AT Side Quest Guide 2020-07-21-Compressed

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what’s in this book?
This book contains six bonus encounters created by special guest
designers. These encounters are outside of the main Adventure Tactics
campaign, and you can experience them in one of three different ways:
• As a one-shot adventure with brand new heroes
• As a side-quest with your main party of heroes
• As a progressive challenge for brand new heroes

No matter which way you choose to play, each

individual encounter follows the same rules
as the main campaign (see Encounter
Setup, Rulebook, page 8). Unlike the main
campaign, however, the only rewards you
will receive from these encounters are
bags of gold, which you can take with
you if you are playing these as side
quests to the main campaign. Instead,
each encounter rewards you with a
certain amount of adventure points
depending on how well you performed.
Track these, and see if you can beat your
high score!

Be aware, though, that any

time you use a revive potion,
you lose 1 adventure point
from your final score.

playing the new adventures
One-Shot Adventures to the next one in order, leveling up your heroes if that
encounter has a higher recommended level. At the end of
These encounters are designed to be played as a one- each encounter, note the adventure points you earned.
shot adventure, with brand new heroes used solely for Total these up over all six encounters and see if you can
the duration of this encounter. To play a one-shot, simply beat your high score!
select which encounter you wish to challenge, and note

How well did your

its recommended level. After choosing your heroes,

team of heroes do?

level them up to that level, following the usual rules for
Leveling Up, and Changing Classes (Rulebook, page 22).
Once you finish this encounter, your adventure is
complete. Your heroes do not level up, and you can return
Total adventure
to the box all cards that you added while initially leveling result
them up. Shabby Squires. Work hard and keep at it,
you’ll become a hero soon enough!
Helpful Heroes. You’ve proven yourselves
but still have a long way to go!
Side Quests
Fearsome Fighters. With a little more
training you could be the best!
Instead of using brand new heroes to challenge one
15–18 Elite Adenturers. Well done!
of these encounters as a one-shot, you can use your
heroes from an ongoing Adventure Tactics campaign.
This can only be done if your party of heroes matches
the recommended level for your chosen encounter. In Encounters
addition, any Loot gained so far in the campaign cannot
Barroom Brawl (Level 1).................. p. 4
be used on a Side Quest - return them to your tuck box
designed by Ben Haskett
before this encounter. You can use all of your Class
Features and Ability cards as usual. Any bags of gold Jelly Harvest! (Level 2) ................... p. 6
received during these side quests can be used at the designed by MingYang Lu
market when you return to your campaign.
Parker and Barrow (Level 3) ..........p. 10
designed by Nikki Valens
Progressive Challenge
Puzzle of the Pillars (Level 3)......... p. 12
The six encounters included here can be played in order designed by Ian Zang
to form a progressive challenge: see how many adventure
points your party can earn while running the gauntlet of Lava Chute Dash (Level 4)........... p. 16
all six encounters. designed by Cardboard Fortress Games

Begin with the first encounter, using a party of brand Trapped Reflections (Level 4) ...... p. 18
new heroes all at level 1. Once you complete it, move on designed by Will and Sarah Reed

A level 1 adventure by Ben Haskett

You’ve all forgotten the name of the As Olette reaches for the doorknob to the Enemies
tavern you currently occupy. What you farthest of the tavern’s few rooms, the
do remember is that the name wasn’t very entire door flies off its hinges and thuds
clever, but that it was the only tavern in to the ground. Inside, the tallest dwarf Berserker (B)
this little town. The food is bland, but it’s you’ve ever seen, still in his underwear,
fresh, and judging by the look on Tolben’s roars almost without end. His eyes are
face, the drinks get the job done. As Elwyn perfect, throbbing circles. Quill comments
stands and heads for the front door to that he appears to have gone berserk; one
puff his pipe for a while before turning of his massive hands is wrapped around
in for the night, the roar of an enraged the throat of a goblin, while the other
person suddenly fills the room. Elwyn hand repeatedly punches that goblin in
drops the pipe on the ground and ducks the face. Meanwhile, several other goblins Hit Points: 50
under the table. You all scan the mostly in the room are either lying dead on the Movement: 3
empty dining room and see only a few ground, weeping, or running around in
patrons passed out at their tables. Elwyn a panic. As your party enters the room,
Basic Attack: None
reemerges a moment later with wide eyes, however, the goblins steel themselves—
and then the sound of shattering glass leaving the life of their colleague in the Active Abilities:
gets you all on your feet and heading hands of the berserk man—and prepare
down the hall. to attack. Tolben studies the berserker’s
Furious Smash: Goblin
face for a moment and then haltingly asks, Minions take 1 point of damage,
‘Cousin Brann, is that you?’ The berserker’s Heroes take , and furniture is
gaze flickers over to Tolben for a moment destroyed by this attack.
but there’s no hint of recognition in his
crimson-tinged eyes. Bloody Fists: Target is pushed
2 squares away.

