encounters.....23, 52-57 Switch.....28
Endurance.....6 Thrown Melee Weapon Attack.....25, 28
Endure.....21 Toxified.....29
Energy.....10 Triple Advantage.....22
Engineering.....21 Triple Disadvantage.....22
Expertise.....22 Unarmed Attack.....25, 28
Explosive.....10 Vehicle Specializations.....8, 38-40, 49
Falling Damage.....28 Vehicles.....48-49

Thank you!

Special Thanks to those who assisted in testing and developing my Homebrew rule set as I ran through numerous campaigns throughout
the discovery of the Unofficial RWBY Tabletop System by EnderofThings. This document will see updates to address frequently asked
questions or general errors encountered after its public release. This document will continue to grow as I run additional campaigns and
figure out new ideas to share with the community. Credit goes to EnderofThings who developed the original ruleset for the RWBY
Unofficial Tabletop Game System that I used to build upon further and tailor to my own tastes and design preferences as a GM. Please
use this to inspire your own creativity and ideas for your own adventures into the World of Remnant.

Game Master and Developer


Playtesters and Editors

John Waltz Feldsky Pyrope
Sheeple DarkMagics Wan

Questions? Comments? Found Errors?

Contact me via Discord: Paradigm#1983

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