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Article · February 2014


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2 authors, including:

Ezekiel A Adetoro
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria / Federal Polytechnic, Adoekiti, Nigeria


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International Journal of Novel Research in Engineering and
Applied Sciences (IJNREAS) 1(1) February 2014
©Avi-D Publishers 2014



Adams J.O. Adetoro A. E.

Civil Engineering Department, Civil Engineering Department,
The Federal Polytechnic, The Federal Polytechnic,
Ado – Ekiti, Nigeria. Ado – Ekiti, Nigeria.

It is a known fact throughout the world that the conditions of any road largely depend upon its
geotechnical properties. Some samples of soil were collected for laboratory tests in order to
analyse some geotechnical properties of Ado-Ekiti - Akure road. The results showed that the soil
materials used along the road have high and low percentages of clayey and silt/gravel/sand
materials respectively (rated as fair to poor materials for road use). The Natural and Optimum
Moisture Contents are high for all the Base, Sub-base and Sub-grade courses samples. The
Maximum Dry Density (MDD) is quite very lower than the expected specified values for the
base, sub-base and sub-grade courses with the exception of few samples. The Plasticity Indices
and Liquid limits are very high for both Base and Sub-base Courses, while that of Sub-grade
course met the required specification values for all samples. Most of California Bearing Ratio
(CBR) values for the Base course did not meet specification requirements while that of Sub-base
and Sub-grade courses did. Conclusively, the pavement failure may not necessarily be due to
weak subbase and subgrade except where compaction is inadequate. Whereas the materials used
for the base course are likely to be of poor quality.

Key words: California Bearing Ratio, Liquid limit, Maximum Dry Density, Optimum Moisture
Contents, Plasticity Index.
system comprising the sub-grade (support),
1.0 Introduction sub-base, base course and surfacing. Its
A pavement section may be generally principal function is to receive load from the
defined as the structural material placed traffic and transmits it through the layers to
above a sub-grade layer. In asphaltic
pavement, it is typically a multi-layered
International Journal of Novel Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJNREAS) 1(1) February 2014

the sub-grade (Adrox and Wood, 2002;

Kadiyali, 1989). The objective of this study is to assess and
A pavement is said to be defective, when it analyze some geotechnical properties of the
can no longer perform this function during soil materials used for the construction of
its design life. Most roads in Nigerian cities Akure – Ado Ekiti road, thus influence its
today are characterized by failure of all failure.
kinds like potholes, cracks, depression, ruts
etc. and there is not just one reason for each The results of this study will provide reliable
type of failure. A survey of the roads under technical information on the geotechnical
investigation has however revealed that properties of soil materials in Ado-Ekiti,
these roads and highways suffer incessant Akure and their environs. It will also
failures. Komolafe (2006) stated that “the provide useful guidelines for Civil
state of Nigeria roads stands out like a sore Engineers and Builders in selection of
thumb and their national picture is simply materials for the construction and
scandalous”. This makes them difficult rehabilitation of roads especially in tropical
needs, because people are confronted with environment like Southwestern Nigeria.
delays due to traffic congestion and
accidents that have claimed lives of bread 2.0 Materials and Methods
winners of many homes. The research work is within the failed
section of Ado Ekiti - Akure road whereby
Generally, previous researches show that soil samples were taken from the subgrade,
roads failed due to negligence of road subbase and base layers of the road for six
maintenance, inadequacies in design and different chainages/locations. The location
poor workmanship, poor soil properties like for the soil samples are:
low CBR and high liquid limits etc among (i) Chainage 1+075 - Sample A
others (Adeleke and Madebor, 2007; Jegede, (ii) Chainage 1+850 - Sample B
2004; Ogundipe, 2001). (iii) Chainage 3+325 - Sample C
This research intends to analyze, whether (iv) Chainage 8+500 – Sample D
there are any relationships between the poor (v) Chainage 22+300 – Sample E
performance of the roads and the properties (vi) Chainage 28+750 – Sample F
of the materials on which and with which The soil samples were selected as
these roads were constructed. representative samples after tests had been
International Journal of Novel Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJNREAS) 1(1) February 2014