OBJECTIVE Passive Abilities:

Defeat all of the goblins while doing Drunken Movement: The berserker
your best to evade indiscriminate may move through other characters
attacks from the berserker. but cannot end his turn in an
occupied space.
Behavior: The berserker travels to
You earn adventure points according the next berserker destination (in
to the number of intact furniture: increasing order). If the berserker
ends his turn on a numbered
# of furniture adventure
destination tile, he uses Furious
left points
0–1 0
Smash. If a Hero is occupying a
2–3 1
numbered destination tile where the
4–5 2 berserker wants to go, the Berserker
uses Bloody Fists against that Hero.
6+ 3
Standees needed: Griffon Lord
5 Heroes
(to represent the Berserker),
3/4/5 Goblin Minions (depending
on the number of Heroes)
Heroes begin on yellow squares, 4 Heroes
with placement depending on the
number of heroes. Use obstacle
tiles on gray squares to represent
furniture. Use the numbered Wraith 3 Heroes
tiles to represent the berserker’s
destination tiles, marked with red
sqares numbered B1 –B5.

Special Rules: During each enemy

turn, the berserker acts first, and then
each remaining goblin will act.

Goblin Minion (GM)
Hit Points: 10
Movement: 4 If the heroes defeat all of the goblin If the heroes are defeated or all of the
Basic Attack: minions and at least one piece of furniture is destroyed:
furniture remains intact:
Behavior: Goblin Failure! The party quickly scampers outside
Minions target the hero Success! With the last of the goblins defeated, the as the roof of the inn starts to cave in. The
with their matching gigantic dwarf’s eyes roll up and he collapses in a innkeeper and the remaining panicked patrons
heap. His face is red and very sweaty, and almost also scramble out the door as the dwarven
starting tile: Goblin
immediately, he begins snoring loudly. Tolben berserker continues his assault against the inn
Minion 1 will attack the tsk-tsks, ‘It’s always an interesting time when ol’ and the remaining goblins inside. ‘We’d better
hero who started on Berserker Brann is around. C’mon, help me stand leave town before the guard show
P1, Goblin Minion 2 will him up.’ Eventually, Brann comes to and his gaze up and start asking questions,’
attack the hero who takes in the room. He looks directly at Tolben and suggests Tolben.
sheepishly intones, ‘I did it again, didn’t I?’
started on P2, etc.

A thankful innkeeper rewards the

party with 1x Bag of Gold.

Score adventure points as listed under Scoring.
A level 2 adventure by MingYang Lu

The party comes across a small village Enemies

preparing for a festival. The able-bodied
Fruit Jelly Bloblet Lazy Thief (LT)
citizens have gathered outside, armed
with various makeshift weapons and lots
of buckets. Hit Points: < 3 / 4 / 5 > Movement: 5
Movement: 2 Basic Attack: Defeat one jelly.
‘Oi! You’re just in time for the Jelly
Basic Attack: (4 heroes: Attacks twice; 5 heroes:
Harvest!’ a young boy shouts running past
you. He shoves a bucket into your arms Attack becomes ).
Behavior: Attacks closest hero if
before going ahead, ‘You’ll win a prize if
you collect the most! Just don’t eat it all one is in range. Otherwise, roll a : Behavior: Lazy Thief moves to
yourself!’ 1: Move 2 spaces west. the closest jelly and makes a basic
2: Move 2 spaces south. attack. (4 or 5 heroes: Moves to the
A horde of jelly bloblets seems to be closest square where he can affect
approaching the village, filling the air 3: Move 3 spaces east.
the most targets.)
with the sweet scent of regional fruits and
berries they’ve consumed along the way!
As you join the villagers, you see a group
of rival adventurers that seem intent on Useless Goddess (UG)
winning the prize.
Movement: 5
Basic Attack: Defeat one jelly.
(5 heroes: Attacks twice).
Defeat more jellies than the rival
adventurers. Behavior: Moves maximum
distance west and makes a basic
SCORING attack.
Masochistic Paladin (MP)
Compare the number of defeated
jellies between the heroes and the Movement: 5 Explosion Wizard (EW)
rival adventurers. Basic Attack: Defeat one jelly.
Movement: 0
# of blobs
you killed adventure
Active Ability: Basic Attack: Recites unnecessarily
more than points Taunt: All jellies in range over-the-top incantation.
adventurers move 1 square east.
≤0 0 Behavior: Explosion Wizard
1 1 Behavior: The Masochistic Paladin makes a basic attack and adds one
2–3 2
moves to where she can affect the explosion counter (use damage
most jellies possible with Taunt and tokens). At 5 explosion counters,
4+ 3
then uses Taunt. Then she uses her shouts “EXU-PLOOO-SION!” loudly
basic attack against the furthest and defeats all remaining jellies.
jelly west within her range.
Do not turn the page until you have
completed the Jelly Harvest.


Standees needed: Bjorna (as

Special Rules: Use all 3 enemy initiative tokens. On the first enemy turn, the
the Masochistic Paladin), Lady
Masochistic Paladin and the Lazy Thief activate. On the second enemy turn, all
Vinleskya (as the Useless Godess),
jellies activate. On the third enemy turn, the Useless Goddess and the Explosion
Rigby (as the Lazy Thief), and
Wizard activate.
Kalthak (as the Explosion Wizard).
Additional elements: Bloblets The rival adventurers have coated themselves with jelly paste so that they are
(as the jellies) never targeted by the jellies. Also, it’s poor form to harm rival adventurers, so the
Heroes and the rival adventurers cannot use attacks that would target or harm
Start with a Bloblet on each green one another. The encounter ends after the Explosion Wizard’s 5th activation.
In each round after the first, spawn jellies as follows:

• On rounds 2 and 5, spawn 6 jellies on blue squares.

• On rounds 3 and 4, spawn 8 jellies on blue and purple squares.

The heroes lose 2 jellies whenever a hero is Knocked Out. The heroes lose 1 jelly
whenever they use a revive potion to reshuffle the Initiative.

If the heroes defeat more jellies If the rival adventurers defeat
than the rival adventurers: more jellies than the Heroes:

Lazy Thief:
Village Elder:

Ahhh! I thought we’d be the only

Ahhh, how could this have happened?
adventurers desperate enough to come
This year’s festival is ruined! That
compete in this dumb festival!
explosion destroyed almost all of the
jelly bloblets! We barely managed to save
any! Look at all of the crying children!
Useless Goddess: You adventurers should be ashamed of
Hahaha, looks like your stupid plan failed
again. You should be grateful, because
of them, there’s enough jelly left for the
village to throw an epic party tonight!

Explosion Wizard (face

planted on the ground):

... I can’t move …

Village Elder:

Thank you so much, heroes! You saved the

jelly harvest before that giant explosion
went off! Come, we shall feast on sugary
delights all night long! Children, stop
eating for a moment and bring our new
champions their glorious basket!

The party receives 1x Bag of Gold.

Score adventure points as

listed under Scoring.