carried out on these samples. After

collection, soil samples were stored in 3.0 Results and Discussion
polythene bags to prevent loss of moisture
contents. The samples were then taken to the
Table 1: Summary of test results on soil samples
laboratory where the deleterious materials
such as roots were removed. The samples
were air dried, broken down with mortar and
pestle and passed through a set of sieve (i.e.
from Sieve No. 10 (18.75mm) to Sieve No. 1
(0.075mm)) to remove large particles.
Moulding of test specimens was started as
soon as possible after completion of The summary of results of respective
identification. All tests were performed properties of selected samples is presented
according to standard methods contained in in Table 1 while Figures 1 - 6 also show
BS 1377 (1990). Their properties were their respective correlations/graphs. The
studied and determined to ensure that all results show that many of the soil samples
relevant factors would be available for had a very high percentage finer than 0.0075
establishment of correlations among them. fractions (i.e. >35%), which varied between
The tests carried out on each of the selected 57% and 86% for base course (i.e. Samples
samples are Particle size distribution, C, D, E & F), 37% and 59% for sub-base
Atterberg limits (i.e. Liquid Limits (LL), course (i.e. Samples B, D, E & F), 43 and
Plastic Limit (PL) and Plasticity Index (PI)), 72% for sub-grade course (i.e. Samples A,
Compaction (i.e. Optimum Moisture C, D, E & F), respectively. Hence, general
Content (OMC) and Maximum Dry Density rating as sub-grade (in accordance with
(MDD)) and California Bearing Ratio AASHTO (1986)) is fair to poor materials.
(CBR). The results were compared to the They have significant constituent materials
standard specified values and grouped in of mainly clayey soils while few are silty or
accordance with General Specification for clayey gravel and sand whereby the %
roads and bridges (FMWH, 1997) and passing № 200 sieve is <35%.
American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO, 1986)
International Journal of Novel Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJNREAS) 1(1) February 2014

Figure 1: Liquid limits tests graphs of Subgrade for Figure 3: Liquid limits tests graphs of Base for the
the Soil Samples. Soil Samples.

From Figure 1 and Table 1, it is observed From Figures 2, 3 and Table 1, it is observed
that both LL and PI values are less than the that both LL and PI values are higher than
respective specified values (i.e. LL ≤ 80% the respective specified values (i.e. LL ≤
and PI ≤ 55%) for the sub-grade course 35% and PI ≤ 12%) for both the base and
materials in all chainages thus meet the sub-base courses materials in almost all the
require specification for the sub-grade chainages.
course. Most of them are grouped into A-2-
6, A-6 and A-7 (A-7-5 or A-7-6) in
AASHTO classification system.

Figure 4: Compaction tests graphs of Subgrade

course for the Soil Samples

From Figure 4 and Table 1, it is observed

that the OMC and MDD varied between
Figure 2: Liquid limits tests graphs of Subbase for
the Soil Samples. 7.8% and 22.15%, 1122 and 1990kg/m3 for
sub-grade respectively in all the chainages.
The MDD values of sub-grade course are
less than the specified value (i.e. MDD >

International Journal of Novel Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJNREAS) 1(1) February 2014

1760kg/m3) in all chainages with exception From Figure 6 and Table 1, it is observed
of chainages 1+850 and 3+325 (i.e. samples that the OMC and MDD varied between
B and C with MDD values of 1850 and 8.2% and 16.2%, 1501 and 1940kg/m3 for
1990kg/m3 respectively). base respectively in all the chainages. The
MDD values of base course at every
chainages are less than the specified value
(i.e. MDD >2000kg/m3).

The above results implied that all the soil

materials for these courses along the
chainages are not suitable (with exception of
chainages 1+850 and 3+325 for sub-grade
course only, which are considered suitable).
Figure 5: Compaction tests graphs of Subbase
course for the Soil Samples

From Figure 5 and Table 1, it is observed From Table 1, it is observed that the soaked
that the OMC and MDD varied between CBR values for sub-grade course materials
9.2% and 16.0%, 1360 and 2180kg/m3 for varied between 27.56% and 120.24% in all
sub-base respectively in all the chainages. the chainages, which are greater than the
The MDD values of sub-base course are less specified value (i.e. Soaked CBR ≥ 5%).
than the specified value (i.e. MDD The unsoaked CBR values varied between
>2000kg/m ) in all chainages with exception 26.30% and 106.46% for base course
of chainage 1+850 (i.e. Sample B with materials in all the chainages, which are less
MDD value of 2180kg/m3). than the specified value (i.e. Unsoaked CBR
≥ 80%) with exception of chainage 1+075
(i.e. Unsoaked CBR is 106.46%). While the
soaked CBR values for sub-base course
materials varied between 26.30% and
113.98% in all the chainages, which are
greater than the specified value (i.e. Soaked
CBR ≥ 30%) with exception of chainage
28+750 (i.e. Soaked CBR is 26.30%).
Figure 6: Compaction tests graphs of Base course
for the Soil Samples
International Journal of Novel Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJNREAS) 1(1) February 2014

The above results implied that all the soil classification of A-2-4 or A-2-5, for all the
materials for base course along the failed segments of the road should be used
chainages are not suitable (with exception of in replacement of unsuitable materials
chainage 1+075, which is considered earlier used. It is of essence to make use of
suitable). While all the soil materials for good stabilizing agent for the sub-grade
sub-base and sub-grade courses along the course due to the type of lateritic soils (i.e.
chainages are suitable (with exception of clayey soils) used for it. Any materials to be
chainage 28+750 for sub-base course only). used for the road rehabilitation must be in
strict compliance with the specified values.
4.0 Conclusion and Recommendation Adequate drainage system should also be
From this study, it can be deduced that: provided to sustain the lifespan of the road.
i) The moisture content values from the
results obtained in all the chainages
showed that the values are fairly high References
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