A level 3 adventure by Nikki Valens

A pair of rowdy goblins have made a Enemies

name for themselves robbing merchants
and caravans. Recently, it seems they
Parker (P) Passive Ability:
crossed the line into more life-threatening
Get Outta There!: Barrow can move
methods. After multiple deaths at the
Hit Points: between the right-most and left-
Magic Institute, an experimental jelly-
like substance has gone missing. Those < 35 / 50 / 65 > most spaces of the board as if those
familiar with the Institute’s work claim Movement: 3 spaces were adjacent.
this could mean everyone is in danger. Basic Attack:
Vowing to end Parker and Barrow’s crime Behavior: Targets hero with the
spree, you set an ambush for the pair. least HP. Barrow moves and attacks.
Active Ability: After attacking, if Barrow moved less
than 5 spaces, he uses his remaining
OBJECTIVE Clubbin’: +
movement to move away from the
Defeat Parker and Barrow. Behavior: Targets closest hero (if heroes.
there’s a tie, targets the hero with
SCORING the most HP). Parker moves and Experimental Jelly (EJ)
attacks. If Parker isn’t within range
adventure to attack after moving, she moves Hit Points:
an additional 2 spaces but does not < 50 / 60 / 75 >
Defeating Parker and attack. If Parker starts her turn
Barrow without any heroes +1
adjacent to a hero, she uses Clubbin’ Active Ability:
getting Knocked Out
instead of her Basic Attack. Wave of
Defeating the Experimental
Jelly before defeating +2
Parker and Barrow Heroes
Barrow (B) in range are Weakened. Enemies in
range are healed for (5 heroes: ).
Hit Points:
Behavior: The Experimental Jelly
< 25 / 30 / 40 >
teleports to an unoccupied square
Movement: 5
that is nearest to the two heroes
Basic Attack: directly above and below it in the
initiative order (wrapping around if
(5 heroes: necessary) and to where it can affect
Attacks two different targets.) the most heroes. Then it uses Wave of


Special Rules: Use all 3 enemy

initiative tokens. On the first
enemy turn, Parker moves and
activates. On the second enemy
turn, the Experimental Jelly moves
and activates. On the third enemy
turn, Barrow moves and activates.

If Parker is Knocked Out and

Barrow is active, Barrow will
activate on Parker’s initiative. If
Barrow is Knocked Out and Parker
is active, Parker will activate on
Barrow’s initiative. Parker and
Standees needed: Goblin Minion (as Parker), Goblin Archer (as Barrow), Barrow are not removed from the
and a Bloblet (as the Experimental Jelly). board when they are Knocked Out.


If the Heroes defeat Parker If the Heroes defeat the If the Heroes are defeated by
and Barrow but not the Experimental Jelly before Parker and Barrow:
Experimental Jelly: defeating Parker and Barrow:
Failure! You are unable to capture them,
and Parker and Barrow make a daring
Partial Success! You subdue the heinous Success! You subdue the heinous criminals
escape. But not before robbing every
criminals Parker and Barrow, but before Parker and Barrow and capture the
merchant stall they see on the way out of
you can capture the strange magical jelly strange jelly creature. This goblin pair
town! Oops.
creature, it winks out of existence in a with finally face justice for their many
flash of light. You’re not able to return to crimes. You return to the Magic Institute
the Institute with good news, but at least to return the jelly to its creators, but
you have put an end to the crime spree of they are fascinated by the way it formed
the goblin pair. Now they will face justice emotional bonds with Parker and Barrow.
for what they have done! They insist you care for it and report your
findings to the institute.

The party receives 1x Bag of Gold.

The party receives 2x Bag of Gold.

A level 3 adventure by Ian Zang

One amongst you has received a vision. Enemies

You see Domianne commanding a horde
of goblins to release the evil contained in
Goblin Minion (GM) Wraith (W)
Ahnseti’s Grove. The goblins shift the three
Pillars of Ahnseti away from their sealing
Hit Points: < 5 / 7 / 11 > Hit Points: < 5 / 8 / 13 >
sites. Only you know the correct solution
to this puzzle; ...but it seems you are Movement: 5 Movement: 4
having difficulty speaking about it. Basic Attack: Basic Attack:
(4+ heroes: + )
Passive Ability:
OBJECTIVE Passive Ability: Respawn: When a Wraith is
Return all three Pillars to the correct Harry: Players may not make Basic Knocked Out, return it to its spawn
Moves when adjacent to a Goblin tile with full HP.
pattern, as chosen by The Guide (see
next page), in under 13 rounds. Behavior: Targets the hero closest
Behavior: Targets closest Hero. to the Pillar on its game tile, if any;
SCORING Moves and then attacks. otherwise it targets the closest hero.
Moves and then attacks.
Return the Pillars to the correct
position: 3 heroes: Will not move off the
board tile in which it spawned.
in # of rounds...
4+ heroes: If the Pillar from its
1–8 3 board tile is moved onto the middle
9–10 2 board tile, the wraith targets the
11–12 1 closest hero and may now move off
13+ 0; FAILURE! the board tile in which it spawned.

Do not turn the page unless you’re The Guide
or the group has solved the riddle


Special Rules: In this encounter, the

group will have to solve the Riddle
of Ahnseti. Before the encounter
begins, choose one hero to be “The
Guide.” That hero chooses one of the
layouts on the pages 14–15 to be the
“correct” placement of the Pillars.
That hero can reference the layout
at any time, but they can only talk
about the Pillars to the other heroes
in vague terms.

For example, these sorts of clues are allowed: Standees needed:

• It’s a little more to the west. 5x Goblin Minion,
• Just tap it in!
3x Wraith
• It needs to go FAR.
• That’s good! Additional elements:
• Stop! 3x Wraith Spawn Tile,
These sorts of clues are NOT allowed: Red Totem, Blue Totem,
• It needs to go 4 spaces over, 1 space down. Black Totem (as the
• It needs to go here. *points* three Pillars of Ahnseti.
The color of the totems
To succeed at the encounter, you must move the Pillars
of Ahnseti to their proper locations (known only to The does not matter; place
Guide) on the center board. them on the T squares),
large stone walls for the
You may attack a Pillar to move it. You may move the
large grey rectangles,
Pillar a number of spaces up to the damage you deal to
a maximum of 3 spaces (If you deal 3 damage, you can single wall squares for
move it 1, 2, or 3 spaces). You may move the Pillar in any the small grey squares
non-diagonal direction away from your hero or point of
attack, but you cannot move it closer to you. Pillars do
not block line of sight.

If you start your turn next to a Pillar, you may pick it

up as part of your movement. If you do, you may only
move HALF the distance you normally would, rounded
down. At the end of your movement, place the pillar to
an unoccupied square next to you.

Use 2 enemy initiative tokens. On the first enemy turn,

the goblin minions move and activate. On the second
enemy turn, the wraiths move and activate.


If the Heroes return the Pillars If the Heroes return the Pillars If the Heroes fail to return the
of Ahnseti to the correct pattern Pillars of Ahnseti to the correct
of Ahnseti to the correct pattern
before round 13: pattern before round 13:
before round 11:
Failure! You are forced to flee as the
Success! You have sealed away the evil of Success! You have sealed away the evil of ancient evil beneath Ahnseti’s Grove
Ahnseti’s Grove! Domianne will have to Ahnseti’s Grove! Domianne will have to begins to stir. This spells trouble for all
look elsewhere to work her fell magics! look elsewhere to work her fell magics! the lands of Estellia!

The party receives 1x Bag of Gold. The party receives 2x Bag of Gold.

Puzzle Solutions
At the beginning of the encounter, choose one of these layouts randomly. Remember which one you selected.
You may reference this sheet at any time, but you may only refer to the layout in vague terms,
as if you had a fuzzy vision.



A A level 4 adventure by Cardboard Fortress Games
(Nicole and Anthony Amato)

Hot on the heels of some miscreants, the Enemies

heroes rush into a swelteringly hot hall
moments too late to realize their mistake. Lava Wall Fire Sprite (FS)
An iron barrier slams down behind them,
barring their exit just as the wall to their
Movement: Hit Points: < 5 / 7 / 10 >
left raises to reveal a roiling mass of lava
pouring into the hall. Drips of molten lava Movement: 4
Active Ability:
fall from the ceiling above and form into Basic Attack:
Advance: The Lava Wall moves
living fire sprites! Escape must be further (5 heroes: + )
down this crumbling hall with a wall of spaces to the right.
burning lava literally hot on the heroes’ Behavior: If a fire sprite is in range
heels, and it’s time to run! Passive Ability:
of a Hero, it makes a Basic Attack.
Duck and Cover: If the lava wall
Otherwise, it moves towards the
moves over a hero (or a hero is
nearest hero. If there are no fire
OBJECTIVE placed on top of it), that hero takes
sprites in play, the lava wall moves
+ damage and may immediately
Get to the exit by moving through the one space to the right instead.
move spaces. If the lava wall
lava chute (the length of the chute
moves over a fire sprite, remove that
depends on the number of heroes.) token and move the lava wall an
additional spaces to the right (the
lava wall may move multiple times
adventure if it overtakes multiple fire sprites).
points Remove any obstacles that the lava
All heroes get to the exit 1 wall moves over.
Complete the adventure in
+1 Behavior: Lava wall uses Advance.
12 or fewer rounds
Pick up the treasure chest +1 The Lava Wall cannot be damaged or
affected by attacks or abilities.

Lava Chute Tiles Fire Sprite Obstacle Exit Tile Treasure Chest
When you need to add a new game
tile to the rightmost side of the
board, use the following tiles in
order (remember that, after you
have moved through a number
2nd Tile

3rd Tile
1st Tile

of new game tiles equal to the

number of heroes, you then place
the exit tile).

Set-up Special Rules: On the first enemy turn,
the fire sprites activate; on the second
enemy turn, the lava wall activates.

When any hero reaches the rightmost

edge on the rightmost tile, the lava
chute must be extended by adding a
new game tile to the rightmost edge of
the board. Pause play and perform the
following steps:
1. If the heroes have revealed and moved
through a number of new tiles equal to
the number of heroes, setup the Exit tile
on the rightmost edge of the rightmost
game tile. Otherwise, setup the next lava
chute tile in numerical order (the layout
Additional elements: Fire Walls, Obstacle Tiles, Fire Sprites. If you need for all of these tiles is found below).
more Fire Sprites, use Bloblets. 2. Next, remove the leftmost game tile,
Start with a fire wall on the orange squares (as the lava wall), obstacles on and move the lava wall to the leftmost
the grey squares, and fire sprites on the red squares. edge of the leftmost game tile. If any

heroes were on the tile that
was removed, place them
anywhere on top of the
lava wall. (There will
only ever be 2 game
SUCCESS F AILUR E tiles in play at any
If a hero is Knocked Out by the time).
If all heroes make it through
the exit: lava wall, or all heroes are
To pick up the
treasure chest
Success! The party manages to scramble (found on
out of the insidious lava trap before any Failure! The party eventually makes
its way out of the burning trap but is the exit tile),
permanent damage is inflicted.
singed and scorched. Quill begins to cast a hero must be on
healing magic and Olette searches for that square and
ingredients to create a poultice to treat
If a hero picked up the treasure chest, spend one point of
the party’s various burns.
the party receive 3x Bag of Gold. movement.

To exit the lava

chute, a hero
must be on
that square and
Exit Tile
4th Tile

5th Tile

spend one point

of movement.

A level 4 adventure by Will and Sarah Reed

Turning a corner, the heroes enter a OBJECTIVE

cavernous room filled with mirrors. Rough Destroy all of the large mirrors.
rock walls line the room. Even the mirrors
themselves look as though they were
formed from nature itself. A blue light fills
the space, however there is no indication
as to where this illumination is coming Condition
from. Directly in the middle of this room
Destroy all large mirrors in
looks to be words etched into the floor. 1
6 or fewer rounds
Stepping closer, you can see the words Destroy at least 4 small
are ragged and uneven, as if something mirrors
scratched each line with a claw. Each line Destroy all 8 small mirrors +1
is sharp and angled, giving the impression
they were made in anger. The words read
as follows:

“I walk between, so between I have been

left. A trap almost perfect. All I need is a
reflection, which you have given me.” Reflection (R) Passive Ability:
Shatter: If a reflection is knocked
Figuring that discretion is the better part Hit Points: Half of reflected hero’s out, destroy the nearest small mirror
of valor, you turn to leave, only to find
maximum HP (round down) and re-spawn the Reflection in
more mirrors. The exit no longer exists.
Darting your gaze around, something Movement: Equal to its reflected that space. If all small mirrors are
strikes you as odd about the reflections. hero’s destroyed, re-spawn it on a large
They aren’t copying your movements. Each mirror.
is instead staring at you. Your own faces Active Ability:
display wide bloodshot eyes filled with Reflect: Reveal the top 2 cards of the Small Mirror (SM)
madness. It is impossible to look away reflected hero’s deck. The reflection
since everywhere you turn is yet another will play any revealed card that
familiar, yet insane reflection.
Hit Points: < 5 / 7 / 10 >
allows it to move or attack, placing
them in your discard pile after use
(unless the card says to remove it Large Mirror (LM)
as part of its effect). It will not use
Hit Points: < 15 / 17 / 20 >
any other cards: place unused cards
in your discard pile. Reflections will Small and large mirrors do not move,
always move towards, and attack, and are not affected by conditions.
their reflected hero if possible.
Otherwise, the reflected hero must
decide how the reflection acts,
always choosing the worst option
for the party.

Do not turn the page until
you have finished the fight

Standees needed: Use the hero standees for your hero’s
LM2 LM3 reflection (or the miniatures, if you are using the standees)
Additional elements: Obstacle tiles (as small mirrors),
LM1 LM4 Bone Wall fragments (as large mirrors)
Place one reflection for each hero on a red square of your
choice. Start with small mirrors on the grey squares and large
mirrors on the brown squares.

Special Rules: Do not use the enemy initiative tokens.

Instead, each reflection will activate on the turn of the hero
it reflects, and will act before that hero.



Large Mirror 1 (LM1)

Large Mirror 2 (LM2)

Large Mirror 3 (LM3)

Large Mirror 4 (LM4)

Large Mirror 5 (LM5)

Large Mirror 6 (LM6)

Large Mirror 7 (LM7)

Large Mirror 8 (LM8)


If all of the large mirrors are destroyed: If the Heroes are defeated:

Success! As the last mirror cracks apart, light beams shoot off in Failure! As blackness darkens your vision, you hear an ominous
every direction. Upon the walls are projected what can only be voice laughing. Dimly you are aware of a set of footsteps. Then
described as memories. the unmistakable sound of a sack of gold hitting the floor.
The chime of the coins ringing against one another is musical
A figure dressed in dark robes struggles against broad compared to what comes next.
shouldered men wearing religious armor. In another image,
a priestess thrusts her hand out at the struggling figure, A sharp screeching permeates your senses. It’s more than just
retreating from him as he is restrained by the two holy knights. a noise, but something that creeps across your skin, rough and
Still another shows the robed figure pounding on a clear surface, unpleasant. When it ends, that deep voice says only one more
foam flecks spilling from his clenched teeth. thing. “Thank all the heavens for fools.” Then all is dark.

Continuing the scene on another wall, you see the priestess and When you each finally come to, there is now a flickering light, like
knights leaving the trapped man in his mirrored prison. And a heartbeat out of rhythm. It’s coming from one of the remaining
finally one last image of a very young priest holding a black mirrors. Its surface is marred with a disturbing rune that you
chest. He looks bewildered as the knights and priestess leave him can’t look at for too long. Its image seems to twist and writhe in
with the imprisoned individual. your mind like something alive. You avert your eyes.

Making up his mind, he stashes the box away in a natural cavity Examining yourselves, you find the wounds you took have all
in the cave before scurrying after the priestess and her knights. disappeared as if they were mere illusions. And amidst your
Then the light dies and the mirror shatters. fallen forms is a single bag of gold. It sits there as a grim token
of thanks from whoever you just released.
Once you manage to restore light to the room, you discover a
withered figure in the center of the chamber. The robes are the
same as the prisoner, yet extreme age has left them threadbare. The party receives 1x Bag of Gold.
No life stirs in the body. Searching it, you uncover a few things of
value. Inspecting the cavity in the cave wall, you find the chest
well hidden behind many layers of old cobwebs and dust. If you
hadn’t seen the images, you’re not sure you’d have ever found it.
But the chest was there, nearly rotted from water and time. But
its contents remained decently intact.

The party receives 3x Bag of Gold.

LTM015 ©2020 Zucchini People Games, LLC

Adventure Tactics ™ is a trademark
of Zucchini People Games, LLC.
No reproductions or recreations
without the author’s permission.
Adventure Tactics: Domianne’s Tower
is published by Letiman Games, LLC.


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